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Republlc of the Phlllpplnes

BAI SANDRA S. A. SEMA, G.R. No. 177597 Petltloner,
- versus -
x - - - - - - - - - - - - x
- versus -
July 16, 2008
x - - - - - - - - - - - - x
The Cuse
These consollduted petltlons seek to unnul Resolutlon No. 7902, duted 10 Muy 2007, of the Commlsslon on Electlons
(COMELEC) treutlng Cotubuto Clty us purt of the leglslutlve dlstrlct of the Provlnce of Shurlff Kubunsuun.
The Fucts
The Ordlnunce uppended to the 1987 Constltutlon upportloned two leglslutlve dlstrlcts for the Provlnce of Mugulndunuo.
The flrst leglslutlve dlstrlct conslsts of Cotubuto Clty und elght munlclpulltles. Mugulndunuo forms purt of the Autonomous
Reglon ln Musllm Mlndunuo (ARMM), creuted under lts Orgunlc Act, Republlc Act No. 6734 (RA 6734), us umended by
Republlc Act No. 9054 (RA 9054). Although under the Ordlnunce, Cotubuto Clty forms purt of Mugulndunuos flrst
leglslutlve dlstrlct, lt ls not purt of the ARMM but of Reglon XII, huvlng voted ugulnst lts lncluslon ln the ARMM ln the
pleblsclte held ln November 1989.
On 28 August 2006, the ARMMs leglsluture, the ARMM Reglonul Assembly, exerclslng lts power to creute provlnces
under Sectlon 19, Artlcle VI of RA 9054, enucted Musllm Mlndunuo Autonomy Act No. 201 (MMA Act 201) creutlng the
Provlnce of Shurlff Kubunsuun composed of the elght munlclpulltles ln the flrst dlstrlct of Mugulndunuo. MMA Act 201
Sectlon 1. The Munlclpulltles of Burlru, Buldon, Dutu Odln Slnsuut, Kubuntulun, Mutunog, Purung, Sultun Kudurut, Sultun
Musturu, und Upl ure hereby sepuruted from the Provlnce of Mugulndunuo und constltuted lnto u dlstlnct und lndependent
provlnce, whlch ls hereby creuted, to be known us the Provlnce of Shurlff Kubunsuun.
x x x x
Sec. 5. The corporute exlstence of thls provlnce shull commence upon the uppolntment by the Reglonul Governor or
electlon of the governor und mu|orlty of the regulur members of the Sunggunlung Punluluwlgun.
The lncumbent electlve provlnclul offlcluls of the Provlnce of Mugulndunuo shull contlnue to serve thelr unexplred terms ln
the provlnce thut they wlll choose or where they ure resldents: Provlded, thut where un electlve posltlon ln both provlnces
becomes vucunt us u consequence of the creutlon of the Provlnce of Shurlff Kubunsuun, ull lncumbent electlve provlnclul
offlcluls shull huve preference for uppolntment to u hlgher electlve vucunt posltlon und for the tlme belng be uppolnted by
the Reglonul Governor, und shull hold offlce untll thelr successors shull huve been elected und quullfled ln the next locul
electlons; Provlded, further, thut they shull contlnue to recelve the sulurles they ure recelvlng ut the tlme of the upprovul of
thls Act untll the new reud|ustment of sulurles ln uccordunce wlth luw. Provlded, furthermore, thut there shull be no
dlmlnutlon ln the number of the members of the Sunggunlung Punluluwlgun of the mother provlnce.
Except us muy be provlded by nutlonul luw, the exlstlng leglslutlve dlstrlct, whlch lncludes Cotubuto us u purt thereof, shull
Luter, three new munlclpulltles were curved out of the orlglnul nlne munlclpulltles constltutlng Shurlff Kubunsuun, brlnglng
lts totul number of munlclpulltles to 11. Thus, whut wus left of Mugulndunuo were the munlclpulltles constltutlng lts second
leglslutlve dlstrlct. Cotubuto Clty, ulthough purt of Mugulndunuos flrst leglslutlve dlstrlct, ls not purt of the Provlnce of
The voters of Mugulndunuo rutlfled Shurlff Kubunsuuns creutlon ln u pleblsclte held on 29 October 2006.
On 6 Februury 2007, the Sunggunlung Punlungsod of Cotubuto Clty pussed Resolutlon No. 3999 requestlng the
COMELEC to clurlfy the stutus of Cotubuto Clty ln vlew of the converslon of the Flrst Dlstrlct of Mugulndunuo lnto u
regulur provlnce under MMA Act 201.
In unswer to Cotubuto Cltys query, the COMELEC lssued Resolutlon No. 07-0407 on 6 Murch 2007 mulntulnlng the
stutus quo wlth Cotubuto Clty us purt of Shurlff Kubunsuun ln the Flrst Leglslutlve Dlstrlct of Mugulndunuo. Resolutlon No.
07-0407, whlch udopted the recommendutlon of the COMELECs Luw Depurtment under u Memorundum duted 27
Februury 2007, provldes ln pertlnent purts:
Conslderlng the foregolng, the Commlsslon RESOLVED, us lt hereby resolves, to udopt the recommendutlon of the Luw
Depurtment thut pendlng the enuctment of the upproprlute luw by Congress, to mulntuln the stutus quo wlth Cotubuto Clty
us purt of Shurlff Kubunsuun ln the Flrst Leglslutlve Dlstrlct of Mugulndunuo. (Emphusls supplled)
However, ln prepurutlon for the 14 Muy 2007 electlons, the COMELEC promulguted on 29 Murch 2007 Resolutlon No.
7845 stutlng thut Mugulndunuos flrst leglslutlve dlstrlct ls composed only of Cotubuto Clty becuuse of the enuctment of
MMA Act 201.
On 10 Muy 2007, the COMELEC lssued Resolutlon No. 7902, sub|ect of these petltlons, umendlng Resolutlon No. 07-0407
by renumlng the leglslutlve dlstrlct ln questlon us Shurlff Kubunsuun Provlnce wlth Cotubuto Clty (formerly Flrst Dlstrlct of
Mugulndunuo wlth Cotubuto Clty).
In G.R. No. 177597, Semu, who wus u cundldute ln the 14 Muy 2007 electlons for Representutlve of Shurlff Kubunsuun
wlth Cotubuto Clty, pruyed for the nulllflcutlon of COMELEC Resolutlon No. 7902 und the excluslon from cunvusslng of
the votes cust ln Cotubuto Clty for thut offlce. Semu contended thut Shurlff Kubunsuun ls entltled to one representutlve ln
Congress under Sectlon 5 (3), Artlcle VI of the Constltutlon und Sectlon 3 of the Ordlnunce uppended to the Constltutlon.
Thus, Semu usserted thut the COMELEC ucted wlthout or ln excess of lts |urlsdlctlon ln lssulng Resolutlon No. 7902 whlch
mulntulned the stutus quo ln Mugulndunuos flrst leglslutlve dlstrlct desplte the COMELECs eurller dlrectlve ln Resolutlon
No. 7845 deslgnutlng Cotubuto Clty us the lone component of Mugulndunuos reupportloned flrst leglslutlve dlstrlct. Semu
further clulmed thut ln lssulng Resolutlon No. 7902, the COMELEC usurped Congress power to creute or reupportlon
leglslutlve dlstrlcts.
In lts Comment, the COMELEC, through the Offlce of the Sollcltor Generul (OSG), chose not to reuch the merlts of the
cuse und merely contended thut (1) Semu wrongly uvulled of the wrlt of certlorurl to nulllfy COMELEC Resolutlon No.
7902 becuuse the COMELEC lssued the sume ln the exerclse of lts udmlnlstrutlve, not quusl-|udlclul, power und (2) Semus
pruyer for the wrlt of prohlbltlon ln G.R. No. 177597 becume moot wlth the proclumutlon of respondent Dldugen P.
Dllungulen (respondent Dllungulen) on 1 June 2007 us representutlve of the leglslutlve dlstrlct of Shurlff Kubunsuun
Provlnce wlth Cotubuto Clty.
In hls Comment, respondent Dllungulen countered thut Semu ls estopped from questlonlng COMELEC Resolutlon No.
7902 becuuse ln her certlflcute of cundlducy flled on 29 Murch 2007, Semu lndlcuted thut she wus seeklng electlon us
representutlve of Shurlff Kubunsuun lncludlng Cotubuto Clty. Respondent Dllungulen udded thut COMELEC Resolutlon
No. 7902 ls constltutlonul becuuse lt dld not upportlon u leglslutlve dlstrlct for Shurlff Kubunsuun or reupportlon the
leglslutlve dlstrlcts ln Mugulndunuo but merely renumed Mugulndunuos flrst leglslutlve dlstrlct. Respondent Dllungulen
further clulmed thut the COMELEC could not reupportlon Mugulndunuos flrst leglslutlve dlstrlct to muke Cotubuto Clty lts
sole component unlt us the power to reupportlon leglslutlve dlstrlcts lles excluslvely wlth Congress, not to mentlon thut
Cotubuto Clty does not meet the mlnlmum populutlon requlrement under Sectlon 5 (3), Artlcle VI of the Constltutlon for the
creutlon of u leglslutlve dlstrlct wlthln u clty.
Semu flled u Consollduted Reply controvertlng the mutters rulsed ln respondents Comments und relterutlng her clulm thut
the COMELEC ucted ultru vlres ln lssulng Resolutlon No. 7902.
In the Resolutlon of 4 September 2007, the Court requlred the purtles ln G.R. No. 177597 to comment on the lssue of
whether u provlnce creuted by the ARMM Reglonul Assembly under Sectlon 19, Artlcle VI of RA 9054 ls entltled to one
representutlve ln the House of Representutlves wlthout need of u nutlonul luw creutlng u leglslutlve dlstrlct for such new
provlnce. The purtles submltted thelr compllunce us follows:
(1) Semu unswered the lssue ln the ufflrmutlve on the followlng grounds: (u) the Court ln Felwu v. Sulus stuted thut when u
provlnce ls creuted by stutute, the correspondlng representutlve dlstrlct comes lnto exlstence nelther by uuthorlty of thut
stutute whlch cunnot provlde otherwlse nor by upportlonment, but by operutlon of the Constltutlon, wlthout u
reupportlonment; (b) Sectlon 462 of Republlc Act No. 7160 (RA 7160) ufflrms the upportlonment of u leglslutlve dlstrlct
lncldent to the creutlon of u provlnce; und (c) Sectlon 5 (3), Artlcle VI of the Constltutlon und Sectlon 3 of the Ordlnunce
uppended to the Constltutlon mundute the upportlonment of u leglslutlve dlstrlct ln newly creuted provlnces.
(2) The COMELEC, uguln represented by the OSG, uppurently ubundoned lts eurller stunce on the proprlety of lssulng
Resolutlon Nos. 07-0407 und 7902 und |olned cuuses wlth Semu, contendlng thut Sectlon 5 (3), Artlcle VI of the
Constltutlon ls self-executlng. Thus, every new provlnce creuted by the ARMM Reglonul Assembly ls lpso fucto entltled to
one representutlve ln the House of Representutlves even ln the ubsence of u nutlonul luw; und
(3) Respondent Dllungulen unswered the lssue ln the negutlve on the followlng grounds: (u) the provlnce contempluted ln
Sectlon 5 (3), Artlcle VI of the Constltutlon ls one thut ls creuted by un uct of Congress tuklng lnto uccount the provlslons ln
RA 7160 on the creutlon of provlnces; (b) Sectlon 3, Artlcle IV of RA 9054 wlthheld from the ARMM Reglonul Assembly
the power to enuct meusures relutlng to nutlonul electlons, whlch encompusses the upportlonment of leglslutlve dlstrlcts for
members of the House of Representutlves; (c) recognlzlng u leglslutlve dlstrlct ln every provlnce the ARMM Reglonul
Assembly creutes wlll leud to the dlsproportlonute representutlon of the ARMM ln the House of Representutlves us the
Reglonul Assembly cun creute provlnces wlthout regurd to the requlrements ln Sectlon 461 of RA 7160; und (d) Cotubuto
Clty, whlch hus u populutlon of less thun 250,000, ls not entltled to u representutlve ln the House of Representutlves.
On 27 November 2007, the Court heurd the purtles ln G.R. No. 177597 ln orul urguments on the followlng lssues: (1)
whether Sectlon 19, Artlcle VI of RA 9054, delegutlng to the ARMM Reglonul Assembly the power to creute provlnces, ls
constltutlonul; und (2) lf ln the ufflrmutlve, whether u provlnce creuted under Sectlon 19, Artlcle VI of RA 9054 ls entltled to
one representutlve ln the House of Representutlves wlthout need of u nutlonul luw creutlng u leglslutlve dlstrlct for such
new provlnce.
In compllunce wlth the Resolutlon duted 27 November 2007, the purtles ln G.R. No. 177597 flled thelr respectlve
Memorundu on the lssues rulsed ln the orul urguments. On the questlon of the constltutlonullty of Sectlon 19, Artlcle VI of
RA 9054, the purtles ln G.R. No. 177597 udopted the followlng posltlons:
(1) Semu contended thut Sectlon 19, Artlcle VI of RA 9054 ls constltutlonul (u) us u vulld delegutlon by Congress to the
ARMM of the power to creute provlnces under Sectlon 20 (9), Artlcle X of the Constltutlon gruntlng to the uutonomous
reglons, through thelr orgunlc ucts, leglslutlve powers over other mutters us muy be uuthorlzed by luw for the promotlon of
the generul welfure of the people of the reglon und (b) us un umendment to Sectlon 6 of RA 7160. However, Semu
concedes thut, lf tuken llterully, the grunt ln Sectlon 19, Artlcle VI of RA 9054 to the ARMM Reglonul Assembly of the
power to prescrlbe stundurds lower thun those munduted ln RA 7160 ln the creutlon of provlnces contruvenes Sectlon 10,
Artlcle X of the Constltutlon. Thus, Semu proposed thut Sectlon 19 should be construed us prohlbltlng the Reglonul
Assembly from prescrlblng stundurds x x x thut do not comply wlth the mlnlmum crlterlu under RA 7160.
(2) Respondent Dllungulen contended thut Sectlon 19, Artlcle VI of RA 9054 ls unconstltutlonul on the followlng grounds:
(u) the power to creute provlnces wus not umong those grunted to the uutonomous reglons under Sectlon 20, Artlcle X of
the Constltutlon und (b) the grunt under Sectlon 19, Artlcle VI of RA 9054 to the ARMM Reglonul Assembly of the power
to prescrlbe stundurds lower thun those munduted ln Sectlon 461 of RA 7160 on the creutlon of provlnces contruvenes
Sectlon 10, Artlcle X of the Constltutlon und the Equul Protectlon Cluuse; und
(3) The COMELEC, through the OSG, |olned cuuses wlth respondent Dllungulen (thus effectlvely ubundonlng the posltlon
the COMELEC udopted ln lts Compllunce wlth the Resolutlon of 4 September 2007) und contended thut Sectlon 19, Artlcle
VI of RA 9054 ls unconstltutlonul becuuse (u) lt contruvenes Sectlon 10 und Sectlon 6, Artlcle X of the Constltutlon und (b)
the power to creute provlnces wus wlthheld from the uutonomous reglons under Sectlon 20, Artlcle X of the Constltutlon.
On the questlon of whether u provlnce creuted under Sectlon 19, Artlcle VI of RA 9054 ls entltled to one representutlve ln
the House of Representutlves wlthout need of u nutlonul luw creutlng u leglslutlve dlstrlct for such new provlnce, Semu und
respondent Dllungulen relteruted ln thelr Memorundu the posltlons they udopted ln thelr Compllunce wlth the Resolutlon of
4 September 2007. The COMELEC deemed lt unnecessury to submlt lts posltlon on thls lssue conslderlng lts stunce thut
Sectlon 19, Artlcle VI of RA 9054 ls unconstltutlonul.
The pendency of the petltlon ln G.R. No. 178628 wus dlsclosed durlng the orul urguments on 27 November 2007. Thus, ln
the Resolutlon of 19 Februury 2008, the Court ordered G.R. No. 178628 consollduted wlth G.R. No. 177597. The petltlon
ln G.R. No. 178628 echoed Semus contentlon thut the COMELEC ucted ultru vlres ln lssulng Resolutlon No. 7902
deprlvlng the voters of Cotubuto Clty of u representutlve ln the House of Representutlves. In lts Comment to the petltlon ln
G.R. No. 178628, the COMELEC, through the OSG, mulntulned the vulldlty of COMELEC Resolutlon No. 7902 us u
temporury meusure pendlng the enuctment by Congress of the upproprlute luw.
The Issues
The petltlons rulse the followlng lssues:
I. In G.R. No. 177597:
(A) Prellmlnurlly
(1) whether the wrlts of Certlorurl, Prohlbltlon, und Mundumus ure proper to test the constltutlonullty of COMELEC
Resolutlon No. 7902; und
(2) whether the proclumutlon of respondent Dllungulen us representutlve of Shurlff Kubunsuun Provlnce wlth Cotubuto Clty
mooted the petltlon ln G.R. No. 177597.
(B) On the merlts
(1) whether Sectlon 19, Artlcle VI of RA 9054, delegutlng to the ARMM Reglonul Assembly the power to creute provlnces,
cltles, munlclpulltles und burunguys, ls constltutlonul; und
(2) lf ln the ufflrmutlve, whether u provlnce creuted by the ARMM Reglonul Assembly under MMA Act 201 pursuunt to
Sectlon 19, Artlcle VI of RA 9054 ls entltled to one representutlve ln the House of Representutlves wlthout need of u
nutlonul luw creutlng u leglslutlve dlstrlct for such provlnce.
II. In G.R No. 177597 und G.R No. 178628, whether COMELEC Resolutlon No. 7902 ls vulld for mulntulnlng the stutus
quo ln the flrst leglslutlve dlstrlct of Mugulndunuo (us Shurlff Kubunsuun Provlnce wlth Cotubuto Clty [formerly Flrst
Dlstrlct of Mugulndunuo wlth Cotubuto Clty]), desplte the creutlon of the Provlnce of Shurlff Kubunsuun out of such dlstrlct
(excludlng Cotubuto Clty).
The Rullng of the Court
The petltlons huve no merlt. We rule thut (1) Sectlon 19, Artlcle VI of RA 9054 ls unconstltutlonul lnsofur us lt grunts to the
ARMM Reglonul Assembly the power to creute provlnces und cltles; (2) MMA Act 201 creutlng the Provlnce of Shurlff
Kubunsuun ls vold; und (3) COMELEC Resolutlon No. 7902 ls vulld.
On the Prellmlnury Mutters
The Wrlt of Prohlbltlon ls Approprlute to Test the Constltutlonullty of Electlon Luws, Rules und Regulutlons
The purpose of the wrlt of Certlorurl ls to correct gruve ubuse of dlscretlon by uny trlbunul, bourd, or offlcer exerclslng
|udlclul or quusl-|udlclul functlons. On the other hund, the wrlt of Mundumus wlll lssue to compel u trlbunul, corporutlon,
bourd, offlcer, or person to perform un uct whlch the luw speclflcully en|olns us u duty. True, the COMELEC dld not lssue
Resolutlon No. 7902 ln the exerclse of lts |udlclul or quusl-|udlclul functlons. Nor ls there u luw whlch speclflcully en|olns
the COMELEC to exclude from cunvusslng the votes cust ln Cotubuto Clty for representutlve of Shurlff Kubunsuun
Provlnce wlth Cotubuto Clty. These, however, do not |ustlfy the outrlght dlsmlssul of the petltlon ln G.R. No. 177597
becuuse Semu ulso pruyed for the lssuunce of the wrlt of Prohlbltlon und we huve long recognlzed thls wrlt us proper for
testlng the constltutlonullty of electlon luws, rules, und regulutlons.
Respondent Dllungulens Proclumutlon Does Not Moot the Petltlon
There ls ulso no merlt ln the clulm thut respondent Dllungulens proclumutlon us wlnner ln the 14 Muy 2007 electlons for
representutlve of Shurlff Kubunsuun Provlnce wlth Cotubuto Clty mooted thls petltlon. Thls cuse does not concern
respondent Dllungulens electlon. Ruther, lt lnvolves un lnqulry lnto the vulldlty of COMELEC Resolutlon No. 7902, us well
us the constltutlonullty of MMA Act 201 und Sectlon 19, Artlcle VI of RA 9054. Admlttedly, the outcome of thls petltlon,
one wuy or unother, determlnes whether the votes cust ln Cotubuto Clty for representutlve of the dlstrlct of Shurlff
Kubunsuun Provlnce wlth Cotubuto Clty wlll be lncluded ln the cunvusslng of bullots. However, thls lncldentul consequence
ls no reuson for us not to proceed wlth the resolutlon of the novel lssues rulsed here. The Courts rullng ln these petltlons
uffects not only the recently concluded electlons but ulso ull the other succeedlng electlons for the offlce ln questlon, us
well us the power of the ARMM Reglonul Assembly to creute ln the future uddltlonul provlnces.
On the Muln Issues
Whether the ARMM Reglonul Assembly Cun Creute the Provlnce of Shurlff Kubunsuun
The creutlon of locul government unlts ls governed by Sectlon 10, Artlcle X of the Constltutlon, whlch provldes:
Sec. 10. No provlnce, clty, munlclpullty, or burunguy muy be creuted, dlvlded, merged, ubollshed or lts boundury
substuntlully ultered except ln uccordunce wlth the crlterlu estubllshed ln the locul government code und sub|ect to upprovul
by u mu|orlty of the votes cust ln u pleblsclte ln the polltlcul unlts dlrectly uffected.
Thus, the creutlon of uny of the four locul government unlts provlnce, clty, munlclpullty or burunguy must comply wlth three
condltlons. Flrst, the creutlon of u locul government unlt must follow the crlterlu flxed ln the Locul Government Code.
Second, such creutlon must not confllct wlth uny provlslon of the Constltutlon. Thlrd, there must be u pleblsclte ln the
polltlcul unlts uffected.
There ls nelther un express prohlbltlon nor un express grunt of uuthorlty ln the Constltutlon for Congress to delegute to
reglonul or locul leglslutlve bodles the power to creute locul government unlts. However, under lts plenury leglslutlve
powers, Congress cun delegute to locul leglslutlve bodles the power to creute locul government unlts, sub|ect to reusonuble
stundurds und provlded no confllct urlses wlth uny provlslon of the Constltutlon. In fuct, Congress hus deleguted to
provlnclul bourds, und clty und munlclpul counclls, the power to creute burunguys wlthln thelr |urlsdlctlon, sub|ect to
compllunce wlth the crlterlu estubllshed ln the Locul Government Code, und the pleblsclte requlrement ln Sectlon 10,
Artlcle X of the Constltutlon. However, under the Locul Government Code, only x x x un Act of Congress cun creute
provlnces, cltles or munlclpulltles.
Under Sectlon 19, Artlcle VI of RA 9054, Congress deleguted to the ARMM Reglonul Assembly the power to creute
provlnces, cltles, munlclpulltles und burunguys wlthln the ARMM. Congress mude the delegutlon under lts plenury
leglslutlve powers becuuse the power to creute locul government unlts ls not one of the express leglslutlve powers grunted
by the Constltutlon to reglonul leglslutlve bodles. In the present cuse, the questlon urlses whether the delegutlon to the
ARMM Reglonul Assembly of the power to creute provlnces, cltles, munlclpulltles und burunguys confllcts wlth uny
provlslon of the Constltutlon.
There ls no provlslon ln the Constltutlon thut confllcts wlth the delegutlon to reglonul leglslutlve bodles of the power to
creute munlclpulltles und burunguys, provlded Sectlon 10, Artlcle X of the Constltutlon ls followed. However, the creutlon
of provlnces und cltles ls unother mutter. Sectlon 5 (3), Artlcle VI of the Constltutlon provldes, Euch clty wlth u populutlon
of ut leust two hundred flfty thousund, or euch provlnce, shull huve ut leust one representutlve ln the House of
Representutlves. Slmllurly, Sectlon 3 of the Ordlnunce uppended to the Constltutlon provldes, Any provlnce thut muy
hereufter be creuted, or uny clty whose populutlon muy hereufter lncreuse to more thun two hundred flfty thousund shull be
entltled ln the lmmedlutely followlng electlon to ut leust one Member x x x.
Cleurly, u provlnce cunnot be creuted wlthout u leglslutlve dlstrlct becuuse lt wlll vlolute Sectlon 5 (3), Artlcle VI of the
Constltutlon us well us Sectlon 3 of the Ordlnunce uppended to the Constltutlon. For the sume reuson, u clty wlth u
populutlon of 250,000 or more cunnot ulso be creuted wlthout u leglslutlve dlstrlct. Thus, the power to creute u provlnce, or
u clty wlth u populutlon of 250,000 or more, requlres ulso the power to creute u leglslutlve dlstrlct. Even the creutlon of u
clty wlth u populutlon of less thun 250,000 lnvolves the power to creute u leglslutlve dlstrlct becuuse once the cltys
populutlon reuches 250,000, the clty uutomutlcully becomes entltled to one representutlve under Sectlon 5 (3), Artlcle VI of
the Constltutlon und Sectlon 3 of the Ordlnunce uppended to the Constltutlon. Thus, the power to creute u provlnce or clty
lnherently lnvolves the power to creute u leglslutlve dlstrlct.
For Congress to delegute vulldly the power to creute u provlnce or clty, lt must ulso vulldly delegute ut the sume tlme the
power to creute u leglslutlve dlstrlct. The threshold lssue then ls, cun Congress vulldly delegute to the ARMM Reglonul
Assembly the power to creute leglslutlve dlstrlcts for the House of Representutlves? The unswer ls ln the negutlve.
Leglslutlve Dlstrlcts ure Creuted or Reupportloned Only by un Act of Congress
Under the present Constltutlon, us well us ln pust Constltutlons, the power to lncreuse the ullowuble membershlp ln the
House of Representutlves, und to reupportlon leglslutlve dlstrlcts, ls vested excluslvely ln Congress. Sectlon 5, Artlcle VI of
the Constltutlon provldes:
SECTION 5. (1) The House of Representutlves shull be composed of not more thun two hundred und flfty members, unless
otherwlse flxed by luw, who shull be elected from leglslutlve dlstrlcts upportloned umong the provlnces, cltles, und the
Metropolltun Munllu ureu ln uccordunce wlth the number of thelr respectlve lnhubltunts, und on the busls of u unlform und
progresslve rutlo, und those who, us provlded by luw, shull be elected through u purty-llst system of reglstered nutlonul,
reglonul, und sectorul purtles or orgunlzutlons.
x x x x
(3) Euch leglslutlve dlstrlct shull comprlse, us fur us pructlcuble, contlguous, compuct, und ud|ucent terrltory. Euch clty wlth
u populutlon of ut leust two hundred flfty thousund, or euch provlnce, shull huve ut leust one representutlve.
(4) Wlthln three yeurs followlng the return of every census, the Congress shull muke u reupportlonment of leglslutlve
dlstrlcts bused on the stundurds provlded ln thls sectlon. (Emphusls supplled)
Sectlon 5 (1), Artlcle VI of the Constltutlon vests ln Congress the power to lncreuse, through u luw, the ullowuble
membershlp ln the House of Representutlves. Sectlon 5 (4) empowers Congress to reupportlon leglslutlve dlstrlcts. The
power to reupportlon leglslutlve dlstrlcts necessurlly lncludes the power to creute leglslutlve dlstrlcts out of exlstlng ones.
Congress exerclses these powers through u luw thut Congress ltself enucts, und not through u luw thut reglonul or locul
leglslutlve bodles enuct. The ullowuble membershlp of the House of Representutlves cun be lncreused, und new leglslutlve
dlstrlcts of Congress cun be creuted, only through u nutlonul luw pussed by Congress. In Monte|o v. COMELEC, we held
thut the power of redlstrlctlng x x x ls trudltlonully regurded us purt of the power (of Congress) to muke luws, und thus ls
vested excluslvely ln Congress.
Thls textuul commltment to Congress of the excluslve power to creute or reupportlon leglslutlve dlstrlcts ls loglcul.
Congress ls u nutlonul leglsluture und uny lncreuse ln lts ullowuble membershlp or ln lts lncumbent membershlp through
the creutlon of leglslutlve dlstrlcts must be embodled ln u nutlonul luw. Only Congress cun enuct such u luw. It would be
unomulous for reglonul or locul leglslutlve bodles to creute or reupportlon leglslutlve dlstrlcts for u nutlonul leglsluture llke
Congress. An lnferlor leglslutlve body, creuted by u superlor leglslutlve body, cunnot chunge the membershlp of the
superlor leglslutlve body.
The creutlon of the ARMM, und the grunt of leglslutlve powers to lts Reglonul Assembly under lts orgunlc uct, dld not
dlvest Congress of lts excluslve uuthorlty to creute leglslutlve dlstrlcts. Thls ls cleur from the Constltutlon und the ARMM
Orgunlc Act, us umended. Thus, Sectlon 20, Artlcle X of the Constltutlon provldes:
SECTION 20. Wlthln lts terrltorlul |urlsdlctlon und sub|ect to the provlslons of thls Constltutlon und nutlonul luws, the
orgunlc uct of uutonomous reglons shull provlde for leglslutlve powers over:
(1) Admlnlstrutlve orgunlzutlon;
(2) Creutlon of sources of revenues;
(3) Ancestrul domuln und nuturul resources;
(4) Personul, fumlly, und property relutlons;
(5) Reglonul urbun und rurul plunnlng development;
(6) Economlc, soclul, und tourlsm development;
(7) Educutlonul pollcles;
(8) Preservutlon und development of the culturul herltuge; und
(9) Such other mutters us muy be uuthorlzed by luw for the promotlon of the generul welfure of the people of the reglon.
Nothlng ln Sectlon 20, Artlcle X of the Constltutlon uuthorlzes uutonomous reglons, expressly or lmplledly, to creute or
reupportlon leglslutlve dlstrlcts for Congress.
On the other hund, Sectlon 3, Artlcle IV of RA 9054 umendlng the ARMM Orgunlc Act, provldes, The Reglonul Assembly
muy exerclse leglslutlve power x x x except on the followlng mutters: x x x (k) Nutlonul electlons. x x x. Slnce the ARMM
Reglonul Assembly hus no leglslutlve power to enuct luws relutlng to nutlonul electlons, lt cunnot creute u leglslutlve dlstrlct
whose representutlve ls elected ln nutlonul electlons. Whenever Congress enucts u luw creutlng u leglslutlve dlstrlct, the
flrst representutlve ls ulwuys elected ln the next nutlonul electlons from the effectlvlty of the luw.
Indeed, the offlce of u leglslutlve dlstrlct representutlve to Congress ls u nutlonul offlce, und lts occupunt, u Member of the
House of Representutlves, ls u nutlonul offlclul. It would be lncongruous for u reglonul leglslutlve body llke the ARMM
Reglonul Assembly to creute u nutlonul offlce when lts leglslutlve powers extend only to lts reglonul terrltory. The offlce of
u dlstrlct representutlve ls mulntulned by nutlonul funds und the sulury of lts occupunt ls puld out of nutlonul funds. It ls u
self-evldent lnherent llmltutlon on the leglslutlve powers of every locul or reglonul leglslutlve body thut lt cun only creute
locul or reglonul offlces, respectlvely, und lt cun never creute u nutlonul offlce.
To ullow the ARMM Reglonul Assembly to creute u nutlonul offlce ls to ullow lts leglslutlve powers to operute outslde the
ARMMs terrltorlul |urlsdlctlon. Thls vlolutes Sectlon 20, Artlcle X of the Constltutlon whlch expressly llmlts the coveruge of
the Reglonul Assemblys leglslutlve powers [w]lthln lts terrltorlul |urlsdlctlon x x x.
The ARMM Reglonul Assembly ltself, ln creutlng Shurlff Kubunsuun, recognlzed the excluslve nuture of Congress power
to creute or reupportlon leglslutlve dlstrlcts by ubstulnlng from creutlng u leglslutlve dlstrlct for Shurlff Kubunsuun. Sectlon
5 of MMA Act 201 provldes thut:
Except us muy be provlded by nutlonul luw, the exlstlng leglslutlve dlstrlct, whlch lncludes Cotubuto Clty us u purt thereof,
shull remuln. (Emphusls supplled)
However, u provlnce cunnot legully be creuted wlthout u leglslutlve dlstrlct becuuse the Constltutlon mundutes thut euch
provlnce shull huve ut leust one representutlve. Thus, the creutlon of the Provlnce of Shurlff Kubunsuun wlthout u
leglslutlve dlstrlct ls unconstltutlonul.
Semu, petltloner ln G.R. No. 177597, contends thut Sectlon 5 (3), Artlcle VI of the Constltutlon, whlch provldes:
Euch leglslutlve dlstrlct shull comprlse, us fur us pructlcuble, contlguous, compuct, und ud|ucent terrltory. Euch clty wlth u
populutlon of ut leust two hundred flfty thousund, or euch provlnce, shull huve ut leust one representutlve. (Emphusls
supplled) und Sectlon 3 of the Ordlnunce uppended to the Constltutlon, whlch stutes:
Any provlnce thut muy hereufter be creuted, or uny clty whose populutlon muy hereufter lncreuse to more thun two hundred
flfty thousund shull be entltled ln the lmmedlutely followlng electlon to ut leust one Member or such number of Members us
lt muy be entltled to on the busls of the number of lts lnhubltunts und uccordlng to the stundurds set forth ln purugruph (3),
Sectlon 5 of Artlcle VI of the Constltutlon. The number of Members upportloned to the provlnce out of whlch such new
provlnce wus creuted or where the clty, whose populutlon hus so lncreused, ls geogruphlcully locuted shull be
correspondlngly ud|usted by the Commlsslon on Electlons but such ud|ustment shull not be mude wlthln one hundred und
twenty duys before the electlon. (Emphusls supplled)
serve us buses for the concluslon thut the Provlnce of Shurlff Kubunsuun, creuted on 29 October 2006, ls uutomutlcully
entltled to one member ln the House of Representutlves ln the 14 Muy 2007 electlons. As further support for her stunce,
petltloner lnvokes the stutement ln Felwu thut when u provlnce ls creuted by stutute, the correspondlng representutlve
dlstrlct comes lnto exlstence nelther by uuthorlty of thut stutute whlch cunnot provlde otherwlse nor by upportlonment, but
by operutlon of the Constltutlon, wlthout u reupportlonment.
The contentlon hus no merlt.
Flrst. The lssue ln Felwu, umong others, wus whether Republlc Act No. 4695 (RA 4695), creutlng the provlnces of
Benguet, Mountuln Provlnce, Ifuguo, und Kullngu-Apuyuo und provldlng for congresslonul representutlon ln the old und
new provlnces, wus unconstltutlonul for creutl[ng] congresslonul dlstrlcts wlthout the upportlonment provlded ln the
Constltutlon. The Court unswered ln the negutlve, thus:
The Constltutlon ordulns:
The House of Representutlves shull be composed of not more thun one hundred und twenty Members who shull be
upportloned umong the severul provlnces us neurly us muy be uccordlng to the number of thelr respectlve lnhubltunts, but
euch provlnce shull huve ut leust one Member. The Congress shull by luw muke un upportlonment wlthln three yeurs ufter
the return of every enumerutlon, und not otherwlse. Untll such upportlonment shull huve been mude, the House of
Representutlves shull huve the sume number of Members us thut flxed by luw for the Nutlonul Assembly, who shull be
elected by the quullfled electors from the present Assembly dlstrlcts. Euch representutlve dlstrlct shull comprlse us fur us
pructlcuble, contlguous und compuct terrltory.
Pursuunt to thls Sectlon, u representutlve dlstrlct muy come lnto exlstence: (u) lndlrectly, through the creutlon of u provlnce
for euch provlnce shull huve ut leust one member ln the House of Representutlves; or (b) by dlrect creutlon of severul
representutlve dlstrlcts wlthln u provlnce. The requlrements concernlng the upportlonment of representutlve dlstrlcts und
the terrltory thereof refer only to the second method of creutlon of representutlve dlstrlcts, und do not upply to those
lncldentul to the creutlon of provlnces, under the flrst method. Thls ls deduclble, not only from the generul tenor of the
provlslon ubove quoted, but, ulso, from the fuct thut the upportlonment thereln ulluded to refers to thut whlch ls mude by un
Act of Congress. Indeed, when u provlnce ls creuted by stutute, the correspondlng representutlve dlstrlct, comes lnto
exlstence nelther by uuthorlty of thut stutute whlch cunnot provlde otherwlse nor by upportlonment, but by operutlon of the
Constltutlon, wlthout u reupportlonment.
There ls no constltutlonul llmltutlon us to the tlme when, terrltory of, or other condltlons under whlch u provlnce muy be
creuted, except, perhups, lf the consequence thereof were to exceed the muxlmum of 120 representutlve dlstrlcts
prescrlbed ln the Constltutlon, whlch ls not the effect of the leglslutlon under conslderutlon. As u mutter of fuct, provlnces
huve been creuted or subdlvlded lnto other provlnces, wlth the consequent creutlon of uddltlonul representutlve dlstrlcts,
wlthout complylng wlth the uforementloned requlrements. (Emphusls supplled)
Thus, the Court sustulned the constltutlonullty of RA 4695 becuuse (1) lt vulldly creuted leglslutlve dlstrlcts lndlrectly
through u speclul luw enucted by Congress creutlng u provlnce und (2) the creutlon of the leglslutlve dlstrlcts wlll not result
ln breuchlng the muxlmum number of leglslutlve dlstrlcts provlded under the 1935 Constltutlon. Felwu does not upply to the
present cuse becuuse ln Felwu the new provlnces were creuted by u nutlonul luw enucted by Congress ltself. Here, the new
provlnce wus creuted merely by u reglonul luw enucted by the ARMM Reglonul Assembly.
Whut Felwu teuches ls thut the creutlon of u leglslutlve dlstrlct by Congress does not emunute ulone from Congress power
to reupportlon leglslutlve dlstrlcts, but ulso from Congress power to creute provlnces whlch cunnot be creuted wlthout u
leglslutlve dlstrlct. Thus, when u provlnce ls creuted, u leglslutlve dlstrlct ls creuted by operutlon of the Constltutlon
becuuse the Constltutlon provldes thut euch provlnce shull huve ut leust one representutlve ln the House of
Representutlves. Thls does not detruct from the constltutlonul prlnclple thut the power to creute leglslutlve dlstrlcts belongs
excluslvely to Congress. It merely prevents uny other leglslutlve body, except Congress, from creutlng provlnces becuuse
for u leglslutlve body to creute u provlnce such leglslutlve body must huve the power to creute leglslutlve dlstrlcts. In short,
only un uct of Congress cun trlgger the creutlon of u leglslutlve dlstrlct by operutlon of the Constltutlon. Thus, only
Congress hus the power to creute, or trlgger the creutlon of, u leglslutlve dlstrlct.
Moreover, lf us Semu clulms MMA Act 201 upportloned u leglslutlve dlstrlct to Shurlff Kubunsuun upon lts creutlon, thls
wlll leuve Cotubuto Clty us the lone component of the flrst leglslutlve dlstrlct of Mugulndunuo. However, Cotubuto Clty
cunnot constltute u leglslutlve dlstrlct by ltself becuuse us of the census tuken ln 2000, lt hud u populutlon of only 163,849.
To constltute Cotubuto Clty ulone us the survlvlng flrst leglslutlve dlstrlct of Mugulndunuo wlll vlolute Sectlon 5 (3), Artlcle
VI of the Constltutlon whlch requlres thut [E]uch clty wlth u populutlon of ut leust two hundred flfty thousund x x x, shull
huve ut leust one representutlve.
Second. Semus theory ulso undermlnes the composltlon und lndependence of the House of Representutlves. Under Sectlon
19, Artlcle VI of RA 9054, the ARMM Reglonul Assembly cun creute provlnces und cltles wlthln the ARMM wlth or wlthout
regurd to the crlterlu flxed ln Sectlon 461 of RA 7160, numely: mlnlmum unnuul lncome of P20,000,000, und mlnlmum
contlguous terrltory of 2,000 squure kllometers or mlnlmum populutlon of 250,000. The followlng scenurlos thus become
dlstlnct posslbllltles:
(1) An lnferlor leglslutlve body llke the ARMM Reglonul Assembly cun creute 100 or more provlnces und thus lncreuse the
membershlp of u superlor leglslutlve body, the House of Representutlves, beyond the muxlmum llmlt of 250 flxed ln the
Constltutlon (unless u nutlonul luw provldes otherwlse);
(2) The proportlonul representutlon ln the House of Representutlves bused on one representutlve for ut leust every 250,000
resldents wlll be neguted becuuse the ARMM Reglonul Assembly need not comply wlth the requlrement ln Sectlon
461(u)(ll) of RA 7160 thut every provlnce creuted must huve u populutlon of ut leust 250,000; und
(3) Representutlves from the ARMM provlnces cun become the mu|orlty ln the House of Representutlves through the
ARMM Reglonul Assemblys contlnuous creutlon of provlnces or cltles wlthln the ARMM.
The followlng exchunge durlng the orul urguments of the petltlon ln G.R. No. 177597 hlghllghts the ubsurdlty of Semus
posltlon thut the ARMM Reglonul Assembly cun creute provlnces:
Justlce Curplo:
So, you meun to suy [u] Locul Government cun creute leglslutlve dlstrlct[s] und puck Congress wlth thelr own
representutlves [?]
Atty. Vlstun II:
Yes, Your Honor, becuuse the Constltutlon ullows thut.
Justlce Curplo:
So, [the] Reglonul Assembly of [the] ARMM cun creute und creute x x x provlnces x x x und, therefore, they cun huve
thlrty-flve (35) new representutlves ln the House of Representutlves wlthout Congress ugreelng to lt, ls thut whut you ure
suylng? Thut cun be done, under your theory[?]
Atty. Vlstun II:
Yes, Your Honor, under the correct fuctuul clrcumstunces.
Justlce Curplo:
Under your theory, the ARMM leglsluture cun creute thlrty-flve (35) new provlnces, there muy be x x x [only] one hundred
thousund (100,000) [populutlon], x x x, und they wlll euch huve one representutlve x x x to Congress wlthout uny nutlonul
luw, ls thut whut you ure suylng?
Atty. Vlstun II:
Wlthout luw pussed by Congress, yes, Your Honor, thut ls whut we ure suylng.
x x x x
Justlce Curplo:
So, they cun ulso creute one thousund (1000) new provlnces, sen[d] one thousund (1000) representutlves to the House of
Representutlves wlthout u nutlonul luw[,] thut ls legully posslble, correct?
Atty. Vlstun II:
Yes, Your Honor. (Emphusls supplled)
Nelther the frumers of the 1987 Constltutlon ln udoptlng the provlslons ln Artlcle X on reglonul uutonomy, nor Congress ln
enuctlng RA 9054, envlsloned or lntended these dlsustrous consequences thut certulnly would wreck the trl-brunch system
of government under our Constltutlon. Cleurly, the power to creute or reupportlon leglslutlve dlstrlcts cunnot be deleguted
by Congress but must be exerclsed by Congress ltself. Even the ARMM Reglonul Assembly recognlzes thls.
The Constltutlon empowered Congress to creute or reupportlon leglslutlve dlstrlcts, not the reglonul ussemblles. Sectlon 3
of the Ordlnunce to the Constltutlon whlch stutes, [A]ny provlnce thut muy hereufter be creuted x x x shull be entltled ln the
lmmedlutely followlng electlon to ut leust one Member, refers to u provlnce creuted by Congress ltself through u nutlonul
luw. The reuson ls thut the creutlon of u provlnce lncreuses the uctuul membershlp of the House of Representutlves, un
lncreuse thut only Congress cun declde. Incldentully, ln the present 14th Congress, there ure 219 dlstrlct representutlves
out of the muxlmum 250 seuts ln the House of Representutlves. Slnce purty-llst members shull constltute 20 percent of totul
membershlp of the House, there should ut leust be 50 purty-llst seuts uvulluble ln every electlon ln cuse 50 purty-llst
cundldutes ure proclulmed wlnners. Thls leuves only 200 seuts for dlstrlct representutlves, much less thun the 219
lncumbent dlstrlct representutlves. Thus, there ls u need now for Congress to lncreuse by luw the ullowuble membershlp of
the House, even before Congress cun creute new provlnces.
It ls uxlomutlc thut orgunlc ucts of uutonomous reglons cunnot prevull over the Constltutlon. Sectlon 20, Artlcle X of the
Constltutlon expressly provldes thut the leglslutlve powers of reglonul ussemblles ure llmlted [w]lthln lts terrltorlul
|urlsdlctlon und sub|ect to the provlslons of the Constltutlon und nutlonul luws, x x x. The Preumble of the ARMM Orgunlc
Act (RA 9054) ltself stutes thut the ARMM Government ls estubllshed wlthln the frumework of the Constltutlon. Thls
follows Sectlon 15, Artlcle X of the Constltutlon whlch mundutes thut the ARMM shull be creuted x x x wlthln the
frumework of thls Constltutlon und the nutlonul soverelgnty us well us terrltorlul lntegrlty of the Republlc of the Phlllpplnes.
The present cuse lnvolves the creutlon of u locul government unlt thut necessurlly lnvolves ulso the creutlon of u leglslutlve
dlstrlct. The Court wlll not puss upon the constltutlonullty of the creutlon of munlclpulltles und burunguys thut does not
comply wlth the crlterlu estubllshed ln Sectlon 461 of RA 7160, us munduted ln Sectlon 10, Artlcle X of the Constltutlon,
becuuse the creutlon of such munlclpulltles und burunguys does not lnvolve the creutlon of leglslutlve dlstrlcts. We leuve
the resolutlon of thls lssue to un upproprlute cuse.
In summury, we rule thut Sectlon 19, Artlcle VI of RA 9054, lnsofur us lt grunts to the ARMM Reglonul Assembly the
power to creute provlnces und cltles, ls vold for belng contrury to Sectlon 5 of Artlcle VI und Sectlon 20 of Artlcle X of the
Constltutlon, us well us Sectlon 3 of the Ordlnunce uppended to the Constltutlon. Only Congress cun creute provlnces und
cltles becuuse the creutlon of provlnces und cltles necessurlly lncludes the creutlon of leglslutlve dlstrlcts, u power only
Congress cun exerclse under Sectlon 5, Artlcle VI of the Constltutlon und Sectlon 3 of the Ordlnunce uppended to the
Constltutlon. The ARMM Reglonul Assembly cunnot creute u provlnce wlthout u leglslutlve dlstrlct becuuse the
Constltutlon mundutes thut every provlnce shull huve u leglslutlve dlstrlct. Moreover, the ARMM Reglonul Assembly
cunnot enuct u luw creutlng u nutlonul offlce llke the offlce of u dlstrlct representutlve of Congress becuuse the leglslutlve
powers of the ARMM Reglonul Assembly operute only wlthln lts terrltorlul |urlsdlctlon us provlded ln Sectlon 20, Artlcle X
of the Constltutlon. Thus, we rule thut MMA Act 201, enucted by the ARMM Reglonul Assembly und creutlng the Provlnce
of Shurlff Kubunsuun, ls vold.
Resolutlon No. 7902 Complles wlth the Constltutlon
Consequently, we hold thut COMELEC Resolutlon No. 7902, preservlng the geogruphlc und leglslutlve dlstrlct of the Flrst
Dlstrlct of Mugulndunuo wlth Cotubuto Clty, ls vulld us lt merely complles wlth Sectlon 5 of Artlcle VI und Sectlon 20 of
Artlcle X of the Constltutlon, us well us Sectlon 1 of the Ordlnunce uppended to the Constltutlon.
WHEREFORE, we declure Sectlon 19, Artlcle VI of Republlc Act No. 9054 UNCONSTITUTIONAL lnsofur us lt grunts to
the Reglonul Assembly of the Autonomous Reglon ln Musllm Mlndunuo the power to creute provlnces und cltles. Thus, we
declure VOID Musllm Mlndunuo Autonomy Act No. 201 creutlng the Provlnce of Shurlff Kubunsuun. Consequently, we
rule thut COMELEC Resolutlon No. 7902 ls VALID.
Let u copy of thls rullng be served on the Presldent of the Senute und the Speuker of the House of Representutlves.

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