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"10 pounds of stone placed on 10 pounds of mud results in 20 pounds of mud.

" Geotextile separation: The introduction of a flexible, porous textile placed between dissimilar materials so that the integrity and functioning of both materials can remain intact or be improved. When placing granular aggregate on fine-grained soils, there are two simultaneous mechanisms that tend to occur over time: (1) the fine soils attempt to enter into the voids of the granular aggregate, thereby ruining its drainage

capability; (2) the granular aggregate soil attempts to intrude into the fine soil, thereby ruining the coarse soil's strength. When this occurs we have a situation that has been called sacrificial aggregate, which is all too often the case without the use of a proper separating geotextile.

Geotextiles, which are a material possessing tensile strength, can nicely complement those materials good in compression but weak in tension. Thus lowstrength, fine grained silt and clay soils are prime targets for geotextile reinforcement. Geotextile reinforcement: The often synergistic improvement of a total system's strength created by the introduction of a geotextile (good in tension) into a soil (good in compression but poor in tension) or other disjointed and separated material. Within the general function of geotextile reinforcement of soils, there are three different mechanisms: (1) membrane type, (2) shear type, and (3) anchorage type

Membrane Type Membrane reinforcement occurs when a vertical load is applied to a geotextile on a deformable soil. Depending on the depth that the geotextile is placed from the load,

h = the horizontal stress at depth z and angle , P = the applied vertical load, Z = the depth beneath surface where h is being calculated, = Poisson's ratio, and = the angle from the vertical beneath the surface load P.

Directly beneath the load, where = 0 deg.,

the larger the magnitude of P, the higher the tensile stress and the higher requirement of tensile strength of the geotextile. Also, the closer the geotextile is to the load (i.e., low values of z), the higher will be the geotextile's stress.

Many situations in which geotextiles are placed on soft soils or in a yielding situation use this particular reinforcement mechanism.

Shear Type A geotextile placed on a soil is loaded in a normal direction, and then the two materials are sheared at their interface. The resulting shear strength parameters (adhesion and geotextile-to-soil friction angle) can be obtained.

where = the shear strength (between the geotextile and soil),

n = the effective normal stress on the shear plane, c = the adhesion (of the geotextile to the soil), and = the friction angle (between the geotextile and soil).

The shear strength parameters c and can be compared to the shear strength parameters of the soil by itself (i.e., soil against soil) as follows:

where c = the cohesion (of soil to soil), and = the friction angle (of soil to soil).

where Ec = the efficiency of cohesion mobilization, and E = the efficiency of friction angle mobilization.

Anchorage Type Anchorage reinforcement is similar to the shear type, but the soil acts on both sides of the geotextile as a tensile force tends to pull the geotextile out of the soil. For calculation, the shear strength mobilized by the geotextile with the soil above and with the soil below and arithmetically sum the two values as the limiting anchorage value.

The geotextile function of filtration involves the movement of liquid through the geotextile itself (i.e., across its manufactured plane). At the same time, the geotextile serves the purpose of retaining the soil on its upstream side. Both adequate permeability requiring an open fabric structure and soil retention requiring a tight fabric structure are required simultaneously. A third factor is also involved-the long-term soil-togeotextile flow compatibility that will not excessively clog during the lifetime of the system. Filtration: The equilibrium geotextile-to-soil system that allows for adequate liquid flow with limited soil loss across the plane of the geotextile over a service lifetime compatible with the application under consideration.

Permeability Here, permeability refers to crossplane permeability when liquid flow is perpendicular to the plane of the fabric. Some of the geotextiles used for this purpose are relatively thick and compressible. For this reason the thickness is included in the permeability coefficient. Permittivity is defined as

Where = the permittivity, Kn = the cross-plane permeability coefficient, and T = the thickness at a specified normal pressure. Soil Retention As one allows for greater flow of liquid through the geotextile, the void spaces in it must be made larger. There is, however, a limit when the upstream soil particles start to pass through the geotextile voids along with the flowing liquid. This can lead to an unacceptable situation called soil piping, in which the finer soil particles are carried through the geotextile, leaving larger soil voids behind. The liquid velocity then increases, accelerating the process, until the soil structure begins to collapse. This collapse often leads to minute sink hole type patterns that grow larger with time.

This process is prevented by making the geotextile voids small enough to retain the soil on the upstream side of the fabric. It is the coarser soil fraction that must be initially retained; that is the targeted soil size in the design process. These coarser-sized particles eventually block the finer-sized particles and build up a stable upstream soil structure.

Long-Term Flow Compatibility Some soil particles will embed themselves on or within the geotextile structure, leading to an understandable reduction in permeability or permittivity. This type of partial clogging can and should be expected. But excessively clog will lead to decrease in the flow of liquid through it to the point where the system will not adequately perform its function. Possible reasons:

Cohesionless soils consisting of gap-graded particle size distributions and functioning under high hydraulic gradients. High alkalinity groundwater where the slowing of the liquid as it flows through the geotextile can cause a calcium, sodium, or magnesium precipitate to be deposited. High suspended solids in the permeating liquid (as in turbid river water) which can build up on or within the geotextile. High suspended solids coupled with high microorganism content, as in land fill leachates, which can combine to build up on or within the geotextile.




Drainage The equilibrium geotextile-to- soil system that allows for adequate liquid flow with limited soil loss within the plane of the geotextile over a service lifetime compatible with the application under consideration. All geotextiles can provide such a function, but to widely varying degrees. For example, a thin woven geotextile, by virtue of its fibers crossing over and under one another, can transmit liquid within the spaces created at these crossover points, but to a modest degree. Conversely, thick, needle-punched nonwoven geotextiles have considerable void space in their structure, and this space is available for liquid transmission.

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