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Last weekend Hamid Karzai announced that the US was talking to the Taliban but the announcement was

most likely made to satisfy US propaganda needs and nothing else. In the US, there are virtually non-stop reports or assertions that the insurgents are more or less finished and the insurgency is waning rapidly in the face of continuous Coalition successes. So, why would an invincible victor like the US want to negotiate with a hopeless loser like the Taliban ? Does not make any sense at all. The Taliban is far from finished and there are a number of reasons why there are these rumours about talks with the Taliban (the future winner). The main reason is trickery or the desire to employ trickery. The US nation is one that is always full of tricks. Despite that infamous surge by the US leader, the NATO armies and US generals in Afghanistan have been repeatedly blindsided by the clever Taliban. Infiltrators have managed to attack government buildings right in the heart of Kabul and the Taliban has killed more US soldiers in the last two and a half years compared to the seven-to-eight year period of the Bush administration. The present US leader with his eye on 2012 is deeply worried that the public could soon start asking questions about his surge. Therefore the very big talk about negotiating with the Taliban on account that they are about to be finished off on the ground by the US Army. A very mighty big heart the US has. Clearly, the war in Afghanistan is a huge failure. Moreover, the US is having a lot of trouble with its ally especially after the illegal raid in Abbottabad. The US leader is hoplelessly in two minds about his relationship with this ally. Could this ally become a severe liability in his 2012 re-election bid ? The war in Afghanistan is putting a heavy burden on the US military budget and the Pentagon has to put on hold some of its new weapons program in order to finance the heavy costs in Afghanistan. The US leader has to find a way to wriggle himself out of this sticky situation otherwise he must forfeit the support of the right-wing supremos inside Congress. These people would not accept a leader who is unable to keep the full cash flowing for their sacred cow aka US armaments industry. And they are many. In short, the talk about negotiating with the Taliban is just pure propaganda hogwash strictly serving as a smokescreen to cover up the failure in Afghanistan. The Taliban is going to win. The US leader is more concerned with 2012 than the welfare or fate of his Afghan stooges ! Also, the US has fresh plans for new mischief elsewhere ! ! !

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