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Billy on Global Warming All the text here can be found at,

Cause of global warming is 50% natural 50% man made From Contact Reprot 221 Billy: Today, I once again have a question regarding the things that you explained to me during the last conversation. I mean in terms of the coming events of the increasingly frequent floods, droughts, storms with snow, rain, and hail, as well as the volcanic eruptions, earthquakes, and forest fires, which will be due in part to natural origin and partly to human origin, as you said. Now, the question was asked about this: what all is meant by natural origin and human origin? Quetzal: 1. Natural origin is everything that results from the natural course of the planetary movements, so therefore the natural volcanic eruptions as well as the natural movements of the sea currents, geomagnetism, the Moons influences, like among other things the low and high tides, the naturally occurring wind currents, and the natural weather conditions as well as forest fires and steppe fires, etc. 2. To these natural processes must be added the natural climate changes and glacial changes, as well as the influences of the Moon, which causes both low and high tides but also influences the Earth's magnetic fields. 3. The Sun also determines a part of the natural weather and climate happenings of the Earth, and also not in the least the purely cosmic influences as well as those of the galactic central sun and the so-called central black hole of the galaxy, which is named Milky Way by the Earth people. 4. Thus, seven (7) determining natural factors are to be mentioned, through which all forms of natural weather, sequences of weather conditions, and climate factors are created. 5. Among the seven factors, the Earth movements are of particular importance, which include the planetary conditions, such as the formation of the interior of the Earth as well as its surface, like the land, seas, lakes, rivers and streams, like the mountains and valleys, forests, rain forests, fields, prairies, deserts, open lands, concrete supporting structures through roads and buildings and, of course, the heights and depths under and over the sea. 6. Also very important are the environmental elements, such as the temperature, air pressure, wind directions and wind speeds, the various precipitations, cloud cover, and the duration of sunshine. 7. The actual local climate results from the diverse interaction of all elements and factors as well as from the geographical latitude of each respective tract of land and from the latitude-dependent radiation intensity, to which is also added in each case the typical and different atmospheric circulation that prevails over the seas, large lakes, streams, deserts,

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steppes, forests, open lands, and over the rain forests and continents as well as mountains and plains. 8. Even the Earths magnetism plays an important role, which must not be forgotten. 9. Now, if one makes a total for all influences, etc. of 100 percent, which must be arranged, as said, into seven main factors of cause, then these can be divided in their influences, in terms of a percentage, approximately equally, so for every factor of cause, there arises an approximately 14.3 percent impact on the overall climate of the Earth. 10. But now, if the influences are still added, which arise from the irrational, destructive, and irresponsible machinations in terms of the influencing of the climate, the changing of nature, and the environmental degradation via the Earth person, then it must be mentioned that 50 percent of all coming natural disasters no longer have to be attributed to purely natural origin but rather to the guilt and burden of the Earth person. 11. Through sheer irrationality as well as through greed for profit, irresponsibility, and willfulness, as well as arrogance and self-glorification, the Earth person already started some time ago to change and violate the naturalness of the planet Earth. 12. With asphalt and concrete, entire lands are built over with roads and buildings and are destroyed, vital seas are brought to drying out, the stock of fish becomes eradicated, the resources of the Earth are exploited senselessly and for pure profit and luxury, and air pollution and environmental degradation occur, which surpass everything in irresponsible willfulness and maliciousness. 13. Enormous water dams are senselessly and irresponsibly built, by which shifts of the interior of the Earth take place and a tremendous pressure develops, by what means earthquakes and volcanic eruptions are caused. 14. Courses of rivers and streams are senselessly and irresponsibly straightened, wet meadows are drained, entire housing developments and villages as well as cities are built in meadow plains, lowlands, and at places of deforested meadow woods, by what means no place remains free any more for the wild waters of floods to be able to spread out and seep away. 15. Peaceful brooks and rivers become raging and all-destructive currents and wild waters through their straightening, and nothing can withstand these any more, whereby they cause devastation and demand the lives of humans and animals and will demand these more and more, like theyve never done in all of human memory. 16. In addition, houses and other buildings are built on mountain slopes that are at risk in regards to avalanches and mountain slides, etc. 17. Mountain slopes become obstructed with ski lifts as well as with cable railways etc., by what means entire mountain landscapes are destroyed and the animal populations are disturbed in their natural life. 18. The greatest of all evils, however, is found in the steadily and inexorably growing overpopulation, through which all mentioned evils become more and more rampant, so also the changes in the global climate. 19. The overall natural circulation of the atmosphere of the Earth is disturbed by irrational human influences more and more, whereby the air pressure and the global temperature change significantly and immense storms and precipitations are caused throughout the whole world, which can be described as torrential, and indeed, especially in the coming time when the Earth and nature begin to avenge themselves by force

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against the willful and irresponsible interferences, which are criminal and destructive for the planet and its entire life, by the Earth person in undreamed-of magnitudes. 20. In the coming time, many feedback effects will arise in nature, which will contain tremendous reciprocal effects. 21. In addition to the natural changes in climate including, among other things, as explained, also the variability of the Suns influences, especially in terms of the variations in the balance of solar radiation, as well as volcanic eruptions, through which a strengthening of the stratospheric aerosol layer arises very strong changes caused by the Earth people play a very large role. 22. Thus, an anthropogenic climate change that is, a human-induced climate change develops, as it has never occurred before on the Earth. 23. Above all, this happens through a tremendous energy supply as well as through exhaust fumes and trace gases, through other emissions of all kinds, and through changes in vegetation and through the unstoppable increase of carbon dioxide, etc. 24. Due to the irrationality and irresponsibility of the human being, spatially limited impairments of the atmosphere are caused, which spread themselves globally ever more and cause ever more and greater damages. 25. In this regard, determining factors are primarily exhaust fumes, waste heat, smog, air pollution, photochemical pollution, and acid rain, etc. 26. Overpopulation actually bears the greatest guilt for this because through it, all evil becomes boosted more and more, and indeed, with everything that is conceivable, so it isnt just the street traffic, forest traffic, agricultural traffic, and industrial traffic with internal-combustion motor vehicles but also the overall industrialization and so on and so forth. 27. The Earth people themselves bear the guilt for all unusual natural disasters, and this already for quite some time. 28. But so it will also be in all the awful ages to come, in which the disasters will still multiply and intensify. Billy: Thanks. Your explanation in the Earth persons and, above all, the responsible persons ears. Whether it will bring any benefit, however, may well be extremely questionable. If I, however, now briefly summarize the natural influences, then in my judgment, it looks like this: 1. Earth movements influences 2. Geomagnetisms influences 3. Lunar influences 4. Solar influences 5. Cosmic influences 6. Central suns influences 7. Black holes influences

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