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Nume Tamara

Handicap Tamara was born in 1990. Doctors found early that she has a rare heart disease. Tamara has received many operations when she was a baby. For the rest of her life should be careful and cannot be too tired. Her great dream is becoming a very good hairdresser. Now, she follows a hairdresser training and she has already done a good internship. Farah was born in Morocco and lives for two years in Romania. She lives in a large family whit 7 children. She is the oldest daughter and has to help her mother in the household. Farah has many friends. She follows the last new trend. She still have difficulty whit Romanian. But if she doesnt understand something, her friends are there to help. Peter lives in a station street, whit his mother and three brothers. In his free time he plays football. Last week he felt during a match and broke his leg. Brams live to go to school. He has additional support at school because he have autism. His dream is to became a well known DJ. Steve has 16 years, he hate to go at school and it is very hard to concentrate all day. He like music and he have his own band. Jan lives whit his parents. He has a mental disability and is doing an internship in a protected workshop. Jan has two dogs whit which he often walks in the weekend. Stefanie is 19 years old. He like to walk in the forest and to go in trips, but she have to be very careful because she is allergic to grass. Lies has a twister sister: Ine. They are inseparable and do almost everything together. They are also set in the class. Lies has problems whit her fine motorique (problems whit beads, sewing, closing small things, ). Fortunately she can always request assistance at her sister. Lies and her sister like dancing. Stijn was born in Iasi, here he lives now whit his father. Stijn is 20 years old. He listens to hip hop music. He likes to eat fast-food and candy. He should better eat less and he is very fat now. Stijn follows electromechanical on school and is the best of his class. Matei is only child and his parents are divorced. He lives a week at his father and the other week whit his mother Matei cannot walk and is seated in a wheelchair. Each Wednesday afternoon Matei goes to an arts school and there he have a great exhibition each year. Andrei loves mathematics and is very good at math. He dont make physical education because he have asthma. In his free time he is watching action films. Ioana dont have sister or brothers. She learned ballet, tennis and swimming. Because she had an accident she now have to stay in a wheelchair. Her new hobby is the flute.


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Peter Bram Steve Jan Stefanie Lies Stijn Matei Andrei Ioana

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