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Not Everything $
That is faced can be changed;
But Nothing p
| p Can be changed until it is faced."
James Baldwin


by Mary Daly, Director of Public Relations
Mercyhurst will honor| Erie ceremony scheduled to precede
school numbered 108, in-service before his appointment as chief of sponsored by the United States
Chief of Police Samuel J. Gemelli the morning sessions at J Mer-
and pre-service law enforcement police by Mayor Tullio in April Justice Department.
and Karl W. Boyes, director ol cyhurst. The afternoon meetings
students. Within one year, law 1972. i Karl Boyes, also an Erie native,
operations and assistant director will be held at Gannon College,
enforcement at the Hurst has He was the city's first$liaison has been associated with the Pa.
of the P a l Governor's Justice where the group will convene to
become a) degree program, officer with the Black com- Governor's Justice Commission
Commission, at the college's Law continue the* discussion andenrolling 67 local! law en- munity, i" founder and first for the past four years.
Enforcement School Honors review of various strategies used
forcement personnel and 150 pre- president of the Police Athletic He was director of its Nor-
Convocation. to reduce street crimes. i-
service majors. The enrollment League (PALs) Youth Program, thwest Regional Office from 1969-
Gemelli and Boyes will receive Marion L. Shane, President oi
figures of thejpolice school this and is credited with the 71 and Bureau Director of State
the school's first annual Law Mercyhurst, ^stated in hisf an-
year represent the largest development of crime prevention and Regional Services the
Eniorcement Award March 29, at nouncement oi the awards number of students in any major programs such as|the Family following year. He has held his
at Mercyhurst College. I
President Shane attributes the
success of Mercy hurst's Law
Enforcement School to the active
participation of fdedicated men
such as Chief Gemelli and Karl
Boyes. |
Mayor Louis]J. Tullio (Erie)
expressed great pleasure over
the selection of Karl Boyes and
Chief*Sam Gemelli as recipients
of ;the first year Law Enfor-
cement Award oi Mercyhurst
College. "Both oi these men are
outstanding leaders in the field of
lawl enforcement! and crime
protection," Tullio said, "and it is
a great personal satisfaction to
me to see precognition of their
many fine accomplishments.*
j&Karli&oyes and SamjJGemelli
have worked hand in hand with
the city of Erie and thejCom-
monwealth Hoi Pennsylvania! to
provide a better, safer, and finer
place in which we may live and in
which we may raise our children.
I'As mayor of Erie, I extend my ...wtyAjWi i h * A E D K D n W * " ! w W X wSWI ^ X v ^ v . ^ » ^

Karl W. Boyes best wishes to these men and I Samuel J. Gemelli

ceremonies to be held a & Mer- program Jthat "the college has compliment Mercyhurst College Crisis Intervention Unit, now in current position as director oi
cyhurst Collegef in conjunction chosen to honor the co-rceipienU on its line selection."! operation in the Erie!Depart- opera tionsjand assistant director
with the meeting infErie of the in recognition oi their outstanding Sam Gemelli, a native of Erie ment. of the Commission since 1972.
Pennsylvania mayors, safety contributions to the: field oi has been involved in Erie law Chief Gemelli is a member of Boyes holds a bachelor of
directors, and chiefs oi police criminal justice | and the enforcement since 1950 when he the Northwest Regional Planning science fdegree from Edinboro
involved in the \*Saie Streets development oi the tMercyhurst began his police career at age 25.18 Council of the Governor's Justice State College and did graduate
Impact! P r o g r a m S of|# the law enforcement program.'' W ,:f A 23-year veteran of the city's Commission, the Pa. Chiefs of studies at Allegheny and Union
Governor's Justice Commission. Mercyhurst opened its Law police force, he was patrolman Police Association, and the Law Colleges. | i
The college will host the city Enforcement School in Sep- for five years, street sergeant for Enforcement Advisory Board at In 1967, he § attended the
officials from Eric,| Scranton, tember 1971, with l. James $ V. 13, and served as lieutenant for Mercyhurst College, m | President's Crime Commission
York, llarrisburg, Lancaster, Kinnane, former special agent lor three years. t \ He recently |participa ted in a Conference in (Washington, D.C.
Norristown, Chester, Bristol the FBI, as program director. '* E Gemelli held the rank* of in- national conference on criminal
Twp., and Altoona at the honors First year participants in the spector for 3a year and a half justice in Washington, D.C.. (Continued on Page 3)

William JP. Garvey,4Dean of vi
According to the|guidelines of subject. If successful, the failure
Todky's Students,
Mercyhurstl College, {announces the new {program, any course grade would be replaced on the
the creation of a Challenge Exam
Program. %
listed in the current^ Mercyhurst students' transcripts with the
College catalogue is | open to Pass or Low Pass grade. Tuition Tomorrows Directors
% Effective fMarch 1, a student challenge -examination regard- costs fjn such cases will be $50 Mr. foldings' Fundamentals of Jerry Brace, Monday's offerings
can earn up to one full year (10 less of the student's previous aca- even though the regularj| tuition Directing Class | will offer the will be Motherlove, b>§ Auguste
courses) of college level credit at demic or personal experience had been paid for thej failed 'Hurst community a | rare ex- Strindburgh, and* directed by
Mercyhurst through the uhe testing lee 1 or challenging course? It perience March 11th and 12th at Kathleen Zangrilli; Too ISolrilink
Challenge Examination a course is $15 lor exams con- p Dean Garvey explained that 7:30 in the Little Theatre * FREE for her SpiriCfby William^lnge,
Procedures. Thegtwo procedures structed by departments, at the under the challenge exams, f the ENTERTAINMENT!!! directed by Pat Cleary; and l a
through which such credit will be college and $15 - $30 (depending minimal passing score*.for the .The class has spent the term cutting from Who's Afraid of
awarded fare the; College Level on the numberfof tests taken) for awarding of credit through CLEP dealings with mechanics of Virginia Woli? by Edward Albee,
Examination| Program (CLEP) CLEP examinations. fTuition isi placement in |the top half directing a* play, and have and directed by Bill McMillen.
and Mercyhurst College Depart- costs for all! challenge exam (above the 50th percentile) of the produced fitwo unannounced Included in the cast of Motherlove
ment exams.« | Js credit is $50 forgeaeh course (3 general examinations and a score showings! However J meirf final are Candy] Vanker, fTheresa
The new form of exam credit is credits) successfully passed .| J equivalent I to C in the subject projects will be on display to the Caldwell, Andrea Kupetz, and
available to any person no fusing p Failures will not be recorded on examinations." The ^minimal public.J Sunday's offerings will Marijane |McWilliamsM Too
the regular instructional services a student's transcript, however? i passing standards tor credit be: Calm Down Mother by Megan Boliilink for her Spirit features
of the Hurst faculty | £ g M all! credit received through through Mercyhurst departments Terry, and White Liars by Peter Jane Bassett, Rhonda Hood,
ft The |program will be ad- challenge testing will appear^ on will be the same as is required tor Schaeffer. Christi War nick is Margot LaStrange, MikejWciss,'
ministered by the college's the collegians transcript as Pass the successful completion^ of directing the|former, whil Mike Brigid Cusick, i and Marty
testing] center, headed by Mr. or Low Pass and marked fas courses taken in the traditional Weiss is? directing the latter. Keeney. The cast of Virginia Wolf
David A. DeSante, who will be examination credit. || manner. £| Featured in Calm Down Mother is at this time not definite. | *
responsible for the registration, The gnew program will also '1 Persons interested in following are Mary Grace Ciotoli, Barb |f, At the end of each evening,
administration, evaluation and benefit students who have tailed a the challenge exam program Wells,1 and Laura Montpctite. In there will be a|briei Seminar to
reporting- of the challenge course in the regular system but should I contact Mr. David) White Liars fare CynthiafWejJ which the audience will be in-
examinations and test results. who wish to challenge the tailed DeSante at 864-0681, ext;289. zikowski, Tom Jaworek, and vited.

From The Tower:

The Financial
Rape Of
byiAl Belovarac
RUS certainly had its share of ups and downs this year, and if the
two were in a race, the downs would surely hold a commanding
lead. £
. A! budding political scientist researching the difficulties and
frustrations of student/governments would have a field day with
RUS, which in the past six months has gone through a collage of
moods, being active, inactive, reactive and deactive. ip
The latest crisis to make its hooded prescence known concerns
budget appropriations which thus far have been doled out with a
generous though sometimes indiscriminate hand.
Suddenly last meeting, however, a shocking realization struck the
members like a bolt of lightning. Only $4,500 remain in the coffer
and this amid cries of assistance comingffrom all areas of the
campus which served only to make matters worse.
The swiftly diminishing treasury was assaulted by requests of
funds for entertainment, ponds, art shows busses, CEC conventions,
and pre-school equipment, all totalling close to $4,300.
fWe hope RUS will wake up and realize its treasury is not a pot of
gold readily available for anyone who needs some extra cash.
| Students pay a $25 activities fee which should be used for and only
for student activities. As it stands, their government deprives the
students of the full benefits of their own money. As an example, a
$550 request to contract "We the People" for a show in the Union
was slashed in half, the rest to come from the student union's
P.O.W.'s: Are They
regular fund, thus cheating the students out of some other activity.
:• * * * |

*We think it ridiculous and absurd for RUS to be approached for

money for the pond, senior art exhibit, and the pre-school.
\' H
Really America's Heroes
* * * J by T. Daniel Heberle
The idea of a pond on the back campus is fantastic, but is it the
responsibility of RUS to furnish funds for an improvement that fet Nixon claims that thetUnited of democracy and that every stage of rebellion and even moral
should be funded by the administration? If such a precedent were States has won peace with honor. country should be democratic, rebellion can be dangerous. In
set, we can see the day when RUS is asked to pay for parking lots, The POW's are the factors by whether they like it or not. The contrast to this, ii you had doubtb
outdoor lighting, and whatever other campus improvement might which Nixon claims the U.S. has North Vietnamese just couldn't about your country, 71 you
arise. won an honorable peace. In other understandfthis. All they under- questioned its motives, and
words, an honorable peace could stood was that the U.S. was linally decided that killing women
The senior art exhibit is required by the art department, but why not have been achieved until the bombing their cities, villages, and children to make the world
should RUS flip the bill? Is the purpose of RUS to fund academic P.O.W.'s were released. This hospitals, orphanages, and safel i or democracy is morally
departments? I kind of Nixonian logic shoots harbors. Thousands oi civilians wrong, you are un-American and
I f # * * down the reason why we went were being killed by these saviors you are shirking your patriotic
While the pre-school is indeed a noble and praiseworthy un- there in the first place. Which of democracy. duties. You just don't understand
dertaking, there is little reason why RUS must supply the school was as everybody knows, to stop what America stands ior. Don't
with equipment when it's the responsibility of the college and the communism. Of course it is easy lYet we are honoring | these you know that it is right and
department sponsoring it to fulfill its financial needs. If they can't to forget. Even though we did not people as heroes Jrepresentative commendable to get in a B-52 lor
do it, then it shouldn't be done. % stop communist domination, we of American society. These the sole purpose of strafing and
still achieved a peace with honor. people are being exonerated, bombing civilian areas and
I * * * | j ! The P.O.W.'s are returning to the while conscientous objectors and possibly military installations.
The impression that|RUS is serving the function of a rich uncle U.S. after long periods of in- draft resisters'are being jailed or
willing to give hand outs to eager individuals and groups must be carceration by the North Viet- hunted down. These draft
dispelled. Presently,jher treasury is being financially raped for namese and or the N.L.F. The resisters are being condemned as I feel that the U.S. should
causes that have only the remotest relation to what RUS is sup- P.O.W.'s are being warmly being un-American. The^ people welcome the P.O.W.'s back home
posed to be about. RUS should not be an alternative source of funds received by the United States and who felt it was wrong to kill because the U.S. is their home.
for academic departments and numerous groups who can'tffind President Nixon as heroes. They people *with jwhom they aper- But as many people feel, itfis not
money elsewhere. $ V are suppossed to represent the sonally had no disagreement with bringing the different tactions in
• * *

U.S. commitment of democracy are being repressed. The people American society | closer
The thousands of dollars under RUS's control must not be to a democratic South Vietnam. who were mass produced as war together. Conservatism is on the
squandered with reckless abandon. RUS must learn to say "No!" to Consequently, they should be machines are considered as upsurge in [this country, and
money requests which should be directed to another source. Money looked upon as heroes or savior of heroes. The fact of the matter is exonerating people for mass
put into the treasury by the students should be spent only on the bombing will only accelerate the
students and for the students. Other worthy causes must take a democracy. that ^American society! has trend. Unfortunately, the peoples
back seat, no matter how important they may be. It's a tragedy that degenerated to barbarism in that
But let us look at this issue a to kill is to prove your patriotism. heroes are not the Berrigan
activities musst be curtailed because the money is being used to little closer. Why were these men Look neat and trim, have a brothers, jDaniel Ellsberg, or
support causes which should by all rights be taken care of by the taken prisoners in the first place? snappy salute, a short haircut and William Kunstler. Their heroes
administration or academic departments. The reason is that they were shot you're an American. But are a Captain John Brown, or a
down or captured by! ground remember never try to think Major Bill Smith who | were
troops in Vietnam. But why? aboutl what you are doing. captured while saving the world
Didn't ? the Northf. Vietnamese Because thinking is the initial from communism. But nobody
THE MERCIAD know that the U.S. was the center told the children.!

I Years of Service
Published weekly during the college year, except Thanksgiving/ in-
tersession, Christmas and Caster vacations and examination periods Seminar BR.
by the students of Mercyhurst College/ Erie, Pa., 16501. Mailing ad- jewelry designer,
Mini-Concert Wendy Renshaw,

march 1973
dress: Mercyhurst Mailrogro-j.Prrriion Hall, Box 36.
214 Zurn, Slice
ft*? WE THE
PEOPLE lecture
Jewelry Design,
Editor Bob Parks 9:00 Union 7:30 p.m. Recital
Assistant Editor Tom Heberle Hall. I ~£M
Editorial Board
News W lathy Stevenson One Act One * Act
Feature Editor J Belovarac Plays Plays . Jario Cipriani Too Bobilink for Student Union
Layout Ion DeGeorge fi Closes St. Patrick's Day
Assistant Layoi 'erri Grzankowski White Liars her Spirit
Cultural f , Jue Weiner * Cal m Down Motherlove
2.-00 p.m.
Business Manager Marlene Smith."' Mother 8:00 p.m. FREE (only drink
Faculty Advisor Barry Mc Andrew
FREE | Little Theatre Term Break Green Beer)
oP Finals Begin Begins
18:00 tittle Theater
Staff Writers: Dave Hor$ftfebcdfc£€i6varaC/ Gary Bukowski/ Judy
Smith/ Andrea Kupetz, Joan Bucher, Pattie Beck, Sharon Warner, A.
j . Adams, Paul Hanes, Maureen Sullivan. Registration
| For Spring SPRING
Staff: Tom Frank Paul Doran, Maureen Hunt^Marie Kanicki, Mary gs- Term & TERM
Griswold, Gail Stevens, Tom Rictor, JimJPrez^ Sandy Nickerson, Student Union
Maureen Connors, Sylvia McCray, Judy Flynn, Peggy Benedict/ Fran Reopens
Daniels. *• i k •' '*, 9:00 am. BEGIN

Plau You f
Once upon a time, when Mer-
by Cathy Stevenson
f 2) The college reserves the rooms to answer noise complaints
WQLNotes Saturday/March 17
cyhurst was a small, fall-girl, right to enter any student's room or for a variety of other reasons. Our programming for the next two
totally Catholic college, I doubt if weeks will include... IP*- £ 10:00 p.m. - midnight Off the Record
for any serious reason. (I would Whatever is seen by an R.A. may with Linday Mazzotta. Find out
the word "dope" was ever say that the school would feel the give the school probable cause, so Friday March9 *
mentioned in the school's 11:00 Stillbreath's Warp with what Herbie Hancokc, Joni Mit
illegal possession of narcotics is if you get busted, for God's sake j^P Stillbreath £ featuring two chell, and David Bowie have in
hallowed halls, but Mercyhurst serious.) ?A J don't be noisy about it. documentaries/ Klondike and
has finally reached puberty and .common.
Article 6 reads as 1 ollows: Drugs are still i 1 legal and cause Titanic Controversy
in the process has also lost her 6) The student agrees to fill in unfavorable publicity lor the 4:00 p.m. Off the Record with host
virginity. h a room inventory report form school. What may seem back- 10:00P Jp.m. . Louett \ I J l Sundayf March 18
i It's no secret that drugs are Off the Record with host 8:00p.m. - 10:00 p.m. Opera: Dalibor
when he arrives on campus. The dated to the student is really Gary Dudenhoefer
used on, near, by, to *the left, room will be checked on a by Bedrich Smetana. The story of
protection for J the school, but 11:00 p.m. Keyboard Immortals aknight in trouble and the com-
right, east, west, south, and north monthly basis and any damage students also have the right to i^js featuring a Recital by Russian
of Mercyhurst campus so let us paid for ^immediately. Room- piano great Wassily Sapellnikoff petitive cooperation of two
protect themselves. Know your beautiful women/ one high-born,
talk about it. V mates are equally responsible for friends as well as your enemies Saturday/ March 10
Exactly what rights does a a room. (Once a month, whether one common/ who would save him.
and avoid the hassle of your life. & 10:00 p.m. - midnight Linda Mazzotta Performed by the National
resident student possessing drugs you are present or not, your room Once upon a time drinking on takes you Off the Record for two
in his room have? Remember the can be searched.) hours of the best in folk, blues, Theatre Company of Prague.
campus! was considered taboo rock, and iazz.,;
room contract you signed? Your and not very nice on Mercyhurst 10:00 p.m. Promenade Concert. The
Rooms may also be entered for BBC J Symphony Orchestra per
rights as afstudent are {listed in the reason of probable cause at campus. Eventually drugs may j£ Sunday, March 11
each and as far as drug replace 3 drinking as | the % all- 8:00Zelinski
p.m. - 10 p.m. From Beethoven to forsm Schubert's Overture to
any time. (If you are suspected ol Host J.L. takes you on a "Roosamunde", Davoraks'
possession and privacy go- you drug possession it is probable American sport. \ \ g tour through the orchestral
have no rights. pfcjj classics. \ Romance for Violin and Orchestra,
that your room may have unin- Know your friends as well as Op. 11 and Elgar's Enigma
Article 2 of the^room contract vited visitors.) your enemies. The bust you at- 10:00Patp.m. Promenade Concert with
Newbold The Halle Orchestra, Variations.
rea ds as follows: ;' Resident Assistants may enter tend may be your own. Sir Jon Barbirell conducting,
performs Partita for Orchestra by 11.00p.m. First Hearing.
Walton and Symphony No. 3 in C
Major op. 52 by Sibelious. Monday, March 19
11:00 p.m. First Heating with critics
Letters iTo The Editor Martin Bookspan, Edward
11:00 a.m. Stillbreath's Warp with
Stillbreath featuring a series of
Downes, and Irving Kolodin.
environmental lectures.
Monday/ March 12 4:00 p.m. Off the Record with Pat

Take Pride Iii The Uniform 11:00 a.m. Still breath's Warp with
Stillbreath j featuring
vironmental lectures.
4:00 p.m. Off 'the Record with Denny
en- Newbold
10:00 p.m. Off the Record with P.J.
Words alone cannot express the need to thwart Communism at all In the name of napalm. . . '\-\ Woyteck £& 11:00 p. m. Nocturne
feelings I have for Mercyhurst's 10:00 p.m. Off the Record with G.T.
costs. And do not fear donning the "Mother" bombs. . .^protective Barronj |
soon-to-be-initiated ROTC uniform of the mightiest army in reaction strikes, i. Kent State. . . 11:00 p.m. Concert Hall. The London
Program. 'Envision the| young history. carpet bombing*.. My Lai... and •;. Symphony Orchestra performing
men parading to and lro in Zurn "Peace isjat hand" (until after Music for His Majesty's Sackbutts
and Cornetts by Locke. Fantasia on
parking lot on warm! Spring af-
ternoons in their olficial United
il think the reason we don't see the election), I thank you who are
more ROTC units on campuses trying *to establish this wor-
a Theme by ThomaslTallis by
Vaughn Williams Concert for
States oi America Army across our nation is that we fail to thwhile program on another Double Bass and|Orchestra by
And what a symbolic piece ol
comprehend their absolute campus. Lord knows when we'll
necessity. At any time, in any have to call on these brave young ' . S Wednesday, March 14J
To Honor..
clothing that uniiorm is to us all. place (except the U.S., of course > men to defend our democracy and 11:00 a.m. Stillbreath's Warpjwith
g Stillbreath featuring a series of
During these hard times when our another domino ,might start to everything else American. (He §? environmental lectures.
country's leaders are being la 11. Our boys must be there to knows because Dick told him last 4iOO Off the v Record with Gary
(Continued f r o m Page 1)
badgered b> a? few spineless prevent this; or the next thing we week at Camp David). ;£§ Dudenhoeffer
peaceniks every time they at- know, the Reds will be across the 10:00 Woody's Children $? and since then he has attended
tempt to send our country's lake in Ontario. The importance Your regressive thinking 11:00p.m. Nocturne with Barb Hewitt numerous other seminars and
mighty forces into action, it is of manufacturing good military saddens me. Thursday/March 15 I conferences focusing on the areas
certainly reassuring|to see that minds to command the "just' war Timothy M. Welsh 11:00 a.m. Stillbreath's Warp'"(with of police administration,
cannot be over-emphasized. Stillbreath featuring a series of organized crime, correctional
our good boys still realize the Conscientious Objector environmental lectures.
4:00 p.m. Off the Record with Pat systems, and drug controls. $
Newbold The 37-year old former Erieite
10:00 p.m. Off the Record with Gene was named "Young Man of the
Year" by the Junior Chamber of
MINICONCERT 11:00 p.m. The Vocal Scene featuring a
"Host's Choice" Commerce in 1965 and received
% Friday/March 16 the American Legion "Citizen of
11:00 a.m. Stillbreath's Warp*with the Year Award" in 1971. That
ii Stillbreath featuring a series of same year, he was cited by the
We The p environmental lectures.
4:00 p.m. Off the Record with P.J.
LovettJ \
Governor's Justice Commision
for his "excellent leadership and
10:00 p.m. Off the Record with Gary dedication in the criminal justice
Dudenhoefer^ * system as director of the Nor-
People I 11:00|p.m. Keyboard I m m o r t a l s
featuring a Laura Danzinger
Recital. % iS
thwest " Regional Planning
Council." ? I

Tonight, there will be a Mini- Law Enforcement

Concert featuring a unique
comedy act We The People from
New York City. There will be only
Major To
one performance which is Run}For Sheriff
scheduled for 9:00 p.m.|in the
Union. The show is freef to Mer- . .A Mercyhursti Law Enfor-
cyhurst students with I.D., others cement student, Robert Beck has
will be charged $2.00. The show filed petitions in the Erie County
will give! students a chance to court house for the office of
take a break from their studies to Sheriff. Bob is seeking the
enjoy one of| the finest comedy Democratic nomination this May.
groups in the country. The stand He feels the race will be an uphill
fight all the sway.»Support is
up comedy of We The People is coming in every day and the
similar to that of other groups results look -promising. But of
like Ace Trucking Co. and The course some skepticism exists.
CMA Committee. .*? Bob hopes to overcome this
WE THE PEOPLE skepticism by enlightning people
of Erie County on his campaign
platform.. His campaign will
Missing Paintings Robert Beck,
include door to door visits, and
distribution of his platform views
and speaking engagements. He
Missing Painting by Donna blues and greens and yellow, will appreciate any support that
Hildebrand. ground-! red brown. Lower left can be given to him.
corner was.warped out slightly. Candidate for Sheriff
46" x 38" a palatte knife The painting \was last \ seen
painting sky-oranges, yellows, Monday evening 10:00 p.m. and
reds, ochres sunset reflection in p|was noticed missing 9:30 a.m.
water below, dark jsillouetted Tuesday morning.
foilage area forming strong
1 L.R.C. Hours
diagonal across canvasfwith
gray, blues, blacks and purples
For Exams
with a few tall spindly trees Thursday March 8 regular hours
The Security Office has filed a stretching above the foilage band- Friday March 9 8:30 a.m.-12 p.m.
report on two paintings stolen upward to the top otfthe canvas. Saturday March 10 10:00a.m.-12 p.m.
from 2nd floor Zurn art lab. The The lower left corner was slightly Sunday March 11 1:00 p.m|- 12 p.m.
works were done by students warped outward. The painting Monday March 12
Walter Phillips and* Donna was last seen Monday night 2-19- Tuesday March 13 8:30a.m.-8p.m.
Hildebrand. Both are landscapes, 73 about 10:00 p.m. and was Wednesday March 14 1:00 p.m.-4 p.m.
unframed, and described as noticed missing 10 a.m. Tuesday Thursday March 15 l:00p.m|-4p.mj
platte knifel paintings. Sizes are morning Friday March 16 closed ^
46" x 38" and *36" x 44". Saturday March 17 closed
Discovered missing February 20. Missing Painting by Walt Sunday March 18 closed
The incident is being investigated Phillips (unsigned) Monday March 19 1:00p.m.-4:00 p.m
by* the Security Department. Tuesday March 20 8:30a.m.-4p.m.
Contact Jim Fisher, director of 36" x 42" Palette Knife Pain- Wednesday March 21 regular hours
security, with information. ting, sky-swirling clouds with
* *»


Lakers Finish
Record Season
by Dario Cipriani
Wow!! Down by a seemingly then hung on to record the Mercyhurst cheering section
insurmountable n points with stunning upset victory. I j standing during; the last five
only 3:12 remaining in the game, As a result of this victory minutes of the game and rooting
the Mercyhurst Lakers pulled off Mercyhurst advanced into the D- the Lakers *to victory; these
one of the most] amazing lovely cheerleaders, yelling their
18 finals Wednesday night against
Slippery Rock at Morrow Field hearts out, leading the fans in
House. The outcome of this game cheers; Marianne Jacobs and
is now history. If the Lakers won Mary Needham praying during
LATE BULLETIN they'll tip it off Monday in Kansas the second half, Dean Garvey,
—Slippery Kock defeated City inquest of the NAIA National Jim La nanan, Dave DeSanti, Bill
the Lakers 70-68 in overtime Championship. If they lost, the Kennedy, Tom fMonaghan, Tom
in the NAIA District 18 agony sof defeat will be only Billingsley. Phil Herring, Joe
Finals. Ihe Lakers ended temporary. Mercyhurst has Cook and Barry McAndrew^
their season with a record 1 ih already made history. No second sitting in the midst of the Mercy-
6 seasoa year team has ever played in a hurst cheering section cheering
district play-off, let alone winning right a long with the ^students;
their first game and* advancing Buzz and Wiz hugging each other
into the finals. So no matter what and roaring their approval from
comebacks in college Basketball the outcome I would like to say on the bench even though neither oi
Monday night and defeated no. 1 behalf of the entire "Mercyhurst them saw* any action; Jim
seeded Clarion 56-55 in the first •j. 1 J r McAndrew almost jumping out ol
round of the D-1.8^ playoffs. community; were proud of you the Press box as Albert sank the
Playing a clinging man to man Lakers, you're no. 1 in our hearts^ go ahead bucket; Dick Fox
defense, the hustling! Lakers As this writer viewed Monday cackling like a baby ini the
zipped the nets for 14 consecutive night's events from the pressbox I dressing room after the iiasco; a
points and bolted into a 56-53 lead noticed many incidents f which good number oi thel sisters of
with eight seconds remaining. typify the spirit of Mercyhurst. Mercy quitely jpraying for the
Little things such as.J the entire Lakers amidst the uproar. Yes,
this is Mercyhurst, and anyone at
that game Monday night felt that
same pride that I felt witin
myself. Deep down in our heart,
Monday night, we had the jibest -%•-

damn basketball team in the ^«wwK^VK»K<««09WTO99g^aH3W^

country ^ ^ ^ g f
Jesse Campbell goeslup for an easy basket.


Tourney Finishes
by Tom Frank
ThefMerevhurst Intramural At this point, when the second bailers 2-U and Guess What lost to
Basketball season ends with!the round ended only four teams were the Foxes by a score oi 91-71.
Losers crushing the Foxes 79-56 in lelt. They were:Original Over the In % t h a t W game, Bob
the Championship Game oi the Hill Gang, Guess What, Losers, Ochsenreiter the consistent high
Season. 1 % and the Foxes. The iinal game ol scorer for the Foxes again paced
Bill Wagner and Clill Hoot each the winners bracket netted the his team with 12 baskets and lour
had 19 points to pace the Tourney Original Over the Hillers versus fouls for an outstanding 21 > point
champion, Losers. Other double the Losers with the*; Losers total. Bill ."Montour" Vernal and
figure scorers included Joe Cook winning by a 71-63score. fa Charlie Jones also damaged the
(14) and Ken Harris (12). The In that game, Joe Cook and Clifi Guess What team by popping in23
League champion Foxes with Root ol the Losers combined lor and 22 points respectively.
Charlie Jones (19J Bob "Ox'* an amazing m points while Gene Tod Allan paced Guess What
Ochsenreiter (17) and Bill Fahey starred for the Over the with 32 points. $ i &
"Montour" Vernal (10) couldn't Hillers with 31 solo markers. In the iimil game oi the Losers
PSP&M3* come back irom a 41-32 halftime Those teams eliminated in the bracket played on Sunay evening,
deficit. ilill winner's bracket and dropped to the Foxes again paced by the trio
Other action in the iirst annual the floser's bracket were;sT- of Jones, Vernal and Ochsenreiter
post-season playoll tournament ballers, Knicks, £ Speed § Boys, and also with the help oi John Ball
«&•'. 33£a -tim
was as follows. $fo Nosmo's Kings, Vet SeU. Guess turned back the T-ballers by a 16
The tournament opened with What, Foxes, and the Original point margin 82-66. In that con-
the following teams advancing to Over the Hill Gang. * £ test, Bill Vernanled the?Foxes
the round of the winner's bracket. Second ground action amongst with 18 points, |'followed by
Senior J.C.Carter, drives in for a basket against Delaware Knicks, Original Over the {Hill the losers went as iollows^ Charlei Jones with 17, John Ball
Gang, Guess What, Losers, Vet Nosmo's Kings lorfeited to the T (16) and Bob Ochsenreiter 113)..
State. Set, Foxes.



WINN ACK Losers Bracket The Theatre Arts Program will and I'assionella. To give more
be holding auditions for The students-* the opportunity to
Roundi Round1 perform, itfcis hoped| that from
Apple Tree, the spring musical,
Knicks T-Ballers T-Ballers 72 Nimrods 54 on Saturday, March 24, at 7:00 auditions each one-act will have a
Original Over the Nimrodsj£B Kinnanes Cadets 2 Tulsa (Forfeit) 0 p.m. and on Sunday, March 25, at separate cast. Jg
Hfll Gang Four Rats 41 Speed Boys 'M, 76 I If you J are interested in
455 Nosmo's Kings 47 71 Over the Hill (B) 60
1:00 p.m. ^ £s g
Kinnane's Cadets Family {§?- preparing an audition for one of
Guess What| 69 Tulsa County 40 'Ihe Apple Tree is a com-
Losers 129 Four Rats 29 bination of&three one-act musical the major|roles, please contact
Vet Set $38 Speed Boys 37 plays: The Diaryoi Adam and Larry Glaister, the director, in
Family (Forfeit) 0 Foxes $ 2 the Little Theatre or call B38-4606.
Over the Hill B (bye) Ever, The|Lad.v and The Tiger.
Round2 Round2

Foxes Jfl
Guess What
vet Set 1

Over the Hill

Speed Boys
Vet Set
Nosmo's Kings
Guess What
Original Over
Placement Attention Seniors
the Hill Gang
The Pennsylvania State Civil p.m. Jin addition, the|represen-
Round3 Service Commission will be on tatives have consented to ad-
Oothg 61 Guess What 52 T-Ballers 2 Nosmo's King campus on March 22, 1973 to talk minister r the Civil i Service
73 1
55 with Seniors about career op-
Losers Foxes* Guess What 71 Foxes, Examination on campus, and this
portunities in State Government. will be givenat 2:00 p.m. Ju |
Round 4 Round4 Please Note: Changes have Any Seniors interested in taking
Oothg 63 Losers 71 T-Ballers 66 Foxes 82 been made in |the original the Examination or attending any
arrangements for their campus of the informative presentations
BSf ^ K Losers £ Foxesj i. visit. The informational are asked * to I contact the
(Winner's Bracket Champions) ( Losers B r a c k e t |champions) programs will be scheduled at Placement jOifice as soon as
9:30 a.m., 11:00 a.m. and 1:00 possible.

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