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Battle Axe Online (1st Test Iteration)

Topic: Battle Axe Online (1st Test Iteration) – Manual Page: 2 /2

Document: \\Battleaxeserver\projects\BattleAxeOnline\Technik\TestIteration_1\Manual.doc Version: 1.0
Author(s): Torsten Wiederkehr Create date: 26.08.2006

1 Document

1.1 Properties
Status valid
Valid since 02.09.2006
Standard Distribution Stephan Orlamünder
Frank Hofmeister
Sandra Hörnig
Markus Dietz
Stipe Bozinovic-Mador
Special Distribution
Author Torsten Wiederkehr
Reviewer Torsten Wiederkehr

1.2 History
Ver. Author Change Date
0.1 Torsten Wiederkehr Creation 26.08.2006
0.2 Torsten Wiederkehr Added Client2D and Playing the game description. 31.08.2006
1.0 Torsten Wiederkehr Adding document and rules chapter. 02.09.2006
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Document: \\Battleaxeserver\projects\BattleAxeOnline\Technik\TestIteration_1\Manual.doc Version: 1.0
Author(s): Torsten Wiederkehr Create date: 26.08.2006

2 Content

1 Document ................................................................................................................................2
1.1 Properties .................................................................................................................................2
1.2 History .....................................................................................................................................2
2 Content ....................................................................................................................................3
3 Introduction..............................................................................................................................5
3.1 Objectives ................................................................................................................................5
4 Components .............................................................................................................................6
4.1 GameServer .............................................................................................................................6
4.2 GameHost ................................................................................................................................6
4.3 Client2D ..................................................................................................................................6
4.3.1 Logon Mask ........................................................................................................................7
4.3.2 Lobby Mask ........................................................................................................................7
4.3.3 Game Mask .........................................................................................................................7
4.3.4 Battle Mask .........................................................................................................................7
4.3.5 Summary Mask....................................................................................................................8
4.3.6 Menu bar .............................................................................................................................8
5 Playing the game ......................................................................................................................9
5.1 Installation ...............................................................................................................................9
5.1.1 Installation of the Java Virtual Machine ...............................................................................9
5.1.2 Extraction of the game .......................................................................................................10
5.2 Execution...............................................................................................................................10
5.2.1 Running and starting the GameServer.................................................................................10
5.2.2 Running the GameHost ......................................................................................................10
5.2.3 Creating a game.................................................................................................................10
5.2.4 Running the Client2D ........................................................................................................10
5.2.5 Logon to the GameServer ..................................................................................................10
5.2.6 Join a game........................................................................................................................10
5.2.7 Start a battle.......................................................................................................................10
5.2.8 Deploy an army .................................................................................................................11
5.2.9 Move an army....................................................................................................................11
5.2.10 End a battle........................................................................................................................11
5.2.11 Exit the Client2D, GameHost and GameServer...................................................................11
6 Rules......................................................................................................................................12
6.1 Battle Axe ..............................................................................................................................12
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Document: \\Battleaxeserver\projects\BattleAxeOnline\Technik\TestIteration_1\Manual.doc Version: 1.0
Author(s): Torsten Wiederkehr Create date: 26.08.2006

6.1.1 Manöver ............................................................................................................................12

6.2 Warhammer Fantasy Battle.....................................................................................................13
6.2.1 Manöver ............................................................................................................................13
6.2.2 Marschieren.......................................................................................................................13
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Document: \\Battleaxeserver\projects\BattleAxeOnline\Technik\TestIteration_1\Manual.doc Version: 1.0
Author(s): Torsten Wiederkehr Create date: 26.08.2006

3 Introduction

Since the start of the project Battle Axe Online in November 2004 many different components of the
game have been developed. Starting with the GameServer, GameHost and NetClient implementing
the network protocol. Via two OpenGL clients: TerrainClient and GUIClient for demonstrating the
battlefield and a GUI in 3D. Until the Client2D, which focus on implementing the rules an displaying
the battle in 2D.
Now it is time to start the first test iteration to prove some of the developed components. It was
decided to include the GameServer, GameHost and Client2D in the first test iteration, because the
three components together show most of the functionality available today. They also demonstrate the
process the end user will conduct to play the game.
The following chapters describe the three components, the rules, the process to setup and play the
game. Have fun!

3.1 Objectives
The objectives are stability and decision of next steps. The feedback will be used to determine the
stability of the three tested components. In addition it will be used to decide where to focus in the next
development phase. At the moment three possibilities exist to continue in the next development step.
1. Shooting
Implementing the shooting phase would expand the rules and the attributes used by them.
This would show how to remove casualties from the units and provide a basic real playable
game. Including this functionality would significant increase the number of persons
interested in the game.
2. OpenGL
At the moment the whole application is implemented in 2D. It would be possible to take the
existing code an display everything in 3D using OpenGL. Using this way would show the
final product used by the end user based on a stable but not playable game.
3. Hybrid
The hybrid solution would be to still use the current application in 2D, but offering an
additional 3D view in the battle state. This would avoid the effort to implement the whole
application in OpenGL, while still providing an impression who the final product will look
With this objectives in mind the application is to be tested.
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Document: \\Battleaxeserver\projects\BattleAxeOnline\Technik\TestIteration_1\Manual.doc Version: 1.0
Author(s): Torsten Wiederkehr Create date: 26.08.2006

4 Components

The 1st Test Iteration contains three components to be tested the GameServer, GameHost and
Even if the three components are using the network, they will only run and work together on one
machine, because network packages created by these components are configured in that way that they
can’t cross HUBs, Routers or Switches!!!

4.1 GameServer
The GameServer works as a logon server. Each player who wants to play must successfully logon to
the GameServer to enter the game.
The GameServer stores player accounts to check the logon. At the moment player accounts are stored
in memory. The GameServer checks the logon and password, and if the account is not locked the user
is logged on. After three unsuccessful logon tries the account is locked.
One account is hard coded into the GameServer. Its logon is max and its password is max. New
accounts can be added by using the Client2D. New created accounts are lost if the GameServer is
closed, only the hard coded max/max account will always be available.
To start the GameServer press the Start server button. The register Clients displays the players which
are logged on to the GameServer, you need to press the update button to keep the register up to date.
The register Games is not supported at the moment.
To stop the GameServer press the Stop server button. Leave the GameServer by choosing File->Exit.

4.2 GameHost
The GameHost creates a game, which can be joined by players using the Client2D. The GameHost
offers the possibilities to enter a name of the game and chose a battlefield, a rule system and the
number of turns. It also shows which players have joined the game and the protocol of the game.
To create a game just press the create game button. Now the game will be available to all clients
running on the same machine. Changes to the settings can’t be done after the game is created.
To start the game press the start battle button. Even if more than two players can join the game, the
battle will only start if a least 1 player has joined and at most 2 players. After starting the battle it will
run until the number of turns are played, or the GameHost stops the game by pressing the stop battle
After stopping the battle the GameHost can only be closed. A GameHost just handles one game and is
destroyed afterwards.
To leave the GameHost press the Destroy Game and exit button or chose File->Exit from the menu.

4.3 Client2D
The Client2D is the component which shows the structure of the final client delivered to the end user.
It is implemented as a state machine with each state having its one GUI. The current state of the client
is always displayed in the status line in the lower right corner. While in battle state, also the phase is
displayed next to the state. The states and its GUIs are explained next.
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Document: \\Battleaxeserver\projects\BattleAxeOnline\Technik\TestIteration_1\Manual.doc Version: 1.0
Author(s): Torsten Wiederkehr Create date: 26.08.2006

4.3.1 Logon Mask

The Logon Mask is used to logon to the GameServer. At the top the logon and the password can be
entered. Below the New account button can be used to create a new account with the entered
logon/password combination. The logon button is used to logon with the entered data.
The result pressing one of the buttons will be displayed in the status line.
The lobby menu offers also the possibilities to create a new account or to logon to the GameServer.

4.3.2 Lobby Mask

This mask shows the available games the user can join. The games are displayed in the table in the
upper part of the GUI. At the bottom the Logoff button allows to logoff the GameServer and get back
to the Logon Mask. The Join Game button offers to join a selected game of the table and leads to the
Game Mask.
To logoff also the lobby menu can be used.

4.3.3 Game Mask

The properties of the joined game are displayed at the right in the Game Mask. To the left the joined
players are listed in a table. The columns race and team are not supported and always display 0.
Below the table is the chat area. The text area displays the send messages, while the text field accepts
messages and sends them by pressing the Send button.
The Game Mask can be left by pressing the Leave Game button or choosing the same option from the
client menu. It will be left automatically if the GameHost starts the battle, which leads to the battle

4.3.4 Battle Mask

The Battle Mask displays the battle in 2D and offers all the necessary information and actions to play
a battle.
The navigation toolbar at the top is used to navigate through the units of the users army. The buttons
of the toolbar show up a tool tip if the mouse pointer is over them.
The battlefield is displayed in the center of the Battle Mask. It can be scrolled by using the scrollbars
or dragging it with the mouse. The view menu offers zooming and different display options.
In the deployment phase of the battle the right mouse button can be used to place the selected unit in
the own deployment area shown in red.
A single unit can be selected by using the left mouse button. To draw a rectangle selection area (lasso)
the left button is hold down and dragged. To add or remove a unit from the selection the left mouse
button and CTRL must be pressed.
Below the battlefield the action toolbar is located. The buttons also show up tool tips if highlighted
with the mouse pointer. To execute an action one or more units must be selected and an action button
must be pressed.
The table in the lower part of the Battle Mask displays the units of the army. Rows of units ready for
action are displayed in green, while rows of units already done are displayed in red. This unit table
can also be used to select units.
By selecting a unit in the upper table the lower table displays the troopers of the unit. Only the name
and movement column of this trooper table is used, the other columns stay empty.
The Battle Mask can be left by choosing Leave Game from the Client menu. This brings up the Lobby
Mask. The Battle Mask will also be left if the battle ends. In this case the Summary Mask will be
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Document: \\Battleaxeserver\projects\BattleAxeOnline\Technik\TestIteration_1\Manual.doc Version: 1.0
Author(s): Torsten Wiederkehr Create date: 26.08.2006

4.3.5 Summary Mask

The Summary Mask is shown if the battle ends. It displays a summary of the battle including the
duration of the battle in milliseconds, the number of turns played and if the user won the battle (at the
moment every player always wins).
The Summary Mask can be left be choosing Leave Game from the Client menu. This opens the Lobby

4.3.6 Menu bar

The menu bar is available in all states of the Client2D, but depending on the state the menu items are
enabled or disabled.
- File-> Exit
Leaves the Client2D, available in the Logon Mask.
- Lobby->Logon
Logon to the GameServer, available in the Logon Mask.
- Lobby->Logoff
Logoff the GameServer, available in the Lobby Mask.
- Lobby->New Account
Creates a new account on the GameServer, available in the Lobby Mask.
- Host
This menu is not supported.
- Client->Leave Game
Leaves a joined game, available in Game Mask, Battle Mask and Summary Mask.
- View
This menu offers different viewing option for the battle field, available in Battle Mask.
- ?
The info menu is not supported.
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Document: \\Battleaxeserver\projects\BattleAxeOnline\Technik\TestIteration_1\Manual.doc Version: 1.0
Author(s): Torsten Wiederkehr Create date: 26.08.2006

5 Playing the game

The 1st Test Iteration comes with three files

- jre-1_5_0_08-windows-i586-p.exe (The Java Virtual Machine 1.5)
- (The game)
- Manual.pdf (This manual)
This chapters shows how to use these files to play the game. The different steps are listed and
explained in detail later.
1. Installation
a. Installation of the Java Virtual Machine
b. Extraction of the game
2. Execution
a. Running and starting the GameServer
b. Running the GameHost
c. Creating a game
d. Running the Client2D
e. Logon to the GameServer
f. Join a game
g. Start a battle
h. Deploy an army
i. Move an army
j. End a battle
k. Exit the Client2D, GameHost and GameServer

5.1 Installation
Battle Axe Online (BAO) is developed in Java which supports “write once run everywhere”, but BAO
is only tested on Microsoft Windows XP Service Pack 2. The following guide explains the installation
and execution based on WinXP SP2.

5.1.1 Installation of the Java Virtual Machine

If the target system doesn’t already offer a Java Virtual Machine 1.5, install it by executing the file
jre-1_5_0_08-windows-i586-p.exe. Just follow the steps of the installation routine.
After the installation open a command line and execute the command: java –version
This should result in a output like this.
java version "1.5.0_02"
Java(TM) 2 Runtime Environment, Standard Edition (build 1.5.0_02-b09)
Java HotSpot(TM) Client VM (build 1.5.0_02 -b09, mixed mode)

Check if a java version of at least 1.5 is displayed.

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Document: \\Battleaxeserver\projects\BattleAxeOnline\Technik\TestIteration_1\Manual.doc Version: 1.0
Author(s): Torsten Wiederkehr Create date: 26.08.2006

5.1.2 Extraction of the game

Extract the file This creates three directories bao, lib and
resources and eight files battleaxe.xml, ,
startClient.bat, startClient_dieter.bat , startClient_max.bat,
startHost.bat, startServer.bat and warhammer.xml.

5.2 Execution
After the successful installation the game can be executed.

5.2.1 Running and starting the GameServer

To run the GameServer execute the file startServer.bat. After the GUI shows up press the Start
Server button to start it. The GameServer needs no further treatment, so it can be minimized.

5.2.2 Running the GameHost

To run the GameHost execute the file startHost.bat.

5.2.3 Creating a game

Use the GUI of the GameHost to customize the game you want to create. The name of the game can
be chosen freely. Chose the rule system Warhammer to play Warhammer, choose Battle Axe to play
with the rules of Battle Axe. You can chose out of four battlefields. The BattlefieldImage displays an
image as battlefield, while the other three battlefields are just green rectangles of different size. Also
chose the number of turn. Random will result in 4-6 turns.
Create the game by pressing the Create game button.

5.2.4 Running the Client2D

To run the Client2D execute the file startClient.bat. This brings up a Client2D with no
logon/password combination given, so you must enter a logon/password combination by yourself,
maybe also create an account first. To avoid this you can use startClient_max.bat which is
configured to use the hard coded account max/max. The file startClient_dieter.bat starts a
Client2D configured for a second player named dieter/dieter, at the first time you have to
create an account for dieter, but afterwards you can logon directly.
The both files startClient_max.bat and startClient_dieter.bat are created to startup
the clients more easily.

5.2.5 Logon to the GameServer

After starting the client and entering a logon/password combination (if necessary), press the logon
button to logon to the GameServer. The status line in the lower left corner displays the result of your
logon attempt. If the attempt succeeded the Lobby Mask is shown, displaying the game just created.

5.2.6 Join a game

Select the game and press the Join Game button to join the game. The Client2D will display the Game
Mask. If you want to join with a second player repeat the last two steps. It is suggest to join the game
with two players and start the battle.

5.2.7 Start a battle

To start the battle at least one player must have joined the game and two players at maximum. Press
the Start Battle button to start the battle. All clients will switch two the Battle Mask. No action must
be done at the GameHost while running the battle, so it can be minimized. The clients should be
arranged by using the context menu of the task bar.
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Document: \\Battleaxeserver\projects\BattleAxeOnline\Technik\TestIteration_1\Manual.doc Version: 1.0
Author(s): Torsten Wiederkehr Create date: 26.08.2006

5.2.8 Deploy an army

The user in the deployment phase is allowed to deploy its army first. Click with the right mouse
button in the red area of the battlefield. The selected unit will be placed there. Keep in mind that the
unit can only be placed inside this red area (deployment area). Use the navigation toolbar to select
different units. Use the action toolbar to perform different actions on the units. If you are done
continue to the next player by selecting the next player button (the most right button on the navigation
Now deploy the army of the next player, if a second player has joined the battle.

5.2.9 Move an army

After all players have deployed their army. The movement phase is entered. As in the deployment
phase use the navigation toolbar to select the units, or use the left mouse button. Use the action toolbar
to move the units. If you’re done select the next player button.
The players will move turn by turn until the battle ends.

5.2.10 End a battle

The battle ends if the number of turns chosen at game creation are played, or the Stop Battle button is
pressed at the GameHost. The players will automatically brought to the Summary Mask.
A player can leave a battle at anytime by choosing Leave Game from the client menu.

5.2.11 Exit the Client2D, GameHost and GameServer

The Client2D is closed by selecting Game->Leave Game, Lobby->Logoff and File->Exit. The client
doesn’t need to be closed after a battle, it can join and play as many battles a necessary.
The GameHost is closed by pressing Destroy Game and exit button or choosing File->Exit. The
GameHost needs to be closed after a battle. A GameHost can handle only one battle in its life.
The GameServer is closed by pressing the Stop server button and File->Exit. It can also be closed by
choosing File->Exit directly this will stop the server automatically before closing the GameServer.
The GameServer doesn’t need to be closed after a battle or anything else. It just needs to be started
and can run as long as necessary.
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Document: \\Battleaxeserver\projects\BattleAxeOnline\Technik\TestIteration_1\Manual.doc Version: 1.0
Author(s): Torsten Wiederkehr Create date: 26.08.2006

6 Rules

The game supports the rules of Warhammer Fantasy Battle 2.0 and Battle Axe 1.0.
(Now you can ask yourself why the whole document is written in English, since the rules are in
German. I’m just asking this question myself.)

6.1 Battle Axe

The following rules of Battle Axe are already implemented. Two exceptions exist to the rules listed
1. Units in march formation are allowed a turn-about (Schwenk).
2. Units in march formation are not allowed to turn (Drehung).

6.1.1 Manöver
Ein Regiment kann ein Manöver durchführen, um seine Formation zu ändern. Folgende Manöver sind
- Wechsel Kampf- in Marschformation und umgekehrt
- Schwenk
- Umgruppieren
- Drehung
Wechsel Kampf- in Marschformation
Jedes Regiment kann für die Hälfte seiner Bewegungsfähigkeit von der Marschformation in die
Kampfformation wechseln. Ein Regiment, welches in die Marschformation gewechselt ist, darf den
Rest seiner Bewegung marschieren, d.h. verdoppeln.
Bei einem Schwenk tritt eine Flanke des Regiments nahezu auf der Stelle, während die andere einen
Bogen läuft. Das Regiment behält seine aktuelle Formation. Zu beachten ist, dass nur Regimenter in
Kampfformation schwenken können. Gemessen wird die Bewegung des Modells, welche die größte
Bewegung durchführen muss.
Ein Regiment kann seine Anzahl von Gliedern ändern. Für diese Aktion darf sich das Regiment nicht
bewegen. Dafür kann es jede beliebige Formation annehmen.
Regimenter in Marschkolonne können ihre Gliederanzahl nicht umgruppieren.
Ein Regiment kann sich drehen, um in eine andere Richtung zu schauen. Eine Drehung um 90 Grad
kostet die Hälfte der Bewegung, eine um 180 Grad die gesamte Bewegung. Die Modelle des
Regiments werden in die gewünschte Richtung gedreht, die Anzahl der Glieder und der Modelle in
der ersten Reihe wird danach so wiederhergestellt wie vor der Drehung. Daher auch die hohen
Bewegungskosten. Ein Regiment in Marschkolonne kann sich drehen. Einzelmodelle können sich
ohne Abzüge drehen.
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Author(s): Torsten Wiederkehr Create date: 26.08.2006

6.2 Warhammer Fantasy Battle

The following rules of Warhammer Fantasy Battle are already implemented, excluding the 8 inch rule
for units in march formation.

6.2.1 Manöver
Schwenk: Eine Einheit kann beliebig viele Schwenks ausführen. Eine Ausnahme bilden Angriffe, bei
denen die Einheit nur einmal schwenken darf, um sich dem Feind gegenüberzustellen. Die
Bewegungsdistanz des Modells auf der Außenseite des Schwenks bestimmt die Bewegungsfähigkeit
der gesamten Einheit.
Drehung: Eine Einheit kann sich während der Bewegung einmal umdrehen. Alle Modelle verbleiben
an Ort und Stelle, drehen sich entweder 90 Grad nach links oder rechts oder führen eine Kehrtwende
um 180 Grad aus. Eine Einheit muss für die Drehung ein Viertel ihrer Bewegungsfähigkeit aufgeben.
Formationsänderung: Eine Einheit kann die Anzahl der Glieder ihrer Formation um jeweils 1
verringern oder erhöhen, indem sie die Hälfte ihrer Bewegung opfert. Eine Einheit kann die Anzahl
der Glieder ihrer Formation, um 2 verringern oder erhöhen indem sie ihre gesamte Bewegung aufgibt.

6.2.2 Marschieren
Marschierende Truppen schultern ihre Waffen und bewegen sich mit doppelter Geschwindigkeit fort.
Eine Einheit darf nicht marschieren, wenn sich Feinde im Umkreis von 8 Zoll befinden. Wenn sich
marschierende Truppen dem Feind bis auf 8 Zoll annähren, müssen sie sofort stehen bleiben und sich
auf die Begegnung vorbereiten. Eine marschierende Einheit darf keine Drehung oder
Formationsänderung ausführen, kann aber schwenken. Eine marschierende Einheit darf etwaige
Schusswaffen nicht benutzen. Kriegsmaschinen wie z.B. Streitwagen dürfen nicht marschieren.

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