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Overview of LSI
Cycles of Learning
Four different learning modes
no single modes completely describes and individuals learning style

Score Learning Cycle part of LSI

How many in each learning mode?
Concrete experience ? Reflective observation ? Abstract conceptualization ? Active experimentation ?

g y Individuals learning style is a combination of the four modes relates to four stage cycle
different learners start at different stages in the cycle

effective learning uses each stage

Concrete Experience

Stages of Learning Cycle

Learning by FEELING learning from specific experiences Relating to people; sensitivity to feelings and people Learning by WATCHING Careful observation before judgment Viewing from different perspective; searching for meaning e g o d e e t pe spect e; sea c g o ea g Learning by THINKING Logical analysis of ideas Systematic planning; intellectual understanding of situation Learning by DOING Ability to get things done Risk taking, influence people through action

Problem Solver

Reflective Observation

Combination of Abstract Conceptualization (thinking) and Active Experimentation (doing)

Best at finding practical uses for ideas and theories Prefers to deal with technical tasks than social issues (tinkerer)

Abstract Conceptualization

Active Experimentation

Good for specialist and technology careers Strengths

Problem solving Decision Making Deductive Reasoning Defining Problems


Too much of this learning style

Solve the wrong problem Hasty decision making

Combination of Concrete Experience (feeling) and Reflective observation (watching).

View concrete situations from many viewpoints Observe rather than take action Enjoys brainstorming and gathering information Broad cultural interests

Too little of this style

Lack of focus No testing of ideas Scattered thoughts

Develop Converger learning skills by:

experimenting with new ideas practice making decisions and setting goals practice rational problem solving


Good for careers in arts, entertainment and service (psychology, theater, journalism, HR, Strengths
Imaginative ability Understanding people


Recognizing problems Brainstorming

Combination of Abstract Conceptualization (thinking) and Reflective Observation (watching)
Understands wide range of information; puts information into concise, logical forms Less focused on people, more focused on people abstract ideas and concepts Enjoys logical theories
The Thinker

Too much of this style

Paralyzed by alternatives Cant make decisions

Too little of this style

No ideas Can t Cant recognize problems and opportunities

Develop Diverger learning skills by:

Increase sensitivity to peoples feelings Become more open to different viewpoints Gather information, develop brainstorming skills Imagine implications of uncertain situations

Careers in information and science (research, law, librarian, math) Strengths

Planning and creating models Defining problems Developing theories

Too much of this learning style:

Castles in the air No practical applications

Too little of this learning style:

Unable to learn from mistakes No sound basis for work No systematic approach

Combination of Active Experimentation (doing) and Concrete Experience (feeling)

Learns from hands on experience Act on gut feelings rather than logical analysis Enjoy new and challenging experiences Rely on people for solving problems rather than own technical analysis


Develop Assimilator learning skills by:

Organizing information Building conceptual models Testing theories and ideas Designing experiments

Careers that are action oriented Strengths

Getting things done Leadership Risk Taking


Too much of this learning style:

trivial improvements meaningless objectives

Too little of this learning style:

work not completed on time impractical plans not directed to goals

Develop Accommodator l l d learning style l by:

dealing with people committing to objectives seeking new opportunities encouraging leadership and influence

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