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. (Objective) NAME:____________________________________ ROLL NO: ______________ Total Mks: 15 Encircle the correct answer: i) A letter is one side of conversation by: a) phone b) mobile phone ii) Where was Farah born and bred: a) Faisalabad b) abroad c) post c) Sialkot d) face d) Sindh d) adverb d) luggage d) Entigrity d) Past Perfect d) happy time d) who likes drugs d) welfare d) threatening d) agrees to d) progress Time Allowed: 20 Mins

iii) Education brings change in man. The underlined word is a: a) Abstract noun b) Participle used as verb c) Gerund iv) Transport is a mode of a) communication b) conveyance v) choose the correct spellings a) Entegrity b) Intigrity vi) I shall have done my work. Which tense is it? a) Future Perfect Continuous b) Future Perfect c) news c) Integrity c) Future Indefinite

vii) In the poem A Little Word the phrase the darkest hour means: a) pleasant moments b) free time c) worst moments viii) Drugs pushers are those: a) who deal in drugs b) who use drugs c) who hate drugs

ix) Hazrat Umar bin Abdul Aziz taught the lesson of : a) morality b) simplicity c) sympathy x) We learn the rules by imitating others. The underlined word means: a) competing b) watching c)copying xi) He always ridicules my ideas. What does the underlined word mean? a) makes fun of b) criticizes c) appreciates xii) Which of the following is not a concrete noun: a) inventor b) city c) calendar

xiii) Hazrat Ayesha (RA) was an authentic reporter. The underlined word means: a) excellent b) trustworthy c) complicated d) talented xiv) Which of the following is not a sentence: a) The dog is faithful animal. c) We shall follow the rules. xv) Hazrat Ayesha (RA) was born in a) Taif b) Jeddah b) The happiest hour of life. d) She was playing with her cat. c) Makkah d) Madina

FAUJI FOUNDATION MODEL SCHOOL, CHAK SHAHZAD , ISLAMABAD. SUMMER VACATION EVALUATION TEST 2011 2012. (Subjective) 2. Answer the following questions: (Any Five) i) what kind of condition was imposed on the prisoners of the battle of Badr? ii) How does the charter of the Human Rights of the United Nations reflect the spirit of the Madina Charter? iii) How are the traffic lights helpful in the smooth flow of traffic? iv) What do the crafts of a country represent? v) What are the effects of drugs? vi) Why was Farah surprised and displeased with the wedding ceremony? vii) How can we avoid traffic accidents? Paraphrase the following stanza : a) Not gold but only men can make A people great and strong Men who , for truth and honours sake, Stand fast and suffer long. Read the following stanza and answer the questions given at the end: A word, a look has crushed to earth. Full many a budding flower Which had a smile but owned its birth. Had blessed lifes darkest hour. QUESTIONS: i) How do harsh word affect others? ii) What is the importance of a little word? iii) Explain the words darkest hour and budding flower. Read the following passage and answer the questions given at the end: Newspapers keep us constantly in touch with the whole of mankind. In olden days a mans world consisted of his own village and one or two neighbouring villages. It was difficult for him to know what was going on in the other parts of the country. But today the press assisted by rapid means of communications brings us news from the farthest corner of the globe. The press is also responsible for educating public opinion. The laws of a nation are really shaped by its press. In fact the public receives guidance form the newspapers. Thus their power in modern times is really great. QUESTIONS: i. What good do the newspapers do to us? ii. Why in olden days man could not know what was going on in far off places? iii. What is the responsibility of the press today? iv. How are the laws of a country shaped nowadays? How are newspapers a source of public guidance? 6. Change the narration of the following: i) She says , I like clouds in the sky. ii) They said, Our teacher is on leave. iii) My brother said to me, I hope you will not repeat this mistake. iv) The mother said to her, Will you invite your friends. v) The old man said, Always speak the truth. Make sentences of the following : Fond of, Laugh at, assured of, angry at , conscious of 05 10 05 15







7. 8. 9.


Write a letter to your sister congratulating her on her success in examination. Write an essay on any one of the following topics: A Rainy Day in Summer OR Losing my books and notes before the exams

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