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Kali Ma New Moon Empowerment

Lisa “Ladywolf” Center

Source for this picture is listed within the artwork:

New Moon

New Moon is the time for rebirth, a time to let go of what has been and forgive
ourselves of whatever wrongs we think we may have done and begin anew. In many
cultures the New Moon is the beginning of the new month. It also represents a time of
spiritual rest when we can contemplate what we want in our lives and plant the seeds of
those desires that they may grow with the lunar cycle. We can call upon the
knowledge and wisdom of the Ancient ones and Elders to guide us in this work. This
new moon empowerment calls to the Mother Kali Ma.
Kali, a Hindu goddess, has been called more than 100 different names. She is
God’s power manifest in the feminine trinity of Maiden, Mother, Crone. She is
often feared and seen as murderous and violent. In truth, she only slaughtered
demons. Her gift is to cut away the ego and allow one to see that connection to this
life is only illusion. She offers you strength to cut away all elements of destruction,
attachment to people and possessions and to face all forces that threaten and
prevent you from being who you incarnated to be.
Kali Ma and Shiva devotees often go to cremation grounds to meditate. This is
where the two are said to dwell because it helps the living overcome the “I am the body
idea. “ We are Spirit, the ever existing I am, not the body that is
easily shed. Within the earthly body, the cremation grounds
where Kali resides are found within the heart. This is where she
will work to burn away the negativity of ignorance and limitation.
Those who call to her will be given the gyan-anji or
Fire of knowledge.
She is usually blue or black skinned. Her name is derived
from the Sanskrit word that means time – Kal. The symbolism
in her face speaks of her spiritual nature. Her white (Spiritual)
teeth are present above her red (activity) tongue that is always
sticking out. This is how she first appeared following her victory dance after battle.
Her four arms represent the circle of destruction and
creation that lie within us all. She stands with a sword
dripping with fresh blood and the severed head of the
conquered within her left hands. Her right hands are
formed in Abhaya mudra indicating blessing,
protection, and reassurance that there is nothing to
fear. The duality that exists in all things is presented
in Kali Ma, the Primordial Mother.
Kali sprang forth out of rage and frustration and her
story has been told countless times. At one time the
demons decided they would battle the gods and take
over the world. The battle was led by the demon
General Raktabija. Every time he was injured and his blood fell to the earth another
Raktabija was formed. The gods became frightened and asked the women to join the
fight. Durga became so angry when she saw the endless replication of demon soldiers
she stood in fury with knitted brow. Kali is said to have sprung from Durga’s brow and
onto the field riding a lion. Her three blood red eyes, wild loose hair and hag like
appearance frightened even the gods. Her fury was instant and once she understood
what was happening she stuck out her tongue to spread it over the length of the
battlefield to catch all the blood before it could fall to the earth. The battle was won
but there was no time for celebration by most. Kali had become drunk on the blood of
the demons and she danced and howled, stomping across the corpses obliterating
them. Shiva began to call to her but in her abandoned celebratory dance she could
not hear his cry. He finally laid at her feet and when Kali realized she was dancing on
her own husband, “she stuck out her tongue in coyness” and began to settle down.
Some sources tell of a different ending. The battle was the
same but as Kali swirled laughing in her victory dance and Shiva
called to her to no avail, it was not himself as a grown man that lay
before the Warrior Devi. He turned himself into a crying infant
lying on the field. Kali stopped to listen more carefully. When she
realized she was hearing an infant she took it to her breast to feed
and soothe the child. She, at last, was calmed.
Kali Yantra

Chakra Work
Kali is also related to the root chakra which is home to the Kundalini

When this chakra is out of balance we may feel:

Lack of trust in a natural process of life
Worried and fearful of the future and our ability to meet obligations
Easily overwhelmed by life
No energy, tire easily
Loosing control of emotions

Physical indicators of blockages in the root chakra:

Pain in legs and feet
Lower back pain
Digestive problems
Varicose veins
Skeletal problems
Stress-related ailments
Kali Yantra

Things you may use during this empowerment:

Candles: Red or Black

Oils: Musk Oil or Goddessence KALI essential oil blend
Incense: Sandalwood
Gemstones: Red stones are best such as Garnet, bloodstone, ruby, and tourmaline

Affirmations: I trust my own God given Power to guide my life.

I am nourished and sustained by Nature.

Mantras: All mantras can be found in Shakti Mantras:Tapping into the Great
Goddess energy within.

Om Kali Ma - Praised be Kali the Mother

Om Kali Ma Jai Kali Ma - Long live Mother Kali

There was also a Mantra from the same source that is also listed in Stephen
Comee’s attunement to Maha Kali Seichim. It is reputed to be very powerful and
works very quickly. The mantra is preceded by warnings as it may bring about much
change and turmoil. Kali will work swiftly for our highest good. It is said to be a “very
fast route to spiritual evolution”

Om Hrim Shrim Klim Adya Kalika Parameshwari Swaha -

OM and salutation to She who is the first one, dark within her own reality, the
supreme primordial feminine, who cuts through illusion to the unabridged truth of

Call upon Kali Ma to clear the way for new beginnings by destroying our inner
demons. You can ask that she use her sword to cut away the illusions that keep you
from finding your true potential and following your life’s work. Ask that she teach you
to look, without fear, on the face of our darker side and illuminate our path.

Many blessings to all on this new beginning and May Mother Kali always show you
her compassionate heart.


Sources of stories and art:, ,

www.yoginiashram.ent , .\snowgrouse\pic ,

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