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Navigational Shortcuts

Ctrl+L Go to line number.

Ctrl+I Indent the highlighted text.
Ctrl+K Go to next occurrence of the selected text
Ctrl+Shift+K Go to previous occurrence of the selected text
Ctrl+F6 Navigate between open Editors (or, files in an editor)
Ctrl+F7 Navigate between open Views
Ctrl+F8 Navigate between open Perspectives
F12 Jump to the open Editor
Ctrl+Shift+W List all files open in an editor
Alt+left arrow Back (last editing position)
Alt+right arrow Forward (next editing position)
Coding Assistants
Ctrl+Space Brings up coding/context assistant.
Make required selection and press enter or, double click.
After selection, Javadoc will appear in hover Help.
Ctrl+Shift+M Add import
Ctrl+Shift+O Organize Imports
Ctrl+B Executes an incremental build of a project in the navigation view
Ctrl+E Goes to the next error.
Ctrl+Shift+E Delete till end-of-line
Search Shortcuts
F3 Open Declaration of Selected Element
Ctrl+F Find/replace
Ctrl+H Brings up Java search with the selected item in the search table.
Ctrl+Shift+T Type Browser:- Search a class/interface by typing it’s name
Or (wildcards: ‘*’ and ‘?’ can also be used)
Ctrl+Shift+H “Ctrl+Shift+H” brings up Hierarchical Browser… works much the same
as Type Browser!
Ctrl+Shift+G Search References in workspace
Ctrl+O Search data-members or methods in the Class (works similar to
Ctrl+Shift+T ,i.e, type search… but the scope is only the current Class
file open in the editor)
Ctrl+Shift+U Search occurrences (of selected methodName or dataMember) within
the same Class file.
Ctrl+Shift+O Organise Imports
Ctrl+Shift+M Import type under cursor
Ctrl+Shift+F Format Code
F3 Open declaration
F4 Open hierarchy
Ctrl+Shift+G Show all references
Ctrl+Shift+U Show references in this file
Ctrl+Q Goto last modified editor position
Alt+Left,Alt+Right Goto prev/next editor position in history
Alt+Shift+M Extract Method
Alt+Shift+R Rename method/variable
Ctrl+L Goto Line number
Ctrl+O Pop-up Outline
Ctrl+Space Complete whatever you're typing.
Ctrl-Shift 'T' - Open Type
Ctrl-Shift 'R' - Open Resource
Ctrl-F6 - Pops up a list of all the files you have open.
Ctrl+Shift+P Navigating to Matching braces:

Eclipse Shortcut KeysMenus

F10 Main menu

Shift F10 Context menu
Ctrl F10 View menu
Alt - Active view's menu

Workspace navigation

F12 Activate editor

Ctrl Shift W Switch editor
Ctrl F6 Next editor
Ctrl Shift F6 Prev editor
Ctrl F7 Next workspace
Ctrl Shift F7 Prev workspace
Ctrl F8 Next perspective
Ctrl Shift F8 Prev perspective
Alt Left Back
Alt Right Forward


Alt Shift S Show in…

Ctrl Shift R Jump to file
Ctrl N New file
Ctrl S Save file
Ctrl Shift S Save all files
Ctrl F4 Close file
Ctrl Shift F4 Close all files


Ctrl L Goto line

Ctrl F Find
Ctrl J Incremental find
Ctrl Shift J Incremental find prev
Ctrl K Find next
Ctrl Shift K Find prev
Ctrl H Search workspace
Ctrl (dot) Navigate next
Ctrl (comma) Navigate prev

Java navigation

F3 Goto declaration
Ctrl Shift U Find references in file
Ctrl Shift G Find references in workspace
Ctrl G Find declarations in workspace
Ctrl Shift P Navigate to matching bracket/brace
Ctrl T Popup type hierarchy
Ctrl Shift T Open Type
Ctrl O Outline of current source
Ctrl F3 Outline of current cursor position
Ctrl Shift Arrow Jump beetween methods up or down
F2 Show Javadoc
F4 Show hierarchy
Ctrl Alt H Open call hierarchy

General editing

Alt Arrow Move line(s) up or down

Alt Shift Up Expand selection to enclosing element
Alt Shift Right Expand selection to next element
Alt Shift Left Expand selection to previous element
Alt Shift Down Restore previous selection
Ctrl Alt Arrow Duplicate line(s) up or down
Shift Enter Insert line below
Ctrl Shift Enter Insert line above
Ctrl D Delete line
Ctrl Shift Q Toggle Quick Diff
Ctrl Shift Y Convert to lowercase
Ctrl Shift X Convert to uppercase
Java editing

Alt Shift U Remove occurrence annotations

Ctrl 1 Quick fix (works even when there are no errors
Ctrl Shift M Add import
Ctrl Shift F Reformat
Ctrl Shift O Organize Imports
Ctrl / Comment
Ctrl \ Uncomment
Ctrl Shift Space Parameter hints
Ctrl Hyperlink identifier
Ctrl I Correct indentation
Shift Space Incremental content assist
F5 Step into
F6 Step over
F7 Run to return
F8 Resume
F9 Relaunch last
F11 Run/debug last
Ctrl F11 Run
Ctrl Shift B Toggle breakpoint
Ctrl D Display
Ctrl Q Inspect
Ctrl R Run to line
Ctrl U Run snippet


Alt T Refactoring menu

Ctrl Shift Z Undo refactor
Ctrl Shift Y Redo refactor
Alt Shift R Rename
Alt Shift V Move
Alt Shift I Inline
Alt Shift M Extract method
Alt Shift L Extract local
Alt Shift C Change method signature


F5 Refresh
F1 Infopop
F2 Show resizeable hover

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