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26 N. Jasper Avenue Margate, NJ 08402

(856) 988-7777 (office) (609) 487-3757 (home) (609) 271-3621 (cell)

March 30, 2011 Barbara Levine (#11-19-95) Judiciary Personnel Office Richard J. Hughes Justice Complex 25 West Market Street Trenton, NJ 08625 Re: Announcement 11-19-15, Position # 935811

Dear Ms. Levine: I am writing to be considered for the position of Director and Counsel to the Lawyers Fund for Client Protection pursuant to announcement #11-19-15. As the managing member of my class action law firm, I am experienced with the administrative, budgeting and personnel management concerns of an organization involving legal professional and paraprofessional staffing. Being a small firm that confronts large-scale defendants as a routine part of the practice, developing efficient uses of personnel and resources is an absolute necessity. Unique among class action firms in New Jersey, we also administer most of the class action cases prosecuted through our office. That involves establishing the claims criteria and parameters, evaluating the materials supporting the claims, setting up the claims administration process, training the administrating personnel and advocating the claims to the adversaries, courts or third-party neutrals for approval. Additionally, my legal background dovetails with those encompassed in the position. My practice has always involved the handling of novel issues of law and extensive appellate practice. Prior to developing the class action practice, I was also half-owner of Bedford Investments. That company specialized in purchasing bad debt owed by sophisticated debtors and then engaging in investigations to find what went where. We located hidden assets, funds secreted offshore, litigated fraudulent transfer actions in state and bankruptcy courts and confronted a wide array of liability-avoidance schemes. I was then able to use the knowledge I gained in dealing with offshore asset issues to assist clients in exploring expatriating and offshore asset protection planning. While perhaps many of the issues confronted by the Fund are crimes of convenience rather than elaborate planning, this background encompasses the tools to address both the mundane and the more exotic issues the Fund may face in recovering assets.

By many views, I have secured a comfortable position in the law. I have interesting cases that enable me to do positive things for many people and have gained a level of notoriety in some corners of the bar for the media coverage of the issues involved. So why then do I want to be involved in the Lawyers Fund for Client Protection? It is time for a change. The best aspect of my practice is that there are always new challenges. Every new case required that a new area of law be mastered. Every case resolved required a new solution to class administration issues. Every appeal required an understanding of the policies a given area of law seeks to foster. Directing the Lawyers Fund would let me continue this continuum, without the constraints that afflict private practice. The Fund is the unassailable good guy. The Fund does not have to serve competing masters. At this point in my career I am ready to take the step into public service. Thank you for your consideration. Respectfully submitted,

Donald M. Doherty, Jr.

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