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God's ways and Man's diseases.

Dis-ease is the consequence of sin which is just the conflict between man's will and God's will that has spilled out into man's soul and body. Before the Fall there was perfect harmony between God, man and all of creation (except Lucifer and his angels), because everyone was pleased to follow their Creator's will and perfectly fulfilled their own design. Man and all of creation used all of their capacity. Man had photographic memory. He responded perfectly in his emotions to every situation. He functioned perfectly in both realms, the physical and the spiritual. His body would never be hurt, damaged nor die. He was never too hot nor too cold. He had pure water to drink and pure air to breath. Even the animals were his friends. More importantly he loved everyone and everything and was loved perfectly, selflessly by everyone and everything. Man did not know the Law, he had no need of it. He lived and walked with Love, Light, Truth, and Life, His Creator. Love, Light and Truth are all Living and they all bring Life to anyone who walks in them. Perfect contentment was his life. Man's Creator provided for man's every need before he needed. Man knew he was loved and he loved purely, without self interest or even self-consciousness. Fear was unknown to him. Man was continually bathed in Living Light. Everything was crystal clear. There was not even a shadow. Every action, every interaction was understood perfectly. Everything was fully alive and worship came easy. It was all so clear. Every creature loved each other without reservations. Every being's hearts beat together. Father is first Love. It is His foundational nature. This Love is selfless and flows to His beloved which is ALL of His creation. He created a universe in perfect harmony that resonates with His Light and Life. Life is always the consequence of Divine Love. A simple tuning fork can be used to illustrate. If two identical tuning forks are place a few feet apart and one of them is struck the other one will begin to vibrate too. If you had 100 turning forks in the same area and one was struck the others would also start to "sing". If there was one in the crowd that was different it would not respond. Father created a universe of spiritual tuning forks. So when Father spoke all of the universe "sang". This is like the flow of Life. When Father's Love and Light is received, accepted and returned Life flows. This Life quickens and animates the creature. This is what Father did to the clay when He breathed "Life" into Adam. Father is in all things of all things through all things. Father's presence (spirit) permeates everything that He created, even the "inanimate". The essence of Life is that it brings order out of chaos. It was Life at the beginning that took the formless and void and created the perfect, ordered universe. Death is the opposite effect, that is entropy, the process that destroys order and brings chaos. If we could somehow run time backward we would find Perfection, because entropy would flow backwards. Life brings perfect order, that is called righteousness, which is the result of Divine design. This path is the way of God; Love begets Life with begets Perfection. Perfection means everything that

experiences it is working exactly as it was designed, immersed in Love and Life. There are a couple of additional steps interspersed in this path, that is Light and Truth. So it's something like: Love brings Light which brings Truth which brings Life which begets Perfection. The end of this chain is Love. It comes full circle. Because of our perfection we can then Love truly. Love requires choice. To Love and be Loved, we must be able to not Love and be Loved. So man was given a choice, live in Father's perfect ways in harmony with all of creation or chose the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil and learn for himself, by himself. Well we all know how that turned out. Man chose independence. Independence came with a cost. Man cut the cord of Love, Light, Truth and Life. He was no longer one with his Creator but separate. The result was sin and death entered man and the Earth because Father had put the Earth under man's authority and care. Man became evil in heart. (A working definition of evil is naturally choosing our will over Father's will.) As a result sin, destruction and death has ruled man and the Earth ever since. Man has developed many different technologies but the end result is always the same, a perversion of Father's perfection which brings destruction and death. The tuning fork was mortally damaged because of disobedience. It could no longer resonate with Father's Love. Conflict: In the Garden, as a result of the fall, the I AM, who knows the difference between Good and Evil came into conflict with the "i am" who just had chosen to learn on his own the difference between and evil. Until that fateful day there was only one I AM. Now there was three, yet truly only One. The other two were imposters. They had attained access to the knowledge that God has without receiving it from Him. However, there can only truly be one I AM, the Eternal Presence from which All consciousness flows. Until independence was chosen, man was Father conscious. He was fully aware of Love, Light, Life and Truth. However, once man gained knowledge he became self-conscious and lost his Father consciousness. He was separate and on his own. With this new division the i am's began to exercise their I will's which were no longer naturally in harmony with the I WILL. Hence tension and stress began. Father had created a conscience in man that contains the basics of right and wrong. As a result man came into conflict with his own conscience as well. Up until the Fall, man was the object of Father's Love and man passed that Love on to woman without applying it to Self, since self did not yet exist. Love flowed freely, unrestricted from Father to man and woman and back. Love flowed amongst them and there was no need. Every need was met by each other in Love. As an example, let's say that Father and Adam were walking in the Garden and Father knew that Adam was hungry (before Adam did). So Father walked over to a fruit tree and plucked a couple of fruit and handed them to Adam. Adam ate one and then realized that he had been hungry and thought, Eve must be

hungry too. So he took the second fruit to Eve. Of course they both appreciated Father's foresight and thanked Him. There was no need to hoard Love because they lived with the Source of Love. However, after the Fall, when they both had become separated from Father, who had provided Love, Light Truth, Life and Righteousness, they became self aware and afraid. They had just lost their source of Love, Light, Truth, Life and Righteousness and for the first time they were in Need. Now they were afraid to share what little they had left lest they become unloved, existing in darkness, without truth, and die in chaos. So they tried to hold on to their love, light, truth life and righteousness as it dissipated away. They became separated from each other because if they gave to the other they might not get something in return. To give to another would put them at risk since they had a limited supply. So now man is at odds with each other, competing for their needs. Man became takers instead of givers, self centered instead of Father centered. Survival of the fittest replaced Love and only the strong survive became the rule instead of meekness. Man had chosen independence and thus separation from Father. Father had created them for union, that they all be one, sharing Father's infinite supply. Father never intended man to exist separately from union with Himself. Man was never meant to know the difference between right and wrong. But their choice, sin, cut them off and left them wanting for their very life, for now death was inevitable because they were no longer connected to the Source of Life. Time was now their enemy, for every tic of the clock brought death one step closer. Men now has to labor on the Earth to attain the substances needed to maintain their physical existence. But what of Love, Light, Truth and Life? These are spiritual in nature, with physical consequences. There is only one source of these, the Father of spirits! How could they, men, get back what they had lost, their spiritual union with Father? They realized that there is a right and a wrong because Father stamped it on their hearts. Before the Fall they did not even know wrong because they were one with Right. Since sin broke the spiritual union and brought spiritual separation and death, man is left with just the physical, material realm in which to exist. The gulf is even greater. How can physical man reconnect with his spiritual Creator with the wall of sin separating the two realms? They had chosen to do their will instead of Father's Will. Man instinctively realizes that doing their Creator's will is the only way back to Love and Life. What, How, When and the Power to carry it out are the components of God's will. The What results in a contest between God's wisdom and man's wisdom (which is called foolishness by God's definition). The How is about the means of carrying out God's will. God's way or man's. Man likes the head on approach which is confrontational which leads to war thus trying to do the What by conquest. God uses the gentle and peaceful approach which accomplishes the What by Love. The When is provided by the Holy Spirit, in the "fullness of time". However, man

is impatient but God is infinitely patient, His timing is perfect. So man will either choose Now or Never. The power either comes from the Holy Spirit or from the human will, through persuasion or force. There is either going to be submission or rebellion (stiff necked) to each aspect of God's will. Once man chooses his own will over Father's, because sin had entered and filled the vacuum then the conflict of wills began. This conflict is between God and man and then secondarily between man and man. In man's heart he knows that he is violating God's will because of his conscience and is guilty of sin. His conscience then condemns him as a sinner, in need of punishment. This is a continuous source of internal irritation. There is a continual inner echo of accusations that feeds the individuals fear of consequences and punishment. Man knows in his heart (subconscious) that the wages of sin is death and he is afraid in his subconscious. Some men will even consciously admit it, but most will try to hide it even from themselves. So we have billions of men, women and children having a deep and often hidden, sense of guilt and condemnation, afraid for their lives less they end up damned. This internally troubled humanity interacts daily with each other. Usually out of this internal conflict comes the only response that man thinks will help his own case. IT WAS THEIR FAULT NOT MINE. Because we are being accused, we futilely attempt to deflect our guilt and accusations on to anyone else. Of course this tactic does not solve the problem of a guilty conscious. It just causes additional conflict. Who are we trying to convince? Our conscious selves. In our heart we know God knows the truth so we are trying to convince ourselves that our subconscious is lying to us. So now we have additional conflict between our conscious self and our own heart. The more aware we are of our own condition the more stress builds up and the more we attempt to find distractions and deflections. The common distractions are the pursuit of pleasure (sex, excitement, spending, games of all sorts etc), the numbing of the conscious, (sleep, drugs, alcohol, etc), attempting to live outside of themselves (movies, gossip, hero worship, living through their children etc). Conflict between the individual's will and any of the components of God's will leads to internal (spiritual) tension which leads to resistance (rebellion). This internal resistance will lead to internal stress which leads to internal irritation (friction) which leads to internal inflammation (fire) which, with enough time and persistence leads to dis-ease. At any point this "fire" can spill over to the soul (mind and emotions) and body. Inflammation for example can spill out into the emotions and result in anger and confrontation. Or it could spill out into the mind and results in scheming and manipulation. If it spills out in to the body then there would be some kind of inflammation in the body; arthritis, colitis, ileitis, tonsillitis, etc. Many diseases are named simply as the "inflammation of the particular organ" ie. colitis is the inflammation of the colon.

Since the "i am" apart from the I AM was established at the Fall, the "i am" defines for itself what is right and evil. We establish a measuring stick that we apply to everyone. What is right is what conforms to i am's measuring stick. What is evil is that which conflicts with i am's measuring stick. No two measuring sticks are a like. Every man has become a god unto himself to one degree or other. ALL HUMAN CONFLICT IS THE DIRECT RESULT! The gods content for dominance believing in their heart that they are right and (all) the others are wrong (and hence evil). [At a laboratory where I worked early in my career by boss had this saying: "All of the world is crazy except me and thee, and sometimes thou hast thy moments".] He would eye me and quote that from time to time as a reminder. Of course conflict is avoided by submission to the other's will; which comes as a result of fear, deception or recognition that the "i am" could be wrong. The only true resolution of intra-human conflict is when all involved parties yield their own wills and conform to Father's will. This is rare amongst men. Over time we make judgments against ourselves and others. If these are not resolved, by forgiveness and repentance then they escalate into violence against ourselves and others. It starts with wishing that we or others were dead. At first we just think the thoughts (in our hearts) then we begin to speak the words, for out of the heart the mouth speaks. We have been created to operate by faith and faith makes things happen by speaking words. So when we begin speaking these judgments we are cursing ourselves or others. This opens the door for Satan to get involved to carry out the curses, usually through disease. If the intensity increases then it results in suicide or murder, ie. death. The only way to resolve this conflict is through the forgiveness of sin both ours and others. We cannot forgive our own sins but we can forgive others. Only our Creator can forgive our sins because they are primarily against Him then secondarily against others. He promises to forgive our sins in the same measure that we forgive others sins against us (The Lord's Prayer). It was necessary for Yeshua to forgive those who had crucified Him, otherwise He could not have been resurrected by Father who had to forgive Yeshua of the sins that He was carrying for us. The Human Heart: Everything flows out of the fallen human heart is self centered because our hearts are self-conscious. The heart has chosen to please its self. The basis of its choices is self survival. We must survive at all costs. It is a basic instinct. This is why we eat, sleep and reproduce.
JER 17:9 The heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately wicked: who can know it?

The heart is the switch between the Spirit of God and the spirit of man, if you will. It is the heart that makes the decision as to which to obey or follow, self or Father. If the heart chooses Father then Life flows, if not the result is death.

PRO 24:2 For their heart studies destruction, and their lips talk of mischief.

These verses shows us where we start. We are born with a deceitful heart that cannot be trusted. Deceit promotes deception which is believing something to be true that is a lie and not even suspecting it is a lie. The fallen heart is the center of it's own universe and declares itself king. This is where we start with a heart full of lies that we honestly believe to be the truth. These lies have been picked up throughout our lives by other people's teaching and our experiences mostly without any contact with our Creator. The fallen heart is like a filth magnet. This entire world is lies controlled by the Father of Lies, as the Scriptures state. Just as there is no lie in Yeshua and only righteousness, there is no truth in Satan and only sin. Only when the Truth comes to bear do we begin to recognize the deceitfulness of our own hearts.
JER 17:10 I the LORD search the heart, I try the reins, even to give every man according to his ways, and according to the fruit of his doings.

Only the Lord knows the true condition of our hearts as this verse speaks to since we have been deceived by our heart as to its condition. There are consequences to our decisions and actions. This has some serious implications. If Father searches our hearts and tests our will so that He can give us the results of our hearts desires then we are in big trouble, for what the heart believes and seeks the person will get. The problem is that we are not even aware of what is going on down there in our heart. We cannot determine what is in another mans heart, and cannot even determine what is going on in our own UNLESS Father reveals it to us. The best that we can do is look at the "fruit" of another's actions to try to deduct what is in their heart. Of course we are blind to our own heart's deceit and must evaluate the fruit our own actions which we are loath to do. We can listen carefully to what others speak (and what we speak) for out of the heart the mouth speaks. This is why those who try to move to another State to avoid the troubles they have, fail. The troubles flow out of our own hearts so they go with us every where we go. There is no escape. This is actually a good thing because it forces us to re-evaluate our situation and ultimately look inward to discover our own deceit. This can only happen if we cry our to Father for help from our troubles. He begins the process of exposing the lies (by His Light and Truth) that we have believed and creating a new heart within us as we acknowledge those lies and turn away from them. He brings us to a place where we can in fact keep our hearts safe (in His hands) as this verses imply:
PRO 4:23 Keep your heart with all diligence; for out of it are the issues of life. PRO 4:4 He taught me also, and said unto me, Let your heart retain my words: keep my commandments, and live.

As our hearts align with Him and His will then the stress and fears subside and we experience more and more of His peace and health. We, like King David, must conclude that we cannot just clean up the old heart but need Father to create in us a new heart. Salvation: Have you ever asked just what is "salvation" (or being saved)? Is it saved from my sins? Or saved from eternal damnation? How about saved from hell or death? Maybe saved from self? How about saved from the consequences of our sins? Some of these can easily be refuted. There are some scriptures that imply what we are saved from:
Mark 16:16 (from damnation) He that believeth and is baptized shall be saved; but he that believeth not shall be damned. John 3:17 (from condemnation) For God sent not his Son into the world to condemn the world; but that the world through him might be saved. 1 Cor 1:18 (from perishing) For the preaching of the cross is to them that perish foolishness; but unto us which are saved it is the power of God.

These are the only verses that say what we are saved from. How is it that Father saves us? The problem is that we cannot Love because our relationship with Him was destroyed by our sin. What we call love is either lust or selfishness disguised as love. The deceitful heart is on the throne. Father's purpose is to crucify the deceitful heart and create in us a new heart that is centered on Yeshua. It brings us back to relationship and harmony with our Creator. This is the purpose of the circle of Love. Love brings Light which brings Truth which brings Life which begets Perfection which enables us to Love. Love comes full circle. Because of our perfection we can then truly Love. When this circle of Love is applied to fallen man it is called Salvation. This Salvation includes freedom from sin which results in freedom from strife and stress and hence dis-ease. This is a process, not instantaneous. The Scriptures state that we are being saved (present perfect tense in the Greek) and he who endures unto the end will be saved. The more Love works in us the more the circle of Love is built in us. As the circle of Love works we are restored to perfection via Light and Truth as we embrace them and be begin to Love. He saves us to be Loved and to Love. The first and greatest commandment is to Love the Lord your God with all you heart, all your mind and all your strength and love your neighbor as your self. Yeshua left us with this commandment: Love one another! There are some who will say that, yes we must love ourselves so lets not hurt our selves by any suffering or self denial. We have the deceitfulness if self at work in

this line of thinking. Underneath this thinking is: I alone decide what is good for me. This results in a definition of love that is human centered, self preserving. True Love does not overlook self-centeredness, for every act birthed in selfcentered benefit is opposed to Love. It is written that: greater Love has no man that to lay down his life for a friend. The fundamental nature of Love is selfsacrifice as opposed to self-preservation. It is giving up our own benefit for the benefit of another, actually all others, at our expense even to the point of suffering and death. This is following in the Master's footsteps. The way we Love ourselves is to give up our selves into Father's hands. If I Love another the ultimate purpose of that Love is to bring that other to a place where they too can give themselves up in to Father's hands, which by the way is the safest place in the Universe. So if you love another what do you do about their sins? You do as the Master did. He pointed out the contrast between Father's Truth and the World's lies and then carried their sins Himself. Love covers a multitude of sins. So if you see a brother in sin, ask Father to let you carry the consequences of your brothers sins and then ask Father to reveal to him/her His Love and Truth. Then you are beginning to fulfill the commandment to Love one another. This is Father's purpose for our salvation, to Love ,like He Loves. This is being SAVED. Purpose to drain the swamp.

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