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Java application development:

Introductory Note: Before going to the details let me tell me you some interesting origin based facts. Initially Java was called Oak by one of its inventors named James Gosling. Java is a general purpose, object oriented language developed by Sun Microsystems of United States of America. It was basically designed for the improvement purposes of electronic devices like TVs, VCRs, toasters and such other electronic machines. The goal had a strong impact on the development team to make the language simple, portable and highly reliable. The Java team which included Mr. Patrick discovered that the existing languages like C, C++ had limitations both in terms of reliability and portability. So they modeled Java on these languages but removed many loopholes! Basic Features & Developmental facts: 1. In 1994 the team of Java developed a web browser called the Hot Java to locate and run applet programs on internet. Hot Java demonstrated the power of the new language thus making it popular among the contemporary engineers. 2. In 1995 Oak was renamed Java due to some legal snags. Java is just a name and is not an acronym. Many popular companies including Netscape and Microsoft announced their support to Java! 3. In 1997 Sun releases Java development kit (JDK 1.1). 4. In 1998 Sun releases Java 2 with version 1.2 of the software development kit (SDK 1.2). 5. In 1999 Sun releases Java 2 platform, Standard edition (J2SE) and Enterprise Edition (J2EE). 6. J2SE with SDK 1.3 was released. 7. J2SE with SDK 1.4 was released. 8. J2SE with JDK 5.0 (instead of JDK 1.5) was released. This is known as J2SE 5.0. The most striking feature of the language is that it is a platform-neutral language. OTS Solutions has all the resources that you need to ensure your updated Java applications. Java is the first programming language that is not tied to any particular hardware of operating system. Programs developed in Java can be executed anywhere on any system. Java can be termed as a revolutionary technology because it has brought in a fundamental shift in how we develop and use programs. Nothing like this has happened to the software industry before! The inventors of Java incorporated a several unique and useful features in it. Some of the features are listed below: Compiled and interpreted. Platform independent and portable. Object-oriented. Robust and secure.

Familiar, simple and small. Multithreaded and interactive. High performance. Dynamic and extensible. Portable

Let me tell you some of the features of the latest J2SE 5.0: Ease of development Scalability and performance Monitoring and manageability Desktop Client Core XML support Supplementary character support JDBC Row Set

The language became very reliable and distributed too! It has the potential to become a standalone software application! Some of the applications are really attractive, and are as follows:1. Java based applications are very convenient to use, their concept of graphics and visual are awesome. It is used in many applications like video-audio chat, e-banking, e-shopping, 3-D movies and even the part and parcel of every one life i.e. face book. 2. Opening of higher level encoding language like java, JavaScript, .net etc has brought a bang to not only IT trade and B.P.OS but also enhances the curiosity of the 3 generations simultaneously whether it be a grandfather or father or son, everybody is using application of java somehow or other. Children are giving much attention to the games based on java, elderly are found surfing net very easy and amusing because of java. 3. Though it has derived many of its syntax from programming languages like C, C++ still it is very flexible and simple to use. This technology is well known in the field of software development as it enables to develop software on a single virtual machine which can be later used by many computers! Our experts are always updated with the latest modifications of the language, so visit OTS Solutions at once to secure your Java developing applications. 4. These programmers are very strict when it comes to rules, regulation and guidelines. When given any contract or assignment or any task they guarantee timely communication and work daily and weekly as per the demands of the clients or the nature of the work. Their coding style is very easy and the output which they produce is the outcome of the favorable development and competitive environment. Their architecture of work is very compact. Because of their endless efforts and creative brains today we are able to practice web based Java applications which saves our time and enhances the convenience of marketing. Java developers have reserved their place in Ecommerce. Today this Java learning has become a kind of self-employment. After learning the essential languages these developers either join a company or open their own office to establish themselves.

5. Independent platform of java has two components i.e. Java Application Programming Interface which is a package of various logical collection of related interface and class; and Java Virtual Machine which forms the foundation of java and it is an integral part of many hardware based platform. 6. The Java standard library (or the API) includes hundreds of classes and methods grouped into several functional packages. They are as follows: Language support package: A collection of classes and methods required for implementing basic features of Java. Utilities packages: A collection of classes to provide utility functions such as date and time functions. Input and output package: A collection of classes required for input/output manipulations. Networking package: A collection of classes for communicating with other computers via internet! AWT package: The abstract window tool kit package contains classes that implements platform independent graphical user interface. Applet package: This includes a set of classes that allows us to create Java applets. Wrap up: Hence it is seen that the Java development applications are far reached and are constantly developing to acquire a higher dimension. The Java is the most utilized and effective software in the world with huge applications and impacts on world economy. Again, not to forget that this is not the end and hopefully Java application development can bring us more prosperity than today!

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