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Siebel Marketing Program

Lab Guide

Navigating the User Interface (UI)

Goals Time To practice navigating in Siebel Call Center. 10 15 minutes

In this lab you will practice simple navigation in the Siebel user interface (UI). You have been provided with a new Siebel installation with a few records added to give you practice with UI navigation. You will review information on screens frequently visited by an end user of Siebel Call Center. These screens include Service Request, Accounts, and Contacts. 1. You will log in to Siebel Call Center. a. Select Start > Programs > Siebel Web-Client 8.0>Siebel Call Center- ENU

b. In the login screen, enter these values:


c. Click the Arrow button. d. Wait until the application home page has completely loaded before continuing on to the next step. This will take several seconds. 2. You will examine a service request. a. Click the Service screen tab. b. Click the My Service Requests link on the Service Requests Homepage. c. Click the link for SR# 1-625717. 3. Review the service request details. If necessary, click the Show More button in the upper-right corner of the Service Request form to see all available fields. a. What is the Work Phone #? b. What is the service request Area? c. What is the service requests Created By? d. Who is the owner of the SR? e. What is the Organization?

4. With SR# 1-625717 still selected, click the More Info view tab below the Service Request form to navigate to the Service Request More Info View. a. Click the Next arrow (to the right of the view tabs). b. What is the SR# of the next service request? c. What is the name of the person (first and last name) associated with this service request?

5. You will now examine Contacts. a. Click the Contacts screen tab to navigate to the Contacts screen. b. Click the Contacts List link in the link bar to display the list of SADMINs Contacts. 6. You will add a new contact and examine the behavior of the contact record as you associate it with an account. a. Click the New button in the Contacts list or form to enter new contact information. b. Enter the following information for the new contact:
Last Name First Name Mr/Ms Work Phone # Job Title Matthews Jane Ms. 415-999-5555 Account Executive

c. Now you will associate the contact with an account. i. In the Account field, click the Select button (or use the F2 key on the keyboard). ii. From the Accounts window, select the Marriott International (Site - HQ) account from the Available records list on the left. iii. Click the Add button to add the record to the Selected window on the right. iv. Click OK. d. How has the new contact record changed?

7. You will now examine Account records. a. Click the Accounts screen tab to navigate to the Accounts screen. b. Click All Accounts from the Frequently Viewed Accounts list. c. Click the Account Name column header to sort the records in ascending order. You should see an triangular indicator next to the column name:

8. You will review opportunities for the Marriott International account. a. Locate the Marriott International account and select it by clicking the Marriott International account name hyperlink. b. Navigate to the related opportunities by clicking the Opportunities view tab below the Account form. c. How many opportunities exist for this account? d. Drill down on the opportunity named Fast Ethernet NIC PCI 10/100 - 2500 units. What entities are displayed in the view you navigated to?

e. Which view tab is selected below the Opportunity form? f. How many contacts are associated with this opportunity? g. Drill down on the last name Carlson. What entities are displayed in the view you navigated to?

9. Leave Siebel Call Center open for the next lab.

Navigating the User Interface (UI)

3.a. What is the Work Phone #? (614)343-8700 3.b. 3.c 3.d. 3.e What is the service request Area? Installation What is the service requests Created By? CCHENG Who is the owner of the SR? SADMIN What is the Organization? PCS Americas 4.b. 4.c. What is the SR# of the next service request? 1-625719 What is the name of the person (first and last name) associated with this service request? George Boyne 6.d. 8.c. 8.d. How has the new contact record changed? The account name and address fields are automatically populated. How many opportunities exist for this account? 9 Drill down on the opportunity named Fast Ethernet NIC PCI 10/100 - 2500 units. What entities are displayed in the view you navigated to? The contacts associated with the Fast Ethernet NIC PCI 10/100 - 2500 units opportunity Which view tab is selected below the Opportunity form? Contacts How many contacts are associated with this opportunity? 7 Drill down on the last name Carlson. What entities are displayed in the view you navigated to? Contacts and Activities

8.e. 8.f. 8.g.

Querying Siebel Data

Goals Time To practice querying for data. 15 20 minutes

In this lab you will create and execute queries and sort the results. Because the classroom application has very little customer data (Accounts, Opportunities, and so on), you will explore Call Centers administrative seed data, which was created during product installation. Several administrative screens offer large data sets that offer good practice for querying. 1. If necessary, start Siebel Call Center and log in as SADMIN/SADMIN.

a. In the login screen, enter these values:


b. Click the arrow. c. Wait until the application has completely loaded before continuing on to the next step. 2. Navigate to the Zip Code Administration screen and query for selected records. Note: Zip Code refers to a U.S. postal code. button on the global toolbar. a. Click on the Site Map b. Click Administration - Data. c. Scroll down and click Zip Code Administration. Note: In future labs, these steps will be abbreviated as: Administration Data > Zip Code Administration. This notation uses > to separate parts of a hierarchical path to be followed using the Site Map. d. Select New Query from the applet-level menu (or use the keyboard shortcut ALT+Q). e. In the ZIP Code field, type 90210. f. Click the Menu button and select Run Query (or use ALT+ENTER). g. What value appears in the city column?

h. Query again, this time on two fields: City Los Angeles and State CA. This query will return records with City = Los Angeles and State = California; that is, a logical AND. How many ZIP codes are there for Los Angeles? Click the Menu button and select Record Count, or use CTRL+Shift+3, to find the answer.

3. Create and execute complex queries using the Zip Code seed data. a. Execute an empty query to refresh the Zip Code list. This is a common technique used to refresh a list applet so that it lists all visible records. i. Click Query. ii. Without entering any query, click Go. b. Sort the list by latitude in descending order by clicking the Latitude column header until a down arrow is displayed. c. What city has the northernmost ZIP code (that is, the highest latitude)? d. The western extent of the Canada U.S. border runs along the 49th parallel of North latitude. Execute a query to return ZIP codes with latitude greater than 49: i. Click Query. ii. Type >49 in the Latitude field. iii. Click Go. e. Refine your query to exclude records with state equal to Alaska (AK): i. Select Menu > Refine Query. (Alt+R) Notice that your criterion for latitude appears in the query form. ii. Type <>AK in the State field. This will match records where the State is not Alaska. iii. Execute the query. iv. How many ZIP codes outside of Alaska have latitude greater than 49 degrees?

f. Execute a query to locate ZIP codes between 87900 and 87999 using wildcards: i. Execute an empty query to refresh the Zip Code list. ii. Click Query. iii. Enter a Zip Code of 879?? and click Go. This query will match 5 digit numbers starting with 879. iv. How many valid ZIP codes are in this range?

g. Some ZIP code records were created with blank or null longitude and latitude. Run a query for these records: i. Create a new query. ii. Type IS NULL OR 0 in the Latitude field. This will identify records without an assigned latitude or with zero latitude. The latter category will catch records where both the longitude and latitude have been set to zero. iii. Execute the query.


How many records are there without geographic coordinates?

4. Get experience querying on multi-value group (MVG) fields. You will execute queries on iHelp items, a Siebel object used help users with common application tasks. a. Use the site map to navigate to Administration - iHelp > All iHelp Items. b. Examine the Applications field in the lower form applet. What kind of field is it?

c. What query operator can you use to search in this field?

d. Create a query and type EXISTS(*Sales*) in the Applications field. This query will match iHelp items that have at least one value in the Applications MVG that includes the substring Sales. The asterisks are wild cards for any length substring. e. Execute the query. What iHelp items are available for sales-like applications?

f. If necessary, select the Create an iHelp Item from the list of results by clicking to the left of the record. g. Click the MVG select icon in the Applications field. This brings up an MVG applet. h. Query in this applet for Application *Sales*. i. Which applications are returned from this last query?

j. Click OK to close the MVG applet. 5. You will navigate to the Views screen and query for application views related to Assets. a. Navigate to Administration - Application > Views. This view lists all Siebel application views. b. Click the Query button. c. Click the Query Assistant button. This tool simplifies query construction, and is suitable for less technical users.

d. Execute the following query: View Name Contains Asset: i. Click the top left-hand dropdown and select View Name. ii. Click the top center dropdown and select Contains. iii. Type Asset into the top right-hand text box. The Query Assistant should be identical to the picture on the next page. Notice that the text box below the dropdown lists displays a description of the query. iv. Click Go.

e. How many view records are returned by this query?

6. Save the query you just created so you can use it later. a. Select Query > Save Query As from the application menu. b. In the Query Name field, enter Asset Views. c. Click OK. d. Notice the query now appears in the Queries drop-down list (in alphabetical order, even though only one appears for this view) and can be executed by selecting it from the list: This is a private query it is only available to you. However, an administrator can make it available to other users as a predefined query.

Querying Siebel Data

2.g. 2.h. What value appears in the city column? Beverly Hills Query again, this time on two fields: City Los Angeles and State CA. This query will return records with City = Los Angeles and State = California; that is, a logical AND. How many ZIP codes are there for Los Angeles? Click the Menu button and select Record Count, or use CTRL+Shift+3, to find the answer. 99 What city has the northernmost ZIP code (that is, the highest latitude)? Barrow, AK (Alaska) at 71.29N latitude How many ZIP codes outside of Alaska have latitude greater than 49 degrees? 3 (Note: one of the results, for Eastport, Idaho, appears to have latitude equal to 49, but this is a result of rounding the result for display in the user interface. The underlying value for Eastport is 49.0005 degrees, which can be queried directly from the underlying database table S_ZIPCODE.) How many zip codes are in this range? 12 How many records are there without geographic coordinates? 972 Examine the Applications field in the lower form applet. What kind of field is it? An MVG field the icon for an MVG 4.c. 4.e. 4.i. 5. differs from the icon for a dynamic picklist

3.c. 3.e.iv.

3.f.iv. 3.g.iv. 4.b.

What query operator can you use to search this field? EXISTS( ) What iHelp items are available for sales-like applications? Create an iHelp Item What applications are returned from this last query? Siebel Sales Enterprise and Siebel eSales How many view records are returned by this query? 132

Exploring Responsibilities and Views

Goals To explore the relationship between responsibilities and views in the application To examine the seed responsibilities available in the application To create and customize a new responsibility 20 25 minutes


In this lab, you will explore responsibilities and views first by modifying a users responsibilities to observe which views are available to them, then by creating a new responsibility and observing the results. 1. If necessary, start the Siebel Call Center Web client and log in as SADMIN/SADMIN. 2. You will first examine the views associated with a responsibility. A responsibility is a set of views usually corresponding to a specific job function. a. Navigate to Administration - Application > Responsibilities. The responsibilities shown are the seed responsibilities for the application. These responsibilities cannot be edited or deleted. You will learn how to create your own custom responsibilities later in this lab. b. Query for the Call Center Representative - SMC responsibility. Notice that more than one view is associated with this responsibility. Which users have this responsibility? c. In the Views applet, query for view names containing the string *Admin*. Note that no administrative views are associated with this responsibility. 3. You will next confirm that a user with that responsibility sees only those views. a. Open a second browser, start the Siebel Call Center Web client, and log in as SMURPHY/SMURPHY. Using a second browser will allow you to switch back and forth between the administrative and user logins without having to log in to and out of the application too frequently. b. What do you see when you first log in?

c. Switch back to the Call Center application where you are logged in as SADMIN and query for Home Page in the view name. Does the Home Page view appear in the list of views for the Call Center Representative - SMC responsibility? Is this what you expected to see?

4. You will now confirm that a single view may be shared by multiple responsibilities. a. While still logged in as SADMIN, click the Home tab to return to the home page. b. Select Help > About View. What is the name of the home page view for Siebel Call Center?

c. Click OK to close the About View window. d. Navigate to Administration - Application > Views. e. Query for Home Page. Does the view you found above appear in the list of home page views?

f. Select the view you found above and confirm that it is included in multiple responsibilities. You have confirmed that a single responsibility contains multiple views, and that a single view may be contained in multiple responsibilities.

5. You will next remove Seth Murphy from the list of users with the Call Center Representative SMC responsibility. It is unlikely that an administrator would intentionally remove all responsibilities from a user, but it is quite possible that an administrator might accidentally remove the user from all responsibilities in the manner shown here. a. Return to the Siebel Call Center application where you are logged in as SMURPHY. b. Navigate to the Site Map and confirm that SMURPHY has access to several views in the application. c. Log out of the Siebel Call Center application. d. Return to the Siebel Call Center application where you are logged in as SADMIN. e. Navigate to Administration Application > Responsibilities. f. Query for the Call Center Representative - SMC responsibility. g. In the Users applet, select the SMURPHY record and click the Delete button. h. Click OK to confirm the deletion. i. Click the Clear Cache button near the top of the screen.The responsibilities are cached to enhance application j. Navigate to Administration User > Employee k. Select all Responsibility and Press << Remove All 6. Log in to the Siebel Call Center application as SMURPHY/SMURPHY. What do you notice? a. Navigate to the Site Map and confirm that SMURPHY does not have access to any screens or views. b. Log out as SMURPHY. 7. You will now create a new responsibility and assign SMURPHY to it. A common method of doing this is to find an existing seed responsibility that closely matches the responsibility you desire, duplicate it, and modify the new responsibility to have exactly the views you require. a. Return to the Siebel Call Center application where you are logged in as SADMIN. b. Select the Call Center Representative - SMC responsibility. Notice that the Delete button is disabled in the Responsibility pane, and the Add and Delete buttons are disabled in the Views pane. This shows that this is an application seed responsibility, and cannot be modified.

c. Right-click Call Center Representative - SMC and select Copy Record. A new responsibility is created containing the same views as Call Center Representative - SMC. d. Enter Call Center Representative - Modified as the Responsibility name. e. Enter Custom responsibility as the Description. f. Click Add in the Views pane. A list of available views is shown. g. Query for Home Page View (WCC). Note that you cannot query for the full name without using quotes, as parentheses are illegal search characters. h. Click OK to add the view. Confirm that the view now appears in the list of views for the responsibility. When you give this responsibility to NBOHR, he will no longer see the inaccessible view error message when he logs in. i. Locate the Service Contact Detail View and mark it as a Read Only view by checking the checkbox. j. Click Add in the Users pane. A list of available users is shown. k. SelectSeth Murphy and click OK. He is added as a user to the responsibility. l. Click the Tab Layout tab. This allows you to customize which screen and view tabs are available in each application for each responsibility when the user initially logs in. Once the user has logged in, they can change their personal tab layout to suit their preferences. m. Query for an application name of Siebel Universal Agent. This is the name of the Siebel Call Center application. What screen tabs are shown in what order for this application and this responsibility?

n. Click Clear Cache near the top of the screen. o. Log in to the Siebel Call Center application as SMURPHY/SMURPHY. Confirm that you now have access to the Home Page View (WCC). Notice that not all of the screen tabs you found above are shown. Why might this be? Hint: Does SMURPHY have access to any of the views under the missing screen tabs?

p. Log out as SMURPHY. 8. You will finally add a second responsibility to SMURPHY, label the Call Center Representative Modified responsibility as the primary responsibility, and confirm that NBOHR still sees all of the views available to either responsibility. a. Return to the Siebel Call Center application where you are logged in as SADMIN. b. Navigate to Administration User > Users. This is the user administration screen, and allows you to directly edit the responsibilities assigned to a user. c. SelectSeth Murphy. His details are shown in the lower applet.

d. Click the Select icon next to the Responsibility field. Be careful not to select the New Responsibility field. e. Query for the Call Center Manager responsibility. f. Click Add to add it to SMURPHYs responsibilities. g. Verify that the Primary checkbox next to Call Center Representative - Modified is checked to mark it as the primary responsibility for NBOHR. This ensures the initial tab layout SMURPHY will see when logging in is the one associated with the modified responsibility. h. Click OK. i. Navigate to the Administration - Application > Responsibilities screen. j. Click the Clear Cache button to clear the Responsibilities cache. k. Log in to the Siebel Call Center application as SMURPHY. Notice the additional tabs; the Quotes and Sales Orders tabs are now visible because SMURPHY has access to views on those screens. l. Navigate to Contacts > Contact List and note that the New button is now enabled. Although SMURPHYs primary responsibility of Call Center Representative - Modified lists this view as Read Only, his secondary responsibility of Call Center Manager has the same view with read/write permission. The union of the two responsibilities gives SMURPHY the more permissive permission; that is, he has write access because at least one of his responsibilities has write access. You can confirm this by returning to the Siebel Call Center application where you are logged in as SADMIN and examining the Call Center Manager responsibility to confirm that it contains the Service Contact Detail View with the Read Only flag unchecked. 9. Log out of the Siebel Call Center application where you are logged in as SMURPHY and close the browser.

Exploring Responsibilities and Views

2.b. Query for the Call Center Representative - SMC responsibility. Notice that more than one view is associated with this responsibility. Which users have this responsibility? The Siebel Administrator ,Seth Murphy and Smythe Terry. What do you see when you first log in? You can see Home, Account, Contact, Opportunities, Service etc tabs Switch back to the Call Center application where you are logged in as SADMIN and query for Home Page in the view name. Does the Home Page view appear in the list of views for the Call Center Representative - SMC responsibility? Is this what you expected to see? No; the Home Page view does not appear in the list of views for this responsibility. This is what you should expect to see when you receive that error message. Select Help > About View. What is the name of the home page view for Siebel Call Center? Home Page View (WCC). Query for Home Page. Does the view you found above appear in the list of home page views? Yes. Log in to the Siebel Call Center application as NBOHR/NBOHR. What do you notice? There are no longer any tabs visible at the top of the screen. Query for an application name of Siebel Universal Agent. This is the name of the Siebel Call Center application. What screen tabs are shown in what order for this application and this responsibility? Home, Accounts, Contacts, Opportunities, Quotes, Sales Orders, and Service. The rest are marked as hidden. Log in to the Siebel Call Center application as NBOHR/NBOHR. Confirm that you now have access to the Home Page View (WCC). Notice that not all of the screen tabs you found above are shown. Why might this be? Screen tabs only appear if the users responsibilities contain at least one view associated with that screen. Since SMURPHYs responsibility does not include any Quotes or Sales Orders views, those screen tabs do not appear.





6. 7.m.


Creating the Company Structure

Goals Time To implement a division hierarchy including divisions, organizations, positions, and users 20 25 minutes

In this lab you will explore and extend an existing division hierarchy. You will implement the company structure for a fictitious ABC Company, allowing you to explore Access Control in greater detail in later labs. Because a richer company structure provides better examples of Access Control, some of the structure has already been created for you in the database. You will implement the following company structure:
Default Organization (Organization) Already exists as seed data ABC Company (Division) CEO (Position): Mark Planck ABC Western Region (Organization) VP of Sales - West (Position): Mary West ABC Northwestern Region (Division) Sales Rep NW1 (Position): Maxwell Westerly ABC Southwestern Region (Division) Sales Rep SW1 (Position): Raj Westerman ABC Eastern Region (Organization) ABC VP of Sales - East (Position): Natasha East ABC Northeastern Region (Division) ABC Sales Rep NE1 (Position): Catherine Eastman ABC Southeastern Region (Division) ABC Sales Rep SE1 (Position): Charles Eastwood

1. You will first explore and extend the division structure of ABC Company. The final hierarchy should appear as follows:

Default Organization

Division Organization

ABC Company

ABC Western Region

ABC Eastern Region

ABC Northwestern Region

ABC Southwestern Region

ABC Northeastern Region

ABC Southeastern Region

a. If necessary, start Siebel Call Center and log in as SADMIN/SADMIN. b. Navigate to Administration - Group > Internal Divisions. This view shows all of the existing organizations and divisions. Those starting with ABC are the pre-populated ABC entries for this training. Those without an ABC are the seed entities that are created when the Siebel application is installed. There are three seed entities. What are they?

c. Click Organizations in the link bar near the top of the screen. This view shows only the organizations. Which of the divisions you found above is an organization? d. Click Internal Divisions to return to the Internal Divisions view. Because you can enter both divisions and organizations in this view and it allows you to view the entire company hierarchy, it is more common to add divisions and organizations from this view. i. Create new record with Divisiopn name as ABC Company. e. In the Tree applet, click the + sign for Default Organization to expand its hierarchy. The child divisions of Default Organization are shown. Notice that the explorer tree shows each division at the top level of the hierarchy for ease of navigation and also shows it within the correct hierarchy. What are the child divisions of Default Organization?

f. In the Tree applet, expand the ABC Company hierarchy. Notice that the ABC Western Region has already been entered. Expand the ABC Western Region and confirm that the ABC Northwestern Region and ABC Southwestern Region have already been entered.

g. Click Internal Division link bar and create new record as ABC Western Region i. From bottom Applet Select Parent Division as ABC Company. ii. Set Organization flag True. Select ABC Western Region in the explorer tree. In the bottom applet, notice that the Parent Division is now listed as ABC Company. When you create new divisions with ABC Western Region selected, they will automatically have the same parent. You can also override this, as you will do below. h. Click New in the top applet to create a new division. i. Enter ABC Eastern Region as the division name. Notice that Currency is a required field that has already been filled in for you in the form applet as the default currency for the application. Note that divisions may also optionally have addresses and types assigned to them. j. Check the Organization Flag. Be very careful when checking this flag; once the record is saved and the division is marked as an organization, it cannot be undone. k. Step off the record to save it. l. Create the ABC Northeastern Region as follows: i. Click New to create a new division. ii. Enter ABC Northeastern Region as the division name. iii. Click the Select button next to Parent Division in the form applet. All of the available parent divisions are shown. iv. Select ABC Eastern Region as the parent division and click OK. Notice that the required Organization Name field is now populated. The organization is the organization to which the parent division belongs. v. Ensure that the Organization Flag is not checked. Note: If you accidentally label one of the divisions an organization, you will need to rename it and try again, as you cannot delete a division or undo making a division an organization. vi. Step off the record to save it. m. Follow similar steps to create the ABC Southeastern Region division. n. Refresh the Explorer view by clicking the sign next to the Divisions folder. Now expand it by clicking the + sign. You will see the seven ABC Company divisions. Expand ABC Company to see the division hierarchy. Continue this process to fully expand the ABC Company division hierarchy. Make sure it matches the picture below. Although you cannot

delete divisions, you can change the parents or rename them if you made an error.

2. You will next explore and create positions for the ABC Company. Unlike responsibilities, the Siebel application comes with only four seed positions, and you must create the rest to match your companys structure. Also unlike responsibilities or divisions, positions, including seed positions, can be deleted. When creating positions, consider: - Although positions and employees are in a M:M relationship, most positions should contain only one employee unless their job is completely interchangeable with another. A customer might not mind working with three different call center representatives on a single problem, but how would a customer feel about working with three different sales representatives? This is a question only your company can answer, and it determines whether the three sales representatives have three different positions, or all share one position. - Also, data visibility is affected by position, hence unless those three sales representatives should see the same accounts, they should have different positions. - Positions do not have to report to parent positions within their organization. For example, if a sales representative moved from the Western Region to the Eastern region, that sales representative might still want to report to VP of the Western Region, outside of the sales reps organization. The final position hierarchy should look as follows. Note that the positions for the Western organization are not prefixed with ABC. This is to help you easily distinguish the positions

you created from those pre-populated for this and other labs in the course:

a. In the link bar, click Positions. Query for the Siebel Administrator position. How can there

be many positions with the same name?


Notice that the position explorer tree lists the primary employee for each position. Who is the primary employee for the ERM AnonUser position?

c. In the Positions list applet, click New. Create a position record with the following values:
Division Position Parent Position ABC Eastern Region ABC VP of Sales, East CEO

d. Similarly, create the following positions:

Division Position Parent Position Division Position Parent Position ABC Northeastern Region ABC Sales Rep NE1 ABC VP of Sales, East ABC Southeastern Region ABC Sales Rep SE1 ABC VP of Sales, East

e. In the Positions list or Explorer view, verify that you have created all of the above positions correctly. Make any modifications, if necessary. 3. You will now create employees for ABC Company and assign positions to them. a. Navigate to Administration - User > Employees. Note that there are Many seed employees: Administrator, Employee, Guest, and Queue etc. The other employees were added for this and other labs. You will enter the rest of the employees.

b. c. d. e.




j. k.

Modify existing Employees to attach Position created in this Lab Query in Last Name for Rubin as the employees last name. Query Jason as the employees first name. Change Position ABC VP of Sales, East as the employees Job Title. Note that Job Title is an optional field that does not necessarily need to match the employees position or any other position. It should be the employees actual job title, whereas the position may be a more generic term or may even be a code. Change the Responsibility to Siebel Administrator. In real circumstances you would change this to limit the views available to the employees. For the sake of this lab, you will be logging in as several of these employees and you may need access to the entire application, hence we leave it as its default. Select Jason Rubin's position: i. Click the Select button in the Position field. The available positions are listed. Note that only a few of them have names associated with them. Those without names are unfilled positions; no employees have been assigned to them. Those with names list the name of the primary employee in each position. ii. Select ABC VP of Sales, East as the position. iii. Click Add. iv. Click OK. Leave Jason Rubin's organization as the Default Organization. This organization is not used to determine which records Jason Rubin can access; rather it is used to determine who has access to her employee record. Step off the record to save it. Modify two more employees as shown in the table below:
Last Name Abboline Holden First Name Glen Ed Job Title ABC Sales Rep NE1 ABC Sales Rep SE1 User ID GABBO EHOLDEN Responsibility Position

Siebel ABC Sales Rep NE1 Administrator Siebel ABC Sales Rep SE1 Administrator

4. Log out of Siebel Call Center and leave the browser open on the login screen. 5. You will finally confirm that you successfully added the employees. a. Log in to Siebel Call Center as GABBO/GABBO. If you cannot log in, log in as SADMIN/SADMIN and confirm that you entered her User ID correctly. b. Log out and log in as EHOLDEN/EHOLDEN. You should log in successfully. 6. Log out of Siebel Call Center.

Creating the Company Structure

1.b. Navigate to Administration - Group > Internal Divisions. This view shows all of the existing organizations and divisions. Those starting with ABC are the pre-populated ABC entries for this training. Those without an ABC are the seed entities that are created when the Siebel application is installed. There are three seed entities. What are they? Default Organization, ERM AnonUser, and Siebel Administration Click Organizations in the link bar near the top of the screen. This view shows only the organizations. Which of the divisions you found above is an organization? Default Organization is an organization. In the Tree applet, click the + sign for Default Organization to expand its hierarchy. The child divisions of Default Organization are shown. Notice that the explorer tree shows each division at the top level of the hierarchy for ease of navigation and also shows it within the correct hierarchy. What are the child divisions of Default Organization? ABC Company and Siebel Administration. In the link bar, click Positions. Query for the Siebel Administrator position. How can there be two positions with the same name? Positions are assigned to divisions, hence two positions with the same name can be in two different divisions. Note that the first Siebel Administrator is part of the Siebel Administration division, while the other is part of the Default Organization. Hence there is no conflict. Notice that the position explorer tree lists the primary employee for each position. Who is the primary employee for the ERM AnonUser position? ERM Guest, one of the seed employees.





Exploring Common Siebel Entities

Goals Time Explore Accounts, Contacts, Activities, and Service Requests 15 20 minutes

In this lab you will examine common Siebel entities: Accounts, Contacts, Activities, and Service Requests. You will log in to Siebel Call Center as Vic Taylor, the call center manager for PCS Company. 1. You will log in to Siebel Call Center. a. Open the Siebel Call Center Developer Web Client using Start > Programs > Siebel Web Client 8.0 > Siebel Call Center ENU. b. Log in using the following parameters:
User ID Password Connect To VTAYLOR VTAYLOR Sample

2. You will examine properties of Accounts and their relationship to other entities. a. Click the Accounts screen tab to go to the Accounts home page. b. This page has links to different types of accounts, such as My Accounts, where VTAYLOR is on the account team or All Accounts. Click My Accounts. c. How many accounts appear in this view?

d. Examine the Saved Queries drop-down in the upper right: This query is used to select Top Accounts. To see the query being executed, select Query > Refine Query from the application-level menu. What is the query field and value(s)?

e. Click Cancel in the top applet to return to the listing of My Accounts.

f. Select All Accounts from the Saved Queries dropdown. Because the visibility filter is set to My Accounts, the All Accounts query only returns Accounts where VTAYLOR is on the Account team. g. Next, you will examine an account belonging to one of Vic Taylors reports, Casey Cheng. i. Select My Teams Accounts in the Visibility Filter. ii. Locate and drill down on Cymer Inc. Use the view tabs to answer the following questions. iii. What are the current and potential volumes for this account?


Hint: The More Info tab shows more details for each account. How many Contacts are there for Cymer Inc.? How many Opportunities? How many Service Requests?


How many people are on Cymers account team?

h. Click Accounts List from the link bar and then select My Teams Accounts in the visibility filter. i. How many Accounts belong to VTAYLORs team? Use Menu > Record Count or CTL+SHIFT+3.

j. Click Charts from the link bar and wait until the charts applet is loaded. Verify that the numbers of accounts assigned to each member of VTAYLORs team add up to the same total you observed above. Mouse over the bars in the graph to see the number of accounts. k. In the charts applet, select State Analysis from the left-hand drop-down. In what U.S. state are most of the accounts located?

3. Next, you will examine Contacts and Activities and the difference between personal and public Contacts. a. Click the Contacts screen tab. b. Click the hyperlink for My Contacts. c. Create a new contact record with the following information:

Last Name First Name Work Phone #

Aubergine Augusto (321) 555-1111

d. Drill down on the new contacts last name.. e. Create a new activity with the following attributes:
Description Type Start Introduction Meeting 2 hours from current time (click the calendar icon Status and enter time)


f. Create a second activity:

Description Type Start Status Follow up Email - Outbound Current time tomorrow Not Started

g. Click the Calendar view tab. h. Drill down on the Introduction hyperlink. You will be taken to a Calendar detail view displaying meeting participants availability. Take a few minutes to explore the availability applet. i. Click the Contacts screen tab to return to the Contacts home page. j. Click My Personal Contacts. k. Create a new personal contact for Vic Taylor:
Last Name First Name Mr/Ms Work Phone # Freesia Filene Ms. (853) 555-2110

l. Click Contacts List in the link bar. m. Does Ms. Freesia appear in the list of My Contacts for Mr. Taylor?

n. Click Personal Contacts List in the link bar. o. In the detail applet below the Personal Contacts list, clear the Private check box for Ms. Freesia. p. Return to My Contacts list and verify that Filene Freesia now appears as a public contact. 4. Vic Taylor is starting a project to hire additional call center agents and needs to advertise for new workers. You will create a new Project (another Siebel entity) and create an activity plan for this project. a. Navigate to Site Map > Projects > List. b. Create a new project with name Hiring Advertisement. c. Drill down on this project. d. Click the Activity Plans view tab. e. Click New in the Activity Plans applet and use the Template drop-down to select Advertisement Project Template. f. Save the record. The Activities grand-child applet is populated with 11 activities from this template. Notice that the start dates are set to the current time for all of these activities, and will have to be manually set. An activity template may set intervals between activities. An example: a template for a set of activities for a

sales presentation may specify a reminder email to all participants one day in advance of the presentation. g. Navigate to Site Map > Calendar > All Accessible Daily. This may take a several seconds to load for the first time. h. Click the Weekly tab. i. To view all of the activities added as part of the activity plan, click the arrow below the activities shown:

Verify that 11 activities appear at the time of activity plan creation. Note: Click Today to make sure that you are looking at the current week. 5. Finally, you will create a new service request and set some of its attributes. a. Click the Service screen tab. b. Click My Service Requests on the Services home page. c. Create a new Service Request (SR) and set the following fields: Note: You may need to click the Show More control applet.
Summary Account Last Name Product Area Subarea Source Severity Reproducible InMotion networking problems Hibbings West Holden InMotion 170XL Network Ethernet Card Web 2-High Sometimes

in the SR detail

6. Log out of Siebel Call Center by selecting File > Logout.

Exploring Common Siebel Entities

2.c. 2.d. How many accounts appear in this view? 24. Examine the Saved Queries drop-down in the upper right: This query is used to select Top Accounts. To see the query being executed, select Query > Refine Query from the application-level menu. What is the query field and value(s)? This query search for accounts with Status LIKE Gold* 2.g.iii. 2.g.iv. What are the current and potential volumes for this account? $1,200,000 current and $2,000,000 potential volume How many Contacts are there for Cymer Inc.? How many Opportunities? How many Service Requests? 12 Contacts, 2 Opportunities, 1 Service Request How many people are on Cymers account team? 7 How many Accounts belong to VTAYLORs team? Use Menu > Record Count or CTL+SHIFT+3. 46 In the charts applet, select State Analysis from the left-hand drop-down. In what U.S. state are most of the accounts located? NY (New York), although a greater number have no state defined. Does Ms. Freesia appear in the list of My Contacts for Mr. Taylor? No she is a personal contact and will only appear in his Personal Contact List

2.g.v. 2.i.



Using Siebel Entities

Goals Time To walk through a typical implementation of a companys business practices using common Siebel entities 5 10 minutes

PCS Company has implemented Siebel Call Center and has mapped their companys business practices to the Siebel application. In this scenario, you will be PCS telesales representative Ted Arnold. You will walk through the scenario described by the following process diagram:

This process has been fully implemented using as-delivered functionality. 1. You will log in to Siebel Call Center as TARNOLD. a. Open the Siebel Call Center Developer Web Client by running Start > Programs > Siebel Web Client 8.0 > Siebel Call Center ENU.

b. Log in using:
User ID Password Connect To TARNOLD TARNOLD Sample

2. You receive a call from a customer, Mike Carlson. You will locate this customer in the Contacts list. In an upcoming lab, you will see that this step may be automated using Siebel Call Centers computer-telephony integration (CTI) technology. For now, you will manually find the contact. a. Click the Contacts screen tab. b. Click My Contacts. c. Select Mike Carlson in the Contacts list. d. Which columns in the Contacts list have hyperlinks?

These hyperlinks are provided in the as-delivered application, and additional ones can be added to simplify navigation. e. Drill down on Mike Carlsons last name. You are taken to a view that displays Contact details and Activities for this Contact. f. You decide to re-familiarize yourself with the Mr. Carlson. Click the Profile view tab. g. What are Mike Carlsons approval authority and his hobby?

h. After asking him about his tennis game, you ask Mr. Carlson whether the contact information you have is correct. Enter the new mobile phone number he gives you: (301) 496-8128. i. He also mentions that hes working at a new location. You will enter the new account address. i. ii. iii. Click the MVG icon Click New. Enter the address:
Primary Address 1 City State Zip Code Country Unchecked 300 Terrace Drive Bethesda MD 20814 USA

next to the Account Address.

iv. v.

Click Save. In the Account Addresses dialog, click OK. Verify that the new address is displayed in Mike Carlsons contact record.

3. Now you will document the call by creating an activity for this call. a. Click the Activities view tab. b. Click New in the Activities list applet. c. Add a new activity with the following attributes:
Description Type Start Request for quote Call - Inbound Current time (click the calendar icon and then click Save)

4. Next, you will create an Opportunity record for Mr. Carlsons inquiry. PCS will use this Opportunity record to schedule follow-up sales activities, such as a sales visit or demonstration, if necessary. a. Click the Opportunities view tab. b. Click New. The Display Opportunities applet is displayed. You may select an existing Opportunity, which would result in Mike Carlson being added as a contact to that Opportunity. However, Mr. Carlsons request is a new Opportunity. c. Click New. d. What columns are pre-populated in the new Opportunity list entry?

e. Mr. Carlson informs you that he wants a quote on 5 PCS InMotion 170XL units, so enter Opportunity Name 5 x InMotion 170XL and save the record. f. Drill down on the Opportunity Name. g. First, add the products: i. Click the Products view tab. ii. Add a new record with the following attributes:
Product Quantity InMotion 170XL 5 02 Qualification 1-Excellent

h. In the Opportunity form applet, enter the following additional information:

Sales Stage Lead Quality

5. You will generate the quote for Mike Carlson. a. Click the Quotes view tab. b. Click Auto Quote. You may have to wait a few seconds before you see a new Quote record. c. From which price list is the Quote generated?

d. Drill down on the Quote Name. e. In the Line Items list applet, examine the price. Click the + next to Line #1 to view all the products included in the quote. f. Click the Reports button and select Current Quote. g. The report will display in a separate window. Examine the report and answer the following questions: i. How long is the quote valid?


What is the total amount of the quote?

Hint: Use the Next Page button. h. In a real customer interaction you could email the quote to the contact by clicking , or print the quote for faxing. Instead, close the report the Send Report button window. i. In a production system, you would now click Submit to finalize the quote and possibly submit it to an external order management system. The sample application that you are using does not have that integration available. Instead, use the thread bar to return to the opportunity. Drill down on the Opportunity Name: 6. You have completed the scenario. Log out by selecting File > Log Out from the application menu.

Using Siebel Entities

2.d. 2.g. 4.d. 5.c. 5.g.i. 5.g.ii. Which columns in the Contacts list have hyperlinks? Last Name, Email, and Account What are Mike Carlsons approval authority and his hobby? $500,000.00 and tennis What columns are pre-populated in the new Opportunity list entry? Account, Revenue (with $0.00), Close Date, and Primary From which price list is the Quote generated? Americas Price List How long is the quote valid? One month What is the total amount of the quote? $560,600.00

Siebel Sales Scenario: Opportunities

Goals Time Review a sales scenario using Siebel Sales 15 20 minutes

You will walk through a scenario that uses Siebel Sales to manage Opportunities. You are Terry Smythe, a PCS sales representative. Mr. Smythe uses the Siebel Mobile Web Client so that he can access critical customer data even while disconnected from a network. Because the classroom is not configured to demonstrate synchronization with a remote Siebel Server, you will skip that typical step, and instead you will assume that synchronization was recently completed. 1. You will log in to Siebel Sales as Terry Smythe (TSMYTHE). a. Open Siebel Sales Developer Web Client using Start > Programs > Siebel Web Client 8.0 > Siebel Sales ENU. b. Log in using:
User ID Password Connect To TSMYTHE TSMYTHE Sample

2. You will review the information for a new opportunity. a. Note that Terry Smythes home page has been extensively personalized. Click the Opportunities screen tab. b. Click My Opportunities. c. Query for the opportunity named Fast Ethernet NIC PCI 10/100 - 2500 units. Hint: Query for *2500*. d. What is the Account for this Opportunity?

e. Mr. Smythe will manage the opportunity and move it through the sales pipeline until the opportunity has been won or lost. As this occurs, the Opportunity Sales Stage will change to reflect the Opportunitys progress in the sales process. Click the Sales Stage drop-down. f. How many sales stages are there?

g. Drill down on the opportunity name.

h. Click the More Info view tab. i. Scroll down and locate the Revenue Details section of the lower applet. j. What is the revenue associated with this Opportunity?

k. The field titled Probability % is an estimate of how likely is the conversion of this opportunity to revenues. The expected value is equal to revenue times the probability of conversion. What is the expected revenue for this Opportunity?

l. Set Sales Stage to 05 - Building Vision. m. What is the new Expected Value?

n. Click the Products view tab. Compare the product price with the revenue estimate. 3. You will use the Target Account Selling (TAS) data for this account to formulate a strategy for this opportunity. a. Click the Target Account Selling view tab. b. Review the information on the TAS Overview page. c. What is the annual revenue of Marriott International?

d. What is PCSs unique business value for this Opportunity?

e. Click Competitive Analysis in the child applet link bar. Who are the three competitors for this opportunity?

f. Click Organizational Analysis in the child applet link bar to inspect the customers organizational chart and the personal characteristics and views of important customer contacts. Which contact is the Accounts CIO? Note: if you get a digital signature error message, click Run and proceed. This is an artifact of the classroom environment.

g. Click Relationship Strategy in the child applet link bar. Each contact for this Opportunity is listed, as well as their business and personal motivations. The right-most column is used to label the relationship strategy chosen for each contact. The values available in this column are Neutralize (for a contact with objections to the sale), Leverage (for a contact supportive of the sale), and Motivate (for an undecided or neutral contact).

4. PCSs North American VP of Sales has decided to adopt a new sales methodology. This new methodology has fewer stages in the sales pipeline. You will make two changes as a result of this methodology change: first, you will change the methodology for the Opportunity you have been working with, and second, you will change your user preferences so that all new opportunities will use this methodology. a. Click the More Info view tab. b. What is the value of Sales Method?

c. Use the drop-down for the Sales Method field to select Accelerated Sales Process. Save the record. Note: Siebel Sales includes several popular sales methods. In addition, sales administrators can define new sales methods. d. Notice that the Opportunitys Sales Stage has been cleared. Set it to 02 Qualification and save the Opportunity. e. Compare the number of sales stages and the Probability % field with your earlier results. f. Now you will set your user preferences to use this new sales methodology by default: i. Select Tools > User Preferences from the application-level menu. ii. Click the links drop-down arrow and select Price List and Sales Methods:

iii. Set Sales Methodology to Accelerated Sales Process. iv. Click Save. g. Return to the Opportunities List view. h. Create a new Opportunity with:
Opportunity Name Test Opportunity Revenue Account $200,000 Hibbings West

i. Click the Sales Stage drop-down arrow. Verify that the four Accelerated Sales Process stages are displayed. 5. Stay logged in to Siebel Sales as TSMYTHE.

Siebel Sales Scenario: Opportunities

2.d. 2.f. 2.j. 2.k. What is the Account for this Opportunity? Marriott International How many sales stages are there? 10 What is the revenue associated with this Opportunity? $687,500 The field titled Probability % is an estimate of how likely is the conversion of this opportunity to revenues. The expected value is equal to revenue times the probability of conversion. What is the expected revenue for this Opportunity? $240,625 What is the new Expected Value? $309,375 What is the annual revenue of Marriott International? $10,152,000,000 What is PCSs unique business value for this Opportunity? PCSs ethernet cards consume less power than any other cards in their class Click Competitive Analysis in the child applet link bar. Who are the three competitors for this opportunity? Bull Computers, Elephant Computers, and Extreme Machines Click Organizational Analysis in the child applet link bar to inspect the customers organizational chart and the personal characteristics and views of important customer contacts. Which contact is the Accounts CIO? Bob Jones What is the value of Sales Method? Standard Sales Process

2.m. 3.c. 3.d. 3.e.



Siebel Sales Scenario: Forecasting

Goals Time To generate a forecast and submit to manager To aggregate and analyze a teams forecasts

5 10 minutes

In this scenario Terry Smythe and his regional sales manager, Madison Stern, use Siebel Sales forecasting capabilities to project individual and regional revenues. You will continue as Terry Smythe, generate a forecast, and submit it to your manager. You will then log in as Madison Stern (MSTERN) and view the regions aggregated forecasts. 1. You should still be logged in to Siebel Sales as TSMYTHE. If not, log in using the instructions in the previous lab. You will generate a quarterly forecast of revenues. a. Click the Forecasts screen tab. b. Create a new forecast, setting Forecast Date to 5/28/2002. c. Save the new record. This will cause a new forecast to be generated. d. Drill down on the Forecast Date. e. What is the Revenue for this forecast?

f. Verify that this Revenue falls between the Worst Case and Best Case revenues. These values are simply the sum of Worst Case and Best Case values for each Opportunity for the forecast period. The Expected Revenue is the sum of each Revenue weighted by the Probability % of conversion. g. Click Forecasts List on the link bar. h. Examine the values for the revenue column for each forecast. The current period being forecast is the second quarter of 2002, and the frequency of forecasting is weekly. Notice how the Revenue values fluctuate. Look further down the list to the forecast for 3/26/2002. Its Revenue, approximately $2.9 million, is significantly higher than the following forecasts. In addition, it has a very narrow difference between best and worst case revenues. Both of these observations make sense, as 3/26/2002 is a forecast for the first quarter of 2002 and occurs only 5 days before the end of the quarter, so revenue estimates are more accurate. i. Drill down on the forecast for 5/28/2002. j. Click Submit to submit the forecast to Madison Stern, Terry Smythes sales manager. Note: Madison Stern can analyze subordinates forecasts even if they havent submitted them. A company might require submission of forecasts as a method

for sales personnel to provide verification of their final forecasts. Once submitted, a subordinates forecast becomes read-only. k. Log out using File > Log Out. 2. You will log in to Siebel Sales as Madison Stern, a regional sales manager at PCS. a. Open Siebel Developer Web Client using Start > Programs > Siebel Web Client 8.0 > Siebel Sales ENU. b. Log in using:
User ID Password Connect To MSTERN MSTERN Sample

3. You will generate a new quarterly forecast for your regional sales team. a. Click the Forecasts screen tab. b. Create a new Forecast with:
Forecast Series Forecast Date Quarterly Sales Forecast With Details 5/28/2002

c. Save the record. You will see a warning dialog:

This warning appears because not all of MSTERNs team members have generated a forecast for the Forecast Date. (Only TSMYTHE has created this forecast.) d. Click OK. e. Drill down on the Forecast Date. f. The child applet displays forecast details. In the current view it shows individual opportunities for MSTERNs sales team. To view forecasts for individual sales representatives, click the Subordinates view tab. Which sales representative has the highest forecasted revenues?

g. Click the Details view tab and click Charts on the child applets link bar. h. Use the dropdowns above the chart to show Revenues by Week (Calendar). Notice how the quarters revenues are very heavily weighted to the end of the quarter. i. Spend a few minutes navigating through the Forecast views. j. When you are done, log out of Siebel Sales using File > Log Out.

Siebel Sales Scenario: Forecasting

1.e. 3.f. What is the Revenue for this forecast? $1,470,000 The child applet displays forecast details. In the current view it shows individual opportunities for MSTERNs sales team. To view forecasts for individual sales representatives, click the Subordinates view tab. Which sales representative has the highest forecasted revenues? WTAKUDA

Siebel Call Center Scenario

Goals Time To review a service call center scenario using Siebel Call Center 10 15 minutes

You will review a day-in-the-life scenario involving two PCS Company employees Casey Cheng, a call center representative, and Gary Clark, a product expert. These two employees handle a customer service request. 1. First, you will log in to Siebel Call Center as Casey Cheng. a. Open Siebel Call Center Developer Web Client using Start > Programs > Siebel Web Client 8.0 > Siebel Call Center ENU. b. Log in using:
User ID Password Connect To CCHENG CCHENG Sample

2. You will handle an incoming phone call from customer James Manning. In a production environment an incoming call could be handled efficiently using the Multi-Channel Communication Toolbar. It provides computer-telephony integration, as well as email and Web integration, and alerts the call center agent that an incoming work item is available. When the new work item, a phone call in this case, is accepted, the calling number is used to automatically populate the Customer Dashboard with matching contact information. Because this functionality is not available in the classroom, you will start by opening the Customer Dashboard and locating the contact manually. a. Open the Customer Dashboard by selecting View > Open Customer Dashboard from the application-level menu. b. Click the Contacts screen tab. c. Query for last name Manning. Your query will return a single contact: James Manning. d. Click Update in the Customer Dashboard. You have populated this applet with the contacts information. This and the immediately preceding steps would have occurred upon acceptance of a new work item in the Communications Toolbar. 3. You will now review customer activities and service requests (SRs) to help you better serve Mr. Manning. a. Make sure Activities is selected in the Go To drop-down in the Customer Dashboard and click Go.

b. Query for activities that do not have status Done: i. Click Query in the Activities applet. ii. Type <>Done in the Status list column. iii. Click Go. iv. How many activities do not have status Done?

c. Click the Service Requests view tab. d. How many SRs with contact James Manning have CCHENG as the owner?

4. You will create a new SR for Mr. Mannings issue and fill in relevant SR detail. a. Click New in the Service Requests child applet. b. Drill down on the new records SR #. c. Enter the following data for the new SR:
Product Summary Description InMotion 170XL Bad print quality Streaks on printer output

d. Save the record. e. Verify that the Commit time for the SR has been set. If the customer were eligible for more than one entitlement, then Verify Best Time could be used to calculate the best commit time from these entitlements. This best time would depend on which entitlement offered the best response times. f i. ii. iii. iv. v Navigate to Site Map > Entitlements > Agreements Entitlement. Query for Entitlement Name *Gold*. Click the Metrics view tab to examine metrics written into the entitlement agreement. Use the other view tabs to determine other parameters of the entitlement agreement. When you are done, return to the SR: click the Service screen tab

5. You will manually assign the service request to the appropriate product specialist, Gary Clark. You will perform this assignment manually here, but will see an example of automatic assignment using Assignment Manager in an upcoming lab.

a. What are the values of Status and Substatus for the SR you created

b. c. d. e. f. g.

Click the select icon in the Owner field. Query for last name Clark. Select Gary Clark and click OK. Set the Substatus to Assigned. Click Service Requests List on the link bar. Why doesnt the newly created SR, with summary Bad print quality, appear in the My Service Requests list?

h. Select File > Logout to exit Siebel Call Center. 6. You will log in as PCS product specialist Gary Clark and check your service requests. a. Start the Siebel Developer Web Client and log in using:
User ID Password Connect To GCLARK GCLARK Sample

b. c. d. e.

Click the Service screen tab. Click the My New Service Requests link on the Service Requests home page. Verify that the recently created SR appears for GCLARK. Drill down on this records SR # to get a description of the customer issue.

7. You will use the Solutions database to find a resolution to the SR. This is one simple approach to finding information regarding a customer issue. If a resolution was not found in the Solutions database, then he could also query on other SRs. A broader search could use Siebel Search, which allows searches on the entire Siebel application database. a. Click the Solutions view tab. b. You can access Solution information in this applet. Click Add. c. In the Add Solutions dialog box, use the Find and Starting With fields to query for a Description starting with *printer*. This will return all Solutions with the substring printer in their descriptions. This is a reasonable first step in finding a resolution to the SR. d. How many Solutions contain printer in their description?

e. Which Solution looks as if it has something to do with print quality?

f. Select the record named Printer Cartridge Replacement Criteria and click Add. 8. You will take the actions necessary to close the SR: create an activity documenting the time you spent on the SR, and setting the SR status to Closed. Normally, you would communicate the SR resolution to the customer, by email or phone, but the classroom is not set up for outbound communications. The Communications Tool is able to automate the steps to email or phone the SRs contact. a. Click the Activities view tab. b. Click New and enter the following values for the new activity
Description Type Start Status Used solutions database to resolve Analyst Current date Done (Click to the right of the hyperlink to edit this field)

c. Save the record. d. Set the SRs Status to Closed. e. What is the new value for Substatus?

f. Log out of Siebel Call Center.

Siebel Call Center Scenario

3.b.iv. 3.d. 5.a. 5.g. How many activities do not have status Done?. 6 How many SRs with contact James Manning have CCHENG as the owner? 5 (And none of them are closed!) What are the values of Status and Substatus for the SR? Open and Unassigned, respectively Why doesnt the newly created SR, with summary Bad print quality, appear in the My Service Requests list? Service Requests have a single owner, and the My Service Requests view only displays SRs with Owner equal to the current user. CCHENG no longer is the owner of the SR, so Casey Cheng no longer sees the record. How many Solutions contain printer in their description? 5 Which Solution looks as if it has something to do with print quality? The one named Printer Cartridge Replacement Criteria What is the new value for Substatus? Resolved

7.d. 7.e. 8.e.

Creating a Marketing Plan

Goals Scenario Time To create a marketing plan with tactics and budget requests and submit for approval In this exercise, you will create a new marketing plan. 1520 minutes

1. If necessary, log in to the Marketing application. a. Start the Siebel Developer Web Client and log in using b. Enter the following and click the Login button:
User ID Password MMAY MMAY

2. Create a marketing plan for the EMEA region in the current year. a. Click the Marketing Plans tab. b. Click the New button and enter the following:
Plan Name Type <enter current year> EMEA Plan Regional

c. Enter data as requested in Form applet below. i. Set an appropriate planning period for the marketing plan. ii. Set Region to EMEA. d. Drill down on Marketing Plan go to Goals view Tab . Note that there are already some goals present due to a previously defined goal template for this type of plan. e . create a new Program tactic. i. Click the Plan Tactics tab. ii. Click the New button in the Plan Tactics list. iii. Name the program PCS Product Launch 6-1. iv. Select type as the Program.

f. create a new budget request and associate your new program to it in the bottom applet. i. Click New in the Budget Requests view. ii. Name the budget request Product Launch 6-1 and enter a planning period. iii. Drill into the Product Launch 6-1 budget request to navigate to the Budget Requests screen. iv. In the top applet, change the Approval Status field value to Submitted. In the Pick Employee dialog box, enter MMAY in the To Employee field. (You are sending this request to yourself, but this is for lab purposes only.) vi. Enter a comment and click Send. k. Navigate to the Home page and look in My Approval Inbox. Drill into the Product Launch budget request record to go directly back to the Marketing Plan record. Note the approval history. v.

Creating a Program and Loading a Campaign

Goals Scenario To create a Marketing Program and load a campaign within the program and view the system task log In this exercise, you: Create a Marketing Program


1520 minutes

1. If necessary, log in to the Marketing application. a. Start the Siebel Developer Web Client and log in using b. Enter the following and click the Login button:
User ID Password MMAY MMAY

2. Create a Marketing Campaign. a. Click the Campaigns tab to navigate to the Campaigns screen. b. Click New to create a new campaign. c. Enter Roadshow Invite EN as the campaign name. d. Enter the current year as the execution period. 3. Create a Marketing Offer. a. Click the Offers tab to navigate to the Offers screen. b. Click New to create a new offer. c. Enter PCS Roadshow 6-2 as the name. d. Enter Awareness as the type. e. Click the Treatments view tab. f. In the Treatments list, click New to add a new treatment. g. Enter Roadshow Email Follow-up 6-2 as the name. h. Enter Email as the channel. i. Click New to create another treatment. j. Enter Roadshow Telesales Follow-up 6-2.

k. Enter Phone as the channel. 4. Create a marketing program. a. Click the Programs tab to navigate to the Programs screen. b. Click New and create a new program named PCS Product Launch 6-2. c. Drill down on the new program to navigate to the Program Flow view. Note that there are no details on this program because you just created it. d. Click the Program Details tab. Notice all the details that can be entered for the program. e. In the upper form, set the region for the program to EMEA.

Marketing Planning and Budgeting

Goals Scenario Time To set goals and forecast and record expenses for a marketing plan In this exercise, you build a marketing plan and explore budget requests and expenses. 35 minutes

1. If necessary, log in to the Marketing application. a. Select Start > Programs > Internet Explorer. b. Navigate to http://localhost/marketing_enu. c. Enter the following and click the Login button:
User ID Password MMAY MMAY

2. Create a new marketing plan. a. Click the Marketing Plans tab. b. In the Marketing Plans list view, click New. c. Name the plan 2008 NAMER Plan. 3. Set goals for 2008 NAMER Plan. a. Drill down on 2008 NAMER Plan. b. Click the Goals tab. c. Apply a goal template. i. In the Marketing Plan form, select the following:
Type Region Regional USA

ii. In the Goals list, click the Apply Goal Template button. d. Revise the Revenue goals Target Amount to $75,000,000.00. e. Add a goal for Avg. Contribution Margin. i. Click New. ii. Enter the following:
Metric Avg. Contribution Margin

Number Format Target Amount

Currency $2,475.00

4. Click the Plan Details tab. In the Financial Summary, how have the goals that you have set for the plan affected the summary? __________________________________________________________________ 5. Create a new program in the 2008 NAMER Plan. a. Click the Plan Tactics tab. b. Add a program named PCS Product Launch NAMER. i. Click New. ii. Enter the following:
Name Type Sub-type Planning Period PCS Product Launch NAMER Program Acquisition 2008

6. Create, submit, and approve a budget request for the program that you have added to the marketing plan. a. Click the Budget Requests link. b. In the Budget Requests list view, click New. c. Enter the following:
Name Planning Period Type Region Total Requested 2008 Product Launch Budget 2008 Roadshow USA $7,500,000.00

d. e. f. g.

In the Budget Requests list, drill down on 2008 Product Launch Budget. On the Tactics tab of the Budget Request view, click the Add button. In the Pick Tactic picklist, select the PCS Product Launch 2008 program and click OK. Submit the budget request. i. In the top form applets Approval Status drop-down list, select Submitted. ii. In the Pick Employee dialog box, enter MMAY in the To Employee field and click Send. h. Click the Home tab to navigate to the Home page. i. In the My Approval Inbox, drill down on the 2008 Product Launch Budget request.

j. Approve the budget request. i. Set the Approved Budget field to $7,500,000.00. ii. In the top form applets Approval Status drop-down list, select Approved. iii. In the Pick Employee dialog box, enter MMAY in the To Employee field and click Send. iv. On the Approvals tab, verify that the budget request is approved. 7. Navigate to the Plan Details tab of the Marketing Plans view for your plan. In the Financial Summary, has the approval of a budget request for a plan tactic impacted the summary? __________________________________________________________________ 8. Add a campaign to the PCS Product Launch 2008 program. a. Click the Programs tab and drill down on the PCS Product Launch 2008 program. b. Click the Design tab. c. Select and drag a campaign from the palette into the window. d. In the Pick Campaign picklist, click New. e. Name the new campaign Spring Advertising Campaign. f. Select the new campaign in the picklist and click OK. 9. Enter expenses for the PCS Product Launch 2008 program. a. Click the Plan tab. b. Click the Expenses link. c. Click New and enter the following:
Expense Description Campaign Name Purpose Unit Forecast Unit Cost Actual Unit Cost Ad Buy in Business Week Full-page ad in Business Week Spring Advertising Campaign Advertising Fixed $10,000.00 $12,000.00

d. Note: The Variance field records the difference between actual and forecast expense. 10. Navigate to the Plan Details tab of the Marketing Plans view for your plan. In the Financial Summary, has the financial summary been impacted by the addition of program expenses? __________________________________________________________________ 11. Add a stand-alone advertising campaign to the 2008 USA Plan and associate expenses with it. a. Click the Marketing Plans tab. b. Drill down on the 2008 USA Plan and click the Plan Tactics tab. c. Add the budgeting columns to the display.

i. From the Applet menu, select Columns Displayed. ii. In the Columns Displayed dialog box, select the following columns in the Available Columns list (hold down the Ctrl key and select): Requested Budget Assigned Budget Forecast Total Expense Forecast Net Expense iii. Move the columns to the Selected Columns list and click Save. d. Click New and enter the following:
Tactic Name Type Sub-Type Planning Period Requested Budget Assigned Budget Standalone Ad Campaign Standalone Campaign Awareness 2008 $25,000.00 $25,000.00

e. Drill down on Standalone Ad Campaign. Note that the Requested Budget and Assigned Budget are reflected in the Financial Summary for the campaign. f. Click the Plan tab. g. Click the Expenses link. h. Click New and enter the following:
Expense Description Purpose Unit Forecast Unit Cost Actual Unit Cost Ad Buy in Time Full-page ad in Time Advertising Fixed $25,000 $22,000

12. Navigate to the Plan Details tab of the Marketing Plans view for your plan. In the Financial Summary, has the financial summary been impacted by the addition of stand-alone campaign expenses? _________________________________________________________________

Marketing Planning and Budgeting

4. Click the Plan Details tab. In the Financial Summary, how have the goals that you have set for the plan affected the summary? They are not reflected in the summary. Navigate to the Plan Details tab of the Marketing Plans view for your plan. In the Financial Summary, has the approval of a budget request for a plan tactic impacted the summary? No, it has not. Navigate to the Plan Details tab of the Marketing Plans view for your plan. In the Financial Summary, has the financial summary been impacted by the addition of program expenses? Yes, the forecast and actual expenses reflect the cost of the advertising. Navigate to the Plan Details tab of the Marketing Plans view for your plan. In the Financial Summary, has the financial summary been impacted by the addition of standalone campaign expenses? Yes, the forecast and actual expenses for the Marketing plan reflect the cumulative expenses of the plans tactic expenses. The expenses have gone from being $2,000 over forecast to $500 less than forecast for the plan.




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