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IrfanView Modify Images.

Time for a thirth folder named ElephantfFun Final

Open the first picture in the folder ElephantFun IrfanView.

You can remove letters and spots with mspaint:
Menu bar>File>Open with external editor <Shift-E>

Choose the colour next to the spot and brush it. I resize to 6x. to have a good view on what I
am doing. Save the file and close mspaint.

In IrfanView nothing is changed. Press the blue arrow back and forward. (At the first picture
forward and back) You can also use the shortcut <Shift-R>

Enhance colors:

Something like the above image shows. You have to experiment, what is best for a picture.

Don’t forget to push the button: Apply to original.

BTW. IrfanView doesn’t save automatically.
So save the pictures whether altered or not in the new made folder i.g ElephantFun Final.

Cropping and Resize/Resample.

Time to create the Tilesetfolder named: ElephantFun. Game uses the name of the folder the
pictures are in.

Open the first picture in ElephantFun Final folder.

Open the first picture in ElephantFun Final folder.
Point the mouse somewhere at the upper left. Draw a line to the right and down.
A retangle appears. You can resize this by putting the mouse at the line. The cursor changes to
a two way arrow. Push and pull to get the part you like to have. Take care the ratio is
somehow 8x10.

After you go to:

Menubar>Edit>Crop Selection <Ctrl+Y>

Sometimes the picture is fine as it is and you can skip this. I often go directly to
Resize/Resample as well. It depends.

Menubar>Image>Resize/Resample <Ctrl+R>

The new size has to be: Width: 80 and Height 96.
If this not the case, you have to go back to the cropping part.
If I stick to 80x95 pixels, I delete the checkmark at: Preserve aspect ratio and change 95 to 96.

If you don’t want to crop the picture or stick to the ratio of the original, you can use Canvas
size: Resize the picture to width: 80 Look at the Height. If it is lower, go to Canvas Size.
If it is higher: Put in at height: 96 and look what it says at width. Divide the difference by two.

Menu bar>Image>Canvas size <no short cut for this one>

In this example I had a picture sized: width 62 and hight: 96

It is sometimes fun to keep the border color transparent. Push the button Choose to change the
color. Change the values of Red, Green and Blue to 255. At my PC, I can also choose the
white in the right lower corner. If you don’t want it transparent, you can choose another color.
Setting the values to 253 makes it non transparent white.

At last I am satisfied with the picture and save it PNG format.

Menu bar>File> Save as <S> Browse to ElephantFun folder Scroll down to PNG and push the
Save button. If you use transparent parts, you click at one of the white borders. Otherwise you
can use <Escape>

The next pictures is automatically saved in the last used folder and format.

Notes: Some example images are half Dutch, but I do think you get the picture. That’s
because program never turns back to English entirely. After I changed it to Dutch. Just a
The symbols between < and> are shortcuts. That you already figured out..

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