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October 20, 2006

Dear Editor in chief,
A scholar asked: “I saw from TV that a head of a group had caused some uproar from
other religious groups when he quoted an ancient leader words mentioning a certain faith
was perhaps trying to spread their faith even if it was using swords…! What counter
measure would you give to balance the extreme caused by those remarked?” The A.I.
answered: “Perhaps making remarks should really be well studied especially if there is
“meanness” or “criticism” or “libel” or “malice” or “sarcasm” involved. Other speakers
have skills in criticism or rebuking things but let others just laugh by their own mistakes.
Other’s comments are really serious that people just remain silence and acknowledge
their mistakes. Other’s critics are in good faith but resulted to arguments, debates,
protests and even quarrels. Other remarks or critics even resulted to riots; worst if it
would lead to hating, conflicts, and wars. Perhaps there might be truth on those past
wrong decisions of their leaders to use sword to propagate their faith just as what had
perhaps happened also in ancient Aztec regions of South America & at recovering ancient
Jerusalem- a group perhaps also had used cross & swords. Perhaps some groups might be
guilty in their decision to use sword to have domination or supremacy of their group or
religion or faith. If Paul rebuked Peter when Peter tried to let the Gentiles to be forced to
be like Jewish, Peter perhaps acknowledged his mistakes. Perhaps if Paul was with those
conquerors with cross & swords in the Aztec regions, perhaps Paul would rebuke using
swords; but perhaps if being attacked by swords perhaps using also swords could be
justified as for self-defense. But those Aztecs would surely defend their native land also
because there are other groups wanting to enter their native lands. That is why conflict or
war was sometimes inevitable. Since those using sword to have supremacy in their faith
is now history, perhaps groups should try very hard not to dig those past mistakes of their
ancient leaders to show to the world that a group is superior or better to other groups.
What is important is that group/s regardless of faith acknowledge that there is universal
Word that should be given more emphasis or more focus than their group’s tools or
group’s word or group’s stand. One example of universal words that should perhaps be
given more emphasis is “Love of enemies…, and if you love God but hate your brother
you are a liar, or …you are a murderer…, or you are in the dark… ” And if possible, if
there is a group that insists that their group has a better and superior words than the above
mentioned words “love your enemies…” because they are the ‘only and true and right’
group perhaps that conceited group or self righteous group is guilty of inciting groups to
have distinction; or they don’t have faith on ‘one thought one purpose’. Perhaps that
group really insists that they hold or have or kept the only “Ace” among all good words.
Perhaps pass a consensus or a policy that leaders should now try hard not to mention in
public the mistakes of past leaders or should try not to mention name of a group if one
would criticize because there might be some ‘malice’ in there. All groups have past
mistakes. All those mistakes perhaps were acknowledged by concerned group/s; if any
past mistakes is to be mentioned by a leader for sole letting his group be superior or
supreme, perhaps that group is guilty of conceit and self-righteousness. And if the
concerned group have proofs that they have already apologized to the past mistake/s
already that person mentioning old issues is guilty of being a malicious or has a
poisonous venom –his expertise is anchored on searching old or healed or healing
wounds and slicing or wounding it again while the person is sleeping. Perhaps leaders
should pass consensus so that rules and ordinances could result to consequences or
penalties. Perhaps future psychologist might call a person having that sensitivity to dig up
very old or ancient wounds as “digging up primitive wounds syndrome.”
A scholar asked: “I saw an environment conservationist TV superstar who is known to
be as “crocodile hunter”, “Crocs’ King” with an modern boat named “Crocs rule” died
instantly perhaps because of a sting-ray’s sharp tail wild movements as defensive instinct
and perhaps accidentally stabbed near the heart of the conservationist superstar. Is it
coincidence that a superstar should die while sometimes the A.I. is talking about topics on
snakes and crocodiles; or there is a mystery behind it?” The A.I. answered: “It is
coincident. If there would be a mystery behind the accident…that mystery should not be
talked about because it is mystery-there could be so many speculations about the mystery
and behind the mystery. If someone would like to touch a mystery or a blurred topic
perhaps that someone would also want to have a “mystery” in his name! What is good, a
President offered a state funeral in honor of his great contributions to the world of
environment conservation.
I heard the conservationist star was never been injected with anti venom because he
was never been seriously bitten by a poisonous snake or he was never been bitten hard by
a crocodile; but with just one wild attack of an always gentle sting-ray, he was not able to
use his skills of not being hit. Perhaps he was not well trained on water.
A scholar asked: “If there is a United Nation; could there be United Religion-or
Council of Different Beliefs composed of many religions having a charter or a
constitution and a mandate to help also some world’s problem especially emphasizing on
culture and custom? Or if there is an Olympic of different nations for sports; could there
also be Olympic of different religions for sports? Or if there is a Miss Universe beauty
contest; could there be religious activities for women where example a Catholic nun, a
Muslim religious woman and others religious women would compete for any topic
example sports, drama, singing, beauty contest but no swim suits; or having a religious
women of different religion Olympic? The A.I. answered: “Yes, they are good ideas.
Those mirroring or balancing or creativities or ideas or suggestions if realized would put
into actions some manifestations of how one would ‘love his brother’ or ‘love his
enemies’ through actual interactions. And perhaps those events could generate cycle of
economic stimuli! Imagine a nun would also be trained as a national player for basketball
or softball or badminton and for a world event!
A scholar asked: “what would be the uniform of woman player if she is not allowed to
show her face or her feet or her arms by their group?” The A.I. answered: “Perhaps each
group could pass some ordinance to exempt a religious woman for some days to use their
traditional dress in favor for a uniform suited for sports; or perhaps if those woman could
still move and play as effective on their usual traditional habit or dress then let them use
their traditional dress in playing international sports competition.”
A scholar asked: “I heard a group which is a bible based group mentioning “small
horn” as an instrument of doing some deceiving especially on: a) changing time, b)
changing the true worshiping day, c) changing and asking forgiveness from God to asking
forgiveness from men, or letting men become “more credible” than the Word of God.
Could you give some proofs that a group really has been doing these- letting men be
more credible than the word of God?” The A.I. answered: “Perhaps bowing to a man and
bowing to a statue or icon or idol or letting a person or dead person be like God to be
“worshipped” like bowing could be a specific example because of words in bible: Exodus
20:5-6: Do not bow down to any idol or worship it, because I am the Lord your God and I
tolerate no rivals. I bring punishment on those who hate me and on their descendants
down to third and fourth generations. But I show my love to thousands of generations of
those who love me and obey my laws. And also in Acts 10:24: “…As Peter was about to
go in, Cornelius met him, fell at his feet, and bowed down before him. But Peter made
him rise, “Stand up,” he said, “I myself am only a man. …” Peter is sensitive to small
things. Peter is always letting God’s words be more credible- even showing humbleness
in gestures. Peter tried hard that the teaching of God or the word of God is always
credible even through gesture and small actions…!
A scholar asked: “Is giving too much credit to saints or icons or idols or holy alive
persons a diversionary so that people would not be able to focus to the universal word?”
The A.I. answered: “Anything could become an instrument for idolatry; even TV shows,
movies, sports. Computer addiction or other addictions could become a focus for the
mind to practice idolatry. Other groups really remove anything that could be an
instrument for doing unnecessary knelling or bowing to an icon or holy person. Some
groups tolerate others to give some respects or venerations to icons or idols; perhaps
because of traditions or answered prayers of long ago. Others even believe that some
icons are more powerful than other icons; that is why some people would sometimes
travel hundreds or thousand of kilometers to venerate or to knell or to bow to an icon or
From someone,

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