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STRlKE IT RICH ably with comm.ercia1 instruments.

;n; p ~ ~ 2
though we di&'t strike it rich, we had

WITH A SCINTILLATION COUNTER a good t h e and gained a of ex-

The scintilldor's sensitivity makes perience. Mainly we were able to de- '
termine just how good the instrument
it superior to my Geiger counter. here described wodd be for a prospec-
tor. We also took along some tools and
test equipment so we were able to make
changes in the design of the scintillation
By Jim V. Cavaseno counter as ways were found to improve
it. This we did a few times while we
were out there, and we now have, we
T has long been the custom in, the
electronic age to simplify any device
once it has been invented. We
believe, the best possible scintillometer
for prospecting use. We found quite a
few different species of rock containing
have tried this with the scintillometer, uranium, but there are a lot of loose
an instrument used for the measuring radio active rocks around Colorado's
of radioactivity. The unit described mountains. The problem is to trace
in this article has been designed them back to the place they came from,
for prospecting and searching for ura- to find the so called mother lode. When
nium and has been simplified to the you have done this, you'll never have to
extent that its accuracy of readings work again.
is slightly off as compared to lab There are many companies who will
jobs, but its sensitivity is excellent for buy good claims, but never be hasty in
prospecting and it compares favor- selling. Get the best deal you can, but

i 32 Mechanix Illustrated
8. IJm E k b p a n e l converts 220 v current 9. Stomdl ldtdag guides came in Ramrm.
to 110 v, permits ~ V Uae four
e to S Gothic cmd Old English bttem. in sixea
- appliances without danger of ~ ~ 1 1 o a d i n g . % to 2Y2 tn2 they can be used many times.

10. New type d%ng faucet has only one ' 1 1. Molded plastic gadem pool .has 48x18 fa
handle. With finger tip motion, you can overall dimeneiona. 12-in. deep The druiu-
mix hot and cold water at any pmsmm. equipped pool hol& 75 gallons of water.

12. Cellomatic auto battery has replacs 13. Cobra flexible gas connectom allow yorr
able cella This arrangement allown user to to more gas appliancem away from rmlL
change individual cells when they go bad. and floors for easy cleaning and painting.
be sure you don't sell out completely. carry. 'I'he last is very important, as
Always keep a certain amount of stock anything you carry for long periods
for yourself so that if the claim develops seems to become much heavier.
into a well paying mine, you'll always Five different parts are required for a
get your cut. scintilIation counter. The detector to
We were able to simplify the scintil- pick up radio activity and convert it into
lometer by using a simpler circuit, and , electrical pulses; the counting circuit to
making the whole instrument lighter to amplify the pulses; a form of discrimina-
Last step in reudying the counter is the The detector is built into a probe unit
adjwting of the zero control on the me&. for greater mobility cmd ease of handling.

tor circuit whose output voltage will be to it, and will cease oscillating when the
a measure of the frequency of the pulses pulses fed to it are stopped. The ar-
being fed into it; a voltmeter circuit to rangement of this circuit is such, that
measure the output of the discriminator, when it starts oscillating, the amplitude
and lastly, the voltage supplies for the of the signal will be constant, regardless
various sections. of the amplitude of the pulses being fed
We decided to build the detector into to it. However, the amplitude of the
a probe unit for two reasons. First, it g6nerated signal will vary if the fre-
would be more useful that way s i n e a quency of the pulses ,being fed to it is
smaller detector will fit into smaller changed. The lower frequency pulses
cracks and holes, and being at the end fed to it correspond to a higher ampli-
of a cable, it may be let down a cliff or tude generated signal. The signal from
other inaccessible place without endan- the generator is fed to the discriminator
gering yourself. Secondly, the main circuit, which is made up of the two
cabinet doesn't need to be carried by lN64 crystal diodes, the 4.7 meg resistor
hand. It can be fitted with straps for and .03 mfd condenser, and the 1500
carrying on the shoulder. We used one ohm H-watt resistor. The DC output
strap around the shoulder and another of this circuit is then dependent on the
around the waist; this way it isn't loose -frequency of the pulses being fed into
enough to bounce around when you the multivibrator circuit.
bend, walk or jump. The meter circuit is nothing more than
- The detector consists of a 6199 photo- a DC voltmeter, transistorized to in-
multiplier tube, a sodium iodide crys- crease the sensitivity of the meter.
tal (thallium activated), one inch in Voltage supplies for the various cir-
diameter by 5fL inch thick; nine 10 meg cuits are batteries, except for the 1,000
%-watt resistors, one 20 meg %-watt volts required to operate the 6199 pho-
, (these must be 5% or better), three 220 totube; this is supplied by a vibrator
mfd mica condensers (these are not crit- high voltage supply circuit. It comes
ical) ; the socket for the 6199 phototube in two parts. The vibrator has a self
which is a standard TV picture tube contained autotransformer and is about
socket, except that it has all twelve pin four inches square by 1% inches thick,
connections and is known as a duodecal and is all wired for use. All that need
socket, and a piece of three-wire be done is to connect in the two flash-
shieMed cable (not longer than ten light batterico and the switch. The high
feet). voltage selenium is about two inches
The counting circuit consists of a more long, %-inch in diameter. It is designed
or less standard multi-vibrator with the to handle up to 5,000 volts. The output
second tube biased -to a point where it of this circuit is about 2,000 to 4,000
will only oscillate when a pulse is fed volts, depending on the adjustment of
the vibrator points which are adjustable would be required at their high cost as
with a screwdriver. Six 10 meg 2-watt compared to the 25 cents for the two
q resistors are used to drop the voltage out flashlight batteries used in our circuit.
of the selenium. The value of these are Naturally, if one desires, he may use
.001. These condensers will hold their HV batteries and thereby simplify con-
charge for about five minutes after the struction.
vibrator has been shut off, and therefore, The main cabinet contains the meter
the instrument will still operate for that
length of time. If larger condensers are
used, the charge may be held for a longer
. and the four controls as shown in the
photos. The sensitivity switch is on the
upper left, meter zero adj. on the upper
period of time. Of course, the quality right hand corner, bias adjust on the
of the condensers used will have a lower right, and the on-off switch on
greater effect on the time they will hold the lower left. These controls are placed
a charge than the value in mfds. as close as possible to the meter to make
The total cost of the parts for the HV sure they will clear the sides of the cab-
supply is only a little less than the price inet, but re-check before you drill the
of three 300-volt batteries which would holes. There is a second on-off switch on
- be just as good, so one may wonder why the side of the cabinet. This is for the
we went to the bother of building our H V circuit. As stated before, if we can
circuit. For one thing, it is much lighter turn off the vibrator and still leave the
to carry, and secondly, if we used bat- rest of the set on, it will continue to
teries after they wore out, new ones operate for about five minutes off the

- --
J u n e . 1956
charged EN codensers. --
vibrator is again t u r n e
seconds to recharge the
his, the
r a few
m. The
uley gave --
days service i~
Stan corn
"1 atvuc

by obb

batteries that operate it ut three metal box large FIIUUgh to holt

hours running steady, and we tound that components [Continued on page 16iJ
~ 2 It Rich
- [Continued f7,ompage 1361
(ours is 9x5x6), and cut and drill all the scale reading on the meter. Next, adjust
hnles for the meter and controls. Also, cut the bias control RC1 for maximum nega-

and shape a metal shelf to hold the tubes tive bias on the grid of the V2, thus causing
and wiring for the counter circuit. This the counter to stop oscillating, and read-
is iattached to the front panel and held there just the zero pot so it reads a little more
J.y the nuts that also hold the on-off switch than zero. Also check to be sure that you
md bias control, and is installed so that can swing the needle through zero with the
.he shelf is just under the meter. The tubes zero pot. Now, adjust the bias pot slowly
Ire mounted toward the rear of the shelf until the meter reads full, and slowly ad-
wing enough room for the meter depth. just it back to the exact point where the
The HV vibrator supply and the four meter jumps back to a near zero. reading.
flashlight batteries are mounted below, and If it only jumps back to a half-scale reading
thee 67%-volt battery and the 6-volt bias use the zero pot to bring the needle down .
ttery are mounted on a second shelf in a littlemore to.a near zero reading. Don't
e cabinet about one inch below the shelf try to bring the needle down to zero with
mnted on the front panel. This will al- the bias control as this will reduce the sen-
N a certain amount of shielding from the
sitivity. The correct setting of this control
vlbrator below. Battery holders should be is the point where the needle just jumps
used for the flashlight cells and the bias back to a low reading, after which it should
cell so that in changing you just remove not be moved except when required by the
..- old and snap in a new one. If you weakness of the batteries. I
. so:lder them, it will be hard to replace them After setting up, test the set by touching
in the field since you will also have to the finger to the input condenser lead. This
so:lder in new ones when replacing. The should cause the meter to read since the
rrnbinet has the top as well as the bottom

movable. body always has a small AC charge which

is enough in this case to start the set work-
Having installed the shelves and controls ing. If a square wave generator is available
on't mount the meter yet as it may be you can further check the instrument for
maged in knocking around the panel sensitivity and calibration as follows. Set
lile you wire it up), proceed to wire up up the counter as explained above and feed
e counter circuit and tubes. Mount the
into a signal of about 30 cycles. This should
tector connecting cable jack on the cab- cause the meter to read about full on the
1nt?t and then wire up the HV circuit. No. 1 position of the range switch. Now,
In:stall the battery holders and vibrator in
thee bottom part of the cabinet, mounting turn the generator output down. The
all the components on terminal lugs. Wire meter should now return to zero: If it

UP the meter circuit, this is done by mount-
doesn't, try removing the generator output
ing a terminal board with five terminal lead from the counter circuit and note if the
lugs directly on the meter, using the meter meter now returns to zero. Some genera-
connecting screws to hold the terminal tors cannot be turned down completely and
board to it. Also mount the transistors there is always a small signal. across the
and other components on this board. The output cable, which in some cases is enough
ze:ro pot and range switch are mounted to start the counter and cause the meter to
on the front panel. The terminal board read. Now. with the - generator connected
ould be cut small enough to fit through and the meter showing a reading, adjust
e hole that has been cut for the meter the signal generator to give a full reading
that if you wish to check this circuit you on the meter by varying the frequency;
a y remove the meter together with the varying the signal generator output con-
terminal board and all the components. trol should not have any effect on the meter
After completing these circuits, test them reading. After adjusting the signal gener-
€0 be sure they are working properly. This ator frequency to the exact point that gives
is done by connecting the necessary bat- a full scale reading turn the range s'witch
ries an(1 adjusting the zero pot for a mid- to the next higher counting range and
2 June, 1 9 5 6
It Rich
check it in the same manner, noting at what Wire up the socket as follows: first wire
frequency you get a full reading. The fre- in the resistors starting with the 20 meg
quency is equivalent to counts per second, between pins one ,and twelve; then, each
which can be converted to counts per min- succeeding 10 meg resistor in its turn., You
ute by multiplying by sixty. The circuit will find that they will lay nicely one next
has been designed to read full at approxi- to the other right across the bottom of the
mately 2,000 cpm on the first range, 10,000 socket. Next, wire in the condensers (220
cpm on the second range, 50,000 on the mfd) , and connect the cable; don't mount
third, 500,000 on the fourth, and about the -jack at the other end yet. .Shape the
2,000,000 on the last. Most signal genera- tubing by cutting slots all around one end,
tors don't go up'this high (33,000 cycles per about M inch in and M inch apart. Now,
second), but if it goes up to about 20,000, bend these in, closing the .end slightly and
you should get about a %-scale reading on forminn a shoulder. File out the hole that
that. rem- so that the aluminum crystal
.Having completed that part of the instru- holder end will just fit'in the hole. Glue
ment proceed to wire up the high voltage a thin piece of sponge rubber around the
circuit according to the diagram and in- inside of the hole; this will prevent dam-
stall it in the cabinet, checking to be sure age by shock when the probe is in place
that the cabinet will close properly. inside. Now, make a cap for the other
The high voltage output cannot be accur- end of the tube. Cut a metal disk of alumi-
ately measured with ordinary test equip num or any other metal, about four inches
ment, even a VTVM. The output current in diameter. Draw a circle in the center
is so low that the test equipment will load of it to the size of the tube you are using. .
it down and give a false reading. So you Make V cuts in as far as the circle you
must take into account the resistance load have drawn and bend the ends down
the meter is placing on the circuit and around the tube so that it just fits over the
figure the actual voltage. If you have a tube.
high voltage probe for your VTVM, you Drill a %-inch hole in the center, for the
. can use it and be reasonably sure that the cable to come through, and about four or
voltage you read is correct, since the load five holes around the sides. Place it over
resistance of these probes is very high. the tube and drill holes in the tube to
Lacking this equipment, another method corres~ondwith the holes in the cap. These
may be used to check the high voltage and holes should be smaller, to hold the cap og ,
will be described later in the article. with self-tapping screws. Now, push the
Next, start building the probe unit. cable through the %-inch hole of the cap
Having obtained a 6199 photo-multiplier and make a knot in the cable about five
tube, a socket to fit it (which is a standard inches from the socket end. This will limit
picture tube socket, but with all twelve pin the amount of cable that will pull through
connections, and is known as a duodecal the hole so that when the instrument is
socket); a one-inch diameter by half-inch completed the probe may be held by the
thick thallium activated sodium iodide cable without danger of tearing the connec-
crystal (a larger one of course will be -bet- tions loose from the socket. Mount the con-
ter, but it costs much more); a ten-foot necting plug at the other end of the cable.-
piece of shielded cable (three wires in- We are now ready to work on the crystal.
cluding the shielding); a piece of tubing It is very important that this work be done
about two inches in diameter and about ten ifi the exact order given. Clean off a table
inches long, made of any type of metal, but or bench with a flat surface to give your-
preferably of stainless steel. Also, a thin self enough room to work freely. Place
aluminum can to hold the sodium iodide the emery cloth o r sandpaper,S-ding side
crystal, cut and shaped as shown in the up, and tack it down so that it will lay flat
drawing, a tube of silicone grease, and a and will not move. Also, have near you
piece of emery cloth or sandpaper of about on the table a roll of Scotch waternroof
200 grade or finer. [Continued on page 1801

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Strike If Rich
- fi rom page 1631
tape, the tube of silicone grease, a small After the crystal is mounted apply a few
can of shellac or other oil base paint, the layers of regular friction tape around the
6199, a piece of either silk or rayon cloth, 6199 to take up the space between it and
and the aluminum crystal holder, Fill the the metal tube so it won't rattle around.
top part with silicone grease, working it to Solder a wire from the connecting cable
the edges with the finger. Take a piece of shielding to the metal tube on the inside,
%-inch thick sponge rubber, cut to fit the grounding the tube. Make this wire long
inside of the top of the can, and with the enough so that when you remove the 6199
fingers work the silicone grease into the
rubber until it is thoroughly soaked. Now, from the tube you will have a little leeway.
insert it in place inside.the top of the can. Plug the 6199 in its socket.
The grease will hold it in place. The rub- Install the probe into the metal tube and
ber will keep the crystal pressed against close it up, making sure that the crystal
the 6199 when the job is completed. This is holder protrudes through the hole that has
important for the pro%e to work properly. been cut for it in the other end of the metal , .
Remove the crystal from the seal in tube. Having done this, the instrument is
which it came, and holding it with the now ready for use. Plug the probe into the
piece of wrapping in which it came (don't main cabinet and turn everything on ex-
touch it with the fingers), polish one side cept the HV. Adjust the set as described
of it on the emery until all scratches have earlier so that it is ready for use. Now,
been removed from the surface. The polish- turn on the and readjust where neces-
ing must be done very slowly so as not to sary. It is a good idea to get a piece of
build up heat as this will cause the crystal radioactive rock to test with. There are
surface to become soft, making it impos- several places that sell these, one of which
sible to continue the polishing. You will is Ken Research, 525 Rivervale Road,
then have to wait 'ti1 it cools and hardens Rivervale, N. J. They have calibrated.
before you can start to polish again. samples with which you may also check
When all the scratches have been re- the calibration of your completed scintil-
moved polish the crystal a little more on the lometer. Use these samples to check the
silk or rayon cloth and try to get a real calibration on each range of the range
smooth surface. Next, apply a thin coat switch to see that it is working properly.
of silicone grease all over the crystal and As stated earlier, if you don't have the
on the part of the 6199 that will be against proper test equipment to test the HV,you
it and press the crystal in place on the can find the correct voltage on the voltage
6199, moving and turning it to make sure divider resistors. First, connect the H V
you get out any ai-r bubbles. Now, take lead of the probe to the last resistor and
the aluminum can and place it over the try to get the instrument to work 8y set-
crystal, slowly pressing it down and forcing ting it up and holding a radioactive sample
out the excess grease until you are reason- in front of the probe. If it works then leave
ably sure it won't go down any more, and it as is. If it doesn't, then you have to
that the sponge rubber inside the can is determine if the voltage is too high or too
against the crystal. Wipe away the excess low as follows: Slowly adjust the bias con-
- grease and pressing the can ,down firmly, trol one way then the other; this sho~ild
apply the waterproof tape all around the cause the needle to swing from one end of
can and the 6199, making the tape hold the the scale to the other. If it doesn't, the
two together. Paint over the tape to insure voltage is too high and you need more re-
that the crystal will be sealed against moisb sistors in series. Most likely, however, the
ture since this will ruin the crystal in a few voltage will be too low which will be shown
days. by placing a radioactive sample near the
If you do not want to do this part of the probe, moving it slowly closer. The needle
work, you can buy the crystal already will start to rise and as you get closer it
polished, canned and sealed; this however will reach a certain point and then start to
will cost quite a bit more. [Continued on page 1821

180 June, 1956

StriRe It Rich
[Continued from page 1803
fall again. This simply means that the 61%
is drawing more current than the HV cir-
cuit can supply, which in turn is dependent
on the voltage supplied. This means that
Build up short leg with New Plastic you need less resistance in series. Connect
Wood. Makes a permanent fix that the H V lead to a tap on the HV divider,
won't chip, crack or peel. And New which is nearer to the vibrator, and try
Iqproved Plastic Woyl has a finer again. Keep doing this until you f k d the
grain - minimum shrinkage!
point that will allow the needle to read
full on the first range and stay there, even
with a highly radioactive sample, and when
you remove it the needle should again drop
a Hm&s hlre ptty-hardens into WVood. to a low reading. In this circuit, the de-
sign is such that the needle moves up faster
than it moves back. It is better this way
because we want the set to give an imme-
I WPERSHOP inrides precision-
built 8" lillina toble saw. verti- diate reading when placed in a radioactive
field. The time it takes the needle to swing
Ilathe. sander. aridat. i00% BALL BEARING. W r i h fo# FREE back is not nearly as important as the time
it takes to swing up.
The best method of setting up the scin-
tillometer is by first turning on the two
switches and allowing about one minute
to warm up. Adjust the range switch to
the No. 2 position. Next, adjust the bias
control for a full reading on the meter, and
very slowly back it off untd the needle
jumps back to a lower reading. Continue
adjusting in the same direction as long as
the n,edle keeps moving down. When the
needle stops moving you have arrived at
the correct setting for the bias control.
Now adjust the zero control so that the
meter reads just a little above zero. The
set is now ready to be used on this range.
When you change the position of the range
switch, you may have to readjust the zero
control. Once the bias control has been
adjusted you should not need to touch it
again unless the batteries become worn. In
six months we have found that the only
batteries that needed replacing were the
ones used in the vibrator circuit.
When you have completed the inktru-
ment to your satisfaction close up the cabi-
net and tighten all screws and stand back
and admire the work you have just done.
You have built a truly wonderous device;
an instrument that may well make you as
rich as it has made many other people.
[See Parts List on opposite page]
June, 1956

Cabinet; I C A #29801
Meter 200 microamps; Weston model 506
I Switch 6pos 2 ckt; Erie #3612-03
I Switch 2pos 4 ckt: MaHory #3242J
2 IN64 xtal diodes
2 IU4 tuber
2 Sockets with shields. 7 pin miniature
I Transistor CK722
I Transistor CK721
Control 10,000 ohms, small
Control 2.000 ohms W/W. small
A l l Resistors '/l watt 10Y. o r better
2 560 ohm WITH THE NEW
I 1.000ohm
I 1,300 ohm
I 1,500 ohm
I n~
1 56K
I 82K
I 150K
1 390 K
1 470 K
1 2.2 me9
1 4.7 meg
1 6.8 meg
I I0 meg
I 20 meg
2 100 mmfd
I 200 rnmfd
2 0.01 mfd
1 0.03 mfd
1 10 mfd 10 volt: Electro
If you own a late model Ford or Ckvrolet,
3 Flashlight. size D cells this is for you. With a mere press of a
t RCA VS(M8, 6 volts or equiv.
I Eveready 467, 67% volts or equiv. button on your dash, all chassis points
are high pressure lubricated in seconds
H 1 6 H V O M A 6 E CIRCUIT ....guarantees that smooth "Just Lubri-
I Vibrator HV supply; model # MVT-I0 cated" ride every day. .. provides won-
I HV selenium rectifier; Bradley # SE245 derful. time-savina- convenience. .. adds
I Toggle switch years of economical car operation. The
6 10 meg 2 watt resistors, 10% or better
3 0.01 rnfd condensers. 6.000 volts
Multi-Luber has been exhaustively teated
and is available on current models of
PROBE UNIT one of the largest car manufacturers.
1 10 in. length steal tub*. 2-in. dia.
1 10 ft., 3 wire shielded cable
Buy it installed from your car dealer,
(2 wires plus shield) garage, or service station-or install
I Duodecal socket; Cinch Jones # 3012 it yourself. Kit includes com-
1 #61W RCA Photomultiplier tube plete instructions for quick
I Thallium activated sodium iodide xtal I in. dia., l/l in. thick
2 02. tube silicone grease and easy installntion.
I Aluminum can t o hold xtal (use o l d filter can. I# in. dia., Slightly higher in Conodo
r i p open and clean out)
3 220 mmfd condensers
I 20 mcg l/z watt; 5%
9 10 mag % watt: 5%
NOTE: MECHANIX ILLUSTRATEDhas Pleame r n d m e y o u r i l l u s t r a t e d leaflet d e s c r i b i n g
M U L T I - L U B E R , and the name and add- of m y I
made a special arrangement whereby I nearest Multi-Luber Dealer. I
readers m a y purchase all parts of t h e I I
Scintillation Counter as a kit for I NAME . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I
$110.00, plus postage, from Lafayette II STREET . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Radio, 100 Sixth Avenue, New York I

13, N. Y. , I CITY. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. F A T E .
I (Please print o r typewrite)

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