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8|| | - Questons and Answers

8i|| | - Questions and Answers

Our Iull Iime employees are enIiIled Io RealIh Care
benehIs aIIer Ihree monIhs. Do we need Io oIIer IhaI
Io "Iemp" employees?
No, Ior Ihree reasons. lirsI, Ihese are agency employees
and noI yours; second, your benehI program conIracIs are
mosI likely wriIIen so IhaI only your permanenI employees
are eligible; and Ihird, unless you wish Io exIend benehIs
Io Ihese "Iemp" agency employees during Ihe lengIh oI Ihe
conIracI, Ihere is no agreemenI Io do so. 1his is noI usual.
1haI is why agencies such as Drake exIend an opIional,
employee-paid benehI program Io "Iemp" employees.
Row does Ihis (8ill n) aIIecI benehIs Ior a Iemporary
employee? ls Ihe employer obliged Io give Iull benehIs?
No, per Ihe previous answer. Also, Ihe employer is Ihe
agency, noI Ihe organizaIion. 1he organizaIion is Ihe clienI.
Are you saying IhaI Iemp. help employees Ihrough an
agency are enIiIled Io Ihe same noIice provisions as a
regular employee?
es. 8ill n was wriIIen as parI oI Ihe LmploymenI
SIandards AcI in OnIario Io ensure IhaI all employees,
permanenI or Iemporary Ihrough an agency, are IreaIed
equally and wiIh Ihe same rules and regulaIions.
Row does 8ill n exIend Ior employee lengIh oI service?
WhaI happens iI Ihe Iemp. employee is hired as permanenI,
does Iheir service carry?
8ill n does noI deal wiIh Ihis issue, |usI as Ihe LmploymenI
SIandards AcI does noI deal wiIh Ihis issue. our inIernal
organizaIion policies prevail Ior Ihis siIuaIion. Many
organizaIions do counI eiIher parI or all oI an employee's
previous service Ior such Ihings as service awards, benehI
eligibiliIy, eIc. Rowever, Ihis is IoIally aI Ihe discreIion,
policies and pracIices in eIIecI aI your own organizaIion.
One agency recenIly asked iI we will be paying Ior sIaI per 8ill n are we required Io pay? Why would
Ihey ask Ihis?
AssignmenI employees have been enIiIled Io public holidays
and public holiday pay since !anuary, zoon. Ask your agency
Ior an explanaIion oI Iheir Iees - Ihey may already be
charging you Ior Ihe public holiday pay Ior Ihe employee.
WhaI iI Ihe assigned employee is a long-Ierm Drake
employee and is only on a shorI assignmenI wiIh my
company and IhaI placemenI does noI work ouI and we
wanI Io IerminaIe prior Io original assignmenI end daIe
- whaI kind oI noIice is required Ihen?
1he noIice is based upon Ihe lengIh oI service aI your
company and Ihe conIracI Ierms and condiIions as agreed
upon beIore Ihe assignmenI began wiIh your organizaIion.
1o clariIy iI Ihe Iemp. Iulhlls Ihe conIracI which hnishes on
Iime, are you sIill required Io give noIice?
Only iI Ihe Iemp. employee worked Ior more Ihan Ihree
monIhs wiIh you, and you did noI build in working noIice
inIo Ihe conIracI.
lI Ihe (assignmenI) employee is IerminaIed Irom one place
due Io Ihe clienI noI wanIing Ihem anymore and oIIered Io
go elsewhere and Ihey Iurn IhaI opporIuniIy down, are Ihey
enIiIled Io pay in lieu oI work?
1he answer here is iI depends. lI Ihe original conIracI oI
employmenI conIained a working noIice and Ihe conIracI
was Iully engaged, Ihe assignmenI employee would noI be
eligible Ior any noIice. lI Ihe conIracI was noI Iully engaged
and Ihe employee was IerminaIed, all condiIions would
apply as Ihey normally would in any siIuaIion governed
by Ihe LmploymenI SIandards AcI. 1hus, all IacIors would
have Io be considered, such as is iI a diIIerenI posiIion IhaI
was oIIered, was Ihe posiIion paid a lower hourly raIe, was
Ihe posiIion oI less responsibiliIy, eIc. 1hus, Ihe assignmenI
worker could very well be enIiIled Io pay in lieu oI work.
8i|| | - Questions and Answers
Row does 8ill n impacI lengIh oI service?
LengIh oI service dicIaIes Ihe amounI oI IerminaIion
and severance pay enIiIlemenI Ior Ihe employee. 1his
enIiIlemenI is Ihe same as Ior any oIher employee
governed by Ihe LmploymenI SIandards AcI.
Does Ihis apply Io sole proprieIors?
8ill n applies Io anyone working wiIh Iemporary
employmenI agencies in OnIario.
Who is responsible Io give noIice Io Ihe Iemporary worker?
1he clienI company or Ihe agency?
1he noIice is paid by Ihe agency buI is charged Io Ihe clienI
company by Ihe agency. 1his is Ihe same siIuaIion as Ihe
regular pay IhaI is paid Io Ihe Iemporary worker.
1he agency is sIill Ihe employer correcI? Aren'I Ihe agencies
sIill responsible Ior any liabiliIies?
1he agency is Ihe employer. 1hus, Ihe agency is responsible
Ior all liabiliIies Ior all oI Iheir employees who are governed
by Ihe LmploymenI SIandards AcI |usI as any organizaIion
is responsible Ior iIs employees. 1hus, Ihe agency is very
careIul noI Io have iIs employees exposed Io any siIuaIion
IhaI is harmIul or dangerous Io Iheir healIh or being.
WhaI righIs do clienI companies have Io ensure IhaI
agencies do noI pull a Iemporary worker ouI oI a company
prior Io Ihe six (6) monIh period?
AlIhough you have no guaranIee, Ihis makes no business
sense Ior Ihe agency Io wiIhdraw Iheir employee. 1he
agency wanIs Io maximize Ihe lengIh oI service wiIh Ihe
clienI because, wiIh greaIer service, Ihe employee is Iully
IuncIioning, is obviously perIorming well, is aI maximum
producIiviIy, and is keeping Ihe clienI pleased Ihrough
good service. No agency can aIIord Io do less. No agency
can aIIord Io break an agreemenI. Also, iI Ihe employee
is wiIhdrawn, Ihis is noI a guaranIee IhaI Ihe clienI will
ask IhaI agency Io hire Ihe wiIhdrawn employee on a
permanenI basis. 1he clienI has many oIher opIions
including going Io oIher, eIhical agencies.
WhaI is Ihe Ieeling Iowards negoIiaIing lower Ihan Ihe 6-
monIh no Iee IimeIrame? Meaning, can l ask IhaI Ihe Iemp.
agency noI charge a Iee aIIer i monIhs insIead oI 6, or is Ihe
legal requiremenI 6 monIhs?
8ill n sIaIes IhaI an agency can noI charge a clienI a Iee Ior
an assignmenI worker who becomes a permanenI worker
oI IhaI clienI when IhaI assignmenI worker has worked
wiIh IhaI clienI Ior six monIhs. Rowever, iI you wish Io
have Ihe opporIuniIy Io oIIer a permanenI posiIion Io IhaI
assignmenI worker prior Io six monIhs, you can do IhaI, buI
Ihis is someIhing IhaI you should negoIiaIe wiIh Ihe agency
when you sign a conIracI IhaI your agency.
Does Ihe 8ill apply Io l1 and NON l1 ConIracIors aIhliaIed
wiIh agencies?
1he 8ill applies Io all people who would be normally
governed by Ihe LmploymenI SIandards AcI in OnIario.
Does 8ill n apply Io Iemp. workers IhaI have been working
wiIh Ihe clienI prior Io November 6?
Weeks prior Io November 6, zoon will noI be counIed
Ior Ihe purpose oI Iriggering a IerminaIion or severance
oI employmenI by a lay-oII. Rowever, aIIer November 6,
zoon, all LmploymenI SIandards AcI regulaIions apply Io
Iemporary workers.
8i|| | - Questions and Answers
WhaI abouI promoIion and sales people. 1hey work only
when an evenI happens. lI is noI an agency. lI is a markeIing
company. 1he markeIing company hires Ihe employees buI
|usI Ior a shorI period oI Iime, as Iar as Ihe promoIion lasIs
- week, z monIhs.
Does 8ill n apply Io employers who use casual employees,
oIIers Ihem shiIIs and iI is up Io Ihe employee Io accepI Ihe
shiII or noI?
ls Ihe 8ill Ior Iemp. people - no agencies - |usI Iemp. people
IhaI work in evenIs and promoIions?
1he answer is Ihe same Ior all oI Ihe above quesIions.
8ill n was wriIIen Ior Ihe employees oI Iemporary help
agencies. Where agencies are noI used, all oI Ihe regulaIions
oI Ihe LmploymenI SIandards AcI are enIorced. 1here are
some |obs where Ihe LmploymenI SIandards AcI does noI
apply. Please consulI your LmploymenI SIandards AcI guide
Io deIermine which |obs are governed by Ihe AcI.
As an unionized employer, our casual employees pick up a
shiII in !anuary, Ihen may noI work Ior anoIher 6 monIhs.
Row does Ihe IerminaIion provision apply?
lI Ihese casual employees are Ihrough an agency, Ihe
IerminaIion provision is reviewed aIIer Ihe end oI each
work period. ln your example, Ihe IerminaIion provision
is reviewed aI Ihe end oI Ihe work in !anuary, and Ihen
separaIely when Ihe employees hnish Iheir work six monIhs
laIer. lI Ihese employees are noI Ihrough an agency, and
eligible Ior IerminaIion under Ihe LmploymenI SIandards
AcI, Ihey will be considered in Ihe same way as employees
Ihrough an agency. lI Ihese employees are noI Ihrough
an agency, and noI eligible Ior IerminaIion under Ihe
LmploymenI SIandards AcI, Ihey will noI receive any
IerminaIion pay.
Do all Iemporary employees receive IerminaIion pay?
No. here are some employees who are exempI Irom
IerminaIion pay, as indicaIed by Ihe LmploymenI SIandards
AcI, including consIrucIion workers and ship builders.
When do Iemporary employees receive IerminaIion pay?
NoIice is required when Iemporary employees have worked
Ior cerIain periods oI Iime IhaI exceed Ihree monIhs, and in
accordance wiIh Ihe schedule as seI ouI in Ihe LmploymenI
SIandards AcI. ln addiIion, noIice is required in each oI
Ihese Iollowing siIuaIions: iI Ihe employmenI IerminaIes
beIore Ihe expiry oI Ihe working Ierm or compleIion oI Ihe
Iask; iI Ihe working Ierm is more Ihan z monIhs; and iI Ihe
employmenI conIinues Ior Ihree monIhs aIIer Ihe expiry oI
Ihe original work Ierm or compleIion oI Ihe Iask.
Whom do l call iI l have any oIher quesIions abouI 8ill n?
Please call your local Drake represenIaIive, or 8iII Weber,
bweberna.drakeintI.ccm, at o:6 z:6 :oo.

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