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Archivo para la categora 'fondo' Introduccin

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Mucha gente (yo incluido) han investigado esto y siempre parece que se quedar con la cuestin de "cmo". Cmo pueden estos resultados ser duplicado con un alto grado de previsibilidad y el "cmo" ven algunas personas son capaces de lograr resultados con facilidad y otros a travs de una exhaustiva investigacin y los intentos no se puede? Hay muchos aspectos a estas preguntas y esta informacin se dedica a la verdad "tal como la conocemos" y cmo puede sacar provecho de las miles de horas de investigacin y pruebas que hemos realizado para darle la mayor posibilidad de xito. Una gran cantidad de informacin se publica en Internet para el uso de este tipo de sistemas, incluyendo diseos de celulares, controles electrnicos y las ganancias de eficiencia. En la mayor parte de la mayora de esta informacin es incorrecta, ya sea por error o incluso a inducir a error. Hemos probado personalmente muchos de estos diseos y la electrnica para encontrar que hay muchos errores, falsedades y peligros, que creo que algunos han sido publicados para establecer una falsa expectativa de xito que en definitiva termina con el desnimo, la desilusin, los daos materiales y lesiones fsicas. Con los aos hemos respondido a miles de correos electrnicos y tomado cientos de llamadas telefnicas, muchas de las cuales han sido simplemente gente como ustedes que quieren saber ms! Hoy se trata de que el apoyo en este campo de descubrimiento, y es la verdad, todava hay mucho que aprender, y aprender de nuevo, pero eso no debe impedir que cualquiera de nosotros. RECUERDE: Esta es una investigacin en curso y el proyecto experimental con nuestra intencin de ofrecerle toda la informacin que pueda para asegurarse de que son capaces de tomar decisiones informadas y educadas sobre el uso de esta tecnologa, los riesgos y ventajas de su uso. As que vamos a descubrir y explorar algunos de estos para usted ahora.

Lo primero es lo primero! - Qu es un sistema de oxgeno del hidrgeno

Sistema Bsico hidroxi

En la superficie, esta es una tecnologa sencilla, donde el agua se descompone en su forma de gas hidrgeno y oxgeno entonces se inyecta en la toma de aire de un motor de combustin interna. El gas acta como un auxiliar de combustin (no combustible) el aumento de la quemadura la eficiencia dentro de la cmara de combustin, la quema de varios de los presentes de combustible. Esto a su vez reduce las emisiones y le ofrece kilometraje ampliado con la misma cantidad de combustible. Como complemento, es operado por los vehculos existentes una corriente elctrica, suministrada por la batera con el apoyo de alternador. En una eficiencia razonable, digamos 70%, 200 vatios de energa produce 1 litro de HOH de gas por minuto, que nos da 60 litros por hora a hora 200watt. Es importante tener en cuenta que cada motor, sistema de combustible y el tipo de combustible requiere y menos volumen de ms de HOH para proporcionar un resultado de calidad. Ms sobre esto en un minuto ... Normalmente no hay grandes modificaciones en el vehculo son necesarios y los sistemas de ocupar un espacio reducido en relacin, en funcin de la tasa de produccin de gas en general y el tamao del motor. Un sistema de administracin de suplementos HOH se puede utilizar con todo tipo de combustibles, incluyendo gasolina, GLP, diesel y biodiesel. Ayuda a mantener el funcionamiento interno de su motor absolutamente limpio mediante la eliminacin de la acumulacin de carbono y permite que el motor funcione con una eficiencia mejorada.

Ahora los detalles

Gas cantidad y calidad :
Puede parecer extrao, pero dependiendo de cmo el gas se hace tiene un impacto significativo sobre su calidad y sus caractersticas de su combustin. Normalmente los sistemas disponibles para el uso de compra lo que se conoce como una configuracin paralela tradicional. Esto significa que los nodos y ctodos (electrodos negativos o positivos) comparten un origen comn del agua (lquido electroltico) y, en consecuencia, hidrgeno y oxgeno se crea en pares (Ortho-magntico). Agua (2H 2 0 2 ), que significa dos pares de hidrgeno y un par de oxgeno por cada molcula de agua. En muchos casos, con sistemas configurados en paralelo el oxgeno se ventila a la atmsfera o ventilados a travs de un conducto separado y, a veces ni siquiera se utiliza en la combustin. Este es el reino de la electrlisis tradicional de hidrgeno y muchos de los sistemas de combustible suplementos disponibles. En 1966, William Rhodes primera solicitud de una patente # 3,262,872 para un gas que es ms conocido ahora como hidrgeno hidrxido (Oxy-hidrgeno), que llamamos HOH y es tambin conocido como gas de Brown (el nombre de la australiana inventor Yull Brown) , HHO y otros. Este gas slo puede ser producido en cantidades significativas en una celda donde el gas de oxgeno y el hidrgeno se recoge en la misma celda, con clulas aisladas serie que parece ser el ms eficiente de hacer esto, la creacin de un gas de alta calidad para-magntico. Aislado elctricamente las clulas serie producir ms gas Oxy-hidrgeno (HOH) y este gas tiene diferentes caractersticas magnticas para H2 individuales y parejas de O2. Para los que saben, esto no es informacin nueva y el reto ha sido desarrollar un sistema que sea comercialmente slida y lo suficientemente pequeo como para que sea posible su uso en una variedad de aplicaciones. Aqu es donde hemos tenido xito con nuestro innovador diseo que ha revolucionado esta tecnologa y ha abierto una nueva puerta hacia un futuro de energa limpia y renovable y ecolgica.

La mayora de las clulas en paralelo hacer pares H2 y O2 (enfoque tradicional) clulas aisladas en la serie que ms HOH HOH tiene caractersticas diferentes al quemado a H2 y O2 individuales Aislado clulas de la serie operar con un alto grado de eficiencia

HOH en combustiones:

As que vamos a decir ahora que estamos trabajando con el gas correcta HOH, cunto de este gas es necesario para ver las ganancias de eficiencia cuando se quema. La respuesta a esta pregunta es: depende. Depende del sistema de combustible utilizado, que depende del volumen total de combustible utilizado, es decir, 2 litros versos un motor de litro 6, que depende de la condicin del motor, que depende de las condiciones de conduccin y el conductor y que depende sobre cmo el sistema de combustible existente es administrado, es decir. Carburador versos de inyeccin electrnica de combustible y as sucesivamente. En general es una gua til para complementar su sistema de combustible existente con una litros por minuto de HOH por cada 2000 cc de cilindrada.

Recuerde, hay muchas variables que se relacionan con esta cantidad exacta, se ha encontrado en el pasado que a veces la cantidad ms pequea puede hacer una gran diferencia y en otros casos de grandes cantidades no hacen ninguna diferencia, todos los que todava tenemos mucho que aprender. Vamos a continuar por echar un vistazo a algunas de las propiedades nicas de HOH y por qu es tan bueno en lo que hace y, a continuacin vamos a explorar la manera de lograr una mayor eficacia.

HOH, el gas perfecto, como la naturaleza pens!

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Se hace en los tomos de hidrgeno relacin estequiomtrica perfecta de dos a un tomo de oxgeno. Tiene una velocidad de combustin de 8.160 pies / por segundo Mach 7.5 (H2 es slo 680 pies / por segundo). Se queman con una relacin aire-combustible de hasta 95:1 (95 partes de aire con el hidrgeno parte 1). Tiene caractersticas catalticas, ajustando su temperatura de la llama sobre la base de la contacto con la sustancia. HOH cuando se recombina quemado en una pequea molcula de agua, la creacin de ninguna contaminacin. Cuando quemado en la ausencia de otros gases, que deja un vaco red. 7. Motores ms silenciosos, ms suave y fresco con un suplemento HOH. Cosas que usted necesita saber cuando se utiliza este gas en un motor de combustin interna. Es ampliamente por escrito que debido a la velocidad de combustin de HOH y la reaccin en cadena que se produce con los hidrocarburos (actual sistema de combustible) que necesita para retardar el tiempo, provocando el encendido a ocurrir ms tarde en la carrera del pistn. Esto podra ser cierto cuando se utiliza hidrgeno como combustible, pero cuando se utiliza como una ayuda para la combustin se ha encontrado que en muchos casos, un ligero avance del tiempo es necesario. Esto puede ser un aumento de alrededor de ms de 5 grados antes de antes del punto muerto superior. Es importante recordar que cada motor es diferente, por lo que tendrs que estar preparado para experimentar. sensores de O2 en los motores de EFI en algunos casos detectar esta reduccin en las proporciones de aire y combustible y aumentar la cantidad de combustible, por lo tanto anulando cualquier ganancia. Algunos vehculos los sistemas informticos se vuelva a calibrar y hacer los ajustes necesarios en tiempo extra, otros pueden necesitar pequeo dispositivo electrnico instalado para superar esto. Dependiendo del tamao de su motor y los ajustes necesarios se indica, su kilometraje (eficiencia de la combustin), mejorar el 1 litro de HOH de gas por minuto, en qu medida exacta en su situacin no puede ser completamente aclarada. Lo que se sabe es la cantidad ms pequea puede hacer la diferencia sea pequea, existen anomalas consistentes en pequeas cantidades han hecho grandes diferencias, pero tambin hay algunas lneas de base consistente, donde el uso de 1000cc por minue de HOH de gas para cada tamao de motor de 2000cc generalmente produce el 25% de mejora. El uso de un generador de gasolina 2.5HP 200cc lo siguiente puede ser fcilmente observado. - Cantidades fraccionarias de HOH hacer una diferencia inmediatamente. La medida de la diferencia depende de lo siguiente: La cantidad del gas generado HOH El gas suministrado HOH calidad La disposicin de suministro de hidrocarburos (gasolina) RPM De carga Posicin del Acelerador

El tiempo de posicin Cada uno de estos factores tienen un impacto en la calidad de sus resultados, an as, es difcil crear un mal resultado, aunque sea pequeo. A travs de conseguir todos estos factores derecho ve las ganancias pendientes de eficiencia, esto incluye un aumento de hasta un 200% en tiempo de ejecucin que lo produce es HOH propia (adems de la gasolina) y el transporte de carga.

En las pruebas realizadas, una cantidad limitada de gasolina fue puesto a disposicin del motor y un suministro fijo de HOH, posicin del acelerador se rige y avanzado de tiempo. posiciones de ajuste de fbrica vio un aumento del 100% en el tiempo de funcionamiento con carga. Sin carga, tiempos de funcionamiento se ampli hasta un 600% con una disminucin de RPM. La gama de prueba se ha realizado a partir de 0,1 litros por minuto, hasta 6 litros por minuto, con 6 litros por minuto en marcha el motor continuamente a 2200 RPM sin el uso de gasolina por 30 minutos donde se haya celebrado la prueba. Las pruebas de carga contina. Para motores ms grandes, nuestra tecnologa de clulas ha sido diseado con escalabilidad en mente, permitiendo que las clulas adicionales que se aadirn. Esta es slo limitada por la capacidad de funcionamiento seguro de su alternador y el espacio disponible. Es nuestro asesoramiento para iniciar y acorde con un sistema de escala para el tamao de su motor y agregar unidades adicionales que se plantea la necesidad o deseo.

Archivo para la categora "Normas" Estndares Abiertos

La produccin de gas de hidrgeno es un proceso sencillo y conocido. Muchos sistemas son actualmente insuficientes en su diseo, materiales y controles para gestionar la produccin, el suministro, la durabilidad y los aspectos de seguridad de una correcta aplicacin comercial. A continuacin se ha establecido como una lnea de base para evaluar las capacidades del sistema y las caractersticas de rendimiento con el fin de establecer normas mnimas para la industria de seguir adelante. Utilice las normas para evaluar los distintos sistemas a encontrar y determinar por s mismo su viabilidad y utilidad Un "Imprimir" del enlace es en la parte inferior de la pgina: AS / NZS - 1425:2007 - Gas sistemas de combustible para motores de vehculos SAE - J2578: 2002 - Recomendar la prctica de la clula de seguridad para vehculos de combustible General SAE - J2579: 2008 - Reporte de Informacin Tcnica de los Sistemas de combustible en la clula de combustible e hidrgeno Otros vehculos SAE - J2760: 2006 - Presin Terminologa utilizada en las clulas de combustible y otras aplicaciones de vehculos de hidrgeno EE.UU. Departamento de Transporte - Gua para el uso de combustible de hidrgeno en vehculos comerciales

La clula
Produccin de Gas de eficiencia de 60 litros:

Sistema de fluido
Flujo de fluidos dentro de la clula durante la operacin: ecualizada flujo lquido dentro de la clula para la operacin estable Niveles de los fluidos en el sistema: Seguimiento y mantenimiento ptimo de funcionamiento continuo El agua de almacenamiento externo de nivel de gestin:

Para los menos que (200 Wh)

Produccin de Gas Cantidad de hasta 360 litros:

Por menos de (1.2kW-h)

Calidad de la produccin de gas:

Bajo tensin de gas cataltica con propiedades magneto correcta

Mnima de operacin continua de 24 horas

Capacidades de presin alta tolerancia: Hasta 50 PSI de operacin continua Histresis - Gestin de ascenso y la cada de presin: Ajustable en el campo y el aumento de los lmites de cada de presin El suministro de gas regulado: Servicio de presin de salida ajustable a 30 PSI

Temperatura y el pH
Temperatura, presin y la tolerancia de pH: Apropiada seleccin de materiales

Gestin de la conductividad del agua:

Seguimiento y adaptacin de la oferta

De gestin de temperatura: Mantener por debajo de 70 grados. C

De gas de secado y arrestando

Limpieza y eliminacin de flujo de electrolito de gas forma: Retorno de los electrolitos conseguidas a la celda El secado de la corriente de gas mediante la eliminacin de exceso de humedad: Retorno de la humedad recogida en la celda la prevencin de la propagacin en el caso de "flash-back": requisitos de mantenimiento programado.

Mantenimiento y reparacin
Ciclo de vida:

4000 horas

Ciclo de Mantenimiento de 1000 horas:

El usuario de inspeccin y notificaciones

componentes reparables e intercambiables:

Asamblea y de reunin de re-

Escalabilidad elctrica:

Sistema de Lgica
Funcin de las dependencias y calendario: O2 deteccin y regulacin del caudal, la gestin del motor de tiempo Pruebas de deteccin y respuestas: Nivel de lquido (interna y externa), de presin y arranque suave

12 V / 24 V / 120 V / 240 V Opciones

En la produccin elctrica situ compacto de adaptacin opcin para los vehculos existentes

La gestin actual: Controles para evitar que el sistema actual fuera de control

Interfaz de usuario: Estado de funcionamiento, Normal, error, Mantenimiento

Este sistema ha sido objeto de extensas pruebas: Presin: - La flexibilidad es clave a la hora de elegir un sistema para su aplicacin especfica y, como tal, las clulas bsicas vienen en 3 tamaos: En todos los tamaos la cantidad de clulas y las opciones de tensin de alimentacin son variables:

Resistencia: -

Ejemplo de configuracin del sistema - B

Tanque de agua Soldadas de acero inoxidable acceso ferruled ms altas de recarga manual Puerto de la vlvula de alivio de presin Puerto de salida de gas Mensajes de la clula (lquido y gas)

Nivel de flotador sensor de Puerto HOH de la clula serie Re-circultated - 15Amp Neumtico Vuelva a llenar el lquido de la bomba Sistema de drenaje Secadora / supresor de retorno d

La tecnologa de generacin de gas HOH es flexible y escalable para satisfacer una amplia gama de necesidades.
Seleccionar el sistema correcto para su aplicacin puede ser un poco difcil y los resultados pueden variar. Al pasar unos pocos minutos aqu nos pueden ayudar a mejorar sus resultados de forma espectacular. He aqu una gua de seleccin para ofrecerle la mejor informacin de que disponemos para comprender qu tipo de resultados que puede esperar en funcin del tamao del motor y la produccin de gas HOH en litros por minuto (LPM).

Formulario de Cotizacin automtica

No - basado en Java navegadores: Se abrir en una nueva ventana:

Electrolito Pantanos

Archivo para el 'gas de secado y detener a' Categora De gas de secado y propagacin de llamas
Introduccin Con eficacia la prevencin de un evento de Flash-back es de gran importancia tanto para su seguridad y para evitar daos al equipo. En los ltimos dos aos hemos invertido una cantidad considerable de tiempo, estudiando el caso de flashback para entender mejor cmo prevenirla en el primer lugar y en caso de producirse la forma de minimizar sus efectos para asegurarse de que se gestionen de forma segura. Antecedentes Para empezar, vamos a echar un vistazo a algunos de los antecedentes, para que podamos entender lo que se est trabajando. En primer lugar, echemos un vistazo a la velocidad de la llama. Sobre la base de la investigacin llevada a cabo por William Rhodes, sabemos que la velocidad de combustin de este gas es: SECUENCIAS DE SEIS: El tiempo de grabacin de 10 pies de tubera era compatible - 1.225 milisegundos = 10.000 pies en 1,226 segundos, o 8160 pies / div s 1.088 m / s (velocidad del sonido no se compensa por nuestros 1.150 metros sobre el nivel del mar) era mach 7.5 Para aquellos que han estudiado este gas de cerca saben que esta velocidad de propagacin es muy rpida, en el rpido tiempo de 1000 hecho de que cualquier otro gas. En segundo lugar, en ausencia de cualquier otro gas , es decir hidrgeno - oxgeno - hidrgeno en proporcin perfecta, como se hace, el gas se colapsa de nuevo en el agua creando un vaco. Nuestros experimentos han demostrado que se trata de un proceso de dos etapas, donde hay al principio un gran (sonora) de expansin, a continuacin, dando lugar a un vaco. Debido a la velocidad de propagacin de gas, y el hecho de que el oxgeno est presente con en el gas, el hidrgeno se utiliza con supresores de gas de hidrgeno en botella son inadecuados y demasiado poco fiable para su uso. El agua es uno de la manera ms efectiva de prevenir un flash-back, aunque esto depende de la llama no es capaz de propagarse entre las burbujas. Con el fin de maximizar el efecto de secado, es importante para hacer rebotar el gas como los bordes como sea posible, similar a un laberinto. Las esquinas ms el gas se necesita para encender la secadora se vuelve. Como se ve en la imagen de arriba, el gas se necesita para girar varias veces. Nuestras pruebas mostraron que despus de cinco vueltas o el nivel de gas saldra bien seca.

Gas construccin de secado y detener a los sistemas de

Al experimentar con Gas seguridad Arrestar es de suma importancia. Mltiples niveles de proteccin deben ser observadas. Curiosamente gas de secado, lo que significa la eliminacin de exceso de humedad de la corriente de gas tiene requisitos similares a los pararrayos, aunque hay una diferencia principal. Aprovechando el diseo de arriba es una versin ms robusta.


Al menos uno de estos sistemas se debe utilizar para detener. Requieren de un pequeo volumen de agua en el fondo para detener efectivamente el caso de flashback. Un segundo sistema se puede utilizar despus de que el pararrayos que se sec, para apoyar a gas de secado. Un flash-back puede tener un efecto catastrfico si no prevenir adecuadamente, mucho cuidado y precauciones de seguridad que deben adoptarse cuando utilizar o ensayar este tipo de sistemas. Regularmente se comprobacin del sistema para asegurarse de que existe una cantidad adecuada de agua en el pararrayos para evitar propagacin de la llama continua.


1. 2. 3.

Si los niveles de agua no se controlan adecuadamente estos sistemas se convierten en peligrosas Si se permite que se llenan de agua es muy probable que la solucin puede desbordarse en un motor. Los sistemas deben ser debidamente comprobadas despus de un evento de flashback.

Archive for the Electronics Controls Category Universal Cell Controller

A simple, yet flexible Universal Cell Controller has been built to provide semiautomatic control over all types of cells.

Manual Amperage Control Water Level Indicator Light Pump Refill Switch Continuous Control up to 50 Amps Independent Voltage Visual Amperage Display

Allows for precise tuning Visual indicator when water levels are low Momentary Press (hold) switch to activate pump Suitable for large cells (parallel or series) Switches up to 30VDC

Precise setting of amperage to cell

The Universal Cell Controller has been constructed from readily available components, but is somewhat labour intensive to construct. Here is a list of the main components:

These controllers can be constructed on request: For further information:

Posted in Electronics Controls | Tags: cell, control, controller, current, hho, HOH, level, limiting, power, pump, universal,water | Comments Closed

ECU Enhancer for Hydroxy Systems

Rating: 4.0/5 (2 votes cast)

DSF Fuel Saver Circuit #2 :: From Hydrogen Garage

Supplier Link and Information Source: Might be worth a look for $79.95USD If you test one of these devices, please share your experiences with us by leaving a comment.

Posted in Electronics Controls, September-09 |

Tags: DSF2, ecu, enhancer, hydroxy |

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Current Limiter + O2 Sensor + MAP

Rating: 0.0/5 (0 votes cast)

Automatic current limiting has been on ongoing challenge for many of us running HOH / HHO cells and these guys might just have an economical solution: Supplier:

Rated documentation:

Through the Association of Climate Technology Solution Association a trialing program has been initiated, if you would like to participate in this click here If you test one of these devices, please share your experiences with us by leaving a comment.

Posted in Electronics Controls, September-09 |

Tags: current, limit, maf, map, o2, pwm |

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Electronic Control Systems

Development of Electronic Logic

Scope: Automatically regulate supply voltage to maintain cell within design parameters (prevent current runaway) or preset level (more/less gas) Sense water levels and automatically refill when system levels are low. Detect changes in engine load via the MAP sensor and increase / decrease gas flow to the engine Intercept O2 sensor signals and modify to prevent over fuelling Periodically drain Gas Drying systems to remove build up of moisture Regulate gas production based on maximum pressure settings

Outcome: The design of the integrated electronic control module has taken over 12 months development and testing to reach the proof of concept phase. The electronic controls have been developed using an off-the-self programmable Logic Controller (PLC). Although not perfect for the application the PLC has provided enough functionality to be able to complete all of the proof of concept works. Testing: Testing of the PLC and programming variation were conducted over periods of up to one week, where the cell was left operating continuously for this time. All functions preformed well, allowing the cell to remain with-in working temperatures and pressures, whilst keep the water within the cell at it optimum level. Schematic of PLC

Archive for the Electrical / Alternators Category Commercial Alternatives Uni-Power

Posted in Electrical / Alternators | Comments

Tags: alternator, dual, hho, high, HOH, hydrogen, output, wound |


Electrical Systems
Electrical Standard Installation
Background Information

There are a number of ways of establishing an electrical connection to operate your HOH Cell. In doing this a number of key factors must be considered.
The HOH Cell must only operate when the car is operating It must stop when the vehicle stops. A safety manual override is essential Current limiting must be incorporated in case of current runaway

Objective of this information

To outline to the tools and minimum requirements for the electrical installation of your HOH Cell.

Following is a detailed list of components

Posted in Electrical / Alternators | Comments Closed

Tags: diagram, Electrical / Alternators, hho, HOH, installation, wiring |

High Performance Alternators

Rating: 0.0/5 (0 votes cast)

The vehicles alternator provides the power source to operate the HOH Cell. Many larger vehicles have heavy duty alternators that can operate at continuous amperage of 60 AMPs or more and in the trucking area this can be as high as 180AMPs, though 120AMPs is typical. In most vehicles the alternator produce 12-14VDC output which makes them ideal for the 6 Cell unit. Once larger capacitites of gas is required the amperage needs to double in 15AMP increments for every litre of gas per minute. As this continues up to around 4 litres per minute (60AMPs) this tends to take most alternators to their limits. Investigation in to high performance alternators has been carried out with the view of establishing an appropriate means to produce high output alternators that can provide the normal power to the vehicles

systems, whilst at the same time produce up to 120VDC which is the legal limit in Australia for mobile power generation.

Numerous alternators have been tested, with some standard alternator being modified to produce higher outputs: Following is an overview

Archive for the Electrolyte Category Preparing your Electrolyte

Rating: 0.0/5 (0 votes cast)

Mixing the Caustic Soda

Balancing your system to operate at the most appropriate amperage can be a bit tricky, so Ive detailed for you here the process I use to assist with this. REMEMBER: CAUSTIC SODA (NaOH, Sodium Hydroxide) is nasty stuff. Eye and Skin Protection should be worn when working with this chemical and please be sure to refer to the Materials Safety Data Sheet (MSDS) before using. Here is a link for your reference

Here is a detailed step by step guide:

Using a small set of scales.

Tare your cup weight or deduct from total

For a 10% concentration of NaOH add 100 grams of dried flakes to a suitable plastic container.

Measure 1000g of distilled / dematerialised water (1 litre)

Slowly and carefully add the 100grams of NaOH to the water,do not add water to the NaOH flakes. Make sure you use a suitable plastic container for this. Using a glass container is not recommended as there is heat generated as the solution is mixing which may crack a glass container. Ensure you have carefully followed the safety instructions in the Materials Safety Data Sheet (MSDS) Continually stir preventing the solid from forming of the bottom.

Allow to sit and until dissolved and cooled before use

Add this mixture to your cell by filling until the cell itself is just submersed. Add additional pure water to this mixture to bring the operating amperage when cold to approximately 10AMP when cold. Higher Concentration will result in current run away effect unless the current is otherwise limited.
Posted in Electrolyte | Tags: caustic soda, electrolyte, mixing, NaOH | No Comments

pH levels in the Gas Stream

A study into the PH levels from the HOH gas output has been conducted. It purpose is to establish a baseline for the normal PH level output in the gas stream. A series on control device have been built to provide an repeatable measuring technique along with standard measuring device. The equipment used for these tests consisted on the following items:

PH Test Baselines

A PH of 6.8 using standard tap water was present and was used as the starting point for each experiment. Care was taken to ensure equipment was thoroughly cleaned between each test to mitigate contamination. PH level were tested at the beginning of each test demonstration a consistent base of PH 6.8 Each test was conducted for 60 minutes, with measurements taken at 30 minute intervals.





(min) 1 1 1 2 2 2 3 3 3 0 30 60 0 30 60 0 30 60

t 12.7 12.7 12.7 12.7 12.7 12.7 12.7 12.7 12.7 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

C 38 39 40 41 42 43 43 44 44 6.8 7.4 7.6 6.8 7.8 7.8 6.8 7.4 7.6

Archive for the Water Charging Category Water Charging

Rating: 0.0/5 (0 votes cast) As part of our continued research in the HOH as a combustible gas we have been exploring the possibilities of improving the energy density of the gas through water charging. This is a simple and in-expensive process of slowly charging water in two containers separated by what is known as a salt bath. To date we have no firm evidence to suggest that the energy density in the gas has been improved and testing is continuing on this front, with the exceptions of a few moments in time, which can be explained statistically. What has been identified is that through slowly charging water the pH level can be raised, which in turn reduces the need for heavier electrolyte concentrations, which is a good thing. So far our testing has shown that simply charging water overnight increases the pH by 1 (from 7 (standard water to 8, more alkaline). Continued charging increases this even further. By using the charged water we have been able to reduce the concentration of NaOH (Caustic Soda) by a factor of 2 and reduced the slight contamination that occurs in the system through minerals in the water even further. These two areas alone are well worth experimenting with, as they have considerable advantage to Hydroxy Generators at large.

Pictured is here is a basic schematic of the setup.

Construction of a simple water charging system

Seen here are the two water containers, connected via a hose with the three taps. On top of the containers are two Stainless steel straps, with a bend to hang through the top two orifices. In normal operation both taps connecting the two containers are left closed allowing water and ion exchange. When draining, close the tap to the side you do not wish to use, then open the drain tap to fill and external water container. Use this water to refill the water level in your hoh cell. Charging the water is an everyday

batter charger, connecting the terminal the each of the stainless steel straps. Thats it, simple as. This is pure experimentation, with no wrong or right at this stage. We invite you to reproduce this setup, test water from either side of the container. Of course keep track of your mileage or running time and contamination levels in your water with your gas generation system.

Archive for the Experiments Category Pressure Testing

At the conclusion of the endurance testing we conducted a pressure test on the cell used. The aim of this test was two fold. 1. 2. To find out at what pressure the HOH gas collapses back on itself Establish the burst pressure of the HOH Cell

We had hoped that the cell would endure for the first test, so the second could be conducted. The following video footage was recoded with narration: click on image to play video

Thank you to the sponsors who have supported these works, please help if you can: > Make a Difference Comments are open.
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Endurance Testing
This cell has been constructed using modified spare Generation 3 components. The intention of this testing regime is to establish the limitation of the cell design from both a strength and endurance point of view. Ultimately this cell will be destroyed as part of this testing process. The destruction testing will begin once (we collectively) are satisfied with the endurance side of things. Testing now concluded: 1000+ hours completed starting June 14, 2009, concluding July 26, 2009 My thanks to the sponsors who supported these works, please assist if you can to support further experimentation with published results. -> Make a Difference

System Configuration
Rear (Water Refill) Header Tank Dryer and Arrestor Cell (6 cells) @ 4mm Spacing Surface Area (213.825cm) per plate Central Electrical Terminal (front / Rear) Refill Pump Float Switch (left / Centre of Header) DC Power Supply Electrolyte (Sodium Hydroxide) @ 250g / 15 litres of water (1.6%)

Stabilized V / A @ Power Supply @ Cell 13.62V / 16.4 AMP

Stabilized Temperature

Internal Water Contamination after 250 hours

Internal Water Contamination after 350 hours

Internal Water Contamination after 1000 hours - Some small particles can be seen in the bottom of the glass once settled.

Cell Efficiency:
The efficiency of the cell was slightly down from the usual 180Watts per litre minute. This is due to significantly reduced electrolyte levels which remained constant at 1.5% for the duration of the testing.

Overall the results from the 1000 hour test have been very pleasing, with only trace amounts of contamination in the water over this time. The water used was unfiltered Melbourne tap water. A special point to note: This cell had been operated previously with higher levels of electrolyte up to 25%. It is normal to get some contamination when the cell is first used due to contaminates on the surface of the cell materials. Once the cell is purged of these initial contaminates, these results should be highly repeatable. Throughout the testing period the cell temperature remained somewhat constant varying only slightly influenced by the outside air temperature. As cell temperature changed so too did the current draw on the cell. At no stage with the cell current limited, though supply voltage was fixed at 13.8V Variations in amperage based on changes in outside air temperature:
10 AMP cold (@ startup) Stable at 16.4 AMP +/- 15% (Min 14 AMP Max 18 AMP

Archive for the Questions and Answers Category Questions? Answers! How much gas does the system produce?
170-200 Watts (depending on electrolyte and concentration) for each litre per minute, Operating range up to 1.5 litres per minute. The Cell is designed to run for long periods of time at 1 litre per minute. Operating the

HOH Cell on higher levels for long periods will reduce the operating life of the cell, and increases particle build up within the fluid.

How many AMPS and Volts does the HOH cell require?
The voltage with most automobiles is 13.8V, therefore the HOH cell has been designed for this voltage. The HOH cell has a starting current draw of 10 12 AMPS and will continue to climb in current draw over time up to 20 AMPS unless limited.

How efficient are the HOH cells?

Depending on how the efficiency is calculated simplified of fully expressed, with simplified being the most common form used through the published information on the internet, the efficiency of our commercial cells are around 80% depending on the concentration of electrolyte used. Industrial grade hydrogen generators struggle to reach 50% efficiency (fully expressed). These outstanding efficiency results are related to our innovative cell design.

How is the cell connected electrically with the vehicle?

The HOH cell is connected to the battery of your vehicle through a relay, this ensures that it only operates when the vehicle is running. It is recommended that the trigger for the relay be the oil pressure switch, which turns the cell on when the engine has had a chance to start. The HOH cell should always be installed inline with a 25AMP fuse or circuit breaker.

What are the dimensions of the unit?

The HOH cell measures 22.5 cm in diameter and 7.5 cm across. The Electrolyte Reservoir typically measures 26 cm tall by 10 cm diameter and can be reduced in height.

What other equipment is required?

An electrolyte reservoir is the only other essential item, this container holds the water and electrolyte and provides a safety barrier to the HOH cell in the unlikely event of backfire or flashback. The larger the electrolyte reservoir the less often you will need to refill with water. The Electrolyte Reservoir has been designed to provide 15 continuous driving hours.

What is Electrolyte and why is it needed?

Electrolytes are either an alkaline or acid which changes the conductivity of the water and makes the electrolysis process more efficient.

What kind of electrolyte should I use?

We recommend and use Sodium Hydroxide (NaOH), alternatively Potassium Hydroxide (KOH) can be used. Sodium Hydroxide is slightly less efficient than Potassium Hydroxide though Sodium Hydroxide is not consumed in the electrolysis process and easier to purchase from a local supermarket Caustic Soda.

What concentration of Sodium Hydroxide should I use?

Sodium Hydroxide in the most part comes premixed in water in concentrations of around 48.5%, or in crystal form by mixing the solution with 50% water provides an overall concentration of around 25%. Crystal form Caustic Soda is mixed by proportions based on weight. Concentration levels from 5%-25% can be used and should be adjusted to reach to required operating current draw. Varied concentration of the electrolyte with alter the efficiency of the gas production. Using a concentration of around 10% will provide a soft start around 10AMP, which then rises to 15AMP within about 10 minutes and stabilizes around 20AMP.

Can the Sodium Hydroxide harm my engine?

Yes, high levels of concentrated NaOH within the engine will promote rust and damage to alloys. Considerable effort has been put into the design of the Electrolyte Reservoir to reduce these levels to trace amounts, therefore making it safer to use with your engine. It is recommended that an upper valve lubricant product like Flash Lube is used as a precautionary measure.

Where can I get Sodium Hydroxide?

Sodium Hydroxide can be purchased through most chemical supply companies in liquid form, and in crystal form Caustic Soda through the supermarket. Sodium Hydroxide is usually much more easily obtained than Potassium Hydroxide. Be careful to ensure that Caustic purchased from the supermarket does not contain other chemicals or elements.

What type of water should I use in the HOH Cell?

Distilled or Demineralised water is ideal, this is available at most supermarkets. Normal tap water depending on the quality is often suitable for use too.

Can I use the HOH cell on water only?

Yes, by doing this will reduce gas production dramatically, though in certain applications may still provide enough gas to make a measurable difference. We recommend that when you first install your HOH Cell to run it on water only for the first week or so. This will help condition the cell and provide you with the opportunity to ensure your system is water tight before the alkaline is added.

How much water will the HOH cell use?

At 100% volumetric efficiency, 1 litre of water produces 2065 litres of HOH gas. Therefore given a gas production rate of 1 litre per minute the electrolyte reservoir holding two litres, then the cell would operate for 4130 minutes or 68 continuous operating hours. 100% volumetric efficiency is not a practical guide as this does not account for evaporation, condensation or less than 100% volumetric efficiency, therefore we recommend that you check your water level every few days if you are driving long distances daily and once every one or two weeks for casual use. In general, depending on the concentration of electrolyte and the total litres per minute will vary how often the water will need to be refilled. At 1 Litre per minute of gas production, 1 litre of water will last for approximately 15 continuous operating hours.

Can the HOH Cell be operated under vacuum?

Yes the system is designed to work under vacuum, in fact gas production is inversely propitiated to pressure, the more pressure the less the gas. It is not essential that the system operates under vacuum though it does help in a variety of other ways. By drawing air (under vacuum) through the cell helps keep it cool, it helps to remove the gas bubbles from the electrode surface and possibly improving gas quantity and it also helps increase the overall concentration of HOH gas in the system.

Can the gas be stored?

Yes the gas can be stored safety under low pressure, though in the HOH cell this is not required as the HOH gas is made on demand.

What happens if the HOH cell runs out of water?

This is not ideal as it may cause scum build up within the cell itself. In the event of the cell running out of water, they simply stop functioning as the water level reduces so does the conductivity and in turn the electrolysis process.

What fuel systems will the gas work with?

The HOH cell will improve the efficiency of all Hydrocarbons, this includes petrol, LPG and diesel including bio diesel. Higher efficiency gains are achieved with petrol and LPG as diesel is already quite efficient. Using the HOH cell with bio diesel will improve the combustion level of the fuel and help keep the internals of your engine clean.

Archive for the Reference Category Cell Size Calculator

Rating: 5.0/5 (1 vote cast)

Designing a cell requires consideration of many things!

One of the first things is working surface area. This is important as it defines many of the other aspects of your cells performance and design. One such area of performance is water contamination, which is influenced by the following factors.

Current Density (The amount of Amps per square area of your cell) Voltage or Over Voltage (Usually leading to the above) Material (Stainless Steel 316L) offering a relatively low cost alternative (L) = Low Carbon Water Quality, that type and level of minerals within the water.

Provided for you here is a Current Density Calculator, type in your specifics to gauge its performance characteristics.


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Tags: calculation, cell, current, density, hho, HOH, hydrogen, size |

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HOH Industry Papers Here is a collection of industry papers.

These document provide extremely useful information about the viability and credibility regarding the on board electrolysis of water and their results. 1. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy (a respected, peer-reviewed journal) published a paper by Dulger & Ozcelik entitled Fuel economy improvement by on board electrolytic hydrogen production, in which they found that the production of hydrogen on-the-fly was able to increase fuel economy by 3540% and reduce emissions by 40-50% in four carburetted vehicles (attached). Obviously this is only possible if the engine is not making full use of the energy of the fuel it is supplied with, e.g. due to a slow burn (hydrogen combusts at an extremely high speed, making any fuel it is mixed with also burn faster). Source: %23Volume)&_cdi=5729&_sort=d&_docanchor=&_ct=14&_acct=C000050221&_version=1&_urlVersion =0&_userid=10&md5=bdb0650e76f62f8c039892549a2a1a4c Document: fueleconomyimprovementonboardhydrogenproduction-dulgerozcelik-turkey-2000 2. The GUIDE FOR USE OF HYDROGEN FUEL IN COMMERCIAL VEHICLES is produced by the US Department of Transport, 2007 and makes specific reference to onboard electrolysis (Hydrogen Injection) and provides affirmative results from limited testing. Refer to section 1.2.3 and 3.5

3. AS/NZS 1425:2007 LP Gas fuel systems for vehicle engines 4. SAE J2578:2002 - Recommend Practice for General Fuel Cell Vehicle Safety

5. SAE J2579:2008 Technical Information Report for Fuel Systems in Fuel Cell and Other Hydrogen

6. SAE J2760:2006 Pressure Terminology Used in Fuel Cells and Other Hydrogen Vehicle

Click to read document: Electrorheology Leads to Efficient Ccombustion

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Tags: data, emission, fuel, hydrogen, industry, reduction, testing |

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William A. Rhodes Mixed Atomic Hydrogen and Oxygen

Proof Of Discovery: Precedence established for Generation and Single Ducted Use of Mixed Atomic Hydrogen and Oxygen

Was the second man on the moon entitled to the distinction of being the first? The information below relates to my U.S. Patent 3,262,872 issued 26 July 1966, titled, Apparatus For The Electrolytic Production Of Hydrogen And Oxygen And For The Safe Consumption Thereof. Of the 10 claims allowed, 9 read variously beginning in claim 2 through claim 10; outlet in said cover for hydrogen and oxygen produced in said generator, to, and an outlet for said generator to conduct a mixture of hydrogen and oxygen from said electrodes and said casing. The nine claim references cited by the examiner are relevant to the fact that this was the first issued patent using a common delivery duct for both gases. The et al designates the financier of the project who included the outboard alcohol booster tank, Figs. 11, 12, qualifying him as co-inventor.

Prior patents relating to generation of hydrogen and oxygen from water are separately collected and ducted out of the generator for delivery of H2 and O2. Perhaps the only reason such mixed gases were not discovered and used before was fear of explosion. Exhaustive tests at my laboratory revealed they were harmless compared with tank gases. NIST and the literature contained no references on such atomic mixtures. My instrumentation using the NIST WWV clock signal proved flame propagation (velocity) rate is 8160 ft/sec mach 7.5, as compared to tank H2 and O2 being 680 ft/sec. Make no mistake about it, mach 7.5 is not an attribute of burning H2 and O2. Other stoichiometrically mixed gases revealing flame propagation rates were Butane 60 ft/sec, and acetylene 330 ft/sec. (Details of the setup for running such tests is available upon request.) At this writing, maximum flame temperature is unknown. NIST again said they had no data, and research into that is proceeding. Already known is that tungsten melts instantly. This confirms the temperature is significantly higher than 3,410 C. / 6,170 F. Mixed atomic gas volume vs stoichiometric tank gases will be determined. One day, an article from the Internet was discovered by a friend and forwarded to me. It mentioned my second patent 3,310,483 of 21 March 1967 titled, MULTICELL OXYHYDROGEN GENERATOR, another single ducted mixed gas generator. The text included the name of a Dr. Yull Brown of Australia, whose U.S.Patent copy was obtained from the U.S. Patent Office. His patent #4,014,777 was issued 29 March 1977, eleven years after my first patent 3,262,872 of 26 July 1966. My patent is one of the references cited in his patent. He publicly has been claiming discovery of a new gas called BG for Browns Gas. Inspection of his patent revealed single ducted atomic gases, the same as mine. I went ballistic. In the early days, I lost a lot through ignorance. But this? After regaining composure, I reasoned there must be a logical answer. Since I generally ignored patent references cited against my many patent applications, reserving them for my patent attorney to study; on a few occasions I was guilty of such negligence which induces me to forgive Dr. Brown. He might have committed the same oversight in claiming to be the discoverer of a new gas. Regardless of claims to the contrary, my patent 3,262,872 of 1966 (NOTE: IBM server only goes to 1971) stands as the original discovery, unless an earlier reference is found. Click on images to read. Email: William A. Rhodes

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Superhot Atomic Flame by Dr. W.A. Rhodes 03/18/00

Superhot Atomic Oxy-Hydrogen Flame
Thanks to Dr. William A. Rhodes for sharing this.COMMON DUCT ELECTROLYTIC OXYHYDROGEN Readers may wonder why I waited three decades before regaining interest to probe several unanswered questions of this system. A friend on the Internet discovered the second patent number under my name and notified me that another party had patented a new version of this concept and was claiming discovery of a new gas. Inspection of his patent showed his claim as discoverer was not valid, since my first patent predated his by eleven years. I was not about to allow him that recognition. After all, I reasoned, should the second man on the moon logically claim the distinction of being the first? And so, research began resulting in this document. The answers here are by no means conclusive, but lead to a better understanding of a very complicated reaction. If references are found proving priority over mine, then I will yield.

The name of the culprit was Yull Brown of Australia, now deceased who invented Browns Gas. COMMON DUCT ELECTROLYTIC OXYHYDROGEN Parameters & Variables by Dr. William A. Rhodes, Physicist HISTORY This concept was discovered in 1961 by request from a manufacturer for a new and novel means for producing torch flame temperatures beyond those of that era. Such system was conceived and developed involving electrolytic production of mixed hydrogen and oxygen. Prior to that time, literature on the subject focussed exclusively on separation of such gases and conducting them out of the electrolyzer for tank storage. Using hydrogen and oxygen immediately when generated through a common duct was not found in the literature and it appeared to be a new technology. The first patent (Apparatus For The Electrolytic Production of Hydrogen And Oxygen For The Safe Consumption patent # 3,262,872 issued July 26, 1966.) dealt with intermixing the gases in an electrolyzer, issuing through a common duct for instant use in a torch. 9 claims in the patent read on; an outlet for said generator to conduct a mixture of hydrogen and oxygen gases therefrom, as opposed to other electrolyzers using separate ducts for each gas. The patent contains the financing party as co-inventor. His contribution was limited to an additional small alcohol booster tank, entraining the vapor for a reducing flame. The patent appears to establish my precedence in the art. Starting in 1962, the Henes Mfg., Company of Phoenix sold many thousands of their trademarked Water Welder in several sizes, presently continuing under another name. Immediately after launching the Henes venture, I began research on a large electrolyzer patented in March 1967 under the title, MULTICELL OXYHYDROGEN GENERATOR (3,310,483). It contained 60 iron plates, nickel plated on the oxygen generating side and iron on the hydrogen side. This patent claims use of loosely fitting grooves for holding the plates in tank 8x8x16x3/4 Plexiglas. I previously discovered that current could not bypass such plates loosely fitting in grooves of proper design. The torch flame from that unit was 20 inches long, melting everything into blue-white puddles, including firebrick, ceramics and carbon (in argon atmosphere). REFERENCE PROBLEMS Of all elements, hydrogen and oxygen should hold no secrets. Yet, in this example they do and have been troublesome. Many experts in such gases contributed important knowledge hoping such would answer our questions. Their offerings were accurate for tank gases, but these were not tank gases and three major obsta- cles remained. 1. flame propagation rate (burning velocity) was unusually high. 2. Flame temperature is far greater than tank gases. 3. Allowing the gases to mix at the moment of genera- tion, and delivered in a common duct for immediate consumption should contain both molecular and atomic components. Until these were examined through experiment and observation, conjecture and theories were invalid. FLAME PROPAGATION RATE DETERMINATION SETUP: A phototransistor cell was attached to a Plexiglas base containing a groove to locate the start and finish marks on a known length of transparent plastic tubing. An ignition chamber with sparkplug was attached to a 2500 v transformer controlled with a button switch. The electrolyzer was attached to the input end of the spark chamber, a 22 ft length of tubing was attached to the output side of the chamber. The first marked tubing position was placed in the phototransistor groove, and the 20 ft mark was placed on top of the first tubing mark. Recording equipment included a dual pen strip-chart recorder with parallel connection to a memo-scope and audio tape recorder. NIST WWV clock ticks were coupled to all. With this setup we hoped to capture precision measurements of flame front velocity plus rise and fall time.

TESTS: Electrolyzer gas purged the tubing, and since the flame is in the UV, the electrolyzer was allowed to run until a trace of KOH allowed visual spectra to produce a slight pink-white. Stripchart, memoscope and recorder running and standardized. Spark initiated. SIX SEQUENCES: Recorded timing for 10 feet of tubing was consist- ently 1.225 milliseconds = 10,000 ft in 1.226 seconds, or 8160 ft/sec div 1088 ft/sec (speed of sound not compensated for our 1150 ft above sea level) was mach 7.5. Rise and fall pulse duration via memo-scope was .5 millisecond with a total baseline to baseline duration of .6 millisecond. With exception of the small error between sea level and 1150 ft above sea level, re- sults of these tests appear reliable. This combination has MAXIMUM INSTABILITY. Any electrostatic discharge can trigger a very mild explosion compared with tank H2 & O2. The ashes from burning are of course pure water. LUMPED FLAME RATE CONFIRMATION The previous rate was resolved from pip spacings. These tests were made with the plastic tubing wound into a small donut with phototransistor mounted on the focal plane of a camera lens. A flat-black background behind the donut and floodlight illumina- tion allowed the donut image to be adjusted to cover the active area of the phototransistor. The tubing beyond the measured marks were covered to prevent errors from their exposure. Instrumentation and standardization was identical to the previous test. Recorded data of the previous were pips, marking the beginning and ending of the flash. This time, burn illumination produced a slightly rounded flat area with a baseline to baseline rise and fall of .6 milliseconds as before. (Previous test shots allowed strip chart recorder gain adjustment for approximately 3 cm reading. The flat tracing showed gradual rise and fall of about 2 mm from beginning to end of a sequence.) Time measurements of six sequences were identical to the previ- ous. The last test was made with the tubing exit clamped off, and gave readings identical with the others. No tubing rupture occurred and explosion sound was muffled. These should provide sufficient evidence of the flame propagation rate of such mixed gases. FLAME TEMPERATURE Flame tests in an argon atmosphere directed on several layers of carbon fiber fabric with its micron size filaments (Used on the stealth fighter & bomber.) melted carbon filaments into brilliant globules. This means carbons melting temperature 3550C/6422F is exceeded, but its boiling point 4827C/8720F is not attained. Past that point no reference exists. LIFTING POWER OF ELECTROLYZED MIXED GASES First, be aware we are dealing with common-ducted gases, data being absent from NIST and the literature. There is also theory vs experimental evidence to contend with. From the CRC handbook: Lifting power of 1 cu/ft hydrogen is about 0.075 lb at 760 mm pressure. SETUP: Our test volume chosen was 1 liter single duct electro- lyzed gases. An igloo from a plastic pop bottle was cut to provide exactly 1000 ml volume between the flat igloo door top, and the upper dome. (1000 ml was from a standard 1000 ml flask, transferred to the pop bottle, marking the door top, and extend- ing the igloo another 2, where it was lathe cut and the doorway snipped out. It was located inverted on the pan of our Mettler milligram balance. An L shaped tube on lab stand extended through the doorway and bent upward ending near the dome top, leaving the balance completely free of interference. The gas generator was purged of air 15 minutes. The balance was tare arbitrarily adjusted for 30 grams +- 1 mg. The igloo was filled with pipe smoke; -6 mg deflection noted due to warmer air. The gas tube was attached and maximum weight reduction of 0.510 grams was attained, rounded off to the nearest mg. Gas input was allowed to flow for 30 minutes for accuracy. 5 minutes after gas cutoff, the balance returned to the pre-gas reading caused by rapid diffusion of electrolyzed gases into atmosphere. Comparing H2 lifting power, 1 liter mixed gases multiplied to 1 cu/ft provided lifting power of 0.0311 lb. Or 41% that of H2. Here we must consider single atoms of hydrogen 1 and oxygen 16 for lifting power against atmosphere (29+). Of course, if a stoichiometric mix of H2 & O2 were present, O2 alone would have a molecular weight of 32, and such gases introduced in the igloo would show a slight weight increase as the combination spilled *downward* through the doorway. TESTS FOR STATIC GAS CHANGES Over the years many suggested if such gases were collected and remained unused, several kinds of recombinations would spontane- ously occur regardless of temperature.

Determining volumetric changes of stored electrolyzed gases was done with a calibrated 100 ml domed bell of 1/4 thick Plexiglas open at the bottom and sliding inside a closely fitting Plexiglas container, with an L shaped gas entry tube extending upward under the bell. The bell was held in place to prevent upward movement. 500 viscosity silicone oil was poured into the outer cylinder as air inside the bell was slowly exhausted, causing the oil to fill the bell completely, continuing to flow slowly into the plastic vacuum tubing, to eliminate all air. A cock on the metal L tube was turned off, and the plastic tube pulled from the L and cleared of oil. Room temperature was adjusted for 80 F. When the temperature of the oil over the bell read 75 F, gas electrolysis began, allowing the plastic line to be purged of air, then connected to the cock which was turned on. Gas filled the bell from top downward below the 100 ml mark. The cock was turned off, gas line pulled, and generator switched off. The cock was cracked to bleed gas down to the 100 ml level and turned off. At the end of 6 months, room temperature again increased oil temperature to 75F. Volume change was not measureable. The gas was then allowed to fill the in- verted bell on the gram balance. Calculations gave the same answer as previous, comparing lifting ability as being 41% that of H2. (Plus or minus 2% error.) To prevent any light activity, the system was covered with black polyethylene. ADDITIONAL CONDITIONS The only purpose of KOH is to create the lowest possible resist- ance eg, highest electrical conductivity. Being slowly depleted by mist generated during electrolysis, specific gravity must occasionally be corrected by addition of KOH. It is noted that any sharp metallic whisker in the storage atmos- phere could cause an explosion, similar to the dangers of storing high percentage hydrogen peroxide, where the entire contents can burst into high pressure steam with disastrous results, just because somewhere in the interior someone forgot to round off a sharp edge. On the other hand, these mixed gases were ignited repeatedly in a 4 liter container of 16 gage iron with flat ends and sparkplug. The only evidence of ignition was a sharp click, with no damage to the vessel. A recent report revealed one experimenter was wounded with shrap- nel from such explosion. The only way this might happen is from accumulation in an unusually thin container, or one made from an easily fractured plastic. However, a duplication of the original multicell unit was constructed of 3/4 Plexiglas with an interior volume of 8 liters. Half of this was filled with electrolyte leaving 4 liters for foam and gas accumulation, (Identical to the volume of the iron container. The multicell had a 2.5 diameter rupturable diaphragm of food grade Saran wrap. The unit was set on a stand in the open and ignited. The resultant pop splintered the case into many pieces which were all deposited within a radius of 5 feet around the stand. The diaphragm remained in- tact. Such indicated the sonic wave front was responsible in- stead of pressure which would have ruptured the diaphragm. These tests allowed us to design electrolyzer tanks of materials and thicknesses that could contain flashbacks. Viewing the permanent Plexiglas multicell in operation, electrolyte foam rises upward, but at maximum elevation allows sufficient gas space above. Therefore no purpose is served with designs containing more gas than necessary for conduction out of the reservoir. Extrapolation of chart curves indicate a possible diesel type explosion as pres- sure approaches 400 psi. However, this is not conclusive. Generation of such single ducted gases appears to be an event not found in nature, unless lightening produces them. FLASHBACK ARRESTERS There are two types of arrester. For small units of one or two liters total tank capicity, two acquarium aerator stones are adequate. Over time they tend to clog with KOH vapor, but can be easily cleared by backflushing with 50% phosphoric acid. For larger units a water filled U-tube is service free and best, since its inertia disallows flame movement through the water. An alternate to the U-tube is two tubes of different diameters. [INCOMPLETE] FLAME PROPAGATION RATES OF SEVERAL GASES Flame propagation rates refer to complete combustion mixtures to fill a measured length of tubing and after ignition, combustion speed is measured against standard time pulses from WWV transmis- sions from the National Institute of Standards and Technology.

From the literature, the Butane rate is 60 ft/sec. Acetylene 330 ft/sec. Tank Hydrogen (H2) 680 ft/sec. Since no literature could be found for mixed atomic gas, burning velocity was precision measured in our lab. ENERGY CONVERSION LIMITATIONS Be aware of this: If a current i flows for a time t and reacts with water whose electrochemical equivalent is e, mass of the gases released is: m=eit. This means present chemistry is forev- er restricted by this equation. Direct current wave shapes, frequencies, half-waves, full-waves, nothing will allow gas delivery approaching unity. Some claim that under certain elec- trical manipulations, cells run cooler, or may produce more gas than before. Yet, if precision measurment instruments are avail- able, they will always show results exactly following this equa- tion. Amperage readings made of rectified direct current by some hang-on ammeters produce enormous errors, leading the observer to believe cell efficiency has improved. This requires special attention to exhibit trustworthy data. Note: Data on gas species percentages are incomplete. No reference source exists for atomic gases. W.A.Rhodes. 3-13-2000 Email: Dr. William A. Rhodes

Archive for the Sponsored Research Category HOH Cells Generation 5.5
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Dont spend hundreds or even thousands on a HOH system without knowing exactly what youre getting!

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