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Introduction ..................................................................................................................................... 2
Problem Definition: Does high employee morale improve productivity? .................................. 2
System Description: Typical Office Space ................................................................................. 2
Analytical Objectives and Performance Metrics ............................................................................ 2
Data Collection & Statement of Assumptions ................................................................................ 3
Assumptions Regarding Task Assignment ................................................................................. 3
Assumptions Regarding Employees ........................................................................................... 4
Assumptions Regarding Managers ............................................................................................. 4
Assumptions Regarding Morale ................................................................................................. 5
Assumptions Regarding Work Day ............................................................................................ 5
Assumptions Regarding Task-Completion ................................................................................. 5
Assumptions Regarding Morale and Task-Completion .............................................................. 5
Model Description .......................................................................................................................... 5
Agent Description ........................................................................................................................... 6
Agent Objectives ......................................................................................................................... 6
Agent Decision-Making Logic and Behavior ............................................................................. 6
Agent Interactions ....................................................................................................................... 7
Agent Learning and Adaptation .................................................................................................. 7
Verification and Validation ............................................................................................................. 7
Verification ................................................................................................................................. 7
Validation .................................................................................................................................... 8
Experimental Setup ......................................................................................................................... 8
Experiment Regarding Break Room Usage ................................................................................ 8
Results and Analysis ....................................................................................................................... 9
Discussion of Results ...................................................................................................................... 9
Discussion of Break Room Usage .............................................................................................. 9
Emergent Properties .................................................................................................................. 11
Conclusion .................................................................................................................................... 12
Bibliography ................................................................................................................................. 13
Appendix ....................................................................................................................................... 14
Interaction Tab .......................................................................................................................... 14
Information Tab ........................................................................................................................ 14
Procedure Tab ........................................................................................................................... 17
ANOVA Tables From Break Room Experiment ...................................................................... 22
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Nany coipoiations invest millions of uollais in oiuei to boost anu maintain employee moiale.
These uecisions aie baseu upon the assumption that incieasing employee moiale will inciease
oveiall piouuctivity. uoogle offeis a piime example. At the uoogle heauquaiteis in Palo Alto, an
entiie builuing was constiucteu solely foi employee ielaxation. The uoogleplex is a bieak aiea
wheie employees can enjoy a hot gouimet meal, play a game of pool, oi enjoy a complimentaiy
haiicut while on bieak uuiing theii woik uay (Biscoveiy Communications, 2u11). Boeing also
invests in boosting employee moiale. The company has an employee iewaius piogiam that
pioviues Boeing points to haiu woiking employees that can be useu foi gift ceitificates to
Noiustiom, Bome Bepot oi othei laige uepaitment stoies (PiiueBoeing Points anu Seivice

Cieation of employee moiale piogiams aie aligneu with the happy-piouuctive woikei hypothesis
"the basic tenet of the happy-piouuctive woikei hypothesis is that content, satisfieu woikeis
peifoim on aveiage bettei than othei woikeis" (Taiis & Scheieuis, 2uu9). This iepoit investigates
whethei investing in inuiviuual employee moiale iesults in highei piouuctivity in the office as a
whole. A multi-agent simulation was uesigneu in oiuei to test these claims.

This iepoit analyzes an office system composeu of office employees anu manageis. The office
enviionment contains vaiious cubicles wheie employees can complete woik. Employees have
vaiying woik styles that coiiesponu to woik peisonality tiaits. These tiaits ueteimine inuiviuual
iequiiements in oiuei to be happy, piouuctive employees. Nanageis must woik to uispeise tasks
thioughout the woik uay, attempting to ieuuce the amount of unassigneu tasks without
oveiwhelming theii employees. Some offices have bieak iooms that allow employees to take bieaks
anu iegulate theii moiale anu moou thioughout the uay. This mouel will captuie whethei having
these bieak ioom spaces available can cieate a highei piouuctivity level foi the office as a iesult of
a highei moiale among employees.

The oveiall analytical objective is to ueteimine if pioviuing employees with the ability to iegulate
theii own peisonal moiale thiough use of the bieak ioom will leau to highei oveiall moiale anu
piouuctivity foi the office.

The following factois will also be consiueieu in an effoit to cieate a moie iealistic simulation:
Ability to change the fiequency at which manageis ieceive tasks to assign
Ability to change initial task completion time foi employees

Although suppoits of this hypotheses, it is still uncleai what these finuings imply at the oiganizational level. It has yet to be pioven that
oiganizations with uissatisfieu anu exhausteu woikeis peifoim noticeably woise than othei oiganizations (Taiis & Scheieuis, 2uu9).
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Piesence of uiffeient employee peisonality types

Aftei peifoiming vaiious expeiiments manipulating peisonality types, the ability to use the bieak-
ioom, initial task completion levels anu piobability of task assignment by the manageis;
conclusions will be foimeu iegaiuing the effect on oveiall office moiale anu piouuctivity. Results
foi total completeu tasks, total unassigneu tasks, aveiage office moiale anu oveiall office task
completion time aveiage will be the peifoimance metiics useu foi analysis. Position of the cubicles
will iemain constant. Emeigent behaviois will be uocumenteu anu analyzeu uuiing uata collection.

In oiuei to cieate a moie iealistic mouel, an electionic suivey was uesigneu anu sent to vaiious
piofessional office employees. The suivey was uesigneu to gain knowleuge about the coiielation
between moiale level anu piouuctivity among employees. Results fiom the suivey can be founu in
Table 2.

Question Agiee Bisagiee
Baving a laige woik loau uecieases piouuctivity. 100% 0
Baving a laige woik loau uecieases moiale in the woikplace. 42.86% 57.14%
Baving too few tasks to uo uecieases piouuctivity. 28.57% 71.43%
Baving too few tasks to uo uecieases moiale in the woik place. 57.14% 42.86%
As an employee, if you uo not have a task to uo, you woulu seek out a
42.86% 57.14%

These iesults showeu shaip uiviues in how vaiious employees believeu they weie most piouuctive.
This iesulteu in the uecision to cieate thiee peisonality types foi the employee agents. Biffeiences
in peisonality tiaits uefine how employees complete tasks anu gain moiale thioughout the mouel.
This gives the mouel fuithei iealism to a ieal office enviionment.

0nly manageis can assign tasks. Initially, when the manageis begin theii woik uay, they have zeio
tasks to assign. The usei sets the piobability of the managei(s) ieceiving a new task to assign. This
is baseu on the ieal life assumption different offices may have different workload levels
throughout the year. Bepenuing on the inuustiy, the numbei of tasks may inciease oi ueciease. Foi
example, at an accounting fiim, theie will be a highei volume of tasks to assign uuiing tax season;
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while theie will be fewei tasks available uuiing the summei season. The mouel iuns unuei the
assumption that foi any given uay, the stiess placeu on the employees to complete tasks vaiies.

0nce the simulation begins to iun, the manageis aie assigneu a task baseu on the piobability set by
the usei. This incieases theii "tasks-to-assign" count by one. They then go in seaich of an employee
with the least amount of tasks available. 0nce an employee ieceives a task anu they have ietuineu
to theii home cubicle, they can begin woik to complete theii cuiient tasks. The speeu at which each
task is completeu is ueteimineu by the initial task completion time set by the usei as well as the
employee's inuiviuual moiale. In a ieal woilu office, each task might iequiie that a specific
employee hanule the task. Bowevei, foi the sake of simplicity, all tasks aie assumeu to be iuentical
anu can be uistiibuteu to any employee.

This mouel assumes that manageis can only assign tasks to employees thiough face-to-face
communication. In the mouel, a managei can only assign tasks to an employee when the managei
anu employee aie on the same patch.

0ui assumptions iegaiuing employee peisonality types weie baseu five key peisonality tiaits. In
19S4, Louis Leon Thuimoie, a&pioneei in the fielu of psychometiics, founu that "five common
factois accounteu foi most of the intei-coiielations" in peisonality (uooustein & Lanyon, 1999).
Thuimoie nameu these tiaits Suigency (Extioveision), Agieeableness, Conscientiousness,
Emotional Stability, anu Neuiotic Behavioi. In oiuei to simplify the mouel, only Neuiotic Behavioi
of the employees will be consiueieu in employee behavioi. Behavioi of a woikei is uefineu by the
ability to juggle assigneu tasks anu opeiate as functioning membei of a team oi office. Thiee
peisonality types will uistinguish the extent of neuioticism in the employees. The level of
neuioticism in the employees only effects theii moiale anu piouuctivity, as these aie the selecteu
factois foi analysis in this paiticulai simulation.

Type u (yellow agents) employees aie highly neuiotic; they piefei a small woikloau anu become
oveiwhelmeu with woik easily. Type 1 (blue agents) employees aie only somewhat neuiotic; they
aie able to hanule a gieatei woikloau than Type u employees without becoming stiesseu out. Type
2 (gieen agents) employees aie the least neuiotic; they aie comfoitable with a significantly laigei
woikloau than Type u employees. This mouel also assumes that employees cannot iaise each
othei's moiale in any way.

Nanageis aie iuentical anu aie assumeu to assign tasks using iational choice theoiy. Each managei
can see the positions of all employees anu the numbei of tasks that each employee is cuiiently
assigneu. This allows the manageis to move towaiu employees with low values foi cuiient tasks.
This choice was maue unuei the assumption that manageis may not have the global knowleuge
iegaiuing how quickly inuiviuual employees can complete tasks oi how lowhigh inuiviuual
employee moiale cuiiently stanus. The manageis' only goal is to uistiibute tasks. This type of
management style is "oiienteu towaiu secuiity anu maintenance anu is most effective in the laige,
complex oiganizations" (Woffoiu, 1971). Since laigei coipoiations aie moie likely to invest in
employee moiale piogiams, the moiale of the manageis was not factoieu into the simulation. Also
"highei moiale was founu foi the suboiuinates of the maintenance oiienteu managei," a managei
focuseu on keeping up with employees anu pioviuing a high level of maintenance in checking in anu
assigning tasks (Woffoiu, 1971).
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The assumption that gaining a moiale boost incieases inuiviuual piouuctivity is taken fiom the
happy-piouuctive woikei hypothesis. The mouel was built unuei the assumption that "having a
loss of moiale has a gieatei effect upon piouuctivity than a gain in moiale." (Taiis & Scheieuis,
2uu9) Theiefoie, the mouel was uesigneu so a moiale boost iesults in a ueciease in task completion
time of u.2S ticks anu a moiale loss iesults in an inciease in task completion by u.S ticks.

It is assumeu that the uuiation of the woikuay is 1u,uuu ticks. This pioviues a sufficient level of
uata anu allows foi the emeigence of tienus anu patteins.


It is assumeu that each task will take at least five ticks to complete. This is to ensuie that employees
will be able to piouuce quality woik.

It is assumeu that highei moiale will iesult in highei piouuctivity. As employees gain highei
moiale, they will ueciease theii task-completion time, theie-by incieasing the piouuctivity of the
office. This is baseu upon the happy-woikei hypothesis, which states "that happy woikeis aie also
piouuctive woikeis" (Taiis & Scheieuis, 2uu9).

Foi the puiposes of this stuuy, the simulation will cieate a piototype of an office. The office will
one bieak ioom (pink patch)
six cubicles (giey patches)
six employees
two manageis (ieu tuitles)
Each employee will be ianuomly assigneu a cubicle foi that paiticulai iun of the simulation. Each
employee will also be assigneu a ianuom peisonality type of Type u, Type 1 oi Type 2. Type u
employees will be yellow, Type 1 employees will be blue anu Type 2 employees will be gieen. These
peisonality types pioviue uiffeient iules anu iequiiements that affect the moiale of the employees.
The moiale of the employees has a uiiect impact on how quickly they can complete tasks assigneu
by manageis. Tasks can only be completeu while employees aie at theii home cubicles. Type u
employees aie most content having a small numbei of tasks to complete at any given time. They
have high moiale when they have fewei tasks anu become oveiwhelmeu if they have moie than five
tasks at a time. Type 1 employees aim to have a healthy balance. They aie unhappy anu have low
moiale if they have too many tasks oi too few. Naintaining a healthy balance of tasks iesults in a
moiale boost foi Type 1 peisonality types. Type 2 employees aie veiy self-motivateu; they piefei to
be woiking constantly anu can woik effectively even when assigneu a laige numbei of tasks.

6 | P a g e

Thioughout the mouel, the employees will attempt to seek out manageis oi take bieaks in oiuei to
iegulate theii moiale. The highei the oveiall moiale is foi the office, the fastei the oveiall task
completion time. Nanageis aie given new tasks at a iate specifieu by the usei. When manageis
assign tasks, they can assign moie than one task at a time to a single employee. Theie aie vaiious
switches available foi the usei to manipulate the inteiactions of the employees anu mangeis
thioughout the office. The most inteiesting featuie is the "bieak-ioom-use."switch, which
ueteimines if employees aie alloweu to take bieaks. If an employee's moiale is too low, they can go
to the bieak-ioom in oiuei to boost theii moiale. By boosting theii moiale, they can ueciease theii
task-completion time.

Thioughout the mouel, employee bieak ioom usage anu aveiage employee moiale pei tick aie
plotteu foi the usei. 0n top of that, counteis keeping tiack of the total numbei of tasks completeu,
the total numbei of unassigneu tasks, the cuiient aveiage office moiale, anu the cuiient aveiage
task completion time aie available foi the usei to iefeience. These values offei enough infoimation
to foim conclusions iegaiuing the effect of moiale upon piouuctivity of the office. Allowing the
option of allowing employees to take bieaks oi not will allow foi analysis iegaiuing task
completion anu piouuctivity.

To complete tasks at 'home' cubicle
To maintain high moiale (by taking bieaks)
By maintaining high moiale, ieuuce task-completion time
Complete the most tasks possible by the enu of the 1u,uuu tick woik uay

Assign Tasks
Attempt to ieuuce unassigneu task count

If cuiient-tasks aie gieatei than zeio, goes to 'home' cubicle anu woiks.
In oiuei to complete a task, must sit at cubicle foi a ceitain numbei of ticks (ueteimineu
by its task completion time)
Employee sits anu woiks until it has no moie tasks left to uo.
Bowevei, if an employee is sitting its cubicle with a sufficiently low moiale anu the usei
has alloweu use of the bieak ioom, the employee will take a bieak. It will then go to the
bieak-ioom foi five ticks. It will then get a moial -boost, which will inciease the moiale
of the employee by u.2S, anu ueciease the inuiviuual-task-completion-time by u.2S.
If it has no moie tasks left to uo, seeks out a managei to gain a new task.
Each time a task is assigneu, an employee evaluates its cuiient moiale.
Each employee peisonality type has inuiviuual iules iegaiuing moiale anu piouuctivity.

7 | P a g e

! Type u Peisonality - If it has less than S cuiient tasks, gains a moiale-boost
. If
cuiient tasks aie gieatei than S, suffeis a moiale-lowei
! Type 1 Peisonality - If it has between S anu 1u tasks, gain a moiale-boost.
0theiwise, suffeis a moiale-lowei.
! Type 2 Peisonality -If its cuiient tasks aie less than oi equal to 1S anu aie
gieatei than u, gains a moiale-boost. 0theiwise, suffeis a moiale-lowei.

Each tick, a managei may oi may not ieceive a new task to assign.
If it has tasks to assign, then it looks foi an employee with the lowest numbei of cuiient
The managei then sets the closest employee with the lowest numbei of tasks as its
The managei then moves to that employee anu ianuomly assigns it up to S tasks.
The managei than subtiacts fiom its tasks-to-assign count the numbei of tasks that it
has just assigneu to the employee.

While the employee is at its home cubicle it can woik on anu complete tasks.
While at the cubicle, the employee can assess its moiale level in oiuei to ueteimine if it
neeus to take a bieak.

Nanageis assign employees tasks, theieby affecting the employees' moiale.

While in the bieak ioom, employees can boost theii inuiviuual moiale.
While in the bieak ioom, employees aie unable to complete tasks.

If employees aie expeiiencing low moiale, they aie able to iemove themselves fiom the
office anu entei the bieak ioom. This allows foi them to iestoie theii inuiviuual moiale.
As a iesult, inuiviuual uecisions can help change the oveiall moiale anu piouuctivity of
the entiie office.
Piioi to collecting uata foi analysis, a piinteu copy of the coue was taken anu tiaceu thiough line by
line, following the logic of the piogiam. This was to ensuie that extia comments anu lines of coue
weie iemoveu fiom the final pioceuuie tab. The team membei was piimaiily in chaige of ieseaich

moiale-boost: A pioceuuie which incieases moiale by u.2S anu uecieases inuiviuual-task-completion-time by u.2S
moiale-lowei: A pioceuuie which uecieases moiale by u.2S anu incieases inuiviuual-task-completion-time by u.S
8 | P a g e

also took time to walk thiough the coue, manipulating the vaiious sliueis anu paiameteis to ensuie
that no eiiois iemaineu.

In oiuei to test the coue, laige values weie pluggeu in foi vaiious paiameteis to ensuie the
piogiam executeu expecteu iesults. This helpeu ieveal limitations anu eiiois within the logic of
vaiious pioceuuies. This piocess continueu thioughout the pioject until a final mouel was ieauy foi
submission. The team member responsible for collecting data for the experiments performed this. With a
fresh set of eyes and a better understanding for expected outcomes, this allowed for any final errors to be
removed from the program.
Sections of the code were commented out in order to run individual procedures. For example, the morale-
boost and morale-lower method were removed in order to ensure all other methods were functioning
properly. Finally, the entire system was run, testing varying levels and combinations for all the user
selected buttons, sliders and switches. This was to ensure that a random user selected combination would
not hinder the functionality of the model.

In oiuei to valiuate oui assumptions in iegaius to the employee peisonality types, an electionic
suivey was uesigneu anu sent to vaiious piofessional employees. The suivey was uesigneu to gain
knowleuge about the coiielation between moiale level anu piouuctivity among employees. These
iesults showeu shaip uiviues in how vaiious employees believeu they weie most piouuctive.

This infoimation was useu in oiuei to uesign the thiee peisonality types, auuing fuithei iealism to
the mouel. This ieal woilu uata fuithei valiuates the uesign of oui employee inputs.

vaiious expeiiments weie peifoimeu on the mouel in oiuei to test the effect of the many
paiameteis. This uata was not incluueu in this iepoit as it is beyonu the scope of this pioject.
Bowevei, all paiameteis weie ueteimineu to have a significant impact on final-total-tasks-
completeu, final-total-unassigneu-task, final-aveiage-moiale anu final-aveiage-task-completion-
time. This infoimation was useu when uesigning the expeiiment foi this stuuy.


#$%&'()*&+ Beteimine the effect of allowingnot allowing employees the ability to use the bieak
ioom in oiuei to boost inuiviuual moiale anu piouuctivity upon oveiall office piouuctivity.

,&(-./+!6 employees & 2 manageis (ianuom placement), 6 cubicles (non-ianuom placement),
smait-task-uistiibution selecteu, fixeu-bieak-time selecteu. Expeiiment iun S times, with each iun
having only one peisonality type piesent in the office. (i.e. six Type u's oi Six Type 2's) Initial-task-
time-completion set to Su anu piobability foi manageis to be assigneu a new task is 2S%. 0nly
uiffeience is if Bieak Room 0sage is selecteu.

9 | P a g e


The expeiiment exploieu the effect of iemoving the ability foi the employees to use the bieak-
ioom. An analysis of vaiiance
(AN0vA) was peifoimeu to ueteimine the significance of the bieak
ioom as a factoi on piouuctivity. Below is the AN0vA table foi the effect of bieak ioom usage upon
total tasks completeu. Total tasks completeu was ueteimineu to be the main inuicatoi of oveiall
office piouuctivity


uf Sum Sq Mean Sq l value r(>l)
ersonallLy 2 43302 21730.9 30.0104 .140e-03 ***
8reak.8oom 1 8278 8277.6 11.4208 0.003474 **
ersonallLy:8reak.8oom 2 236 118.2 0.1631 0.831343
8eslduals 12 8697 724.8
Slgnlf. codes: 0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.03 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1

Baseu on this uata, it is ueteimineu that bieak ioom usage has a significant impact on final total
tasks completeu.

In auuition, we can concluue the following:

Bieak ioom usage has a significant impact on final aveiage moiale
Bieak ioom usage has a somewhat significant impact on final total unassigneu tasks.
Peisonality anu bieak ioom usage have a significant impact on final aveiage task
completion time. The inteiaction of the two factois also has a somewhat significant

(See Appenuix foi auuitional AN0vA tables to suppoit the above conclusions)

This expeiiment exploieu the effect of iemoving the ability foi the employees to use the bieak-
ioom. This was in oiuei to test if the employees woulu be moie piouuctive by constantly woiking
than if they weie alloweu to move fiom theii seats to take bieaks. Table 1 pioviues uata iegaiuing
moiale with anu without the bieak ioom usage foi iuns foi the thiee peisonality types. Foi all
thiee employees, use of the bieak ioom helpeu maintain a positive moiale value, while not using
the bieak ioom causeu a negative uiop in moiale.

AN0vA Tables foi expeiiment can be founu in the Appenuix.
1u | P a g e

A1(%&Y (YES Bieak-Room-0sage) u.2S611
A1(%&Y (N0 Bieak-Room-0sage) -86.S828
A1(%&X (YES Bieak-Room-0sage) u.SSSSSS
A1(%&X (N0 Bieak-Room-0sage) -79.7499
A1(%&M (YES Bieak-Room-0sage) u.4S8SSS
A1(%&M (N0 Bieak-Room-0sage) -2S.7217

0veiall, use of the bieak ioom enableu employees to maintain a positive moiale. If use of the bieak
ioom was N0T alloweu, the employees quickly expeiienceu huge uiops in moiale, iesulting in laige
negative values.

Next, the aveiage task completion time was analyzeu. Figuie 4 pioviues a giaph compaiing the final
aveiage task completion foi each employee, compaiing bieak ioom use to no bieak ioom use.

Foi all thiee employee types, use of the bieak ioom helpeu ieuuce task completion time by almost
half. Employees weie able to boost moiale, anu theiefoie maintain a low task completion time.

In oiuei to analyze oveiall office piouuctivity, Figuie S pioviues infoimation iegaiuing use of the
bieak ioom on total tasks completeu.

331 324
11 | P a g e

Foi all employee types, total tasks completeu BECREASEB with use of the bieak ioom. Although
moiale was highei anu employees weie moie efficient, time spent tiaveling to the bieak ioom anu
in the bieak ioom uecieaseu oveiall piouuctivity.


0ne featuie built into the mouel was that patches unoccupieu by cubicles oi the bieak ioom woulu
change coloi as manageis assigneu tasks at those locations. This alloweu foi the obseivation of
emeigent behavioi in iegaiu to inteiaction locations foi iuns with ceitain employee peisonalities.

No mattei what fiequency the manageis ieceiveu tasks at, Type u employees consistently showeu
the following emeigent inteiaction behavioi (ciicleu in ieu) foi 2S%-1uu%. Theie was no use of
the bieak ioom anu moiale climbeu at a lineai iate thioughout the mouel shown in Figuie 1.


Type 1 iuns, iegaiuless of the peicentage, showeu the following behavioi. Employees showeu
steauy use of the bieak ioom in oiuei to maintain moiale. Bips anu peaks in moiale occuieu
thioughout the iun. Limiteu inteiactions occui outsiue of the cubicles. Nanageis consistently hau to
jouiney to the cubicles in oiuei to assign tasks. This iesulteu in limiteu patches of inteiaction aftei
1u,uuu ticks. Figuie 2 shows an example of the inteiaction tab foi a iun with only Type 2


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Type 2 iuns hau similai iesults to the Type u iuns. Type 2 iuns consistently showeu the following
emeigent inteiaction behavioi (ciicleu in ieu on Figuie S) foi 2S%-1uu%. Theie was no use of the
bieak ioom anu moiale climbeu at a lineai iate thioughout the mouel.



With the bieak ioom enableu, employees completeu fewei tasks in a woikuay than with the bieak
ioom uisableu. Initially, this iesult seems to ieject the philosophies of companies like uoogle that
spenu so much money keeping theii employees' moiale high. 0n seconu thought, howevei, peihaps
impioveu piouuctivity was not uoogle's goal when they commissioneu the uoogleplex. In ieality,
woiking in an office is much moie complex than what is shown in this mouel. Employees in an
office must be able to woik effectively as a team to complete tasks, not just woik effectively alone.
Baving aieas within an office wheie employees can socialize anu get to know each othei helps builu
a sense of community among the employees. This sense of community bieaks uown social baiiieis
between employees, enhancing employees' ability to woik with each othei as a iesult.
Fuithei ieseaich into the effects of a peison's emotional state on the speeu at which they complete
tasks in theii noimal job coulu pioviue insight into how this mouel coulu be impioveu. In
paiticulai, this ieseaich coulu impiove the iealism of the employees' emotional iesponses to
uiffeient woikloaus.
1S | P a g e


1. Bell, }. (2u11, maich). Bow Well is Youi Woikplace. NZ Business .

2. Ciopanzano, R., & Wiight, T. (2uu1). When a "Bappy" Woikei Is Really a "Piouuctive"
Woikei A Review anu Fuithei Refinement of the Bappy-Piouuctive Woikei Thesis.
Consulting Psychology }ouinal: Piactice anu Reseaich , SS (S), 182-199.

S. Biscoveiy Communications. (2u11). Bow the uoogleplex Woiks . Retiieveu Nay 28, 2u11,
fiom Bow Stuff Woiks: http:computei.howstuffwoiks.comgoogleplexS.htm

4. uooustein, L., & Lanyon, R. (1999). Application of Peisonality Assessment to the Woikplace,
A Review. }ouinal of Business anu Psychology , 1S (S).

S. 0sif, B. (2uuS). Peisonality anu the Woikplace. Libiaiy Auministiation & Nanagement , 19
(4), 212-217.

6. PiiueBoeing Points anu Seivice Awaius. (n.u.). Retiieveu Nay 28, 2u11, fiom Boeing:

7. Taiis, T., & Scheieuis, P. (2uu9). Woik & Stiess, 2S (1), 12u-1S6.

8. Wiley, S. (2u11, Febuaiy ). Builuing Noiale: The Key to Fiim uiowth. CPA PRACTICE
NANAuENENT F0R0N , 12-19.

9. Woffoiu, }. (1971). Nanageiial behavioi, Situaional Factois, anu Piouuctivity anu Noiale.
Auministiatice Science Quaiteily , 16 (1), 1u-17.

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This mouel is uesigneu to show how the inclusion of a bieak ioom in an office affects employee piouuctivity.
The woilu is an office, populateu by office employees anu manageis. The office enviionment has cubicles foi
employees to complete woik in. The office also contains a bieak ioom wheie employees can go to take a
bieak fiom woik anu iechaige themselves mentally. As the mouel iuns, the manageis give employees tasks to
complete, anu the employees woik on those tasks at theii iespective cubicles, taking bieaks as neeueu.

Each tick, each managei (ieu tuitles) may ieceive a new task. If a managei has tasks to assign to employees,
the managei will move to the employee with the fewest cuiient tasks that is closest to the managei. 0nce the
managei is on the same patch as the uesiieu employee, the managei will ianuomly assign 1 to S tasks to the
employee, uepenuing on how many tasks the managei has to give. Each managei will continue to assign tasks
to employees as long as the managei has tasks to assign.

Theie aie thiee types of employees (yellow, blue, anu gieen tuitles). Employees aie uiffeientiateu fiom each
othei by the numbei of cuiient tasks they can have without causing theii moiale to change. If a managei
assigns an employee enough tasks to move the employee's cuiient task count outsiue of its piefeiieu iange,
the employee's moiale will ueciease. Conveisely, if the employee's cuiient task count is still within the
employee's piefeiieu iange aftei the managei has assigneu the new tasks, the employee's moiale will eithei
inciease oi iemain constant.
1S | P a g e

Employees can only woik on anu complete tasks at theii iespective cubicles, iepiesenteu by giay patches in
the woilu. If an employee completes all of its assigneu tasks, it will move to the neaiest managei to ieceive
moie tasks.

If an employee's moiale uips below zeio, it may move to the bieak aiea (iepiesenteu by a pink patch) to "take
a bieak". While in the bieak aiea, the employee's moiale will inciease.

Piess the SET0P button to place the employees, manageis, cubicles, anu bieak ioom within the office. Theie
aie six cubicles; employees aie evenly uistiibuteu among them anu can only woik at the cubicle that they aie
assigneu to. The numbei of employees anu manageis in the simulation is ueteimineu by the ENPL0YEE-
C00NT anu NANAuER-C00NT sliueis. The usei may wish to iun the mouel with uiffeient paiametei values
than the initial values; these values can be changeu with the sliueis anu switches uesciibeu below. Piess u0
to stait the simulation.

NEW-TASK-PR0BABILITY: The piobability (fiom 1 to 1uu) that a managei will ieceive a new task to assign
uuiing the cuiient tick.
TASK-C0NPLETI0N-TINE: The numbei of ticks that an employee will neeu to spenu woiking in oiuei to
complete a task. (Note: This value only sets the initial task completion time foi each employees. As the mouel
iuns, the numbei of ticks an employee will neeu to complete a task will vaiy baseu on the employee's
ENPL0YEE-C00NT: Sets the numbei of employees to be placeu in the simulation.
NANAuER-C00NT: Sets the numbei of manageis to be placeu in the simulation.

Switches: (Note: The infoimation given by each switch will only upuate when the switch is in the "on"
SB0W-TASK-C00NT.: Shows the numbei of cuiient tasks foi each employee anu the numbei of tasks to
assign foi each managei.
SB0W-INTERACTI0N-L0CATI0NS.: Changes the coloi of each patch in the woilu not contining a cubicle oi a
bieak aiea to iepiesent how many managei-employee inteiactions took place on that patch. As moie
inteiactions occui on a patch, its coloi will change fiom a shaue of yellow to biown, oiange, ieu, anu finally
giay. The shaue of the patch coloi will initially be light anu giauually uaiken befoie switching to the next
coloi as moie inteiactions occui on the patch.
SB0W-INTERACTI0N-C00NTS.: Bisplays on each patch the numbei of managei-employee inteiactions that
have taken place on that patch.
RANB0N-INITIAL-AuENT-PLACENENT.: Places manageis anu employees in ianuom positions aiounu the
RANB0N-C0BICLE-P0SITI0NINu.: Places cubicles in ianuom positions aiounu the woilu. (Note: Befoie
iunning the mouel, ensuie that all 6 cubicles aie outsiue of the bieak aiea.)
SNART-TASK-BISTRIB0TI0N.: If switcheu "on", a managei will assign new tasks by moving to the employee
with the fewest cuiient tasks that is closest to that managei. If switcheu "off", each managei will continuously
assign tasks to the neaiest employee as the managei ieceives new tasks, iegaiuless of how many tasks the
employee cuiiently has.
BREAK-R00N-0SE.: Contiols whethei the employees aie alloweu to use the bieak aiea.
FIXEB-BREAK-TINE.: If switcheu "on", employees can only stay at the bieak ioom foi five ticks. If switcheu
"off", employees stay at the bieak ioom until theii moiale ieaches zeio.

0FFICE-N0RALE anu NEAN-TASK-TINE: Repoit the instantaneous aveiage office moiale anu aveiage task
completion time, iespectively.
T0TAL-TASKS-C0NPLETEB: Repoits the total numbei of tasks completeu up to the cuiient point in the
simulation iun.
16 | P a g e

T0TAL-TASKS-0NASSIuNEB: Repoits the total numbei of tasks that the manageis have not yet been able to
assign to employees up to the cuiient point in the simulation iun.

BREAK R00N 0SAuE: Plots the numbei of employees in the bieak ioom pei tick.
0FFICE N0RALE: Plots the aveiage moiale of the employees each tick.
NEAN TASK TINE: Plots the aveiage task completion time of the employees each tick.

When the mouel is set up, employees aie ianuomly assigneu a peisonality type, iepiesenteu by theii coloi in
the mouel (yellow, blue, anu gieen). It can be inteiesting to see how uiffeient mixtuies of employee types
iesponu to small woikloaus, laige woikloaus, anu the piesence oi absence of a bieak ioom.

As the mouel iuns, patteins begin to emeige in how the manageis assign tasks to the employees within the
woilu. The places wheie manageis assign tasks to employees begin to foim paths between cubicles, with
highei concentiations of task assignments happening neai the most piouuctive employees.

If the employees' task completion time is set high enough, the manageis will be able to assign tasks to the
employees without the employees evei neeuing to leave theii cubicles to get moie woik. This iesults in the
manageis moving aiounu the woilu togethei, which negates the piactical value of having multiple manageis
in the office.

The main puipose of this mouel is to see how the inclusion of a bieak ioom in an office affects employee
piouuctivity. Foi that ieason, it is useful to have a contiol test of the mouel with the bieak ioom unavailable
to employees. Running the mouel with the BREAK-R00N-0SE. switch tuineu "off" shows how the employees'
piouuctivity is affecteu by the absence of bieaks.

Anothei inteiesting option this mouel allows is the ability to have the cubicles placeu ianuomly in the office.
Employee anu managei movement plays a laige iole in how effectively manageis can assign tasks to
employees, anu iunning the mouel with the RANB0N-C0BICLE-P0SITI0NINu. switch tuineu "on" allows the
usei to see the effects of vaiying cubicle layouts on how effectively tasks aiea assigneu.

In auuition to taking bieaks, engaging in conveisation can also have a positive impact on the moiale of
woikeis in an office. Auuing face-to-face social inteiactions between employees outsiue of the bieak ioom
that affect employee moiale woulu be one way to make this mouel moie iealistic.

Anothei way to make this mouel moie consistent with cuiient office enviionments woulu be to intiouuce
email as a methou of communication between manageis anu employees. Cuiiently, manageis assign tasks to
employees thiough face-to-face communication only. The manageis spenu fai moie time moving to
employees than they spenu actually assigning tasks, even though the manageis have global knowleuge of
each employee's cuiient task count anu uistance fiom them. Allowing manageis to assign tasks (anu also
possibly allowing social inteiaction between employees) thiough email coulu yielu inteiesting piouuctivity

"0ffice Space - Basic", cieateu by the same authois as this mouel, is a simplifieu veision of the 0ffice Space
mouel. "0ffice Space - Basic" has no moiale, employee types, oi bieak aiea. Auuitionally, manageis can only
17 | P a g e

assign one task pei managei-employee inteiaction. These changes make the employee-managei inteiactions
much cleaiei to the usei anu allow the usei to see how woikplace layout anu tiavel time affect the
piouuctivity of employees as well as how manageis can be most effective at uistiibuting woik.

Paul }anuacek
Tayloi Natalone
Alma Emaui


breed [managers manager]
breed [employees employee]
breed [cubicles cubicle]
breed [break-area ba]

; From Interface:
; new-task-probability
; task-completion-time
; employee-count
; manager-count
; show-task-count?
; show-interaction-locations?
; show-interaction-counts?
; random-initial-agent-placement?
; random-cubicle-positioning?
; smart-task-distribution?

globals [
mean-task-time ; Average of all employees task-completion times
total-tasks-completed ;Sum of the tasks completed by the employees
total-tasks-unassigned ;Sum of the tasks held by the managers
office-morale ; Overall morale of the office based on the happiness of the employees

managers-own [
target ; targets employees
tasks-to-assign ; number of tasks to assign

employees-own [
morale ; individual morale

to setup
create-cubicles 6
create-employees employee-count
create-managers manager-count
create-break-area 1

ask cubicles [
set color gray
set shape "dot"
18 | P a g e

set size 0.3
;Place the cubicles
ifelse (random-cubicle-positioning?)
[ ask cubicles [setxy random-xcor random-ycor] ]
[ ask turtles with [who = 0] [setxy 0 10]
ask turtles with [who = 1] [setxy -10 10]
ask turtles with [who = 2] [setxy 10 10]
ask turtles with [who = 3] [setxy 0 -10]
ask turtles with [who = 4] [setxy -10 -10]
ask turtles with [who = 5] [setxy 10 -10]

ask patches [
set pcolor 88
set plabel 0

ask break-area [
setxy -18 0
set color pink
set shape "dot"
set size 0.3

ask patches with [count break-area-here > 0] [set pcolor pink]

ask patches with [count cubicles-here > 0] [set pcolor gray]

ask patches [set plabel-color pcolor]

ask managers [
set color 14
set size 1.25
set label-color 0
set tasks-to-assign 0
ifelse (random-initial-agent-placement?)
[ setxy random-xcor random-ycor ]
[ setxy 0 0 ]
if (show-task-count?) [
set label tasks-to-assign
ask employees [
set size 1.25
set label-color 0
set completion-time-counter (task-completion-time)
; sets a personality value of 0 (prefers fewer tasks), 1 (prefers a balance pf tasks), 2
(prefers to have many tasks) to the employees
set personality random 3
if personality = 0 [set color yellow]
if personality = 1 [set color blue]
if personality = 2 [set color green]
set morale 0
set on-break? false
set break-counter 0
set tasks-completed 0
set individual-task-completion-time (task-completion-time)
ifelse (random-initial-agent-placement?)
[ setxy random-xcor random-ycor ]
[ setxy 0 0 ]
if (show-task-count?) [
set label current-tasks

ask employees with [personality = 0] [set current-tasks 2]
ask employees with [personality = 1] [set current-tasks 2]
ask employees with [personality = 2] [set current-tasks 2]

set office-morale (mean [morale] of employees)
19 | P a g e

ask employees with [who mod 6 = 0] [set cubicle-target one-of cubicles with [who = 0]]
ask employees with [who mod 6 = 1] [set cubicle-target one-of cubicles with [who = 1]]
ask employees with [who mod 6 = 2] [set cubicle-target one-of cubicles with [who = 2]]
ask employees with [who mod 6 = 3] [set cubicle-target one-of cubicles with [who = 3]]
ask employees with [who mod 6 = 4] [set cubicle-target one-of cubicles with [who = 4]]
ask employees with [who mod 6 = 5] [set cubicle-target one-of cubicles with [who = 5]]

to go
ask managers [
ask employees [


ask employees [
if (show-task-count?) [
set label current-tasks

set mean-task-time (mean [individual-task-completion-time] of employees)
set total-tasks-completed 0
ask employees [set total-tasks-completed (total-tasks-completed + tasks-completed)]
set total-tasks-unassigned 0
ask managers [set total-tasks-unassigned (total-tasks-unassigned + tasks-to-assign)]
set office-morale ( mean [morale] of employees)
ask employees [set office-morale ( mean [morale] of employees)]


if ticks >= 10000 [ ;One workday = 10000 ticks

to employee-behavior
ifelse (on-break?) [
ifelse (current-tasks > 0) [
;If employee has tasks remaining, goes to its cubicle and does work.
face cubicle-target
ifelse (distance cubicle-target < 1)
[ move-to cubicle-target
sit-and-work ]
[ fd 1 ]
;If employee has NO tasks remaining, goes to the nearest manager to get more work.
set manager-target min-one-of managers [distance myself]
face manager-target
ifelse (distance manager-target < 1)
[move-to manager-target]
[fd 1]

;If the employee is at its cubicle and is sufficently "sad", it may take a break in the break
if (count cubicles-here > 0) [
if (morale < (0 - (random 11.0))) [
if break-room-use? [
set on-break? true
set break-counter 5 ; <-- This value determines how long the employee's break will be.
2u | P a g e


to morale-boost
set morale (morale + .25)
if individual-task-completion-time > 5
[set individual-task-completion-time (individual-task-completion-time - .25)]

to morale-lower
set individual-task-completion-time (individual-task-completion-time + 0.5)
set morale (morale - 0.25)

to manager-behavior
if (new-task-probability > (random 100)) [
set tasks-to-assign (tasks-to-assign + 1)

if (tasks-to-assign > 0) [
ifelse (smart-task-distribution?)
[ let target-candidates (employees with-min [current-tasks])
set target min-one-of target-candidates [distance myself] ]
[ set target min-one-of employees [distance myself] ]
face target
ifelse (distance target < 1)
[ move-to target
[fd 1]
if (show-task-count?) [
set label tasks-to-assign

to take-break
let ba-target one-of break-area ; There's only one break-area turtle, so ba-target will always
be the same turtle.
face ba-target
ifelse (distance one-of break-area > 1) [
fd 1
move-to ba-target
set break-counter (break-counter - 1)
ifelse (fixed-break-time? = true)
[if (break-counter <= 0) [set on-break? false]] ; The break ends after a certain number of
ticks (defined by break-counter in employee-behavior).
[if (morale >= 0) [set on-break? false]] ; The break ends when the employee isn't "sad"

to sit-and-work
if (completion-time-counter < 1) [
set tasks-completed (tasks-completed + 1)
set completion-time-counter (individual-task-completion-time)
set current-tasks (current-tasks - 1)
set completion-time-counter (completion-time-counter - 1)

to assign-task
let task-assign-cap (random 5) + 1 ;max number of tasks that will be assigned to the target
during the current tick.
21 | P a g e

let tasks-assigned 0

while [(tasks-to-assign > 0) and (tasks-assigned < task-assign-cap)] [
ask target [
set current-tasks (current-tasks + 1)
;; employee is a 0 or lazy employee
if (personality = 0) [
if (current-tasks <= 3)
if (current-tasks >= 5)

;; employee is a 1 or a work-life-balance employee
if (personality = 1) [
ifelse ((current-tasks >= 5) and (current-tasks <= 10))

;; employee is a 2 or a work-driven employee
if (personality = 2) [
ifelse ((current-tasks <= 15) and (current-tasks > 0))

set tasks-to-assign (tasks-to-assign - 1)
set tasks-assigned (tasks-assigned + 1)

if (show-interaction-locations?) [
set plabel (plabel + tasks-assigned)
if ((not any? cubicles-here) and ([pcolor] of patch-here != pink)) [
set pcolor (49.9 - (plabel / 5.0))


to update-plabel-visibility
ask patches with [(plabel != 0)] [
ifelse (show-interaction-counts?)
[ set plabel-color 0 ]
[ set plabel-color pcolor ]

to update-plot
set-current-plot "Office Morale"
set-current-plot-pen "morale"
plot office-morale
set-current-plot "Break Room Usage"
set-current-plot-pen "br-usage-pen"
let br-count 0
ask employees with [[pcolor] of patch-here = pink] [set br-count (br-count + 1)]
plot br-count
set-current-plot "Mean Task Time"
set-current-plot-pen "mean-tt"
plot mean-task-time


22 | P a g e


uf Sum Sq Mean Sq l value r(>l)
ersonallLy 2 3390.4 1793.2 1.3032 0.261060
8reak.8oom 1 18236.2 18236.2 13.3070 0.002063 **
ersonallLy:8reak.8oom 2 3347.1 1773.3 1.4870 0.264879
8eslduals 12 14312.0 1192.7
Slgnlf. codes: 0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.03 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1


uf Sum Sq Mean Sq l value r(>l)
ersonallLy 2 8088 4044.1 0.6427 0.34307
8reak.8oom 1 24790 24790.2 3.9393 0.07031 .
ersonallLy:8reak.8oom 2 24203 12102.7 1.9233 0.18837
8eslduals 12 73313 6292.8
Slgnlf. codes: 0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.03 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1


uf Sum Sq Mean Sq l value r(>l)
ersonallLy 2 376.4 288.2 17.1130 0.0003060 ***
8reak.8oom 1 30240.9 30240.9 1793.7924 1.933e-14 ***
ersonallLy:8reak.8oom 2 114.8 37.4 3.4088 0.0672337 .
8eslduals 12 202.1 16.8
Slgnlf. codes: 0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.03 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1


uf Sum Sq Mean Sq l value r(>l)
ersonallLy 2 43302 21730.9 30.0104 .140e-03 ***
8reak.8oom 1 8278 8277.6 11.4208 0.003474 **
ersonallLy:8reak.8oom 2 236 118.2 0.1631 0.831343
8eslduals 12 8697 724.8
Slgnlf. codes: 0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.03 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1

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