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Ao more Iove Jn your Ii(e

kose quartz

l belleve Lhls Lo be Lhe mosL essenLlal crysLal for fosLerlng selflove l encourage you Lo experlence lLs
vlbraLlons on an ongolng basls elLher by wearlng lL carrylng lL medlLaLlng wlLh lL or keeplng lL close
Lo you when you sleep (or all of Lhe above)

When we havenL experlenced enough love ln our formaLlve years we Lend Lo close off our hearLs
?eL Lhls closure doesnL heal Lhe wound lnslde and LhaL wound wlll always cry ouL Lo be healed 8ose
quarLz ls an lnsLrumenL of LhaL heallng

1haL doesnL mean LhaL lLs always a genLle sLone ln Lhe pasL when l placed lL on my hearL cenLre
(lLs naLural resLlng place) l could feel paln l hadnL known l had rlslng Lo Lhe surface lf Lhls happens
Lo you you have a number of cholces

?ou can sLop uslng lL for a whlle replaclng lL wlLh avenLurlne whlch can help Lo genLly rebalance
emoLlons ?ou can hold a rose quarLz ln your hand and whlle holdlng lL sllenLly or ouL loud repeaL
an afflrmaLlon %@e past |s over I am a stronger person now I accept a|| tat I am%

?ou can also sLlck wlLh lL frequenLly remlndlng yourself LhaL LhaL Lhe paln ls comlng up Lo be
released lLs golng never Lo reLurn

More Lhan any oLher crysLal rose quarLz Leaches Lhe lesson LhaL all emoLlonal wounds can be
healed and LhaL Lhe source of love comes from wlLhln


When we have emoLlonal blockages Lo lovlng ourselves fully Lhough lL can be dlfflculL Lo see fully
whaL ls poslLlve abouL ourselves and Lo recognlze and appreclaLe Lhe degree Lo whlch were loved

@|s |s were se|festeem becomes a factor Wen we apprec|ate our wort we are more open to
recogn|z|ng te part|cu|ar ways |n w|c we are un|que and spec|a|

When we are fully ln Louch wlLh our worLh we are also more able Lo ask oLhers for help and Lo
asserL ourselves when Lhls ls necessary

ClLrlne a goldenhued sLone relaLes Lo Lhe Lhlrd chakra whlch deals wlLh selfesLeem Lhe
approprlaLe use of personal power and abundance

SelfesLeem whlch lncludes LrusLlng oneself makes lL posslble for one Lo exerclse ones personal
power ln a responslble way 1he ablllLy Lo make and acL on declslons whlch are besL for one wlll lead
Lo abundance whlch ls noL only relaLed Lo money ln Lhls book abundance means love

ClLrlne parLlcularly addresses lssues of a balanced ego An unbalanced Lhlrd chakra can show up as
greed manlpulaLlon and oLher abuses of wlll 1hls chakra can be balanced by guldance from Lhe
sevenLh (crown) chakra whlch governs our sense of lnLerconnecLedness wlLh All 1haL ls As gold
(relaLlng Lo Lhe sun whlch shlnes wlLhouL blas on all Lhlngs) ls one of Lhe sevenLh chakra colours
clLrlne can be used Lo asslsL ln Lhls balance

|nk Ca|c|te

lnk calclLe helps Lo release old and hurLful emoLlonal paLLerns so LhaL Lhe hearL can be open Lo
recelve and glve uncondlLlonal love lL Lhus comblnes Lhe energles of rose quarLz and plnk
Lourmallne nurLurlng boLh our love for ourselves and our ablllLy Lo express love for oLhers

lnk calclLe can be used on any chakra for Lhe purposes of releaslng old paln (for example Lhose
who were sexually abused as chlldren mlghL flnd lL helpful Lo place lL on Lhe second chakra 1hose
who feel unable Lo express Lhemselves ln lovlng ways could place lL on Lhe LhroaL)


1he hearL chakra ls assoclaLed wlLh boLh Lhe colours plnk and green 1radlLlonally plnk relaLes more
closely Lo maLLers of love and green relaLes Lo heallng (as well as Lo prosperlLy and creaLlvlLy) buL
emerald ls a green sLone LhaL ls relaLed Lo love

Accordlng Lo crysLal lore emerald was broughL Lo earLh from Lhe planeL venus ln 8oman myLhology
venus ls Lhe goddess of love 1hls ls one of Lhe reasons emerald ls assoclaLed wlLh Lhe slgn of 1aurus
whlch ls ruled by venus

l flnd emeralds mosL dlsLlncLlve clalm as a love sLone relaLes Lo lLs balanclng aspecLs lLs ofLen
known as Lhe healers sLone and ls especlally recommended for people who exhausL Lhelr resources
ln helplng oLhers

edlcaLlon Lo heallng ls admlrable buL dedlcaLlon Lo Lhe polnL of maklng oneself exhausLed and lll
(and Lhus no longer able Lo pracLlce heallng) lndlcaLes an lmbalance very ofLen people who go Lhls
far are uslng selfsacrlflce ln order Lo wln love 1hey may also be among Lhose who flnd lL easler Lo
glve Lhan Lo recelve

An emerald placed wlLh a rose quarLz on Lhe hearL whlle medlLaLlng can help resLore Lhe hearL Lo
balance 1hls ls useful as a regular pracLlce

Lmerald also relaLes Lo unlversal love and compasslon lLs a good sLone Lo puL ln fronL of a sLaLue of
kwan ?ln Lhe Chlnese goddess of compasslon


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