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41- This dissertation demonstrated that the student could plan and execute a small scale research which

showed some thought but more reflection of the feedback given during the process may have been beneficial. Reasonably regular contact was maintained however a large part of the content was written during a break in communication. 45 - There dont appear to have been any issues in this area as there is clear evidence of
both effort and engagement with the process. 48- There dont appear to have been any issues in this area as there is clear evidence of both effort and engagement with the process. 50- There dont appear to have been any issues in terms of effort or engagement with the process as there is clear evidence of both.

52- The dissertation demonstrated that the student could plan and execute a small scale research. Regular contact was maintained and there were no issues in tracking the students progress. 55- The dissertation demonstrated that the student could plan and execute a small scale research which showed some thought but more reflection of the feedback given during the process may have been beneficial. Reasonably regular contact was maintained and there were no major issues in tracking the students progress. 63- The dissertation demonstrated that the student could plan and execute a small scale research. Reasonably regular contact was maintained and there were no major issues in tracking the students progress. 68- This dissertation demonstrated that the student could plan and execute a small scale research. Regular contact was maintained and there were no major issues in tracking the students progress.

41- There was some reasonable content in the literature review but it was too descriptive with too many technical sections about internet banking, the types of fraud and how to avoid this and not enough content on wider but very relevant areas such as such as consumer behaviour or the service sector (e.g. why was internet banking brought in). The research methodology section was brief, could have been structured more robustly and the numbers of the demographic breakdown table just didnt add up. 45- The literature review was extensive however it was quite linear with little comparing and
contrasting between the various viewpoints presented which does make it very descriptive. However a reasonable part of the literature review seems to be from an internet source (see below). 48- The literature review was extensive however it did lack focus (though this is almost certainly linked to rather unfocused aims and objectives) and attempted to cover far too wide range of subject areas. In addition the range of subjects areas covered meant that these were covered in little detail and the content was mainly descriptive 50- The literature review was extensive however it was quite linear with little comparing and contrasting between the various models and viewpoints presented. However there was evidence that some of the material isnt original as section 2.3.6 simply reproduces material from this link In addition the bibliography doesnt reflect the breadth of content included in the literature review.

52- The literature review was extensive and it was encouraging to see that there was active comparing and contrasting between various viewpoints which is a robust

approach to take. The review covered a large range of relevant subject areas and this also added to robustness of the review. Unfortunately significant parts of the literature review have simply been reproduced from other sources and not attributed to them and given the relatively high SI on Turnitin already this could have serious consequences. 55- The research aims and objectives were discussed briefly in the abstract but should have been discussed in more detail in the introduction. The literature review was extensive and it was encouraging to see that there was active comparing and contrasting between various viewpoints which is a well approach to take though more summarising of key points could have been included. The review covered a large range of relevant subject areas and this also added to robustness of the review. 63- The literature review was extensive though it could be argued that more comparing and contrasting between the various viewpoints could have been included as in general the literature included seemed to support a specific viewpoint and not contribute to forming a specific viewpoint. In addition there were a number of sources used which werent included in the bibliography. 68- The literature review was extensive and it was encouraging to see that there was active comparing and contrasting between the various viewpoints and this enabled a very comprehensive understanding of relevant theory. However it would have been more appropriate to have this structured with the major themes and distinct sections as oppose to one large section.

41- The analysis of the primary research was quite superficial and moved little beyond simply presented the data in graphical form. However there was extensive secondary research though the relevance of this could have been highlighted in more detail to put the inclusion of this into context. 45- The research methodology chapter was relatively comprehensive though the choice
research methodologies could have had a stronger justification though you did discuss limitation which was good to see. The research itself was reasonable though there was more summarising than analysis of the results and some of questions could be viewed as problematic e.g. question 7 given the response to question 6. The summary of the management interviews was very brief 48- The research methodology chapter was relatively comprehensive (though again possibly too comprehensive) but the choice research methodologies had a reasonable justification. The research itself was also reasonable though there was more summarising than analysis of the results. The summary of the management interviews was very brief, very general and this gave little additional insight 50- The research methodology chapter was comprehensive to the point that it was actually far too long, lacked focus and the justification for the research methodology chosen was buried. The questionnaire you used was extensive as was the review of the results but the interpretation of the results was limited.

52- The research methodology chapter was relatively comprehensive, the choice research methodologies well justified and the interview/questionnaires relatively well designed. There was a comprehensive review of the results which was referenced to appropriate theory and there was interpretation of these did provide some meaningful results.

55- The research methodology chapter was comprehensive; the choice research methodology was justified though some discussion of the challenges of attempting a case study approach with secondary research could have been discussed. In Chapter 4 there was some reasonable analysis however the balance between giving background/peripheral information and analysis of material central to the research had too much focus on the former. In addition the analysis (unlike the literature) drew on a relatively narrow range of sources. 63- There was a sound justification for research approach which was well designed and well executed, though the number of questionnaire responses was low and the limitation of this could have been discussed. The analyses of the semi-structured interviews were reasonable. However the analysis of the results and the discussion of the finding of employees questionnaires were quite basic and in some case incomplete as in Graph 5 you've missed a category "Just needed a job" from the table the largest response for junior employees and could be problematic in terms of both employee retention and motivation for the organisation (though you do comment in this in the discussion of the findings). 68- There was a robust justification for research approach which was well designed and well executed. The analyses of the semi-structured interviews were reasonable. However the analysis of the results (which were very interesting) and the discussion of the finding of employees questionnaires were relatively superficial as though you did compare these against theory a deeper analysis, e.g. looking at where responses contradicted each other or theory, could have been attempted.

41- The recommendations and conclusions were extensive however they were very general and too often read like and instruction manual there was little insight demonstrated into the area such as consumer behaviour highlighted above which would have been more appropriate for an MBA dissertation. The referencing was reasonable however a quick straw poll of references revealed a relatively high percentage of quotation werent referenced in the bibliography. The presentation of the dissertation was undermined by the poor use of English throughout. 45- This dissertation was on the whole reasonable however less than 17,000 words in was
very short and there was no bibliography and this is a major omission. However the conclusions and recommendations were quite general and the recommendations could probably have been written without reference to the research. There was good use referencing across the dissertation and this was correctly formatted. 48- This dissertation was on the whole reasonable however at 18,000 words it was relatively short and there was no bibliography which is a major omission. The conclusions and recommendations were quite general but it was positive that you attempted to address the research aims and objectives 50- This dissertation was well written, well researched and well structured. The conclusions and recommendations though linked to analysis were relatively general and it could be argued that a smaller number of more detailed recommendations for key issues would have been more appropriate. There was good use referencing across the dissertation but, as previously stated, there were issue with references being reflected in the bibliography and the reproduction of material from unattributed sources.

52 -This dissertation was well written, well researched, well structured but the presentation could have been better e.g. there were numerous font size changes. The conclusions and recommendations were sound, gave some insight into the subject and

the recommendations were actionable. In addition there was consideration of limitations of the research. There was consistent use of referencing across the dissertation though as per the comments for the literature review these werent always correctly formatted or acknowledged either in the text of the bibliography. However this good work could have been undermined by the issues highlighted earlier. 52- This dissertation was well written, well researched and well structured. The conclusions were reasonable but the recommendations were weak and didnt really focus of the research objectives. 55- There was consistent use of referencing across the dissertation though there were some minor issue with the presentation of the dissertation e.g there were numerous examples of two words being merged into one. 63- This dissertation was well structured, well presented and did maintain a clear focus on the research aims and objectives throughout. The conclusions were comprehensive and certainly addressed the aims and objectives. The recommendations were reasonable but quite general which was a pity and as there was enough evidence to allow specific actionable recommendations to be made. There was a minor issue with the referencing matching the content of the bibliography. 68- This dissertation was well structured, well presented and did maintain a clear focus on the research aims and objectives throughout. The conclusions were comprehensive and certainly addressed the aims and objectives. The recommendations were reasonable but quite general which was a pity and as there was enough evidence to allow specific actionable recommendations to be made. There was no issue with the quality of referencing or the bibliography.

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