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Engineering Assignment D Engineering Technology Report (Final)

William Barker


Introduction to Engineering, ENGN1211
Lecturer: Mr Jeremy Smith

Practical Group 9, Team Number 1
Group Members: Christopher Van der Spek, Lerh Low, Cameron Dally

Due: 13
May 2011

The Australian National University


School of Lnglneerlng
College of Lnglneerlng and CompuLer Sclence

1/')1!(': .....13
May 2011..................

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SLudenL name: _____Wllllam 8arker_______________ uaLe: _____12
May 2011______

The Magenn Air Rotor System (MARS) is a wind turbine which operates at altitudes of 120-
305 metres, where it is able to harness stronger and more reliable winds than wind turbines
on the ground. The operation of the MARS involves the principles of: the Law of
conservation of energy, electromagnetic interactions and fluid mechanics (including the
Magnus effect). Currently, the system is expensive and not commercially produced to any
significant scale. The system can potentially produce economically viable electricity, without
the combustion of fossil fuels. The MARS has potential applications in supplying power to
remote communities and areas of low ground wind speed. The MARS is filled with helium,
which impacts upon the long term sustainability of the technology, both ecologically and
economically. The MARS is less efficient and more expensive than traditional wind turbines.
Overall, the MARS has great potential as a renewable and low carbon source of electricity in
the future, if its weaknesses can be addressed.

Cover age .............................................................................................................................................. 1
Cover SheeL ............................................................................................................................................. 2
AbsLracL ................................................................................................................................................... 3
1able of ConLenLs .................................................................................................................................... 4
1able of llgures ....................................................................................................................................... 3
lnLroducLlon ............................................................................................................................................ 6
rlnclples 8ehlnd CperaLlon ................................................................................................................... 6
ConservaLlon of Lnergy ....................................................................................................................... 7
LlecLromagneLlc lnLeracLlons .............................................................................................................. 7
lluld mechanlcs ................................................................................................................................... 7
Magnus LffecL ................................................................................................................................. 8
LvaluaLlon of roducL.............................................................................................................................. 9
SLrengLhs ............................................................................................................................................. 9
Weaknesses ........................................................................................................................................ 9
Lconomlc vlablllLy (ro[ecLed) .......................................................................................................... 10
Pow effecLlve ls Lhe MA8S ln solvlng Lhe problem ........................................................................... 11
uevelopmenL of roducL ....................................................................................................................... 11
lnvenLor of Lhe roducL .................................................................................................................... 11
1lmellne of 8esearch and uevelopmenL ........................................................................................... 11
AnLlclpaLed MarkeL ............................................................................................................................... 12
osslble luLure uevelopmenLs ............................................................................................................. 12
Pydrogen replaclng hellum ............................................................................................................... 12
Large scale producLlon - economles of scale ................................................................................... 12
800kW model .................................................................................................................................... 13
Concluslon ............................................................................................................................................. 13
8eferences ............................................................................................................................................ 14
Appendlx A: MA8S 100kW roducL SpeclflcaLlons (Magenn ower, 2011) ......................................... 13
Appendlx 8: MA8S 100kW erformance SpeclflcaLlons (Magenn ower, 2011) ................................. 16


Figure 1 ...6
Figure 2 ...6
Figure 3 ...8
Figure 4 ...8

The MARS is an airborne wind turbine developed by Magenn Power Inc. (hence forth
Magenn) The system is comprised of a helium filled balloon, which rotates around a
longitudinal axis under the influence of wind, thus turning a generator, creating electricity.
The system is anchored to the ground with a high tensile strength, conductive tether, which
takes the electricity generated by the MARS, and distributes it to the power grid. The MARS
is used to generate renewable electricity from wind energy at altitudes between 400 and 1000
feet (120 to 305 metres), enabling it to gain energy from more reliable and powerful winds
than traditional turbines. A diagram of the MARS from front and side views is shown in
Figure 1

Figure 1: Diagram of the MARS from front and side view (Magenn Power, 2011)

The MARS is still in development, and is not yet in large scale commercial production,
however, proof-of-concept prototypes have been constructed. The alpha prototype for the
MARS is shown in figure 1, and this prototype is indicative of the appearance and function of
the final product. The MARS is not a replacement for traditional ground wind turbines, but is
simply meant to be used in addition/ compliment with it. This is because the MARS is
designed to be operational in areas where current wind turbines are not, e.g. areas of low
ground wind speed.

Figure 2 The MARS 10kW alpha prototype tested in April 2008 (Magenn Power, 2011)
There are several main physical principles which are essential to the operation of the MARS,
namely: conservation of energy, electromagnetic interactions, fluid mechanics (including the
Magnus effect). For the analysis of the principles that underpin the operation of the MARS,
mainly physics text books were consulted. The information contained in this text is highly
reliable, due to the editing process involved in the publication of these sources. In addition,
some online sources were used, which were not as reliable, but, in these instances, multiple
sources were checked, to ensure the information present was supported by others. Thus,
overall this section is quite accurate and reliable.
The physical law of conservation of energy is a fundamental law of the universe. This law
states that energy can be neither created nor destroyed, only transformed from one form to
another. This idea is crucial to the conversion of the kinetic energy of the wind to rotational
energy of the MARS. As the wind particles collide with the balloon, part of their kinetic
energy is converted into rotational energy of the balloon. It is important to note, however, that
not all of the energy of the wind will be converted to rotational energy of the MARS, as some
energy will be lost to heat (through friction) and other forms of energy. In addition, not all of
the energy of the wind particles will go into making the MARS rotate, as the amount of
energy imparted to the system will depend upon the conditions under which each air particle
collides with the system, and will be different for each collision. Despite this, it is still
important to consider the kinetic energy that wind particles (moving air particles) posses due
to their motion. The kinetic energy that wind particles possess is given by
mv KE
Hence, the power, or energy per unit time is given by
3 2
) (
v A v v A v m P
air air
where m is the mass Ilow rate, P is the power, is the density oI air, v is the velocity oI the
air and A is the cross-sectional area.
The idea of electromagnetic interactions is crucial to the ability of the MARS, and indeed any
form of turbine generator to generate electrical energy from kinetic energy. This is based on
Faradays Law of electromagnetic induction !

. This law states that varying a

magnetic field over time will induce a current in a conductor, and hence, the movement of a
magnetic field can be converted into electrical potential. This principle is used to generate
AC electricity in power stations, through creating a magnetic field rotating at a constant
angular velocity. In the MARS, this rotating magnetic field is driven by the rotation of the
body of the system turning a turbine within the generator. Thus the output is proportional to
the speed at which the system rotates, and hence the wind speed (since the speed at which the
system rotates is a function of wind speed).
Fluid mechanics is the study of fluids [liquids and gasses] at rest and in motion (Oxford
Concise Science Dictionary). Since the MARS is rotating in air, fluid mechanics (specifically
aerodynamics) will have a large impact upon how the operation of the system. Analysis of the
resistance the air offers to the motion of the MARS is crucial to understanding the power
output and efficiency of the system. Without careful aerodynamic analysis, the MARS may
not be stable or able to rotate at all, and hence, this area is crucial to the operation of the
Fluid mechanics is also involved in the floatation of the entire system. The MARS is able to
float because of the buoyant force created by the helium in the balloon is greater than the
total weight of the system, resulting in a net upwards force. The buoyant force is given by the
mass of the displaced air, thus,

, where
is the density of air and V
is the
volume of air displaced. The weight force is given by

, where g is acceleration
due to gravity and m
is the total mass of the MARS (including the mass of helium).
Thus, for the system to float,
m g m V F F
air air
system system air air g B
U ! ! .
The Magnus effect is not as important to the operation of the system as other principles (e.g.
conservation of energy), but is more a consequence of the operation. Nonetheless, it is an
important physical principle which has some important consequences for the system.
The existence of the side-force on a rigid circular cylinder which is both rotating and
moving forward, and likewise on a sphere, is usually known as the Magnus effect, after the
person who made the first relevant laboratory experiments (Magnus 1853).(Batchelor,
1967). The Magnus effect is shown in Figure 3. This diagram shows that the Magnus effect
causes the rotating object immersed in the moving fluid to experience an upwards force.

Figure 3: Diagram of the Magnus Effect
The operation of the MARS is shown below in Figure 4, from which it is obvious that the
MARS will experience a Magnus force directed upwards. "Helium (an inert non-reactive
lighter than air gas) sustains the Air Rotor which ascends to an altitude for best winds and its
rotation also causes the Magnus effect. This provides additional lift, keeps the device
stabilized, keeps it positioned within a very controlled and restricted location, and causes it to
pull up overhead rather than drift downwind on its tether." (Magenn, 2011).

Figure 4: Rotation of the MARS during operation (Magenn Power, 2011)
There are several different equations for calculating the Magnus Force, one appropriate
equation being: ) ( v S F
u Z (Bradon, P 2011), where S is the air resistance coeIIicient,
is the angular velocity of the rotating object and v is the velocity of the fluid.Thus, F
proportional to the wind speed and the angular velocity of the MARS (which itself is
dependent upon the wind speed, as shown above). Hence the magnitude of the Magnus force
is proportional to a power of the wind speed, and thus, the system is more stable at higher
wind speeds.
The MARS has several strengths which make it a potentially viable technology. Primarily,
the MARS is a system for producing electricity which does not require significant quantities
of fossil fuels to operate. This is an important strength of the system, especially with the
current concern about the potential effects of Global Warming on the planet. This is the major
selling point for the technology.
The main advantage that the MARS has over more conventional wind turbines is that since
the MARS operates at higher altitudes, and hence is subject to more generally more
consistent and stronger winds. According to Dr Christina Archer from the Department of
Global ecology at the Carnegie Institute of Science Generally, wind speed increases with
height. Since the power of the wind is proportional to the cube of wind speed, this means
that at higher altitudes, the wind possess significantly more power. Further, Magenn, 2011
claim that the winds at higher altitudes are more reliable and consistent than those at lower
altitudes. If this claim is accurate, then not only would more power be available in the winds,
but it would be available for longer periods of time, and would supply more constant power
(which is desirable for grid power supply). Further, this claim means that the MARS is able
to operate in areas where ground wind speeds are too low to make ground wind turbines to be
viable. Thus the MARS opens up new potential markets for wind turbines, for example in
valleys, where ground winds are low, but high altitude winds are consistent and strong.
Another advantage of the MARS is that the system can be located close to the areas where
the power is demanded. This reduces the power losses in transmission, since power loss is a
function of distance, improving the efficiency of the system. Finally, the MARS is more
mobile that traditional wind generators, meaning the MARS has the potential to be deployed
as a temporary source of electricity in natural disasters.

There are several weaknesses with the MARS, the most predominant being the large amount
of helium required for the operation of the system. Helium is the second smallest element,
with an atomic weight of 4.00260amu (Chemicool, 2008) and is chemically unreactive, being
a group VIII element. World helium supplies are running out (World Science, 2008), and
hence, as the MARS used helium to create a buoyant force, the system will be unsustainable
in the long term. Thus, to ensure the sustainability of the system, alternative sources for the
buoyant force are needed. In addition, as helium is light and unreactive, it is not found
combined as compound on the Earth. The only natural supplies of helium on the Earth are
from the radioactive decay of Uranium isotopes, underneath the surface of the Earth. Thus,
because of the rarity of helium, it is quite expensive, and so, a cheaper alternative would also
make the system more economically viable (this topic will be discussed in greater detail in
later sections).
The MARS is not as efficient a generator as the current ground wind turbines (Magenn
Power, 2011). In addition, wind turbines are cheaper to establish than the Magenn system.
The costs for a commercial scale wind turbine in 2007 ranged from $1.2 million to $2.6
million, per MW of nameplate capacity installed. (Windustry, 2011) In comparison, the
MARS costs US$500,000 (20%-50% the price) for a 100kW model (10% of the output).
Hence, the MARS is between 2 and 5 times more expensive per unit output than traditional
wind turbines. Thus, it in situations where both turbines are viable, the obvious choice would
be the ground based turbines. Therefore, the potential market for the MARS is only areas
where ground wind speeds are too low for traditional turbines. Another weakness of the
system is that during thunder storms, the system is likely to act as a lightning rod. This could
potentially create a spike in voltage which would damage many electrical appliances
connected to the power grid. Thus, a shield wire running directly to Earth, similar to those
used in power lines, would be necessary. Despite this, usage in areas with high levels of
lightning would still be unadvisable. Finally, the MARS has a relatively short life expectancy
for a power generator of only 10-15 years (see Appendix A). In comparison, the average age
of power stations in the United States in 2005 was 40 years (U.S. DEEIA, 2011). This short
life-time significantly impacts upon the long term viability of the system. However, as
discussed below, the comparative cost of the system compared to a power station may mean
that this is not a significant issue.
The cut-in wind speed (the lowest wind speed at which the MARS will generate electricity) is
and the cut-out wind speed is 24ms
and Magenn recommends that the MARS should
operate in 12ms
(presumably on average) winds (see Appendix A). In 12ms
winds, the
100kW model MARS will generate 100kW (see Appendix B). This equates to producing
875MWh per annum. The system has a life expectancy of 10-15 years, and is estimated to
cost US$500,000. (see Appendix A) Assuming the worst case scenario, the MARS will
produce 8.75GWh in its lifetime. In addition to the cost of the system, the total of operation
will also include the cost of helium. The 100kW model MARS requires 200,000 cubic feet
(approx. 5.7ML) of helium to operate (see Appendix A). The cost of 100g ("#$%) of helium
is US$5.20 (Chemicool, 2008). Thus, to fully inflate the MARS with helium would cost
approximately US$53,000, representing approximately 10% of the price of the entire system.
It is uncertain as to how well this helium is then contained within the system, and it is highly
probable that over time the helium would escape from the system, and hence, they system
would need to be refilled. Further, there would be transport, set-up and maintenance costs
associated with the system. Thus, the final cost of the system as a whole could be up to US$1
million. Therefore, the cost of power, per kWh would be approximately 11.5c per kWh. This
figure does not include the costs of establishing a power grid. For comparison, in Canberra
ACTEWAGL sell electricity at a flat rate of 14.18c to 15.598c per kWh. Hence, the MARS is
potentially cost competitive.
It is important to note that most of the information attained for this section is supplied by
Magenn Inc. and are only estimates. Thus, the figures are likely to be idealised, and higher
than the real values for the operation of the system, due to the invested interest Magenn has in
promoting the system. Since the system is not yet widely available, there is limited data on
from third parties on the actual performance of the system, and hence the claims of Magenn
are subject to considerable doubt. However, in order to the cost effective analysis, their data
must be used, but any conclusions drawn from this must treated as idealised, and not entirely
The MARS is designed to be a solution (or at least part of the solution) to global warming,
through creating a sustainable and renewable source of electrical energy. Currently, the
MARS shows great potential in contributing to this solving this problem, as the MARS is
projected to be able to produce economically viable electrical energy, which is not sourced
from fossil fuels. The system is also able to operate in areas previously unviable for wind
turbines, due to insufficient wind speeds. Thus, the system, it is still a possible source of
renewable energy for the future. However, according to Discovery Chanel, 2008, 9.5 million
systems would be required to satisfy the current global demand for electricity. This is an
unrealistic number of systems, and is not achievable in the time period for solutions to global
warming (around the next 50 years). Hence, the MARS would be only part of the solution to
global warming. Hence, the system is a potential solution to the problem it is designed to
The inventor of the MARS is Fred Ferguson, founder and CTO of Magenn. Ferguson has
been working in the field of inflatable aircraft for over 30 years, and has been involved in the
design and production of high tech aircraft for military and industrial purposes during this
time. In the 1980s, Ferguson developed an idea for the first spherical airship, and in the
1980s, he patented his design for the Magnus Spherical Airship. This was an airship which
rotated as it moved forward, creating a Magnus lift, raising the airship as it moved. The
airship won the Canadian Government Award of Excellence in 1984. After this, Ferguson
moved into research into the aerodynamics of different airship shapes. In recent years,
Ferguson has turned his attention towards the generation of environmentally sustainable
electricity, due to his concern due to his deep concern about the future of the planet, and the
dangers of global warming. Ferguson is the driving force behind the development of the
MARS, and he passionately believes that the MARS has the potential to be at least a partial
solution to Global Warming. The reason I want to save this planet is really simple: I have a
daughter and I have a family that will carry on, and I want that life ahead, whether Im in it or
not, to be a better place, not a lesser placed. (Fred Ferguson 2008, source: Discovery Chanel,
Research into creating an airborne wind turbine for Magenn Power started in late 2006. Many
different designs were considered and large amounts of planning and mathematical modelling
was conducted in this period. The main area in which the research and development for this
product was carried out was in the aerodynamics of the rotating body of the system. By early
2008, this research reached the stage where Magenn was ready to start physically modelling
the system, and resulted in many scale models being created in this period. Tests were
conducted on these models in wind tunnels, and the early designs proved ineffective and
unstable in even low wind speeds. Thus, the next generation of prototypes was developed
with an included wind vane, which acts to align the system with the direction in which the
wind is moving. This improvement dramatically improved the stability of the system, and the
results of these test lead to the creation of a full-sized prototype of the system. This was
tested in mid 2008, and initially was not successful, as the smaller models had neglected the
weight of the generators in the overall system, and the uneven force loading they produced.
Thus, the prototype had to be redesigned, and finally, in late 2008, the 10kW alpha protocol
was successful in generating 200W of electricity from high altitude winds. This provided
proof of concept for the system, and showed that the technology was feasible in the real
world. Since this test, Magenn have conducted further research into improving the efficiency
of the generators, and also into the commercial production of the system.
The MARS does not require a large amount of capital investment compared to the
establishment of coal power stations, but is still too expensive for individual usage. In
addition, the MARS produces approximately 3 orders of magnitude less power than a
traditional coal power station (U.S. DEEIA, 2011), and approximately 2 or 3 orders of
magnitude more power than an individual household consumes. Hence, it is logical that the
MARS be targeted at small community situations, which is the Magenns anticipated market
for the MARS. developing nations, island nations, farms, remote areas, cell towers,
exploration equipment, oil and gas wells, mining sites, offshore drilling stations and backup
power& water pumps (Magenn Power, 2011) Magenn also suggest that in such situations,
the MARS should be used in compliment with a backup diesel generator.
The MARS has great potential to become more commercially viable in the future through
improving and increasing production.
Hydrogen is a possible alternative to helium for creating a buoyant force on the balloon.
Hydrogen is lighter and smaller than helium, which presents positives and negatives. The
positive side is that a greater lift will be created by the same volume of hydrogen, but the
negative is that the hydrogen will escape from the system more quickly. Hydrogen is also a
more reactive element than helium, which again has both positive and negative implications.
On the negative side, it means that if the MARS were filled with hydrogen, it would be far
more reactive, and any sparking could cause the hydrogen to ignite, causing the MARS to
explode. This possibility is very prominent in the public consciousness, due to the infamy of
the Hindenburg airship disaster, where a zeppelin filled with hydrogen burst into flames, and
killed 36 people. However, since the MARS is unmanned, the severity of this threat is
reduced. However, since the system generates electricity, there is quite a high chance of
sparking, and hence, great measure should be applied to minimise this risk. The positive side
of hydrogens high reactivity is that is found combined with other elements on the Earth, and
hence is much more abundant than helium. This means that hydrogen is cheaper to attain, and
is more sustainable than helium. Hydrogen could be formed by electrolysing water, which
could be conducted on site, using the power created by the MARS. This would make the
system more self-sufficient, and thus further decrease the cost of the system. However, this
process would reduce the power available for use from the MARS, but, overall, it is likely
that the reduced maintenance and establishment costs would out-weigh this. Hence, I believe
that research should be conducted into the viability of using hydrogen in lieu of helium to
create the buoyant force for the system.
Currently the MARS is still in the process of establishing production facilities for the MARS,
after having recently finished final testing on the product. All costs on the system are still
estimates, and there is hope that as the company grows, and produces more systems, then
they may be able to reap economies of scale, bringing down the cost of the individual units.
This would make the MARS a more viable technology, as it would reduce the cost of
electricity produced by the system. In addition, increasing the production of the MARS may
also result in improved transportation and/ or set-up/ construction techniques at the site. This
would reduce the costs associated with the operation of the system, and hence, reduce the
cost of the electricity generated by the MARS.
Initially, Magenn planned to release 4kW, 10kW and 25kW models, but these have been
discarded in place of larger models. Magenn now has plans to introduce an 800kW MARS
model in the future. This goal, however, may take several years to realise, given that the
100kW model has not yet become commercially produced on any appreciable scale.
The idea of using high altitude winds to create electricity is sensible, due to the amount of
reliable power that can harnessed. Thus, the MARS has great potential as a source of
sustainable and low carbon source of energy into the future. The MARS has particular use in
remote and off-grid situations, for powering small communities. However, in order to achieve
this, the amount of helium required by the system must be reduced, and, ideally the cost
reduced by larger scale production. Given the technical challenges already overcome by the
system, it is possible that these remaining issues could be addressed, and thus, the technology
would become a very practical source of energy.


Batchelor, GK, 1967, An Introduction to Fluid Dynamics, Cambridge University Press,
Cambridge. (pp427)

Brandon, P, 2010, The Magnus Effect, viewed 11 May 2011, <http://ffden->

Chabay, RW & Sherwood, BA, 2011, Matter & Interactions, John Wiley & Sons, Inc, United
State of America, Third Edition, University of North Carolina

Chemicool, 2011,Helium, Chemicool Periodic Table, viewed 12 May 2011

Discovery Chanel, 2008, Discovery Project Earth: Infinite Winds Primer: Video: Discovery
Chanel, viewed 11 May 2011, <

Intellectual Property Australia, 2011, IP Australia: Auspat, viewed 7 Mary 2011,

Magenn Power Inc., 2011 Magenn Power Inc., Moffett Field CA, viewed 12 May 2011

The Engineering Toolbox, 2011, Gases Densities, viewed 12
May 2011,

TonleAid, 2010 Living on the Water Tonle Sap, Cambodia, The Australian National

U.S. Department of Energy's Energy Information Administration, 2011, Form EIA-860
Database, Annual Electric Generator Report,

United States Patent and Trademark Office, (U.S. DEEIA) 2011, United States Patent and
Trademark Office, viewed 7 May 2011, <>

World Science, 2008, Shrinking helium reserves threaten more than kids play, Washington
University in St Louis, viewed 10 May 2011, <>

Windustry, 2011, How much do wind turbines cost?, viewed 12
May 2011,


MARS 100kW Performance Specifications
Magenn Power
Model 100kW
Rated Power 101,000 Watts
Size (Diameter x
45 ft x 100 ft (plus blade height of 22 ft
Shipping Weight Under 13,000 lbs
Volume of Helium 200,000 cubic feet
Tether Height
750 ft standard - up to 1,500 ft optional
tether length
Start-up Wind
2.5 m/sec - 5.6 mph
Cut-in Wind
3.0 m/sec - 6.7 mph
Rated Wind Speed 12.0 m/sec - 26.8 mph
Cut-out Wind
24.0 m/sec - 53.7 mph
Maximum Wind
30.0 m/sec - 67.1 mph
-40!C /-40!F to +45!C/+113!F
Generators 100 kW Total
Output Form
380 V 3 Phase 50 Hz, 480 & 600 V 3
Phase 60 Hz or Regulated DC
Warranty One Year
Life Cycle 10 to 15 Years
Price (USD)
$500,000 USD
Availability 2010-2011 (taking orders now)


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