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Minimizing the Effects of Harmonics


Maritime Defence Vessels

Gary Michael Gilbert, CD,rmc, BEng

A thesis submitted
to the Depamnent of Electrical and Computer Engineering

Royal MiIitary College of Canada

Kingston, Ontario

i partial hifiIlment of the requirements for n

the degree

Master of Engineering
May 1999

Copyright by G.M. Gilbert, 1999

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To my lovely wife Catherine, who has supported my scholustic endemorsfor several years, and my two children: Gary and Siobhan.

Harmonics are generated by many different sources (motors, transformers, h a c e s , power converters, etc). Harmonics can cause major problems in the power quality of distribution systems (i.e., distortion of voltage and curent waveforms), and a great deal of research has been directed at their elirnination and/or reduction. This thesis develops simulation models of Maritime Defence Vessels using EDSA. EDSA is a very powerful electrical engineering software package that simplifies the simulation of complex electrical distribution systems. Harmonic distortions are eliminated &or reduced using passive filters. A new technique is presented for the placement and optimization of the filter. Dynamic load models are used to obtain redistic results. The method presented ensures that a power system has clean, reliable power that is unaffected
by the type of load, whether the load is linear or non-linear.


This research was suggested by Dr A.Y. Chikhani and Dr. D. Bouchard. 1 am
greatly indebted to Dr Chikhani for his guidance, advice, and extreme patience

throughout both my masters and my under graduate studies. 1 am also greatly indebted to Dr Bouchard for his coddence in my abilities throughout my studies and his dedication

i helping me resolve important issues surrounding the development of this work. n

1 would also like to express my thanks to Lt E.H. DeOlivera and LCdr Hudson for

their technical support concerning the work they had completed in harmonic studies.

Table of Contents

Introduction ....... . . .......................................... 1 .. . 1.1 General .............................................. I 1.2 Background .......................................... 2 ......................4 1.2.1 The Canadian Patrol Frigate 1.2.2 The Maritime Coastal Defence Vessel ................4 1.3 Thesis Objective ....................................... 5 1.4 Thesis Organization ................................... - 6 Chapter 2

.............................................................. 7

Harmonic Theory. Analysis and Reduction Techniques ....................7 2.1 Introduction .......................................... 7 2.2 Harmonic Analysis Techniques ...........................7 2.2.1 Time Domain Analysis Techniques ..................8 2.2.2 Frequency Domain Analysis Techniques .............10 2.2.3 Summary of the Harmonic Andy sis Methods ......... 12 2.3 Basic Definitions of Harmonic Quantities .................. 13 2.3.1 Total Harmonic Distortion ........................ 13 ..........................14 2.3.2 Distortion Power Factor 2.4 Common Sources of Harmonics .........................I S 2.4.1 Power Convertors ...............................16 2.4.2 Static VAR Compensators (SVC) .................. 17 2.4.3 Transformers .................................. 18 2.4.4 Synchronous Machines .......................... 1 8 2.4.5 Resonance Due to Harmonics ..................... 1 9 2.5 Harmonic Reduction Schemes ........................... 22 2.5.1 LoadModels .................................22 2.5.2 Harmonic Limit Compliance ......................24 2.5.3 AC Line Reactance ............................ -26 2.5.4 Multi-Pulse Methods ............................ 27 2.5.5 Phase Shifting .................................28 2.5.6 Active Filtering Within the Equipment ..............29 2.5.7 System Filtering Methods ........................ 30 Passive Filtering ..........................30 Active Filtering .......................... 31 Phase Staggering Methods ................. -32 2.6 SummaryofChapter2 .................................33

Mode1 Development for Filter Placement and Optimization ............... - 3 4 3.1 Generai .............................................34 System Mode1 ...................................... -36 3.2 3.3 Filter Location Algorithm ..............................41 3.4 Passive Filter Optirnization Synthesis ..................... 45 3.5 SummaryofChapter3 ................................. 57 Chapter 4

............................................................. 58

Evaiuation and Validation

4.1.1 4.1.2 4.1.3






Harmonic Analysis and Mode1 Validation ..................58 CPF Validation ................................. 58 MCDV Validation .............................. 64 Assessrnent of Models ...........................67 Variable verses Static Load Models ...................... 67 4.2.1 Assessrnent of Load Models .....................- 7 1 Filter Location ....................................... 71 4.3.1 CPF Filter Location ............................. 72 4.3.2 MCDV Filter Location ...........................77 4.3.3 Assesment of Filter Locations ....................81 Filter Optimization ....................................81 4.4.1 CPF Filter Optirnization Results ................... 82 4.4.2 MCDV Filter Optimization Results ................. 84 4.4.3 Assessrnent of Optimization ...................... 85 Sumrnary of Chapter 4 ................................. 86

Chapter 5

............................................................ - 8 7

Conclusions and Recommendations

5.1 5.1

.................................. 87

SummaryofWork ....................................87 Recommendations of Fume Work ....................... 88


............................................................ 89


List of Figures
Hamonic d y s i s techniques ........................................8 Industrial load ................................................... 11 Slot harmonies in a synchronous machine .............................. 19 Parallel resonance ................................................ 21 Series resonance .................................................. 22 Selection of the point of common coupling (PCC) .......................26 Use of multi-pluse convertors to cancel certain hannonics ................ - 2 7 Possible electronic phase shift to reduce'5 harmonic ..................... 28 PWM input convertor controlling harmonic currents .....................29 Use of passive filters to reduce specific h o n i c s .......................31
3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 3.5 3.6 3.7

MCDV 600V power generation & distribution system ....................37 Topology for the distribution system of the MCDV ...................... 40 Filter placement methodology ...................................... - 4 4 Standard RLC passive filters .......................................- 4 7 Passive filter synthesis .............................................48 Mode1 used in determination of transfer b c t i o n ........................ 49 Passive harmonic filter ............................................. 50 CPF ladder distribution system ...................................... 59 Reduced distribution system for the MCDV ............................ 64

Variable load profile in emergency conditions .......................... 68 Variable load profile in normal sailing conditions ........................ 68 Variable load profile at anchor ......................................- 6 9 Numbered topology diagram for the CPF .............................. 72 Filter location results for the CPF (THDJ ..............................75 Filter location r e d t s for the CPF (THD, .............................76 ) Filter location results for the MCDV(THD3 ............................ 79 Filter location results for the MCDV (THD, ) ........................... 80

List of Tables
The relationship between THDI and pf,, ...............................15 Hannonic current distortion limits ....................................25 Symbols for the MCDV distribution system ............................38 Range of component values for the passive filter ....................... - 5 5

Load profiles used to validate previous work ..........................-60 Static frequency current injection ....................................61 Load profiles for 440V power panels ................................. - 6 2 Cornparison between Cymharmo and EDSA harmonic distortions ..........-63 Loading profile for distribution s s e for the MCDV ....................65 ytm MCDV 600V bus harmonic content: Micro Tran vs EDSA ................ 66 Variable load verses static load profile for the CPF ......................70 Variable load profile verses static load profile for the MCDV .............. 70 Filter placement summary for the CPF ................................ 74 Filter placement summary for the MCDV ............................. 7 8 Filter optimization results for the CPF ................................- 8 2 Filter component values before and after optimization for the CPF ..........83 Filter optimization results for the MCDV .............................. 84 Filter component values before and afler optimization for the MCDV ........ 85

List of Abbreviations

Altemathg current Canadian Patrol Frigate Diesel altemator Direct curent Hertz Kilovolt Kiloampere Motor altemator Maritime Coastal Defence Vesse! Power distribution panel
Static var compensator







Switchboard Thyristor controlled rectifier Total harmonic distortion Telephone interference factor



Chapter 1 Introduction


With ever increasing demands on power systems, there is a need to supply clean,
reliable power to the consumer. In an ideal power system, energy is supplied at a single and constant fiequency, and at a specified voltage level of constant magnitude. These conditions are rarely fulfilled in practice due to the introduction of nonlinear loads that affect the power quality [Il. Every power system with nonlinear Ioads has the potential

of producing hannonics. Harmonies, in an electrical power system, are currents and

voltages with fiequencies that are integer multiples of the fundamentai power fiequency.

Thus, in a power system with a fundamental fiequency of 60 Hz, the second harmonic is
120 Hz, the third harmonic is 180 Hz, and this repeats for al1 integer multiples of the fundamental, fiom 2 to infinity. These harmonics can cause distortions in the power supply, and subsequently produce harmfid results for the power producer and consumer

aiike [Il.
There has been significant research in the reduction and elimination of the

harmonies produced by nonlinear type loads [l-51. The resuits of this research are that
several difTerent types of harmonic elimination methods are now available. In this work, the problem of harmonics on Canadian Navy ships is examined. Due to the physical nature of the naval vessels, the size and location of the hamionic elimination scheme

becornes a critical factor. This thesis wiU look at two of the Canadian Navy's vessels: the
Canadian Patrol Frigate (CPF)and the Maritime Coastal Defence Vessels (MCDV).

These two maritime vessels have dflerent problerns associated with harmonic distortion. The harrnonic distortion in the CPF powet s s e cause problems with the fluorescent ytm lighting. These problems account for a dramatic reduction in the life of the fluorescent lights, and subsequentiy create an increased operational cost for lighting on the CPF. In a paper written by Dwyer et al [l], the authors connmi these problems w t hamionics and ih fluorescent lighting. The MCDV has experienced destruction of the Silicon Controlled Rectifier (SCR) cabinet control cards, which c m also be s h o w to be a result of harmonic distortion.
When the control card fails, the MCDV is left without any propulsion system and must be

towed into the nearest port. This results in very expensive repairs and most irnportantly this problem causes loss in combat effectiveness. The problems associated with the destruction of electronic devices, such as controller cards, are discussed in the IEEE Standard 5 19-1992 [2]. It is in the interest of the Canadian Navy to understand how this harmonic distortion can cause h d l resuits and how to effectively eliminate the problem.


Harmonic studies play an important role in the analysis of power distribution


These harmonic studies detemine how the harmonics are created and how to

reduce or possibly eliminate their presence within the power signal. Two of the most common methods used in the study of harmonics use tirne domain and fiequency domain analysis. i the tirne-domain, Fourier analysis allows a wavefonn to be solved for its n

hdamental frequency and its harmonic components. However, in the frequency domain, the use of fiequency scans can detemine the harmonic components of the distorted waveform. Once the harmonic components are determined, it is necessary to determine whether these harmonie components are at an acceptable level in accordance with the IEEE standard. The Canadian Navy imposes the IEEE standard for hamionics during the design of their vessels.

If it is determined that harmonic levels need to be reduced, an effective harmonic

reduction scheme must be used. These reduction schemes include various filtering methods that include active or passive filtering [2]. The focus of this work is the use of a passive filter to reduce the hannonic content to an acceptable level. The various harmonic filtering devices, as well as the passive filter, will be discussed later within this

work. However, with any filtering device, the filter needs to be connected to the
distribution system. Within the IEEE Standard 5 19-1992, the traditional method used to decide the placement of the passive filter is the point of cornrnon coupling (PCC).The

PCC is an arbitrary placement of filtering devices based on the actuai source of the
hannonic distortions. In the naval vessels, the PCC could be the main switchboard, afler switchboard, forward switchboard, or any of the power panels within the distribution system itself

The selection of the PCC can be viewed i a paper written by Halpin et al [5]. In n
this thesis, a novel method for filter placement is developed that determines the filter

placement based on the physical limitations of the vessel itself, and not the possible PCC locations within the vessel. On a ship, it may be physically impossible to connect a filter

at the PCC. The filter placement method detemiines the possible physical locations for connecting a filter.


The Canadian Patrol Frigate (CPF)

The CPF is responsible for a multitude of tasks, including fishery patrols,

diplomacy, and warfare. The CPF is equipped with many different devices that allow the vessel to carry out these tasks, ranging fiom sophisticated weapon systems to propulsion systems. In order to supply to power to al1 of the loads, the CPF is equipped with four diesel generatoa connected to two 440 V ac switchboards. There are redundancies

within the distribution system so that when parts of the vessel are damaged or destroyed,
combat effectiveness can still be maintained. In a previous study [3], Hudson investigated the effects of harmonics, the sources of hamionics, the frequencies of harmonics, and various techniques to reduce the

harmonics. The results of this work established that potential problems can be created by
resonant conditions within the distribution system that increased the harmonic currents by

as much as 25% at some locations. T i thesis will expand on the mode1 used in hs
Hudson's studies, and implement the proposed filter placement and optimization techniques to reduce the harmonic distortion within the vessel.

1 3 The Maritime Coastal Defence Vesse1 (MCDV) 3

The MCDV is designed to patrol the coastlines of Canada against potential threats
to the country. Unique design methods were used in the MCDV,in that the MCDV uses

a direct cunent (dc) propulsion system that is operated by a sophisticated electnc drive system. The electnc drive system has power supplied by a converter with two SCR cabinets that provide the dc power required. The conversion from altemating current (ac) to dc generates high harmonic cunents. These hamonic cunents are injected into the distribution system, subsequently creating harmfl results. Control cards within the SCR cabinets are affected by the harmonic currents, resulting in failure. The power distribution system is supplied by four diesel generaton, which produce 600 V ac, 3 phase, 60 Hz to meet the needs of propulsion and auxiliaiies. This redundancy in power supplies is typical of a modem day warship, and allows the vessel to

sustain battle damage and still maintain battle effectiveness. Previously, the effects,
sources, fiequencies, and transient effects of harmonics, and various techniques to reduce

the harmonics, were investigated by DeOlivera [4]. The results of that work established
the harmonic problems that exist within the MCDV,and identified harrnonic reduction schemes that could be carried out to reduce the harmonic Ieveis. This thesis uses the system developed in [4], and implements the proposed filter placement and optimization to reduce the harmonic content within the vessel.


Thesis Objective
The objective of this thesis is to investigate the electrical power qudity of the CPF

and the MCDV by using cornputer simulations, and to validate previous work completed
on the vessels. In order to complete this objective, the following goals were specified:

to develop a load mode1 to reproduce the hamionic distortions produced

by the CPF and the MCDV;


to implement a variable load model instead of the static load model; to develop a method for specieing the placement of passive filters to reduce harmonics; and,


to optimize the passive filter size after its location has been determined.


Thesis Organization The material in this thesis is organized as follows:

Chapter 2 provides the background on harmonic analysis techniques, harmonic sources, and various methods used to reduce harmonics;

Chapter 3 develops the harmonic filter placement method and the optimuation of the filter;

Chapter 4 presents the results obtained for the following: (a) (b) (c) validation of previous work

use of the variable load model instead of a static load

filter placement method


filter optimization

Chapter 5 provides concluding remarks, and recommendations for fiiture work

Chapter 2

Harmonie Theory, Analysis and Reduction Techniques


Harmonies are created by nonlinear loads within the power distribution system.

There are many types of nonlinear loads which generate harmonies, such as motoa, transfomiers, arc h a c e s , and power converters [2]. To examine harmonic distortion, it is necessary to determine what harmonic analysis approach can be used for the

distribution system under study. The two primary approaches for harmonic studies
include the t h e domain and the fiequency domain. In this chapter, harmonic analysis techniques, various sources of hamonics, and possible harmonic reduction techniques wiil be explored.


Harmonic Analysis Techniques

Hannonic studies need to be carried out systematically to determine the problems

associated with a particular distribution system, and available software and test
equipment often determines the best possible approach. There have been several
advances in the modeling techniques that can be used for the various components within a

distribution system [3-51. Figure 2.1 shows a gened outline for the harmonic analysis
procedure (which is a guideline for the determination of the harrnoaic content), and will
be explained within this chapter. Harmonic studies can be referred to as harmonic

penetration techniques [2]. These studies are concerned with the calcuiations of harmonic currents and voltages throughout the distribution system.

Figure 2.1. Harmonie analysh techniques

As cm be seen from Figure 2.1, the harmonic penetration method is broken into hvo main

areas: time domain analysis and frequency domain analysis.

22.1 Time Domain Analysis Techniques

Time domain andysis represents the system mode1 using differential equations.
Solutions are obtained by assuming initial conditions and integrating the system over time. Once the system has reached steady state, voltage and current wavefoms are

analyzed using Fourier andysis to detemine the hamonic components of the wavefom.
Fourier analysis is the process of decomposing distorted periodic waveforms into a fundamental wave and a set of harmonies. Frequency components of the wavefom c m be identified from the Fourier series expansion.

The following equation shows the relationship between the fiequency and the time

wheref(r) represents the function in the time domain and F(w) represents the function in the fiequency domain. To determine the specific amplitudes of the harmonic components, the periodic wavefom f(' is represented by an i n f i t e sum of sine and
cosine functions, as follows:

f ( t ) = ;a,

+ C (ahcos(hwot)+6, sin(haot))

where a, is the average value of the functionf(r), a, and b, are the Fourier coefficients of

, the series, o the fiindamental fkequency of the periodic fnction, and h the harmonic
order. The Fourier coefficients are detennined from:

a,, = T



( t )cos(hq+)dt;

where h = 2 to Wy Fourier analysis is well-established and cm be used to determine t .

harmonic iostabilities and power system non-iinearities. However, the method is a

computational burden and subsequently restncted to smaller distribution systems [6]. Another irnplementation of the tirne domain method is the solution obtained through circuit analysis. Circuit analysis is used to detemine the voltage and c m n t

waveforms. Afier steady state is reached within the circuit, Fourier aaalysis can be used
to detemine the fndarnentai and subsequent harmonic components of the wavefoms.

The use of circuit analysis is a computational burden; and, this technique is also restncted to smaller distribution systems.

23.2 Frequency Domain Analysis Techniques

Frequency domain analysis techniques can use either the curent injection or the impedance-Erequency locus methods. Examples of applications using the fiequency mode1 can be viewed in references [7-91. The current injection method is based on the assurnption that harmonic currents are generated by nodinear loads and are independent

of the voltage and cunent wavefoms [9]. T e nodinear load is modeled as an ideal h
harmonic current generator. To demonsnate how the current injection method can be implemented, Figure 2.2 will be used.

Substation Transfomer

Figure 2.2. Indushial Lord (from [2j)

The circuit in Figure 2.2 represents a typical industrial load as a harmonic cunent source, and is used for estimating voltage distortion, harmonie-current magnitudes and
naturai frequency. With the cunent injection method, it is necessary to calculate the

voltage at each known harmonic represented by the following equation:

v, = q r ,
where 1, is the current produced by the source at Nh harmonic, and 2 is the paraliel ,


combination of the source impedance and capacitive reactance of the Khharmonic. The current injection method can solve the harmonic problems in large distribution systems. However, modeling a nonlinear device as a linear constant current source can lead to inaccuracies due to the loss of information in the conversion. The constant current device

has been shown to work quite well where the cumnt sources are known and the total
voltage distortion i less than 10% [8]. s

The impedance-fiequency loci method uses the frequency response of a given


power system at the point of harmonic injection by the use of a frequency scan. The frequency scan will scan a range of fiequencies and obtains discrete points at each fiequency which are normalized to the fundamental voltage or current source. The results
fiom the fiequency scan are generally the input impedance or admittance at a particulas

point in the distribution system, and can be displayed in the fonn of an impedance fiequency plot. The fiequency scans yield zero, negative and positive sequence results. The impedance-fiequency loci method can give the necessary information required to obtain the impedance transfer function which c m be used to obtain the system transfer function. A subsequent circuit synthesis dlows the fiequency dependent model of the system to be determined, and this can be used in distribution systems optimization

7. prograrns [ ] The impedance-fiequency loci method will be used to obtain the

impedance transfer function of the s s e model later i this work. ytm n


Summary of the Hamonic AnaIysis Methods

The different approaches for harmonic analysis begin with the classification of the different harmonic d y s i s methods that are available. The modeling of the distribution

s s e in the fiequency domain is the most extensively used approach [SI. Frequency ytm
domain methods are very effective in the detemination of the THD within the system, whereas tirne domain methods can become a computationai burden and rely on the initial conditions of the network. The outline of the harmonic analysis approach shows the various paths that can be used to determine the harmonie content for a given distribution

s s e . The methods used in this thesis to determine the hannonic distortions will be in ytm

the fiequency domain.


Basic Definitions of Hirmonic Quantitics Mien discussing harmonies, it is necessary to understand how the different

hamonic properties are calculated. Harxnonic indices provide the necessary framework required to discuss harmonic components for a given network. An in-depth analysis of these harmonic indices can be viewed in [SI,and therefore this section will briefly review

the prevalent hmonic indices.


Total Harmonic Distortion

The total harmonic distortion (MD) used to determine whether or not a is

distribution system is considered to have acceptable levels of harmonic distortion

(acceptable levels can be found in IEEE Standard 5 19-1992 [2]. The total harmonic for distortion (THD) the voltage (V) and the current (1) are calculated by the following fonnulsle:


where h is the harmonic component value ranghg fiom 2 to infinity. The resuits are

usually multiplied by 100 to express the amount of distortion as a percentage.


Distortion Power Factor

The distortion power factor is used when determining the PCC within the
ytm distribution s s e ,and is calculated with the following formula:

The relationship between the total and distortion power factors is denved by the
following formulae:

where Y, is the voltage fidamental, 1, is the curent bdarnental,

Y' is the root mean

squared of the resultant voltage, 1 is the root mean squared of the resultant cunent, P is , the average power contributed by the harmonics, andpA, is the totai power factor. According to [SI,only a small portion of the average power (P) is contributed by hmonics. Equation (2.10) can be expressed by the following equation:

where P, is the average power excluding harmonics. Table 2.1 shows the relationship

between the THD, and pf,,

Table 2.1. The Relationship between THD,and pf,, (from [S])

Table 2.1 shows how the distortion power factor decreases as the THD, increases. The power factor relationship shown in (2.1 1) indicates that the harmonic distortion can be reduced by the use of power factor correction. T e power factor indicates the degree h of resistiveness or reactiveness of an electrical system. Power factor conection is the reduction of the lagging reactive component to bring the distribution system closer to
unity. However, in the case of the distortion power factor, the use of passive or active

harmonic filters should be used to improve the distortion power factor instead of conventional means of power factor correction, such as the addition of a capacitor [5]. When the harmonic filters reduce the harmonic distortion, from Table 2.1, the distortion power factor will increase and subsequently improve the power factor of the distribution

sse. ytm


Common Sources of Harmonics

Harmonic problems within the distribution s s e are caused by excessive ytm

voltage distortion in the power supply system [2]. This distortion c m involve the combination of excessive harmonic injections fiom various non-linear loads, and thus the isolation of individual sources of harmonic distortion can become a dificult task. There is a need to understand isolated sources of harmonics within a given distribution system. Once dl known sources of harmonics are detemined, it becomes simpler to investigate possible solutions to eliminate these harmonics fiom the distribution system. In the system mode1 used in this work, possible sources of harmonics include the following: (a)
(b) (c) (d)

power convertors; static var compensatoa; transfomen; and, synchronous machines.


Power Converton
Solid state power converters are used increasingly in thyristor controlled reactive

power compensators, motor controllers, single phase power supplies, and cornputers. The power converter is a major source of harmonics within the distribution system [IO,1 11.

The amount of harmonic current for a static power converter depends on the ac
wavefonns at the converter terrninals, converter configuration, type of control, ac s s e ytm

impedance and dc circuit parametea. The main source of harmonic currents are the

phase coneolled rectifier and the inverter. One type of commonly used convertor is
refened to as the ppulse convertor, where the value of the pulse number @) is the total
number of successive non-simultaneous commutations occuning within the convertor

during each cycle when operated without phase control. The value ofp can also be represented by the number of pulses present in the dc output voltage. Specific exarnples

and applications of various p-pulsed convertors can be viewed in reference [6].

The currents produced by a p-pulse power converter can be represented by the following equations:

I, = I,/h;and,

where h represents the harmonic order and p is the number of pulses of the converter.

The equation is valid if the following conditions are met:


the converter input voltages are balanced;


unequal cornmutating reactance exists between phases; and, unequally spaced firing pulses are present in the converter bridge.

therwise, the converter will produce non-characteristic harmonics which are not integer multiples of the fundamentai frequency. These harmonics are considered inter-harmonies due to theu non-characteristic nature [6].


Static VAR Compensaton (SVC)

The static var compensator w t thyristor controlled shunt reactor (TCR)is an ih

effective and reliable means of power system voltage regulation. Static var compensators, with thyristor controlled shunt reactors, are used in high power voltage regulation systems. The TCR will generate both harmonic and inter-harrnonic currents
[6]. In a baianced, three-phase operation, the TCR will produce odd orders of harmonic

currents, and, in a balanced three phase delta configuration system fomng a six-pulse

TCR,only hmonics of order 6ntl will exist The harmonic content will be reduced as
the puise order is increased [SI. The SVC symmetry of control pulses provides a balance

within the system; otherwise, the system is unbaianced and the amount of harmonic

e current increases. However, the balance of the SVC can b altered by the following
problems: fuing pulse imbalauce, fundamental supply voltage imbalances, equipment asymmeies, and transformer saturation. These problems have been investigated by several authors, for example [10,111.



The harmonic distortion caused by transfomen is primarily due to the inrush of

magnetizing current when the transformer is in the transient stage fiom unloaded to partly
or fully loaded conditions. It is at this stage that the transformer cm generate excessively

high harmonic currents. An indepth analysis of the harmonic generation fiom

tnuisformen was carried out by Arrillaga et al 1121, and it is shown how the power

quality is afFected by transformers.


Synchronous Machines

The synchronous machine can produce harmonics due to armature slots which are
common in these types of devices. Figure 2.3 illustrates how the high frequency space harmonics produced by the slots inherent in the synhronous machine distort the fndamental wavefom. It is important to note that each of the harmonic components is

formed due to the physical dots of the generator.

Figure 23.

Slot Harmonics i a Synchronous Machine (from [Z]) n

The order of the dot hannonics is d e h e d by the following formula and has been derived in references [3] and [12] :

Harmonie-Order = 2m f 1
where m is the number of dots in the synchronous machine. According to [5], the


harmonics associated with slot harmonics are generally small; however, the synchronous machine contributes to the overall THD of the distribution network and must be considered.

2.4.5 Resonance Due to Harmonics

Harmonic filters are designed to block the flow of harrnonics f h m their normal path. Without harmonic filters, the distribution system would be primarily inductive in nature, even at harmonic frequencies. When harmonic filters are part of a distribution
system, the system may resonate at the resulting natural frequency. These natural

frequencies cm be troublesome if they are near the harmonic fiequency, in particular the odd harmonics [Il]. Two of the most common problems that can arise from the introduction of the harmonic filter are parallel and series resonance. Parallel resonance occurs when the parallel inductive and capacitive reactance of

the system are equal at a resonant fiequency. The paraliel combination of the capacitor

and the source impedance of the equivalent circuit that is created at the Gequency
very large in value to the harmonic source. The resonant fkquency of the parallel


combination is calculated with the foilowing formula [SI:

where A N A , is the short-circuit MVA at the point where the filter is introduced in the

distribution system, and W A R is the rating of the harmonic filter. If compensating harmonic current is injected at this point, significant voltage and current distortions will result due to the large impedance that is produced at the resonant fkquency. The effect of the parallel resonance is the magnification of the harmonic currents injected by a nonlinear load. The size of the load is the major factor in the attenuating harmonic distortion caused by this resonant condition. As the load increases, the magnification of the harmonic currents at resonance decreases due to the lower impedance path that is created
by the changing load. Therefore, the system is more susceptible to harmonic distortion

due to paralle1 resonance when the system is lightly loaded or m d y motors.

Figure 2.4 shows the circuit that illustrates parailel resonance.

Figure 2.4.

ParaHel Resonance (from 151)

I Figure 2.4, X represents the compensating device and X represents the line n , ,
impedance. At resonance, these quantities are equal in value. Series resonance occurs when the senes inductive and capacitive reactance of the system are equal at a resonant frequency and the series irnpedance is very low in value compared to the hannonic source. The resonant frequency of the senes combination is

calcuiated with the following formula [SI:

In series resonance, there is no magnification of the compensating harmonic cunent;

however, there are two primary results: interference in communication lines and voltage distortion. The main problems that are caused with series resonance are capacitor and

fuse failures, due to overload conditions.

Figure 2.5 shows the circuit that illustrates series resonance.

Figure 2.5.

Series Resonance (from [5])

In Figure 2.5, X, represents the compensating device and X, represents the line
impedance. At resoaance, these quantities are equal in value. It should be noted that in
the case of a filter, X will be the filter impedance. ,


Hannonic Reduction Schemes

There are severai methods for addressing the problems of harmonics within a
distribution system, and the best solution for a given system will depend on that particular

system. Fundamentally, harmonics are similar in nature; however, the size of the system
in question will determine which method should be used to investigate the harmonic content and subsequent reduction schemes. For the purposes of this work, only passive filtering methods are investigated (due to cost restrictions and the physical restrictions of
the systern models).


Load Models In any reduction scheme, the load mode1 used for of the distribution system is very

important [2]. Research in hamonic studies has shown the importance of using an accurate system model when studying a specific distribution system [3,4,12- 151. Within this research it was established that the variable load model should be used when suficient data is available. The ability to produce an accunite system model for hamionic calculations, whether they are in the fiequency domain or the t h e domain, is difficult. The load models that are used in the hannonic studies are static or variable in natureStatic load models are represented as a constant impedance, constant cunent, constant

MVA or a combination of the three. The static Ioad model s a e r s f o the Iack of im
sensitivity towards voltage and fiequency changes which constitute one of the major drawbacks of the model. The variable load model can be broken into two types [15] and


component-based approach; and, measurement-based approach.


The component-based approach builds the load model fiom information on the
dynamic behavioa of individual components and load components for a particular bus. For larger distribution systems, the s w e y s of load components are very dificult tasks.

The rneasurement-based approach involves placing senson at various load buses to

determine model structures and model parameten. h i s approach has the advantage of direct measurements of actual load behaviors and can yield load models directly in the form needed for existing computer program input. The variable load model used in this work and described in Chapter 4 uses the measurement-based approach as detailed in [131-


Harmonic Limit Cornpliance

n i e placement of the harmonic reduction filter is typically limited to the PCC and

is outlined in [2]. There are two standards for the placement of harmonic reduction

schemes and the groups who produce these standards are the following: International
Electrotechnical Commission (IEC),and the E E E [5]. According to the IEC,al1 parts of

a distribution system must comply with the accepted harmonic limit, whereas the IEEE
requires the point of common coupling (PCC) comply with the harmonic limit. The to

PCC is a place in the distribution system where one or more nonlinear loads are
comected to a common node. The placement of the PCC is empirically determined by calcdation of the short circuit capability of the distribution system. Distribution systems cm have higher levels of harmonic cunents without higher levels of voltage distortion. The IEEE recommends
the maximum Total Demand Distortion for different voltage levels, as Table 2.2 outiines

for odd harmonic components. The short circuit anaiysis provides the value that is used to determine the bounds of the allowable current distortion at the PCC. From Table 2.2,
,1 is the short circuit current and 1 is the maximum demand load current at the ,

fundamental fiequency at the PCC. The calcdation of the Total Demand Distortion is similar to the calculation for the THD shown in Equations 2.5 and 2.6, except load

current is used instead of the fiindamental current.

11shc 17


23sh< 35




20 .

1. O

0.7 1.O

50 .



12.0 15.0 20.0


5.0 6.0



Table 23.

Harmoaic Current Distortion Limits (from [2])

The PCC can be located on either the primary or secondary side of a transformer depending on where other utility customers are located. For example, in Figure 2.6, the other utility customers are wt fed by the secondary side of the transformer, and therefore the PCC is located on the prirnary side of the transformer. The placement of the PCC would be on the secondary side of the t d o r m e r if the secondary side of the transformer

fed other utility costumen.


Selecon of the PCC where other Customers can be supplied

Figure 2.6.

Selection of the Point of Common Coupling (from 121)

In a paper written by Thiem et al [lq, the method for finding the PCC within a distribution system is presented. The authors describe a procedure for selecting the PCC based on the sources of the harmonic distortions. However, the method does not consider

the physical location of the PCC,and therefore it could not be used in smaller distribution
systems, such as those found in naval vessels.


AC Line Reactance AC Iine reactance can be added to a distribution system by the use of an inductor-

input filter which wouid improve the performance of three-phase 6-pulse converters. The
inductance slows the transition of the curent transfer that exists when commutation

occurs. The success of this method depends on the amount of dc voltage drop that the system can handle under load [5]. This method may have some merit in the application of harmonic reduction within defence vessels; however, the focus of this work is the use of the passive filter for harmonic reduction.

2.5.4 Multi-Pulse Methods The multi-pulse method has two advantages: reduction of ac input line current
harmonics and reduction of dc output ripple voltage. The basic principle of this method is to connect several converters to permit the harmonics generated by one converter to cancel the harmonics generated by other converters. Figure 2.7 provides a circuit demonstration of a multipulse converter application. T i method could be implemented hs

in the MCDV,however, the cost of the additional convertor would not make this
harmonic reduction scheme very practical.

Figure 2.7. Use of Multipulse Converten to Cancel Certain Harmonies (from 161)


Phase Shifting
The use of phase-shifting transformers to reduce the harmonic content is

accomplished by the addition of the output of more than one converter. One converter codd have thyristors (SCRs) gated to operate with a 15 degree lag and the other converter operathg with a 15 degree lead, gated to operate with gate-turn-off thyristors (GTOs) producing a phase shiR of 30 degrees, and would eliminate most of the harmonic.

T i method c m only reduce one harmonic at a time; therefore it could be effective if hs

there is one dominant harmonic that needs to be eliminated. Figure 2.8 illustnttes how a

phase shift c m be obtained electronically by using two converten. T i method is similar hs

ih to the multi-pulse method w t the addition of the phase-shifting transformers, and the
cost would not make this harmonic reduction scheme very practical.

GTOs gated at +f 5"

Figure 2.8.

Possible Electronic Phase Shift to Reduce Sth Harmonic (from [6])


Active Filtering Within the Equipment

The developrnent of variable-fiequency drives (VFD) has led to the creation of

sophisticated microprocessors that have Uicreased the capabilities of the VFD itself. The

VFD c m be used to control the amount of power being supplied to the dc load. T i hs
method is demonstrated in a paper written by Simonetti et al [18]. In this paper, the

authors have shown the effectiveness of the VFD to reduce the harmonic content within
the s s e . Figure 2.9 illustrates the Pulse Width Modulation (PWM) input converter ytm controlling hannonic currents. This method is restncted to small power levels, and could
not be implemented with the naval vessels under study.

High-frequency GTO converter

Figure 2.9.

PWM Input Converter Controllhg Harmonie Currents (from [6])


System Filtering Methods

System filtea (passive, active or phase staggering) have been in use for several

ihn years. System filtering methods offer a quick solution to the harmonic problems w t i a
given distribution system. With the developments in the system filtering method provided by this thesis, the system filter, specifically the passive filter, becomes a viable option. Passive Ftering

There are two primary types of passive filters: series and parailel. The series filter

is designed to have a high impedance at the tuned fiequency, which blocks the unwanted
fiequency component fiom continuing to travel through the distribution system. The parallel filter is designed to have a low impedance at the tuned frequency to trap the unwanted harmonic component. The frequency of the harmonic, and the power levels

within the distribution system, dictate the filter size. Prelirninary research has shown that
passive filters can effectively elirninate or reduce the desired harmonic component within

the distribution s s e [19,20]. ytm

nie parallel passive filter is designed to reduce the impedance at the desired
frequency to a low value to ensure the unwanted harmonic component is shunted to ground. The amount of harmonic power for the specific harmonic component should be

used in the design of the filter, ensuring that the filter cm handle this power level. It may
be advisable to iatroduce another passive filter to split the power to ensure that each filter is not overloaded by harmonie currents fiom the distribution system. Under certain fault

conditions, the passive filter c m introduce more problems than the harmonic value it was designed to reduce. Therefore, different fault conditions must be applied during design to investigate possible problems, such as those discovered by Hudson [3]. These problems couid be parallel and series resonance as described in sections 2.4 and 2.5, respectively. To reduce the Likelihood of parailel or series resonance occurring, the passive filter should not be designed to reduce an integer multiple of the supply fiequency [2], but should be off tuned fiom the harmonic component for which it has been designed [19]. For example, if the passive filter is designed to reduce 5" harmonic effect, then the filter should be tuned for 4.8 times the fundamental instead of five times the fbndamental.

Figure 2.10 illustrates the use of passive filters to eliminate harmonies.

Frequency selective lowimpedance paths

Hamionic cunents

t - - - -


Inductive source impedance defines available shodcimua curent.

Figure 2.10. Use of Passive Filters to Reduce Specific Harmonies (from 161)

2.5.72 Active Filtering

Active filtering is very effective, as the active filter is designed to eliminate the

unwanted harmonics dynamicaily. The active filter eluninates the unwanted hmonics
by introducing currents to cancel the unwanted hannonic via electronic circuitry based on

existing harmonic at any given moment [211. One of the main drawbacks to the active
filter is the cost; however, if cost is not a concem, the active filter cm be more effective

than either the passive filter or the phase staggering method. There has been work in the
area of a hybrid filter which combines properties of the passive and active filter [22]. More recently, Chicharo et al [23], demonstrated the use of an adaptive infnite impulse response line enhancer filter that tracks the fundamental fiequency of the inverter output voltage and harmonic line current in a power system to actively reduce the harmonic content by providing the filter the required harmonic signal information, thus proving to be an effective method of harmonic reduction. The active filter can be used in a multitude of applications, including the system models under study within this work; however, the primary drawback is the increased cost of the active filter due to its complexity.

2.5.73 Phase Staggering Methods

The phase staggering method of harmonic reduction is implemented when there

are multiple loads that can be fed fiom different phase-shifting transformers. The
distribution system hannonics are reduced by feeding the current for the equipment

through phase-shifbg ansformers. The harmonics fiom one transformer will be 180
degrees out of phase with those other transformer, subsequently canceling the hamonic

rnethod is most effective when each of the converters component. The phase stagge~g

are equally loaded [2]. 2.6

Summary of Chapter 2

Chapter 2 provided the background on the harmonic analysis techniques, harmonic sources, and various methods used to reduce harmonics. Each distribution system under study must be treated differently and thoroughly understood before the harmonics within the system can be effectively analyzed and subsequently reduced.

The next chapter will develop the passive filter placement method and
optimization. In Chapter 3, the direction of the harmonic analysis and subsequent filtering reduction schemes are illustrated.

Chapter 3

Model Development for Filter Placement and Optimization


In the previous chapter, harmonic analysis techniques and possible reduction

schemes were introduced. For the purposes of this work, the use of the passive filter was
selected due its lower cost and relative size. This thesis presents a novel passive filter

placement scheme and a method to locally optirnize the filter. Filter placement is an important issue in the reduction of hannonics because of the potential problems that c m

be created with the introduction of the filter itself, kcluding parallel or series resonance.
Therefore, it is important that the filter placement be thoroughly sirnulated before acnially physically placing it within the distribution system. Previously, filter placement has been restricted to the PCC. This thesis will shifi fiom the concept of the PCC to an empirically determined method that allows the harmonic filter to be placed where the physicai limitations of the system under study allow. For both the CPF and the MCDV,the previous work [3] and [4] respectively determined the ideal placement of the PCC. In the case of the maritime coastal vessels, the ideal PCC at just outside the SCR cabinets could not be realized due to physical limitations of the compartrnents where the cabinets are located. The passive filter required for the MCDV is similar in size to the SCR cabinet; therefore the filter could not be physically placed beside it. However, there is enough physicd space for the filter to be installed in other locations throughout the vesse1 and still reduce the effects of the harmonic distortion. In the case of the CPF,the ideal location of the PCC at the main


switchboard could be realized because there is enough space to physically place the passive filter at the optimal position. The parallel passive filter can then be locaily optimized at the place determined by the filter placement method discussed M e r in this chapter This work is concerned with smaller distribution systems, and, in the case of maritime coastal vessels, the distribution systems are considered relatively small i n nature. The passive filter is tuned to the harmonic level that has been determined to be a problem. The parallel passive filter placement method c m be empirically determined

through an exhaustive search pattem in the topology of the distribution system to

determine the reduction in harmonic content throughout the entire system when the filter is placed at each node in the topology. By using every node in the topology, the results will show that there are several locations throughout the distribution where the filter can

be physically placed and still reduce the hamonic distortion. However, the number of
nodes in the s e m h pattern can be reduced by only using nodes where the filter can be physicaily placed. Since maritime coastal vessels have very Iittle space where a paraIlel

passive filter of the size required by the IEEE guideline [2] could be installed, it would be
beneficiai to have a scheme to allow a search pattern so that physically realizable

positions for the filter can be obtained. It is to this end that this filter placement scheme was developed.

The method of the placement of the filter requires that the system under study be
throughly understood before the implementation of the filter placement method, including

the hamonics of concem and the physical collstraiats on the placement of the filter.

Therefore, the intention of this work is to provide a means to determine where the filter can be physically placed within the distribution system and still reduce the hannonic distortion to an acceptable level. Once the filter location is determined, the filter must be optirnized for the harmonic component that it was designed to reduce or eliminate.


System Mode1 The first step in the filter placement procedure was to produce a computer

model of the distribution system under study. The computer simulation of the Navy vessels was done using the software called EDSA [24]. EDSA was selected because of its increased capabilities over Cymharmo and Micro T a ,in that it provides a total rn solution package for designing, simulating, and anaiyzing electrical distribution systems in a Windows or NT environment. EDSA provides a visual representation of the distribution whereas Cyrnharmo and Micro Tran have a coded representation of the distribution As a result of the visual representation of the disrribution, the operator will have fewer errors in the development of the system model. To avoid repetition, only the

MCDV will be discussed in the following sections; however, the filter placement
locations were determined for both the CPF and MCDV and can be viewed in Chapter 4. Figure 3.1 shows the simplified distribution s s e for the MCDV. The distribution ytm

s s e was simplified to include the areas of harmonic concern. ytm

PropulsionDIA H (tbd M )

Propulsion DIA I n


Propulsion DIA tl (Port F ) M

Stbd Propulsion

Figure 3.1. MCDV 6V Power Generatioo & Distribution System (from 141)

R e d = cabinet (6-puise. 3-phase. thpnorcoatroned dual coiw#tcr)

1150 k W h h propulricm sep--micd DC motor d n q one propeler dxougb r

2-Drive coiiQiirrbon ( h o cahd 'aamh

Table 3.1.

Symbois for the MCDV Distribution System (from [JI)

The simplified distribution system of the MCDV s h o w in Figure 3.1 is restricted to the

600V,propulsion support, deck auiliary, and the ship's service switchboard. The power

generation for the MCDV comprises four 715 K W diesel-altematos that supply the main switchboard with 600V,3 phase, 60Hz power. The items that are not labeled in Figure
3.1 were not used in the topology of the distribution system, and the primary focus of the

distribution system is Iimited to the items shown in Table 3.1. The auxiliary loads are not s h o w in the diagram but were used in the development of the variable load profiles discussed later within this chapter. The loading profiles of the distribution system are discussed in Chapter 4. The symbols shown in Figure 3.1 are explained in M e r detail
in Table 3.1. The layout of the distribution system is required to produce the topology

used in the filter placement method. Once the distribution mode1 has been validated by supporting data or by previous simulations, the topology of the distribution system can be produced. In the case of the

CPF and the MCDV,the computer simulation models were validated by previous work
completed and power quality analysis in [3] and [4] respectively. Within this work, the models were simulated using the computer software called EDSA. The results of the mode1 validation can be viewed in Chapter 4. The next step in the filter placement methodology is to convert the distribution system into a topology diagram. The topology for the MCDV is shown in Figure 3.2.

Topology For MCDV

Main Bus (1)

Port Prop Bus (3)

Stbd Prop Bus (2)

De& Aux Bus (4)

Service SWBD Bus (5)

SCR Cabinet ( m 6) S ,
600V/450V Tx Bus (8)

SCR Cabinet (Port, 7)

Figure 32. Topology for the Distribution System of the MCDV

The buses of the distribution system are numbered to provide position numben
for filter placement, and these nurnbers are referred to as nodes. Each of the power

supplies, main buses, transformers, power panels, or other possible locations of harmonic sources are numbered. The SCR cabinets are included in nurnbering for the MCDV

because of the high harmonic content that is generated at these points. In the case of the

CPF,power panels were included in the numbering.


Filter Location Algorithm

Harmonic d y s i s provides the ability to calculate and display the impedance

ih fkequency response of d l buses with respect to a harmonic source at a given bus, and wt
respect to positive, zero, and negative sequence networks. EDSA displays the impedance frequency response graphically or in text format, in ohms or pu, and phase angle in degrees or radians. The impedance fiequency response is based on the fiequency domain analysis approach, but the results can be displayed in the time domain if desired.

The harmonic analysis is f camed out for the system without harmonic filter m
compensation. The hannonic analysis determines what harmonic components need to be reduced in order to reduce the THD to meet the Iimits of the IEEE standard for the distribution system. Once a specific harmonic component has been identitied as a potential problem based on the IEEE allowable distortions, a pwive filter cm be selected. Figure 3.2 illustrates possible filter locations. After a filter configuration is selected, the filter is designed to meet the requirements of the distribution system in question. For example, if the 5" hannonic (which is 300 Hz if the fundamental fiequency is 60 Hz) is excessively high in value, the filter is tuned to a value of siightiy below 300

Hz. According to studies carried out by Kawann et al [19], the filter shodd be m e d to a

value of approxirnateiy 2% lower than the resonant fiequency in order to avoid parallel or
series resonance. For the purposes of this example, the fifter would be nined for 294 Hz

The derivation of the actual components is detemhed by this fiequency and the quality

The quality factor of a RLC series circuit is defined as the ratio of the reactive
power of either the inductor (L) or the capacitor (C) to the average power of the resistor at

X) resonance. At resonance, the capacitive reactance (, is equal to the inductive reactance

(Xh, therefore, only the derivation of the inductive reactance will be shown. The quality
factor for the type 1 filter (see Figure 3.4 on page 47) is calculated by the following


where X, is defined by:

X, = 2Rj;L
Ais the resonant tiequency of the filter, and L is the inductance selected. The formula
used to calculate the resonant fiequency is the following:

For the purposes of this work, the quality factor was set at 50. The maximum Q for commercially available coils can be as hi& as 100 [2], so it is reasonable to assume that a value of 50 c m be obtained. Dependhg on available components (RLC), the filter cm be tuned to 294 Hz to reduce the effects of the srnharmonie. This thesis restricts the

components to a pre-detemiined range of filter component values before the optimization of the filter is carried out. This procedure will be discussed later in this chapter. Once the components of the filter have been calculated, the filter is placed at node number one and the harmonic mdysis is carried out. The calculation m u t be carried out at each new node location because the passive filter alters the overall system impedance at the new location, and this change in the system's impedance may cause resonance problems, as previously discussed. Therefore, this step is repeated at each node until there are no major differences in the harmonic levels at nodes or sub-nodes or new hamonic problems due to parailel or series resonance. Major differences were arbitranly chosen to be harmonic distortions greater than 1%, and could be changed as required. Sub-noder are created if there is a difference in the THD of 1% at adjacent nodes. Subnodes are placed midway between adjacent nodes. For example, if there was a difference of 1% between nodes 1 and 2, then a sub node named 1.5 would be created. In the event that sub nodes are created then m e r frequency scans are carried out until there are no new sub-nodes created. Figure 3.3 shows the flowchart for the filter placement method.

Figure 33.

Filter Placement Method

The results of the parallel filter placement scheme outlined in Figure 3.3 will be shown in chapter 4. This method assumes that the required software is available, and that the topology of the distribution system c m be obtained. Mer, the completion of the steps outlined in Figure 3.3, it mut be detemined where the filter can be placed due to space restrictions within the vesse1 itself. The location of the parallel passive filter is critical in the optimization of the filter, as the system irnpedance at that location is

n converted into a transfer h c t i o n used i the objective fnction. For the purposes of this
work, it is assumed that the passive filter can be physically Iocated at the main switchboard for both vessels. This location was arbitranly chosen to reduce the complexity of the calculations involved in the optimization process by fixing the physical location of the passive filter.


Parrllel Passive Filter Optimization Synthesis

P d l e l passive filters are less affected by component drift, due to manufacturing

and environmental changes, than other types of filtering rnethods (1 9,201. The

optimization of the passive filter is based on a composite objective function which focuses on the following two parameters: reduction of the harmonic current of concern and the prevention of paralle1 resonance. As discussed earlier, parallel resonance may cause more problems than the original armonic distortion before the placement of the harrnonic filter itself. The p h a r y goal of the optimization is to maximize the harmonic

s nnmzn current that i shunted to ground through the parallel passive filter, while r i i i i g the

filter components. T e derivation of the objective b c t i o n is discussed later in this h

chapter. Parallel passive filter synthesis includes the type of the specific filter, the placement of the filter and the optimization of the filter. The filter optimization is calculated at the node selected. For the purposes of this work, the location of the parallel filter was located at the main switchboard. The parallel passive filter is nined to the harmonic component that is to be reduced. Locations chosen for both of the test systems were the main switchboard as the ideal placement of the parallel passive filter; however, this location would normally be detemined via the filter placement methodology previously discussed. The filter placement scheme is implemented before the optimization in order to maxirnize the effects of the paraliel passive filter at the point of filter placement. Figure 3.4 shows four standard passive filters that EDSA uses and which are accepted by the IEEE Standard

519-1992. T i work will show the development of the second order filter (Type 3) for hs
the MCDV for the placement and optimization of the parailel passive filter. All four

filters shown in Figure 3.4 were optimized for the location where the filter could be
physically installed in both vessels, and the reduction of the THD due to these filters are shown in Chapter 4.

Figure 3.4. Standard RLC Passive Fters (from 1241)

The optimization of the parallei filter uses the information that EDSA provides
after a fiequency scan and the harmonic analysis simulations are performed. However, there was a need to use an additional software package to interpret the results produced
h m EDSA. Matlab was chosen as aid in the extrapolation of the information produced

fkom EDSA. The results are translated into a text document to be interpolated by the
Matlab tooibox, 'Frequency Domain System Identification Toolbox' [25]. Toolboxes

within Matab are a collection of pre-fabricated programs which are used to implement
various processes. From the information obtained in the simulations using E D S h Matlab was prognuned to determine the transfer function of the system impedance and

the various values of the objective function within the constraints of filter component

values that are selected. The caiculated system transfer function used in the objective
f'unction provides biasing that speeds up the convergence of the objective function. Table

3.2 shows the component values that were selected for the purposes of this work.

The transfer fiinctions for the system and the filter were used in the objective

function and are discussed later in this chapter. For the purposes of this work, it was assumed that the system was a balanced three phase system, and that a single phase analysis could be used. Figure 3.5 shows the system model used for the derivation of the objective hctioa. The objective function is cornprised of the harmonic cunents s h o w
in this figure.

(Total Hannonic Current)

' 1 'ht
f Ilter Placement at the Selected Node of the Distribution System

Filter lmpedance

Figure 3.5.

Passive Filter Synthesis

Zks) represents the filtes irnpedance and Z&) represents the system irnpedance. In

Figure 3.5 oniy the harmonic currents are represented, and a harmonic anaiysis is required
, ., to determine the values of 1 and 1

The general model used in the determination of the

transfer bction is shown in Figure 3.6 fiom reference [25].

Figure 36 ..

Mode1 used to determine of the system transfer functioa (from [25))

The system tnuisfer function is represented by Matlab as the following: H(Q),

where !Q = Fj~ =j2zfin the Laplace domain. For the purposes of this work, H(Q) is equivalent to YJs) and is used in the objective hinction. The excitation signal has complex amplitudes X at preselected h m o n i c fiequencies hw, and the response of the

s s e at the placement of the filter is Y. The measured input and output complex ytm
amplitudes are compted by noises N, and N,. The erroa are assumed to be Gaussian, which means that the signals are uncorrelated between input and output. The unknown parameters of the s s e transfer function are termed the vector P, and the complex ytm inputs and outputs amplitudes are vecton X and Y respectively. The equation used in the determination of the t r a d e r fiinction by Matiab's toolbox is the following:

where M is the number of zeros, nd is the nurnber of poles, and T is the sampliag period. ,


The spnipling penod will be used in the starting iteration and will determine time required

for miriirhization of the transfer f'unction. It is recornmended to keep this value between O and 1 by the author of the toolbox [ 6 . As the order of the tramfer fiction is increased, 2] the accuWy of this bction increases, but so too, does the computation time required for
Matlab ta converge on a solution. For the purposes of this work, it is assumed that the

transfer bction obtained using the 5" order for M and nd, fiom Equation 3.3, is vaiid, and will be referred to as Y,(s). The system transfer function obtained at the main switchbogd for the MCDV is the following:

The riext part of the objective function is the transfer function of the filter itself.

Figure 3.7 represents one of the parallel filters used in this work. This figure indicates the
components with their s-space values to determine the transfer function.


Figure 37 Passive Harmonic Filter (from [24)) ..

The developrnent of the transfer f'unction is shown with the following formulae:

The transfer fnction for a Type 3 filter is simplified by the following equation:.

The values of RLC were determined when the objective function retumed specific
values d e r optimization. The objective function is the total h m o n i c current, and is a combination of the remainhg system harmonic curent and the harmonic current for

which the passive filter is tuned. The objective h c t i o n begins w t Kirchoff s current ih
law applied at the filter placement location, except only the harmonic currents are used.

The generai objective function used i the determination of the passive filter n
components begins with the following equation: = G,(8) + W)

where equation 3.7 is derived fiom Figure 3.5 with the following formula:

lh I~~+ rh =
where Ihf is the filter's harmonic current and 1 is the remaining system's harmonic ,


1 2,(s) = Y,(s)
substituting equations 3.1 0 and 3.1 1 into 3.9 y ields the following formulae:

4, = &(Y,(s) Y/&!) +
rearranging 3.12 i terms of Vhyields the following formulae: n


to eiiminate V, the following terms are used:

by substituting the terms h m 3 .l4, the following equations are derived:

With equations 3.15 and 3.16, the following ratio of currents can be represented in terms
of the filter transfer fiuiction, YXs), and the system transfer huiction, Y ) in order to &, obtain the objective function shown in equation 3.7.

where G,(s) represents the ratio of system harmonic current to the total harmonic current

at the filter placement location, Gs represents the ratio of filter's current to the total ,) (
harmonic cunent., I',-is the harmonic current of the specified fkquency for the filter, I, is

the harmonic current of the specified fiequency for the syaem,and 1,is the total harmonic

current. The ratios of hannonic currents were used in equation 3.7 in order that the
equation was represented in terms of the transfer function of the system and filter. As a

result of normalizing equation 3.7 when the harmonic current ratios were used, the

equation is coaseained too aiways being equal to one. This ensures that oniy the filter
panuneters will be the oniy variables in the optimization of the objective function.

The objective function is derived by the substitution of s=jo into Equation 3.7 and the ansposing the equation into the following summation:

Subject to:

ph R I

cm" CI cm"

N represents the highest order of discrete harmonic fiequencies under study, k represents
the harmonic order of the filter, and o represents the 2-x-f(in this thesis, f = 60Hz). For
example, if one of the discrete fiequencies of concem is the 5" harmonic, then o will be equal to h ( 3 0 0 ) and N will be equd to 5.

Within Matiab's Optimization toolbox, there are many different optimization

techniques that codd be used to solve the optimized filter's parameten. Equation 3.19
was constructed to have the harmonic current of the filter and the remaining harmonic

current seen by the system at the selected filter placement node. Since the filter parameters and the selected harmonic fiequency are the constraints of the objective fnction, the problem of optimization could be transformed into an easier problem. It
was to this end, that the objective h c t i o n dealt with the filter and system transfer

fiinctions. The optimization of the objective function could now be solved with the use

of the minllnax fiiaction within the optimization toolbox.

The minima minimizes the worst-case value of a set of multivariable fitnctions
starting at an initial estimate. The value was subjected to the constraints of fiter

parameters and the harmonic fiequency that the parallel passive filter was tuned for. The minimax fnction within Matlab generates the optimization of the objective function with the following equation:


yy(~; + G(X) < O (x)) r;;

where x is a vector and F(x) and G(x) are bctions that retum vector values. F,(x) is the value of the i' element of the vector returned by F(x). G(x) represents the equality constraints imposed on the objective f'unction. Table 3.2 shows the equality constraints for the pararneters (RLC) for the passive filter under study.

R (9)

c (PF)

L (Hl
Mn i
O. 1



Max 03 .

Table 3.2. Range of Component Values for the Passive Filter

The values of RLC depend on component availability. The cornponent values were
continuously constrauied in the optimization of Equation 3.1 9. It should be noted that
the optimization cannot guarantee a global minimum is found; however, it will yield a

local minimum.
A global minimum would be the ideal value obtained; however, there is no real

method that ensures that this value is obtained with a complex problem s h o w in
Equation 3.19. The constrained objective function simplifies the optimmization process to dlow for convergence of the hction to a minimum value. Whether this value is a local

minimum or a global minimum canwt be guaranteed. The scope of this thesis was to
show that the parallel passive filter's h c t i o n could be improved after optimization. Therefore, only one method of optimization was used within this work and the only one technique was implemented to ensure that a global minimum value was achieved. This technique was the selection of the initial estimates were selected below, above and withh the consfraints shown in Table 3.2. The various initial estimates confumed that the sarne

minimum is achieved. Obtaining same minimum does not prove that the minimum is a
global value; however, it is a good indication that the minimum could be a global value. For the purposes of this work, the value obtained from the optimization was assurned to

be a global minimum.
M e r the optimization of Equation 3.7, the specific values of the objective function are obtained. Subsequently, al1 of the combinations possible with the values from Table 3.1 can be extrapolated from the results of the Optimization process. The filter values are updated with the minimal values obtained fiom the optimization process. The new component values will ensure that the minimum impedance of the filter is obtained allowing the maximum value of the harmonic current to be shunted to ground. Afier the values of the filter are detemiined, the filter data is upiiated and the hamionic analysis is nia again. The resuits in Chapter 4 show that d e r optimization of

the filter, the THD for both the CPF and MCDV decrease in harmonic content by as much

as 50%.



In the preceding chapter, the filter placement method has been illustrated, and optimization of the passive filter has been outlined. With a combination of the filter placement method, and subsequent optunization, the passive filter becomes a viable option for harmonic reduction.
The next chapter will show the results of the passive filter placement method and


Chapter 4

Evaluation and Validation


Harmonic Analysis and Mode1 Validation

The previous chapter outlined the proposed filter placement method and

subsequent optimization of the passive filter. This chapter provides the results of system modeling, and shows the results obtained using the new rnethod.


CPF Validation
The fm step in the validation of the CPF mode1 was to simulate the vessel under

the same loading conditions as in the previous work. The CPF mode1 was sirnulated

with the 43 harmonic sources that were identified as being potential harmonic problem
areas within the distribution system. The harmonic sources are comprised of 10 static

fiequency converters and 33 unitemiptible power supplies (UPS). The static fiequency converters (SFC) basically an inverter, that produces an output frequency different are fiom 60 Hz. In the case of the CPF,the SFC produces power at 400 HZ which is used

for the combat systems on the vessel. The 33 UPS's on the CPF provide backup power

in the event of power failures. Figure 4.1 illustrates the ladder diagram for the 43
h m o n i c sources pre-detemined and their comection scheme within the CFF's distribution system. The Iadder diagram shows how the forward and after switchboards

cm be connected to provide redundant power supplies for the vessel. Table 4.1 shows
the load profiles that were used in the validation of the previous work on the CPF,to ensure that the program EDSA was providing resdts sllnilar to the given load model.

Figure 4.1.

CFP ladder distribution system (from 131)



Forwnrd Enginc Room (FER)

2 KW


Fonvwd Enginc Rwm (FER)

Fonvard Enginc Room (FER)

2 KW
2 KW 2 KW


Fonvrvd Communication Rwm (FCR)

Table 4.1 Lord profdes used to validate previous work (from 131)

The mode1 shown in Figure 4.1 provides the general layout of the CPF's distribution system. The point of validating the distribution system was to ensure that the parameters entered into the software prognim were providing adequate resuits, before proceeding to the proposed work The estimated design data for the Static Frequency Converter is show in Table 4.2.
Static fiequency current injections

Harmonic Component

Percentage Distortion

Table 4.2.

Static frequency current injection (from (31)

As seen in Figure 4.1, the locations of the static fiequency converters are shown by the numbers in the square symbois within the ladder diagram. The components were

assumed to be running at full load (19.7 Arnps) and have the same conditions as the
previous work. Values fiom Table 4.2 were used in lieu of the UPS cunent injections.

EDSA allows for distortion values to be entered as a text file so this was easy to
implement. Table 4.3 indicates the loading conditions used in the validation of the CPF.



Table 4.3.

Load Profile for 440V Power Panels (from [31)

The load profiles given in Table 4.3 indicate the static load conditions of the CPF.

The power panels split into different feeders having static loads, static frequency

converters, or UPS. With the static load profiles for the different power panels and the

static converter information, the CPF model was consucted. A fiequency scan, load
flow and harmonic analysis were carried out to validate the CPF model. The results of the previous work in Table 4 4 were obtained using Cymhamio (fiom [ ] . . 3)



THD (1)

Total Distortions





0.349 0.363 0.343 0 352 . 0 353 . 0.360 0.380 0 38 . 4 0.389 0.380 0.360 0.440 0.356

0.349 0.359 0.339 0.351 0.35 0.349 0.376 0.389 0.395 0.394 0.357 0.445 0.356


0 61 . 0 31 . 0.229 0 91 . 0.41


0.227 0.790 0.366 0.603 0.625 0.435 1 .O30 0.566



F440 F428 F432 F427




0.631 0.43 19 .6 02 1 .5


O ,442
1 .950 0.244

F421 F43 1

Table 4.4.

Cornparison behveen Cymharmo and EDSA harmonic distortions

The redts CPF s h o w i Table 4 4 shows that the models in both the Cymharmo n .
and EDSA programs give results that are within 3%. Having validated the CPF model

using EDSA, variable load profiles were used instead of the static loads in order to

compare their affects to that of the static load profiles used in the previous work for the


4.1.2 MCDV Validation

The first step i the validation of the MCDV mode1 was to simulate the vesse1 n
mder the same loading conditions fiom the previous work. The distribution system was

previously reduced to investigate the major sources of harmonies. Figure 4.2 represents
the reduced distribution used in the previous work on the MCDV [4].

Figure 4.2.

Reduced distribution system for the MCDV (from (41)

The load profiles for the reduced distribution system in Figure 4.2 are s h o w in Table 4.5.


Name Prop DIA #1

833 kW


Prop D/A #2

833 kW

1 1 1 1

Main Prop via SCR #1

1150 kW 1150 kW 300 kW

2.24 kW
30 k W

M i Prop via SCR #2 an

1 1 1 1


1 1 1 1

1 Ship Service Alternator 1

Lube Oil Pump
Hydrauiic Pump
Cooling Pump

1 1


1 1


15 k W


Cooling Fan

1 9

Survey Container
Cooling Fan

I l kW 53 k W

tl k W
2.24 kW


Lube Oil Pump

Hydraulic Pump Cooling Pump
Supply Fan

30 kW

24 25


22.4 kW

Table 4.5.

Loading profile for distribution system for the MCDV (from [41)

The entire load profile for the MCDV can be viewed in reference [4]. Previously,
the MCDV was simulated, with the main harmonic sources that were identified as being
potentiai hannonic problems using Micro Tm.To vaiidate the previous work on the

MCDV,the reduced distribution system was simulated using EDSA, and Table 4.6 shows
the cornparison between the Micro Tran and EDSA models, where the Micro T m results

are fiom the previous work and the EDSA results are f o the present work. im

Harmonic No.

Micro Tran Voltage Distortion

Voltage Distortion

Micro Tran

Current Distortion



THD (%)
MCDV 600 V Bus Harmonic Content: Micro Tran versus EDSA

Table 4.6.

The results fiom the previous work and the present work are very close in
agreement. The validation of the MCDV mode1 using EDSA was determined to be

acceptable, and therefore the variable load profiles were used instead of the static loads in
order to compare the effects of the variable load profile to that of the static load profiles.

4.1.3 Assessrnent of Models

The models for the CPF and MCDV have produced simi1a.r results to the results fiom previous work. It is reasonable to expand both models to the full distribution systems and fbrther the investigation of the harmonic content and subsequent filter placement and optimization techniques using variable Ioad profiles s h o w Iater in this Chapter.


Variable venus Static Load Models The variable load model has become the preferred model (over the static load) in

harmonic studies and there has been significant work in this area [17,18]. For the purposes of this work, the method of dynamic load modeling produced by Chikhani et al
[14] was implemented, where the load profile for the four seasons were normalized over a

twenty-four hour period. In the case of the CPF and the MCDV, the three sailing conditions of at anchor, peacetime sailing ,and emergency conditions were normalized over a twenty-four period. The various sailing conditions determine the arnount of power available and the equipment that is brought on line. The highest requirernent for power and Ioads is the emergency sailing condition.

Figures 4.3 to 4.5 shows the variable load profiles for the three types of sailing conditions
for the CPF and the MCDV.

CPFMCDV Variable Load Profile (Emergency Levels)

Normrlizrd Load Current

Figure 4.3.

Variable load profde in emergency conditions

-- --


-- -





CPFIMCDV Variable Load Profile (PeaceTime Sailing)

Figure 4.4.

Variable load pronle for normal sailing conditions

CPFIMCDVVhriable Load Profile

Lord Cumnt



Figure 4.5.

Variable load profile at anchor

It was necessary to assign load profiles to actual system loads. Loads on the

system are those shown i Figure 3.1 for the MCDV,and Figure 4.1 for the CPF. Total n

system generating capacity for the CPF is 3200 kVA, with a peak demand of 1625 kW. Therefore the load at each load point, i, a particular instant i time ,t, is assigned as: n

where the load(time) is the load profile information given as a fiction of the. These

values have been normalized to reach a maximum value at 1 .O. Equation 4.1 is used for
the MCDV except that the value of (l62Y32OO)is replaced with (1450/2860). The load profiles were obtained h m the ships load profiles referenced in [3] and [4] respectively. Table 4.7 shows the results for variable load profiles in lieu of the static load for the CPF,

and Table 4.8 shows the redts for the MCDV. Each of the variable load pronles


obtained were used with the system models to provide more realistic results in the overall averaged THD anaiysis.

Static Load Profile


Peacetime SaTng Load Profile

At Anchor Load

Sailhg Load Profile















Table 4.7.

Averaged variable load verses the static load profile for the CPF

Static Load


Peacetime Saing
Load Profile

At Anchor Load


Sailing Load Profile


T& H



3 1.2






Table 4.8. Averaged variable load verses the static load profile for the MCDV


Assessrnent For both the CPF and the MCDV the THD changed with the variable load

profiles. niere were similar results when the sailing condition closely matched the static

ih load profile for both vessels. The THD for both vessels increased w t the increased
variable load profile in the emergency sailing condition and decreased with the ut anchor condition. Tbese results are similar to results found in a paper written by Lin et al [15],
and can be attributed to the increased h m o n i c loads that were in use during these

conditions. Where the authoa detemillied that the variable load model will give more precise calculations of the power system under study. These results are supported by other studies which can be viewed in [16.17]. It has been demonstrated with the system models under study, that the variable Ioad profile produces changes in the total harmonic content within the distribution system. With the dynamic nature of harmonics, it may be more prudent to use a variable load model if the variable voltage profiles can be obtained or accurately estimated. For the purposes of this work, the variable load profile for models as it was the worst case emergency sailing load was used with both of the syste~n scenario.


Fter Location
The filter placement discussed earlier was implemented with the CPF and MCDV

models. With the filter placement methodology it is necessary to detemiine where the passive filter can be placed within the distribution system.


CPF Fiiter Location

The f step in the filter placement method is the conversion of the distribution m
system into a nurnbered topology diagram. Figure 4.6 shows the topology diagram for the

CPF. The cables lengths were inputted into the software data file to provide a realistic
simulation of the distribution system.

Topology For CPF

Figure 4.6.

Numbend Topology Diagram for the CPF

The next step of the filter placement is to run a harmonic andysis without any

compensation to determine if the hamonic content is excessively high in value, according to the IEEE standard [2]. In the case of the CPF,the filter placement method did not yield any sub buses that would have been produced if there was a difference in the THD levels between adjacent nodes in the distribution topology diagram. Table 4.9 shows the results of the passive filter placement method for the CPF where the passive filter was tuned for the 11' harmonic(see page 46 for the types of filters). The 1l mharmonic was chosen because this harmonic component was the highest of the individual hannonic components within the distribution system. There are other components close in value; however, this work is lirnited to only show the results of the filter placement method and

the subsequent optimization. The hannonic value chosen would be system dependent.
Table 4.9 indicates the resuits of the harmonic analysis at each of the sequential placements of the four types of passive filten instailed throughout the distribution system. The THD the results without a passive filter did not change throughout the system. To determine the effects of a passive filter, it is necessary to run the harmonic analysis &er each new placement of the passive filter. The harmonic value that the filter
was tuned for was the Il" ,but due to possible resonant problems, this value was

adjusted to 650 H z

The harmonic content without a filter did not change because the system is operating in stable conditions. Table 4.9 shows a decrease in both THD, and TH& with the placement of a passive filter designed to reduce the 1 1" harmonic. The original THD, and THDv values were 14% and 9.3% respectively, and therefore the passive filter could be placed anywhere in the vesse1 and still reduce the overall harmonic content. This allows the flexibility to find the physicai location that will allow the installation of
the passive filter, and still reduce the hamionic distortion.

Figure 4.7.

Fiiter location msults for the CPF (THD,)



- -

Figure 4.8.

Filter location results for the CPF (Tmv)

From Figures 4.7 and 4.8 the filter location would be selected. It can be seen that
the choice of filter location and the type of fdter affects the reduction of the harmonic
distortion. Therefore, the passive filter location for the CPF can be selected by the ability

for the filter to be physically realized within the distribution network, and not by the
traditionally accepted methods for the filter placement.


MCDV Filter Location

The topology for the MCDV was outlined in Figure 3.2. The next step of the

filter placement is to nin a harmonic analysis without any compensation to determine if the harmonic content is excessively high Ui value, according to the IEEE standard. In the case of the MCDV,the filter placement method did produce sub-buses. The sub-buses were created because there were differences in the THD levels between adjacent nodes in the distribution topoiogy diagram. Table 4.10 shows the results of the passive filter placement for the MCDV where the passive filter was tuned for the 5 harmonic. The 5' ' harmonic was chosen because this harmonic component is the highest individual hannonic component within the system. Table 4.10 indicates the results of the harmonic analysis at each of the sequential placements of the passive filter throughout the distribution topology. To determine the effects of the passive filter it is necessary to run the harmonic anaiysis after each new placement of the passive filter. The harmonic value that the filter was tuned for was the
5h ,but due to possible resonant problems, this value was adjusted to 294 Hz. These

results are recorded in Table 4.10 and displayed in Figure 4.8, and the node number is the number in brackets.


Type 1


Type 3

Type 4

(1) M& (2) ~ t b d Pwp


30.9 30.9 30.9


(3) Port Pbop

(4) ~ e c 4 x ku

(5) SefliieSWBD


SCR Cab Stbd 30.9

Table 4.10.

Filter placement summary for MCDV

Table 4.10 shows a decrcase in both THD, and THD, with the placement of the
passive filcefi which were designed to reduce the 5" harmonic. The original THD, and


were 3 1.2% and 7.4%, respectively; therefore the passive filter couid be

placed tholighout the vesse1 and still reduce the overall hannonic content to acceptable

'hk ailows the flexibility to find the physical location that will allow the

installatiW of the passive filter, and still reduce the harmonic distortion.

Figure 4.9.

Fter location results for MCDV (THlBJ

Figure 4.10.

Fiiter location results for MCDV (Tmv)

The graphical results f o Figures 4.9 and 4.10 for the MCDV indicate that the rm
best possible placement for the passive is located at the SCR cabinets; however, the sub

nodes of 6 5 and 7.5 indicate near optimal reduction. The location of the sub nodes . would allow the physical placement of the passive filter, and still reduce the harmonic
content. From these redts the passive filter location would be selected. It can be seen

that the filter location and the filter types affects in the reduction of the harmonic distortion with the various filter types. Therefore, the passive filter location for the

MCDV can be selected by where the filter can be physically realized within the

distribution network and not by the traditionally accepted methods for filter placement.

4.3.3 Assessrnent of Filter Locations

The filter location method for both vessels gave aiternate locations for the filter
placement in order to reduce the harmonic component that the filter was tuned for. Aiso, for both vessels, the type 3 and type 4 decreased the harmonic distortion lower than the other two filter types. From Figures 4.7,4.8,4.9 and 4.10 it is clear that the filter will reduce harmonic content, even though the filter is installed at other iocations where the source harmonies are not originating.


Filter Optirnization
After the filter location is selected, the optimization of this filter can be carried

out. In both vessels, the main switchboard was selected for the optimization process.
Oniy one location was selected for optimization due to the complexity of determinhg the

system transfer function, previously discussed within this work. The values of R, L, and
C for the different filters were obtained after the opthkation process; however, it should
be noted that the range of values was arbitrarily selected, therefore the results would be

different for other ranges of components. The goal of this part of the work was to show how the opthkation of the passive filter will M e r reduce the harmonic content.

4.4.1 Optimhation Summary for the CPF

Type 2

Table 4.1 1. Optimization results for the CPF

From Table 4.1 1, it can be seen that the harmonic content was reduced afler the
optirnization of the parailel passive filter.

Table 4.12 shows the component values for the four types of passive filter before and








Type 1


Type 2-[-200
Type 3
Type 4


Table 4.12. Filter component values before and after optimization for the CPF
It can be seen fiom Table 4.12, that the filter cornponent values have been altered

after the optimization process.

4.4.2 Optimization Summrry for the MCDV

Type 1

Type 2

Type 3

Type 4

(1) Main

(1) Main


Table 4.13. Ophization results for the MCDV

From Table 4.13, the harmonic content was reduced &ter the optimization of the parailel passive filter.

Table 4.14 shows the component values for the four types of passive filters before and afler optimization. The column labeled before include the values of the components before optimization, and the c o l m labeled after include the values of the cornponents

after optimization.

Filter Type 1











O. 1O

CI(pF) Cl(pF) C2(pF) C2(pF)

3. O

200 200 200 200


--_- --- O =O -

. Type 2
Type 3 Type4




1. O 3. O



-. -o o






Table 4.11. Filter component values before and rifter optimization for the MCDV

It can be seen fiom Table 4.14, that the filter component values have altered after optimization.

4.4.3 ksseasment of OptimaPtion

From Table 11 and 12 it can be seen that the optirnization of dl four types of

filters reduced the THD for both current and voltage. Therefore, the optimization of the
parallel passive filter decreases the harmonic distortion in both test models. It shouid be
noted that the global minimum may not have been found during the optimization process;

and the r e d t s may be improved if the optimization guaranteed the global minimum.


Summary of Results
Within this work, the previous work completed by Hudson and DeOlivera was

validated. Section 4.1 shows the resuits of the validation. Also, the use of a variable load mode1 was introduced to show the differences between the static and variable load.
Section 4.2 shows the results use of the variable load instead of the static Ioad.
A filter placement method was developed within this work. The results of the

filter placement method indicate the possibility of an alternate method for the chose of the
placement of the filter. Section 4.3 shows the results of the method for deciding the placement of the passive filter.
An optimization technique was develop to increase the effects of the parailel

passive filter &er the filter is placed within the distribution system. Section 4.4 shows

the resuits of the optirnization of the passive filter, and the optimization of the filter
reduced the hannonic distortion in both test models.

Chapter 5 Conclusions and Recommendations


Summary of Work

The concept of passive filter placement and optimization to reduce the h m o n i c content has been studied over the past severai years. Traditionally, filter placement has been resicted to the PCC. Although the PCC is a valid method for the filter placement problem it does not take hto account whether or not the filter can be physically located at the optimal location. It could be seen by irnplementing the filter placement scheme that the optimal placement and sub-optimal placements of the filters were found. This allow the flexibility to empirically determine the location where the filter could be physically realized. The work investigated the optimization of the parallel passive filter based on the

actual harmonic currents within the distribution system. By optimizing the passive filters,
the harmonic content can be reduced within the simulation models. Four different passive filters were used in the filter placement and optimization techniques outlined within this work. In ail four cases, the harmonic content was reduced for both of the systern models under study. MCDV harmonies were reduced more than the CPF. It should be noted that, in the case of the CPF,filters tuned at other fkequencies would also be required due to the harmonic profile of the CPF itself. The r e d t s for both the CPF and the MCDV indicate the need to optimize the filter.


Recommendations for future work

This study could be furthered in the following ways:


Other distribution systems shouid be investigated to show that the metho4

is valid.


The filter placement method should be implemented in the actual distribution systems to provide actual results to validate simulation results.


The optimization of the passive filter should prove that the global

minimum is obtained afler optimization.


The optirnization of the passive filter should include the harmonic voltage
as well as the harmonic currents. This may further improve the results of the optimization process.


The cost for the implementation of the passive filter should be investigated
to show the savings that would accrue with filter installation.

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I .Ko Freouencv Domain Svstem Identification Toolbox, MathWorks, llar,

Inc. 1997,

MathWorks, Onrimirntion Toolbox, MathWorks, Inc. 1997.

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