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DAILY LESSON PLAN FOR YEAR 4 KBSR SCIENCE (Model 5-Phase Needham) Subject Class/Form/Year Number of Pupils Date/Time

Theme Learning Area General Learning Outcomes Specific Learning Outcomes : Science : Year 4 Bestari : 33 pupils (13 boys and 20 girls) : 27th March 2009 (Friday) / 9.45-10.45a.m (1 hour) : Investigating Living Things : Living in Extreme Weather : Understand that animals have specific characteristics and behaviors to protect themselves against extreme weather : 1. Identify specific characteristics and behaviour of animals that protect them from very hot or cold weather. 2. Describe how specific characteristics and behaviour of animals help to protect them from very hot or cold weather. : At the end of the lesson, the student will be able to 1. State at least three examples specific characteristics and behaviour of animals that protect them from very hot or cold weather correctly. 2. Identify at least three examples how specific characteristics and behaviour of animals help to protect them from very hot or cold weather correctly : In Science Year 2, pupils have learnt that animals that animals have different external features.

Explicit Behavioral Objectives

Pre-requisite Knowledge

Teaching Strategy/ Method Science Process Skills Manipulative Skills TSTS Scientific Attitudes And Noble Values

: Discussion/student centered strategy : Observing, communicating, classifying, making Inferences, predicting, grouping. : None : Generating idea, attributing, making generalization : Being cooperative, have analytical and critical thinking, thinking rationally, being honestly, having an interest and Curiosity towards environment, appreciating the balance of Nature : My CD courseware, LCD, laptop, white board, marker pen, worksheet.

Teaching and Learning Aids

Phase/Time Orientation ( 5 minutes)

Contents/Concepts/ Notes Verbal interaction with teacher and peers. Extreme weather such as hot and cold weather can affect our activities.

Teaching and Learning Activities/Procedures/Scripts Teacher Pupils While teacher shows the video from My CD courseware of view to the class, teacher ask: the My CD courseware and answer the question.


Pupils look at the video from Teaching Aids: LCD Laptop Thinking Skills:

Script: Look at Daniel, why he is sweating? What should Daniel do to cool himself down?

Expected answer: -It is a very hot day.

Generating idea Attributing Making generalization.

-Bathing -Go to cold area (Any answer is acceptable)

SPS: Observing Predicting Communicating Making inference

What about you? How do you cool yourself when the weather is hot? How do you keep yourself warm when the weather is

-Bathing -Go to cold area (Any answer is acceptable) -Wear a sweater/thick clothes

cold? Eliciting Idea ( 10 minutes) Animals also need to protect themselves from very hot and cold weather. Script: How about animals? How animals protect themselves from hot or cold weather? Restructuring Ideas ( 20 minutes) i. Animals have specific characteristics which protect them from very hot or cold weather. ii. The specific behaviour of some some animals can Teacher asks each group to match the pictures according to their characteristics in the worksheet given. Teacher gives Worksheet A to each group. Teacher divides pupils into six groups. Teacher asks question to the pupils.

-Go to hot area (Any answer is acceptable) The pupils will try to answer the question. Expected answer: -Have specific characteristics and behaviour. Pupils form six groups. SPS: Predicting Making inferences Teaching aids: Worksheet A Work sheet B Each group gets Worksheet A. Each group matches the pictures of animals according to their characteristics in the worksheet given. SPS: Classifying, grouping, Values: Cooperation Have critical and analytical thinking. Teaching aids: White board, marker pen

protect them from extreme weather conditions. After that, teacher asks each group to present their findings in the form of a table. Teacher discusses the answer with the pupils and gives reinforcement to Applications of Ideas (15 minutes) Thinking An Imaginary Situation to survive in extreme weather conditions. Scripts: Can you survive in the Sahara Desert with a bottle of water? How long can you live in hot temperature? -One day -One week Expected answer: -Yes -No them. Teacher asks pupils simple questions to enrich pupils understanding. Pupils try to answer the questions posed by teacher Each group fills the table in the worksheet given.

making inferences, communicating

Teaching Aids: Worksheet C Values: Thinking rationally Being honestly SPS: Communicating Making inferences Predicting

-One month (Any answer is acceptable)

What special items do you need to help you survive in such places?

-Water -Fan -Umbrella (Any answer is acceptable)

Teacher asks pupils to write down a list of equipments that they would bring along with them to go to those places. Teacher asks some pupils to read their answer for the task given in front of the Reflections ( 5 minutes) Conclusion class. Teacher guides pupils to reflect what they have learnt

Pupils write down a list of equipment that they would bring along with them to go to those places.

Some pupils come in front of the class to read their answer for the task given. Some pupils come in front of the class to reflect what Homework: Workbook

today. Teacher asks pupils if they have any question. Teacher gives homework to pupils as enrichment.

they have learnt today. Any pupils can ask question to the teacher. Pupils do their homework as enrichment.

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Reflection: _________________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________ Teacher advisor comments: _________________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________ Lecturer comments: _________________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________

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