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Beam Me UP, Scotty!

By Ronnie Bray

Just when you think all the idiots are asleep, another one heaves into view. I
accept that there are as many dim-witted Democrats as there are Republicans
in the land of free-thinking, but that does not excuse anybody from the
responsibility of checking their facts before they send out nonsense. Having
said that, it becomes necessary to find another motive for sending out
nonsense to everyone in the afflicted one’s e-mail address book. Well,
before we look for the motive, let us consider the post. It is as follows:

From: Name withheld to protect the gullible

To: Ronnie Bray
Subject: Obama's birth certificate analysis

The WH is really getting sloppy. I am not a Photoshopper but this guy apparently is. No doubt this is only
among the 1st of many.

Here we go again!!!!!!

As you all know, Donald Trump made a big deal about Obama's birth certificate. As of yesterday, the
White House released the birth certificate.

I will tell you right now that I had never given this "birther" issue any credit. I watched the hype and the
crazies come out. I completely dismissed the entire ordeal altogether. In fact, it was not until the White
House released the birth certificate that it had gained my attention.

I am the studious sort of guy, and I have plenty of time on my hands. So, I took a close look at this
document. While I would have thought that this issue would have been closed for good (and, got the crazies
to crawl back into their holes), I found two extremely strange inconsistencies that merit some attention.

First of all, the birth certificate that the White House released lists Obama's birth as August 4, 1961. It also
lists Barack Hussein Obama as his father. No big deal, right? At the time of Obama's birth, it also shows
that his father is aged 25 years old, and that Obama's father was born in " Kenya , East Africa ". This
wouldn't seem like anything of concern, except the fact that Kenya did not even exist until 1963, two whole
years after Obama's birth, and 27 years after his father's birth. How could have Obama's father have been
born in a country that did not yet exist? Up and until Kenya was formed in 1963, it was known as the
"British East Africa Protectorate". But, this is not the only thing that I found that just does not jive.

The other item that I looked into was the hospital that Obama was born in. On the birth certificate released
by the White House, the listed place of birth is "Kapi'olani Maternity & Gynecological Hospital".

This cannot be, because the hospital(s) in question in 1961 were called "KauiKeolani Children's Hospital"
and "Kapi'olani Maternity Home", respectively. The name did not change to Kapi'olani Maternity &
Gynecological Hospital until 1978, when these two hospitals merged. How can this particular name of the
hospital be on a birth certificate dated 1961 if this name had not yet been applied to it until 1978?

Go ahead, look it up. I am not talking crazy talk, these are the facts. Like I said, I thought that this was a
non-issue until the actual certificate was released. Now that it has been released, of course I had to look into
it. I have found these issues, now I know that something is up. If you doubt me, just look at the following
Sure as hell, the hospital part is true, as you can read about the 1978 merger here. [No link supplied]

Who the hell did he payoff now with our TAX Dollars to print this Bogus Certificate??......

The e-mail is, very wisely, unsigned! It leaves us with two problems. First,
how Obama’s father could have been born in a country that, allegedly did
not exist in 1961, and, second, how he could have been born in a hospital
that wasn’t named as it appears on the certificate of birth until 1978?

These are in addition to the foolish claim that Obama only recently released
his Birth Certificate, when he produced it in June of 2009, and most of my
red-neck Republican friends got a copy of it from me two years ago! Some
folks either learn slowly or else they do not learn at all.

Fortunately, not everyone in the USA falls into the dimwit category and
some of us that don’t are, by nature, researchers. It took me less than two
minutes to nail both these problems, although I prefer to call them what they
are, ‘fiendish lies!’

I was blessed to be an English schoolboy, and also blessed by dint of

happenstance to actually attend now and then, and I was, fortunately, present
when the extent and limits of the British Empire was set out in detail. I was
also fortunate to have been a now-and-again philatelist, so I have two
sources of information that Kenya existed when I was a boy, and I left
school in 1949, and Kenya was Kenya then, and had been for some time.

I insert below images of two postage stamps, each bearing the likeness of the
two Kings George that inhabited my childhood.

George V George VI
Died 1936 Died 1952
By these presents it is evident that Kenya was known as a country long
before Barack Hussain Obama’s father was born in Kenya. I can excuse a
person for not knowing that, but I find no excuse for them that they didn’t
take the trouble to find out. That is unpardonable, even when an election is
looming. Oh, yes, rest assured, all these lies are part of the American
election process. It seems that if you have no chance of winning by being
honest then it is acceptable to lie like Satan himself. No wonder Old Nick
has been glowing these past months.

I spent the first minute of my two-minute research excursion checking the

history of Kenya. This is what I found:

“The British Empire established the East Africa Protectorate in 1895, from
1920 known as the Kenya Colony. The independent Republic of Kenya was
formed in 1964.” [Emphases added]

[ ]

I spent the second minute of my research expedition checking the history of

the Kapi'olani Maternity & Gynecological Hospital. This is what I found:

“This is the story of two hospitals: Kauikeolani Children’s Hospital and

Kapi‘olani Maternity Home.

“Concerned about the welfare of Hawaii’s mothers, Queen Kapi‘olani [of

Hawaii] held luau and bazaars to raise the $8,000 needed to open Kapi‘olani
Maternity Home in 1890. She endowed her legacy with “Kulia i ka nu‘u”
or “Strive for the highest.”

“In 1908, Albert and Emma Kauikeolani Wilcox donated $50,000 to start a
children’s hospital. The community, concerned that two of every seven
infants in Hawaii did not live to see their first birthday, rallied to match the
Wilcox’s gift. A year later [1909], Kauikeolani Children’s Hospital opened.

“The two hospitals joined in 1978 to become Kapi‘olani Medical Center for
Women & Children. Staying true to its mission, the non-profit hospital has
played a vital role in the health of Hawaii’s women, children and
adolescents. It is staffed with highly skilled, compassionate physicians and
nurses, dedicated to providing the finest care for Hawaii’s families”


A lot of people lack basic reading skills if they are taking from that that it
was a children’s hospital until 1978. What started out as a maternity home,
became The Kapiolani Maternity & Gynecological Hospital in 1958.”
[Emphases added - RB]

Documentary evidence:
Birth Certificate of Susan Elizabeth
Nordyke in 1961, showing the name of the
hospital as the same on Obama's certificate
Barack Obama’s birth

Am I the only person in the USA with two minutes to spare for the truth?
The question stands that if I am not, then why don't my anti-Obama friends
spend two minutes of their own time to check these facts for themselves?

A report in “USA Today” dated July 28th, 2009 states:

“In an attempt to quash persistent rumors that President Obama was not born
in Honolulu on Aug. 4, 1961, Hawaii's health director reiterated Monday
afternoon that she has personally seen Obama's birth certificate in the Health
Department's archives:

"I, Dr. Chiyome Fukino, director of the Hawaii State Department of Health,
have seen the original vital records maintained on file by the Hawaii State
Department of Health verifying Barack Hussein Obama was born in Hawaii
and is a natural-born American citizen. I have nothing further to add to this
statement or my original statement issued in October 2008 over eight
months ago...."
On Oct. 31, Fukino originally tried to put an end to the belief among
"birthers" that Obama was born in Kenya and thus was ineligible to run for
the office of president.

Despite Fukino's statements, the issue has continued to resonate from

Capitol Hill to the national airwaves.

Last week, CNN's Lou Dobbs demanded Obama's original birth certificate.
CNN/U.S. President Jon Klein told staffers of Lou Dobbs Tonight that the
issue is a "dead" story, Kline told the Los Angeles Times in an interview
published Sunday.

In an e-mail, the Times reported, Klein wrote that CNN researchers

determined that Obama's 1961 birth certificate no longer exists because
Hawaiian officials had discarded paper documents in 2001 — a claim denied
Monday by Hawaiian health officials.

In 2001, Hawaii's paper documents were reproduced in electronic format,

but "any paper data prior to that still exists," Health Department
spokeswoman Janice Okubo said.

Okubo would not say where Obama's original birth certificate is but said,
"We have backups for all of our backups."

A congressional resolution introduced by Rep. Neil Abercrombie, D-Hawaii,

to commemorate the 50th anniversary of island statehood was delayed

The resolution includes a clause noting Obama's Hawaiian birthplace. The

line "Whereas the 44th President of the United States, Barack Obama, was
born in Hawaii on August 4, 1961" appeared to be construed by birthers as a
thinly veiled attempt to get Congress to affirm Obama's U.S. citizenship,
said Dave Helfert, an Abercrombie spokesman.

As the issue came to a vote Monday, Rep. Michele Bachmann, R-Minn.,

rose to object, saying there was not a quorum present. The House later voted
378-0 to approve the resolution. Bachmann voted in favor of the resolution.
Birthers denounce the notion that Obama was born in Kapiolani Maternity &
Gynecological Hospital in Honolulu on Aug. 4, 1961, despite court rulings
and statements by Fukino and Hawaii's Republican governor, Linda Lingle.”

[ ]

The USA boasts of its Constitutionally guaranteed freedom of speech. The

fact that an awful – and I do mean awful – lot of them choose to interpret
that as freedom to tell outlandish lies, is America’s tragedy.

Why do I care? Because I hate lies. Who does not? besides which I
remember another whose birth and paternity caused no small consternation
around two thousand years ago. Added to which, I am extremely fond of the
truth. Would that all my friends were too!

Copyright © Ronnie Bray – 2011


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