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Just One “Crumb” Lord

“And He answered, It is not right (proper, becoming, or fair) to take the children’s
bread and throw it to the little dogs.” Matthew 15:26

The Canaanite Woman

She cried! “O Lord, thou Son of David; my daughter is grievously vexed with a devil.”
Many are acquainted with the phrase “deliverance is the children’s bread.” It is taken from
the parable of the Canaanite woman, whose daughter was demonically oppressed. No
doubt she had heard many wonderful things of Jesus. She sought the Lord believing that
He is the promised Messiah. She claimed Him as her Lord by declaring, “O Lord, thou Son
of David!” She had exceeding faith in Jesus. She believed as He had brought healing and
deliverance to many, surely He will perform a miracle for her daughter. This woman was
not a descendent of Abraham, therefore, she was considered a “Gentile,” outside the
covenant of God.
Jesus and His disciples traveled to the areas of Tyre and Sidon, the Gentile district.
They were looking for seclusion away from the opposing, vindictive Pharisees. This is a
fascinating parable, being that it carries a theme of humility, faith and persistence. My re-
cent studies on prayer entailed a study on persistence in prayer; I’m seeing how Jesus
taught persistence in many of His parables, including this parable.
As this woman cried out to Jesus, He purposely ignored her, He didn’t say a word to
her. However, Jesus had a teaching lesson in mind for this woman, his disciples and for us
today. The disciples became impatient and asked Jesus to just send her away. Have you
ever asked the Lord to do something for you and it seemed as if He didn’t hear what you
asked Him? Or it is taking too long for Him to respond. Well, lets take a closer look at
what Jesus is teaching the Canaanite woman, His disciples and us today.
When Jesus responded to His disciples and this woman, He says, “I am not sent but
unto the lost sheep of the house of Israel.” Matthew 15:24. In other words, His primary
purpose while here on earth was to minister salvation to the Jewish nation. He was honoring
the Old Covenant with His Father God. The Jewish nation were originally intended to receive
and proclaim the good news of the Gospel. However, being that the Jewish nation rejected
Jesus and the Good News, this opened the door to all nations to hear the gospel. The Gen-
tile nations now have the opportunity to receive Jesus and become reconciled back to God
as sons and daughters. (Jewish nation) “rather through their fall, salvation is come unto
the Gentiles”...Romans 11:11.


Look at what this woman does next. She humbles herself and begin to worship Jesus and
says, Lord, help me. She was pouring her heart out to the Lord and sought the same
mercy that He extended to so many others. Now, we must not perceive that we are re-
jected by the Lord if He does not give us what we want immediately. There is no need to
pout, get angry or become bitter when the Lord does not give us the response we want.
What Jesus want to see in us is humility, faith and trust in Him. He has your best interest at
heart. There is a greater purpose that God has in mind for you and I. It is not always an-
swering your prayer immediately or even soon, but He wants your faith increased; His ulti-
mate goal is that you come closer to Him and increase in conformity to the image of Jesus
Christ. We don’t like delays, as we are Americanized. We often feel our needs and desires
must me met instantly and immediately. I’m sorry to say that Jesus is not Americanized,
He operates on His timetable and He wants us to declare that all things are working to-
gether for our good, because we are humbly submitted to Him, His divine purpose and plan
is coming into fruition regardless of what things look like in the natural realm.
The next response Jesus makes to this woman appears to be a possibly degrading
remark or outright rejection of Gentile people. However, lets not jump to conclusions. We
must remember that many people that had already received healing by Jesus were Gentiles.
“And He answered, It is not right (proper, becoming, or fair) to take the children’s bread
and throw it to the little dogs.” Matthew 15:26. This remark were not meant to be degrad-
ing, Jesus was simply stating that “children’s bread” which is the Word of God, salvation,
healing and deliverance belonged to those in covenant with God. “Healing and deliverance
is the rightful, normal, expected sustenance of the children of God, it is our inheritance
through Jesus Christ (Downey 2000)!” At that particular time it was the Jewish nation only
in covenant with God. They were to have the first opportunity to receive salvation and all
that it encompasses, not the Gentiles. Jesus were also teaching His disciples that they
were to preach the gospel to the Jewish nation first of all, even though they had experi-
enced much rejection from the Jewish religious leaders and many Jewish people.
Jesus wanted this woman and His disciples to understand that through the parable of
the dogs; God had ordained this covenant relationship with the Jews, God’s people were to
rightfully receive healing, deliverance, and salvation before any other group of people. The
word “dogs” were symbolic of pet dogs around the table; everyone at that time who was
not of Abraham descent were excluded from a covenant relationship with God. Being that
a father would feed his own children first, not allowing them to go hungry in order to feed
the pet dogs around the table. Jesus would not spend His precious ministry time reaching
the Gentiles when His primary purpose while here on earth were to reach out to the Jews.
(John 1:11).

Let’s look at this woman’s response at being called a dog. If this was spoken to us to-
day, many would take offense, maybe even retaliate with words that isn’t so pleasant.
However, the Canaanite woman didn’t take offence. This demonstrates true humility that
God desires to see in our heart. Today, we claim so many rights, some of us would exhibit
a prideful attitude. Some would retaliate and stomp off to home muttering the nerve of
him, calling me a dog.

Let’s look at the wise, humble and gracious words of this woman. “She said, Yes, Lord,
yet even the little pups (little whelps) eat the crumbs that fall from their [young] masters’
table.” In other words, Lord I just want one little crumb from the master’s table. I admire
the wisdom, meekness and great faith of this woman! She did not have a chip on her
shoulder, she was not easily angered or provoked, she did not respond to Jesus with rude-
ness or pride did not rule in her heart! I believe that Jesus desires for us to come closer to
Him with a heart of humility, exceeding love, persistence and great faith! This woman did
not give up on what she needed for her daughter, healing and restoration to wholeness.

I want Jesus to say to me as He said to this woman, “O woman, great is thy faith: be it
unto thee even as thou wilt.” (Matt. 15:28). And her daughter was made whole from that
very hour. Do you want great faith? We must choose to walk in humility, it is the humble
He teaches His way, we must choose to be persistent in our prayers, we must demonstrate
by our actions, exceeding faith; for faith without works is dead.

Freedom in Christ
Is there anything that is causing bondage in your life or family members? Addiction, com-
pulsions, torment, ongoing sickness, generational bondage are all signs of bondage.
However, we have a Great Deliverer and Healer, His name is Jesus. Seek healing and de-
liverance with a heart of humility, faith and persistence. Let your ultimate motivation be to
draw closer to Jesus in an intimate relationship, conforming to the image of Jesus Christ.

Spiritual Empowerment
“Behold, I give unto you power to tread upon serpents and scorpions, and over all the
power of the enemy: and nothing shall by any means hurt you.” Luke 10:19 The enemy
will seek to attack with fear, but stand your ground against Him, and rebuke Him with the
Word of God. When we receive Christ as our Lord and Savior, we are positioned with
Christ. He imparts to believers authority to take a stand against the forces of darkness.


To exercise our authority to it’s fullest, we need to be baptized in the Holy Spirit. “But you
will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes upon you. And you will be my witnesses, tell-
ing people about me everywhere--in Jerusalem, throughout Judea, in Samaria, and to the
ends of the earth." (Acts 1:8).

Therefore, we see that God through His Son has provided everything that we need to en-
gage in the spiritual warfare battle. The Canaanite woman were no doubt, despaired of
seeing her child day after day tormented by the devil. The good news is that Jesus have
endued His people with the same spiritual resources, the Word of God, the Holy Spirit,
power, love and soundness of mind. When will the church awake out of the sleep and real-
ize “there is no advantage to us in ignoring Satan’s forces and methods, it only permits
Satan to work undetected and unchallenged (Hammond p. 18).”

I realize that many Christians today have not been taught the importance of spiritual warfare
and many are unknowledgeable about how to engage in spiritual warfare. Which says a lot
about today’s contemporary church, it has it’s own agenda and it’s not God’s vision for
the church. The so-called “emergent church” grants an invitation to the devil to wreak
havoc on God’s people. Today, the enemy flaunts his power through spiritism, occultism,
false religions, cults, false doctrine and heresy creeping in the church.

Begin today, husband and wife to take a stand against the works of the enemy in your
home. Start afresh by committing your heart wholeheartedly to God. Equipping yourself
with the whole amour of God as in Ephesians 6. Recognizing that strife, division, raging
anger, disharmony is not of God. Praying out loud against such works of the enemy in the
home and your relationship, binding and loosing as in agreement with God’s Word. Pray-
ing and taking authority over spirits controlling yourself or your children. Next, seeking de-
liverance through a reputable, God-ordained deliverance minister.
Praying the scripture over your husband, wife, family member, others
“Father God, I give you thanks to you for my husband. I will not cease to pray for _______.
Lord I pray that _______ will be filled with the knowledge of your will in all wisdom and spiri-
tual understanding; That _____ will walk worthy of the Lord unto all pleasing, being fruitful in
every good work, and increasing in the knowledge of God; Strengthened with all might, ac-
cording to Christ’s glorious power, unto all patience and longsuffering with joyfulness.”
Colossians 1:9-11.


Warfare prayer against fear, worry and anxiety

Father God, I confess my sin of fear, worry and anxiety. I submit my problems to you and
ask for your forgiveness. Thank you Lord that you are compassionate and forgiving, par-
don me for my sin of worry and anxiety. Father God, thank you for giving me power to
tread upon serpents and scorpions and over all the powers of the enemy. I speak to every
lying, deceiving spirit that desires to cause fear, worry, and anxiety. I bind you spirits of
worry and anxiety and forbid you to attack me in any form in the powerful name of Jesus! I
command all such spirits to go from my presence in Jesus’ name!

Father God, I come to You, as my Deliverer. Lord, cover my mind, spirit and body in the
precious blood of Jesus. I refuse to accept anything that comes from Satan; I bind the
forces of the enemy that comes to cause bondage, spiritual blindness, torment, sickness,
defilement or harassment; by the power and authority of my Lord Jesus Christ. By the
Sword of the Spirit, I loose myself from every dark spirit that comes to cause oppression,
depression and discouragement. I command all such spirits to leave me now in Jesus’
I am translated into the Kingdom of God’s Dear Son, delivered from the powers of dark-
ness! I declare this in the powerful name of Jesus!

Prayer for you family

Father God, I declare your Word over my family that we shall be established in righteous-
ness (rightness, in conformity with God’s will and order): we shall be far from even the
thought of oppression or destruction, for we shall not fear, and from terror, for it shall not
come near. (Isa. 54:14—Amp. B.). Thank you Father, that you watch over your Word to
perform it and it will not return void.

Prayer for raging anger, strife and contention in the home

Father God, I thank you for being the God of Peace, for you are Jehovah Shalom. I stand
on your Word that we shall have perfect peace as we keep our minds stayed on You. I
now speak to the powers of darkness, I bind you spirits of raging anger, strife and conten-
tion in the powerful name of Jesus. I forbid you to operate in _________! I command you
to stop stirring up rage, strife and contention in this home. I command all such spirits to
leave my home now in the name of Jesus! Father God, by the power of Your Spirit, I loose
your love, joy and peace in each family member in the powerful name of Jesus!


Submitting to the Lordship of Jesus and obtaining deliverance, one must have:

 Honesty and transparency—acknowledge the need for deliverance. One

can only receive the blessings of deliverance by being truthful with God,
himself, and the deliverance minister.
 Humility—Pride will prevent submission to God, therefore, we must humble
ourselves under the mighty hand of God and declare our dependence is on
Him. “ God resisteth the proud, but giveth grace unto the humble.”
James 4:6
 Repentance—Our hearts must turn to God in Godly sorrow and true repen-
tance. A broken and contrite heart He will not despise. It requires open
confession of all sin to remove any legal rights gained by the enemy.
 Renunciation—it is the forsaking of all evil ways. Your repentance will need
to produce fruits that aligns with true repentance, genuine life change.
Producing a thorough break from Satan and all his works.
 Forgiveness—Foremost essential act to gain and maintain deliverance.
The candidate must fulfill this requirement in order to be free indeed, the
deliverance minister can only minister freedom to you when you’ve done
your part.
 Prayer—Seek God in prayer for your deliverance, He is your Deliverer.
“Whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be delivered.”
Joel 2:32.
 Warfare—Submit to God, resist the devil and He will flee from you; you and
the deliverance minister actively confront the forces of darkness with the
Sword of the Spirit-the Word of God, the Blood of Jesus Christ and the
power and authority of God that has been endued in you. Identifying root
causes of bondage, addressing the spirits in a commanding voice
(shouting is not necessary, it doesn’t move the enemy, but knowing who
you are in Christ and what He has done for you as a believer). In faith
commanding the evil spirits to go in the name of Jesus. Standing your
ground with perseverance; tenacious faith in that Jesus is your Deliverer!


I pray that this article will be a blessing to you, if you have any questions or comments feel
free to send me an email through my website—
Blessings to you,

Minister Cynthia Wilson

Cynthia Wilson Ministries, Inc.
Copyright © 2011 Cynthia Wilson
Scripture references: King James Version.
Scripture taken from the Amplified Bible, Copyright © 1954,1958,1962,1964,1965,1987 by The
Lockman Foundation. Used by permission.

Hammond, F. & I. M. (1973, 2008). Pigs in the Parlor. Kirkwood, MO: Impact Christian Books, Inc.

Downey, D. (2000) The Children’s Bread,

retrieved from

Reagan, D. (2001-2011) Casting the Children’s Bread to Dogs,

retrieved from

Matthew 15:26 retrieved from

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