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that eachrelign,nis brscd.rponthe secftt doctrines its predecessor.


The ThPee


The solar o.b. lil<c the narureof nan! was dirided by rlic ancienr sagesmto tlnee separate bodies. Accordingo rLe nlstics. thereare tlrcc suns i! cach solar sFtein. analogous the firce c.nrers of to life ;, ea.h nxLvidualconstiluriox. These are callcd duee lights: dre \fi ntuaL sn. tlle i t l".lual .)t sodzr sun. and tlrc nat ial sttr br t,oN slDboiizcdin Freemasod.,. thre candltt. 'lhe spiritual sun nradlLststhe powcr of God dic Frrther; soularsun rarliatcs the the [ia ofcod rhcSon:anddrcmarerial sun is the vehicleof nanilesrarior tor God the IL,h Spirit. Ilar,s uaturewas dn'idedb,vtLc mysticsilto thrce clisrilrct parrs:ryirit. rrul. and body:11is physical lndv *as unfoldecl rndv;talized then,aterial his spirby suni itual natureryas illuninatedbv the spiritiral sun:rnd his intcllcctual naturcnas rcdeemedlx tlrc tw!!t al grap. tlrc soular sun. TLe alignment of tliese threeglobes theheavcns oneexplanarion in rvas oftered ihepeculiar thar tbr trcr theorbitso{ theplanctsare cira arbur elliprical. not The pagan piests als.avs considered solars,vsr asa G an.d rhc n Man, at(l drev thcir analog;ofthcserhree certersofactivit) 1romihe ihreemaincenrers oftife iI the humanbocly:th braii\ rheheart,and the generatir systern. TLe Traxsfig mlion of.Iesusdescribes rhreerdcmacies.the tarSesr being h the center (tlreheart), arrd:,snalleroneor eirher sAe (rheLrainand thegclerative

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ofthe hlpothesisofthe existence tlut the philosophical systen).It is possible which hasoccurred phenomenon uPona peculiarnanrral threesunsis based nnny tines jn history"In the fifr,v-lirslyear afrer Christ three sunswere seenar once in thc sky and also in the sixty-si\th year'ln the si-xty-ninthyar't{o suns th Accordingto Williun Lilly, between vars1156 and were seentogcther. wcre 1648twclry sjnilar occurrences recorded' Recognizingthe sun asthc srrprenebenefactorol the materialwo d' Herof that netistsbelie\'d therex'asa spiritualsunvhicb mi teredto the needs subtbe invisible and divine part o{ Natur human and unirersal Ane t this oi ject, the greatPancelsus wrote:"There is an ear$lv sun'thich is the cause who areblind ard dre a Jl who areabteto scemaysee sun;ard those aI heat, ol Sun'whichis the source Thereis anEtevnal see cannot hin nay feelhisheat. to haveawaLned life will seethat senses all wisdon, andthosevhose spirinral spirihavenot attained of sunand be conscnrus His *istence; but thosewho tual consciou*tessmay yet feel His power by an inner facultv which is called Intuition." to Certain Rosicruciur scholarshavegiven specialapPllations thsethree soulat and intellec' phasesofthe surr the spiritual sur they called l/z/raq the DemL sun dleJewish and tualsun.CnrisfandZarrlr respectivel); drmaterial the tyys Jehotah. Lucifer herc rePreseuts ;rtellectualmind without tbe light light " The false it mind; therel<rreis "the false ofthe spiritLral illumination is frnaily overcone arrdredeemedby the true light ofdre soul, calledthe 'Jrrand b,r Lgrs or Clnrl. The ftcret processes which dre Luciftrian intcllect is transofalcheny, o mutednrb the Christlyintellectconstitut e ofthe greatscret5 mtals xo gold' oftransnutingbas andaresynlolizedby theprocess Ir tlre nre treatise, 'Ihc Semt $nbok of 'lk Rosictttcian:' Franz Hartas: tht manndefines sunalchunically "The svnbol ofWisdon The Centreof ol and Poweror Heart oftlings. The Sun is a centreof energ,v a storehouse withh itselfacertre oflife, which nav gror' power. Eachliing beirg contairls by divinepower'stinulated the to be a Sun.ln the heartofthe regenented,the Light of the Logos,growsinto a Sun which illuninateslis m;nd" I a note' sun his authoranPlifies desoiptionby adding:"Th terrstYial is the the same inage or retlection ot the invisible cetestialsun; the lbrmer is nr the realm o{ tts Spirii $4nt the iatterjs in the realmc,fMatter;but the latterrecives Power visthai ofantiquitvagrce themateriai the ofcases, religions Irr ttrernaiority rathrthana souc oi Poser'The sunwassometimes ible sur *as a reflector Fren on a shitld carried the armofthe SunGod' asfor exarnpie, representeclas


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the Scandilavian Solar Deiry This sun reflectedtl light ofthe invisible {in ,zal sun,which was the true sourceol lifc. light, and nrrh. The physicatnature of dreuniverse receptire; is a realrn is it ofeflicts.'l'he nwisiblecauses ofthese ellbctsbelong to the spiritual world. Hence, the spiritual world is the sphereof cau.lation;t\e mateial world is the sphereof rfi.cfq while dre irtellectuat or soul world is the syierc of metliation. Thus Christ. the personified Ligher iDteliect soulnature,is md called'1he Mediator"who, virtueofHis position by and power,says:"No nan comethto the Father,but by me." \Vhat the sul is to the solar system. spirit is to the bodies ofrnan; for lis the natures, organs.Dd functioru are as ptanets surrounding the centrat tife (or sun) and living upon its enanations. TLe solar power in rnar is divided into thre parts, wlich are termed the tlueefold human spirit ofman. AI three of thesespirihral naturesarsaid to be ndianr and tramscendenq united, rheyfonn the Divinity in man.Marfs dueefoldlowerDarue-consistingofhis physicat organisn, his enroriondlnarure,ard his nntal faculties reflectsthe light ofhis three{bld Divirnty and bears witless oflt in dre p}rysicalworld. Man,s three bodiesareslnbolizedby upright tiangle; his threefold spirirual natue byan nNrted rriangle.These iwo triangles.when united irr dre form ofa sir-ponrted ,,theSignet Solonon,' arrd star, werecalled theJews by of "the Starol'David,,, aremoreconmonly known today as"rhe Starofzion.,' These trianglssyn'tolize t}e spir;tual and narerial universeslinled togetherix the consrirutioDofrtrc hurnancreature, who partahesofboth Natureand Diviniry Man,saninal nature pa.rtaLes rhe earth; }ris divine nature of the heavens; hunan nature of the of Lis

The elestial


of the Sun

The Rosicrucians and the Illminati, describing dre angels,archansels,and othr celestialreaturesj dcclareddlat they resenbled srnallsuns,being centers ofndiant energy sunounded streaners by ofVrilic force.Fron these outpouring streamers offirrce is derived drepopuiar beliefdnt mgeb havwilrgs.These wings are coronatike fansoftight, HymeansofwLich th celestialcreatures pro, pel thenselvesdrough the subtle essences the superphysical of worlds. Tme mysticsue unanimousin their denial ofthe dreory r.har argelsDd the archargelsare humar form, as so often pictured. A hurnan frgurewoutd be utrerly usless dre etherealsubstances in through which dey nDifest. SciDc haslong debatrdthe probabilityofthe otherplanets beinginhalited. Objections to the idea arebasedupon the argumentdrat creatures with humanorsan-

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