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organization shall be the San Diego County A & M Club. The Club is to be incorporated under the laws of the State of California as a nonprofit organization. ARTICLE II CHARTER SECTION 1--Relation with the Association This club shall be a chartered club of the Association of Former Students of Texas A & M University and subject to the provisions applying to chartered clubs as set forth in the Bylaws of the Association of Former Students. SECTION 2--Financial Obligations This club shall not be financially obligated to or by the Association of Former Students nor shall the Association in any way be obligated or responsible for the financial affairs of this club. ARTICLE III PURPOSES SECTION 1--Purposes The purposes of this club are 1. To establish and maintain scholarships for needy and worthy students. 2. To assist the community, the University and the Association of Former Students in any worthy undertaking to the best of our ability as a club and as individuals. 3. To maintain and encourage the fraternal spirit of friendliness and helpfulness that is traditional among A & M former students. ARTICLE IV MEMBERSHIP SECTION 1--Regular Members Any person who at one time was enrolled in any of the regular courses of Texas A & M University (formerly Agricultural and Mechanical College of Texas) and all persons who have received advanced or honorary degrees from the University shall be eligible for regular membership in the club.

SECTION 2--Associate Members Any person not eligible under the foregoing provisions who has demonstrated interest in the University and in the activities of the Club may, with prior approval of the Board of Directors, be elected as an Associate Member by a majority of the members present at any regular meeting of the club. Associate members shall have all the privileges of membership except the right to hold office. SECTION 3--Lifetime Members Any member of the Club who has rendered outstanding service to the Club may, by a unanimous vote of the members at a regular meeting of the club and the prior approval of the Board of Directors, be elected a Lifetime Member. This position is designed to be the highest honor that can be given by this club. SECTION 4--Dues Regular dues shall be set by a majority vote of the Board of Directors. The dues for each year shall be payable at the beginning of each calendar year. The dues shall be used for the general operation of the club and for scholarships. Lifetime Members shall be exempt for the payment of dues. ARTICLE V LEADERSHIP SECTION 1--Officers and Directors The officers of the club shall consist of a President, Immediate Past President, Vice President-Programs, Vice President-Finance (Treasurer), Vice President-Membership, Vice President-Public Relations, Vice President-Communications and President-Elect. These officers are responsible for the day to day operations of the club. A Board of Directors consisting of all past presidents of the club will establish the policies and direction of the Club. The President will be the non-voting Chairman of the Board of Directors. The President-Elect will be a non-voting member of the Board. SECTION 2--Method of Election The Officers shall be nominated annually by the Board of Directors and elected at the last meeting of the club in each calendar year. The Officers will assume office on January 1 following election. The President shall serve for a term of two years. The President-Elect will be elected to serve during the final year of each Presidents term. All other Officers shall serve for a term of one year but may be elected to successive terms. It shall be the duty of the President to advise the office of the Association of Former Students of the newly elected officers and their date of election prior to the end of the calendar year.

SECTION 3--Method of Nomination The Nominating Committee shall consist of the President, Past President and PresidentElect (in years when that office is filled). Each year, in advance of the election, the Nominating Committee shall prepare a slate of officers to lead the club for the following year. The slate will be reviewed by the Board of Directors and formally nominated by majority vote of the Board of Directors at its last meeting of the year. Only one person will be nominated for each position, but provision will be made on the ballot for write-in opposition. SECTION 4--Removal and Replacement of Officers An officer may be removed by a two-thirds vote of the Board of Directors. A vacancy in any office may be filled through appointment by the President confirmed by a majority vote of the Board of Directors. SECTION 5--Duties of Officers President: Presides at all meetings of the Club and the Board of Directors. He shall execute contractual and financial documents on behalf of the Club. He shall appoint all committees and serve as an ex-officio member of all committees as well as represent the club at bi-annual meetings of the Council of the Association of Former Students. Immediate Past President: Provides advice and continuity for the current president as well as serve on the Board of Directors and Chairman of the Nominating Committee. President-Elect: Presides at meetings in the absence of the President. Serves on the Nominating Committee and assists the President as needed. Vice President-Programs: Leads the planning, with other officers, of all activities and programs of the Club. Acts as liaison with the Association Field Office, as necessary, to coordinate these activities . Vice President-Membership: Directs annual membership drive to recruit new members and reactivate previous members. Maintains membership records and publishes a Club membership directory to make it easy for new and current members to obtain information about Club meetings and activities. Vice President-Finance: Serves as Secretary-Treasurer of the Club, develops annual Club budget in coordination with the President and other Club officers. Vice President-Communications: Responsible for publishing the Clubs quarterly newsletter as well as maintaining and activating the Clubs telephone chain to alert members of coming events.

Vice President-High School Relations: Represents the Club in matters pertaining to the continuing relationship with the area high schools. Leads the Clubs participation in local College Nights at regional high schools. Recruits scholarship applicants from local high schools and coordinates with the Universitys Office of Student Financial Aid to provide scholarships to worthy local students. Vice President-Public Relations: Plans and directs local Club publicity and press relations to enhance its reputation and public image, functions directly with the Association Club Programs Office to provide items for publication in The Texas Aggie. ARTICLE VII MEETINGS SECTIONS 1--Regular Meetings The regular meetings of the club shall be scheduled at a time and place designated by the Board. SECTION 2--Muster The Clubs annual Muster shall be held on April 21 of each year. A report of the Muster held will be made to the Club Programs Office of The Association of Former Students with full details of the Function. This report will be the responsibility of the Vice President-Public Relations with the assistance of the Muster Chairman. SECTION 3--Special Meetings Special meetings of the club shall be held at a time and place designated by the Board. SECTION 4--Board Meetings The Board of Directors shall have four quarterly meetings per year. The dates of these meetings and Agenda will be arranged by the President. ARTICLE VII COMMITTEES SECTION 1--Appointment The President shall appoint the following standing committees and such others as may become necessary. In the event that a committee chairman becomes unable to serve, the President shall appoint a replacement. SECTION 2--Scholarship Fund Committee The Scholarship Fund Committee shall conduct and manage the annual fund raising campaign to fund scholarship obligations of the Club. The Chairman of this committee shall act as liaison with the A & M Foundation to maintain a current status of the Clubs Scholarship fund.

SECTION 3--Scholarship Committee This committee, under the direction of the Vice President-High School Relations, will recommend to the Board of Directors the recipient(s) of the Clubs scholarship(s). Once approved by the Board of Directors, he forwards the recommendations to the office of Student Financial Aid. SECTION 4--Muster Committee The Muster Committee shall be responsible for scheduling, arranging and notification of all functions for the Muster. The Muster Committee will coordinate arrangements with the Muster speaker and act as liaison between the speaker, Association and Board on all matters related to the Muster. Individual Muster Committee Chairmen will be designated for both the current and following years. SECTION 5--Bylaws Committee The Bylaws Committee, chaired by the Immediate Past President, will review the Bylaws at least once a year. Any needed changes will be brought to the attention of the Board and recommendations for improvement. submitted. The Bylaws shall be kept in such form that they aid the officers and directors in the efficient running of the club. ARTICLE VIII AMENDMENTS Section 1--Process The Bylaws of this club may be amended or changed by a two-third vote of the members present at the next regular meeting after the motion was originally made, after the Board has approved such change by a majority vote, and after notice of such amendment is published in the club newsletter. These Bylaws were adopted by the Directors at a meeting held August 27, 1997 approved by the membership at a regular meeting on December 11, 1997 . and

(signed by RDS) President

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