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Out lont |n 8ott|t. 0enmotl - we Jevelo. Jes|cn.
toJuce onJ ossemcle
0|e cush|on
ljectot |n tom
l|cht cuotJ
Presses wlth troJltlon onJ o ftre
Lxerlence ln ress-bl/Jlng
when a company has bullt as many presses as 45&/
)+, then at some polnt a speclallst ls born. And thls ls
preclsely the clalm that we can make about ourselves.
Slnce l956 we have been produclng productlon press-
es and lmprovlng them year after year.
we modlfy them accordlng to the wlshes of our cus-
tomers and use the experlence galned ln the further
development of our products.
The result ls that 45&/)+ productlon presses provlde
our customers wlth total rellablllty.
AJvontoges of 7L-resses
45&/)+ 5&QSFTTFT are stable C-frame presses and
are excellently sulted to contlnuous operatlons ln eve-
ryday productlon.
The robust welded constructlon form enables optlmal
access ln the worklng area. Uslng the large selectlon of
avallable accessorles the machlne can be adapted to
varlous requlrements.
CstomlseJ moJe/s
Should your appllcatlon demand alteratlons to the dle
lnstallatlon helght, clamplng surface, worklng radlus,
stroke length, requlre alternatlve control optlons: or
call for other speclal electrlcal or addltlonal hydraullc
equlpment, we can oner you an extenslve range of spe-
clal equlpment.
A/lcotlon oreos
45&/)+5&QSFTTFT are used for small, medlum and
large productlon runs ln varlous elds, such as Jee
Jtow|nc - cenJ|nc - co|n|nc - stom|nc - and ossem cl|nc.
A/lcotlon lnJstrles
The automoblle lndustry and lts suppllers - Llectrlc
and household appllance lndustrles - Sheet metal and
plastlc processlng lndustrles - Steel and metal lndu-
strles - Stamplng contractors and dlemaklng machlne
factorles - Poundrles - Plttlng shops - Technlcal col-
leges and unlversltles, etc.
Press force - JehneJ stroke reverso/ (Tv)
8esldes the posltlonal ram return mode, a pres-
sure reversal mode - wlth preadustable press-
lng force and dwelllng tlme - ls avallable.
le cshlon (TU3)
The hydraullc dle cushlon ls lntegrated under-
neath the bed plate ln the press frame.
The functlons are preselected vla swltches.
The requlred power and deslred stroke are ln-
nltely adustable. The pressure ls dlsplayed on a
separate gauge and the stroke ls adusted and
read on a scale.
The hydraullc system works wlth separate mo-
tor and pump unlt for operatlon slmultaneously
wlth the maln ram.
Ljector ln the rom (TC)
The hydraullc eector ls a separate element ln-
stalled on or ln the ram, such that press force and
stroke are lnnltely adustable. The eector ls also
avallable ln a mechanlcal verslon.
Llght gorJ (LG)
Uslng a llght guard durlng lnsertlon work allows
operatlon of the machlne wlthout havlng to ac-
tlvate the normal operatlng controls. Thls takes
place ln a slngle or double break operatlon wlth
an addltlonal protectlon functlon agalnst unau-
thorlsed access.
lntegroteJ rolJ orooch svstem (|L)
Por appllcatlons where hlgh speeds are essentlal,
5&QSFTTFT can be equlpped wlth a speclal rapld
approach system.
Thls system has a rapld approach cyllnder lnte-
grated ln the maln cyllnder and so lt ls posslble
to achleve a hlgher speed wlth the same pump
lmoct Jomlng (SH)
Thls serves to reduce the punch lmpact and
preserve the dle. Separate, manually adustable,
damplng elements are posltloned on the bed
plate rlght next to the dle. The damplng can be
as much as l00% of the nomlnal press force.
PvJro/lc qlck Jle c/omlng svstem (vP)
|n order to mlnlmlse the dle changeover tlmes
on the press, lt ls not only most lmportant that
the actlon of lnstalllng a new dle can take place
qulckly, but also that thls process ls comfort-
when requlred, the machlnes can be tted wlth
a separate hydraullc system for the purpose of
qulck dle clamplng. The clamp pressure ls then
electrlcally monltored and llnked to the machlne
control system.
The clamplng system ls elther provlded wlth 4
clamp cyllnders ln both the bed plate and ram,
or only plped to the bed plate and ram plate us-
lng clamps readlly avallable ln the market.
Professlonal clamplng equlpment enables a hlgh
degree of worklng securlty and longer dle maln-
tenance lnterval tlmes.
Phone: +45 7682 l322
Pax: +45 7682 l300
DK-7l50 8arrlt
kom w|th 6 hot cu|Je svstem 8eJ onJ tom lotes onJ 2 honJ oetot|on lvJtoul|c owet un|t Conttol coc|net 5cole lot sttole
ltess conttol svstem l5 2000 ltessute couce onJ
tessute conttol volve
Press fromes
Low press frame expanslon ls a baslc condltlon for our 5&NPEFM
C-frame presses. Therefore we have equlpped the press frames
wlth a solld, bend-free welded steel deslgn. The frame ls made
ln one plece, and belng rlgld and fracture-free therefore has the
requlred hlgh stablllty.
Cv/lnJer onJ glJonce
Lxact guldlng and good seal components are lmportant for press
cyllnders. Por thls purpose we use hlgh quallty, expertly proces-
sed steel tube havlng a cyllnder surface whlch ls elther roller
pollshed or honed. The plston rod ls ground and hardchrome
The speclal low sear materlal of the gulde bushlng between the
plston and the cyllnder ensures preclse guldance.
Thls guarantees our presses - together wlth rellable, low-wear
and proven seal elements - a long worklng llfe.
kom seclhcotlons (PP)
Dependlng on the worklng task requlrements our customers
may choose between three ram constructlons.
5&QSFTTFT wlth standard speclcatlons are equlpped wlth a ram
plate havlng 2 gulde columns.
Hlgher gulde accuracy ls achleved by equlpplng the ram plate
wlth 4 gulde columns.
Por the ultlmate stablllty and most exact guldlng for cases lnvolv-
lng oncentre loads, there ls a ram avallable ln a welded box con-
structlon wlth a 6 nat gulde system.
8eJ /ote onJ rom /ote
The well dlmensloned bed plate and the ram plate are equlpped
wlth t-slots for clamplng the dles. The ram plate ls gulded by two
strong columns and has a shank screw for posltlonlng the dle.
Oerotlono/ ergonomlcs
A modern concept and mature deslgn are precondltlons for op-
tlmal ergonomlcs.
Therefore we have placed all the operatlng controls ln vlslble and
accesslble posltlons, so that machlne operatlon ls not only slm-
ple and safe, but also ergonomlc by nature.
PvJro/lcs - on em clent Jrlve svstem
The hydraullc power unlt, located ln the maln machlne body
of the press, ls easlly accesslble and servlce frlendly. The pump
system ln the standard verslon ls equlpped wlth a 2 stage pump
A hlgh pressure pump ls used for hlgh press forces. The dellvery
quantlty for fast feed and the low pressure speed ls achleved us-
lng a low pressure pump havlng a pressure-dependent swltch-
on. |n thls way only a mlnlmal amount of drlve power ls requlred
at full press force.
wlth hlgh performance machlnes, the pump system can be sup-
plled wlth a varlable dlsplacement pump. Pump nolse ls mlnl-
mlsed by mountlng the pumps dlrectly ln the oll contalner.
The valves are mounted ln a compact block form - posltloned on
the oll reservolr - and are concelved as a safety control fullllng
the current safety regulatlons.
L/ectrlco/ contro/
The control must be user and operator frlendly. The relay con-
trols ln our5&QSFTTFT take thls lnto account. And naturally they
comply wlth the Luropean standard LN 60204 and the most re-
cent accldent-preventlon regulatlons accordlng to the Luropean
health and safety regulatlons.
Accordlng to the safety requlrements, the control ls tted wlth 2
channels for monltorlng the operatlon and stop functlons.
The large-dlmensloned swltchlng cablnet ls mounted on the
press slde support. |nslde are all the electrlcal control elements
lnstalled fully vlslble and easlly accesslble.
The dlnerent functlons of the 5&QSFTTFT are swltched vla a panel
mounted key swltch.
The operatlon modes are:
t lnchlng and
t 2-honJ-oerotlon
As optlons the operatlonal modes
loot moJe (P8)
vla foot pedal wlth cable,
Atomotlc moJe (AU)
wlth control llnk for perlpheral unlts
Oerotlon wlth /lght gorJ
Are avallable. (LG)
Press force reg/otlon
The deslred press force can be set nely and lnnltely uslng the
pressure control valve located under the gauge.
The press force ls dlsplayed on a glycerlne damped gauge whlch
ls graduated ln UPOT and L/. The gauge can be dlsconnected vla
an lsolator valve.
5troke settlng
The graduated scale for the stroke settlng - conslstlng of three
cams - ls located on the front slde of the press.
On the mlddle and rlght scales upper and lower stop posltlons
can be lnnltely set.
The left scale serves to swltch from approach speed over to press
mode. The settlng of the scale lever ls carrled out uslng an allen
key durlng the set-up operatlon.
Progrommob/e contro/
Por customers who need more control, pro gram mlng and data
storage our company oners 3 verslons: TPl70, OPl70 and OP270.
The control systems are based on Slemens PLC equlpment and
enables the press forces, speeds, and posltlons ln l, 2 or 3 axes to
be preprogrammed. (Subect to verslon).
The speeds can be selected elther ln xed steps or steplessly
- dependlng upon whlch hydraullc unlt ls ln use. The OP270 ls
freely programmable whlch means that the potentlal of a mod-
ern multl-axes press can be fully explolted.
The control panel wlth lts part and full graphlc dlsplays oners
comfortable machlne monltorlng. Softkeys and functlon keys
enable safe and em clent operatlon.
The functlons of the press are contlnuously dlsplayed as well as
operatlonal and error messages. Lrror messages are glven out ln
text form ln the language respectlvely selected by the operator.
Programmlng faults are lmmedlately slgnalled and can be enort-
lessly corrected.
The extended dle cushlon functlons enable a dlstance-depend-
ent varlable dle cushlon pressure.
|n thls way the dle cushlon functlon can be optlmlsed.
Perlpheral equlpment, e.g. coll feed, can be exactly controlled us-
lng programmable lnputs and outputs.
lmoct Jom|nc
Dimensions - standard verslon 7 16 7 25 7 40 7 60 7 100 7 150 7 200 7 300
Press force kN l60 250 400 600 l000 l500 2000 3000
Peturn force kN 80 l25 2l5 3l5 5l0 650 900 330
Stroke mm 300 300 300 400 400 400 400 400
Total helght approx. A mm 2265 2265 2265 2460 2520 2850 2885 3400
Total wldth approx. 8 mm l025 l025 l025 l425 l425 l665 l665 l865
Prame wldth 8l mm 600 600 600 700 700 900 900 ll00
Total depth approx. C mm 2000 2000 2000 2300 2400 2750 2750 3ll0
Prame depth Cl mm l680 l680 l680 l9l5 2030 2390 2390 2760
8ed helght above noor D mm 900 900 900 900 900 ll00 ll00 l200
Dayllght max. L mm 370 370 400 500 500 500 500 600
Throat depth G mm 200 200 200 250 300 350 350 400
Die Cushion and ejector - model TU3 - optlon 7 16 7 25 7 40 7 60 7 100 7 150 7 200 7 300
Dle cushlon force kN l00 l00 250 400 400 600 l000 l500
Lector force kN 40 40 60 l00 l00 l60 250 360
Dle cushlon plate w x D X mm 300 300 300 400 400 500 500 600
Dle cushlon stroke mm l50 l50 l70 l80 l80 200 200 200
welght of the press approx.
lncl. dle cushlon/eector kg 2700 2700 2700 4300 6000 9300 ll000 l6500
Subect to change wlthout notlce
7L moJe/ stonJorJ verslon
Pump system A 7 16 7 25 7 40 7 60 7 100 7 150 7 200 7 300
Papld approach speed mm/s 2l0 l37 l55 l38 94 l02 93 96
Presslng speed - low press force mm/s l05 67 72 66 46 5l 47 ll
Presslng speed - hlgh press force mm/s l2 8 l5 l2 l2 l3 l2 7
Peturn speed mm/s 2l0 l3l l33 l24 9l l02 97 99
Peturn force kN 80 l25 2l5 3l5 5l0 650 900 330
Drlve power kw 2,2 2,2 5,5 7,5 ll l8,5 22 22
Pump system A-IL 7 16 7 25 7 40 7 60 7 100 7 150 7 200 7 300
|ntegrated rapld approach speed mm/s 342 39l 362 370 274
Presslng speed - low press force mm/s 66 46 5l 47 30
Presslng speed - hlgh press force mm/s l2 l2 l3 l2 9
Peturn speed mm/s 376 243 32l 342 28l
Peturn force kN l07 l90 238 280 330
Drlve power kw 7,5 ll l8,5 22 30
Pump system 7 16 7 25 7 40 7 60 7 100 7 150 7 200 7 300
Papld approach speed mm/s 223 228 232 l53 l26 l0l 92
Presslng speed - low press force mm/s ll0 ll2 l07 73 62 5l 47
Presslng speed - hlgh press force mm/s 23 23 l9 l8 l8 20 l9
Peturn speed mm/s 2l5 220 200 l39 l2l l0l 96
Peturn force kN 80 l25 2l5 3l5 5l0 650 900
Drlve power kw 4,0 5,5 7,5 ll l8,5 30 37
Pump system -IL 7 16 7 25 7 40 7 60 7 100 7 150 7 200 7 300
|ntegrated rapld approach speed mm/s 378 387 358 368 282
Presslng speed - low press force mm/s 73 62 5l 47 3l
Presslng speed - hlgh press force mm/s l8 l8 20 l9 l4
Peturn speed mm/s 4l6 326 3l8 340 290
Peturn force kN l07 l90 238 280 330
Drlve power kw ll l8,5 30 37 45
Pump system C 7 16 7 25 7 40 7 60 7 100 7 150 7 200 7 300
Papld approach speed mm/s 370 342 257 l52 ll8
Presslng speed - low press force mm/s l85 l68 ll9 72 58
Presslng speed - hlgh press force mm/s 46 29 30 29 23
Peturn speed mm/s 370 330 22l l37 ll4
Peturn force kN 80 l25 2l5 3l5 5l0
Drlve power kw 7,5 7,5 ll l8,5 22
Pump system C-IL 7 16 7 25 7 40 7 60 7 100 7 150 7 200 7 300
|ntegrated rapld approach speed mm/s 379 375 364 367 300 290
Presslng speed - low press force mm/s 86 73 58 52 38 32
Presslng speed - hlgh press force mm/s 30 29 23 22 20 l6
Peturn speed mm/s 379 4l2 304 326 276 298
Peturn force kN 90 l07 l90 238 280 330
Drlve power kw ll l8,5 22 37 45 55
Die cushion - modeI 7U3 7 16 7 25 7 40 7 60 7 100 7 150 7 200 7 300
Up speed mm/s l42 l42 l43 l53 l53 l44 89 6l
Down speed mm/s l37 l37 l38 l32 l32 l29 85 6l
Drlve power kw 2,2 2,2 4,0 7,5 7,5 ll ll ll
Subect to change wlthout notlce
Phone: +45 7682 l322
Pax: +45 7682 l300
DK-7l50 8arrlt
7L moJe/ wlth ot glJe svstem
Dimensions - 6 nat gulde system 7 16 7 25 7 40 7 60 7 100 7 150 7 200 7 300
Press force kN l60 250 400 600 l000 l500 2000 3000
Peturn force kN 80 l25 2l5 3l5 5l0 650 900 330
Stroke mm 300 300 300 400 400 400 400 400
Total helght approx. A mm 2265 2265 2265 2460 2520 2850 2885 3400
Total wldth approx. 8 mm l340 l340 l340 l450 l450 l660 l660 l860
Prame wldth 8l mm 600 600 600 700 700 900 900 ll00
Total depth approx. C mm 2000 2000 2000 2300 2400 2750 2750 3l00
Prame depth Cl mm l680 l680 l680 l9l5 2030 2390 2390 2760
8ed helght above noor D mm 900 900 900 900 900 ll00 ll00 l200
Dayllght max. L mm 370 370 400 500 500 500 500 600
Throat depth G mm 200 200 200 250 300 350 350 400
welght approx. kg 2500 2500 2500 3900 5300 8400 9600 l5000
Die cushion and ejector - model TU3 - optlon 7 16 7 25 7 40 7 60 7 100 7 150 7 200 7 300
Dle cushlon force kN l00 l00 250 400 400 600 l000 l500
Lector force kN 40 40 60 l00 l00 l60 250 360
Dle cushlon plate w x D X mm 300 300 300 400 400 500 500 600
Dle cushlon stroke mm l50 l50 l70 l80 l80 200 200 200
welght of the press approx.
lncl. dle cushlon/eector
kg 2800 2800 2800 4400 6l00 9500 ll200 l7000
ed pIate - Standard version 7 16 7 25 7 40 7 60 7 100 7 150 7 200 7 300
Depth H mm 380 380 380 480 580 680 680 780
wldth 1 mm 620 620 620 720 720 920 920 ll20
Pall through openlng H 8 L mm l00 l00 l00 l00 22 22 22 22
Pecess slze - bed plate H 8 Ll mm l25 l25 l25 l50 340 340 420 420
Pecess depth - bed plate L2 mm 25 25 25 30 300 300 400 400
8eJ /ote - standard verslon kom /ote - standard verslon
Ram pIate - Standard version 7 16 7 25 7 40 7 60 7 100 7 150 7 200 7 300
Depth M mm 300 300 300 400 500 600 600 700
wldth N mm 500 500 500 550 600 730 730 880
Shank screw H 8 O mm 32 32 40 50 50 50 65 65
T-slots D|N 650 v mm l4 l4 l4 l8 l8 22 22 22
ed pIate - Dimensions - 6 nat gulde system 7 16 7 25 7 40 7 60 7 100 7 150 7 200 7 300
Depth H mm 380 380 380 480 580 680 680 780
wldth 1 mm 620 620 620 720 720 920 920 ll20
Pall through openlng L mm l00 l00 l00 l00 l00 l50 l50 200
Pecess slze - Table plate H8 Ll mm l25 l25 l25 l25 l50 200 200 250
Pecess depth - Table plate L2 mm 25 25 25 30 30 40 40 40
Ram pIate - Dimensions - 6 nat gulde system 7 16 7 25 7 40 7 60 7 100 7 150 7 200 7 300
Depth M mm 300 300 300 400 500 600 600 700
wldth N mm 500 500 500 550 600 730 730 880
Shank screw H 8 O mm 32 32 40 50 50 50 65 65
T-slots D|N 650 v mm l4 l4 l4 l8 l8 22 22 22
8eJ /ote - wlth 6 nat gulde system kom /ote - wlth 6 nat gulde system
Subect to change wlthout notlce

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