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Logistic Regression

Case Processing Summary

Unweighted Cases N Percent
Selected Cases Included in Analysis 189 99.5
Missing Cases 1 .5
Total 190 100.0
Unselected Cases 0 .0
Total 190 100.0
a. If weight is in effect, see classification table for the total
number of cases.

Dependent Variable Encoding

Original Value Internal Value

>2500 gram (bbln) 0
<=2500 gram (bblr) 1

Categorical Variables Codings

Frequency (1)
umurbk2 <28 minggu dan
108 1.000
>36 minggu
28-36 minggu 81 .000
didik1 SMA s/d PT 118 1.000
s/d SLTP 71 .000
didik2 PT 52 1.000
s/d SMA 137 .000
tinggal kota 118 1.000
desa 71 .000
kerja irt 67 1.000
bekerja 122 .000
ttahuk1 baik s/d sedang 123 1.000
kurang 66 .000
umurbk1 >=28 minggu 140 1.000
<28 minggu 49 .000
ttahuk2 baik dan kurang 131 1.000
sedang 58 .000
umurk1 0 103 1.000
kelompok resti 86 .000
Block 0: Beginning Block

Classification Tablea,b


>2500 gram <=2500 Percentage
Observed (bbln) gram (bblr) Correct
Step 0 bblk >2500 gram (bbln) 186 0 100.0
<=2500 gram (bblr) 3 0 .0
Overall Percentage 98.4
a. Constant is included in the model.
b. The cut value is .500

Variables in the Equation

B S.E. Wald df Sig. Exp(B)

Step 0 Constant -4.127 .582 50.289 1 .000 .016

Variables not in the Equation

Score df Sig.
Step Variables umurk1(1) .551 1 .458
0 didik1(1) 5.066 1 .024
didik2(1) 1.157 1 .282
tinggal(1) 5.066 1 .024
kerja(1) .006 1 .938
ttahuk1(1) 5.681 1 .017
ttahuk2(1) 1.350 1 .245
umurbk1(1) 1.067 1 .302
umurbk2(1) 4.065 1 .044
Overall Statistics 20.513 9 .015
Block 1: Method = Forward Stepwise (Likelihood Ratio)

Omnibus Tests of Model Coefficients

Chi-square df Sig.
Step 1 Step 6.403 1 .011
Block 6.403 1 .011
Model 6.403 1 .011
Step 2 Step 6.323 1 .012
Block 12.726 2 .002
Model 12.726 2 .002

Model Summary

-2 Log Cox & Snell Nagelkerke

Step likelihood R Square R Square
1 24.408a .033 .221
2 18.085a .065 .433
a. Estimation terminated at iteration number
20 because maximum iterations has been
reached. Final solution cannot be found.

Hosmer and Lemeshow Test

Step Chi-square df Sig.

1 .000 0 .
2 .000 2 1.000

Contingency Table for Hosmer and Lemeshow Test

bblk = >2500 gram bblk = <=2500 gram

(bbln) (bblr)
Observed Expected Observed Expected Total
Step 1 123 123.000 0 .000 123
1 2 63 63.000 3 3.000 66
Step 1 66 66.000 0 .000 66
2 2 57 57.000 0 .000 57
3 42 42.000 0 .000 42
4 21 21.000 3 3.000 24
Classification Tablea


>2500 gram <=2500 Percentage
Observed (bbln) gram (bblr) Correct
Step 1 bblk >2500 gram (bbln) 186 0 100.0
<=2500 gram (bblr) 3 0 .0
Overall Percentage 98.4
Step 2 bblk >2500 gram (bbln) 186 0 100.0
<=2500 gram (bblr) 3 0 .0
Overall Percentage 98.4
a. The cut value is .500

Variables in the Equation

B S.E. Wald df Sig. Exp(B)

ttahuk1(1) -18.158 3624.078 .000 1 .996 .000
1 Constant -3.045 .591 26.543 1 .000 .048
ttahuk1(1) -18.276 3260.483 .000 1 .996 .000
2 umurbk2(1) -18.061 3410.941 .000 1 .996 .000
-1.946 .617 9.940 1 .002 .143

a. Variable(s) entered on step 1: ttahuk1.

b. Variable(s) entered on step 2: umurbk2.

Model if Term Removed

Change in
Model Log -2 Log Sig. of the
Variable Likelihood Likelihood df Change
Step 1 ttahuk1 -15.405 6.403 1 .011
Step 2 ttahuk1 -12.831 7.578 1 .006
-12.204 6.323 1 .012
Variables not in the Equation

Score df Sig.
Step Variables umurk1(1) .003 1 .954
1 didik1(1) 4.010 1 .045
didik2(1) .433 1 .510
tinggal(1) 4.540 1 .033
kerja(1) .000 1 1.000
ttahuk2(1) .000 1 1.000
umurbk1(1) .846 1 .358
umurbk2(1) 5.500 1 .019
Overall Statistics 11.511 8 .174
Step Variables umurk1(1) .029 1 .865
2 didik1(1) 2.449 1 .118
didik2(1) .000 1 1.000
tinggal(1) 2.057 1 .151
kerja(1) .216 1 .642
ttahuk2(1) .000 1 .999
umurbk1(1) .000 1 .999
Overall Statistics 8.882 7 .261

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