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TỪ NĂM 2000

Ñieän Töû – Vieãn Thoâng:

[1] Hoaøng Ñình Chieán, Leâ Tieán Thöôøng. “An Efficient Approach Combining Wavelets
And Neural Networks For Signal Procesing In Digital Communications”.
Proceedings of IASTED-International Conference on Communication and
Computer Networks in MIT Cambidge, USA. November 08 to November 10, 2004.
[2] Le Tien Thuong, Sung Young Lee, Nguyen Thanh Tuan, Vo Trung Dung, “Improving the
Robustness of Watermarking Aprroach for Copyright Protection”, The second IASTED
International Conference on Communication and Computer Networks, Cambridge, MA, USA,
November 8-10, 2004, ISBN 0-88986-429-2, page 144-149

[3] Le Tien Thuong, Sung Young Lee, Nguyen Thanh Tuan, Vo Trung Dung, “A feasible solution
for image watermarking techniques”, presentation at The 9th Biennial Vietnam Conference on
Radio & Electronics (REV04), Hanoi, Vietnam, November 27-28, 2004, page 273-277

[4] Le Tien Thuong, Sung Young Lee, Nguyen Thanh Tuan, Vo Trung Dung, “A Study on Digital
Audio Watermarking Using Spread Spectrum Techniques”, The 2004 International Symposium
on Advanced Science and Engineering, HCMUT, May 20-21, 2004, page 16-20

[5] Leâ Tieán Thöôøng, Hoaøng Ñình Chieán..,” Application of LDPC Codes In
Mobile Wireless Communications.”. Proceedings of the 2004 International
Symposium on Advanced Science and Engineering-20- 21-May , 2004 HCM
City Univ of Technology, Vietnam
[6] Thuong Le-Tien, Chien Hoang-Dinh, Dung Ho-Quang, Nhan Nguyen-Duong-
The, Hoa Le-Minh, Kha Ha-Hoang, “Spread-Spectrum Communications
Correlated with the Proposed Wavelet-based Signal Processing for Noise
Suppression”, The 5th CDMA International Coference & Exhition, 22-25
November 2000, Korea-Seoul
[7] Hoaøng Ñình Chieán, Voõ nguyeãn quoác Baûo : “ Moät soá keát quaû nghieân cöùu veà
phaàn meàm voâ tuyeán ( Software Radio ) trong thoâng tin soá treân phaàn cöùng
DSP “. Baøi baùo taïi hoäi nghò khoa hoïc laàn 5 thaùng 9/2003 taïi Hoïc vieän coâng
ngheä Böu chính vieãn thoâng–Toång coâng ty böu chính vieãn thoâng Vieät Nam -
Haø Noäi
[8] Hoaøng Ñình Chieán, Voõ nguyeãn quoác Baûo : “ Boä caân baèng Neural-Fuzzy trong
thoâng tin soá “. Baøi baùo taïi hoäi nghò khoa hoïc laàn 5 thaùng 9/2003 taïi Hoïc
vieän coâng ngheä Böu chính vieãn thoâng–Toång coâng ty böu chính vieãn thoâng
Vieät Nam - Haø Noäi
[9] Hoaøng Ñình Chieán, Nguyeãn Vaên Daùn, “Nghieân cöùu vaät lieäu haáp thuï soùng
ñieän töø (vaät lieäu nguî trang)”. Baøi baùo taïi hoäi nghò khoa hoïc coâng ngheä laàn 8
thaùng 4/2002 taïi ÑHBK-TPHCM
[10] Leâ Tieán Thöôøng, Hoaøng Ñình Chieán..,”DSP Hardwares applied to audio
signal processing”. Baøi baùo taïi hoäi nghò khoa hoïc coâng ngheä laàn 8 thaùng
4/2002 taïi ÑHBK-TPHCM
[11] Leâ Tieán Thöôøng, Hoaøng Ñình Chieán..,”Fractal Geometry applied to image
compression”. Baøi baùo taïi hoäi nghò khoa hoïc coâng ngheä laàn 8 thaùng 4/2002
[12] Leâ Tieán Thöôøng, Hoaøng Ñình Chieán..,” Wavelets and Neural Networks
applied to Robot communications signal processing., Baøi baùo taïi hoäi nghò
khoa hoïc coâng ngheä laàn 8 thaùng 4/2002 taïi ÑHBK-TPHCM
[13] Leâ Tieán Thöôøng, Hoaøng Ñình Chieán..,”High resolution RADAR signal
processing for practical target recognition based on geometrical theory of
diffraction’. Baøi baùo taïi hoäi nghò khoa hoïc coâng ngheä laàn 8 thaùng 4/2002 taïi
[14] Leâ Tieán Thöôøng, Hoaøng Ñình Chieán..,”A study on some DSP families and
their applications to the TMS320C6711 hardwere”. Baøi baùo taïi hoäi nghò khoa
hoïc coâng ngheä laàn 8 thaùng 4/2002 taïi ÑHBK-TPHCM
[15] Leâ Tieán Thöôøng, Hoaøng Ñình Chieán, “Using walets and neural network
transforms to improve the performance of digital satelite communication systems”.
Baøi baùo taïi hoäi nghò khoa hoïc coâng ngheä laàn 8 thaùng 4/2002 taïi ÑHBK-
[16] Leâ Tieán Thöôøng, Hoaøng Ñình Chieán,” Using wavelets transform to denoise
in digital communication systems “. Baøi baùo taïi hoäi nghò khoa hoïc coâng ngheä
laàn 8 thaùng 4/2002 taïi ÑHBK-TPHCM
[17] Leâ Tieán Thöôøng, Hoaøng Ñình Chieán,” Application neural network-based-
equalizer to denoise ISI in digital communication “. Baøi baùo taïi hoäi nghò khoa
hoïc coâng ngheä laàn 8 thaùng 4/2002 taïi ÑHBK-TPHCM
[18] Thuong Le-Tien, Chien Hoang-Dinh, “Wavelet-based Approach Implement
to Aspect-Independent Signal Processing for Recognizing Two-Dimension
Distribution of Scattering Centers”, Japan-USA-VietNam workshop on
research and education in systems, computation and control engineering, 7-9
June 2000, HCM city, VietNam
[19] Leâ Tieán Thöôøng, Hoaøng Ñình Chieán, “Trieät nhieãu duøng Wavelets trong heä
thoáng thoâng tin traûi phoå”. Baùo caùo taïi hoäi nghò khoa hoïc JAPAN-USA-
VIETNAM WORKSHOP 6/2000 taïi tröôøng ÑHBK TpHCM
[20] Leâ Tieán Thöôøng, Hoaøng Ñình Chieán. “ Vietnamese Speech Recognition Applied to
Robot Communications “. Au Journal of Technology, Volume 7 Number 3 January
2004. Published by Assumption University ( ABAC) Hua Mak, Bangkok, Thailand.
[21] Leâ Tieán Thöôøng, Hoaøng Ñình Chieán…” Söû duïng maõ LDPC trong thoâng tin di ñoäng
soá“. Special issue: Research and Development on Informatics and
Telecommunications technology”. DGPt-Post and Telecommunications journal , soá
[22] Hoaøng Ñình Chieán. “ Phaâàn meâàm voâ tuyeán : boä caân baèng öùng maïng neural vaø trieät
nhieãu duøng wavelets treân phaàn cöùng DSP – TMS 320 C 6711”. Special issue:
Research and Development on Informatics and Telecommunications technology”.
DGPt-Post and Telecommunications journal, soá 10 /2003.
[23] Leâ Tieán Thöôøng, Hoaøng Ñình Chieán..” ÖÙng duïng lyù thuyeát thích nghi Neural-môø
vaøo vieäc ñieàu khieån taéc ngheõn trong maïng ATM “ .Taïp Chí Khoa Hoïc vaø Coâng
Ngheä, soá 40-41 / 2003.
[24] Leâ Tieán Thöôøng, Hoaøng Ñình Chieán, Ñinh Vieät Haøo, Nguyeãn Thanh Tuaán. “ÖÙùng
duïng wavelets trieät nhieãu trong thoâng tin soá keát hôïp xöû lyù treân DSP -TMS
320c6711”. Taïp Chí Khoa Hoïc vaø Coâng Ngheä, soá 38-39/ 2003.
[25] Le Tien Thuong, Hoang Dinh Chien, Dinh Viet Hao, Nguyen Thanh Tuan, Tran Thanh Phuong,
“Using Wavelets for denoising in digital communications systems”, scientific report
participating in 8th Scientific and Technologic Conference – HCMUT, April – 2002, page 131-

[26] Leâ Tieán Thöôøng, Hoaøng ñình Chieán, Ñinh Vieät Haøo, Voõ Trung Duõng. “Moâ hình hoùa
boä caân baèng öùng duïng Neural Networks treân phaàn cöùng DSP TMS320C6711”. Taïp
Chí Khoa Hoïc vaø Coâng Ngheä, soá 40-41/ 2003.
[27] Leâ Tieán Thöôøng, Hoaøng Ñình Chieán “VLSI architectures for DWT”. Hoäi nghò voâ
tuyeán ñieän töû 11-2002-Haø noäi.
[28] Leâ Tieán Thöôøng, Hoaøng Ñình Chieán.” Neural Networks applied to image
processing”. Taïp Chí Khoa Hoïc vaø Coâng Ngheä, soá 32-33/2002.
[29] Leâ Tieán Thöôøng, Hoaøng Ñình Chieán, Nguyeãn Leâ Huøng . “An application of Neural
Networks to smart antenna systems “.Taïp Chí Khoa Hoïc vaø Coâng Ngheä, soá 32-
[30] Leâ Tieán Thöôøng, Hoaøng Ñình Chieán. Traàn thanh Huøng.” Moät phöông phaùp hieäu quaû
nhaän daïng tieáng vieät döïa vaøo pheùp bieán ñoåi Wavelets.” Special issue: Research anh
Development on Informatics and Telecommunications technology”. DGPt-Post and
Telecommunications journal, soá 7 thaùng 5/2002.
[31] N. M. Hoang, L. N. Binh, W. Zheng, C. Cieutat, A. Sekercioglu, “Routing and
wavelength assignment in GMPLS-based DWDM optical networks”, Kluwer PNET
journal, to be appeared.
[32] H. V. Dien, N. M. Hoang, Z.Shao, M. Fujise, “A Novel Solution for Global
Connectivity in MANET”, IEEE VTC’2004-Fall, Los Angeles, USA.
[33] Natalia Kryvinska, Salem Lepaja, N. M. Hoang, “Service and Personal Mobility
Issues in Next Generation Networks”, IFIP MWCN’03, Singapore, 27-29 October
[34] Salem Lepaja, Arben Lila, Natalia Kryvinska, N. M. Hoang, “A Framework for End-
to-End QoS Provisioning in Mobile Internet Environment”, IFIP MWCN’03,
Singapore, 27-29 October 2003.
[35] Paul Tan, QunYing Xie, N. M. Hoang, Jaya Shankar, Winston Seah, “Achieving
Seamless IP Handover and Dynamic Neighborhood Discovery in IEEE 802.11
Networks”, IFIP MWCN’03, Singapore, 27-29 October 2003.
[36] N. Kryvinska, N. M. Hoang, “Large Intelligent Network Modeling using M/M/2/K/K
System”, IEEE APCC’2003, Penang, Malaysia, 21-24 September 2003.
[37] L. N. Binh, N. M. Hoang, W. Zheng, C. Cieutat, A. Sekercioglu, “Routing and
wavelength assignment in GMPLS-based optical networks”, SPIE Optical
Transmission Systems and Equipment for WDM Networking II, Orlando, Florida,
USA, 7–11 September 2003.
[38] Q. Xie, N. M. Hoang, Paul Tan, Winston K. G. Seah, “Handoff supporting QoS in
MPLS-based Hierarchical Mobile Ipv6 networks”, IEEE VTC Fall’ 2003, Orlando,
Florida, USA, October 6-9, 2003.
[39] L. N. Binh, N. M. Hoang, W. Zheng, A. Sekercioglu, “Modeling of wavelength
routing and assignment in GMPλS-based DWDM optical networks”, Conference on
the Optical Internet & Australian Conference on Optical Fibre Technology,
Melbourne, Australia, July 13-16, 2003.
[40] F. Li, N. M. Hoang, Winston K. G. Seah, “QoS Support in IP/MPLS-based Radio
Access Networks”, IEEE VTC-Spring, Jeju, Korea, 22-25 April 2003.
[41] N. M. Hoang, F. Li, Q. Xie, “Integration of Micro-Mobility with QoS in IP/MPLS-
Based Radio Access Networks”, IEEE VTC-Spring, Jeju, Korea, 22-25 April 2003.

[42] Phaïm Hoàng Lieân, Nguyeãn kyø Taøi,Nguyeãn hoaøng Minh “Ñaùnh giaù beàn vöõng caùc
thoâng soá cuûa boä loïc thích nghi trong thoâng tin voâ tuyeán”. Taïp chí tin hoïc vaø ñieàu
khieån hoïc. Taäp 20, soá 3, 2004.

[43] Phaïm Hoàng Lieân , Ñinh quoác Huøng ,”Ñònh vò MS trong maïng di ñoäng cellular
duøng fuzzy logic”, Taïp chí phaùt trieån khoa hoïc coâng ngheä
[44] Phaïm Hoàng Lieân, Hoà vaên Khhöông, “Improvement on the two-stage and SIC
detector applied to both uplink and downlink of a MC-CDMA system using CI
spreading code”. The 2004 International Symposium on Advanced Science and
Engineering, Ñaïi hoïc Baùch Khoa Tp Hoà Chí Minh. 2004.
[45] Phaïm Hoàng Lieân, “Concatenated Stc with TCM in Mimo Systems”. The 2004
International Symposium on Advanced Science and Engineering, Ñaïi hoïc
Baùch Khoa Tp Hoà Chí Minh. 2004,
[46] Phạm Hồng Liên, Đặng Ngọc Khoa, “Keát hôïp STC vôùi TCM trong heä thoáng
MIMO”, Taïp chí Khoa hoïc vaø Coâng ngheä Vieän KH vaøCNVN, Vol.42,No.06,

[47] Phaïm Hoàng Lieân, Nguyeãn duy nhaät Vieãn “Ñònh tuyeán cô sôû raøng buoäc trong
MPLS”. Taïp chí Phaùt Trieån Khoa Hoïc Coâng Ngheä, ÑHQG TpHCM, Taäp 7, 8/2004.
[48] Phaïm Hoàng Lieân, Voõ queá Sôn,Nguyeãn thò Thu “ÖÙng duïng ANFIS trieät nhieãu
trong heä thoáng DS-CDMA”. Taïp chí Phaùt Trieån Khoa Hoïc Coâng Ngheä, ÑHQG
TpHCM, Taäp 6, 9, 10/2003.

[49] Phaïm Hoàng Lieân, Voõ queá Sôn,Leâ Duõng,” Khaûo saùt caùc phöông phaùp trieät
nhieãu giao thoa ña truy caäp trong heä thoáng DS- CDMA ñoàng boä’, Taïp chí
phaùt trieån khoa hoïc coâng ngheä ÑHQGTPHCM,Vol.7, No.6, pp.56-66,2003
[50] Phaïm Hoàng Lieân, Nguyeãn vaên Hoàng “Parallel Concatenated Convolution Codes
(PCCC) and Hybrid Concatenated Convolution Codes (HCCC)”. Hoäi nghò voâ tuyeán
ñieän töû toøan quoác laàn 8, REV’02, pp.169-173, HànộI 11-2002.

[51] Phaïm Hoàng Lieân, Nguyeãn vaên Hoàng ,”Maõ tích chaäp gheùp noái tieáp vaø öùng
duïng”, HNKH laàn 8- ÑHBK TPHCM, pp.19-25,2001
[52] Phaïm Hoàng Lieân, Voõ Tröôøng Sôn ,”ÖÙng duïng logic môø ñeå giaûi quyeát moät soá
baøi toaùn trong thoâng tin di ñoäng DS/CDMA”, HNKH laàn 8- ÑHBK TPHCM,
[53] Phaïm Hoàng Lieân, Nguyeãn vaên Muøi ,”Nghieân cöùu giaûi thuaät traùnh taéc ngheõn
ERICA+ vaø caáu hình VS/VD cho dòch vuï ABR trong maïng ATM”, HNKH laàn
8- ÑHBK TPHCM, pp.61-66,2001
[54] Phaïm Hoàng Lieân, “Ñònh vò MS trong maïng di ñoäng callullar duøng fuzzy logic”. Hoäi
nghò KHCN thoâng tin ñòa lyù GIS’S. 11-2003.

[55] Phaïm Hoàng Lieân, Chung thò ngoïc Haïnh, “Nghieân cöùu öùng duïng maõ TURBO vaøo
heä thoáng thoâng tin di ñoäng theá heä 3 IMT – 2000”. Taïp chí Phaùt Trieån Khoa Hoïc
Coâng Ngheä, ÑHQG TpHCM, Taäp 4-7-2001.

[56] Phaïm Hoàng Lieân, Optimal methods for traffic and congestion control in ATM
network ,“Optimal methods for Traffic and Congestion control in ATM network”.
Hoäi Nghò RESCCE’2000.

[57] Phaïm Hoàng Lieân, Chung thò ngoïc Haïnh ,”Nghieân cöùu öùng duïng maõ TURBO
vaøo heä thoáng thoâng tin di ñoäng theá heä 3 IMT- 2000”, Taïp chí phaùt trieån khoa
hoïc coâng ngheä ÑHQGTPHCM,Vol. 07,No.04, pp.11-21,2001
[58] T. Dang Thanh, T. Vu Dinh, S. Nguyen Kim, Seihaku Higuchi, “Effect of Gray
coding on the state and the distribution of data bits in CrossPoint regions”,
ICCEA2004, 3rd International Conference on Electromagnetics and its Applications,
1-4 Nov. 2004, Beijing China, pp 553-556.
[59] T. Vu Dinh, H. Nguyen Le, “New adaptive beamforming algorithms for smart
antennas in DS-CDMA mobile communication systems”, ICCEA2004, 3rd
International Conference on Electromagnetics and its Applications, 1-4 Nov. 2004,
Beijing China, pp 165-168.

[60] T. Vu Dinh, H. Nguyen Huu, “Simulations of QAM data transmission system

over the medium affected by amplitude and phase noise”, The 2004
International Symposium on Advanced Science and Engineering, May 2004,
[61] T. Le Quang, T. Vu Dinh, S. Nguyen Kim, “A case study of 2D non-seperable
wavelet bases for compression”, Journal of Science and Technology, Vol.42,
No. 2, pp 53-57, 2004
[62] Vuõ Ñình Thaønh, Huyønh Phuù Minh Cöôøng, “Taùch soùng ña truy caäp trong heä thoáng
thoâng tin di ñoäng DS-CDMA ñoàng boä”, Taïp Chí Khoa Hoïc vaø Coâng Ngheä, Vol.42,
No. 1, pp 32-41, 2004.

[63] Buøi Höõu Phuù, Vuõ Ñình Thaønh, “ÖÙng duïng thuaät giaûi CORDIC vaøo vieäc ñieàu
khieån höôùng böùc xaï heä thoáng anten daõy”, Taïp chí chuyeân san Böu Chính Vieãn
Thoâng soá 10, pp 43-49, 10-2003
[64] Vuõ Ñình Thaønh, Buøi Höõu Phuù,”ÖÙng duïng thuaät giaûi CORDIC vaøo vieäc tính
toaùn DCT”, Taïp chí Phaùt Trieån Khoa Hoïc Coâng Ngheä ÑHQGTPHCM, Vol. 6,
pp 67-73, 7/8-2003, TPHCM
[65] Leâ Quang Tuaâ’n, Vuõ Ñình Thaønh, Nguyeãn Kim Saùch, “Thuaät toaùn bieán ñoåi
DCT môùi, khoâng söû duïng pheùp nhaân soá thöïc. Bieán ñoåi Lift-DCT”, Taïp chí
Khoa Hoïc Coâng Ngheä (6 Tröôøng ÑH), No.40+41, pp 60-64, Haø Noäi 2003
[66] Leâ Quang Tuaán, Vuõ Ñình Thaønh, Nguyeãn Kim Saùch, “Quan heä môùi giöõa ñaëc tröng
aûnh vaø chaát löôïng aûnh neùn coù toån hao”, Taïp chí Phaùt Trieån Khoa Hoïc Coâng Ngheä,
ÑHQG TpHCM, Vol. 5, pp 48-56, 11-2002.

[67] Vuõ Ñình Thaønh, Nguyeãn Thanh Taâm, Traàn Minh Tuù, “Ñaëc tính phaân cöïc
cuûa anten vi daûi. Moâ phoûng heä thoáng thu phaùt duøng anten vi daûi phaân cöïc
thaúng vaø troøn”, Taïp chí Khoa Hoïc Coâng Ngheä (6 Tröôøng ÑH), No.36&37, pp
49-55, Haø Noäi 2002
[68] Vuõ Ñình Thaønh, Nguyeãn Thanh Taâm, Traàn Minh Tuù, “Thieát keá thöû nghieäm
anten vi daûi”, Taïp chí chuyeân san Böu Chính Vieãn Thoâng soá 8, pp 61-69, 11-
[69] Vuõ Ñình Thaønh, Nguyeãn Kim Saùch, Ñaëng Thaønh Tín, “Sô ñoà maõ hoaù khoâng
toån hao”, Hoäi Nghò Khoa Hoïc Coâng Ngheä laàn 8, Tröôøng ÑH Baùch Khoa-
ÑHQG TPHCM, pp 45-51, 4-2002
[70] S. Vo Thi Thu, T. Luong Huu, T. Vu Dinh, “Improvements in calculations of the
radiating field of an emitting antenna by using the finite element method”,
Proceedings of the 8th Vietnam Conference on Radio&Electronics (REV’02), HaNoi
Vietnam, pp 56-61, 11-2002.
[71] Ñaëng Thaønh Tín, Vuõ Ñình Thaønh, Nguyeãn Kim Saùch, “Moät caûi tieán giaûi thuaät neùn
döõ lieäu khoâng toån hao cuaû Jones”, Taïp chí chuyeân san Böu Chính Vieãn Thoâng soá 7,
pp 65-69, 5-2002.

[72] Lê Quang Tuấn, Vũ Đình Thành, Nguyeãn Kim Saùch, “The new lapped
orthonormal transform without blocking artifacts”, Taïp chí Phaùt Trieån Khoa
Hoïc Coâng Ngheä ÑHQGTPHCM, Vol. 4, pp 35-43, 7-2001, TP.HCM
[73] Vuõ Ñình Thaønh, Ñoaøn Minh Ñöùc, Nguyeãn Ngoïc Anh, Löông Höõu Tuaán,
“ÖÙng duïng phöông phaùp phaàn töû höõu haïn trong khaûo saùt tröôøng böùc xaï”, Hoäi
Nghò Khoa Hoïc Coâng Ngheä laàn 8, Tröôøng ÑH Baùch Khoa-ÑHQG TPHCM,
pp 73-79, 4-2002
[74] Vuõ Ñình Thaønh, Leâ Quang Tuaán, Nguyeãn Kim Saùch, “AÛnh höôûng vuøng dead-
zone cuaû boä löôïng töû voâ höôùng trong neùn aûnh wavelets ”, Hoäi Nghò Khoa Hoïc
Coâng Ngheä laàn 8, Tröôøng ÑH Baùch Khoa-ÑHQG TPHCM, pp 109-114, 4-
[75] S. Vo Thi Thu, T. Luong Huu, T. Vu Dinh, “Improvements in calculations of
the radiating field of an emitting antenna by using the finite element method”,
Proceedings of the 8th Vietnam Conference on Radio&Electronics (REV’02),
HaNoi Vietnam, pp 56-61, 11-2002
[76] T. Le Quang, T. Vu Dinh, S. Nguyen Kim, “An analysis of the performances
of wavelets and lapped transforms”, Proceedings of the 8th Vietnam
Conference on Radio&Electronics (REV’02), HaNoi Vietnam, pp 181-184,
[77] T. Le Quang, T. Vu Dinh, S. Nguyen Kim, “The new lapped transforms
without real multiplications”, Proceedings of the 8th Vietnam Conference on
Radio&Electronics (REV’02), HaNoi Vietnam, pp 186-188, 11-2002
[78] Vuõ Ñình Thaønh, Huyønh Ñaéc Thònh, “Khaûo saùt anten maûng duøng coâng ngheä vi
daûi vaø öùng duïng”, Hoäi Nghò Khoa Hoïc Coâng Ngheä laàn 8, Tröôøng ÑH Baùch
Khoa-ÑHQG TPHCM, pp 81-89, 4-2002
[79] Vu Dinh Thanh, “Analysis of the non-linear microwave circuits by the harmonics-
balance method”, The 2001 International Symposium on Advanced Engineering,
Pusan, Korea, pp 282-289, Oct. 2001.

[80] Vuõ Ñình Thaønh, Ñoã Hoàng Tuaán, Taï Coâng Thuaän, Huyønh Phuù Minh Cöôøng,
“Duøng phöông phaùp xöû lyù hình thaùi ñeå naâng cao chaát löôïng aûnh fax truyeàn
treân maïng thoaïi”, Thoâng baùo Khoa Hoïc caùc Tröôøng Ñaïi Hoïc, Boä Giaùo Duïc
Ñaøo Taïo, pp 180-185, 2001.
[81] Vuõ Ñình Thaønh, Löông Vinh Quoác Danh, “Phöông phaùp chuoãi Volterra trong phaân
tích maïch khueách ñaïi sieâu cao taàn phi tuyeán yeáu tìn hieäu nhoû duøng GaAs MESFET”,
Taïp chí chuyeân san Böu Chính Vieãn Thoâng soá 5, pp 97-103, 3-2001.

[82] Vuõ Ñình Thaønh, “Moâ phoûng maïch loïc taàn soá sieâu cao taàn duøng phaàn meàm
Matlab”, Hoäi Nghò Khoa Hoïc laàn 19 ÑHBK Haø Noäi, pp 84-90, 10-2001
[83] Nguyen Kim Sach, Vu Dinh Thanh, Le Quang Tuan, “Wavelet encoding following the
tree-like data structure of wavelet coefficients”, 18th Conference of Asean Federation
of Engineering Organisations, pp 112-120, 11-2000.
[84] Vuõ Ñình Thaønh, Ñinh Quang Vinh, Phaïm Vaên Vuõ, “Pheùp ño thöïc nghieäm
caùc thoâng soá cuaû maïch ñieän sieâu cao taàn”, Taïp chí Phaùt Trieån Khoa Hoïc
Coâng Ngheä ÑHQGTPHCM, Vol. 3, pp 1-11, 4-2000, TPHCM.
[85] Vu Dinh Thanh, “Calculation of electromagnetic fields around a microstrip line by
using Moment Method”, Hoäi Nghò RESCCE’2000, pp 485-491, 6-2000.

[86] Nguyen Kim Sach, Vu Dinh Thanh, Le Quang Tuan, “Wavelet encoding
following the tree-like data structure of wavelet coefficients”, 18th Conference
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[88] Thuong Le-Tien, SungYoung Lee, Tuan Nguyen Thanh, Dung Trung VO, “A
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[89] Thuong Le-Tien, SungYoung Lee, Dung Trung VO, Tuan Nguyen-Thanh, "A Study
on Digital Audio Watermarking using Spread Spectrum Techniques", The 2004
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[90] Chien Hoang Dinh, Thuong Le-Tien, Dinh Viet Hao, Dung Trung VO,
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[94] D.T.Tin, V.D.Thanh, N.K.Sach, S.Higuchi, “Advance effect of Gray codes on cross
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[95] Dang Thanh Tin, Vu Dinh Thanh, Nguyen Kim Sach, Seihaku Higuhi, “Effect of
Gray coding on the Calculation of probability of data bits in cross point regions”,
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[96] Dang Thanh Tin, Seihaku Higuchi, “A lossless coding scheme for image”, MII
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[97] Dang Thanh Tin, V.D.Thanh,N.K.Sach,Seihaku Higuchi,”Optimizing probability of
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[98] Dang Thanh Tin, Vu Dinh Thanh, Nguyen Kim Sach, “A supplement to calculating
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[99] Huyønh Trung Hieáu, Nguyeãn Höõu Anh, “Fractal Image Compression based on
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Töï Ñoäng Hoùa:

[100] Voõ Phöôùc Nhö An, “Duøng maïng Neuron ñeå nhaän daïng heä thoáng ñoäng nhieàu
chieàu coù treã”. Taïp chí Phaùt Trieån Khoa Hoïc Coâng Ngheä, ÑHQG TpHCM, taäp 4,
soá 5 & 6/ 2001, trang 58 – 74.
[101] Phan Toaøn, Voõ Phöôùc Nhö An, Nguyeãn Ngoïc Phuùc Dieãm, Voõ Thò Thu Söông,
Nguyeãn Kyø Taøi, “Veà baøi toaùn oån ñònh beàn vöõng trong heä ñieàu khieån thích
nghi nhieàu chieàu”. Taïp chí Phaùt Trieån Khoa Hoïc Coâng Nghe,ä ÑHQG TpHCM, taäp
4, soá 7/ 2001, trang 5 -10.
[102] Leâ Tuaán Anh, “Ñieàu khieån toái öu duøng trong heä thoáng ñieàu khieån ñeøn giao thoâng”.
Hoäi Nghò RESCCE’2000.
[103] Nguyeãn Thò Phöông Haø, Huyønh Thaùi Hoaøng, "Thuaät toaùn di truyeàn öôùc löôïng thoâng
soá moâ hình môø". Taïp chí Phaùt Trieån Khoa Hoïc Coâng Nghe,ä ÑHQG TpHCM, 42(1),
tr 25-31,2004

[104] Huỳnh Thái Hoàng và Nguyễn Minh Luân, "Tự chỉnh bộ điều
khiển mờ giữ cân bằng hệ con lắc ngược quay dùng giải thuật
di truyền", Kỷ yếu Hội nghị Cơ điện tử toàn quốc lần 2, TPHCM,
14/5/2004, tr. 91-97,2004.
[105] Huỳnh Thái Hoàng và Nguyễn Vĩnh Hảo, "Xây dựng thí nghiệm
điều khiển thông minh với chi phí thấp", Tạp chí Phát triển Khoa
học và công nghệ, ĐHQG TP.HCM, Vol.7(9), tr. 44-50,2004
[106] Nguyeãn Thò Phöông Haø, “Giaûi thuaät di truyeàn trong vieäc öôùc löôïng thoâng soá moâ hình
môø”. Taïp chí Tin hoïc vaø Ñieàu khieån hoïc, thaùng 4, 2003.
[107] Nguyeãn Thuùc Loan, Nguyeãn Thò Phöông Haø vaø Huyønh Thaùi Hoaøng, "Ñieàu khieån döï
baùo heä phi tuyeán döïa vaøo moâ hình môø". Taïp chí Böu chính vieãn thoâng, Chuyeân san
nghieân cöùu khoa hoïc, soá 10-2003, tr.67-72.
[108] Nguyeãn Thò Phöông Haø, “Thu thaäp soá lieäu, xöû lyù vaø ñieàu khieån heä thoáng ña keânh”.
VICA 5, Vieät Nam, thaùng 10, 2002.
[109] Nguyeãn Thò Phöông Haø, “Genetic Algorithm Development In Designing A H2/H∞
Optimal PID-Controller”. Hoäi Nghò RESCCE’2000.
[110] Huyønh Thaùi Hoaøng, Nguyeãn Thuùc Loan, Nguyeãn Thò Phöông Haø, “Nhaän daïng heä
phi tuyeán duøng logic môø “. VICA 5, Vieät Nam 2002.
[111] Kakuo Ohmi, Naohiro Yoshida and Huynh Thai Hoang,” “Genetic
Algorithm PIV”. 4th International Symposium on Particle Image Velocimetry, Sep.
2001, Germany.

[112] Kakuo Ohmi, Huynh Thai Hoang and Naohiro Yoshida, “Neural
Network PIV Using A Self-Organizing Maps Method”. International Symposium on
Visualization and Imaging in Transport Phenomena, Oct. 2001, Turkey.
[113] Huynh Thai Hoang, “An Experimental Study on Fuzzy Adaptive Control Using an
Inverted Pendulum”. Hoäi Nghò RESCCE’2000.
[114] Nguyen Duc Thanh, “Controller Area network, An overview”. Hoäi Nghò
[115] Le Tuan Anh , "Optimal Control applied for Traffic Light Control
System", Preprint of Japan-USA-Vietnam Workshop on Research
and Education in Systems, Computation and Control Engineering
(RESCCE’ 2000), HCM 7-9 June
[116] Nguyễn Đức Thành, Phan Thị Thanh Bình, Lê Hoàng Bảo, Đặng
Đăng Khoa, Lưu Văn Khoa và Nguyễn Trung Kiên, "Hệ thống
SCADA thu thập số liệu điện năng", Kỷ yếu Hội nghị khoa học và
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[117] Luong Van Lang, "H∞ Controller with multi-rate data sampling". Hoäi Nghò

Kyõ Thuaät Ñieän:

[118] N.H.Viet, N.T.Tam, N.N.Ho “Artifical Neural Network approach to network
Reconfiguration for loss Minimization on PhuTho Power Network in HoChiMinh
City, VietNam” , Proceedings of The 2004 International symposium on advanced
Science and Engineering, May 20-21/2004.
[119] N.H.Viet, Truong V.Anh, “An Effective algorithm for loss Reduction by
Reconfiguration of distribution Feed”, Proceedings of The 2004 International
symposium on advanced Science and Engineering, May 20-21/2004.
[120] N.H.Viet, N.T.Tam, Ng.Quang Thi, “Long Term load Forecashting using Wavelet
Networks”, Proceedings of The 2004 International symposium on advanced Science
and Engineering, May 20-21/2004.
[121] N.H.Viet, N.Dinh Thong, “Optimal Reactive Power Dispatch with FACTS Devices
using Evolutionary Programming”, Proceedings of The 2004 International
symposium on advanced Science and Engineering, May 20-21/2004.
[122] N.H.Viet, P.T.Minh Thai, “The influence of the mutual coupling of parallel lines on
Distance Protection”, Proceedings of The 2004 International symposium on
advanced Science and Engineering, May 20-21/2004.
[123] N.H.Viet, P.Hoang Nam, “Wavelet Network for fault identification based on phase
order”, Proceedings of The 2004 International symposium on advanced Science and
Engineering, May 20-21/2004.

[124] Hoà Vaên Nhaät Chöông, Phaïm Ñình Anh Khoâi, “ÖÙng duïng moâ hình ñieän hình
hoïc khaûo saùtphaïm vi baûo veä cuûa loaïiñaàu thu seùt phaùt xaï sôùm (ESE)”, Hoäi
nghò Khoa Hoïc vaø Coâng ngheä laàn 8, 4-2002, Tröôøng ÑH Baùch Khoa – Ñaïi
Hoïc Quoác Gia TpHCM.
[125] Hoà Vaên Nhaät Chöông, Phaïm Ñình Anh Khoâi, “Giaûi tích hoùa ñöôøng cong ñoä
lôïi khoaûng caùch theo khoaûng caùch phoùng ñieän vaø ñoä cao thu loâi cuûa loaïi ñaàu
thu seùt phaùt xaï sôùm (ESE)”, Hoäi nghò Khoa Hoïc vaø Coâng ngheä laàn 8, 4-2002,
Tröôøng ÑH Baùch Khoa – Ñaïi Hoïc Quoác Gia TpHCM.
[126] Traàn Hoaøng Lónh, Phan Toaøn, Traàn Nhö Hoàng, Nguyeãn Vyõ, “Huaán luyeän
maïng nôron trong baøi toaùn döï baùo phuï taûi”, Taïp chí phaùt trieån Khoa hoïc &
coâng ngheä Taäp 3, Soá 9&10, 2000.
[127] Phaïm Thò Minh Thaùi, Phaïm Ñình Anh Khoâi, “Moâ hình caây thôøi gian hoûng
hoùc tính toaùn ñoä tin caäy trong heä thoáng ñieän ”, Hoäi nghò Khoa hoïc treû Baùch
Khoa laàn 4, 6-2003.

[129] Phaïm Ñình Anh Khoâi, Tröông Quang Ñaêng Khoa, “Toái öu hoùa keá hoaïch baûo
trì caùc phaàn töû heä thoáng ñieän treân cô sôû giaûi thuaät di truyeàn ”, Hoäi nghò Khoa
hoïc treû Baùch Khoa laàn 4, 6-2003.
[130] Phan Thò Thanh Bình, Tröông Quang Ñaêng Khoa, Nguyeãn Ñöùc Thaønh, “Phaân tích
tieâu thuï ñieän”, Taïp chí Phaùt Trieån Khoa Hoïc Coâng Ngheä, ÑHQG TpHCM, 7/2004.

[131] Phan .T.T.Binh, Truong Q.Ñ Khoa, “Fuzzy State estimation”, The 2004
International Symposium on Advanced Science and Engineering, Ñaïi hoïc
Baùch Khoa Tp Hoà Chí Minh, 2004.
[132] Truong Q.Ñ Khoa., Phan .T.T.B.,., “Enhanced Hopfield network for State
estimation”, The 2004 International Symposium on Advanced Science and
Engineering, Ñaïi hoïc Baùch Khoa Tp Hoà Chí Minh, 2004.
[133] Phan .T.T.B., Nguyen Ñ. T., Ng. Ng. T “Daily load curve forecasting”, The 2004
International Symposium on Advanced Science and Engineering, Ñaïi hoïc
Baùch Khoa Tp Hoà Chí Minh, 2004.
[134] Phan .T.T.B., NG. Ñ. H., Ng. Th. Hai, Ng. B. Khanh “The LAV estimation”, The
2004 International Symposium on Advanced Science and Engineering, Ñaïi
hoïc Baùch Khoa Tp Hoà Chí Minh, 2004.
[135] Phan Th. Th. Binh, “Direct and Linear regresion model for demand forecasting in
distribution network with uncertain factors”, The 6 international power Conference,
Singapore, 2003.
[136] Phan Th. Th. Binh,Tr. Q. D. Khoa “Determining representative load curves for
customer classes by clustering analysis”, The 6 international power Conference,
Singapore, 2003.
[137] Phan Th. Th. Binh, “Multiobjective dispatching power deficit”, Hoäi nghò RESCEE
[138] T.Q.D.Khoa,P.T.T.Binh, T.V.Khoa, “Hopfield Network and Parallel Genetic
Algorithm for Solving State Estimate in power systems”. IEEE conference,
POWERCON, Singapore Nov 2004.
[139] T.Q.D. Khoa, L.M. Phuong, P.T.T. Binh, N.T.H. Lien, “Application of Wavelet and
Neural Network to Long-Term Load Forecasting”. IEEE conference, POWERCON,
Singapore Nov 2004.
[140] T.Q.D. Khoa, P.T.T.Binh, Application on Parallel Genetic Algorithm to power state estimation,
Proceedings of Cosci, HCMUT Mar 2005

[141] T.Q.D.Khoa, P.T.T.Binh, “Application Wavelet for Middle Term Demand Forecasting,
International Conference on Electrical Engineering 2005 IEEE/PES, China

[142] P.Q.Dung, P.Q.Vinh: Novel PWM Method for Multilevel Inverters for Induction
Motor Control : Hoäi nghò RESCCE’ 2000, TP.HCM 6/2000.

[143] P.Q.Duõng, P.Q.Vinh, N.M.Hoaøng: Phöông phaùp PWM veùctô khoâng gian (SV-
PWM) duøng ñieàu khieån boä nghòch löu ña baäc noái diode trong heä truyeàn ñoäng
ñoäng cô khoâng ñoàng boä. Hoäi nghò KH-CN tröôøng ÑHBK TP.HCM laàn thöù 8,
TP.HCM, 4/2002.
[144] P.Q.Duõng, N.M.Hoaøng: Heä ñieàu bieán ñoä roäng xung toái öu môùi öùng duïng
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[145] P.Q.Dung, N.A.Tuan :Vector Control of Induction Motor based on Fuzzy logic. The
2004 International Symposium on Advanced Science and Engineering, Ñaïi
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[146] P.Q.Dung, H.T.N.Thuong : Direct Torque Control for Induction Motor using ANN.
The 2004 International Symposium on Advanced Science and Engineering,
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[147] Phan Quoác Duõng, Huyønh Thò Ngoïc Thöôøng : Heä thoáng ñieàu khieån tröïc tieáp[
moâmen ñoäng cô khoâng ñoàng boä öùng duïng maïng trí tueä nhaân taïo. Taïp chí
Khoa hoïc coâng ngheä 6 tröôøng ÑH, naêm 2004.
[148] T. Q. D. Khoa, L. M. Phuong, N. T. H. Lien, “Applications neural network to long-
term load forecasting in power system”, The 2004 International Symposium on
Advanced Science and Engineering, Ñaïi hoïc Baùch Khoa Tp Hoà Chí
[149] Tran Quoc Tuan, Nguyen Thi Hoang Lien, “Analysis and control of the Vietnam
power System”, Hoäi nghò RESCCE’ 2000, HoChiMinh 6-2000.
[150] H.D.Loc, Ngo CaoCuong, Tran T.Ha, “Adaptive Power System Stabilizer Based on
RBF Network”, Proceedings of The 2004 International symposium on advanced
Science and Engineering, May 20-21/2004
[151] H.D.Loc, Ng.V.Luong, H.C.Duy, Tran T.Ha, “Artifical Neural Network Based
Diagnosing Insulating of Turbine Generator”, Proceedings of The 2004 International
symposium on advanced Science and Engineering, May 20-21/2004.
[152] H.D.Loc, Pham Viet Cuong, “Optimal Real and Reactive Power Flow using Genetic
Algorithm”, Proceedings of The 2004 International symposium on advanced Science
and Engineering, May 20-21/2004.

[153] Hoà Ñaéc Loäc. Toång hôïp boâ ñieàu chænh môø thích nghi cho caùc heä thoáng baùm
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[154] Hoà Ñaéc Loäc. Toång hôïp boä ñieàu khieån môø thích nghi cho caùc ñoái töôïng ñoäng
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[155] Kolomeiseva M.B., Hoà Ñ.L. Nghieân cöùu heä thoáng môø thích nghi ñieàu khieån
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[156] Hoà Ñaéc Loäc, “Adaptive Fuzzy Logic Control of Nonlinear Dynamic Systems”. IEEE
Conference On Digital Signal Processing For Multimedia And Service, Budapest
[157] Hoà Ñaéc Loäc, “Adaptive Fuzzy Logic Control of Robot-Manipulator”. IFAC
Workshop On Manufacturing, Modeling, Management And Control, Prague 2001.

[158] Hoà Ñ.L. Ñieàu chænh môø ñieän aùp maùy phaùt ñieän ñoàng boä //HNKH “Kyõ thuaät
radio, kyõ thuaät ñieän töû vaø naêng löôïng”, Moscow, 2000.
[159] Kolomeiseva M.B., Hoà Ñ.L. ÖÙng duïng maïng neural ñieàu khieån caùc ñoái töôïng
phi tuyeán //HNKH “Caùc phöông phaùp toaùn trong kyõ thuaät vaø coâng ngheä”,
Sant-Peterburg, 2000.
[160] Hoà Ñaéc Loäc. Ñieàu khieån môø caùc heä thoáng baùm // HNKH “Kyõ thuaät radio, kyõ
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[161] Hoà Ñ.L., Ergin A.A. Giaûi thuaät duy truyeàn huaán luyeän maïng neural // HNKH
“Kyõ thuaät radio, kyõ thuaät ñieän töû vaø naêng löôïng”, Moscow, 2001.
[162] Kolomeiseva M.B., Hoà Ñ.L. Toâng hôïp boä ñieàu chænh môø thích nghi baèng
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Moscow, 2001.
[163] Hoà Ñ.L., Kolomeiseva M.B. Ñieàu khieån môø thich nghi caùnh tay maùy //
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[164] Ho D.L., Kolomeiseva M.B. Adaptive fuzzy logic control of robot-
manipulator //IFAC Workshop on manufacturing, modeling, management and
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[165] Ho D.L., Kolomeiseva M.B. Adaptive fuzzy logic control of DC motor with
nonlinear friction //IFAC Conference on advanced robotics, Budapest, 2001.
[166] Döông Hoaøi Nghóa, Leâ Nho Nghóa. “ESFI : an expert system for
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Engineering, Ñaïi hoïc Baùch Khoa Tp Hoà Chí Minh, pp 86-90, 2004.
[167] Chaâu Chí Ñöùc, Döông Hoaøi Nghóa. “Öôùc löôïng töø thoâng vaø toác ñoä ñoäng cô
ñoàng boä duøng maïng nôron”. Taïp Chí Khoa Hoïc vaø Coâng Ngheä, pp 75-79, soá
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[168] Nguyeãn Thanh Haûi, Döông Hoaøi Nghóa. ÖÙng duïng logic môø ñieàu khieån boä
chænh löu ñieàu cheá ñoä roäng xung. Taïp Chí Khoa Hoïc vaø Coâng Ngheä, pp 52-56,
soá 42+43, 2003.
[169] Döông Hoaøi Nghóa, Tröông Vaên Hieàn. Ñieàu khieån toác ñoä ñoäng cô ñoàng boä
duøng moâ hình noäi. Taïp Chí Khoa Hoïc vaø Coâng Ngheä, pp 42-46, soá 38+39, 2002.
[170] Döông Hoaøi Nghóa, Nguyeãn Minh Taâm. Ñieàu khieån boä chænh löu ba pha ñieàu
cheá ñoä roäng xung duøng moâ hình noäi. Taïp Chí Khoa Hoïc vaø Coâng Ngheä, pp 66-
70, soá 38+39, 2002.
[171] N.V. Nho, “Relation Between Space Vector PWM and Regular Sampling PWM in
Overmodulation Modes in Two-Level VSI”, Proceedings of the 14th Intl’ Electrical
drives and Power Electronics Conf , EDPE 2003, pp.84-87. Slovakia
[172] N.V.Nho: “A Linear Continuous Space Vector Overmodulation in Two-Level VSI
Using Limit Trajectories”, Proceedings of the 14th Intl’ Electrical drives and Power
Electronics Conf , EDPE 2003, pp.103-106. Slovakia
[173] N.V. Nho, M.J. Youn. “A novel simple linear PWM technique in two-level VSI” ,
Proceedings of the IEEE Power electronics and drives systems conference PEDS
2003, pp. 1241- 1244, Singapore
[174] N.V.Nho, M.J.Youn, ”Two-mode overmodulation in two-level VSI” , Proceedings
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[175] N.V.Nho, M.J.Youn,”Multi-modulating pattern- A Unified carrier based PWM
method in Multilevel inverter- Part 1”, Proceedings , Vol.2, pp. 620-624, KIPE
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[176] N.V.Nho, M.J.Youn,”Multi-modulating pattern- A Unified carrier based PWM
method in Multilevel inverter- Part 2”, Proceedings , Vol.2, pp. 625-629, KIPE
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[177] N.V.Nho, M.J.Youn,”Analysis of carrier PWM algorithms for three phase four wire
multilevel inverter”, Proceedings , Vol.2, pp. 635-639, KIPE Power Electronics
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[178] N.V.Nho, G.W.Moon, M.J.Youn, “A Complete Analysis of Relation Between Space
Vector PWM and Carrier Based PWM in Two-Level VSI Using Modulating
Patterns’ The 2004 International Symposium on Advanced Science and
Engineering, Ñaïi hoïc Baùch Khoa Tp Hoà Chí Minh, 2004.
[179] N.V.Nho, G.W.Moon, M.J.Youn, “An analysis of CPWM methods in relation to
common mode voltage for multilevel inverters”, Proceedings of the 30th IEEE
annual conference of industrial electronics society IECON 2004, Pusan, Korea
[180] N.V.Nho, M.B Kim, G.W.Moon, M.J.Youn, “A Novel Carrier Based PWM Method
in Three Phase Four Wire Inverters “ Proceedings of the 30th IEEE annual
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[181] H.W.Kim, N.V.Nho, M.J.Youn,” Current Control of PM Synchronous Motor in
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[182] N.V.Nho,M.J.Youn, "Carrier PWM algorithm with optimised switching loss for
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[183] N.V.Nho, M.J.Youn, " A single carrier multi-modulation method in multilevel
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[184] N.V.Nho, M.J.Youn,” A Unified carrier based PWM method in Multilevel

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[185] N.V.Nho, M.J.Youn,” A Comprehensive Study On SVPWM - Carrier Based
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[187] Nguyeãn Höõu Phuùc, “Fuzzy Logic Control in Reducing Switched-Reluctance Motor
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[188] Nguyeãn Höõu Phuùc, “Simulation And Identification Of Three-Phase Power
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controlling reactive power compensation in active power filters”, Proceedings
of IEEE-IAS Annual Meeting, Seattle, U.S., pp. 102-107, Oct. 2004
[190] Huu-Phuc To, Faz Rahman and Colin Grantham, “Sliding mode control of
current-source active power filter with control delay compensation,”
Proceedings of IEEE-IECON ‘04, Busan, Korea, Vol.1, pp.552-557, Nov.
[191] Huu-Phuc To, Faz Rahman and Colin Grantham, “Improvement of harmonic
reference estimation for active power filters,” Proceedings of AUPEC ‘04,
Brisbane, Australia, Sep. 2004. (On CD-ROM)
[192] Huu-Phuc To, Faz Rahman and Colin Grantham, “A current source active
power filter with minimum requirement of current sensors,” Proceedings of
the 4th International Power Electronics and Motion Control Conference (IEEE-
IPEMC), Xi’an, China, 2004, vol.2, pp. 444-449
[193] Huu-Phuc To, Faz Rahman and Colin Grantham, “A simplified model for
analysis and design of a current source active power filter,” Proceedings of
IPEC ‘03, Singapore, Dec. 2003. (On CD-ROM)
[194] Huu-Phuc To, Faz Rahman and Colin Grantham, “Adaptive controller for
reactive power compensation in a current source active power filter,”
Proceedings of IEEE-PEDS ‘03, Singapore, pp. 1519-1523
[195] Huu-Phuc To, Faz Rahman and Colin Grantham, “A current source active
power filter with minimizing number of current sensors,” Proceedings of
AUPEC ‘03, Christchurch, New Zealand, Sep. 2003. (On CD-ROM)
[196] Huu-Phuc To, Faz Rahman and Colin Grantham, “Adaptive control of
reactive power compensation in active power filter,” Proceedings of AUPEC
‘03, Christchurch, New Zealand, Sep. 2003. (On CD-ROM)
[197] Huu-Phuc To, Faz Rahman and Colin Grantham, “Decoupled control of a
three phase current source active power filter,” Proceedings of AUPEC ‘02,
Melbourne, Australia, Sep. 2002. (On CD-ROM)
[198] Huu-Phuc To, "Analysis of harmonic losses in an inverter-fed induction
motor", The 2nd Japan-USA-Vietnam Workshop on Research & Education in
Systems, Computation & Control Engineering (RESCCE' 2000), Hochiminh
City, Vietnam, June 7-9, pp. 367-372
[199] Huu-Phuc To, Faz Rahman and Colin Grantham, “Time delay compensation
for a current-source active power filter using state feedback controller,”
Accepted for presentation at IEEE-IAS Annual Meeting, Hongkong, Oct. 2005
[200] Leâ Minh Phöông, Nghieân cöùu xaây döïng moâ hình hoaù thieát bò laøm giaøu khoaùng saûn.
Taïp chí khoa hoïc “ÖÙng duïng coâng ngheä môùi trong tieát kieäm naêng löôïng”, 2000, p
44-49. (Tieáng Nga).
[201] Abramenko I.G., Le Minh Phuong,Ñieàu chænh tín hieäu treã cuûa keânh ño löôøng heä
thoáng ñieàu khieån quaù trình tuyeån noåi, Hoäi nghò khoa hoïc “ Töï ñoäng hoaù truyeàn ñoäng
ñieän” cuûa vieän cô ñieän thuoäc vieän haøn laâm khoa hoïc Ucraine , 2000.p 280-281.
(Tieáng Nga).
[202] Leâ Minh Phöông, Moâ hình hoaù quaù trình laøm giaøu khoaùng saûn.. Hoäi nghò khoa hoïc
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[203] Phaïm Ñình Tröïc, “DTC of induction machines considering the iron loss”. Electrical
Power Component and Systems, Vol.30, No. 6, June 2002.
[204] Phaïm Ñình Tröïc, “Sensorless DTC of induction machines with complete core loss
compensation”. IEEE International Conference on Power Electronics Machines and
Drives, UK, April 2002.
[205] Phaïm Ñình Tröïc, “Impact of iron loss on direct torque control of induction machines
and its compensation”. European Power Electronics Conference EPE’01, Austria,
[206] Phaïm Ñình Tröïc, “Core loss in direct torque controlled induction motor drives:
Detuning and compensation”. IEEE Power Electronics Specialist Conference,
Canada, 2001.

[207] Phaïm Ñình Tröïc, “Modified switching tables for direct torque control”.
Universities Power Engineering Conference, UK, 2001.

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