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Annotation REST Endpoint Docs

This service is used for managing user generated annotations. /annotation PUT /: Add an annotation on an episode GET /annotations.{format} : Get annotations by key and day

Caption Service REST Documentation

This service enables conversion from one caption format to another. /caption

POST /convert : Convert captions from one format to another POST /languages : Get information about languages in caption catalog (if such information is available)

Capture Admin Service REST Documentation

This service is a registry of capture agents and their recordings. /capture-admin

GET /agents/{name} : Return the state of a given capture agent GET /agents/{name}/capabilities : Return the capabilities of a given capture agent GET /agents : Return all registered capture agents and their state GET /recordings/{id} : Return the state of a given recording GET /recordings : Return all registered recordings and their state POST /agents/{name} : Set the status of a given capture agent DELETE /agents/{name} : Remove record of a given capture agent POST /agents/{name}/capabilities : Set the capabilities of a given capture agent, registering it if it does not exist POST /recordings/{id} : Set the status of a given recording, registering it if it is new DELETE /recordings/{id} : Remove record of a given recording

Capture Agent REST Documentation


GET /startCapture : Starts a capture with the default parameters POST /startCapture : Starts a capture with the default properties and a provided MediaPackage GET /stopCapture : Stops the current capture POST /stopCapture : Stops the current capture if its ID matches the argument POST /ingest : Ingests the specified capture GET /configuration : Returns a list with the default agent configuration properties. This is in the same format as the startCapture endpoint. GET /schedule : Returns an XML formatted list of the capture agent's current schedule

Composer Service REST Documentation


GET /profiles.xml : Retrieve the encoding profiles GET /profile/{id}.xml : Retrieve an encoding profile GET /count : Count the number of jobs POST /encode : Starts an encoding process, based on the specified encoding profile ID and the track POST /trim : Starts a trimming process, based on the specified track, start time and duration in ms POST /mux : Starts an encoding process, which will mux the two tracks using the given encoding profile POST /image : Starts an image extraction process, based on the specified encoding profile ID and the source track POST /captions : Starts caption embedding process, based on the specified source track and captions

Confidence Monitor REST Documentation


GET /{name} : Loads a JPEG image from the device specified GET /devices : Lists devicesaccessible on capture agent GET /audio/{name}/{timestamp} : Retrieve all RMS data for device {name} after Unix time {timestamp}

Local Distribution Service REST Documentation

This service distributes media packages to the Matterhorn feed and engage services. /distribution/download

POST / : Distribute a media package to this distribution channel POST /retract : Retract a media package from this distribution channel

Ingest Service REST Documentation

This service creates and augments Matterhorn media packages that include media tracks, metadata catalogs and attachments. /ingest

GET /createMediaPackage : Create an empty media package GET /getWorkflowInstance/{id}.xml : Get un updated workflow instance GET /getUploadProgress/{jobId} : Returns a JSON object reporting the status of the upload with the provided upload job id. POST /addTrack : Add a media track to a given media package using an URL POST /addTrack : Add a media track to a given media package using an input stream POST /addCatalog : Add a metadata catalog to a given media package using an URL

POST /addCatalog : Add a metadata catalog to a given media package using an input stream POST /addDCCatalog : Add a dublincore episode catalog to a given media package using an url POST /addAttachment : Add an attachment to a given media package using an input stream POST /addAttachment : Add an attachment to a given media package using an URL POST /ingest : Ingest the completed media package into the system, retrieving all URLreferenced files POST /ingest/{wdID} : Ingest the completed media package into the system, retrieving all URL-referenced files, and starting a specified workflow POST /discardMediaPackage : Discard a media package POST /addMediaPackage : Create media package from a media tracks and optional Dublin Core metadata fields POST /addMediaPackage/{wdID} : Create media package from a media tracks and optional Dublin Core metadata fields POST /addZippedMediaPackage : Create media package from a compressed file containing a manifest.xml document and all media tracks, metadata catalogs and attachments POST /addTrackMonitored/{jobId} : Adds a track to the specified MediaPackage while counting the bytes received during the upload of the file. POSTs to this method must be of type multipart/form-data.

Media inspection REST Documentation

This service extracts technical metadata from media files /inspection

GET /receipt/{id}.xml : Check on the status of an inspection receipt GET /inspect : Analyze a given media file, returning a receipt to check on the status and outcome of the job POST /enrich : Analyze and add missing metadata of a given media file, returning a receipt to check on the status and outcome of the job

Runtime Information REST Documentation

This service provides information about the runtime environment, including the servives that aredeployed and the current user context. /info

GET /components.json : List the REST services and user interfaces running on this host GET /me.json : Information about the curent user

Scheduler Service REST Documentation

This service creates, edits and retrieves and helps manage scheduled capture events. /scheduler

GET /{eventId}.{format}.{xml|json}

: Get a specific scheduled event.

POST /filter/events.{xml|json} : returns scheduled events, that pass the filter. filter: an xml definition of the filter. Tags that are not included will noct be filtered. Possible values for order by are title,creator,series,time-asc,timedesc,contributor,channel,location,device GET /all/events.{xml|json} : returns all scheduled events GET /upcoming.{xml|json} : returns all upcoming events. Returns true if the event was found and could be removed. POST /event/conflict.{xml|json} : Looks for events that are conflicting with the given event, because they use the same recorder at the same time POST /recurring/conflict.{xml|json} : Looks for events that are conflicting with the given event, because they use the same recorder at the same time GET /event/{eventId}/dublincore : Gets a XML with the Dublin Core metadata for the specified event. GET /event/{eventId}/captureAgentMetadata : Gets java Properties file with technical metadata for the specified event. GET /{captureAgentId}/calendar : Gets the iCalendar with all upcoming events for the specified capture agent id. PUT / : Stores a new event in the database. POST /{eventId} : Updates an existing event in the database. The event-id has to be stored in the database already. DELETE /{eventId} : Removes the specified event from the database.

Search Service REST Documentation

This service indexes and queries available (distributed) episodes. /search

GET /episode{format} : Search for episodes matching the query parameters GET /series{format} : Search for series matching the query parameters GET / : Search for episodes and series matching the query parameters DELETE /{id} : Removes a mediapackage from the search index POST /add : Adds a mediapackage to the search index POST /clear : Clears the entire search index

Series Service REST Documentation

This service creates, edits and retrieves and helps manage sereies that capture metadata. /series

GET /{seriesId}.{xml|json} : Get a specific Series. GET /all.{xml|json} : returns all series GET /{seriesID}/dublincore : Get the DublinCoremetdata for a specific Series. GET /search/{pattern} : Get all Series that match this pattern in their Metadata. PUT / : Accepts an XML form parameter representing a new Series and stores it in the database POST /{seriesId} : Accepts an XML or JSON form parameter representing the series to be updated. The series has to be stored in the database already. DELETE /{seriesId} : Removes the specified series from the database

Service Registry REST Documentation

This service lists the members of this cluster. /services

GET /statistics.{format} : List the service registrations in the cluster, along with some simple statistics. GET /services.{format} : Get a list of services matching the query criteria GET /available.{format} : Get a list of available services ordered by load GET /count : Count the number of jobs. GET /jobs.{format} : Fetch jobs based on query parameters. GET /job/{id}.{format} : Get a job by its identifier POST /register : Add a new service registration to the cluster. POST /unregister : Remove a service registration from the cluster. POST /maintenance : Sets the maintenance status for a host in the cluster. POST /job : Creates a new job in the queued state

State Service REST Documentation


GET /state : Return the state of the capture agent GET /recordings : Return a list of the capture agent's recordings

Streaming Distribution Service REST Documentation

This service distributes media packages to the streaming server. /distribution/streaming

POST / : Distribute a media package to the streaming server POST /retract : Retract a media package from the streaming server

Text Analysis Service REST Documentation


GET /{id}.xml : Retrieve a receipt for an analysis task POST / : Submit a track for analysis

User Tracking Service REST Documentation

This service is used for tracking user interaction creates, edits and retrieves user actions and viewing statistics. /usertracking

GET /stats.{format} : Get the statistics for an episode PUT / : Record a user action GET /footprint.{format} : Get footprints

GET /actions.{format} : Get user actions by type and day

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