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Dear Ones, Where have we been? Where are we going?

It has been almost a year since we each took the rst steps in this journey of Walking as a Chief. As we approach the completion of this rst year and the "end" of the Mayan Calendar, FireHawk and I felt it would be useful to put into words - from our perspective where we have been and where we are going. This we offer with love. Lets go back to, what for us, is the beginning and the Mission Statement that governs our lives. We are one voice in an ancient lineage And we hold this Sacred Dream: We are dedicated to creating & maintaining An expanding circle of humans In supportive relationship Consistent with the sacred teachings Of the Mother Earth That encourages learning & growing And fosters the fulllment Of each persons destiny As a Sacred Human Being.

It is out of that ground that the call to train chiefs emerged. As more and more of you expressed an interest in deepening your understanding of the way of the medicine wheels, we made the decision to offer a two-year journey of training in Walking as a Chief. Here is an image to represent our rst year of Walking together as Chiefs. For most of us, The Staff of Self Authority Ceremony was the doorway of commitment to enter this training.

The larger circle represents Year One. The four smaller circles represent the four ceremonies. Each ceremony is in deep relationship with every other one and all of it is woven into a wholeness. In January we began to dream ourselves into being as Chiefs, allowing that which no longer served us to fall away and become

compost for the emergent life as a Chief - that was within us and awaiting our individual choosing, that we might further manifest our destiny as a Sacred Human Being. We remembered we are free. We have choice. And within freedom and choice, responsibility is woven. We held and continue to hold the questions: What (how much) am I willing to be responsible for? T whom do I choose to be responsible?/Whom do I serve? o We began to speak of ourselves as Companions of Destiny. We began to experience ourselves as tribe, as a village that came together every quarter to do our work and then leave no trace until the next time. We took steps to remain connected between ceremonies. We began to deeply align ourselves with the energies of the Mayan Calendar. And then, in our second ceremony in April, we started the nuts and bolts work of Year One - building a new structure in the image that the Wheels represent - seeing into the energies that make up the whole of us - allies and robes. Building on the considerable work that each one of has done on our own selves,

we allowed ourselves to put this self on the loom of the Medicine Wheels and see into the weaving that we are becoming now. Last ceremony, we added the next layer of the multi-layered weaving that becomes a Chief walking for their people - The Wisdom Council as primary process and pattern for seeing into any issue. And Command as the beating heart of a Chief. And so, we raised the question that had been in many of the conversations among us since we began about how some would be able to afford this training. Particularly in Year T wo. We heard from the wisdom of the Council and we have had time to reect on that wisdom since August. The intent for our November Ceremony has always been that we would enter into a Circle Quest. Rather than just individual questing, we would use our knowing of our individual destiny to springboard us into seeing (if we chose), our collective destiny with new eyes (and strong hearts). We also saw that in November, we would begin to unfold the ground of relationship from a medicine perspective that would enable deeper relationships among and between us, teaching us how to resolve the inevitable differences that arise in any circle of humans.

Recognizing that this is the time of conscious co-creation we choose to do this work together and through the lenses and genius of the Medicine Wheels and the Sacred 20 Count. So we have asked you to imagine a vision of yourself a few years hence, as ground for entering into the Shimmering once again in just a few short weeks. A task force has met and looked into what actions need to be taken to honor the wisdom that came through the Chiefs in August. Another small group met and played with one possible process that might serve the whole in getting clear about what is needed. This note to you is one of the recommendations of the task force. The Mayan Calendar will complete its very long journey at the end of next week. Perhaps we will move into what Lord T eak has called the Over-worlds - and live out our journeys in the mirrored image of the 9 Under-wolds. One thing is for sure - we have all surely felt the increase in many different forms of energies working us in this last year.

And so, what do we see and know about Year T wo? T us, the symbol shifts to this new form: o

Our twin ceremonies make up the journey of 2012 and they focus on the application of wholeness to every single aspect of our lives and The Medicine Way of Relationship. If we are holding a specic vision for our work and life, it will be front and center in all of our learning in year two. If we are still nding our way to that irrevocable vision, we will apply ourselves to clarifying and expressing that vision as it emerges. If we want to come together and work with each other in various new and creative ways, we will nd the ways to make this so. If we want to live in a different culture, or create a Village within this culture, we will apply ourselves to manifesting what we dream is possible. All of this while becoming more of ourselves, more able to shift our own and others energies and more an expression of what is uniquely ours to do.

We see the two ten-day ceremonies as upping our ability to always Walk as a Chief. We see the time in between as the practice elds needed in order to take the evolutionary leap into manifesting the new humanity that is fully capable of creating 1,000 years of peace on this planet. Our intent, by the end of next year, is to have each and every one of us experience our capacity to walk in wholeness and balance for our people and have the necessary measures to help us walk that pathless path for the rest of our days. We intend to foster as many ways of working, playing and being together in the world as possible. Out of this intention, we invite you (on a space available basis & paying only room and board fees) to come to this years Dreaming Ceremony, and to help us co-create the dreaming for the others who will be coming. In the medicine Way, all conscious relationship is founded on agreement. Agreement requires four things of us: attention to what is so, intention focused on what we want, reection time that lets us consider our relatedness and integration of new agreements into our lives. These four elements are one of the wheels of wholeness that arose from our many years of working with dear Sequoia and Marilyn in the Pathnders/MISA contexts.

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