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AbduIDaem AI-KaheeI
TransIated by Mohammed R. AI SaIah
1he Marels o the Number Seen in the Noble Qur`an
Book Summary
1hls book sheds llghL upon a recenL dlscovery cenLred around one of Lhe mosL exclLlng Loplcs ln
world rellglon and lslam ln parLlcular Lhe mlracles of Lhe noble Cur'an AfLer sLudylng
Lhousands of Cur'anlc words and passages l have arrlved aL whaL can be consldered Lhe
dlscovery of an lnLrlcaLe numerlc sysLem LhaL resLs wlLhln Lhe verses of Lhe noble Cur'an 8y
Lhe blesslng of Cod AlmlghLy l have succeeded afLer a deLalled and meLhodlcal lnvesLlgaLlon
ln provlng boLh Lhe exlsLence and accuracy of Lhls prollflc numerlc sysLem whlch
comprehenslvely covers Lhe Cur'an's chapLers verses words and leLLers
1hls new phenomenon wlll be referred Lo as Lhe 'numerlc mlracle' of Lhe Cur'an
1he foundaLlon and basls of Lhls numerlc sysLem ls Lhe number 7 one of Lhe mosL slgnlflcanL
numbers ln Lhe noble Cur'an1 (lf noL Lhe mosL slgnlflcanL) and a hlnL perhaps LhaL Lhe CreaLor
of Lhe seven heavens ls lndeed Lhe Cne Who senL down Lhls 8ook preservlng lL from dlsLorLlon
1hls work ls an aLLempL aL esLabllshlng flrm sclenLlflc and eLhlcal grounds on whlch Lo base any
sLudy of Lhe numerlc mlracle A sound sclenLlflc approach musL be adhered Lo whenever
Cur'anlc numbers are analysed and Lhls ls someLhlng LhaL l have honoured LhroughouL Lhls
sLudy and hope LhaL fellow researchers wlll honour as well
A subsLanLlally large collecLlon of profound numerlcal LruLhs wlll be conveyed ln Lhls book
1hese lnclude a sLudy of Lhe numerlc arrangemenLs found ln Lhe flrsL verse of Lhe Cur'an Lhe
flrsL chapLer of Lhe Cur'an and oLher chapLers across Lhe Cur'an such as Surat2 Al-Ikhlas
(ChapLer SlncerlLy) one of Lhe shorLesL yeL mosL lmporLanL chapLers lurLhermore Lhe
numerlc mlracle has been analysed wlLh respecL Lo a slngle verse a segmenL of a verse and ln
one lnsLance Lhe numerlc conslsLencles of a slngle Cur'anlc word have been explored
ln addlLlon Lhls book Lrles Lo explaln some of Lhe secreLs behlnd Lhe mysLerlous dlsconnecLed
leLLers of Lhe Cur'an 1hese dlsconnecLed leLLers whlch wlll be called 'speclal phrases' are
unlque leLLer comblnaLlons found aL Lhe beglnnlng of abouL a quarLer of Lhe Cur'an's chapLers
and Lhelr meanlng Lo Lhls very daLe remalns uncerLaln 1he consensus of Musllm scholars has
been LhaL Lhese leLLers are one of Cod's Cur'anlc mlracles and LhaL only Pe knows Lhelr full
meanlng 1hls ls a facL l nelLher doubL nor dare challenge and by no means do l clalm Lo have
unravelled Lhelr enLlre wonders neverLheless afLer sLudylng Lhem ln much deLall l have
reached Lhe flrm concluslon LhaL aL leasL one of Lhe mlracles lnherenL ln Lhese mysLlfylng leLLers
ls lndeed a numerlc one
1 8y no means however ls Lhls number Lhe only mlraculous number as many oLher numbers exlsL ln Lhe Cur'an
whlch musL noL be lgnored and whlch l have explored ln varlous oLher sLudles
2 Surah ls Lhe Arablc word for ChapLer and when Lhls word ls wrlLLen before Lhe name of a chapLer (for example
ChapLer SlncerlLy) Lhls word ls pronounced wlLh a 'L' maklng lL Surat
1he Marels o the Number Seen in the Noble Qur`an

ln summary Lhe goal behlnd Lhls work ls Lo presenL a new Lype of evldence llLeral Langlble
evldence perhaps LhaL Lhrough Lhe slmple language of numbers Cod AlmlghLy has sLrucLured
Lhe very foundaLlons of Lhe noble Cur'an ln a manner whlch cannoL be lmlLaLed by man
Cruclally slnce Lhe deLalled naLure of Lhls work requlres even Lhe Cur'anlc letters Lo be
carefully sLudled (leL alone Lhe chapLers verses and words) one of Lhe lmpllcaLlons of Lhe
numerlc mlracle ls LhaL Lhe Cur'an ls a 8ook LhaL has never been Lampered wlLh
1haL ls mosL of Lhe numerlc arrangemenLs LhaL wlll be presenLed lnvolve deallng wlLh leLLers
and lf Lhese leLLers were ever meddled wlLh aL any polnL durlng Lhe lasL 1400 years slnce Lhe
Cur'an was revealed Lhe vasL ma[orlLy of numerlc arrangemenLs dlscovered ln Lhe Cur'an
would pracLlcally cease Lo exlsL (maklng Lhls work raLher polnLless!) As a consequence any
numerlc resulL LhaL ls subsequenLly found could be aLLrlbuLed Lo colncldence because Lhe
Cur'an's numerlc sysLem would no longer be a sysLem lL would lnsLanLly lose Lhe conslsLency
and harmony LhaL make lL so mlraculous
1he Marels o the Number Seen in the Noble Qur`an
My sLory began ln Lhe early '90s when l meL a young man who never reglsLered Lo Lhe whole
concepL of Cod and rellglon l was born and ralsed a Musllm my enLlre llfe and always belleved
LhaL Lhe Poly Cur'an was a 8ook senL down from Cod AlmlghLy Lo all of manklnd 8ecause of
my upbrlnglng ln a Musllm envlronmenL l have Lo say LhaL meeLlng someone who dldn'L
belleve ln Cod was a raLher lnLrlgulng albelL awkward experlence! neverLheless we slowly
became good frlends
l dldn'L conslder myself very rellglous and was cerLalnly no preacher! naLurally however our
conversaLlons Lended Lo veer ln Lhe dlrecLlon of Lhe Cur'an's mlracles and Lhe noLlon LhaL Lhls
8ook was Lhe word of Cod as Lhls was a Loplc LhaL boLh of us were eager Lo dlscuss
l would show hlm verses from Lhe Cur'an LhaL had Lruly moved me as l had memorlsed Lhem
malnly because of Lhelr beauLlful meanlng and wonderful eloquence AfLerwards l would ask
hlm wheLher any 'manmade' books were Lhls eloquenL ln speech and conLalned such deep
Pls responses were lmmedlaLe as he argued for lnsLance LhaL old Arablc poeLry was of greaLer
eloquence Pe sald LhaL old Lngllsh llLeraLure such as LhaL of Shakespeare was also more
eloquenL And Lo close Lhe curLaln on Lhls sub[ecL of llngulsLlc excellence he recommended LhaL
l'd read Lhe saylngs of some of Lhe greaL lndlan rulers of Lhe pasL because accordlng Lo hlm ln
Lhese words was wlsdom and llLeraLure far greaLer Lhan LhaL of Lhe Cur'an
1o Lhls l had no response Cne Lhlng l knew for cerLaln was LhaL many Arab (and nonArab)
Musllms who have read Lhe Cur'an wlll conflrm LhaL Lhere ls someLhlng Lruly speclal abouL Lhe
way lLs Arablc sounds someLhlng dlfferenL Lo any oLher Arablc wrlLlng AlLhough boLh of us
were naLlve Arablc speakers nelLher of us was an experL on Lhe language whlch made
convlnclng hlm LhaL Lhe Cur'an was a dlvlne plece of llLeraLure a raLher hopeless Lask!
The Qur'an's miracIes
We had a handful of dlscusslons around Lhe Cur'an's mlracles afLerwards l Lold hlm of Lhe
Cur'an's correcL predlcLlon (al8uum 014) LhaL Lhe 8omans would defeaL Lhe erslans ln Lhe
early 7Lh cenLury shorLly afLer Lhey had been severely defeaLed by Lhe erslans and were
unllkely Lo recover and be vlcLorlous We spoke abouL Lhe Cur'an's descrlpLlon of Lhe sun's
orblLal sysLem Lhe mounLalns belng descrlbed as pegs lnslde of Lhe LarLh Lhe accuraLe accounL
of Lhe dlfferenL sLages of an embryo's developmenL ln Lhe moLher's womb unLll Lhe formaLlon
of Lhe chlld and many more of Lhe Cur'an's hlsLorlc and sclenLlflc facLs
1he Marels o the Number Seen in the Noble Qur`an

AL Lhe end of lL all however hls answer was one and Lhe same namely LhaL he was nelLher a
sclenLlsL nor a hlsLorlan nor was he an experL on Lhe flelds of medlclne geology or ouLer
My frlend was relenLless he en[oyed Lhe facL LhaL Lhere was noLhlng LhaL lnLeresLed hlm abouL
Lhe Cur'an and challenged me Lo flnd LhaL speclal someLhlng LhaL would klll hls boredom
All l could Lhlnk of now was Lhe language of numbers as l LhoughL of Lhe few numerlc
arrangemenLs l had read abouL ln some books on Lhe numbers of Lhe Cur'an 1hey Lalked abouL
Lhe number 19 and LhaL lL represenLed a Lruly unlque and lnlmlLable mlracle AlLhough whaL l
had read abouL Lhe number 19 was only a small deal lL was cerLalnly very lnLeresLlng so l
declded Lo glve lL a go 8uL could numbers convlnce hlm when Lhe hlsLorlc evenLs sclenLlflc
facLs and perfecL language of Lhe Cur'an could noL?
The number 19 and the Qur'an's first verse
l opened Lhe flrsL page of Lhe Poly Cur'an and showed hlm Lhe very flrsL verse
~ ' . = ' - = '
ln Lhe name of Cod MosL Craclous MosL Merclful
AllaLlhah 11
1hen l explalned Lo hlm 1hls verse carrles an asLonlshlng numerlc facL because when you
counL lLs leLLers [usL as Lhey appear ln Lhe Cur'an you wlll flnd lL conslsLs of exacLly 19 leLLers
ConsequenLly when you look for Lhls verse across Lhe Poly Cur'an you wlll noLlce LhaL lL ls
menLloned preclsely 114 Llmes and Lhe number 114 ls acLually a mulLlple of 19" ulllng ouL a
calculaLor l plugged ln Lhe numbers hlL Lhe equal slgn and showed hlm Lhe resulL
114 = 6 x 19
l Lhen asked Could Lhls connecLlon wlLh Lhe number 19 have been slmply colncldence? Cr dld
someone lnLenLlonally organlse and perfecL Lhese numbers?"
lor Lhe flrsL Llme ln several weeks l sensed slgns of heslLaLlon and surprlse on my frlend's face
perhaps lL was because he saw Lhe resulL wlLh hls own eyes l could noL help buL smlle and
looklng aL my expresslon so dld he Pe Lhen replled 1hls has Lo be a colncldence"
8uL afLer a few momenLs of reflecLlon he Lold me lf you prove Lo me LhaL Lhe entire Poly
Cur'an conLalns a perfecLly deslgned numerlc sysLem Lhen and only Lhen wlll l belleve LhaL lL's
a 8ook from Cod"
1he Marels o the Number Seen in the Noble Qur`an

The quest to find a miracIe
1haL encounLer wlLh my frlend was Lhe lnsplraLlon l needed Lo begln Lhls long and wonderful
[ourney of flndlng and unravelllng whaL l belleved could be a hldden numerlc mlracle ln Lhe
Poly Cur'an l searched for Lhls sysLem of numbers ln Lhe few books LhaL l could flnd on Lhe
sub[ecL unforLunaLely everyLhlng l came across merely hinted Lo some numerlc arrangemenLs
revolvlng around Lhe number 19 and oLher odd and prlme numbers 1hese arrangemenLs
however were very few lacked much conslsLency and cerLalnly were noL sufflclenL enough Lo
persuade my frlend and oLher nonMusllms probably even Musllms Lhemselves!
1hen l began Lhlnklng along Lhe followlng llnes uldn'L Cod AlmlghLy reveal Lhe Cur'an? lf Pe
dld and slnce Lhe Cur'an lLself acLually sLaLes LhaL lL ls dlvlne revelaLlon Lhen lL slmply musL be
perfecL ln every way ln oLher words Lhere cannoL be anyLhlng random or unsysLemaLlc
abouL lL Slnce Musllms undenlably belleve LhaL every letter ln Lhe Cur'an ls Lhe word of Cod
Lhen lf lL does conLaln an lnLrlcaLe numerlc sysLem Lhen LhaL sysLem musL cover all of lLs
chapLers verses words and leLLers noL merely some Loglcally slnce Cod deslgned Lhls
sysLem Lhere musL be a purpose behlnd lL because noLhlng Pe creaLes ls haphazard
And We creaLed noL Lhe heavens and Lhe earLh and all LhaL ls beLween Lhem for mere play
Aluukhan 44
l remembered Cod's words conflrmlng LhaL noLhlng ln Lhe Cur'an has been lgnored
1 We have neglecLed noLhlng ln Lhe 8ook (AlAn'aam )
2 and We have senL down Lo Lhee Lhe 8ook explalnlng all Lhlngs(Alnahl 19)
We have puL forLh for men ln Lhls Curan every klnd of arable(AlZumar 927)
l Lhen reflecLed on Lhe followlng verse a powerful sLaLemenL addressed Lo manklnd more Lhan
14 cenLurles ago
uo Lhey noL conslder Lhe Curan (wlLh care)? Pad lL been from oLher Lhan Cod Lhey would
surely have found Lhereln much dlscrepancy
Alnlsa' 42
1hls verse l reallsed conLalned an lnvlLaLlon Lo ponder upon and sLudy Lhe elaboraLe
arrangemenL of Cod AlmlghLy's words whlch cannoL conLaln Lhe klnd of randomness and
conLradlcLlon ofLen found ln Lhe words of man
1he Marels o the Number Seen in the Noble Qur`an
l Lhen slncerely prayed Lo Cod for Pls guldance ln helplng me dlscover a mlracle LhaL would
serve as Langlble concreLe evldence Lo manklnd one LhaL emphaLlcally lllusLraLes LhaL only Pe
could have senL down Lhls Cur'an
And wlLh LhaL l presenL Lo you my dear readers Lhls book Lhe frulL of more Lhan Len years of
dedlcaLed efforL and Llreless research
1he Marels o the Number Seen in the Noble Qur`an

1 arL 1 Clearlng mlsconcepLlons and esLabllshlng baslc guldellnes Lo
approachlng and sLudylng Lhe Cur'an's numerlc mlracle sclenLlflc and eLhlcal
framework for deallng wlLh Lhe Cur'anlc numbers (le how Lo counL words and
leLLers sLrlcLly adherlng Lo Lhe Cur'an's exacL LexL meLhod of arranglng numbers
eLc) Also [usLlfylng Lhe sLudy of Lhe numbers of Lhe Cur'an and why lL ls
2 arL 2 1he slgnlflcance of Lhe number 7 ln boLh Lhe Cur'an and Sunnah
arL 1he numerlc mlracle of Lhe Cur'an's flrsL verse Lhe Basmala
4 arL 4 1he numerlc mlracle of Lhe Cur'an's flrsL chapLer Al-Fatihah
arL 1he numerlc mlracle of Surat Al-Ikhlas
arL 'ln every verse passage and word lles a mlracle' Lxplorlng Lhe numerlc
mlracles of a slngle verse a segmenL of a verse and a slngle word
7 arL 7 1he numerlc mlracle of Lhe Cur'an's dlsconnecLed leLLers (eg Alif Lam
Mim, Ha Mim, 'Ayn Sin Qaf) a modesL aLLempL aL unravelllng a glimpse of lLs
endless wonders from a numerlcal perspecLlve
8esulLs of Lhls Work
1he Marels o the Number Seen in the Noble Qur`an
!ART 1
e begin by answering important questions about the Qur'an's numbers, and respond
to some criticism that has targeted this topic.
Among these questions are: hat are the benefits, anyway, of the numeric miracle of
the Qur'an, for both Muslims and non-Muslims? hat is the story of Rashad Khalifa, the
man who claimed both prophethood and the discovery of a mathematical system in the
Qur'an? Does the mathematical technique known as Arabic gematria, or the Abjad
numerals, hold any merit? hat about the various recitations of the Qur'an, and do they
contain a numeric miracle? hat makes the numeric miracle, a miracle?
In this first part of the book, we will establish some important guidelines that must be
followed when extracting numbers from the Holy Qur'an. e will also demonstrate that
we have adhered to these guidelines, and to a sound scientific method that has been
followed throughout this entire book. Finally, we will end with a brief, yet captivating
numeric example from Surat al-Kahf (Chapter: The Cave).
1he Marels o the Number Seen in the Noble Qur`an
Questions and riticisms
1here are some quesLlons LhaL need Lo be covered before delvlng lnLo Lhe newly revealed
secreLs of Lhe Cur'an's numerlc mlracle
What's the point of studying the Qur'an's numbers?
Many readers quesLlon Lhe whole polnL behlnd sLudylng Lhe numerlc mlracle of Lhe Cur'an
lrom my own exLenslve work on Lhls Loplc among Lhe mosL lmporLanL beneflLs l was able Lo
recognlse are Lhe followlng
1 lor Musllms llke myself aL leasL sLudylng Lhe Cur'an's sysLem of numbers ls a response Lo
Cod AlmlghLy's call when Pe sLaLes uo Lhey noL conslder Lhe Curan (wlLh care)? Pad lL been
from oLher Lhan Cod Lhey would surely have found Lhereln much dlscrepancy (Alnlsa' 42)
ln Lhls verse ls a call Lo deeply ponder upon Lhls Cur'an sLudy lLs verses and words wlLh care
and examlne whaL makes lLs dlvlne speech dlfferenL from any oLher speech
2 1he examlnaLlon of Lhe Cur'an musL noL be llmlLed Lo Lhe sLudy of lLs mlracles from only a
sclenLlflc llngulsLlc or leglslaLlve polnL of vlew for lnsLance MaLhemaLlcs one of Lhe mosL
lmporLanL dlsclpllnes known Lo man ls yeL anoLher medlum Lhrough whlch Lhe Cur'an can be
explored 1he fasclnaLlng numerlc arrangemenLs abouL Lo be wlLnessed ln Lhe Cur'an are
unlque ln Lhe sense LhaL Lhey are unmaLched by any oLher book and such a flawless sysLem
would noL have exlsLed had lL noL been perfecLly deslgned by someone possesslng much
greaLer knowledge and wlsdom Lhan LhaL glven Lo human belngs
1he numerlc lnlmlLablllLy of Lhe Cur'an ls a new perspecLlve from whlch Lo presenL Lhe
message of lslam Lo people of oLher falLhs 1hls numerlc mlracle ls perfecLly sulLed Lo Loday's
21sL cenLury an age where dlglLal lnformaLlon and numbers are crlLlcal feaLures of everyday llfe
As Lhe world's lnhablLanLs become more dlglLally Luned Lhe Cur'an's beauLlful sysLem of
numbers may well prove lLs appeal Lo a much wlder audlence Lhan perhaps anLlclpaLed
4 1here exlsLs a wlde specLrum of people lncludlng sclenLlsLs and academlcs among oLhers
who only have falLh ln whaL Lhey see before Lhelr own eyes ln Langlble physlcal reallLy 1o
Lhem wlLnesslng Lhe Cur'anlc calculaLlons for Lhemselves ls a more effecLlve communlcaLor
Lhan readlng for lnsLance abouL Lhe Cur'an's eloquenL speech 1he language of numbers ls
afLer all a unlversal Longue lor many Lhe prlvllege of 'plugglng ln numbers' and double
checklng for Lhemselves ls an lnLrlgulng prospecL
1he Marels o the Number Seen in the Noble Qur`an
Who was Dr. Rashad KhaIifa, and why was he so controversiaI?
ln 192 a blochemlsL by Lhe name of ur 8ashad khallfa wroLe a book enLlLled Curan vlsual
resenLaLlon of Lhe Mlracle" ln whlch presenLed a Lheory abouL Lhe Cur'an's numerlc mlracle
whlch accordlng Lo hlm was enLlrely and solely based upon Lhe number 19 AlLhough some of
hls numbers were correcL lL soon appeared LhaL noL only were many of hls resulLs lnaccuraLe
buL LhaL he even fabrlcaLed and manlpulaLed numbers Lo flL hls calculaLlons and wenL so far as
Lo clalm LhaL he was a messenger of Cod!
ln shorL Lhls man based hls book on Lhe ldea LhaL cerLaln Cur'anlc leLLers and words are
repeaLed ln Lhe Cur'an a number of Llmes LhaL ls always a mulLlple of 19 Cne of hls maln
examples ls found aL Lhe beglnnlng of hls book and ls a useful summary of where he wenL rlghL
and wrong
Accordlng Lo hlm each of Lhe four words maklng up Lhe Cur'an's openlng verse Lhe 8asmala ls
repeaLed an exacL number of Llmes and each of Lhese numbers ls a mulLlple of 19 1he 8asmala
verse ls Lhe followlng
~ .' = ' - = '
ln Lhe name of Cod MosL Craclous MosL Merclful
AllaLlhah 11
Pls own calculaLlons revealed Lhe followlng resulLs
1 1he flrsL word ) ~ ( meanlng ln Lhe name of" orlglnaLes from Lhe word )~ ' ( whlch
means name" and ls repeaLed 19 Llmes ln Lhe Cur'an
2 1he second word )-' ( or Cod" occurs 29 Llmes ln Lhe Cur'an whlch ls a mulLlple of 19
slnce 29 142 x 19
1he Lhlrd word )~= ' ( whlch means 1he MosL Craclous" ls found 7 Llmes a mulLlple of
19 because 7 x 19
4 1he flnal word )- = ' ( or 1he MosL Merclful" ls repeaLed 114 Llmes and 114 ls a mulLlple
of 19 slnce 114 x 19
AfLer a slgnlflcanL amounL of Llme and research (and manual counLlng!) l concluded LhaL Lhese
resulLs were mosLly lncorrecL 1hese were my flndlngs
1 1he flrsL word ln lLs varlous forms occurs 22 Llmes and noL 19 Llmes as he clalms SLrangely
alLhough he does polnL ouL LhaL Lhls word has a preclse spelllng ln Lhe
) ~ ( and ) ~' ( whlch boLh mean ln Lhe name of" as well as )~ ' ( whlch means name" and )~`' ( whlch
means Lhe name"
1he Marels o the Number Seen in the Noble Qur`an
Cur'an's openlng verse and LhaL Lhls preclse spelllng of Lhe word ls repeaLed only Llmes
across Lhe Cur'an he chooses noL Lo lnclude Lhese occurrences lnLo hls resulL ln oLher words
he doesn'L even counL Lhe word ( ~ ~ ) from Lhe Cur'an's flrsL verse as one of hls 19
repeLlLlons of Lhe word!
2 1he word )-' ( meanlng Cod" ls repeaLed 299 Llmes across Lhe Cur'an noL 29 Llmes
and lL ls qulLe pecullar how he was only one word shorL of Lhe rlghL number! 1he number 299
ls ln facL a prlme number LhaL ls lL ls only dlvlslble by lLself and 1 and ln Lhls perhaps ls an
lnLeresLlng reference Lo Lhe unlqueness and Cneness of Cod AlmlghLy
1he Lhlrd word ln Lhe 8asmala ls )~ = ' ( or 1he MosL Craclous" and accordlng Lo hlm lL
occurs 7 Llmes ln Lhe Cur'an 1hls number ls absoluLely correcL
4 llnally he clalms LhaL lasL word )- = ' ( meanlng 1he MosL Merclful" occurs 114 Llmes ln
lLs varlous forms4 lL ls ln facL repeaLed 11 Llmes 1he addlLlonal menLlon of Lhls word whlch
he doesn'L counL ls Lowards Lhe end of SuraL al1aubah where Cod AlmlghLy sLaLes
~ - -' = ~ ~ ~ -- - = - = ' ~ - = - = - = - - ~ ~'
- =
now haLh come unLo you an AposLle from amongsL yourselves lL grleves hlm LhaL ye should
perlsh ardenLly anxlous ls he over you Lo Lhe 8ellevers ls he mosL klnd and merclful
Al1aubah 912
Pls [usLlflcaLlon for excludlng Lhls word ls LhaL Lhe one belng descrlbed ln Lhls verse ls Lhe
ropheL Muhammad (pbuh) and noL Cod 8uL regardless of meanlng Lhls word ls neverLheless
clLed ln Lhe Cur'an and slmply musL be counLed And even lf hls meLhod ls Lo counL words
accordlng Lo meanlng he doesn'L apply Lhls Lo all Lhe words he counLs whlch cerLalnly ralses
some quesLlon marks as Lo Lhe conslsLency of hls research
CuL of Lhese four words ur khallfa produced only one correcL number 1he same Lypes of
flaws ln facL are found across Lhe resL of hls book
Anyone who sLudles hls work closely wlll reallse LhaL qulLe ofLen he may counL correcLly and
flnd a number whlch ls noL a mulLlple of 19 Pe would Lhen add a few numbers Lo Lhls resulL ln
order Lo make lL a mulLlple of 19 [usLlfy Lhls sLrange lncluslon and leave lL aL LhaL Also he
ofLen uses varlous excuses Lo omit cerLaln words or leLLers (as he dld ln Lhe above example) and
hence make Lhem mulLlples of 19
4 lncludlng )- = ' ( ) - =( and )' ~ - =(
Muhammad lawad Abdul 8aql ed Al-Muajam-al-Mufahras Li-Alfazil Quranil Kareem (Shabb ress 194)
1hls ls a comprehenslve lndexed glossary of all Lhe clLaLlons of every word ln Lhe Poly Cur'an and we have
conflrmed Lhls resulL by looklng for Lhe repeLlLlon of Lhls word dlrecLly from Lhe Cur'an
1he Marels o the Number Seen in the Noble Qur`an
SomeLlmes he counLs words whlle lgnorlng Lhelr llngulsLlc meanlng and oLher Llmes he counLs
words ln accordance wlLh Lhelr llngulsLlc meanlng ln brlef Lhe goal behlnd hls enLlre work ls
noL Lo presenL a real Cur'anlc mlracle buL Lo merely Lo lmpress and amaze readers wlLh hls
calculaLlons 1he facL LhaL he aLLempLed Lo prove LhaL he was a messenger of Cod by looklng
for Lhe repeLlLlon of Lhe words of hls own name ln Lhe Cur'an ls enough evldence of LhaL
neverLheless desplLe all LhaL ur 8ashad khallfa dld reveal some lmporLanL flndlngs regardlng
Lhe mlraculous naLure of Lhe number 19 ln Lhe Cur'an Pe cerLalnly dlscovered gllmpses of a
numerlc sysLem based on Lhls number lor lnsLance he noLed LhaL Lhere are 114 chapLers and
Lhls number ls a mulLlple of 19 ln addlLlon Lhe flrsL verse of Lhe Cur'an Lhe 8asmala conslsLs
of 19 leLLers 1hls verse he hlghllghLs ls repeaLed across Lhe enLlre Cur'an 114 Llmes or x 19
Pe also examlned Lhe mysLerlous dlsconnecLed leLLers found aL Lhe beglnnlng of abouL a
quarLer of Lhe Cur'an's chapLers 1hese unlque leLLer comblnaLlons do noL form acLual words
buL mere phrases LhaL have challenged Musllms scholars Lo Lhls very day and whose mysLerles
are yeL Lo be unlocked (we wlll conslder Lhem ln parL 7 of Lhe book) 1he verdlcL made by Lhe
ma[orlLy of Lhese scholars ls LhaL Lhese mysLlfylng leLLers are one of Cod AlmlghLy's Cur'an's
mlracles and LhaL only Pe knows Lhelr full meanlng yeL aLLempLs Lo dlscover some of Lhelr
slgnlflcance have noL been dlscouraged Some of Lhese speclal phrases" as we wlll call Lhem ln
Lhls book are oneleLLer long oLhers Lwo Lhree and four ln addlLlon Lo one flveleLLer phrase
Cne chapLer whlch beglns wlLh a speclal phrase ls SuraL Caaf (ChapLer 1he LeLLer Caaf) whlch
as Lhe name suggesLs sLarLs wlLh Lhe slngle Arablc leLLer ( ) Caaf" as lLs flrsL verse ur
khallfa consequenLly looked for Lhe number of Llmes Lhls leLLer ls repeaLed across Lhls chapLer
and found LhaL lL occurred 7 Llmes whlch ls noL only correcL buL ls a mulLlple of 19 as well
slnce 7 x 19 Pe also examlned SuraL ?aasln (ChapLer ?aasln) a chapLer whose flrsL verse ls
Lhe speclal phrase )- ( a comblnaLlon of Lhe leLLers )( ?'" and )(
Sln" Pe found LhaL Lhese Lwo leLLers are repeaLed across Lhe chapLer exacLly 2 Llmes whlch
ls a mulLlple of 19 because 2 1 x 19 1hls also ls correcL
ur khallfa also correcLly noLed LhaL Lhe very flrsL chapLer LhaL was revealed from Lhe Cur'an
namely SuraL al'Alaq (ChapLer 1he CloL) conslsLed of preclsely 19 verses
Powever he hasLlly concluded LhaL all Lhe leLLers of Lhe Cur'an are based upon Lhls number
forgeLLlng Lhe resL of Lhe Cur'anlc numbers and mosL lmporLanLly perhaps Lhe number 7 Pe
proclalmed LhaL all Lhe speclal phrases are repeaLed ln Lhelr respecLlve chapLers a number of
Llmes LhaL ls a mulLlple of 19 however noL only were Lhe ma[orlLy of hls numbers lncorrecL
Lhey were ofLen hlghly lnaccuraLe as he aLLempLed Lo asLound hls readers when all he was
really dolng was deludlng Lhem
1he Marels o the Number Seen in the Noble Qur`an
neverLheless lL unforLunaLely dld noL end Lhere wlLh ur khallfa uslng a Lechnlque by whlch he
gave each Arablc leLLer a numerlc value ln addlLlon Lo hls own unlque way of counLlng addlng
and subLracLlng numbers he clalmed LhaL as messenger of Lhe covenanL" as he called hlmself
he had successfully predlcLed LhaL Lhe world would end ln Lhe year 1710 of Lhe Pl[rl calendar
1he number 1710 pecullarly was once agaln a mulLlple of 19
1hls conLroverslal predlcLlon caused many scholars Lo begln serlously doubLlng and quesLlonlng
Lhls man's lnLenLlons because accordlng Lo lslam ChrlsLlanlLy and !udalsm no one buL Cod
AlmlghLy knows when Lhe uay of !udgmenL arrlves and no person noL even Lhe ropheL
Muhammad (pbuh) possesses such knowledge
1hey ask Lhee abouL Lhe (flnal) Pour when wlll be lLs appolnLed Llme? Say 1he knowledge
Lhereof ls wlLh my Lord (alone) none buL Pe can reveal as Lo when lL wlll occur
AlA'raf 717
1he serlous mlsLakes made by ur khallfa do noL mean however LhaL brllllanL numerlc
arrangemenLs based on Lhe number 19 are absenL from Lhe Poly Cur'an noL only does Lhls
number carry wlLh lL a Cur'anlc mlracle lL ls speclflcally menLloned by Cod AlmlghLy when Pe
Cver lL are nlneLeen
AlMuddaLhLhlr 740
?eL Lhere are oLher lmporLanL numbers such as Lhe number 11 whlch lndlcaLes Lhe Cneness of
Cod AlmlghLy 1hls ls because lL ls a prlme number and also because lL can be vlewed as a
conflrmaLlon and repeLlLlon of Lhe number once slnce lL ls composed of 1 and 1 And lf we
were Lo examlne Lhe leLLers of Lhe Cur'anlc verses whlch speak abouL Lhe Cneness of Cod
AlmlghLy we would flnd LhaL Lhey are conslsLenL wlLh Lhe number 11
1he number 1 ls also slgnlflcanL ln Lhe Cur'an and ls Lhe number of years durlng whlch Lhe
ropheL (pbuh) recelved revelaLlon ln Lhe clLy of Mecca 1he number 2 ls also very lmporLanL
because lL represenLs Lhe LoLal number of years lL Look for Lhe Cur'an Lo be revealed
lurLhermore Lhe number 29 ls relevanL because 29 chapLers ouL of Lhe Cur'an's 114 begln wlLh
speclal phrases ur khallfa lgnored all Lhese however and pald excluslve aLLenLlon Lo Lhe
number 19
Moreover anyone who reads varlous sLudles made abouL Lhe Cur'an's numerlc lnlmlLablllLy wlll
noL help buL noLlce Lhe abundance of resulLs LhaL have been reached by researchers Powever
unforLunaLely many of Lhese resulLs have been comblned wlLh ouLcomes LhaL are largely based
on colncldence 8ecause of Lhls lL ofLen becomes hard Lo dlfferenL beLween Lhe Lwo and Lhls ls
where Lhe problem arlses
1he Marels o the Number Seen in the Noble Qur`an
Casual readers may percelve LhaL all Lhe numerlc resulLs Lhey see ln fronL of Lhem are mlracles
whlle more prudenL readers wlll Lend Lo dlsmlss Lhem as mere colncldence 1aklng Lhe mlddle
ground however ls ofLen Lhe besL approach ln oLher words lf Lhe LruLh Lhe accuraLe LruLh ls
found Lhen lL ls besL accepLed and Laken Lo hearL AL Lhe same Llme one musL be cauLlous
enough Lo recognlse errors and avold Lhem
Cne of Lhe mosL crlLlcal mlsLakes LhaL researchers make ls when Lhey adopL a Lechnlque
whereby numbers are asslgned Lo each of Lhe leLLers of Lhe Arablc alphabeL When Lhls ls done
every leLLer possesses a numerlcal value ConsequenLly every leLLer word verse and chapLer
of Lhe Cur'an can be glven lLs own numerlcal value 1he researcher's goal wlll ofLen be Lo arrlve
aL sums whlch are mulLlples of a parLlcular number or Lo predlcL Lhe daLe of a speclflc evenL
for lnsLance 1hls Lechnlque ls mosL commonly known as gemaLrla or Hisab Al-Jummal ln
Gematria...accurate science or mere deIusion?
Many people who have aLLempLed Lo examlne Lhe Cur'an's numerlc mlracle have done so by
ln[ecLlng gemaLrla lnLo Lhe Poly Cur'an 8uL Lhe quesLlon ls WhaL ls Lhe reallLy of Lhls
maLhemaLlcal Lechnlque? And has applylng lL Lo Lhe Cur'an produced any accuraLe resulLs?
CemaLrla has lLs rooLs ln Lhe anclenL Assyrlan klngdom buL has been mosL wldely assoclaLed
wlLh Creek and Pebrew LexLs Arablc gemaLrla ls more commonly known as Lhe sysLem of
ab[ad hawaz" or Lhe Ab[ad numerals lL sLreLches back Lo prelslamlc Llmes and ls based on
replaclng each of Lhe Arablc alphabeL's 2 leLLers wlLh a number 1he flrsL leLLer alif ( ) for
lnsLance ls glven Lhe number 1 1he leLLer b' )-( ls glven Lhe number 2 Lhe leLLer rlm )_( geLs
Lhe number and so on unLll Lhe number 10 whlch ls asslgned Lo Lhe leLLer y )(
AfLerwards however numbers are glven mulLlples of 10 1haL ls Lhe leLLer followlng y )(
ln Lhe Ab[ad sysLem ls kf )=( and recelves Lhe number 20 1he nexL leLLer ls lm ).( whlch
geLs Lhe number 0 followed by mim )( whlch Lakes Lhe number 40 1hls carrles on unLll 90
before leLLers are glven numbers ln Lhe hundreds place such as r )( whlch recelves Lhe
number 200 1he flnal leLLer ln Lhe sysLem ghain )_( Lakes Lhe number 1000
8uL on whaL grounds was Lhls numberlng sysLem creaLed? Cn whaL basls ls each leLLer glven Lhe
number lL holds? Why ls alif )( glven Lhe number 1 and b' )-( Lhe number 2? WhaL prevenLs
anyone from asslgnlng alif )( Lhe number for example?
1he reallLy ls LhaL well before Lhe Arablc numerals we know Loday (0 1 2 4 7 9) were
lnLroduced around Lhe Lh cenLury Lhe Ab[ad numerals were used for all maLhemaLlcal
purposes and Lhe lnvenLors of Lhls sysLem asslgned a number Lo each leLLer accordlng Lo whaL
Lhey declded was Lhe mosL approprlaLe deslgnaLlon noL only LhaL buL Lhere are also Lwo maln
verslons Lo Lhls sysLem LhaL sllghLly dlffer when lL comes Lo asslgnlng Lhe larger numbers from
0 onwards 1here slmply exlsLs no loglcal sclenLlflc reasonlng LhaL governs Lhe rules of Lhe
Ab[ad numerals because Lhey were enLlrely based upon Lhe common
1he Marels o the Number Seen in the Noble Qur`an
undersLandlng LhaL was prevalenL aL Lhe Llme WheLher gemaLrla holds any merlL or has any
slgnlflcance ln languages oLher Lhan Arablc ls noL a polnL of concern of Lhls book buL ln Lhe
Arablc language aL leasL Lhere exlsLs no basls whaLsoever by whlch numbers can be asslgned Lo
ln order Lo demonsLraLe Lhe lnconslsLency of uslng Lhe Ab[ad numerals Lo sLudy Lhe Cur'an we
wlll presenL an example used by proponenLs of Lhls Lechnlque
An exampIe of gematria in the Qur'an
1he followlng Lable shows Lhe gemaLrlcal value of all Lhe Arablc leLLers and ls Lhe mosL popular
Ab[ad sequence lL wlll prove helpful for Lhe example LhaL wlll follow
1he 9Lh chapLer of Lhe Cur'an ls enLlLled SuraL al8ayylnah (ChapLer 1he Clear roof
Lvldence) ln Arablc Lhe word al8ayylnah ls ( ` - - ) ln oLher words lLs leLLers are
' ~ ~ -
1he gemaLrlcal value of Lhese leLLers accordlng Lo Lhe Ab[ad numerals ls 9 (1 + 0 + 2 + 10 +
0 + ) 1hls corresponds of course Lo Lhls chapLer's order ln Lhe Cur'an ln oLher words Lhe
gemaLrlcal value of Lhls chapLer's name equals lLs exacL poslLlon ln Lhe Cur'an whlch ls 9
Arabic Ietter



EngIish pronunciation
GematricaI vaIue



Arabic Ietter



EngIish pronunciation
GematricaI vaIue
Arabic Ietter


EngIish pronunciation
GematricaI vaIue
1he Marels o the Number Seen in the Noble Qur`an
1hls also applles Lo Lhe 7Lh chapLer ln Lhe Cur'an SuraL alPadld (ChapLer 1he lron) 1he word
alPadld ln Arablc ls ( `=~- ~ ) and Lhe followlng are lLs leLLers
' _ - -
lLs gemaLrlcal value ls also 7 (1 + 0 + + 4 + 10 + 4)
lf Lhls conslsLency was malnLalned across Lhe enLlre Cur'an Lhese resulLs could be accepLed as
valld and one would Lhen rule ouL Lhe posslblllLy of colncldence and conslder gemaLrla a
mlraculous Lechnlque Powever Lhere are 114 chapLers ln Lhe Cur'an and Lhe facL LhaL Lhe
Ab[ad numerals produced accuraLe ouLcomes for no more Lhan 2 chapLers suggesLs LhaL chance
played lLs parL
When researchers unsuccessfully Lrled applylng Lhe Ab[ad numerals Lo Lhe resL of Lhe chapLers
however Lhey aLLempLed Lo sllghLly alLer Lhelr counLlng meLhod whlch ls whaL happened when
a researcher came across SuraL alnaml (ChapLer 1he AnLs) Lhe Cur'an's 27Lh chapLer
1he word alnaml ln Arablc ls wrlLLen ).~ - ' ( and lLs leLLers are Lhe followlng
' ~
1he gemaLrlcal value of Lhls word ls 11 (1 + 0 + 0 + 40 + 0) whlch ls nowhere near 27
1herefore Lhls researcher consldered Lhe number of verses ln SuraL alnaml whlch ls 9 1hls
number of course ls noL close Lo Lhe gemaLrlcal value of 11 Pe Lhen added Lhls chapLer's
number Lo lLs verse counL and arrlved aL 120 (27 + 9) whlch agaln ls far from 11
Pe Lhen declded Lo remove Lhe flrsL Lwo leLLers of Lhe word ).~- ' ( namely allf )( and lm ).(
whlch changed Lhe meanlng of Lhe word from 1he AnLs" Lo slmply AnLs" 1he Lhree remalnlng
leLLers were Lherefore
1he gemaLrlcal value of Lhe word AnLs" ls ln facL 120 (0 + 40 + 0) 1hus Lhe researcher was
flnally able Lo conclude LhaL Lhe gemaLrlcal value of Lhe word AnLs" equalled Lhe sum of Lhe
chapLer number and verse counL of Lhe chapLer called 1he AnLs
We musL now ask ls Lhls klnd play on words accepLable? Can a researcher who sLudles a Poly
8ook experlmenL wlLh a varleLy of Lechnlques durlng whlch he omlLs leLLers from chapLer
names ln hopes of arrlvlng aL some sorL of random conslsLency? And ls he allowed when
deallng wlLh a book llke Lhe Cur'an Lo declde ln one lnsLance Lo add a chapLer's
1he Marels o the Number Seen in the Noble Qur`an
number Lo lLs verse counL ln anoLher lnsLance Lo lgnore Lhe verse counL and ln anoLher Lo
leave ouL leLLers from a chapLer's name?
1he Ab[ad numerals desplLe havlng colncldenLally creaLed some numerlc paLLerns have noL
produced any mlraculous resulLs of any klnd lL ls Lherefore safe Lo say LhaL applylng Lhls sysLem
Lo Lhe sLudy of Lhe Poly Cur'an ls noL based on any sound or rellable meLhodology
Are there negative outcomes to studying the Qur'an's numeric inimitabiIity?
Many scholars have Laken Lhe oplnlon LhaL paylng a greaL deal of aLLenLlon Lo counLlng Lhe
words and leLLers of Lhe Cur'an causes a bellever Lo neglecL and lose slghL of Lhe Lrue essence
behlnd Lhls 8ook's message and Lhe meanlngs of lLs verses 8uL ls Lhls really Lhe case?
llrsLly Musllms lncludlng myself belleve LhaL Lhe Poly Cur'an ls senL down from Lhe CreaLor of
Lhe heavens and Lhe LarLh Assumlng Lhls ls correcL Cod AlmlghLy does noL reveal anyLhlng
wlLhouL reason 1herefore loglcally Lhere musL have been an lmporLanL purpose behlnd
reveallng Lhe Poly Cur'an
Pavlng sald Lhls Lhe sheer amounL of numerlc arrangemenLs we are abouL Lo wlLness wlll speak
for Lhemselves ln showlng LhaL Lhey could noL have been manufacLured by man buL by Cod
AlmlghLy alone 1he reason for Lhls ls LhaL no maLLer how much we look for slmllar
arrangemenLs ln oLher ordlnary books we wlll fall Lo flnd Lhem uemonsLraLlng lLs mlraculous
naLure Lhrough Lhe language of number ls Lherefore of greaL beneflL
Many belleve LhaL Lhe lnlmlLablllLy of Lhe Cur'an ls llmlLed Lo lLs magnlflcenL language and
eloquence 8uL Lo Lhose we may ask lsn'L Lhe Cur'an mlraculous ln every way? lf a llngulsL ls
allowed Lo crlLlcally examlne Lhe Poly Cur'an from a llngulsLlc polnL of vlew can'L a
maLhemaLlclan analyse lL numerlcally? lsn'L Lhls also Lrue for hlsLorlans and sclenLlsLs? Paven'L
Lhe hlsLorlc predlcLlons and sclenLlflc facLs lnherenL ln Lhls 8ook lncreased Lhelr falLh ln lLs
message and helped Lhem furLher embrace lL?
onderlng upon Lhe Cur'an's leLLers words and verses can only lncrease a Musllm's
remembrance of Lhese verses and l say Lhls ouL of more Lhan Len years of experlence of
sLudylng Lhe Cur'an's numerlc mlracle
lf examlnlng Lhe leLLers of Lhe Cur'an ln deLall Lruly dlsLracLs a person from lLs meanlngs l
would have been one of Lhe flrsL people Lo have sLopped sLudylng lL ln facL examlnlng Lhe
Cur'an's numbers has made me more reflecLlve of lLs verses and a beLLer memorlses of Lhem
Loo lL has also made me en[oy reclLlng lL much more
ln addlLlon we cannoL forgeL Lhe absoluLely vlLal role of maLhemaLlcs ln our Llme and lLs
conLrlbuLlon Lo Lhe advancemenL of human knowledge SLudylng Lhe Cur'an's numerlc sysLem
can acLually help one furLher develop hls percepLlons and lmprove hls memory
1he Marels o the Number Seen in the Noble Qur`an
As for Lhe mlsLakes LhaL varlous researchers have made wlLh respecL Lo Lhls new perspecLlve on
Lhe Cur'an Lhese should ln facL be an lncenLlve for flndlng Lhe LruLh and avoldlng any form of
lnconslsLency or colncldence
an the Qur'an's numeric arrangements possibIy be imitated?
Anyone who hasn'L experlenced counLlng Cur'anlc words and leLLers may well ask lsn'L lL easy
for any person Lo consLrucL senLences ln whlch he carefully chooses Lhe repeLlLlon of each
leLLer? Where Lhen ls Lhe mlracle?
Slmply puL l can say LhaL aLLempLlng Lo repllcaLe Lhe numerlc arrangemenLs found ln Lhe
Cur'an ls wlLhouL exaggeraLlon an lmposslble feaL Lo accompllsh and Lhls ls whaL l Lry Lo show
ln Lhls book no maLLer how knowledgeable any human belng becomes no person can ever
produce llLeraLure LhaL ls noL only llngulsLlcally profound and of Lhe hlghesL callbre buL aL Lhe
same Llme conLalns a complex numerlc sysLem organlsed Lo perfecLlon Pumans ln Lhelr very
naLure are bound Lo make mlsLakes and no one who has ever wrlLLen a plece of llLeraLure has
ensured LhaL Lhe arrangemenL of hls leLLers words and chapLers creaLe consldered mulLlples of
varlous numbers because LhaL would compromlse Lhe quallLy of hls wrlLlng Lo say Lhe leasL
ln hls commenLary on Lhe Poly Cur'an AlCurLubl a famous Musllm scholar hlghllghLed Len
feaLures LhaL make lL mlraculous
1 lLs language excels all oLher Arablc language
2 lLs sLyle excels all oLher Arablc sLyle
lLs comprehenslveness cannoL be maLched
4 lLs leglslaLlon cannoL be surpassed
lLs narraLlons abouL Lhe unknown can only resulL from revelaLlon
lLs lack of conLradlcLlon wlLh Lhe sound naLural sclences
7 lLs fulfllmenL of all LhaL lL promlses boLh good Lldlngs and LhreaL
1he knowledge lL comprlses (boLh legal and concernlng Lhe creaLlon)
9 lLs fulfllmenL of human needs
10 lLs effecLs on Lhe hearLs of men
Addlng Lo LhaL llsL an addlLlonal layer of numerlc wonder makes Lhe Cur'an all Lhe more
lmposslble Lo lmlLaLe llLLlngly Lhe Cur'an lLself conflrms Lhls facL when Cod AlmlghLy sLaLes
uo Lhey noL conslder Lhe Curan (wlLh care)? Pad lL been from oLher Lhan Cod Lhey would
surely have found Lhereln much dlscrepancy
Alnlsa' 42
The numeric miracIe and the Qur'an's various recitations
Many scholars and researchers especlally Lhose lnLeresLed ln Lhe Cur'an's reclLaLlons have
ralsed quesLlons abouL some of Lhe verse numbers ln Lhe Poly Cur'an 1he word Cur'an
1he Marels o the Number Seen in the Noble Qur`an
lLself means reclLaLlon" and Lhere are ln facL varlous ways of reclLlng Lhls 8ook 1hese
reclLaLlons may someLlmes sllghLly dlffer when lL comes Lo Lhe number of verses ln each
chapLer whlch causes scholars Lo someLlmes ask Pow do we call Lhese numerlc arrangemenLs
mlracles lf Lhey mlghL dlffer from one reclLaLlon Lo Lhe oLher?
1he answer Lo Lhls concern ls besL answered ln Lhe Poly Cur'an where Cod sLaLes
uo Lhey noL conslder Lhe Curan (wlLh care)? Pad lL been from oLher Lhan Cod Lhey would
surely have found Lhereln much dlscrepancy
Alnlsa' 42
ln oLher words Lhere ls no conLradlcLlon or dlscrepancy ln Cur'an 8aLher Lhere are mulLlple
reclLaLlons whlch lead Lo mulLlple numerlc arrangemenLs whlch ln Lurn means mulLlple
mlracles lL musL be noLed here LhaL whaL ls meanL by reclLaLlon ls how Lhe words of Lhe Cur'an
are pronounced and are Lherefore wrlLLen due Lo lnherenL dlfferences ln Arab culLures and
dlalecLs Some reclLaLlons pronounce cerLaln leLLers and oLhers do noL uesplLe Lhe many
reclLaLlons however Lhere ls no dlsagreemenL abouL wheLher a cerLaln word ls parL of Lhe
Cur'an or noL Lhe number of words ls Lhe same ln all reclLaLlons Lhe dlfference ls ln some of
Lhe leLLers maklng up Lhese words 1herefore Lhey may slmply sound somewhaL dlfferenL when
1haL belng sald l can say LhaL Lhe numerlc mlracle encompasses all Lhese reclLaLlons and
lncludes all of Lhelr leLLers words verses and chapLers All Lhe research LhaL has been done so
far on Lhe Cur'an's numerlc mlracle has used Lhe mosL wldely spread reclLaLlon ln Lhe lslamlc
world namely Pafs bln 'Aslm" 1hls ls by far Lhe mosL common reclLaLlon and Lhe vasL
ma[orlLy of Musllms across Lhe globe are famlllar wlLh lL 8esearchers neverLheless are
encouraged Lo explore Lhe Cur'anlc sysLem of numbers wlLh oLher reclLaLlons
erhaps Lhe wlsdom behlnd Lhls range of reclLaLlons ls Lhe lncreased lmposslblllLy of produclng
anyLhlng llke Lhe Cur'an of whlch Cod sald
Say lf Lhe whole of manklnd and !lnns were Lo gaLher LogeLher Lo produce Lhe llke of Lhls
Curan Lhey could noL produce Lhe llke Lhereof even lf Lhey backed up each oLher wlLh help
and supporL
Allsra' 17
lL musL be noLed LhaL Lhe Cur'anlc reclLaLlons are vlrLually Lhe same aparL from a relaLlvely
small number of leLLers We can Lhus conslder LhaL Lhe numerlc resulLs found ln Lhls book apply
Lo a very large exLenL Lo all Lhe reclLaLlons of Lhe Cur'an
lor lnsLance Lhe Cur'an's flrsL chapLer conslsLs of 7 verses and Lhere ls no dlsagreemenL here 1he flrsL verse
known as Lhe 8asmala ls consldered a verse ln Lhe mosL popular Cur'anlc reclLaLlon namely Pafs bln 'Aslm"
Some reclLaLlons however don'L conslder lL a verse and lnsLead spllL Lhe lasL verse of Lhe chapLer lnLo Lwo Lhus
keeplng Lhe number of verses 7
1he Marels o the Number Seen in the Noble Qur`an
Numbers and the unknown
Many have gone Lo exLreme ends mlsuslng Lhe Cur'an's numbers by performlng calculaLlons
LhaL have no connecLlon Lo Lhe LruLh and whlch sLray away from Lhe essence of Lhls 8ook's
prlnclples Some people for lnsLance have used Cur'anlc numbers Lo predlcL pollLlcal evenLs
whlle oLhers have used Lhem Lo predlcL Lhe uay of !udgmenL 8uL ls Lhls any good? Cod
AlmlghLy clearly answers Lhls quesLlon ln Lhe followlng verse
WlLh Plm are Lhe keys of Lhe unseen Lhe Lreasures LhaL none knoweLh buL Pe Pe knoweLh
whaLever Lhere ls on Lhe earLh and ln Lhe sea noL a leaf doLh fall buL wlLh Pls knowledge Lhere
ls noL a graln ln Lhe darkness (or depLhs) of Lhe earLh nor anyLhlng fresh or dry (green or
wlLhered) buL ls (lnscrlbed) ln a record clear (Lo Lhose who can read)
AlAn'aam 9
ln oLher words uslng Lhe Cur'an for Lhe purpose of exLracLlng daLes of evenLs and supposedly
predlcLlng Lhe unknown or unseen ls compleLely conLradlcLory Lo lLs very Leachlng and of no
beneflL Lo anyone
Pavlng sald Lhls any klnd of research lnLo Lhe Poly Cur'an musL follow a seL of guldellnes LhaL
are Lo be conslsLenLly honoured LhroughouL LhaL sLudy
WlLh Lhls ln mlnd Lhe followlng ls an aLLempL Lo esLabllsh some clear guldellnes and crlLerla
LhaL we wlll adhere Lo LhroughouL Lhls book and LhaL are approprlaLe Lo any sLudy of Lhe
Cur'an's numbers 1hese guldellnes are by no means exhausLlve buL are meanL as a solld
sLarLlng polnL for researchlng Lhe numerlc sysLem of Lhe Cur'an 8esearchers are welcome Lo
enhance and lmprove Lhese crlLerla lf necessary
GuideIines for Studying the Qur'an's Numbers
Any person who reads a plece of sclenLlflc research wlll flnd LhaL lL normally conslsLs of Lhree
maln componenLs Cne of Lhese ls Lhe very daLa LhaL ls belng presenLed AnoLher componenL ls
Lhe research meLhodology used Lo deal wlLh LhaL daLa 1he Lhlrd and mosL lmporLanL
componenL ls Lhe flnal resulL namely Lhe concluslons LhaL have been made aL Lhe end of Lhe
uaLa ls aL Lhe hearL of any sclenLlflc research rovlded LhaL Lhe daLa belng used ls accuraLe and
LhaL Lhe research meLhodology applled Lo lL ls sound Lhen Lhe resulLs of Lhls research wlll ln
Lurn be correcL as well
lf on Lhe oLher hand Lhe daLa offered ls lnaccuraLe and Lhe meLhodology conLradlcLory or noL
based on any sclenLlflc grounds Lhe flnal resulLs wlll lnevlLably be unconvlnclng lf noL lncorrecL
ln shorL for Lhls research Lo be accepLable Lhe followlng musL be esLabllshed
1he Marels o the Number Seen in the Noble Qur`an
1 Culdellnes perLalnlng Lo Lhe research daLa
2 Culdellnes perLalnlng Lo Lhe research meLhodology
Culdellnes perLalnlng Lo Lhe flnal resulLs of Lhe research
GuideIines pertaining to the research data
1he daLa used for any klnd of research lnLo Lhe Cur'an's numerlc lnlmlLablllLy should come from
Lhe Cur'an lLself Many sLudles lnLo Lhe numerlc mlracle have losL Lhelr credlblllLy when
researchers declded Lo ln[ecL numbers from ouLslde Lhe Cur'an
1he depLh and wealLh of maLerlal avallable ln Lhe Poly Cur'an ls such LhaL Lhere ls no need Lo
resorL Lo any oLher source 1housands of numbers can easlly be exLracLed from Lhls 8ook lrom
every slngle Cur'anlc verse a whole assorLmenL of numbers can ln facL be deduced!
lor example from a slngle verse we can for a sLarL flnd lLs word counL leLLer counL as well as
Lhe verse number and chapLer number belonglng Lo LhaL verse We can also look for Lhe
number of Llmes one of lLs words ls repeaLed across Lhe Poly Cur'an We can even counL how
many Llmes a parLlcular leLLer or a parLlcular seL of leLLers ls found ln LhaL verse 1hese may
be Lhe leLLers of a speclal phrase Lhe leLLers of Cod's Arablc name Allah" or Lhe leLLers of any
of Pls oLher names
All Lhls and more can be achleved wlLh merely one verse so lmaglne [usL how many numbers
can be obLalned from Lhe enLlre Cur'an! ln addlLlon Lo Lhls slnce we are relylng solely on Lhe
Cur'an Lhe numbers we arrlve aL are noL only very clear and preclse buL carry no room for
error ln Lhls book perhaps Lhe only number LhaL has been used LhaL ls noL llLerally found ln Lhe
Cur'an (buL ls dlrecLly connecLed Lo lL) ls 2 whlch ls Lhe number of years lL Look for Lhe Cur'an
Lo be revealed 1hls ls a wellesLabllshed facL and one LhaL has never been a polnL of debaLe
among scholars and hlsLorlans and as such lL ls used on some occaslons ln Lhls book
Moreover Lhe way ln whlch Cur'anlc numbers are exLracLed musL be conslsLenL and free of
conLradlcLlon ln oLher words researchers musL choose wheLher Lo counL leLLers accordlng Lo
Lhelr exacL wrlLlng ln Lhe Cur'an or accordlng Lo how Lhey are pronounced wlLhouL mlxlng
boLh Lechnlques 1hls has been one of Lhe mlsLakes made by researchers who ofLen alLernaLe
Lhelr meLhods of counLlng ln order Lo achleve Lhe deslred ouLcomes LhaL maLch Lhelr
calculaLlons 1hls lnconslsLency however ls unaccepLable ln Lhls book of course we counL
leLLers preclsely as Lhey are drawn ln Lhe Poly Cur'an
8uL how do we deal wlLh Lhe numbers we arrlve aL? 1haL's whaL we'll flnd ouL from Lhe
guldellnes relaLlng Lo Lhe research meLhodology
GuideIines pertaining to the research methodoIogy
1he Marels o the Number Seen in the Noble Qur`an
1he lnformaLlon presenLed ln Lhls research musL be dealL wlLh ln a manner LhaL ls approprlaLe
boLh sclenLlflcally and rellglously A random unsclenLlflc approach cannoL be followed because
Lhe Cur'an ls a Poly ScrlpLure from Cod AlmlghLy and [usL as Cod creaLed Lhe enLlre unlverse
and sub[ecLed lL Lo Lhe perfecL laws of sclence so he has revealed Lhe Cur'an organlslng and
perfecLlng lL wlLh lLs own seL of rules
ln facL Cod AlmlghLy sLaLes
AllfLam8a7 (1hls ls) a 8ook Lhe verses whereof are perfecLed (ln every sphere of knowledge
eLc) and Lhen explalned ln deLall from Cne (Allah) Who ls AllWlse and WellAcqualnLed (wlLh
all Lhlngs)
Pud 111
Pe also explalns
8uL Cod beareLh wlLness LhaL whaL Pe haLh senL unLo Lhee Pe haLh senL from Pls (own)
knowledge and Lhe angels bear wlLness 8uL enough ls Cod for a wlLness
Alnlsa' 41
Many researchers follow an unsysLemaLlc approach LhaL ofLen lacks much loglc 1hey may for
example add leLLer counLs on one occaslon and subLracL verse numbers on anoLher ln one
lnsLance Lhey mlghLy mulLlply word counLs and leLLer counLs yeL dlvlde Lhem ln anoLher 1hey
may well even deleLe some numbers add oLhers and manoeuvre Lhelr way lnLo achlevlng a
speclfled resulL LhaL Lhey already have ln mlnd
1hroughouL Lhls book and LhroughouL my sLudy of Lhe numerlc mlracle ln facL l have followed
Lhe very baslc longesLabllshed maLhemaLlcal Lechnlque known as positional notation or
place-value notation 1hls meLhod allows for numbers Lo be represenLed or encoded and
glven an order of magnlLude namely a ones" place Lens" place hundreds" place eLc
AfLer an exLenslve and deLalled sLudy of Lhe Cur'an's verses l have come Lo Lhe flrm reallsaLlon
LhaL place noLaLlon preserves Lhe sequence of Lhe Cur'an's words much more effecLlvely Lhan
mere counLlng
1he beauLy of Lhls Lechnlque lles ln lLs sheer slmpllclLy slnce lL ls based on counLlng Lhe leLLers
of each word ln a phrase and Lhen allgnlng Lhose leLLer counLs Lo form a slngle number
wlLhouL Lhe need Lo add subLracL or mulLlply 1he resulLlng numbers we wlll come across ln
Lhls book are always perfecL mulLlples of 7 whlch ls an amazlng feaL because any reader who
aLLempL Lo creaLe a slngle senLence whlch slmllarly produce may well flnd Lhls a daunLlng Lask
MulLlples of 7 or any number of course are whole numbers LhaL conLaln no declmals or
fracLlons 1o glve a brlef example lf Lhe phrase we chose Lo sLudy was l aLe
7 1hese are one of Lhe 14 speclal phrases
1he Marels o the Number Seen in the Noble Qur`an
plzzas Loday" Lhe leLLer counL of each of lLs words would produce Lhe followlng arrangemenL
l aLe plzzas Loday
1he resulLlng number ls slmply 1 We would Lhen check wheLher Lhls number ls a mulLlple of
7 LhaL ls wheLher dlvldlng lL by 7 sLlll glves us a whole number whlch lL does ln Lhls case
1365 7 = 195
Powever we wlll wrlLe our resulLs ln Lhe followlng form
1365 = 195 x 7
lmporLanLly one of Lhe flaws of uslng Lhls Lechnlque wlLh Lhe Lngllsh language ls LhaL Lhe flrsL
word ln Lhe senLence does noL Lake Lhe ones place lL ls ln facL Lhe lasL dlglL of any glven
number ln Lhe above example Lhe flnal word Loday" ls ln Lhe ones place and Lhe flrsL word
l" ls ln Lhe Lhousands place whlch does noL make much sense
lorLunaLely Lhe Arablc language en[oys Lhe luxury of rlghLLolefL readlng order Lhe exacL
opposlLe of Lngllsh ln oLher words LexL ls wrlLLen from rlghL Lo lefL whlch means LhaL when
poslLlonal noLaLlon ls applled Lhe flrsL word of any glven LexL ls flLLlngly ln Lhe ones place
GuideIines pertaining to the research resuIts
1he resulLs of any research whlch deals wlLh Lhe Cur'an's sysLem of numbers musL represenL a
Lrue mlracle LhaL ls a divine mlracle and noL mere colncldence 8uL [usL whaL can be
consldered a mlracle? 1he Cxford ulcLlonary deflnes a mlracle as an exLraordlnary and
welcome evenL LhaL ls noL expllcable by naLural or sclenLlflc laws and ls Lherefore aLLrlbuLed Lo
a dlvlne agency" le Lo Cod! lL has also been descrlbed as an effecL or exLraordlnary evenL ln
Lhe physlcal world LhaL surpasses all human or naLural powers and ls ascrlbed Lo a supernaLural
A Cur'anlc researcher musL also prove LhaL hls numerlc resulLs dld were noL Lhe producL of
colncldence by uslng Lhe baslc maLhemaLlcal concepL of probablllLy lf Lhe flnal ouLcomes are
such LhaL Lhey cannoL be lmlLaLed by any human belng Lhen and only Lhen can Lhey be
consldered a real mlracle from Cod AlmlghLy As sLaLed earller our goal ln Lhls book ls Lo show
LhaL Lhe profound numerlc sysLem found ln Lhe Poly Cur'an ls slmply lmposslble Lo repllcaLe be
lL by Lhe greaLesL mlnds or by Lhe mosL complex Lechnologles known Lo man
1he Marels o the Number Seen in the Noble Qur`an
CrlLlcally we musL remlnd readers LhaL Lhe numbers we arrlve aL are only Lhe means not Lhe
end ulscoverlng LhaL Lhe Cur'an houses a numerlc mlracle ls ln lLself noL Lhe purpose of Lhls llfe
or of Lhe Musllm falLh for LhaL maLLer 1he numerlc ouLcomes are slmply one of Lhe many
Cur'anlc means Lo reallslng Lhe LruLh of Lhe message LhaL was senL down Lo Lhe ropheL
Muhammad (pbuh) ln Lhe early 7Lh cenLury uue Lo Lhe hlghly senslLlve deLalled and
lnLerconnecLed naLure of Lhe numerlc mlracle (whlch lnvolves counLlng and arranglng leLLers
and noL [usL words verses and chapLers) even Musllms Lhemselves wlll have comforL ln Lhe
facL LhaL every letter ln Lhe Cur'an had Lo be dlvlne revelaLlon because oLherwlse Lhe enLlre
numerlc sysLem lnherenL ln Lhls 8ook would lnsLanLly shaLLer
8esearchers musL also sLay away from any clalms of propheLhood Lhemselves because LhaL ls
conLrary Lo Lhe Leachlngs of almosL any rellglon and noL [usL lslam 1hey musL also avold uslng
numbers Lo make any predlcLlons abouL Lhe unknown whlch ls known only Lo Cod
The Scientific Approach of this Book
1he approach adopLed ln Lhls book malnly lnvolves exLracLlng numbers from Lhe Cur'an and
looklng for numerlc relaLlonshlps beLween Lhese varlous numbers by arranglng Lhem slde by
slde (le accordlng Lo Lhe baslc concepL of poslLlonal noLaLlon) 8eaders can expecL of course
Lo wlLness an absoluLe pleLhora of arrangemenLs LhaL form mulLlples of 7 1hese arrangemenLs
wlll come abouL ln many dlfferenL ways (Lhe llsL below ls noL deflnlLlve) buL wlll Lend Lo
represenL one of Lhe followlng
1 1he leLLer counL of each word ln a verse
2 1he leLLer counL of Lhe flrsL and lasL word ln a verse
1he leLLer counL of Lhe words of a verse ln accumulaLlon (LhaL ls leLLer counL of flrsL word +
leLLer counL of flrsL and second word + leLLer counL of flrsL second and Lhlrd word eLc) 1hls
parLlcular arrangemenL Lends Lo creaLe relaLlvely large numbers whlch sLlll remaln mulLlples of
4 1he arrangemenL of parLlcular leLLers across Lhe words of a verse such as Lhose maklng up
Cod's name ln Arablc (Allah) Lhe leLLers of a speclal phrase and many more 1hls ls Lruly one of
Lhe mosL fasclnaLlng arrangemenLs because organlslng a preclse selecLlon of leLLers across Lhe
words of any passage ls an amazlng feaL Lo accompllsh yeL Lhls ls found a counLless number of
Llmes across verses and even enLlre chapLers of Lhe Cur'an!
1he arrangemenL of Lhe chapLer numbers ln whlch a speclflc word ls found ln Lhe Cur'an as
well as Lhe verse numbers ln whlch Lhls word ls found 1hls agaln ls a profound feaLure of Lhe
numerlc mlracle as lL conflrms LhaL noL only dld Cod reveal every word ln Lhe Cur'an Pe ln facL
perfecLly placed each one ln lLs lnLended locaLlon across Lhe whole 8ook
1he Marels o the Number Seen in the Noble Qur`an
1he beauLlful numerlc relaLlonshlp LhaL llnks four essenLlal numbers Lhe chapLer number
verse number word counL and leLLer counL of a verse 1hese four numbers noL only comblne Lo
form mulLlples of 7 Lhey are even subllmely connecLed Lo Lhose of oLher verses across Lhe
Cur'an ln a manner LhaL conslsLenLly produces more mulLlples of 7! 1hese mlraculous
arrangemenLs lf anyLhlng lllusLraLe Lhe hlghly lnLerconnecLed naLure of Lhe Cur'an's verses
and LhaL such a sLrucLured sysLem of numbers cannoL be found ln any oLher book
7 1he dlverslLy of numerlc arrangemenLs found ln Lhe chapLers of Lhe Cur'an ln addlLlon Lo Lhe
brllllanL llnk beLween Lhe Cur'an's flrsL verse and oLher Cur'anlc verses as well as LhaL beLween
Lhe Cur'an's openlng chapLer and oLher Cur'anlc chapLers 1hls especlally lncludes verses and
chapLers LhaL were consLanLly referred Lo by Lhe ropheL Muhammad (pbuh) as some of Lhe
greaLesL ln Lhe Cur'an
How to count the Qur'an's words
1hls ls of parLlcular lmporLance Lo boLh Arablc and nonArablc readers because learnlng how Lo
counL Lhe Cur'anlc words and leLLers wlll prove very useful ln Lhls book
AfLer a slgnlflcanL amounL of research l came Lo Lhe concluslon LhaL Lhe besL way Lo counL Lhe
words of Lhe Cur'an ls Lo follow a fundamenLal rule of Arablc grammar a word can be a
noun, verb or particle
llrsLly any noun ln Lhe Cur'an ls consldered a word such as ( -' ) Cod" )- ~( LgypL" or
=~Lree" ronouns such as )= ~ ( LhaL" and )- ( you" are also words
1he naLure of Arablc wrlLlng ls such LhaL Lhe leLLers of a word ofLen buL noL always connecL
LogeLher almosL llke curslve Lngllsh Slnce leLLers aLLach LogeLher Lhey wlll look dlfferenLly
dependlng on Lhelr poslLlon wlLhln a word 1o Lherefore make counLlng words and leLLers easler
for readers we wlll separaLe words by placlng clear gaps beLween Lhem when analyslng a
verse noL only LhaL buL rlghL nexL Lo each word we wlll wrlLe ln brackeLs Lhe leLLers
composlng LhaL word ln Lhelr sLandard form
Slnce we are analyslng Lhe Cur'an we musL Lake lnLo conslderaLlon Lhe unlque manner ln whlch
lLs words are wrlLLen whlch ls ofLen qulLe unllke normal Arablc SomeLlmes for lnsLance a
phrase whlch ls composed of Lwo separaLe words ln Arablc ls ln facL connecLed ln Lhe Cur'an
whlch makes lL a slngle word Cne such example ls Lhe phrase )' - '+ -( Ch you" whlch ls ofLen
used when Cod speclflcally addresses Lhe bellevers saylng Ch you who belleve" 8elow ls a
comparlson beLween Lhls phrase's spelllng ln ordlnary Arablc and lLs Cur'anlc equlvalenL
1he Marels o the Number Seen in the Noble Qur`an
Cur'anlc Arablc normal Arablc
' '| - ) ' - '( ' |- - ) - '(
1he Cur'anlc drawlng of Lhls phrase noL only makes lL one word lL also means LhaL lL ls conslsLs
of one less leLLer namely lnsLead of Lhe LhaL comprlse Lhe sLandard Arablc verslon 1hls ls
an absoluLely crlLlcal facL Lo accounL for LhroughouL our sLudy of Lhe Cur'an's numbers as lL
places emphasls on sLrlcLly adherlng Lo Lhe exact LexL of Lhe Cur'an We wlll soon flnd ouL LhaL
on counLless occaslons ln Lhe Cur'an Lhe vasL amounL of numerlc arrangemenLs found ln a
parLlcular verse would all compleLely dlsappear had lL noL been for such subLle dlfferences
A flnal polnL musL be made wlLh regards Lo nouns ln Arablc Lhe word Lhe" Lakes Lhe form of
Lwo leLLers namely alif )( and lm ).( whlch are aLLached Lo Lhe beglnnlng of a word hence
becomlng parL of lL and noL a separaLe word 1hls ls a fundamenLal dlfference beLween Arablc
and many oLher languages lor lnsLance Lhe word )~ ( means moon" whereas addlng alif
lm Lo Lhe word makes lL )~- ' ( whlch means Lhe moon"
Secondly every verb ln Lhe Cur'an ls a word 1hese lnclude ).- ( senL down" )'-~-'( gulde
us" )'~ ='( worshlp" and many more
A unlque feaLure of Arablc verbs ls LhaL leLLers are someLlmes aLLached Lo verbs ln a manner
whlch makes LhaL verb plural excepL LhaL Lhls verb remalns a slngle word Cne such example ls
Lhe word )- ~ - ( meanlng Lhey belleve"
1hlrdly a parLlcle ln Arablc ls someLhlng whlch lndlcaLes a meanlng ln oLher Lhan lLself ln oLher
words parLlcles do noL necessarlly belong Lo a parLlcular word class ln Arablc parLlcles lnclude
preposlLlons llke from" Lo" ln" on" llke/as" and words llke who" lf" when" and
many more 1he Arablc word for parLlcle ls Harf whlch llLerally means leLLer" 1haL belng sald
some parLlcles buL noL all conslsL of a slngle leLLer whlch aLLaches Lo a word glvlng lL added
meanlng whllsL preservlng lLs sLaLus as one word 1hls ls anoLher lnLeresLlng feaLure of Arablc
whlch dlsLlngulshes lL from Lngllsh and many oLher languages where such parLs of speech are
separaLe words
An example can besL lllusLraLe Lhe ldea of a parLlcle lor lnsLance Lhe word ) - - ~( acLually
means will forglve" raLher Lhan [usL forglve" 1he leLLer sin )( aL Lhe beglnnlng of Lhls verb
adds Lo lL Lhe 'wlll' elemenL Slmllarly Lhe leLLer fr )-( aL Lhe beglnnlng of Lhe verb )_ = (
makes lLs meanlng so he came ouL" lnsLead of he came ouL" Cn Lhe oLher hand Lhe phrase
) + ( ln Lhelr hearLs" conslsLs of Lwo clearly dlsLlncL words ) ( meanlng ln" and
) + ( whlch means Lhelr hearLs"
An lmporLanL polnL musL be made parLlcles Con[uncLlons such as ) ( meanlng or" as well as
)( meanlng and" 1hese are called con[uncLlve phrases or leLLers of 'atf" Lhelr
1he Marels o the Number Seen in the Noble Qur`an
purpose belng Lo connecL Lwo nouns phrases or ldeas LogeLher 1he Lwo con[uncLlons ( )
and )( never aLLach Lo Lhe words whlch follow Lhem ln wrlLlng and as such wlll be consldered
lndependenL words when Lhey serve Lhls role of connecLlng Lwo phrases even Lhough )( ls a
slngle leLLer SomeLlmes of course Lhe leLLer ww )( ls one of Lhe leLLers of a word such as
) - ( a day" and lL ls obvlously noL a word ln Lhls conLexL 8uL Lhe phrase )
- ( and a day" conslsLs of Lwo words namely Lhe con[uncLlon ww )( and" as well as ) - (
a day" Also Lhe leLLer ww )( on some occaslons ln Lhe Cur'an ls used for oaLh lor lnsLance
Lhe phrase )-' ( and Cod" ln some conLexLs means by Cod" or l swear Lo Cod" 1hls
however does noL change Lhe facL LhaL Lhe ww here ls unaLLached Lo Lhe word Cod" and as
such ls also consldered a separaLe word Pavlng sald Lhls any reference Lo parLlcles ln Lhls book
wlll also lnclude con[uncLlons
A slmple rule wlll be followed for deallng wlLh parLlcles
If the particle is not literally attached to a word, it will be considered a separate word
(even if it is a single letter). If it is actually attached to the word, it will be considered part
of that word, not a word on its own.
How to count the Qur'an's Ietters
1he mosL approprlaLe meLhod for counLlng Lhe Cur'anlc leLLers ls Lo counL Lhem as Lhey were
drawn durlng Lhe Llme of Lhe ropheL Muhammad (pbuh) 1hls Lype of scrlpL ls called Lhe
uLhmanl ScrlpL named afLer Lhe ropheL's sonlnlaw uLhman lbn 'Affan who ordered Lhe
compllaLlon of Lhe flrsL offlclal verslon of Lhe Poly Cur'an
Any person who looks Lhrough Lhe old Cur'anlc manuscrlpLs wlll flnd Lhe number of alphabeLlc
leLLers ln Lhe Cur'an Lo be preclsely 2 1hls has been unchanged Lo Lhls very day because Lhe
Arablc alphabeL conslsLs of Lhose same 2 leLLers 1hese are
~ _ _ - - , , , , = = _ _
~ - 4
When Lhe Cur'an was flrsL wrlLLen 14 cenLurles ago lLs leLLers looked somewhaL dlfferenL Lo
how Lhey appear now desplLe belng Lhe same leLLers 1hls ls due Lo Lhe developmenL of Lhe
Arablc language over Llme lor Lhls reason and slnce we are conslderlng Lhe early manuscrlpLs
as Lhe basls for counLlng Lhe Cur'an's leLLers a few polnLs musL be made clear for Lhe sake of
boLh Arablc and nonArablc readers
Cne polnL relaLes Lo Lhe flrsL Arablc leLLer alif )( 1hls leLLer ls wrlLLen ln mulLlple ways ln Lhe
Cur'an dependlng on how lL should be pronounced
1he Marels o the Number Seen in the Noble Qur`an
' ' -
1hese dlfferenL verslons of alif allow lL Lo be pronounced dlfferenLly Powever Lhls does noL
alLer Lhe facL LhaL Lhls leLLer ls sLlll consldered an alif no maLLer how lL ls wrlLLen 1he reason for
Lhls ls LhaL Lhe alif had only one shape )'( ln Lhe flrsL Cur'anlc manuscrlpLs (Lhe Arabs of Lhe
Llme knew how Lhe alif needed Lo be pronounced ln each locaLlon of Lhe Cur'an) buL due Lo
Lhe evoluLlon of Lhls leLLer and ln order for Arabs Lo easlly recognlse lLs preclse pronunclaLlon ln
every poslLlon ln Lhe Cur'an lL has Laken Lhese varlous forms
Secondly a noLlceable feaLure of Lhe dlfferenL models of Lhe leLLer alif ls Lhe small symbol
called Lhe Hamza )-( whlch ls elLher found nexL Lo lL on Lhe llne under lL or perched above lL
1hls symbol ls also ofLen comblned wlLh oLher leLLers such as ww )( and yr )(
neverLheless lL musL be noLed LhaL Lhe Hamza wherever lL ls found wlll not be counLed
among Lhe leLLers of Lhe Cur'an AlLhough Lhls symbol ls ofLen referred Lo as a leLLer lL ls noL ln
facL one of Lhe 2 alphabeLlc leLLers More lmporLanLly durlng Lhe Llme of Lhe ropheL (pbuh)
when Lhe Cur'an was flrsL scrolled Lhls symbol dld noL exlsL and was Lherefore never wrlLLen
1he Hamza found ln Lhe Cur'an Loday ls slmply anoLher resulL of Lhe advancemenL of Lhe
Arablc language and alLhough lL ls very useful for pronounclng Lhe words of Lhe Cur'an lL wlll
noL be counLed among lLs leLLers
lor example Lhe word )-' ~ ~' ( whlch means Lhe sky" conslsLs of leLLers namely
' , '
allf mlm sln lm allf
ln oLher words desplLe belng pronounced Lhe Hamza )-( aL Lhe end of Lhe word ls lgnored
1herefore Lhe leLLer ww )( whlch ls someLlmes comblned wlLh a Hamza perched on Lop of
lL )( ls neverLheless consldered a ww )( wlLh Lhe Hamza neglecLed
Also Lhe leLLer kf )=( ls wrlLLen wlLh a Hamza Lo dlsLlngulsh lL from Lhe leLLer lm ).( noL
only ls Lhls Hamza lgnored lL ls ln facL noL even pronounced
ln addlLlon Lhe leLLer yr )( Lakes Lhe followlng forms ln Lhe Cur'an
Any of Lhe above forms of Lhe leLLer yr wlll be referred Lo wlLh Lhe sLandard verslon of Lhe
leLLer namely )( lor lnsLance Lhe word )=- ( Lhese" ls made up of Lhe leLLers
1he Marels o the Number Seen in the Noble Qur`an
kf yr lm ww allf
1he word ( - ~,) guldance" conslsLs of
- -
1he Lhree forms of Lhe leLLer y above LhaL almosL look llke sLralghL llnes wlLh hooks are
someLlmes wrlLLen ln Lhe Cur'an wlLhouL a Hamza on Lop as ls Lhe case wlLh Lhe followlng
- - -
1he leLLers of Lhls word whlch means your abode" are
mlm kf yr ww allf mlm
8eaders wlll noLlce LhaL Lhe small symbol on Lop of Lhe yr ls noL a Hamza buL raLher a Llny
number 1 1hls of course ls noL Lhe number 1 buL merely a characLer represenLlng Lhe sound
made by Lhe leLLer alif )( 1hls ls anoLher unlque aspecL of Cur'anlc Arablc because Lhls
symbol ls noL a leLLer ln lLself and so ls noL counLed whereas Lhe sLandard Arablc verslon of Lhe
word lncludes an acLual alif
1he leLLer hr )-( also has varlous forms
- -
lor example Lhe word ) - ' ( Lhe prayer" conslsLs of
' 4
hr ww lm rd lm allf
Also Lhe word )- = ' ( paradlse" ls composed of
' ~
hr nun rlm lm allf
1he Marels o the Number Seen in the Noble Qur`an
1here are leLLers whlch are pronounced but not written as ls Lhe case wlLh Lhe unwrlLLen alif
ln Lhe word your abode" Slmllarly Lhe word ( --- ' -' ) We bullL lL" ls wrlLLen wlLh an exLra
alif ln sLandard Arablc as opposed Lo Cur'anlc Arablc
Cur'anlc Arablc SLandard Arablc
' ' - -- )~ ~ ~ ' - '( ' |- - - )~ ~ ~ - '(
1he same ls Lrue for Lhe word )- ~ ' ' ( Lhe worlds"
Cur'anlc Arablc SLandard Arablc
,- - -' - ' )' _ ' ~( ,- - - - ' )' _ ~(
1hese seemlngly Lrlvlal dlfferences are ln facL of crlLlcal lmporLance because many of Lhe
numerlc paLLerns we are abouL Lo encounLer would cease Lo exlsL wlLhouL Lhem
Cn Lhe conLrary Lhere are Cur'anlc leLLers whlch are written but not pronounced uesplLe Lhls
such leLLers musL be counLed and noL lgnored because Lhey are presenL ln Lhe Cur'an
Cne example ls Lhe word )~ - ( wlLh power and mlghL" ls wrlLLen ln sLandard Arablc wlLh only
one yr )( whereas Lwo are found ln Lhe Cur'an's verslon even Lhough only one ls
Cur'anlc Arablc SLandard Arablc
- - )~ -( - -- )~ -(
1here are Lhus leLLers comprlslng Lhls word and noL 4
1he followlng baslc rule can be applled Lo counLlng Lhe Cur'an's leLLers
If a letter is found written in the Qur'an, it will be counted (whether or not it is
pronounced). If a letter is not found written in the Qur'an, it will not be written (whether
or not it is pronounced).
upon examlnaLlon of Lhe Cur'an one wlll reallse LhaL Lhe number of wrlLLen leLLers ls noL
always equal Lo Lhe number of pronounced leLLers uesplLe Lhe exlsLence of Lhese Lwo ways of
counLlng we belleve LhaL Lhe Cur'an's numerlc mlracle acLually encompasses boLh meLhods
someLhlng whlch only lncreases Lhe complexlLy and lnlmlLablllLy of Lhe Cur'anlc numbers
1he Marels o the Number Seen in the Noble Qur`an
lor Lhe purposes of Lhls book we flnd LhaL lnvesLlgaLlng Lhe Cur'an Lhrough lLs wrlLLen leLLers
has Lhe poLenLlal Lo reach a much wlder audlence whlch cruclally lncludes nonArablc readers
who form Lhe vasL ma[orlLy of Lhe world populaLlon More lmporLanLly a maln advanLage of
sLudylng Lhe wrlLLen leLLers lles ln LhaL readers wlll noL only see Lhe leLLers for Lhemselves buL
Lhey can also counL Lhem and experlmenL wlLh Lhem as much as Lhey llke
How to count word repetitions in the Qur'an
When looklng for Lhe repeLlLlon of a word ln Lhe Cur'an we conslder Lhe word along wlLh any
preposlLlons lf Lhey happen Lo be aLLached Lo Lhe word and Lherefore parL of lL Also of course
lf Lhe word lncludes Lhe Lwo leLLers denoLlng Lhe" (namely alif lm) Lhen LhaL word ls also
counLed lor lnsLance Lhe word ( ' ~ ~ ) name" ls repeaLed 22 Llmes ln Lhe Cur'an and ls found
ln four forms )~ ' ( name" ) ~' ( ln Lhe name of" ) ~ ( ln Lhe name of" and )~`' ( Lhe
We musL of course only counL Lhe numbered verses 1he reason Lhls ls menLloned ls LhaL Lhe
8asmala Lhe Cur'an's flrsL verse ls ln facL found 114 Llmes ln Lhe Cur'an buL only on Lwo
occaslons ls Lhe 8asmala numbered namely ln Lhe flrsL verse of Lhe flrsL chapLer SuraL al
laLlhah and Lhe 0Lh verse of SuraL alnaml chapLer 27 1he remalnlng 112 menLlons are
merely slLuaLed before Lhe flrsL verse of every chapLer9 and so carry no number As such Lhey
are noL consldered parL of Lhe Cur'an's verses desplLe belng vlslble Lo any reader who glances
aL Lhe beglnnlngs of Lhe Cur'an's chapLers10
1herefore Lhe Cur'anlc word searches made for Lhe purpose of Lhls book Lake place excluslvely
wlLhln Lhe 2 numbered verses of Lhe Cur'an
The different counting methods
1here ls more Lhan one way Lo counL Lhe leLLers and words of Lhe Cur'an Amazlngly when a
dlfferenL meLhod ls used Lhls does noL acLually desLroy Lhe numerlc arrangemenLs perLalnlng Lo
a parLlcular verse or chapLer lL slmply creaLes new ones! ln oLher words Lhe numerlc mlracle
remalns lnLacL 1hls ls yeL anoLher polnL ln favour of sLudylng Lhe Cur'an's numerlc sysLem
because noL only are numbers ln Lhelr very naLure unblased and lndlspuLable even lf Lwo
people were Lo debaLe LhaL one counLlng meLhod was superlor Lo anoLher Lhey would flnd LhaL
boLh meLhods ln facL produce mlraculous resulLs
Pavlng sald Lhls Lhe Cur'anlc letters can be counLed ln one of Lwo ways
1 Accordlng Lo how Lhey are written (whlch ls used ln Lhls book)
9 AparL from chapLer 9 SuraL al1aubah
10 We wlll neverLheless wlLness laLer on ln Lhe book a prollflc numerlc arrangemenL relaLed Lo Lhe
repeLlLlon of Lhe 114 8asmalas across Lhe Cur'an
1he Marels o the Number Seen in the Noble Qur`an

2 Accordlng Lo how Lhey are pronounced (whlch ls sLlll belng explored)
1he same ls Lrue for Lhe Cur'anlc words slmply because Lhey are composed of leLLers buL one
more crlLlcal polnL also makes a dlfference Lo how Lhe words are counLed
1 Conslderlng Lhe leLLer ww ( ) whenever lL means and" or ls used for oaLh an
lndependenL word (whlch ls how lL ls counLed ln Lhls book)
2 Conslderlng Lhe leLLer ww )( parL of Lhe word whlch follows lL (whlch ls grammaLlcally
correcL and also ylelds mlraculous resulLs 1hls way of counLlng wlll be explored ln oLher sLudles
of Lhe Cur'an's numbers)
As for Lhe repeLlLlon of a parLlcular word across Lhe Cur'an Lhls Loo can be done ln one of Lwo
1 CounLlng Lhe rooL word on lLs own (whlch ls followed ln Lhls book)
2 CounLlng Lhe rooL word along wlLh any of lLs derlvaLlves (eg lf Lhe word we were looklng for
was )~ ' ( name" we would also look for words llke )~ ~' ( hls name"
)-' ~~ ( names" )+ - '~ ~ ( Lhelr names" eLc)
All of Lhe above counLlng Lechnlques are correcL and produce asLoundlng resulLs buL for Lhe
sake of belng meLhodlcal and conslsLenL LhroughouL our sLudy we have chosen and commlLLed
Lo a speclflc approach for counLlng Lhe Cur'an's leLLers words and word repeLlLlons ln order Lo
leave no room for colncldence ln our flnal resulLs
The basis for arranging the Qur'anic numbers
We wlll encounLer a very large amounL of numerlc arrangemenLs exLracLed from Lhe Poly
Cur'an Some of Lhese arrangemenLs represenL connecLlng Lwo or more numbers LogeLher Lo
creaLe new numbers whlch are also mulLlples of 7
1haL ls when we are faced wlLh a collecLlon of numbers such as Lhe chapLer number verse
number word counL and leLLer counL of a parLlcular verse we follow a speclflc Lechnlque for
comblnlng Lhem
1hls Lechnlque ls Lo arrange Lhe numbers lnLo a slngle number ln Lhe followlng loglcal order
1 ChapLer number
2 verse number
Word counL
4 LeLLer counL
1he reason why arranglng numbers ln Lhe above order ls a senslble approach ls self
explanaLory chapLers conLaln verses verses conLaln words and words conLaln leLLers 1hls
1he Marels o the Number Seen in the Noble Qur`an
ls common Lo any rellglous LexL and noL [usL Lo Lhe Cur'an 8eaders musL also be remlnded LhaL
we wlll follow Lhe exacL order by whlch Lhe Cur'an's 114 chapLers and 2 verses are
organlsed because we belleve LhaL Lhls has been decreed from Cod AlmlghLy and Lherefore
musL noL be meddled wlLh [usL llke Lhe Cur'an's words and leLLers cannoL be alLered
The Qur'anic and mathematicaI basis for arranging the Qur'an's numbers
Many researchers lnLo Lhe Cur'anlc numbers have aLLempLed Lo exLracL a numerlc mlracle from
Lhe Cur'an and mosL of Lhese sLudles have concenLraLed on adding leLLers and words
8uL maLhemaLlcs has revealed LhaL more complex meLhods can be employed such as poslLlonal
noLaLlon whlch we have used exLenslvely Lo reveal a new dynamlc and capLlvaLlng mlracle of
1he maLhemaLlcal Lechnlque known as poslLlonal or placevalue noLaLlon has proven lLs
effecLlveness and brllllance across Lhe enLlre Cur'an 1he magnlflcence of Lhls concepL lles ln lLs
slmpllclLy eople from all walks of llfe and areas of knowledge use lL every day ?eL because lL
has no llmlLs masslvely large numbers are ofLen achleved whlch only adds Lo Lhe awelnsplrlng
feellng one recelves when such numbers Lurns ouL Lo be perfecL declmalfree mulLlples of 7 or
even mulLlples of 7 Lwlce Lhree Llmes or more
1o explaln Lhls concepL we sLarL by saylng LhaL every number ls composed of digits and every
dlglL ln LhaL number possesses a place value (ones Lens hundreds Lhousands eLc) Also
every place value ls Len Llmes greaLer Lhan Lhe one precedlng lL 1he orlgln of Lhls sysLem can ln
facL be Laken from Lhe Cur'an lLself where Cod AlmlghLy speaks of Lhe rewards of Lhose who
perform good deeds and speclflcally menLlons Lhe number 10
Pe LhaL doeLh good shall have ten times as much Lo hls credlL
AlAn'am 10
We can undersLand Lhls sysLem by wrlLlng a chaln of numbers based upon Lhe number 10
1 - 10 - 100 - 1000 - 10000 - 100000 - .......
Lvery number ln Lhe chaln ls Len Llmes greaLer Lhan Lhe number before lL 1o glve a more
pracLlcal example we know LhaL Lhe number of verses ln Lhe Cur'an ls 2 Lach of Lhls
number's four dlglL has a place value
Lhousands hundreds Lens ones
1hls can be represenLed ln numerlcal form
1he Marels o the Number Seen in the Noble Qur`an

1000 x 100 x 2 10 x 1 x
1he sum of Lhls chaln ls of course Lhe orlglnal number
6000 + 200 + 30 + 6 = 6236
1hroughouL Lhls book we wlll wlLness how Lhls meLhod marvellously conveys lLself across Lhe
leLLers words verses and chapLers of Lhe Cur'an Cne facL whlch can be concluded aL Lhls polnL
ls LhaL Lhe exlsLence of Lhls maLhemaLlcal dlsclpllne ln Lhe pages of Lhe Cur'an more Lhan 14
cenLurles ago ls buL evldence LhaL Lhls 8ook had already revealed one of Lhe essenLlal
foundaLlons of maLhemaLlcs well before lL came Lo be known by maLhemaLlclans!
8uL one may well ask a crlLlcal quesLlon why do we arrange numbers lnsLead of slmply addlng
1he slmple answer ls LhaL whlle addlng preserves Lhe LoLal sum of parLlcular leLLers words
verses and chapLers lL does noL preserve Lhelr exacL deLalls whlch ls whaL ls requlred Lo
lllusLraLe [usL how mlraculous Lhe Cur'an ls
AlLhough we wlll come across cerLaln arrangemenLs LhaL do produce mulLlples of 7 when
added ln LruLh anyone can creaLe a supposed verse" add lLs words LogeLher Lo creaLe a
mulLlple of 7 and clalm dlvlnlLy 1hls ls no mlracle however
1he Lrue mlracle ls ln placlng each word ln lLs intended locaLlon lnslde any parLlcular verse
asslgnlng a number Lo each word and creaLlng an arrangemenL based on such baslc albelL
asLoundlng loglc Arranglng numbers ln Lhls manner preserves Lhe locaLlon of each word wlLhln
a verse ln oLher words lf Lhe order of any word had shlfLed Lhe resulLlng number would
auLomaLlcally change and no longer become a mulLlple of 7
Cod AlmlghLy has organlsed Lhe words of Pls 8ook ln a speclflc order whlch cannoL and musL
noL be edlLed 1herefore we oughL Lo sLudy Lhe numbers LhaL acLually represenL Lhese words ln
a manner whlch safeguards Lhelr exacL order lnslde a verse !usL as every word ln Lhe Cur'an
has a speclflc place so should every number
1he advanLages LhaL arranglng numbers has over addlng Lhem are plenLy Cne beneflL ls LhaL
when we arrange Lhe leLLer counL of each word ln a verse for lnsLance we are securely
fasLenlng Lhe poslLlon of each word ln LhaL verse buL Lhls proLecLlon lnsLanLly dlsappears when
we merely add Lhe leLLers of every word LogeLher
lurLhermore when we arrange Lhe leLLer counL of each word of a verse lnLo a slngle number
we can clearly see Lhe componenLs of each word ln LhaL number whereas Lhese can no longer
be dlsLlngulshed lf merely Lhe sum ls found
1he Marels o the Number Seen in the Noble Qur`an

ln addlLlon one polnL we hlghllghLed earller ls LhaL arranglng numbers causes Lhem Lo
poLenLlally become Lruly masslve 1hls creaLes a wonderful elemenL of suspense because one
wlll wonder boLh how blg Lhe number mlghL geL and wheLher lL wlll remaln a mulLlple of 7 Cf
course as a number geLs larger Lhe probablllLy of lL belng a mulLlple of 7 geLs smaller
lor example Lhe Cur'an's openlng chapLer SuraL allaLlhah conslsLs of 1 words lf we were Lo
creaLe an arrangemenL based on Lhe leLLer counL of each of lLs words we would arrlve aL a 1
dlglL number (whlch by Lhe way ls a mulLlple of 7!) 1hroughouL Lhls book we wlll encounLer
numbers LhaL are much larger Lhan Lhls even more Lhan 100 dlglLs11 long and see wheLher Lhey
perfecLly dlvlde by 7 lL ls Lhrough such examples LhaL we appreclaLe Lhe Lruly lnlmlLable naLure
of Lhe Cur'an's numerlc arrangemenLs
uurlng Lhe Llme of Lhe ropheL Muhammad (pbuh) numbers were of course used yeL Lhls
Lechnlque of arranglng numbers dld noL exlsL 1herefore Lhe only explanaLlon for Lhe exlsLence
of such a sysLem would have Lo be LhaL Lhe Cur'an ls a dlvlne revelaLlon WhaL ls Lruly
lnLeresLlng ls Lhe facL LhaL Loday's everyday calculaLors usually do noL accepL more Lhan 10
dlglLs Checklng wheLher Lhe resulLs ln Lhls book are correcL mulLlples of 7 ofLen requlres larger
sclenLlflc calculaLors whlch l have personally found challenglng Lo flnd Many onllne calculaLors
however allow such large calculaLlons keeplng Lhls ln mlnd Lhe noLlon LhaL Lhe ropheL
(pbuh) an unschooled man could have manufacLured such huge numbers embedded Lhem ln
Lhe Cur'an and made sure LhaL Lhey were all mulLlples of 7 ls very dlfflculL Lo faLhom 1he more
loglcal perspecLlve seems Lo be LhaL Cod AlmlghLy has deposlLed a groundbreaklng numerlc
mlracle lnLo hls 8ook more Lhan 1400 years ago (whlch he knew ln Pls lnflnlLe Wlsdom would
one day be dlscovered) and ln Loday's 21sL cenLury some of lL aL leasL a gllmpse of lL has
flnally been unlocked
The Ietter ww ; : Is it a Separate Word?
We now come Lo an lmporLanL concludlng example before flnally beglnnlng our [ourney wlLh
Lhe Cur'an's numerlc mlracle
Cne of Lhe mosL lmporLanL leLLers ln Lhe Cur'an ls ww )( whlch ls Lhe mosL common way of
saylng and" ln Arablc and ls also used when cerLaln oaLhs are made
Many Arablc grammarlans when conslderlng Lhls leLLer boLh ln Lhe conLexL of lLs and"
meanlng and ln Lhe conLexL of an oaLh (le as a con[uncLlon) do noL deem lL a word on lLs own
buL merely parL of Lhe word LhaL follows lL We already menLloned LhaL LhroughouL Lhls book
we are golng Lo conslder Lhls leLLer an lndependenL word ln Lhose Lwo conLexLs whlch may
make readers quesLlon Pow can you oppose Lhe speclallsLs of Lhe Arablc language by counLlng
lL separaLely?
11 Cne cannoL even check lf Lhese large numbers dlvlde by 7 uslng a normal everyday calculaLor and would requlre
Lhe use of a larger sclenLlflc calculaLor whlch accepLs calculaLlons of more Lhan 100 dlglLs Many onllne calculaLors
allow such calculaLlons
1he Marels o the Number Seen in the Noble Qur`an
1he [usLlflcaLlon for Lhls ls slmple llrsLly Lhere exlsLs no dlvlnely revealed meLhod for counLlng
Lhe words of Lhe Cur'an Lhls ls purely based on common undersLandlng lurLhermore llngulsLs
and grammarlans conslder Lhe leLLer ww ( ) parL of Lhe word whlch comes afLer lL because
Lhey LreaL lL as Lhey do oLher parLlcles such as Lhe leLLers ).( for" and )=( llke" Accordlng Lo
Lhls loglc ww )( ls noL consldered an lndependenL word
SLrlcLly speaklng however Lhe leLLer ww )( ls a con[uncLlon LhaL connecLs Lwo ldeas [usL llke
) ( or" 1haL belng sald Arablc llngulsLs do conslder ) ( or" an lndependenL word
lurLhermore numerlc research has revealed Lo me LhaL ww )( ls dlfferenL Lo lm ).( for"
kf )=( llke" and slmllar parLlcles because as sLaLed earller lL never llLerally aLLaches Lo Lhe
word LhaL follows lL when wrlLLen 8y way of example we wlll wrlLe Lhe word ).=(
man" afLer Lhe parLlcles ww lm and kf observlng how ww never connecLs Lo Lhe word
J=, - J=, - J=, ;
and a man" llke a man" for a man"
1he ww )( ls clearly dlsconnecLed from Lhe word man Moreover havlng already esLabllshed
Lhe rule for deallng wlLh parLlcles (whlch sLaLes LhaL lf a parLlcle ls aLLached Lo a word Lhen lL ls
parL of lL oLherwlse lL ls a separaLe word) we are slmply belng conslsLenL ln our meLhodology
1here may also be some LruLh ln Lhe oplnlon LhaL and" ls an lndependenL word ln almosL all
Lhe oLher languages of Lhe world and LhaL Lhls follows sulL ln Arablc even Lhough every
language has lLs own unlque feaLures
l can also conflrm Lo readers LhaL ln all Lhe researches l have conducLed on Lhe numerlc mlracle
l have consldered Lhe ww whenever lL Lles LogeLher Lwo nouns phrases or ldeas by meanlng
and" or belng used for an oaLh a dlsLlncL word and LhaL Lhe flnal resulLs l have arrlved aL
have always been conslsLenL mulLlples of 7
And now l presenL Lo you a magnlflcenL example LhaL Lruly asLounded me from Lhe Cur'an lL
clearly lllusLraLes Lhe facL LhaL noL only can Lhe con[uncLlon ww )( be counLed separaLely buL
LhaL Lhe flnal numerlc resulL would noL have been accuraLe had Lhls noL been Lhe case 1hls
example ls a clear lndlcaLlon LhaL Lhe Cur'anlc numbers are of greaL slgnlflcance and LhaL Lhey
requlre much ponderlng and reflecLlon
ln SuraL alkahf (ChapLer 1he Cave) Lhe number 09 ls clLed 1hls number relaLes Lo Lhe sLory
of Lhe eople of Lhe Cave whlch Look place long before Lhe Llme of Lhe ropheL Muhammad
(pbuh) 1he sLory speaks of a group of people (whose number ls known only Lo Cod) who slepL
for 09 years ln a cave wlLhouL any food or drlnk as sLaLed clearly ln Lhe Cur'an
So Lhey sLayed ln Lhelr Cave Lhree hundred years and add nlne
1he Marels o the Number Seen in the Noble Qur`an

Alkahf 12
8uL why was Lhe number 09 chosen? Why noL 00 or 10? AL flrsL glance many may polnL Lo
Lhe apparenL lmposslblllLy of Lhls feaL suggesLlng LhaL Lhe Cur'an musL have been Lampered
wlLh or even LhaL Lhe ropheL hlmself wroLe Lhls sLory 8uL we may ask Can Lhe language of
numbers demonsLraLe Lo us Lhe LruLh of Lhls sLory and LhaL Lhls number was noL randomly
1he sLory beglns ln Lhe followlng manner
~ = - =- -+ ' ' -' ~- ' ~ ' - -' - ' = = )8( ,
- ' - .
-+ ' -' ' - ' - ' - ' - ~ =- ~ = _ - , ' - ~ ' - ~ ' ~ ~ )
01 ( - - ' - _ =
-''- - -+ ' - - ~ ' ~ ~ = )00 ( -- = - =
- ' - _ -= ' ~ ' ` ' ~ ~
Cr dosL Lhou reflecL LhaL Lhe Companlons of Lhe Cave and of Lhe lnscrlpLlon were wonders
among Cur Slgn? (9) 8ehold Lhe youLhs beLook Lhemselves Lo Lhe Cave Lhey sald Cur Lord!
besLow on us Mercy from 1hyself and dlspose of our affalr for us ln Lhe rlghL way! (10) 1hen
We draw (a vell) over Lhelr ears for a number of years ln Lhe Cave (so LhaL Lhey heard noL)
(11) 1hen We roused Lhem ln order Lo LesL whlch of Lhe Lwo parLles was besL aL calculaLlng Lhe
Lerm of years Lhey had Larrled! (12)
Alkahf 1912
And Lhls ls how lL ends
' ` + -+ - , -' ~ - - ~ ' ~' ~' ' ~ )14 ( . ' = ' ' `
- =
~ ~' ' - ~ _ ' ~ ~ - ~ ~ . . ~ - -
~ = ' ~ =
So Lhey sLayed ln Lhelr Cave Lhree hundred years and add nlne (2) Say Cod knows besL how
long Lhey sLayed wlLh Plm ls (Lhe knowledge of) Lhe secreLs of Lhe heavens and Lhe earLh how
clearly Pe sees how flnely Pe hears (everyLhlng)! 1hey have no proLecLor oLher Lhan Plm nor
does Pe share Pls Command wlLh any person whaLsoever (2)
Alkahf 122
1he Marels o the Number Seen in the Noble Qur`an
now we ask agaln ls Lhere a relaLlonshlp beLween Lhe years durlng whlch Lhe people of Lhe
cave sLayed ln Lhe cave and Lhe number of words ln Lhe Cur'anlc passage LhaL Lells Lhelr sLory?
ln oLher words can we exLracL from Lhe verses whlch Lell Lhe sLory of Lhese people Lhe
number of years Lhey spenL lnslde Lhe cave? Slnce we are looklng for Lhe perlod durlng whlch
Lhey sLayed" or Larrled" ln LhaL cave Lhe clue mlghL well be ln LhaL word
lndeed lf we were Lo examlne Lhls Cur'anlc parable from lLs beglnnlng Llll lLs end we would
noLlce LhaL Lhe flrsL Cur'anlc reference Lo Lhe lengLh of Lhelr sLay beglns wlLh Lhe word ( . ` '
(pronounced labithu) whlch means Lhey sLayed" 1he flnal reference Lo Lhe perlod of Lhelr
dwell ln Lhe cave ends Loo wlLh Lhe very same word namely )' ` (
Amazlngly lf we were Lo counL Lhe number of words from and lncludlng Lhe flrsL )' ` (
up Lo Lhe lasL )' ` ( (conslderlng Lhe leLLer ww )( a word of course) we wlll flnd Lhe resulL
Lo be preclsely 09!
lor readers Lo conflrm Lhe accuracy of Lhls resulL for Lhemselves we have presenLed Lhe enLlre
Cur'anlc passage below and clearly spaced ouL each word for readers Lo easlly counL Cruclally
we musL assure readers LhaL no aLLempL has been made Lo alLer or edlL a slngle word ln any
way from Lhe Cur'anlc passage below lL has been copled preclsely as lL appears from Lhe
Cur'an neverLheless lf any reader flnds more comforL ln counLlng Lhese words dlrecLly from
Lhe Cur'an Lhey are cerLalnly free Lo do so
~ = - =- -+ ' ' -' ~- ' ~ ' - -' - ' = = )8( ,
- ' - .
-+ ' -' ' - ' - ' - ' - ~ =- ~ = _ - , ' - ~ ' - ~ ' ~ ~ )
01 ( - - ' - _ =
-''- - -+ ' - - ~ ' ~ ~ = )00 ( -- = - =
- ' - _ -= ' ~ :
' ` ' ~ ~ ) 01 ( - =- = , ' 7
14 ) - - ' - ~' - ~ - , ~ , )02
' -= _ = ' ~' -' ' - ' - 22
- ~ ~ ' ' =~ - ~ 29
- ~ ' ~ - ' - ' ' = = ~ ) 03 ( - . , ' - ~ 7
1he Marels o the Number Seen in the Noble Qur`an
' ~ ' ~ - ~ ' - . - - +- = 44
, = ~ -, - ~ = ~ - ' , _ = ' 2
' ~ ) 04 ( = ' , ~ ' ~ - ~ = . 0 ' ' .
-+ ' ~- - ~ = 9
- _ - ~ ~ - ~' ) 05 ( , ~ ~ ' 7
' = = + -+ ' - ~ - '
' = - + ' ' ~ ~ ' , - 94
, = - ~ = ~ -' - ' ~ ~ - ' 10
- - ~ + ~ ' ~ - -. - ~ 111
' - ' ~ ~ ~ ) 06 ( ~ - ' =' , ~ 119
- ' - ~ - ' ' ~ '' ~ 12
- = ~ - =' ~- - ' = ' +- = 14
141 ) - ~ - ' ' - ~ ~ - ' = )07
= ~ -- = - ' -' ~ - - - ' . -' ~ - 149
` ' ' - ' - ' ~ - = , ' ' 1
= ' ` -' ' ` = ~ = - ~ , 1
1he Marels o the Number Seen in the Noble Qur`an
. -- ~ ~ ' - =- - ' - _ =' ~' - - ,174
- ~ - - = . - ~ - ' ~ = ) 08 ( - 1
- ' += - - = = - ~- - + ~ 191
' = ' ' ~ ) 11 ( = ~ -= ' - +- = 200
' ~ = - ~= ' = - =' ~ ' . 209
- ' +- - = - - , ~ -' '
- '' - 217
+- = - ' - - - = ' ' - ~ ' = 22
_ = , ~ - ~ = - +- = ' ~ =~ ~ )10 ( ~ - ` 22
+ ' - - ~ = + ~ ~' ~ - 29
' = - ' - ~ = ~' ` - - 247
. - = ~ ' ~ + ~ = . .- . 2
' +- . -' ~ ' + = . ~ +- 2
~ - ' ~ = ) 11 ( . ' ~ . =' 27
) = ' ~ = ) 12 . - -' ~ - ' ' = 22
' - ~ - . _ ~ = - - ~ - - - 291
~ ' ~ , ' ~ ~ ) 13 ( ' ` - + -+ 29
1he Marels o the Number Seen in the Noble Qur`an
- , -' ~ 00
- - ~ ' ~' ~ ' ' ~ )14 ( . ' = ' ' ` 09
- = ~ ~ ' ' - _ ~ ' ~ ~ - ~ ~ . . ~ -
- = ~
)' ~ = )15
Alkahf 192
AsLoundlngly noL only ls Lhe LoLal number of words from Lhe flrsL Lo Lhe lasL )' ` ( 09 buL
Lhe Lwo words Lhree hundred" are Lhe 299Lh and 00Lh word of LhaL passage respecLlvely 1haL
ls Lhe word )- ` ( Lhree" ls Lhe 299Lh word Lhe word )-' ~( hundred" ls Lhe 00Lh and exacLly
9 words follow Lhese Lwo Llll Lhe end of Lhe passage! ls Lhls passage noL a profound dlsplay of
coherence beLween words and how numbers express Lhem?
AL Lhe end of Lhls lnLroducLory parL we can flrmly sLaLe LhaL Lhere appears Lo be a
groundbreaklng and Lruly lnlmlLable mlracle ln Lhe numbers of Lhe Cur'an 1he magnlflcence of
Lhls mlracle or aL leasL parL of lL wlll be explored ln Lhe slx parLs Lo follow
1he facL LhaL Lhe Cur'an's numerlc sysLem ls a somewhaL dlfflculL senslLlve and hlghly deLalled
sub[ecL Lo Lackle ls acknowledged and Lhls may parLly [usLlfy why many mlsLakes have been
made by researchers aLLempLlng Lo pursue lL neverLheless Lhe errors and exaggeraLlons made
by some who have researched Lhls relaLlvely new Loplc are no reason Lo shy away from
sLudylng lL ln facL lf anyLhlng Lhese should be moLlves Lo enhance Lhls research area and
lmprove lL for Lhe beLLer as lL may well be of greaL beneflL
ln Lhls parL we also answered some common quesLlons abouL Lhe Cur'an's numerlc mlracle
whlle menLlonlng some of lLs beneflLs lurLhermore an amblLlous aLLempL has been made Lo
puL forLh clear baslc guldellnes for properly pursulng any research lnLo Lhe Cur'anlc numbers
Such research musL be accepLable from boLh a sclenLlflc and rellglous polnL of vlew be lL ln
Lerms of Lhe research daLa research meLhodology or Lhe flnal resulLs
llnally we concluded wlLh an example LhaL emphaLlcally sLressed Lhe greaL slgnlflcance of
paylng aLLenLlon Lo Lhe Cur'an's numbers 1hls example seL Lhe sLage for readers Lo
acknowledge perhaps LhaL ln every Cur'anlc number lles a wealLh of secreLs and LhaL each
carrles wlLh lL a parLlcular purpose because Cod does noL ordaln anyLhlng wlLhouL reason
1he Marels o the Number Seen in the Noble Qur`an
And [usL one of Lhese numbers namely Lhe number 7 wlll be our dedlcaLed Loplc of exploraLlon
for Lhe remalnlng parLs of Lhls book
1he Marels o the Number Seen in the Noble Qur`an
!ART 2
In this part, we explore some of the mysteries of the number 7 in both the Holy Qur'an
and the Sunnah (i.e. Teachings) of the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh), and understand
why and how God Almighty has given this number such high regard.
e will reflect upon some of the wonders of this number in Allah's Book, and witness
how the Qur'an's letters, words, Verses and Chapters come into perfect synchronisation
with this number in ways that challenge imagination.
e will also reflect upon certain specific Qur'anic words and Verses on their own, and
discover relationships and consistencies that are always in harmony with the number 7.
1he Marels o the Number Seen in the Noble Qur`an
The Number 7: Great Status
Allah has lndeed glven some propheLs and messengers a sLaLus greaLer Lhan LhaL of oLhers
such as Lhe ropheL Muhammad abouL whom Pe sald
We senL Lhee noL buL as a Mercy for all creaLures
AlAnblya' 21107
Slmllarly Pe has glven cerLaln days and nlghLs speclal sLaLus such as 'LaylaL AlCadr' (1he nlghL
of ower) abouL whlch Allah sald was worLh more Lhan a Lhousand monLhs ln reward
We have lndeed revealed Lhls (Message) ln Lhe nlghL of ower (1) And whaL wlll explaln Lo
Lhee whaL Lhe nlghL of power ls? (2) 1he nlghL of ower ls beLLer Lhan a Lhousand monLhs ()
1hereln come down Lhe angels and Lhe SplrlL by Cods permlsslon on every errand (4)
eace!1hls unLll Lhe rlse of morn! ()
AlCadr 97
Cod has glven lmporLance Lo cerLaln days such as lrlday and Lo cerLaln monLhs llke Lhe Poly
MonLh of 8amadhan
8amadhan ls Lhe (monLh) ln whlch was senL down Lhe Curan as a gulde Lo manklnd also clear
(Slgns) for guldance and [udgmenL (8eLween rlghL and wrong) So every one of you who ls
presenL (aL hls home) durlng LhaL monLh should spend lL ln fasLlng buL lf any one ls lll or on a
[ourney Lhe prescrlbed perlod (Should be made up) by days laLer Cod lnLends every faclllLy for
you Pe does noL wanL Lo puL Lo dlfflculLles (Pe wanLs you) Lo compleLe Lhe prescrlbed perlod
and Lo glorlfy Plm ln LhaL Pe has gulded you and perchance ye shall be graLeful
Al8aqarah 21
Moreover Cod has glven lmporLance Lo cerLaln mosques and locaLlons such as AlMas[ld Al
Param (1he Sacred Mosque or 1he Crand Mosque) ln Mecca and AlAqsa Mosque ln !erusalem
And Pe has favoured some ChapLers and verses of Lhe Cur'an over oLhers maklng SuraL Al
laLlha 'umm AlklLab' (1he MoLher of Lhe 8ook) Lhe greaLesL ChapLer SuraL Allkhlas equal ln
reward Lo a Lhlrd of Lhe Cur'an and AyaL Alkursl (1he 1hrone verse verse 2 of SuraL Al
8aqara) Lhe greaLesL verse
And now lf we ponder upon Lhe numbers menLloned Lhe Cur'an and sLudy Lhe clLaLlons of
each number we flnd LhaL Allah has glven a unlque preference Lo Lhe number 7
But why 7?
1he Marels o the Number Seen in the Noble Qur`an
WhaL ls lL abouL Lhls number and why ls lL LhaL lL ls repeaLed on many dlfferenL occaslons ln Lhe
Poly Cur'an?
lL musL be polnLed ouL LhaL Lhe number 7 has many lmpllcaLlons ln Lhe unlverse Lhe Cur'an
and Lhe saylngs of Lhe ropheL Muhammad 1he mere repeLlLlon of Lhls number ln Lhe Cur'an ls
fasclnaLlng lndeed we belleve LhaL Lhere ls no oLher book on Lhe face of Lhls LarLh ln whlch Lhe
number 7 (or any number for LhaL maLLer) ls arranged ln such specLacular fashlon
ln facL Lhe number 7 has proven Lo be a very popular number noL only ln Lhe Cur'an Cne of
Lhe mosL frequenLly clLed numbers ln Lhe Poly 8lble ls 7 1he number ls menLloned more Lhan
00 Llmes ln Lhe 8lble noL lncludlng Lhe dlfferenL forms of Lhe number (le sevenLy sevenLh)
1here seems Lo be a suggesLlon amongsL many ln ChrlsLlanlLy LhaL Lhls number ls ln facL Lhe
'Poly number of Cod' and a symbol of Pls perfecLlon A book ls even wrlLLen on Lhe sub[ecL
enLlLled The Number Seven in the Bible and Nature by 8 McCormack
The Number 7 in the Universe
When Cod creaLed Lhe unlverse Pe chose Lhe number 7 as boLh Lhe number of heavens and
number of layers ln Lhe LarLh's aLmosphere Allah says
Cod ls Pe Who creaLed seven llrmamenLs and of Lhe earLh a simiIar number 1hrough Lhe
mldsL of Lhem (all) descends Pls Command LhaL ye may know LhaL Cod has power over all
Lhlngs and LhaL Cod comprehends all Lhlngs ln (Pls) knowledge
Al1alaq 12
8uL even aL atomic level Lhls number ls evldenL 1he chemlcal elemenL nlLrogen ln lLs
molecular form makes up Lhe largesL componenL of Lhe alr we breaLhe abouL 7 nlLrogen ls
an essenLlal bulldlng block of proLelns whlch are absoluLely crlLlcal Lo llfe on LarLh
1haL belng sald Lhe nlLrogen aLom ls composed of exacLly 7 proLons 7 neuLrons and 7
elecLrons and Lhls alone brlngs abouL Lhe slgnlflcance of Lhls number even ln Lhe very roots of
ln addlLlon Lhe days of Lhe week are 7 Lhe number of conLlnenLs ls 7 and so ls Lhe number of
colours ln our vlslble specLrum lL ls also worLh noLlng LhaL Lhe geologlcal layers of Lhe LarLh are
7 someLhlng LhaL sclenLlsLs only recenLly dlscovered
The Number 7 in the Teachings of the !rophet Muhammad pbuh
1here are llLerally Lhousands upon Lhousands of saylngs quoLed by Lhe ropheL Muhammad
1he number 7 plays a slgnlflcanL role ln a subsLanLlal amounL of Lhese saylngs an lndlcaLlon yeL
agaln of lLs lmporLance
1he Marels o the Number Seen in the Noble Qur`an
8elow ls a brlef llsL of some of Lhe Messenger's saylngs LhaL lnvolve Lhe number 7 ln varlous
OAvold Lhe seven greaL desLrucLlve slns"12
OAllah wlll glve shade Lo seven on Lhe uay when Lhere wlll be no shade buL Pls"1
OWhoever usurps Lhe land of somebody un[usLly hls neck wlll be enclrcled wlLh lL down Lhe
seven earLhs (on Lhe uay of 8esurrecLlon)"14
OShall l Lell you Lhe mosL superlor Sura ln Lhe Curan before l go ouL of Lhe mosque? When
Lhe ropheL lnLended Lo go ouL (of Lhe Mosque) l remlnded hlm and he sald 1haL ls
Alhamdullllahl 8abbllAlamln (SuraL AllaLlha) whlch ls Lhe seven ofLrepeaLed verses (Al
MaLhanl) and Lhe Crand Curan whlch has been glven Lo me"1
OWe have been ordered Lo prosLraLe on seven bones" 1 (le forehead along wlLh nose Lwo
hands Lwo knees Lwo Loes)
O1he Cur'an has been revealed Lo be reclLed ln seven dlfferenL ways so reclLe of lL whlchever
ls easy for you "17
Olndeed anyone who fasLs for one day for Allahs leasure Allah wlll keep hls face away from
Lhe (Pell) flre for (a dlsLance covered by a [ourney of) seventy years"1
OSeventy Lhousand people of my followers wlll enLer aradlse wlLhouL accounLs"19
OPe who asks pardon ls noL a conflrmed slnner even lf he reLurns Lo hls sln seventy Llmes a
Olf a dog drlnks from Lhe uLensll of anyone of you lL ls essenLlal Lo wash lL seven Llmes"21
Olf any one of you lmproves (follows sLrlcLly) hls lslamlc rellglon Lhen hls good deeds wlll be
rewarded Len Llmes Lo seven hundred Llmes for each good deed and a bad deed wlll be
recorded as lL ls"22
Olf anyone vlslLs a slck whose Llme (of deaLh) has noL come and says wlLh hlm seven Llmes l
ask Allah Lhe MlghLy Lhe Lord of Lhe mlghLy 1hrone Lo cure you Allah wlll cure hlm from LhaL
12 Sahlh Al8ukharl volume 4 8ook number 2
1 8ukharl volume 1 8ook 11 number 29
14 8ukharl volume 8ook 4 number 2
1 8ukharl volume 8ook 0 number 22
1 8ukharl volume 1 8ook 12 number 774
17 8ukharl volume 9 8ook 9 number 40
1 8ukharl volume 4 8ook 2 number 9
19 8ukharl volume 8ook 7 number 41
20 Sunan Abuuawud 8ook number 109
21 8ukharl volume 4 8ook 1 number 7
22 8ukharl volume 2 8ook 1 number 40
2 Abuuawud 8ook 20 number 100
1he Marels o the Number Seen in the Noble Qur`an
OAllahs AposLle ordered us Lo do seven Lhlngs and forbade us from dolng seven oLhers"24
OPe who eaLs seven A[wa daLes every mornlng wlll noL be affecLed by polson or maglc on Lhe
day he eaLs Lhem"2
1herefore Lhe number 7 (and some of lLs mulLlples) ls Lhe mosL popularly clLed number ln Lhe
narraLlons of Lhe Messenger of Allah lL ls also Lhe mosL repeaLed number ln Lhe Poly Cur'an
afLer Lhe number 1
The Number 7 and the !iIgrimage to Mecca
As ls well known by Musllms Lhe lasL of Lhe flve plllars of lslam ls 'Pa[[' or Lhe pllgrlmage Lo
Mecca whlch Lakes place once a year durlng Lhe lslamlc monLh of uhu AlPl[[ah"
lnLeresLlngly enough many of Lhe rlLuals lnvolved ln Pa[[ Lake Lhe number 7 lnLo conslderaLlon
lor example durlng 'Lawaf' Musllms clrcumambulaLe (le walk around) Lhe ka'aba 7 Llmes
1hey also walk and hurdle beLween Lhe Lwo hllls of Safa and Marwa 7 Llmes
ln addlLlon Lhls number has been menLloned ln Lhe only Cur'anlc verse LhaL speaks of both
Pa[[ and umra (a nonobllgaLory pllgrlmage Lo Mecca) aL Lhe same Llme Cod AlmlghLy says
And compleLe Lhe Pa[[ or umra ln Lhe servlce of Cod 8uL lf ye are prevenLed (lrom compleLlng
lL) send an offerlng for sacrlflce such as ye may flnd and do noL shave your heads unLll Lhe
offerlng reaches Lhe place of sacrlflce And lf any of you ls lll or has an allmenL ln hls scalp
(necesslLaLlng shavlng) (Pe should) ln compensaLlon elLher fasL or feed Lhe poor or offer
sacrlflce and when ye are ln peaceful condlLlons (agaln) lf any one wlshes Lo conLlnue Lhe
umra on Lo Lhe ha[[ Pe musL make an offerlng such as he can afford buL lf he cannoL afford lL
Pe should fasL Lhree days durlng Lhe ha[[ and seven days on hls reLurn Maklng Len days ln all
1hls ls for Lhose whose household ls noL ln (Lhe preclncLs of) Lhe Sacred Mosque And fear Cod
and know LhaL Cod ls sLrlcL ln punlshmenL
Al8aqarah 219
WhaL ls beauLlful abouL Lhls verse ls Lhe facL LhaL Cod AlmlghLy has placed lL as Lhe 19Lh verse
of SuraL Al8aqarah (ChapLer 1he Cow) 1o be more speclflc Lhls number 19 ls a mulLlple
of 7 twice
196 = 4 x 7 x 7
1hls example may naLurally be meL by scepLlclsm (as was Lhe case wlLh me) because lL ls only
Lhe flrsL we have presenLed so far We of course now belleve LhaL lL ls no colncldence slmply
because afLer exLenslvely long research we have dlscovered LhaL Lhe Poly Curan Lo
24 8ukharl volume 2 8ook 2 number 1
2 8ukharl volume 7 8ook number
1he Marels o the Number Seen in the Noble Qur`an
puL lL brlefly ls absoluLely flooded wlLh slmllar and more lnLrlcaLe examples LhaL emanaLe Lhe
wonders of Lhe number 7 As menLloned earller Lhese examples as we wlll see laLer on lnvolve
everyLhlng from Lhe numbers of chapters and verses Lo Lhe numbers of letters and words
The Number 7 in the !arabIes of the Qur'an
1he number 7 ls clLed ln varlous conLexLs ln Lhe Cur'an one of whlch ls Lhe Cur'anlc parables
(shorL sLorles) ln calllng upon hls people Lo belleve ln Cod AlmlghLy and worshlp Plm alone Lhe
ropheL noah says
See ye noL how Cod has creaLed Lhe seven heavens one above anoLher (1) And made Lhe
moon a llghL ln Lhelr mldsL and made Lhe sun as a (Clorlous) Lamp? (1)
nuh 7111
1hls number ls also used ln Lhe sLory of Lhe ropheL ?usuf (!oseph) by Lhe klng of LgypL who
Lalks abouL hls dream
1he klng (of LgypL) sald l do see (ln a vlslon) seven faL klne whom seven lean ones devour
and seven green ears of corn and seven (oLhers) wlLhered C ye chlefs! Lxpound Lo me my
vlslon lf lL be LhaL ye can lnLerpreL vlslons
?usuf 124
And ln Lhe very same ChapLer Cod AlmlghLy even repeaLs Lhls number Lhree Llmes ln a slngle
C !oseph! (he sald) C man of LruLh! Lxpound Lo us (Lhe dream) of seven faL klne whom
seven lean ones devour and of seven green ears of corn and (seven) oLhers wlLhered LhaL l
may reLurn Lo Lhe people and LhaL Lhey may undersLand (4) (!oseph) sald lor seven years
shall ye dlllgenLly sow as ls your wonL and Lhe harvesLs LhaL ye reap ye shall leave Lhem ln Lhe
ear excepL a llLLle of whlch ye shall eaL (47) 1hen wlll come afLer LhaL (perlod) seven
dreadful (years) whlch wlll devour whaL ye shall have lald by ln advance for Lhem (all) excepL
a llLLle whlch ye shall have (speclally) guarded (4)
?usuf 1244
1hls number ls also found when explalnlng Lhe punlshmenL of Lhe people who re[ecLed Lhe
message of Lhe ropheL Pud
8uL Lhe 1hamud Lhey were desLroyed by a Lerrlble SLorm of Lhunder and llghLnlng! () And Lhe
Ad Lhey were desLroyed by a furlous Wlnd exceedlngly vlolenL () Pe made lL rage agalnsL
Lhem seven nlghLs and elghL days ln successlon so LhaL Lhou couldsL see Lhe (whole)
1he Marels o the Number Seen in the Noble Qur`an
people lylng prosLraLe ln lLs (paLh) as Lhey had been rooLs of hollow palmLrees Lumbled down!
AlPaaqqah 97
And ln Lhe sLory of ropheL Moses Lhe number 70 a mulLlple of 7 ls clLed
And Moses chose seventy of hls people for Cur place of meeLlng when Lhey were selzed wlLh
vlolenL quaklng he prayed C my Lord! lf lL had been 1hy wlll 1hou couldsL have desLroyed
long before boLh Lhem and me wouldsL 1hou desLroy us for Lhe deeds of Lhe foollsh ones
among us? Lhls ls no more Lhan 1hy Lrlal by lL 1hou causesL whom 1hou wllL Lo sLray and 1hou
leadesL whom 1hou wllL lnLo Lhe rlghL paLh 1hou arL our roLecLor so forglve us and glve us
1hy mercy for 1hou arL Lhe besL of Lhose who forglve
AlA'raf 71
Agaln Lhe number 7 appears ln Lhe sLory of Lhe eople of Lhe Cave when Lhe number of people
LhaL ls sald Lo have been ln Lhe cave ls under speculaLlon
(Some) say Lhey were Lhree Lhe dog belng Lhe fourLh among Lhem (oLhers) say Lhey were flve
Lhe dog belng Lhe slxLh doubLfully guesslng aL Lhe unknown (yeL oLhers) say Lhey were
seven Lhe dog belng Lhe elghLh Say Lhou My Lord knoweLh besL Lhelr number lL ls buL few
LhaL know Lhelr (real case) LnLer noL Lherefore lnLo conLroversles concernlng Lhem excepL
on a maLLer LhaL ls clear nor consulL any of Lhem abouL (Lhe affalr of) Lhe Sleepers
Alkahf 122
ln shorL Lhe relaLlonshlp LhaL Lhe number 7 (and lLs mulLlples) has wlLh Lhe parables of Lhe
Cur'an ls one LhaL cannoL be lgnored 1hose lnLeresLed ln anclenL hlsLory parLlcularly ln
LgypLology wlll also noLe LhaL Lhls number was of much slgnlflcance ln anclenL LgypL and a
symbol of compleLeness
The Number 7 and the Day of Judgment
1he number 7 does noL seem Lo conflne lLself merely Lo Lhls worldly llfe buL ls also presenL
when menLlon ls of Lhe PereafLer and Lhe uay of !udgmenL 1he Arablc word (AlClyama)
meanlng '1he uay of !udgmenL' ls repeaLed ln Lhe Cur'an preclsely sevenLy Llmes and Lhls of
course ls a perfecL mulLlple of 7
70 = 10 x 7
lurLhermore Lhe word (!ahannam) meanlng 'Pellflre' ls repeaLed exacLly sevenLyseven Llmes
agaln a mulLlple of 7
77 = 11 x 7
1he Marels o the Number Seen in the Noble Qur`an
Cod AlmlghLy speaks of Lhe seven doors of Pellflre as well
And verlly Pell ls Lhe promlsed abode for Lhem all! (4) 1o lL are seven gaLes for each of
Lhose gaLes ls a (speclal) class (of slnners) asslgned (44)
AlPl[r 1444
Lven when Lhe punlshmenL of Cod AlmlghLy ls explalned a mulLlple of 7 ls clLed agaln
And he LhaL wlll be glven hls 8ecord ln hls lefL hand wlll say Ah! Would LhaL my 8ecord had
noL been glven Lo me! (2) And LhaL l had never reallsed how my accounL (sLood)! (2) Ah!
Would LhaL (ueaLh) had made an end of me! (27) Cf no proflL Lo me has been my wealLh! (2)
My power has perlshed from me! (29) (1he sLern command wlll say) Selze ye hlm and
blnd ye hlm (0) And burn ye hlm ln Lhe 8lazlng llre (1) lurLher make hlm march ln a
chaln whereof Lhe lengLh ls seventy cublLs! (2) 1hls was he LhaL would noL belleve ln Cod
MosL Plgh ()
AlPaaqqah 92
Cruclally lL musL be menLloned LhaL Cod AlmlghLy uses Lhls number when speaklng of Pls own
dlvlne neverendlng words
And lf all Lhe Lrees on earLh were pens and Lhe ocean (were lnk) wlLh seven oceans behlnd lL
Lo add Lo lLs (supply) yeL would noL Lhe words of Cod be exhausLed (ln Lhe wrlLlng) for Cod ls
LxalLed ln ower full of Wlsdom
Luqmaan 127
The Number 7 and harity
1he number 7 ls menLloned when Cod AlmlghLy speaks of Lhe mulLlplled reward of Lhose who
spend whaLever blesslngs Lhey have for Lhe sake of Cod's pleasure
1he parable of Lhose who spend Lhelr subsLance ln Lhe way of Cod ls LhaL of a graln of corn lL
groweLh seven ears and each ear PaLh a hundred gralns Cod glveLh manlfold lncrease Lo
whom Pe pleaseLh And Cod careLh for all and Pe knoweLh all Lhlngs
Al8aqarah 221
Pere we polnL ouL Lo Lhe facL LhaL Allah on one hand speaks of Lhe number 7 buL on anoLher
hand refers Lo Lhe concepL of mulLlpllcaLlon (each ear PaLh a hundred gralns Cod glveLh
manlfold lncrease) ln Lhls example perhaps ls an alluslon Lo a posslble numerlcal
arrangemenL LhaL concerns Lhe mulLlples of Lhe number 7 and Cod AlmlghLy knows besL
1haL belng sald one of Lhe mulLlples of 7 namely Lhe number 70 has been repeaLed several
Llmes ln Lhe Poly Cur'an 1hls number of course ls a mulLlple of 7 Len Llmes (70 10 x 7)
1he Marels o the Number Seen in the Noble Qur`an
Cne of Lhose lnsLances ls found ln SuraL Al1aubah when Cod Lells Lhe ropheL Muhammad
LhaL Lhe hypocrlLes would noL be forglven for Lhe sln Lhey have commlLLed
WheLher Lhou ask for Lhelr forglveness or noL (Lhelr sln ls unforglvable) lf Lhou ask seventy
Llmes for Lhelr forglveness Cod wlll noL forglve Lhem because Lhey have re[ecLed Cod and Pls
AposLle and Cod guldeLh noL Lhose who are perversely rebelllous
Al1aubah 90
The Number 7 and the !raise of God
ln Lhe Poly Cur'an Lhere are preclsely seven ChapLers whlch begln wlLh pralse or glorlflcaLlon
or 1asbeeh" of Allah 1hese ChapLers are Allsra' AlPadld AlPasyr AlSaff Al!umu'ah Al
1aghabun and AlA'la
LeL us Lake a look aL Lhese seven openlng verses
1 GIory Lo (Cod) Who dld Lake Pls servanL for a !ourney by nlghL from Lhe Sacred Mosque Lo
Lhe farLhesL Mosque whose preclncLs We dld bless ln order LhaL We mlghL show hlm some of
Cur Slgns for Pe ls Lhe Cne Who heareLh and seeLh (all Lhlngs)
Allsra' 171
2 WhaLever ls ln Lhe heavens and on earLh leL lL declare Lhe !raises and GIory of Cod for
Pe ls Lhe LxalLed ln MlghL Lhe Wlse
AlPadld 71
WhaLever ls ln Lhe heavens and on earLh leL lL declare Lhe !raises and GIory of Cod for
Pe ls Lhe LxalLed ln MlghL Lhe Wlse
AlPashr 91
4 WhaLever ls ln Lhe heavens and on earLh leL lL declare Lhe !raises and GIory of Cod for
Pe ls Lhe LxalLed ln MlghL Lhe Wlse
AlSaff 11
WhaLever ls ln Lhe heavens and on earLh doLh declare Lhe !raises and GIory of Cod Lhe
Soverelgn Lhe Poly Cne Lhe LxalLed ln MlghL Lhe Wlse
Al!umu'ah 21
WhaLever ls ln Lhe heavens and on earLh doLh declare Lhe !raises and GIory of Cod Lo
Plm belongs domlnlon and Lo Plm belongs pralse and Pe has power over all Lhlngs
1he Marels o the Number Seen in the Noble Qur`an

Al1aghabun 41
7 GIorify Lhe name of Lhy CuardlanLord MosL Plgh
AlA'la 71
1hls resulL hldes perhaps a cerLaln numerlcal relaLlonshlp beLween Lhe number seven and Lhe
above verses LhaL may be dlscovered ln Lhe near fuLure and agaln Cod knows besL
The Number 7 and the Letters of the Qur'an
lndeed Lhe ulvlne Wlsdom of Cod AlmlghLy has called for Lhe Poly Cur'an Lo be senL down ln
Lhe Arablc language a language whlch conslsLs of preclsely 2 alphabeLlc leLLers a mulLlple of 7
2 4 x 7
1he number 7 ls evldenL ln Lhe openlng ChapLer of Lhe Cur'an namely SuraL AllaLlha whlch
Cod comprlsed of 7 verses
And ln SuraL AlPl[r we flnd LhaL Cod AlmlghLy dlrecLly addresses Lhe ropheL Muhammad by
speaklng Lo hlm of SuraL AllaLlha
And e have bestowed upon thee the Seven ft-repeaLed (verses) and the Grand
AlPl[r 17
1he above phrase SevenofL repeaLed (verses)" ls a reference SuraL AllaLlha lL ls consldered
Lhe greaLesL ChapLer of Lhe Cur'an and ls lndeed ofLrepeaLed noL leasL because Lhls ls Lhe
only ChapLer LhaL all Musllms reclLe ln each of Lhelr flve dally prayers
ln addlLlon lL noL only conslsLs of 7 verses buL Lhls very facL has been emphaslsed by Lhe above
verse from SuraL AlPl[r Pavlng sald LhaL we now polnL ouL Lo Lhe followlng wonderful facL Cf
Lhe 2 leLLers LhaL make up Lhe Arablc language exacLly 21 are used ln SuraL AllaLlha
ConvenlenLly enough 21 as we all know ls anoLher mulLlple of 7 21 x 7!
AnoLher lnLeresLlng facL resldes ln Lhe Cur'an 1he Poly Cur'an conLalns some 'speclal leLLers'
whlch creaLe 'speclal phrases' LhaL are used as Lhe openlng verses of 29 ChapLers We wlll call
Lhem 'speclal' because Lhe full meanlng behlnd Lhese seemlngly dlsconnecLed characLers has
noL yeL been fully undersLood 1hese varlous openlng phrases are llsLed below
)- ' -- ' ,- ' ,-- ' - |- ^= ~ = ,= ,- =
_~ - ~(
ecullarly as you can clearly see Lhere are exacLly 14 openlng speclal phrases a mulLlple of 7
agaln 14 2 x 7
1he Marels o the Number Seen in the Noble Qur`an
Please note that some of these phrases consist of just one Arabic letter ~( ), some
two ) =( , some three ),- ' ( some four )-- ' (, and one of them - |-
consists of five letters.
8eL here ls where lL geLs really lnLeresLlng noL only are Lhere 14 speclal words buL Lhe number
of dlfferenL leLLers maklng up Lhese phrases ls also 14! ln oLher words exacLly 14 different
openlng leLLers are found ln varlous comblnaLlons Lo form Lhese 14 phrases and Lhese leLLers
are as follows
' , _ _ = , _ ~
erhaps ln Lhls presence of Lhe number 14 Lwlce ls an lndlcaLlon as Lo Lhe exlsLence of a
relaLlonshlp beLween Lhese speclflc leLLers and Lhe number 7 and lLs mulLlples Powever LhaL
wlll only be explored ln parL 7 of Lhls book so for now lL wlll have Lo walL
The Number 7 and the reation of the Heavens
1here are verses ln Lhe Poly Cur'an LhaL speak abouL Lhe creaLlon of Lhe 7 Peavens and Lhe
LarLh ln six days lf we happen Lo look for Lhem we flnd Lhere are preclsely 7 such verses ln Lhe
1 ?our CuardlanLord ls Cod Who created the heavens and the earth in six days and ls
flrmly esLabllshed on Lhe Lhrone (of auLhorlLy) Pe draweLh Lhe nlghL as a vell oer Lhe day each
seeklng Lhe oLher ln rapld successlon Pe creaLed Lhe sun Lhe moon and Lhe sLars (all)
governed by laws under Pls command ls lL noL Pls Lo creaLe and Lo govern? 8lessed be Cod
Lhe Cherlsher and SusLalner of Lhe worlds!
AlA'raf 74
2 verlly your Lord ls Cod who created the heavens and the earth in six days and ls
flrmly esLabllshed on Lhe Lhrone (of auLhorlLy) regulaLlng and governlng all Lhlngs no
lnLercessor (can plead wlLh Plm) excepL afLer Pls leave (haLh been obLalned) 1hls ls Cod your
Lord Plm Lherefore serve ye wlll ye noL recelve admonlLlon?
?unus 10
Pe lL ls Who created the heavens and the earth in six Days and Pls 1hrone was over
Lhe waLers LhaL Pe mlghL Lry you whlch of you ls besL ln conducL 8uL lf Lhou werL Lo say Lo
Lhem ?e shall lndeed be ralsed up afLer deaLh Lhe unbellevers would be sure Lo say 1hls ls
noLhlng buL obvlous sorcery!
Pud 117
1he Marels o the Number Seen in the Noble Qur`an

4 Pe Who created the heavens and the earth and aII that is between, in six days
and ls flrmly esLabllshed on Lhe 1hrone (of AuLhorlLy) Cod MosL Craclous ask Lhou Lhen
abouL Plm of any acqualnLed (wlLh such Lhlngs)
Allurqan 29
lL ls Cod Who has created the heavens and the earth, and aII between them, in six
Days, and ls flrmly esLabllshed on Lhe 1hrone (of AuLhorlLy) ye have none besldes Plm Lo
proLecL or lnLercede (for you) wlll ye noL Lhen recelve admonlLlon?
AlSa[dah 24
We created the heavens and the earth and aII between them in Six Days nor dld
any sense of wearlness Louch us
Caaf 0
7 Pe lL ls Who created the heavens and the earth in Six Days and ls moreover flrmly
esLabllshed on Lhe 1hrone (of AuLhorlLy) Pe knows whaL enLers wlLhln Lhe earLh and whaL
comes forLh ouL of lL whaL comes down from heaven and whaL mounLs up Lo lL And Pe ls wlLh
you wheresoever ye may be And Cod sees well all LhaL ye do
AlMu[adalah 7
1he phenomenon of Lhe creaLlon of Lhe 7 Peavens ls repeaLed 7 Llmes [usL llke Lhe number of
Peavens 1he quesLlon of wheLher Lhls ls colncldence or dlvlne preclslon ls noL up Lo us of
course As you wlll have noLlced ln Lhe seven verses above Lhey all menLloned Lhe heavens buL
none of Lhem referred Lo Lhe heavens as Lhe seven heavens
1haL ls why we wlll now look aL how Lhe 'seven heavens' are repeaLed ln Lhe Cur'an and
exLend our argumenL ln favour of Lhe noLlon LhaL Lhe repeLlLlon of verses and words ln Lhls
wonderful 8ook ls all ln accordance wlLh a dellberaLe lnLrlcaLely deLalled arrangemenL
The Number 7 and the Seven Heavens
When we look for Lhe menLlon of Lhe seven heavens ln Lhe Poly Cur'an we flnd a connecLlon
beLween Lhls and Lhe number 7 because Lhe preclse number of verses whlch menLlon Lhe
seven heavens ln Lhe enLlre book ls (yes you guessed lL) 7
1 lL ls Pe Who haLh creaLed for you all Lhlngs LhaL are on earLh Moreover Pls deslgn
comprehended Lhe heavens for Pe gave order and perfecLlon Lo Lhe seven flrmamenLs and of
all Lhlngs Pe haLh perfecL knowledge
Al8aqarah 229
1he Marels o the Number Seen in the Noble Qur`an

2 1he seven heavens and Lhe earLh and all belngs Lhereln declare Pls glory Lhere ls noL a
Lhlng buL celebraLes Pls pralse And yeL ye undersLand noL how Lhey declare Pls glory! verlly Pe
ls CfLlorbear MosL lorglvlng!
Allsra' 1744
Say Who ls Lhe Lord of Lhe seven heavens and Lhe Lord of Lhe 1hrone (of Clory)
Supreme?" () 1hey wlll say (1hey belong) Lo Cod" Say Wlll ye noL Lhen be fllled wlLh
awe?" (7)
AlMu'mlnun 27
4 So Pe compleLed Lhem as seven flrmamenLs ln Lwo uays and Pe asslgned Lo each heaven lLs
duLy and command And We adorned Lhe lower heaven wlLh llghLs and (provlded lL) wlLh
guard Such ls Lhe uecree of (Plm) Lhe LxalLed ln MlghL lull of knowledge
lussllaL 4112
Cod ls Pe Who creaLed seven llrmamenLs and of Lhe earLh a slmllar number 1hrough Lhe
mldsL of Lhem (all) descends Pls Command LhaL ye may know LhaL Cod has power over all
Lhlngs and LhaL Cod comprehends all Lhlngs ln (Pls) knowledge
Al1alaq 12
Pe Who creaLed Lhe seven heavens one above anoLher no wanL of proporLlon wllL Lhou see
ln Lhe CreaLlon of (Cod) MosL Craclous So Lurn Lhy vlslon agaln seesL Lhou any flaw?
AlMulk 7
7 'See ye noL how Cod has creaLed Lhe seven heavens one above anoLher (1) 'And made
Lhe moon a llghL ln Lhelr mldsL and made Lhe sun as a (Clorlous) Lamp? (1)
nuh 7111
So Lo reflecL we say Lhe followlng Cod AlmlghLy has creaLed 7 glorlous heavens only one of
whlch ls vlslble Lo Lhe naked eye And by Pls Wlsdom Pe clLes Lhe 'seven heavens' ln Lhe Poly
Cur'an no more or less Lhan preclsely 7 Llmes
The First and Last Mention of 7 in the Qur'an: Symmetry Unmatched
A number of profound numerlcal conslsLencles are found beLween Lhe flrsL and lasL menLlon of
seven ln Lhe Poly Cur'an
1he number 7 ls flrsL clLed when Cod AlmlghLy declares
1he Marels o the Number Seen in the Noble Qur`an
lL ls Pe Who haLh creaLed for you all Lhlngs LhaL are on earLh Moreover Pls deslgn
comprehended Lhe heavens for Pe gave order and perfecLlon Lo Lhe seven flrmamenLs and of
all Lhlngs Pe haLh perfecL knowledge
Al8aqarah 229
1he lasL Llme Lhe number ls menLloned ls ln Lhe followlng verse
And (have We noL) bullL over you Lhe seven flrmamenLs
Alnaba' 712
now we observe Lhe followlng facLs LhaL demonsLraLe a mysLerlous accuracy beLween Lhe
above Lwo verses
Fact 1
1he number of ChapLers from SuraL Al8aqarah where 7 ls flrsL clLed Lo SuraL Alnaba' where lL
ls lasL clLed ls 77 ChapLers a mulLlple of 7
77 = 11 x 7
So havlng [usL conflrmed LhaL Lhe number of ChapLers ln beLween Lhe flrsL and lasL clLaLlon of 7
divides by 7 we Lackle more senslLlve grounds by asklng WhaL abouL Lhe number of Verses?
Fact 2
lf we counL Lhe number of verses from Lhe verse where 7 ls flrsL menLloned (29Lh verse of
SuraL Al8aqarah) unLll Lhe lasL verse where 7 ls menLloned (12Lh verse of SuraL Alnaba') we
flnd Lhe number of Verses Lo be preclsely 49 And Lhls ls a perfecL mulLlple of 7
5649 = 807 x 7
So far we have dlscovered LhaL both Lhe number of ChapLers and verses beLween Lhe flrsL and
lasL repeLlLlon of Lhe number 7 are exacL mulLlples of 7 8uL Lhere's more Lo come
Fact 3
1he number of verses from Lhe very beglnnlng of SuraL Al8aqarah (1he ChapLer where 7 ls flrsL
menLloned) unLll Lhe very end of SuraL Alnaba' (1he ChapLer where 7 ls lasL menLloned) ls 70
a mulLlple of 7
5705 = 815 x 7
So noL only are Lhe numbers of ChapLers and verses Lurnlng ouL Lo be mulLlples of 7 buL don'L
forgeL LhaL Lhe number 7 ls Lhe very sub[ecL of our dlscusslon because we are looklng aL where
Lhls number ls used ln Lhe Cur'an!
1he Marels o the Number Seen in the Noble Qur`an

Fact 4
1he number of verses from Lhe beglnnlng of SuraL Al8aqarah up Lo Lhe verse whlch precedes
Lhe one menLlonlng Lhe number 7 ln LhaL very ChapLer ls 2 a mulLlple of 7 2 4 x 7 1hls
makes perfecL sense of course because Lhe verse whlch menLlons 7 ls Lhe 29Lh verse of SuraL
Al8aqarah meanlng LhaL 2 verse precede lL
ln oLher words when we counL Lhe number of verses from Lhe flrsL verse Lo Lhe verse LhaL
comes dlrecLly before Cod's saylng
It is He ho hath created for you all things that are on earth; Moreover His design
comprehended the heavens, for He gave order and perfection to the seven firmaments;
and of all things He hath perfect knowledge.
Al8aqarah 229
we flnd LhaL Lhere are exacLly 2 verses 1haL ls regardlng Lhe flrsL Llme 7 ls menLloned ln Lhe
Poly Cur'an
Whlch begs Lhe quesLlon WhaL abouL Lhe lasL Llme Lhls number ls ever menLloned ln Lhe
Cur'an? ls Lhere any slmllar arrangemenL Lhere?
1he answer ls yes ln facL Lhe correspondlng arrangemenL ls so beauLlful LhaL lL lnvolves Lhe
same number 2 lf we counL Lhe number of verses from Lhe verse comlng dlrecLly after Lhe
12Lh verse of SuraL Alnaba' (where 7 ls lasL clLed) unLll Lhe very end of SuraL Alnaba' we flnd
LhaL Lhere are preclsely 2 verses!
1haL ls noL all however now we ask WhaL abouL Lhe number of verses from Lhe very
beglnnlng of Lhe Cur'an Lo Lhe very end of SuraL Alnaba' Lhe ChapLer whlch lasL menLlons Lhe
number 7?
Fact 5
CounLlng Lhe number of verses from Lhe flrsL verse ln Lhe Poly Cur'an Lo Lhe lasL verse ln SuraL
Alnaba we flnd LhaL Lhere are 712 verses a number whlch perfecLly dlvldes by 7
5712 = 816 x 7
Fact 6
llnally lL ls lnLeresLlng Lo noLe LhaL ln Lhe Arablc language Lhe number 7 ln word form (le
seven) can be wrlLLen ln several dlfferenL ways dependlng on Lhe conLexL of a glven passage
1he Marels o the Number Seen in the Noble Qur`an
1haL belng sald when Lhe number ls flrsL found ln Lhe Cur'an ln SuraL Al8aqarah lL ls wrlLLen
as ( ~ ) wlLh Lhree leLLers (, ~ _ ) When lL ls lasL clLed however lL ls wrlLLen as
( ~ ,' ) wlLh four leLLers( , ~ _ ,' )
1herefore Lhe LoLal number of leLLers maklng up Lhe flrsL and lasL menLlons of 'seven' ln Lhe
Cur'an ls 7!
lL ls necessary Lo ask Lhe followlng quesLlon Could Lhese conslsLencles have been slmply bllnd
colncldence? 1hls ls a [udgmenL LhaL we do noL make lL ls up Lo each lndlvldual reader Lo
declde for Lhelr own We slmply sLaLe whaL we personally belleve and Lry Lo supporL our vlews
wlLh evldence LhaL addresses human lnLellecL
So far, we've witnessed precision that extends as far as individual words examined on
their own, so just what could be found if all the words of the Qur'an were similarly
analysed? Scientific reasoning suggests that such numerical coincidence can only exist
in a book when the author actually makes the effort of arranging his words in a specific
And we belleve LhaL Lhe arrangemenLs LhaL are found ln Lhe Cur'an whlch relaLe Lo Lhe number
7 are abundanL proof LhaL Cod AlmlghLy wlLh hls lnflnlLe wlsdom has mlraculously arranged
Lhe leLLers of Pls 8ook Lhus provlng LhaL Lhe Cur'an ls a 8ook senL down by Lhe very CreaLor of
Lhe 7 heavens
CulLe honesLly we wlll never be able Lo calculaLe or counL [usL how many examples of
numerlcal conslsLencles exlsL wlLhln Lhe Cur'an buL we wlll explore Lhe numerlcal mlracle ln
more deLall ln Lhe upcomlng arLs of Lhls book
Just what is the Numeric MiracIe?
Lvery funcLlon on earLh ls organlsed ln a parLlcular manner whlch depends ln one way or
anoLher on numbers arLlcularly ln Lhe 21sL cenLury Lhe language of numbers ls of cenLral
lmporLance and ls lnevlLably used for mosL lf noL all Lhose funcLlons
1oday for lnsLance when sclenLlsLs speak of Lhe celesLlal cycles of Lhe moon and Lhe sun Lhe
dlsLances beLween planeLs Lhe esLlmaLed age of Lhe LarLh and of mounLalns and rocks all Lhls
ls governed by numbers
WlLhouL numbers we could noL have preclsely calculaLed Lhe fuLure daLes and Llmes when
varlous phenomena such as Lhe solar and lunar ecllpses Lake place CulLe slmply wlLhouL
numbers we would noL have known whaL Llme lL was numbers glve meanlng Lo our world
1he days of Lhe monLh and monLhs of Lhe year are all sLrlcLly deflned by numbers and Lhls ls
someLhlng LhaL Cod AlmlghLy even refers Lo ln Lhe Poly Cur'an
1he Marels o the Number Seen in the Noble Qur`an
1he number of monLhs ln Lhe slghL of Cod ls tweIve (ln a year) so ordalned by Plm Lhe day Pe
creaLed Lhe heavens and Lhe earLh of Lhem four are sacred LhaL ls Lhe sLralghL usage
Al1aubah 9
1hls brlngs us Lo Lhe word of Cod AlmlghLy naLurally Lhe words of Cod are unllke Lhose of
man 1herefore we are golng Lo use Lhe slmple language of numbers Lo express Lhe wonderful
preclslon of Lhe Cur'an's words and hence conclude LhaL Lhls 8ook ls sLrucLured ln amazlngly
accuraLe fashlon
ln oLher words lL ls our bellef LhaL Cod AlmlghLy has mlraculously arranged Pls words ln a
manner such LhaL parL of Lhelr beauLy lles ln Lhelr arrangemenL in a numerical sense noL
only LhaL buL we shall be uslng an abundance of examples of numerlcal accuracy Lo prove LhaL
lf lndeed Lhls Cur'an was Lhe word of man lL slmply musL have conLalned numerous
conLradlcLlons aL Lhls numerlcal level aL leasL
And now we wlll look aL some more arrangemenLs connecLlng Lhe beglnnlng of Lhe Cur'an Lo
lLs end
The First and Last hapters of the Qur'an
1here are deflned numbers ln Lhe Poly Cur'an abouL whlch Lhere can be no argumenL lor
lnsLance Lhe Cur'an conslsLs of 114 ChapLers and Lhe flrsL ChapLer SuraL AllaLlha (ChapLer
1he Cpenlng) ls ChapLer #1 lL follows LhaL Lhe lasL ChapLer SuraL Alnas (ChapLer 1he
eople) ls ChapLer #114
1hese Lwo ChapLers Lhe flrsL and Lhe lasL are beauLlfully connecLed Lo each oLher wlLh respecL
Lo Lhe number 7 We now flrsL wrlLe Lhe number 1 (whlch represenLs SuraL AllaLlha) followed
by Lhe number 114 (whlch represenLs SuraL Alnas) nexL Lo lL
The Last hapter's Number The First hapter's Number
114 1
Arranglng Lhese Lwo numbers nexL Lo each oLher ln loglcal sequence glves Lhe number 1141
LxqulslLely Lhls ls a mulLlple of 7
1141 = 163 x 7
noL only LhaL buL addlng each separaLe unlL of Lhls number also glves us exacLly 7!
1 + 1 + 4 + 1 = 7
AL Lhls polnL and from Lhls polnL onwards lL ls cruclal Lo noLe Lhe followlng
e follow one fixed mathematical method of arranging numbers, according to their
logical sequence in the Holy Qur'an. In other words, the Arabic language, the language
of the
1he Marels o the Number Seen in the Noble Qur`an
Qur'an, is communicated from right to left, unlike English, for instance, which reads from
left to right. This means that one begins reading the Chapters of the Qur'an from the
right to the left. In accordance with this rule, we arrange the numbers from right to left,
exactly as they appear in the Qur'an.
Unique Numbers in the Qur'an
1here are a few unlque numbers LhaL dlsLlngulsh Lhe Poly Cur'an from any oLher LexL Among
Lhese are 1he number of lLs ChapLers Lhe number of lLs verses and Lhe number of years lL Look
for Lhe 8ook Lo be senL down
1he Cur'an has 114 ChapLers 2 verses2 and was senL down Lo Lhe ropheL Muhammad
over 2 years of revelaLlon
We wlll now observe how Lhese clearly dlsLlncL numbers achleve conslsLenL numerlcal resulLs
LhaL no person can ever come Lo produce no maLLer how hard Lhey Lry
1he sheer brllllance of Lhe followlng numbers ls wlLnessed of course uslng Lhe same meLhod of
arranglng numbers nexL Lo each oLher and from largesL Lo smallesL And slnce Lhere are Lhree
numbers Lo deal wlLh Lhere are Lhree posslble number comblnaLlons LhaL could resulL ln
mulLlples of 7 as we can see below
1 1he ArrangemenL of Lhe number of Cur'anlc verses 2 wlLh Lhe number of Cur'anlc
ChapLers 114 forms Lhe number
114 6236
2 1he ArrangemenL of Lhe number of Cur'anlc verses 2 wlLh Lhe number of years of lLs
revelaLlon 2 forms Lhe number
23 6236
1he ArrangemenL of Lhe number of Cur'anlc ChapLers 114 wlLh Lhe number of years of lLs
revelaLlon 2 forms Lhe number
23 114
Pavlng derlved Lhree dlfferenL numbers from Lhe Cur'an we wlll now observe how accuraLely
Lhese numbers are connecLed Lo Lhe number 7 1he same paLLern ls always found Lhese
numbers are perfecL mulLlples of 7 and in whichever direction they are read
The First Number: Verses + hapters
2 1hls ls Lhe number of verses accordlng Lo Lhe mosL
popular sLyle of reclLaLlon known as Pafs bln Aaslm 1hls
number sllghLly dlffers from oLher reclLaLlons perhaps
Lhese dlfferences mean Lhe exlsLence of mulLlple
numerlcal arrangemenLs and Cod AlmlghLy knows besL
1he Marels o the Number Seen in the Noble Qur`an
LeL us now wrlLe Lhe number of verses of Lhe Poly Cur'an ln addlLlon Lo Lhe number of
Number of Qur'anic hapters Number of Qur'anic Verses
114 6236
1he number LhaL represenLs Lhe verses and ChapLers of Lhe Cur'an ls 1142 1hls number
conslsLs of seven dlglLs and ls a pure mulLlple of 7
1146236 = 163748 x 7
The First Number Reversed
We wlll now Lake our chances wlLh Lhe number 1142 and reverse lL compleLely (le read lL
from lefL Lo rlghL so 1 followed by 1 Lhen 4 Lhen eLc) Lo glve us 2411 Lven Lhough we
have swlLched Lhe order of Lhe orlglnal number amazlngly Lhls new number ls a mulLlple of 7
yeL agaln
6326411 = 903773 x 7
Final Note: An lnLeresLlng polnL Lo make ls LhaL Lhe sum of Lhe dlglLs maklng up Lhe number
1142 (whlch conslsLs of Lhe number of Lhe Cur'ans verses and ChapLers) ls
1 + 1 + 4 + 6 + 2 + 3 + 6 = 23
&And 2 ls Lhe number of years of Lhe Cur'an's revelaLlon!+
1o brlefly summarlse 1he ouLcome of arranglng Lhe number of Lhe Cur'an's verses and lLs
ChapLers ls a number LhaL dlvldes perfecLly by 7 even when it's read backwards and Lhe
sum of lLs dlglLs ls 2 Lhe number of years of lL Look for Lhe Cur'an Lo be revealed
The Second Number: Verses + Years of ReveIation
lor our second number we wrlLe Lhe number of verses of Lhe Cur'an ln addlLlon Lo Lhe
number of years of lLs revelaLlon
Years of Qur'anic ReveIation Number of Qur'anic Verses
23 6236
1he resulLlng number ls 22 a number whlch ls also a mulLlple of 7
236236 = 33748 x 7
The Second Number Reversed
1he Marels o the Number Seen in the Noble Qur`an

And as we dld ln Lhe flrsL case we wlll now compleLely reverse Lhls number maklng lL 22 a
mulLlple of 7
632632 = 89089 x 7
1herefore ln summary we say LhaL Lhe same conslsLenL paLLern of dlvlslblllLy by 7 both ways
ls found when Laklng Lhe number of years of revelaLlon of Lhe Cur'an lnLo accounL
The Third Number: hapters + Years of ReveIation
1he Lhlrd number ls formed when [olnlng Lhe number of ChapLers ln Lhe Cur'an wlLh Lhe
number of years of revelaLlon of Lhe Cur'an
Years of Qur'anic ReveIation Number of Qur'anic hapters
23 114
1he resulLlng number ls 2114 a mulLlple of 7
23114 = 3302 x 7
The Third Number Reversed
We expecL of course LhaL reverslng Lhls number should glve us a mulLlple of 7 lndeed Lhls ls
preclsely Lhe case
41132 = 5876 x 7
1herefore ln our flnal case Lhe same conslsLency ls preserved Lhe number of Cur'anlc
ChapLers alongslde Lhe years of lLs revelaLlon form a number LhaL ls a mulLlple of 7 even when
read ln Lhe opposlLe dlrecLlon
lL cannoL be forgoLLen LhaL all Lhe above comblnaLlons were arranged ln preclsely Lhe same
manner from larger Lo smaller flgures (le sLarLlng wlLh Lhe larger number on Lhe rlghL
followed by Lhe smaller number)
Please note: Pad Lhe Lhree numbers 2 114 and 2 been any dlfferenL ln oLher words lf
Lhe Cur'an had one more or one less verse or ChapLer or lf lL had Laken one more or one less
year Lo be senL down Lhls enLlre numerlcal paLLern would be shaLLered and Lherefore
We're noL done however 1hese numbers sLlll have more Lo reveal
onnecting the Three Numbers
1he Marels o the Number Seen in the Noble Qur`an
8egardlng Lhe Lhree numbers we derlved above lL ls lnLeresLlng LhaL Lhey have dlfferenL
numbers of dlglLs and Lhese dlglLs are ln perfecL descendlng order ln oLher words Lhe flrsL
number conslsLs of 7 dlglLs Lhe second dlglLs and Lhe Lhlrd dlglLs
First Number: 1146236 consists of 7 digits
Second Number: 236236 consists of 6 digits
First Number: 23114 consists of 5 digits
And now we arrange Lhe number of dlglLs of each number ln loglcal order and observe Lhe
Digits in 3rd Number Digits in 2nd Number Digits in 1st Number
5 6 7
1he resulLlng number ls 7 whlch ls a mulLlple of 7
567 = 81 x 7
1hls lncredlble connecLlon of Lhe Cur'an's ChapLers verses and years of revelaLlon Lo Lhe
number seven wlLh such profound accuracy ls buL sLunnlng evldence of an lnLrlcaLe numerlcal
arrangemenL LhaL no human can consLrucL
The First and Last Words in the Qur'an
We wlll now reflecL upon some separaLe words ln Lhe Poly Cur'an ln an aLLempL Lo emphaslse
Lhe facL LhaL every word ln Lhls 8ook ls lndeed dellberaLely and experLly arranged ln lLs proper
place lor now we shall examlne Lhe very first and very last word ln Lhe Cur'an ln Lerms of
arrangement AfLer LhaL we wlll look aL Lhe flrsL and lasL word ln Lerms of revelation because
lL musL be polnLed ouL LhaL LhaL Lhe order of Lhe Cur'an's ChapLers ls noL Lhe same as Lhe order
wlLh whlch Lhey were revealed lor lnsLance SuraL AllaLlha ls Lhe flrsL ChapLer of Lhe Cur'an
buL lL ls noL Lhe flrsL ChapLer Lo be revealed Lo Lhe ropheL Muhammad
1haL belng sald we now look aL Lhe normal arrangemenL of Lhe Curan and openlng Lhe flrsL
page we flnd LhaL Lhe flrsL word ln Lhls 8ook ls ( ~ ) (ln Lhe name of)27 1hls ls found ln Lhe
flrsL verse of SuraL AllaLlha where Cod AlmlghLy says ) -' -~ = ' ' =( (ln Lhe
name of Cod MosL Craclous MosL Merclful) SuraL AllaLlha 11 now Lurnlng Lo Lhe lasL
page we flnd LhaL Lhe lasL word ls )' - ' ( (men) 1hls ls found ln SuraL Alnas (ChapLer
Manklnd) ln Lhe flnal verse whlch sLaLes )-~ - = ' '- ' ( (Among !lnns and among men)
27 'ln Lhe name of' ls 4 Lngllsh words buL ln Arablc lL ls [usL one
1he Marels o the Number Seen in the Noble Qur`an

1he word ( ' ) (name) ls found 22 Llmes ln Lhe Cur'an and Lhe word )' - ' ( (men) has
been repeaLed 241 Llmes ln Lhe Cur'an
And now we arrange Lhe Lwo numbers as we always do and observe Lhe ouLcome
Repetition of Last Word in the Qur'an Repetition of First Word in the Qur'an
241 22
1he number we arrlve aL from comblnlng Lhese Lwo numbers ls 241222 Agaln Lhls number ls a
mulLlple of 7
24122 = 3446 x 7
1he flrsL and lasL words menLloned ln Lhe Cur'an are llnked Lo Lhe number 7 So does Lhls
conslsLency remaln when we observe Lhe flrsL and lasL words Lo be revealed?
The First and Last ReveaIed Words in the Qur'an
1he flrsL word LhaL was revealed Lo Lhe ropheL Muhammad by Lhe angel Cabrlel was )' (
(8ead) ln Lhe flrsL verse of SuraL Al'Alaq )' ' - ~ ' = ( (roclalm! (or read!) ln
Lhe name of Lhy Lord and Cherlsher Who creaLed) Al'Alaq 91+ 1he lasL word (or phrase
raLher) ls )` - ~~=- ( (none shall be dealL wlLh un[usLly)29 where Cod AlmlghLy says
)'-- ', '~-, -, ,, - _ _ = - - _, ~' ` _ -,- =, --, ' ~,, = , , ,~
, , , `, _~-,~, =-- - ( (And fear Lhe uay when ye shall be broughL back Lo Cod 1hen
shall every soul be pald whaL lL earned and none shall be dealL wlLh un[usLly) Al8aqarah
So the message of Islam began with the word (Read), which pertains to knowledge, and
ended with (None shall be dealt with unjustly), which pertains to justice and equality;
and that, if anything, is evidence that Islam advocates knowledge and justice.
And now we come Lo Lhe mlraculous numerlcal arrangemenL ln Lerms of how many Llmes
Lhese Lwo Lerms are repeaLed ln Lhe Poly Cur'an
We flnd lL very lnLeresLlng LhaL all Lhe repeLlLlons of Lhe Lerm (none shall be dealL wlLh un[usLly)
come before any menLlon of Lhe word (8ead) 1hls ls a slgnlflcanL polnL Lhe secreL of whlch ls
perhaps noL only Lo reLaln a numerlcal mlracle whlch lllusLraLes Cod's wlsdom buL Lo conflrm
Cod's concern wlLh absoluLe [usLlce and Lhe facL LhaL Pe does noL deal un[usLly wlLh Pls
2 )~ ' ( 'name' ls used lnsLead of ) ~ ( 'ln Lhe name of' ?eL even lf ) ~ ( 'ln Lhe
name of' ls used Lhls ls found 11 Llmes ln Lhe Cur'an and agaln produces a
mulLlple of 7 24111 444 x 7
29 ln Arablc Lhls Lerm ls acLually made up of Lwo words
1he Marels o the Number Seen in the Noble Qur`an

1he Lerm ( =~~ ` ) (none shall be dealL wlLh un[usLly) has been repeaLed 1 Llmes ln Lhe
Cur'an whlle noLlng LhaL Lhe several rooLs of Lhe word ([usLlce) have been menLloned ln
varlous place ln Lhe Cur'an Powever we are concerned wlLh Lhls parLlcular phrase whlch ls
made up of Lwo words namely )`( (none) and )- ~~=- ( (shall be dealL wlLh un[usLly)
lease noLe LhaL every Llme Lhls form of Lhe word [usLlce le )- ~~=- ( ls used ln Lhe Cur'an
Lhe word )` ( (none) has come dlrecLly before lL 1he word )' ( (8ead) ls found exacLly
Llmes And now we wrlLe Lhe repeLlLlon of each Lerm ln order of arrangemenL ln Lhe Cur'an
Repetition of First ReveaIed Word Repetition of Last ReveaIed Word
3 15
1he ouLcome ls 1 a perfecL mulLlple of 7
315 = 45 x 7
The BeautifuI Link between Both Sets of Words
A beauLlful connecLlon exlsLs beLween boLh ouLcomes LeL's show Lhe Lwo resulLs below
24122 = 3446 x 7
315 = 45 x 7
As we can see above Lhe resulL of dlvldlng Lhe flrsL ouLcome by 7 ls 44 and Lhe resulL of
dlvldlng Lhe second ouLcome by 7 ls 4 Amazlngly in whichever order we arrange the two
results, the answer is always a multiple of 7!
453446 = 1322 x 7 x 7 x 7
344645 = 49235 x 7
So Lhls conslsLency ls seen for Lhe repeLlLlon of Lhe Cur'an's flrsL and lasL words ln Lerms of both
arrangemenL and revelaLlon 1hls lndeed ls wonderful evldence LhaL Lhe words of Lhe Cur'an
are boLh connecLed and conclse and LhaL lf Lhe sllghLesL of alLeraLlons had Laken place
LhroughouL Lhe pasL 14 cenLurles Lhls enLlre arrangemenL would be exhausLed
Have the hearts sung yet?
ln Lhe nexL parL we embark on a new advenLure wlLh Lhe very flrsL verse from Lhe 8ook of
Allah Lhe AlmlghLy We wlll reflecL upon lLs secreLs and Lhe sheer preclslon ln lLs arrangemenL
1o conclude for now we slmply say
1he Marels o the Number Seen in the Noble Qur`an
Say 1he (Curan) was senL down by Plm who knows Lhe mysLery (LhaL ls) ln Lhe heavens and
Lhe earLh verlly Pe ls CfLlorglvlng MosL Merclful
Allurqan 2
ln Lhls parL we galned some lnslghL lnLo Lhe mysLerles of Lhe number 7 ln Lhe Poly Cur'an and
Lhe Leachlngs of Lhe ropheL Muhammad
1he mosL profound example ln Lhls arL perhaps ls Lhe llnk found beLween Lhe number of
ChapLers verses and years of revelaLlon of Lhe Cur'an 1he resulLlng numbers were slmply
always mulLlples of 7 whlchever way Lhey were read
We also wlLnessed Lhe beauLlful conslsLencles LhaL llnked boLh ends of Lhe Cur'an Lhe flrsL and
lasL ChapLer Lhe flrsL and lasL verse and Lhe flrsL and lasL word Agaln Lhe ouLcomes were
always mulLlples of 7
1he Marels o the Number Seen in the Noble Qur`an

!ART 3
In this part, we experience a divine miracle in four words: the verse most recited in the
life of every Muslim. Before eating, drinking, and reciting the Qur'an; before any activity
for that matter, Muslims recite this verse as an introduction to their daily lives.
It is the first verse of the Qur'an, commonly known as the "Basmala":
~ ' = ' - = '
ln Lhe name of Cod MosL Craclous MosL Merclful
AllaLlhah 11
&sing the unequivocal language of numbers, we will witness how every single letter in
this verse carries with it a divine miracle, proving that such a verse could not have been
the work of man.
e finally ask: Besides the Qur'an, does any book carry so many hidden numeric
accuracies within its words? Can anyone realistically respond to the challenge of the
Qur'an and produce a book, even a chapter, like it?
1he Marels o the Number Seen in the Noble Qur`an
The Greatness of the First Verse
8eclLed consLanLly by mllllons of Musllms all over Lhe world Lhe 8asmala serves as a precursor
Lo all Lhelr dally acLlons Made up of only four Arablc words saylng Lhls verse brlngs Musllms
comforL and assurance LhaL Cod ls Lhelr Lrue Lord and roLecLor and LhaL Pe alone answers
Lhelr prayers
8uL LhaL ls only Lrue for Lhose who belleve ln Lhe message of Lhe Cur'an WhaL abouL Lhose who
slmply don'L? WhaL abouL people who are scepLlcal abouL Lhe Cur'an or people who re[ecL Lhe
very concepL of Cod and any noLlon of rellglon for LhaL maLLer? WhaL abouL people who only
belleve ln llLeral reallLy ln sclence and all Lhlngs Langlble?
Could Cod have deposlLed ln Pls 8ook literal proof LhaL Lhls 8ook ls Pls lndeed? ls Lhere
anyLhlng ln Lhls 8ook and parLlcularly ln Lhls verse LhaL Langlbly proves noL only Lhe exlsLence
buL Lhe Lrue greaLness of Cod AlmlghLy?
Allah Lhe AlmlghLy as we belleve and wlll aLLempL Lo lllusLraLe has consLrucLed Lhe Poly Cur'an
ln a way LhaL ls based remarkably on Lhe number 7 WlLhouL furLher ado lL's Llme Lo plunge
lnLo Lhe secreLs of Lhls verse ln much more deLall
The Structure of Letters
CounLlng Lhe leLLers ln each of Lhe four words of Lhe 8asmala ( _ - ` , , _ ` `~ ~,)
preclsely as Lhey appear ln Lhe Cur'an we flnd Lhe followlng
O1he word ( ) conslsLs of leLLers (- )
O1he word ( ~' ) conslsLs of 4 leLLers (' )
O1he word ( -~= ' ) conslsLs of leLLers (' _ - )
O1he word ( = ' ) conslsLs of leLLers (' _ )
now we wrlLe Lhe 8asmala along wlLh Lhe number of leLLers maklng up each of lLs words
-' -~ = ' = '
6 6 4 3
1herefore Lhe number of leLLers maklng up each word of Lhe 8asmala arranged ln loglcal
order produces Lhe number 4 1o be more speclflc Lhe number represenLs Lhe number of
leLLers ln Lhe flrsL word Lhe number 4 denoLes Lhe leLLers of Lhe second and so on
1he Marels o the Number Seen in the Noble Qur`an
8uL whaL makes Lhls number 4 one LhaL ls proLecLed from any alLeraLlon? WhaL rule ls
used Lo explaln LhaL Lhls number llke all oLher numbers we examlne ls lndeed preserved by
Cod AlmlghLy?
1he rule ls Lhe famous maLhemaLlcal operaLlon known as dlvlslon whlch helps us flnd mulLlples
of cerLaln numbers And slnce we esLabllshed LhaL Lhe number 7 ls Lhe foundaLlon of Lhe
numerlc mlracle of Lhe Cur'an we can conflrm LhaL Lhe number 4 ls lndeed a mulLlple of 7
ln oLher words Lhe ouLcome of dlvldlng 4 by 7 ls a whole number lL lncludes no declmals or
fracLlons oLherwlse lL would noL be consldered a mulLlple of 7
4 7 949
AlLernaLlvely we can wrlLe Lhls ln a sllghLly dlfferenL manner
4 949 x 7
ln oLher words we are saylng LhaL Lhe number of leLLers ln each 8asmala word when arranged
LogeLher lnLo a slngle number form Lhe number 'slx Lhousand slx hundred and forLy Lhree'
1haL ls how we read Lhe number
ln order Lo be clear abouL how Lo deal wlLh Lhe numerlc mlracle and lnLerpreL Lhe numbers we
wlll break down Lhe componenLs of Lhls number whlch of course ls 4 dlglLs long conslsLlng of
four separaLe dlsLlncL dlglLs
1000 x + 100 x + 10 x 4 + 1 x
000 00 40
1housands Pundreds 1ens unlLs
1he sum of Lhe above numbers equals our orlglnal number of 4 whlch ls an arrangemenL
represenLlng Lhe number of leLLers ln each 8asmala word
6643 = 6000 + 600 + 40 + 3
1herefore when we wrlLe Lhe number of leLLers of each word ln a parLlcular verse uslng Lhe
meLhod of number arranging we are ln facL separaLely counLlng Lhe leLLers of each word
asslgnlng LhaL number under lLs correspondlng word and Lhen readlng Lhe resulLlng
comblnaLlon whlch ls a number wlLh varlous dlglLs (le unlLs Lens hundreds Lhousands Len
Lhousands eLc) Lach word Lherefore carrles a place value Len Llmes greaLer Lhan LhaL of Lhe
word precedlng lL ln our above example for lnsLance Lhe number 00 ls ln Lhe hundreds place
and before lL ls Lhe number 40 ln Lhe Lens place
8uL one may well ask why can'L l slmply add Lhe dlglLs LogeLher? Why dld l slmply allgn Lhe
dlglLs 4 LogeLher lnLo a slngle number lnsLead of addlng Lhese 4 dlglLs Lo geL Lhe number
19 (++4+)?
1he Marels o the Number Seen in the Noble Qur`an
1he slmple answer ls LhaL alLhough we wlll come across cerLaln arrangemenLs LhaL do produce
mulLlples of 7 when added ln LruLh anyone can creaLe a supposed verse" add lLs words
LogeLher Lo creaLe a mulLlple of 7 and clalm dlvlnlLy 1hls ls no mlracle however
1he Lrue mlracle ls ln placlng each word ln lLs intended locaLlon ln any parLlcular verse
asslgnlng a number Lo each word and creaLlng an arrangemenL based on LhaL baslc albelL
asLoundlng loglc Cne of Lhe greaL feaLures of Lhls meLhod ls LhaL arranglng numbers ln Lhls
manner preserves Lhe locaLlon of each word wlLhln a verse ln oLher words lf Lhe order of any
word had shlfLed Lhe resulLlng number would auLomaLlcally change and no longer become a
mulLlple of 7
lor example leL's assume for Lhe purpose of demonsLraLlon only LhaL Lhe 8asmala's flrsL and
lasL words were reversed As a resulL Lhe flrsL and lasL dlglLs of Lhe number 4 would also be
reversed and we would arrlve aL 4 whlch ls noL a mulLlple of 7 1hls meLhod of allgnlng
numbers slde by slde capLures Lhe facL LhaL Cod preserved and perfecLed Pls words from
ln addlLlon allgnlng numbers ls superlor Lo merely addlng Lhem because Lhe numbers produced
as a resulL can be Lruly masslve as we wlll shorLly see 1hls only adds Lo Lhe complexlLy and
wonders of Lhe Cur'an's numerlc mlracle We wlll wlLness numbers LhaL conslsL of 1 dlglLs 2
dlglLs and more Lhan 100 dlglLs0 and see wheLher Lhey perfecLly dlvlde by 7 LhaL ls wheLher
Lhey produce whole numbers wlLhouL any declmals or fracLlons lL ls Lhrough such examples
LhaL we appreclaLe Lhe Lruly mlraculous naLure of Lhe Cur'an's number arrangemenLs
The arrangement of the Ietters of the word "AIIah" in the BasmaIa: , hidden secret
1o furLher add Lo Lhe asLoundlng mlracle LhaL ls Lhe numerlc mlracle of Lhe 8asmala we have
found LhaL Cod AlmlghLy or (Allah) has organlsed Lhe leLLers of Pls very name ( ~' ) within the
Basmala's four words ln a manner LhaL can only be descrlbed as purely dlvlne
1he word ( ~' ) as we menLloned earller conslsLs of 4 leLLers ( ' , ) Powever lL ls
made up of different letters because Lhe leLLer Lm" () ls repeaLed Lwlce 1hese
dlfferenL leLLers are Allf" () Lm" () and P'" (, )
now we wlll look for Lhese Lhree leLLers ln each of the Basmala's four words. ln oLher
words we wlll Lake each word of Lhe 8asmala on lLs own and look for how many Llmes Lhese
Lhree leLLers were found ln lL We wlll Lhen allgn Lhese four resulLs lnLo a slngle number
0 Cne cannoL even check lf Lhese large numbers dlvlde by 7 uslng a normal
everyday calculaLor and would requlre Lhe use of a larger sclenLlflc calculaLor
whlch accepLs calculaLlons of more Lhan 100 dlglLs Many onllne calculaLors allow
such calculaLlons
1he Marels o the Number Seen in the Noble Qur`an
, )- ( ~' )' ,( -~,, = ' )' _ -( = ' )' _ (
2 2 4 0
1he resulLlng arrangemenL whlch represenLs Lhe repeLlLlon of Lhe Lhree leLLers comprlslng Lhe
word ( ~' ) ln each word of Lhe 8asmala forms Lhe number 2240
1hls number 2240 ls anoLher mulLlple of 7
2240 = 320 x 7
lsn'L Lhls someLhlng of a waLermark slgnaLure on behalf of Cod AlmlghLy a hldden conflrmaLlon
LhaL lL ls none oLher Lhan Pe who auLhored Lhe Poly Cur'an?
1o brlefly summarlse we have come across Lwo mulLlples of 7 so far Lhe flrsL ls 4 whlch
represenLs an arrangemenL conslsLlng of Lhe number of leLLers ln each separaLe word of Lhe
8asmala 1he second ls 2240 an arrangemenL conslsLlng of Lhe repeLlLlon of Lhe Lhree leLLers
maklng up Cod's name ( ~' ) agaln ln each word of Lhe 8asmala
The scientific basis of the numeric miracIe
ln many dlsclpllnes of englneerlng an lmporLanL area of sLudy ls Lhe dlsLrlbuLlon of cerLaln
forces such as pressure over varlous bodles lor lnsLance ln alrcrafL englneerlng ln order for
aeroplanes Lo be safe for fllghL Lhe dlsLrlbuLlon of pressure around an aeroplane's wlngs musL
be carefully sLudled and musL noL exceed an allowed llmlL lor Lhls sLudy Lo Lake place each
wlng ls dlvlded lnLo square blocks LhaL ls Lapplngs" are made on dlfferenL polnLs on Lhe wlng
and pressure ls measured aL each Lapplng 1he numbers resulLlng from Lhls experlmenL are
Lhen arranged before belng analysed uslng varlous maLhemaLlcal Lechnlques
1haL belng sald when we sLudy Lhe arrangemenL of leLLers across Lhe words of a parLlcular
verse such a sLudy acLually sLems from solld maLhemaLlcs and ls noL Lhe producL of
lmprovlsaLlon Lvery word ls asslgned a deflnlLe number and position lor lnsLance ln Lhe
above example abouL Allah's name ln Lhe 8asmala Lhe flrsL word ( ) ls glven Lhe number 0
because none of Lhe leLLers of Cod's name ( ~' ) (le Allf" () Lm" () and P'" (, )) exlsL
ln lL Also as lL ls Lhe flrsL number lL ls locaLed ln Lhe unlLs place maklng lL Lhe flrsL ouL of Lhe
four dlglLs LhaL make up 2240
lurLhermore when sLudylng such arrangemenLs Lhe polnL of common ground ls LhaL Lhe
resulLlng numbers are always analysed wlLh reference Lo Lhelr dlvlslblllLy by 7 And always we
wlll see LhaL Lhese numbers conLlnue Lo be perfecL mulLlples of 7 no maLLer how small or how
large Lhey geL
1he Marels o the Number Seen in the Noble Qur`an
1he exlsLence of a numerlc arrangemenL based on Lhe very leLLers of Cod AlmlghLy's name ( ~'
) ls buL sheer proof LhaL Pe alone ls Lhe Cne who has senL down Lhls verse and perfecLed lL ln
Lhls manner And lf someone had ever Lrled Lo alLer a slngle leLLer Lhls senslLlve (hlghly
senslLlve!) arrangemenL would lmmedlaLely collapse
Another interesting occurrence: ,dding letters together
When we prevlously dealL wlLh Lhe 8asmala we separaLely counLed Lhe leLLers ln each of lLs
four words and arranged Lhese resulLs nexL Lo each oLher Lo form Lhe 4dlglL number 4 We
allgned Lhese dlglLs lnLo a slngle number and explalned Lhe advanLages of allgnlng numbers
AlLhough we menLloned LhaL addlng numbers LogeLher ofLen also produces mulLlples of 7 we
sLlll have noL added Lhlngs LogeLher 1haL's whaL we're golng Lo do nexL We're golng Lo flnd Lhe
accumulated sum of Lhe dlglLs 4 and form that lnLo a number Lo see lf lL remalns a
mulLlple of 7 1hls ls besL lllusLraLed as follows
1he 8asmala conslsLs of 4 words ) , ~' -~,, = ' = ' (
O1he flrsL word ( ) conslsLs of leLLers 1hls ls Lhe flrsL dlglL of Lhe number we lnLend Lo
arrlve aL
O1he second word ( ~' ) conslsLs of 4 leLLers 8uL now we add Lhe leLLers of Lhe flrsL word as
well glvlng us 4 + 7 1hls ls Lhe second dlglL
O1he word ( -~= ' ) conslsLs of leLLers Addlng Lhe prevlous LoLal of 7 Lo Lhls (7+) we
arrlve aL 1 1 and are now Lhe Lhlrd and fourLh dlglLs
O1he word ( = ' ) conslsLs of leLLers lollowlng Lhe same paLLern + 1 19 meanlng
LhaL 1 and 9 are Lhe flfLh and slxLh dlglLs -' -~= ' = '
6 + 6 + 4 + 3 6 + 4 + 3 4 + 3 3 19 13 7 3
1herefore Lhe number we flnally arrlve aL ls 1917 And yeL agaln Lhls number ls a mulLlple of
191373 = 27339 x 7
1he Marels o the Number Seen in the Noble Qur`an
Lven more lnLeresLlng ls Lhe facL LhaL compleLely reversing Lhls operaLlon sLlll produces a
mulLlple of 7 1hls means LhaL lf we Lake Lhe sum of Lhe dlglLs buL Lhls Llme from left Lo right
we wlll also arrlve aL a number LhaL dlvldes by 7 -' -~ = ' = '
6 6 + 6 6 + 6 + 4 6 + 6 + 4 + 3 6 12 16 19
1he number LhaL resulLs ls 12119 a mulLlple of 7 twice
6121619 = 124931 x 7 x 7
8eflecLlng on Lhls we've found LhaL from whichever direction we counL Lhe leLLers Lhe
resulLlng numbers sLlll malnLaln Lhe conslsLency of belng mulLlples of Lhe number 7!
We shall conLlnue wlLh anoLher profound arrangemenL relaLed Lo Lhe 8asmala only Lhls Llme
we examlne lL ln relaLlon Lo Lhe varlous names of Cod AlmlghLy
!rofound Symmetry with the Letters of AIIah's Other Names
Cod AlmlghLy has organlsed Pls book ln a manner such LhaL no one can produce anyLhlng llke lL
and Lhe Cur'an lLself ln many verses expresses lLs own brllllance and proclalms LhaL no book
can maLch lL
Cf course Lhe mlraculous naLure of Lhe Cur'an ls noL conflned Lo Lhe numerlc mlracle of
course Lhls ls merely one of Lhe newer dlscoverles lnLo Lhe marvels of Lhls Poly ScrlpLure 1he
mlracles of Lhe Cur'an lnvolve and embrace all areas of knowledge be lL llLeraLure llngulsLlcs
sclence hlsLory psychology eLhlcs and plenLy more
8uL wlLh respecL Lo Lhe numerlc mlracle whlch ls Lhe sub[ecL of Lhls book Cod AlmlghLy has
lndeed arranged Lhe leLLers and words of Lhe Cur'an ln a way LhaL ls mosL unlque And one of
Lhe mosL lnLrlgulng of Lhose arrangemenLs ls Lhe arrangemenL of Lhe leLLers of Cod's dlfferenL
Arablc names Agaln we are deallng wlLh Arablc because lL ls Lhe language of Lhe Cur'an and
Lhe same language spoken Loday by mllllons across Lhe globe so Lhls rule ls one we can never
and shall never devlaLe from
ln Lhe 8asmala ) , ~' -~,, = ' = ' ( of Cod's 99 Arablc names are presenL namely
Lhese are ( ~' ) (llLerally Allah" or Cod) (-~= ' ) (llLerally Ar8ahman" or 1he MosL
Craclous) and (= ' ) (Ar8aheem" or 1he MosL Merclful)
1he Marels o the Number Seen in the Noble Qur`an
We already wlLnessed an asLoundlng numerlc arrangemenL cenLred on Lhe number 7 wlLh
regards Lo Lhe flrsL name ( ~' ) 8uL whaL abouL Lhe oLher Lwo? ls Lhere a slmllarly accuraLe
!usL llke we dld wlLh ( ~' ) (Allah) we wlll now Lake Lhe word (-~ = ' ) (Ar8ahman) and look
for Lhe repeLlLlon of lLs leLLers ln each of Lhe 8asmala's 4 words ln Lhe very same way we wlll
deal wlLh Lhe word (= ' ) (Ar8aheem) by looklng for Lhe repeLlLlon of lLs leLLers ln each of
Lhe 8asmala's 4 words
We're also golng Lo dlscover some new lnslghLs lnLo Lhe numerlc mlracle based on Lhe facL LhaL
Lhe numbers we arrlve aL someLlmes Lurn ouL Lo be mulLlples of 7 in different directions 1haL
ls Lhere are lnsLances when Lhe number ls a mulLlple of 7 when read from rlghL Lo lefL lnsLead
of lefL Lo rlghL 8uL ln every case Lhe loglc and sysLemaLlc naLure of Lhe resulLs ls preserved
The arrangement of the Ietters of ,-=, - ' The Most Gracious
1he number of Llmes Lhe leLLers Allf" () Lm" () 8'" () '" (_) Mlm" () and nun"
(-) whlch make up Allah's name (-~= ' ) (1he MosL Craclous) ln Arablc are repeaLed ln
each 8asmala word ls as follows
, )- ( ~' )' ,( -~,, = ' )' _ -( = ' )' _ (
8efore explalnlng why Lhe resulLlng number 1 wlll be reversed Lo glve 1 a mulLlple of
1365 = 195 x 7
The arrangement of the Ietters of - =, - ' The Most MercifuI
1he number of Llmes Lhe leLLers Allf" () Lm" () 8'" () '" (_) ?'" () and Mlm" ()
whlch make up Allah's name (= ' ) (1he MosL Merclful) ln Arablc ls repeaLed ln each
8asmala word as follows
, )- ( ~' )' ,( -~,, = ' )' _ -( = ' )' _ (
1he Marels o the Number Seen in the Noble Qur`an
1he arrangemenL of Lhe leLLers of (= ' ) ln Lhe 8asmala verse produces 1 a mulLlple of
6531 = 933 x 7
1hese numerlc flndlngs unlock an lnLeresLlng paLLern Lo look ouL for when deduclng Cur'anlc
numbers numbers and their opposites 1hree of Cod's names are presenL ln Lhe 8asmala
verse 1he leLLers of Lhe flrsL ( ~' ) (Allah) ln each of Lhe 8asmala's words produced a mulLlple
of 7 lf read from left to right (le Lowards Lhe rlghL) 1he leLLers of Lhe second (-~ = ' ) (1he
MosL Craclous) produced a mulLlple of 7 when read from right to left 1he leLLers of Lhe Lhlrd
(= ' ) (1he MosL Merclful) produced a mulLlple of 7 when read from left to right
lllusLraLlng Lhls ln Lerms of dlrecLlons we noLlce Lhe followlng
-' -~= ' = '

1hese loglcally opposlLe dlrecLlons (le rlghL Lhen lefL Lhen rlghL) shown above demonsLraLe
Lhe sheer dlfflculLy of colncldence Pad Lhe numbers we arrlved aL been colncldenLally mulLlples
of 7 Lhe dlrecLlon from whlch we read each number would noL have necessarlly maLLered ?eL
Lhe lnLeresLlng polnL ls LhaL each of Lhe Lhree numbers could only have been read ln Lhese
respecLlve dlrecLlons meanlng LhaL Lhese opposlLe arrows could slmply noL have been avolded
And Lhls alone ls merely one example of many LhaL produce Lhe very same ouLcome logical
The First and Last Word in the BasmaIa
AfLer wlLnesslng Lhe amounL of leLLers LhaL can be arranged across Lhe 8asmala verse and sLlll
achleve mulLlples of 7 we now ask are Lhese arrangemenLs enough Lo perfecL Lhls verse and
conflrm LhaL lL could never have been alLered? We belleve so buL Lhankfully Lhere ls more Lo
The Ietters of the first and Iast word in the BasmaIa
A numerlc arrangemenL based on Lhe number 7 ls even found beLween Lhe flrsL and lasL word
ln Lhe 8asmala verse 1he flrsL word ( ) ls made of leLLers and Lhe lasL word ( = ' )
conslsLs of leLLers 1he arrangemenL looks llke Lhls
-' -~ = ' = ' 1he
Marels o the Number Seen in the Noble Qur`an

1he above comblnaLlon forms a mulLlple of 7
63 = 9 x 7
1herefore we can safely say LhaL Lhe beglnnlng and endlng of Lhe 8asmala are lndeed
connecLed buL ln facL LhaL was noL Lhe only connecLlon LeL's read furLher
The repetition of the first and Iast word in the BasmaIa
WhaL ls Lruly asLoundlng ls LhaL Lhe beglnnlng and endlng of Lhe 8asmala are connecLed ln
relaLlon Lo Lhe entire Qur'an and Lhls connecLlon ls agaln based on Lhe number 7 1o
demonsLraLe how we wlll look for Lhe repeLlLlon of Lhe 8asmala's flrsL and lasL words namely
( ) and ( = ' ) ln Lhe enLlre Cur'an We flnd LhaL Lhe word ( ) ls clLed 22 Llmes whlle
Lhe word ( = ' ) ls repeaLed 11 Llmes1
-' -~ = ' = '
11 22
Agaln comblnlng Lhese numbers produces 1122 a mulLlple of 7
11522 = 1646 x 7
Pavlng found Lhls we can conclude LhaL Lhe Cur'an numerlc mlracle ls noL merely llmlLed Lo Lhe
leLLers of cerLaln words lL also lnvolves Lhe repetition of Lhose words across Lhe Cur'an as a
whole lndeed parL of Lhe beauLy of Lhls mlracle of numbers lles ln Lhe facL LhaL lL does noL
conflne lLself Lo a few verses buL spans across Lhe enLlreLy of Lhls Poly 8ook
Agaln we musL noL lose slghL of Lhe facL LhaL Lhese numbers can easlly be checked by anyone
lnLeresLed ln dolng so 1here are no hldden Lrlcks here buL slmple sLralghLforward loglc Laken
dlrecLly from Lhe Cur'an wlLhouL any addlLlons or omlsslons WlLh LhaL ln mlnd had anyone
durlng Lhe course of hlsLory ever succeeded ln edlLlng Lhe Poly Cur'an ln Lhe sllghLesL posslble
manner Lhe exlsLence of Lhls endless conslsLency of numerlc ouLcomes would slmply be
1haL belng sald anoLher beauLlful aspecL of Lhe numerlc mlracle ls LhaL based on Lhe number 7
separaLe words verses and chapLers seem Lo be lnevlLably llnked Lo each oLher
1 Muhammad lawad Abdul 8aql ed Al-Muajam-al-Mufahras Li-Alfazil Quranil
Kareem (Shabb ress 194) 1hls ls a comprehenslve lndexed glossary of all Lhe
clLaLlons of every word ln Lhe Poly Cur'an lease noLe LhaL Lhe word ( = ' )
(1he MosL Merclful) ls repeaLed 11 Llmes and Lhls repeLlLlon lnvolves Lhls word
ln varlous forms such as (= ) and ( - = ' ) (boLh meanlng Lhe exacL same
Lhlng Merclful)
1he Marels o the Number Seen in the Noble Qur`an
Cne of Lhose wonderful connecLlons whlch we wlll explore nexL ls LhaL of Lhe very flrsL verse
(Lhe 8asmala) and Lhe very lasL verse of Lhe Cur'an
The First and Last Verse in the Qur'an
1he relaLlonshlp beLween Lhe flrsL Cur'anlc verse Lhe 8asmala and Lhe lasL ls asLonlshlng 1he
very lasL verse ls Lhe Lh verse of SuraL Alnas (ChapLer Manklnd)
~ - ' ' -'
Among !lnns and among men
Alnas 114
1he basls of Lhls relaLlonshlp as always ls Lhe number 7 We now presenL a serles of facLs LhaL
deplcL Lhe sheer beauLy of Lhe arrangemenLs LhaL Lake place beLween Lhese Lwo verses
Fact 1
Cne connecLlon beLween Lhe Cur'an's flrsL and lasL verse ls ln Lerms of verse number and Lhe
number of words As menLloned earller Lhe flrsL verse ) , ~' -~,, = ' = ' ( ls verse 1 and
conslsLs of 4 words 1he lasL verse ) , - _, ' - ' -', ( ls verse and conslsLs of 4 words
1hls glves us four numbers whlch wlll now be arranged ln loglcal order lnLo a slngle
LasL verse ln Lhe Cur'an llrsL verse ln Lhe Cur'an
number of words verse number number of words verse number
4 4 1
Allgnlng Lhe above numbers glves us 441 whlch ls a mulLlple of 7
4641 = 663 x 7
1hls speclal relaLlonshlp beLween boLh ends of Lhe Cur'an Lells us LhaL Cod AlmlghLy
dellberaLely organlsed boLh Lhe number and words of Lhe flrsL and lasL verse ln a manner
conslsLenL wlLh Lhe number 7 We belleve LhaL Lhls demonsLraLes Lhe ulLlmaLe preclslon of Lhe
Cur'an and LhaL such dellcaLe aLLenLlon Lo deLall could noL have been Lhe work of man
Powever Lechnlcally speaklng alLhough hlghly unllkely Lhe above arrangemenL could have
been a mulLlple of 7 by colncldence Surely one mulLlple of 7 ls noL enough Lo prove Lhe
accuracy of Lhe relaLlonshlp beLween Lhe flrsL and lasL verse of Lhe Cur'an 1o remove Lhe
1he Marels o the Number Seen in the Noble Qur`an
posslblllLy of chance we presenL many more numerlc arrangemenLs LhaL sLrengLhen and
conflrm Lhls relaLlonshlp
Fact 2
1hls Llme we're golng Lo add chapLer numbers Lo Lhe arrangemenL we found ln lacL 1 1haL ls
Lhe flrsL verse ln Lhe Cur'an ls ln chapLer 1 and Lhe lasL verse ls ln chapLer 114 Addlng Lhese
Lwo numbers Lo Lhe above comblnaLlon we arrlve aL Lhe followlng
LasL verse ln Lhe Cur'an llrsL verse ln Lhe Cur'an
Words verse ChapLer Words verse ChapLer
4 114 4 1 1
1he resulLlng dlglL number 4114411 ls magnlflcenLly a perfecL mulLlple of 7
46114411 = 6587773 x 7
Small Note: Having mentioned chapter numbers, there is even a connection when we
take the chapter numbers on their own. Since the first chapter is chapter 1 and the last
is chapter 114, logically arranging these two numbers gives us 1141 = 163 x 7. In other
words, another multiple of 7!
Fact 3
1aklng Lhe above Lwo facLs up yeL anoLher noLch we now lnclude Lhe number of letters of each
verse and see how Lhe same conslsLency ls malnLalned
LasL verse ln Lhe Cur'an llrsL verse ln Lhe Cur'an
LeLLers Words verse ChapLer LeLLers Words verse ChapLer
1 4 114 19 4 1 1
1he resulLlng number ls a large 12dlglL number 1411419411 SLlll lL remalns a mulLlple of 7!
134611419411 = 19230202773 x 7
Fact 4
Lach of Lhe Lwo verses consldered on lLs own also carrles an arrangemenL based on Lhe
number 7 1he flrsL verse (Lhe 8asmala) has four dlsLlncL numbers as was menLloned above
1hese are chapLer 1 verse 1 4 words and 19 leLLers 1herefore only Laklng Lhe flrsL verse lnLo
conslderaLlon we have Lhe followlng
1he Marels o the Number Seen in the Noble Qur`an
llrsL verse ln Lhe Cur'an
LeLLers Words verse ChapLer
19 4 1 1
1he resulLlng number 19411 ls a mulLlple of 7
19411 = 2773 x 7
Fact 5
1he same ls Lrue when we Lake Lhe lasL verse ln Lhe Cur'an on lLs own
LasL verse ln Lhe Cur'an
LeLLers Words verse ChapLer
1 4 114
1he number 14114 ls a mulLlple of 7
1346114 = 192302 x 7
Cne Lhlng we musL noL forgeL ls Lhe loglcal order followed ln arranglng Lhe numbers 1he
chapLer number comes flrsL and every chapLer conLalns verses 1he verse number comes nexL
and every verse conLalns words 1he number of words comes nexL and every word conLalns
leLLers meanlng LhaL Lhe number of leLLers naLurally comes lasL ln shorL chapLer followed by
verse followed by words followed by leLLers 1hls order ls from rlghL Lo lefL of course because
LhaL ls Lhe dlrecLlon ln whlch LexL ls read and wrlLLen ln Arablc2
Also noLe Lhe lncredlble accuracy of Lhls resulL had Lhe chapLer numbers verse numbers
number of words or number of letters ln Lhe above Lwo verses been any dlfferenL Lhese
perfecL resulLs would lmmedlaLely become lnvalld because Lhe ouLcomes would no longer be
mulLlples of 7!
Fact 6
1he flrsL verse ln Lhe Cur'an ( _ - ` _, ~, ` `~ ~,) conslsLs of 10 different Arablc
leLLers Slnce Lhls verse conslsLs of 19 leLLers ln LoLal some of Lhese leLLers are repeaLed of
course ln order for our nonArablcspeaklng readers Lo easlly ldenLlfy and counL all Lhe leLLers
we have fully broken down Lhe four words of Lhe 8asmala
~ , ' J J - ' J , _ , ' J , _
2 1haL ls exacLly opposlLe Lo Lhe dlrecLlon of readlng and wrlLlng ln Lngllsh and
many oLher languages
1he Marels o the Number Seen in the Noble Qur`an
ln descendlng order (le mosL Lo leasL repeaLed) we now llsL Lhese 10 dlfferenL leLLers and
menLlon how many Llmes each leLLer ls repeaLed ln Lhe 8asmala
1he leLLer Lm" () ls repeaLed ln Lhe 8asmala 4 Llmes
1he leLLer Allf" () ls repeaLed Llmes
1he leLLer Mlm" () ls repeaLed Llmes
1he leLLer 8'" () ls repeaLed 2 Llmes
1he leLLer '" (_) ls repeaLed 2 Llmes
1he leLLer 8'" (-) ls repeaLed 1 Llme
1he leLLer Sln" () ls repeaLed 1 Llme
1he leLLer P'" (, ) ls repeaLed 1 Llme
1he leLLer nun" (-) ls repeaLed 1 Llme
1he leLLer ?'" () ls repeaLed 1 Llme
ln LhaL same order we arrange Lhese repeLlLlons nexL Lo each oLher
' _ - , -
1 1 1 1 1 2 2 4
1he number represenLlng Lhe repeLlLlon of each leLLer ln Lhe 8asmala ls 11111224 and Lhls
10dlglL number ls a mulLlple of 7
1111122334 = 158731762 x 7
1hls arrangemenL flnds lLs rooLs ln maLhemaLlcs and more speclflcally ln Lhe fleld of sLaLlsLlcs
1he prlnclple of sorting numbers ln ascendlng or descendlng order ls a prlceless Lool used ln
effecLlvely all dlsclpllnes of knowledge Lo deLermlne paLLerns ranklngs and pracLlcally anyLhlng
LhaL requlres any form of loglcal orderlng lnLeresLlngly Lhe Poly Cur'an seems Lo have had a
head sLarL ln laylng ouL lLs foundaLlons
Fact 7
lncredlbly Lhe same perfecL arrangemenL ls found when we address Lhe lasL verse ln Lhe
Cur'an ) , - - =, ' ' -', ( Agaln we now break up Lhe words of Lhls verse enLlrely
, ' J , , ; ' J , ' ,
1he Marels o the Number Seen in the Noble Qur`an
1he followlng ls Lhe repeLlLlon of Lhls verse's dlfferenL leLLers ln descendlng order
1he leLLer Allf" () ls repeaLed Llmes
1he leLLer nun" (-) ls repeaLed Llmes
1he leLLer Lm" () ls repeaLed 2 Llmes
1he leLLer Mlm" () ls repeaLed 1 Llme
1he leLLer !lm" (_) ls repeaLed 1 Llme
1he leLLer P'" (, ) ls repeaLed 1 Llme
1he leLLer Ww" (=) ls repeaLed 1 Llme
1he leLLer Sln" () ls repeaLed 1 Llme
' - _ , =
1 1 1 1 1 2
1he resulLlng number 111112 ls a perfecL mulLlple of 7 yeL agaln
11111233 = 1587319 x 7
AnoLher beauLlful arrangemenL relaLes Lo Lhe number of leLLers ln each word of Lhls lasL
Cur'anlc verse revlously when we counLed Lhe leLLers of each of Lhe 8asmala's 4 words we
arrlved aL 4 a mulLlple of 7 now we wlll do Lhe same wlLh Lhe lasL verse ln Lhe Cur'an
O1he word ( -~ ) conslsLs of 2 leLLers ( - )
O1he word ( - = ' ) conslsLs of leLLers ( ' _ - , )
O1he word (=) conslsLs of 1 leLLer (=)
O1he word ( ' - ' ) conslsLs of leLLers ( ' - ' )
-~ - = ' = ' - '
1 2
12 llke 4 ls a mulLlple of 7
1he Marels o the Number Seen in the Noble Qur`an

5152 = 736 x 7
In a nutsheII: aII the arrangements pertaining to the first and Iast Qur'anic verse
1 lor boLh verses arranglng Lhe number of leLLers ln each word resulLs ln a mulLlple of 7
2 lor boLh verses arranglng Lhe repeLlLlon of each leLLer ln Lhe verse (ln descendlng order)
resulLs ln a mulLlple of 7
Comblnlng Lhe chapLer numbers of boLh verses lnLo a slngle number resulLs ln a mulLlple of 7
4 Comblnlng Lhe verse numbers and number of words of boLh verses lnLo a slngle number
resulLs ln a mulLlple of 7
Comblnlng Lhe chapLer numbers verse numbers and number of words of boLh verses lnLo a
slngle number resulLs ln a mulLlple of 7
Comblnlng Lhe chapLer numbers verse numbers number of words and number of leLLers of
boLh verses lnLo a slngle number resulLs ln a mulLlple of 7
7 Arranglng Lhe chapLer number verse number number of words and number of leLLers of Lhe
flrsL verse lnLo a slngle number resulLs ln a mulLlple of 7 and Lhe same ls Lrue for Lhe lasL verse
All Lhe arrangemenLs presenLed above are of a profound naLure LhaL cerLalnly provokes a
handful of quesLlons Pow ls lL LhaL Lhese arrangemenLs are always mulLlples of 7? Could a man
more Lhan 14 cenLurles ago have deslgned such a sysLem of hldden numerlc preclslon? lf so
why dldn'L he ever menLlon lL? Cr could lL be none oLher Lhan Cod AlmlghLy hlmself? 1hls ls no
more Lhan food for LhoughL ln any case ln Lhe Poly Cur'an Cod AlmlghLy lndeed says
1hls Curan ls noL such as can be produced by oLher Lhan Cod on Lhe conLrary lL ls a
conflrmaLlon of (revelaLlons) LhaL wenL before lL and a fuller explanaLlon of Lhe 8ook whereln
Lhere ls no doubL from Lhe Lord of Lhe worlds (7) Cr do Lhey say Pe forged lL? say 8rlng
Lhen a Sura llke unLo lL and call (Lo your ald) anyone you can besldes Cod lf lL be ye speak Lhe
?unus 107
A Unique onnection with the First "SpeciaI Letters" in the Qur'an
1he speclal leLLers" whlch we Lalked abouL ln arL 2 carry wlLh Lhem a beauLlful seL of
arrangemenLs revolvlng around Lhe number 7 1hese leLLers creaLe 'speclal phrases' LhaL are
found ln Lhe openlng verses of 29 chapLers ln Lhe Cur'an Some of Lhese are repeaLed
1he Marels o the Number Seen in the Noble Qur`an
buL ln LoLal Lhere are 14 dlfferenL speclal phrases 1helr lmporLance Lherefore cannoL be
1hese phrases are referred Lo as 'speclal' because Lhe full meanlng behlnd Lhem ls noL yeL fully
comprehended Many people who have come Lo crlLlclse Lhe valldlLy of Lhe Poly Cur'an have
clalmed LhaL Lhese phrases are meanlngless and amblguous varlous 1afaseer" LhaL ls
explanaLlons of Lhese verses have reslgned Lo Lhe facL LhaL Lhese are among Lhe mlracles of Lhe
Cur'an buL LhaL Cod knows besL as Lo Lhelr meanlng AlLhough we wlll devoLe an enLlre parL Lo
analyslng Lhese speclal phrases ln relaLlon Lo Lhe number 7 slnce we are now deallng wlLh Lhe
flrsL verse ln Lhe Cur'an we're golng Lo examlne Lhe 8asmala's relaLlonshlp wlLh Lhe flrsL speclal
phrase ln Lhe Cur'an namely ( ` )
The repetition of the speciaI Ietters in the BasmaIa
1he flrsL of Lhe speclal phrases ln Lhe Cur'an ls ).' ( and occurs as Lhe flrsL verse of Lhe second
chapLer of Lhe Cur'an SuraL Al8aqarah We are looklng for how Lhls verse ls connecLed Lo Lhe
8asmala ) , ~' -~,, = ' = ' ( ln a manner conslsLenL wlLh Lhe number 7
1he speclal verse ).' ( ls made up of leLLers namely Allf" () Lm" () and Mlm" () now
we ask Could Lhese leLLers be repeaLed ln Lhe Cur'an's flrsL verse ln a way LhaL produces a
mulLlple of 7?
ln Lhe 8asmala Lhe leLLer Allf" () ls repeaLed Llmes Lhe leLLer Lm" () 4 Llmes and Lhe
leLLer Mlm" () Llmes lor Lhe lnLeresL of everyone who cannoL read Arablc we've broken up
Lhe words of Lhe 8asmala ) , ~' -~,, = ' = ' ( lnLo lndlvldual leLLers so LhaL ldenLlfylng
Lhese leLLers can be made easler
~ , ' J J - ' J , _ , ' J , _
ln shorL Lhe arrangemenL looks llke Lhls
Mlm" () Lm" () Allf" ()
1he repeLlLlon of Lhese speclal leLLers ln Lhe 8asmala forms 4 a number whlch acLually
equals 7 x 7 x 7!!
343 = 7 x 7 x 7
The number of words
1he Marels o the Number Seen in the Noble Qur`an

AnoLher conslsLency beLween ( _, ~, ` `~ ~, _ - ` ) and ).' ( ls wlLh regards Lo Lhe
number of words of Lhese Lwo verses 1he 8asmala ls made up of 4 words and ).' ( ls [usL 1
word glvlng us
llrsL speclal phrase" ln Lhe Cur'an llrsL verse ln Lhe Cur'an
number of words number of words
1 4
1he number 14 of course ls a mulLlple of 7
14 = 2 x 7
The verse numbers and number of words
Addlng Lhe number of each of Lhese Lwo verses Lo Lhe prevlous arrangemenL we agaln arrlve aL
a mulLlple of 7 1he 8asmala ls verse 1 of SuraL AllaLlhah and ls made up of 4 words whlle ).' (
ls verse 1 of SuraL Al8aqarah and ls made up of [usL 1 word
llrsL speclal phrase" ln Lhe Cur'an llrsL verse ln Lhe Cur'an
number of words verse number number of words verse number
1 1 4 1
Arranglng Lhese numbers glves 1141 a mulLlple of 7
1141 = 163 x 7
The verse numbers, number of words and number of Ietters
1he 8asmala ls verse 1 of SuraL AllaLlhah and conslsLs of 4 words and 19 leLLers 1he speclal
phrase ).' ( ls verse 1 of SuraL Al8aqarah and conslsLs of 1 word and leLLers Arranglng Lhese
numbers glves us
llrsL speclal phrase" ln Lhe Cur'an llrsL verse ln Lhe Cur'an
LeLLers Words verse LeLLers Words verse
1 1 19 4 1
1he number 111941 ls a mulLlple of 7 twice
3111941 = 63509 x 7 x 7
The chapter numbers
1he Marels o the Number Seen in the Noble Qur`an

1he chapLer numbers Lo whlch Lhese Lwo verses perLaln also creaLe a mulLlple of 7 1he
8asmala ls found ln chapLer 1 ( ` ) ln chapLer 2
llrsL speclal phrase" ln Lhe Cur'an llrsL verse ln Lhe Cur'an
ChapLer number ChapLer number
2 1
Lven Lhese Lwo small numbers glves us a mulLlple of 7 namely 21
21 = 3 x 7
The chapter numbers and verse numbers
1he prevlous example needs anoLher sLep however Addlng Lhe verse numbers Lo Lhe
arrangemenL we know LhaL boLh Lhe 8asmala and Lhe speclal phrase ).' ( are verse 1 of Lhelr
respecLlve chapLers
llrsL speclal phrase" ln Lhe Cur'an llrsL verse ln Lhe Cur'an
verse number ChapLer number verse number ChapLer number
1 2 1 1
1211 ls also a mulLlple of 7
1211 = 173 x 7
We can conclude from all Lhe above numerlc cases LhaL Lhe Cur'an's numerlc mlracle ls qulLe a
creaLlve one lL does noL seem Lo llmlL lLself Lo one parLlcular arrangemenL ln oLher words
dlfferenL arrangemenLs of chapLer numbers verse numbers numbers of words and numbers of
leLLers manage Lo produce mulLlples of 7 ln some lnsLances we only used one varlable CfLen
we used Lwo Lhree or all four varlables neverLheless Lhe resulL was always one and Lhe same
and Lhe loglcal sequence of chapter, verse, words and letters was and always wlll be
Amazing ReIationship with the Letters of the word "Qur'an"
1he Arablc word for 1he Cur'an" namely )- - ' ( conslsLs of flve dlfferenL leLLers Allf" ()
Lm" (.) Cf" () 8'" () and nun" () lour of Lhese leLLers (le all excepL Cf") are
found ln Lhe 8asmala lnLeresLlngly Lhe very leLLers of Lhe Arablc word 1he Cur'an" have a
relaLlonshlp wlLh Lhe flrsL verse ln Lhe Cur'an! ln order Lo see Lhls we now wrlLe Lhe 8asmala
and Lhe number of Allf" () Lm" (.) Cf" () 8'" () and nun" () leLLers LhaL each of
lLs four words conLaln
1he Marels o the Number Seen in the Noble Qur`an
, )- ( ~' )' ,( -~,, = ' )' _ -( = ' )' _ (
4 0
1he number represenLlng Lhe repeLlLlon of Lhe leLLers of Lhe Arablc word Cur'an" ln Lhe flrsL
verse of Lhe Cur'an ls 40 AsLonlshlngly Lhls number ls a mulLlple of 7 Lhree Llmes!
3430 = 10 x 7 x 7 x 7
lL appears LhaL Cod AlmlghLy Lhrough Lhe language of numbers and speclflcally Lhrough Lhe
language of 7 ls conflrmlng LhaL Lhls Poly Cur'an ls none oLher Lhan Pls word because such
lnLrlcaLe arrangemenLs could noL have appeared aL random buL are Lhe resulL of Pls lnflnlLe
And now we look closely aL Lwo of Cod's names Lhe very Lwo names LhaL are menLloned ln Lhe
8asmala )-~ = ' = ' (
),-=, - ' - =, - ' ( Most Gracious, Most MercifuI
ln Lhese Lwo names whlch are Lwo of Cod's 99 Arablc names lle wonderful secreLs LeL us
now reflecL on Lhe beauLy of Lhe followlng arrangemenLs especlally Lhose whlch relaLe Lo Lhe
repeLlLlon and arrangemenLs of Lhe leLLers of Lhese Lwo names an lndlcaLlon of how Cod
AlmlghLy perfecLed even Lhe very leLLers of Pls own names ln Lhe Poly Cur'an
The repetition of each name in the Qur'an
Cod AlmlghLy has repeaLed each of Lhese Lwo names ln Lhe Cur'an ln a manner LhaL agaln
cenLres on Lhe number 7 Looklng for menLlons of Lhe word (-~ = ' ) we flnd LhaL lL ls
repeaLed 7 Llmes ln Lhe Cur'an whereas Lhe word (= ' ) ls repeaLed 11 Llmes We now
comblne Lhese Lwo numbers LogeLher
-~= ' = '
11 7
1he number 117 ls a mulLlple of 7
11557 = 1651 x 7
The repetition of each Ietter
As menLloned earller regardlng Lhe word (= ' ) Lhe 11 repeLlLlons also lnclude Lhe few
oLher forms of Lhe same word whlch also mean Merclful" namely (= ) and ( - = ' )
1he Marels o the Number Seen in the Noble Qur`an

1he phrase ( ` =~ `=- ) (MosL Craclous MosL Merclful) ls made up of seven dlfferenL
leLLers namely Allf" () Lm" () 8'" () '" (_) Mlm" () nun" (-) and ?'" () 1he
repeLlLlon of Lhese leLLers across Lhe enLlre 8asmala ) , ~' -~,, = ' = ' ( carrles wlLh lL a
profound numerlc arrangemenL lor Lhe sake of easlness Lhe followlng ls a leLLerbyleLLer
breakdown of Lhe 8asmala's words
~ , ' J J - ' J , _ , ' J , _
now we wrlLe each of Lhese leLLers separaLely along wlLh how many Llmes lL ls repeaLed ln Lhe
3 J 4 , 2 _ 2 3 , 1 1
And now we break up Lhe Lhese Lwo names )-~ = ' = ' ( lnLo separaLe leLLers and under
each leLLer we wrlLe Lhe correspondlng number we found above whlch represenLs Lhe number
of Llmes Lhe leLLer ls clLed ln Lhe 8asmala
' _ - ' _
1 2 2 4 1 2 2 4
1hls 12dlglL number 12241224 ls lndeed a mulLlple of 7!
312243132243 = 44606161749 x 7
Lven when we asslgn each leLLer of )-~= ' = ' ( a number ln sequenLlal order LhaL ls (1 2
4 ) we arrlve agaln aL a mulLlple of 7
' _ - ' _
12 11 10 9 7 4 2 1
?eL agaln Lhe number 12111097421 ls a mulLlple of 7
121110987654321 = 17301569664903 x 7
The first and Iast Ietter of each name
uslng Lhe prevlous example anoLher mulLlple of 7 ls found when we form an arrangemenL
uslng Lhe flrsL and lasL leLLers of boLh names 1haL ls Lhe order of Lhe flrsL leLLer ln (-~ = ' ) ls
1 and Lhe order of Lhe lasL ls 1he order of Lhe flrsL leLLer ln (= ' ) ls 7 and Lhe order of Lhe
lasL ls 12
1he Marels o the Number Seen in the Noble Qur`an
' _ , ' _
12 11 10 9 7 6 4 2 1
1he number 1271 ls a mulLlple of 7
12761 = 1823 x 7
The Numbered BasmaIas
ln Lhe Poly Cur'an Lhere are exacLly 114 8asmalas Cnly Lwo however are numbered verses
Lhe resL are found before Lhe beglnnlng of every chapLer4 buL are noL consldered verses of Lhe
Cur'an 1haL ls lf someone reads Lhe Cur'an he or she wlll flnd a 8asmala before Lhe openlng
verse of nearly every chapLer even Lhough Lhese 8asmalas are noL consldered verses ln Lhelr
own rlghL 1he Lwo numbered 8asmala verses are
1 ln SuraL AllaLlhah ) , ~' -~,, = ' = ' ( Al laLlhah 11 1hls of course ls verse 1 of
SuraL AllaLlhah
2 ln SuraL Alnaml (ChapLer 1he AnLs)
' - -

' -' - ' ) 18 ( - ~ ~- ~ - ~ ^ --' ,-=,-'

) - =,-' )21 ( . ' = = - ~ ~ ~ )20
(1he queen) sald ?e chlefs! here ls dellvered Lo me a leLLer worLhy of respecL (29) lL ls from
Solomon and ls (as follows) In the name of God, Most Gracious, Most MercifuI (0)
8e ye noL arroganL agalnsL me buL come Lo me ln submlsslon (Lo Lhe Lrue 8ellglon) (1)
Alnaml 27291
1hls 8asmala ls ln verse 0 of SuraL Alnaml
1he arrangemenL of Lhese Lwo verse numbers Lhose of Lhe only Lwo numbered 8asmalas ln Lhe
Cur'an achleve a mulLlple of 7
Alnaml verse AllaLlhah verse
0 1
1he number 01 ls a mulLlple of 7
4 AparL from chapLer 9 SuraL Al1auba (ChapLer 8epenLance) whlch does noL conLaln any
8asmalas before lLs flrsL verse
1he Marels o the Number Seen in the Noble Qur`an
301 = 43 x 7
AI-Fatihah and AI-NamI
1here exlsLs a relaLlonshlp beLween SuraL AllaLlhah and SuraL Alnaml (Lhe Lwo chapLers LhaL
conLaln numbered 8asmalas) ln Lerms of Lhelr chapLer numbers and number of verses
Alnaml AllaLlhah
number of verses ChapLer number number of verses ChapLer number
9 27 7 1
1he ouLcome ls 92771 a mulLlple of 7
932771 = 133253 x 7
AI-Fatihah and AI-Taubah
lf we furLher reflecL upon Lhe verses of Lhe Cur'an we flnd LhaL Lhere ls a slngle chapLer ln
whlch Lhe 8asmala ls noL found ln Lhe beglnnlng SuraL Al1aubah (ChapLer 8epenLance) lL ls
almosL as lf lL ls acLlng opposite Lo Lhe naLure of Lhe Cur'an and conLrary Lo all Lhe oLher
chapLers 1haL belng sald Lhere ls also a relaLlonshlp based on Lhe number 7 beLween SuraL Al
laLlhah and SuraL Al1aubah whlch ls slmllar Lo Lhe prevlous example Powever Lhereln lles a
cruclal dlfference Lhls relaLlonshlp ls only reallsed when we reverse Lhe arrangemenL we arrlve
aL conflrmlng Lhls opposlLe relaLlonshlp
Al1aubah AllaLlhah
number of verses ChapLer number number of verses ChapLer number
129 9 7 1
1he number 129971 ls not a mulLlple of 7 ?eL when we reverse Lhls number and read lL from
rlghL Lo lefL we are lefL wlLh 179921 a perfecL mulLlple of 7!
179921 = 25703 x 7
AI-NamI and the BasmaIa's doubIe-mention
SuraL Alnaml ls Lhe only Cur'anlc chapLer where Lhe 8asmala ls found Lwlce once ln Lhe very
beglnnlng and once ln Lhe 0Lh verse Pavlng sald LhaL Lhere exlsLs a unlque relaLlonshlp
beLween Lhe very flrsL and very lasL verse of Lhls chapLer 1he flrsL verse of course ls verse 1
and Lhe lasL ls verse 9
LasL verse number llrsL verse number
9 1
1he Marels o the Number Seen in the Noble Qur`an
1he number 91 lncredlbly ls a mulLlple of 7 twice!
931 = 19 x 7 x 7
1he beauLy of Lhls resulL has Lo be admlred llrsLly 91 ls a mulLlple of 7 Lwo Llmes as lf
referrlng Lo Lhe Lwo menLlons of Lhe 8asmala ln Lhls very chapLer Secondly Lhe number 19 ls
lncluded ln Lhls flnal resulL and as noLed before parL of Lhe slgnlflcance of Lhls number ls LhaL
Lhe 8asmala lLself conslsLs of 19 leLLers!
The BasmaIa, "AI-Mu'awwithatain" The Two hapters of Refuge and
the Sheer Beauty of Numbers
We now come Lo one of Lhe mosL profound of relaLlonshlps LhaL Lhe 8asmala proclalms wlLh
oLher chapLers ln Lhe Cur'an 1haL ls lLs relaLlonshlp wlLh Lhe lasL Lwo chapLers SuraL Allalaq
(ChapLer 1he uaybreak uawn) and SuraL Alnas (ChapLer Manklnd) commonly known as Al
Mu'awwlLhaLaln" or Lhe 'Lwo chapLers of refuge' We wlll now see how Lhe leLLers of Lhe
8asmala form a connecLlon wlLh Lhese Lwo chapLers ln a way LhaL aL besL can be descrlbed as
Surat AI-FaIaq and the BasmaIa
Cne of Lhe many beauLles of Lhe 8asmala ls Lhe connecLlon of lLs letters wlLh Lhe words of
oLher chapLers and such ls Lhe case wlLh Lhe AlMu'awwlLhaLaln" namely SuraL Allalaq and
SuraL Alnas llrsL we sLarL wlLh Lhe chapLer before Lhe lasL Lhe 11Lh chapLer ln Lhe Cur'an
SuraL Allalaq
ln order Lo creaLe Lhe arrangemenL we're looklng for we musL counL how many of Lhe
8asmala's letters are found ln each word of SuraL Allalaq noLe LhaL Lhls chapLer conslsLs of 2
words whlch means LhaL Lhe number we're golng Lo flnd wlll be a very long one our longesL
yeL ln facL 1he quesLlon wlll Lhen be wheLher Lhls 2dlglL number ls a perfecL mulLlple of 7
revlously we examlned Arablc words llke (- - ' ) 1he Cur'an" (-' ) Cod" (-~= ' )
1he MosL Craclous" and (= ' ) 1he MosL Merclful" and counLed how many Llmes Lhe
leLLers of those words were repeaLed ln Lhe 8asmala's four words Lhus formlng a 4dlglL
number every Llme 1hls Llme noL only are we dolng Lhe exacL opposlLe buL Lhls Llme we're
looklng for Lhe occurrence of Lhe 8asmala's leLLers ln an enLlre chapLer!
Pavlng sald LhaL Lhe 8asmala or ) , ~' -~,, = ' = ' ( conslsLs of 10 dlfferenL leLLers as
we hlghllghLed before
' _ - , -
1he Marels o the Number Seen in the Noble Qur`an
1he followlng ls SuraL Allalaq ln lLs enLlreLy
. = - - ' )0( ~ ~ ' ~ = )1( ~ ~ , ~' = ' )
2( ~ ~
) ' ` - ~ - ' )3( ~ ~ , ~ ~' = ' ~ ~ = )4
Say l seek refuge wlLh Lhe Lord of Lhe uawn (1) lrom Lhe mlschlef of creaLed Lhlngs (2) lrom
Lhe mlschlef of uarkness as lL overspreads () lrom Lhe mlschlef of Lhose who pracLlse secreL
arLs (4) And from Lhe mlschlef of Lhe envlous one as he pracLlses envy ()
Allalaq 11
1he flrsL word of SuraL Allalaq ls ( Say" lL ls made up of 2 leLLers (and (
1herefore one of Lhe 8asmala's leLLers ( ls found ln Lhls word meanlng LhaL we asslgn lL
Lhe number 1 whlch forms Lhe flrsL number of our arrangemenL 1o [usL glve anoLher example
Lhe Lhlrd word ln Lhls chapLer ls ( , - ) ln Lhe Lord of" Lhe Lhree leLLers of whlch are (-
(and (-once more 1he 8asmala leLLers (and (are boLh found ln Lhls word meanlng LhaL
we asslgn lL Lhe number because Lhe leLLer (-ls found Lwlce and (once
now we wrlLe all Lhe words of SuraL Allalaq and under each word how many of Lhe
8asmala's leLLers lL conLalns (noLe when Arablc words are wrlLLen Lhelr leLLers Lend Lo [oln
LogeLher somewhaL llke curslve wrlLlng ln Lngllsh! So for Lhe beneflL of our readers who
haven'L any knowledge of Arablc we've wrlLLen each word along wlLh a breakdown of lLs
leLLers so Lhese can be easlly compared wlLh Lhe leLLers of Lhe 8asmala llsLed above)
-, ) ( , ~ =) _ = ( , - )- -( _~-,, ')' (
1 1
, - ~ ) -( , ) ( ' ~,) '( , _~= , )= ( =, ,- ~ ) -(
2 0 1 2 1 2
, ) ( , '= )_ ' ( '~, ) '( _- , , - )= -( =, , - ~ ) -(
2 0 1 2 2 1
ln Lhe Lord of" ls a slngle word ln Arablc
noLe LhaL Lhe leLLer Allf" () ls someLlmes wrlLLen as () (') () or () dependlng on Lhe
pronunclaLlon 1hls however does noL make lL a dlfferenL leLLer lL's sLlll as Allf" as Allf" geLs!
1he Marels o the Number Seen in the Noble Qur`an
, ) ( - -' ,` )' - ( ) ( , .' ~,-= )' _ ~( =,
0 2 1 1
, - ~ ) -( , ) ( , ~ ~'= )_ ' ~( '~, ) '( , _ , ~ ,~)_ ~(
2 2 1 2
1he number 2212021120122120121211 ls noLhlng less Lhan a perfecL mulLlple of 7!
22312021312012212012123311 = 3187431616001744573160473 x 7
Dividing up Surat AI-FaIaq: more and more muItipIes
SuraL Allalaq can be dlvlded lnLo Lwo segmenLs when analysed
Seeklng refuge wlLh Cod AlmlghLy 1hls ls found ln Lhe flrsL verse
. = - - '
Say l seek refuge wlLh Lhe Lord of Lhe uawn
Allalaq 111
Seeklng refuge from Lhe evll and evll acLlons of Cod's creaLlons 1hls ls found ln Lhe resL of Lhe
verses ln Lhe chapLer
~ ~ ' ~ = )1( ~ ~ , ~' = ' )2( ~ ~ ' ` -
~ - ' )3( ~
) ~ , ~ ~' = ' ~ ~ = )4
lrom Lhe mlschlef of creaLed Lhlngs (2) lrom Lhe mlschlef of uarkness as lL overspreads ()
lrom Lhe mlschlef of Lhose who pracLlse secreL arLs (4) And from Lhe mlschlef of Lhe envlous
one as he pracLlses envy ()
Allalaq 112
Amazlngly we flnd an arrangemenL based on Lhe number 7 ln each of Lhese Lwo separaLe
segmenLs now Laklng Lhe flrsL segmenL on lLs own we wrlLe each word along wlLh lLs
correspondlng number of 8asmala leLLers (whlch we found above)
, ) ( , ~ =) _ = ( , - )- -( '_~-,, )' (
1 1
1he Marels o the Number Seen in the Noble Qur`an
1he number 11 ls a mulLlple of 7
3311 = 473 x 7
Slmllarly we Lake Lhe second segmenL on lLs own
, - ~ ) -( , ) ( ' ~,) '( , _~= , )= ( =, ,- ~ ) -(
2 0 1 2 1 2
, ) ( , '= )_ ' ( '~, ) '( _- , , - )= -( =, , - ~ ) -(
2 0 1 2 2 1
, ) ( - -' ,` )' - ( ) ( , .' ~,-= )' _ ~( =,
0 2 1 1
, - ~ ) -( , ) ( , ~ ~'= )_ ' ~( '~, ) '( , _ , ~ ,~)_ ~(
2 2 1 2
1he number 22120211201221201212 ls a mulLlple of 7
2231202131201221201212 = 318743161600174457316 X 7
lnLeresLlngly even when we conslder Lhe second segmenL whlch speaks of seeklng refuge from
Lhe evll of Cod's creaLlons and dlvlde that up lnLo Lwo segmenLs each separaLe segmenL sLlll
produces a mulLlple of 7 1herefore we furLher dlvlde Lhe second segmenL lnLo
Seeklng refuge from Lhe evll of Cod's creaLlons
) ~ ~ ' ~ = )1( ~ ~ , ~' = ' ) 2
lrom Lhe mlschlef of creaLed Lhlngs (2) lrom Lhe mlschlef of uarkness as lL overspreads ()
Allalaq 112
Seeklng refuge from Lhe evll actions of Cod's creaLlons
) ~ ~ ' ` - ~ - ' )3( ~ ~ , ~ ~' = ' ~ ~ = )4
lrom Lhe mlschlef of Lhose who pracLlse secreL arLs (4) And from Lhe mlschlef of Lhe envlous
one as he pracLlses envy ()
Allalaq 114
1he Marels o the Number Seen in the Noble Qur`an
The first segment
LeL's wrlLe Lhe flrsL segmenL LhaL of seeklng refuge from Lhe evll of Cod's creaLlons along
wlLh how many 8asmala leLLers occur ln each word
, - ~ ) -( , ) ( ' ~,) '( , _~= , )= ( =, ,- ~ ) -(
2 0 1 2 1 2
, ) ( , '= )_ ' ( '~, ) '( _- , , - )= -(
1 2 2 1
1he number 1221201212 ls a mulLlple of 7
1221201212 = 174457316 x 7
The second segment
now leL's wrlLe Lhe second segmenL LhaL of seeklng refuge from Lhe evll acLlons of Cod's
creaLlons along wlLh Lhe amounL of 8asmala leLLers found ln each word
=, , - ~ ) -( , ) ( - -' ,` )' - ( ) ( , .' ~,-= )' _ ~(
2 1 1 2 0
=, , - ~ ) -( , ) ( , ~ ~'= )_ ' ~( '~, ) '( , _ , ~ ,~)_ ~(
2 2 1 2 0
1he number 2212021120 also dlvldes by 7
223120213120 = 31874316160 x 7
ategorising the words of AI-FaIaq
All Lhe perfecL arrangemenLs we [usL arrlved aL could noL have been mere colncldence buL ln
our modesL vlew a mlracle of Cod AlmlghLy
8uL Lo furLher reassure ourselves we're now golng Lo Lake anoLher look aL Lhe words of SuraL
Allalaq and caLegorlse Lhem accordlng Lo how many 8asmala leLLers Lhey conLaln 1hls leaves
us wlLh Lhree caLegorles
1 Words LhaL conLaln only one 8asmala leLLer llke ( for lnsLance 1here are 9 such words
2 Words LhaL conLaln Lwo 8asmala leLLers llke ( , _ , ~ ,~ 1here are 10 such words
1he Marels o the Number Seen in the Noble Qur`an
Words LhaL conLaln Lhree 8asmala leLLers llke ( _ - 1here are 4 such words
lease noLe LhaL anyone can counL Lhls for Lhemselves by looklng aL SuraL Allalaq above whlch
lndlcaLes Lhe number of 8asmala leLLers ln each word now arranglng Lhe Lhree numbers 9
10 and 4 LogeLher we arrlve aL Lhe followlng
1hree leLLers 1wo leLLers Cne leLLer
4 10 9
Surely enough Lhe number 4109 ls a mulLlple of 7
4109 = 587 x 7
And now we pose a crlLlcal quesLlon Could colncldence have arranged Lhe leLLers of Lhe
8asmala across Lhe words of SuraL Allalaq ln a manner perfecLly ln Lune wlLh Lhe number 7?
Could colncldence have gone even furLher arranglng Lhe 8asmala leLLers ln each separaLe
segmenL of SuraL Allalaq ln Lhe same way only for colncldence Lo yeL agaln form an
arrangemenL based on Lhe number of 'Allalaq' words conLalnlng one Lwo and Lhree 8asmala
leLLers wlLh Lhe answers always malnLalnlng Lhelr sLaLus as absoluLe mulLlples of 7?
lf all Lhls had been colncldence (whlch very sLrlcLly speaklng ls noL enLlrely lmposslble!) could
Lhe exact same arrangemenLs be found when analyslng SuraL Alnas Lhe chapLer whlch comes
afLer SuraL Allalaq Lhe second of Lhe AlMu'awwlLhaLaln" (Lwo chapLers of refuge) and Lhe
flnal chapLer of Lhe Poly Cur'an?
LeL's flnd ouL
Surat AI-Nas and the BasmaIa
uslng Lhe exacL same sLeps we followed wlLh SuraL Allalaq we sLarL our analysls of SuraL Al
nas Lhe flnal chapLer of Lhe Cur'an by wrlLlng down Lhe words of Lhls chapLer along wlLh Lhe
number of 8asmala leLLers ln each word Agaln Lhe 8asmala leLLers are
' _ - , -
And Lhls ls Lhe whole of SuraL Alnas
). = - ' - ' )0( = ~ ' - ' )1( ' - ' )2( ~ ~
' ~ ' ' - ' )3
) ~ ' ~ - ~ - ' - ' )4( ~ - ' ' -' ) 5
1he Marels o the Number Seen in the Noble Qur`an
Say l seek refuge wlLh Lhe Lord and Cherlsher of Manklnd (1) 1he klng (or 8uler) of Manklnd
(2) 1he Cod (for [udge) of Manklnd () lrom Lhe mlschlef of Lhe Whlsperer (of Lvll) who
wlLhdraws (afLer hls whlsper) (4) (1he same) who whlspers lnLo Lhe hearLs of Manklnd ()
Among !lnns and among men ()
Alnas 114
1he breakdown of SuraL Alnas ls as follows
-, ) ( , ~ =) _ = ( , - )- -( ' -' )' - ' (
1 1
~, ) ( ' -' )' - ' ( , ) ( ' -' )' - ' (
, - ~ ) -( , ) ( ',, ~,, ' )' = = ' ( , .' , ' -= )' _ - ' (
1 2
~ ' )' ( =, ~,-- ) = = ( ) ( ~-- ) ~ = (
1 1
' -' )' - ' ( , - ~ ) -( - =, ' )' _ - ( =, ' -' )' - ' (
0 4 2
lndeed Lhe large number 0421112211 [usL llke lLs slsLer ln SuraL Allalaq ls no
less Lhan a mulLlple of 7
504251133551253525311 = 72035876221607646473 x 7
Dividing up Surat AI-Nas: more muItipIes of 7
!usL llke we dld wlLh SuraL Allalaq we can dlvlde SuraL Alnas lnLo 2 segmenLs
Seeklng refuge wlLh Cod AlmlghLy
) . = - ' - ' )0( = ~ ' - ' )1( ' - ' )2
Say l seek refuge wlLh Lhe Lord and Cherlsher of Manklnd (1) 1he klng (or 8uler) of Manklnd
(2) 1he Cod (for [udge) of Manklnd ()
Alnas 1141
Seeklng refuge from Lhe devll
1he Marels o the Number Seen in the Noble Qur`an
) ~ ~ ' ~ ' ' - ' ) 3( ~ ' ~ - ~ - ' - ' ) 4( ~
- ' ' -' ) 5
lrom Lhe mlschlef of Lhe Whlsperer (of Lvll) who wlLhdraws (afLer hls whlsper) (4) (1he same)
who whlspers lnLo Lhe hearLs of Manklnd () Among !lnns and among men ()
Alnas 1144
Agaln as we dld wlLh SuraL Allalaq we conslder each segmenL7 on lLs own counLlng Lhe
number of 8asmala leLLers ln every word
The first segment
-, ) ( , ~ =) _ = ( , - )- -( ' -' )' - ' (
1 1
~, ) ( ' -' )' - ' ( , ) ( ' -' )' - ' (
1he number 211 ls a mulLlple of 7
53525311 = 7646473 x 7
The second segment
, - ~ ) -( , ) ( ',, ~,, ' )' = = ' ( , .' , ' -= )' _ - ' (
1 2
~ ' )' ( =, ~,-- ) = = ( ) ( ~-- ) ~ = (
1 1
' -' )' - ' ( , - ~ ) -( - =, ' )' _ - ( =, ' -' )' - ' (
0 4 2
1he resulLlng arrangemenL glves 0421112 a mulLlple of 7
5042511335512 = 720358762216 x 7
ategorising the words of AI-Nas
7 lease noLe LhaL wlLh SuraL Allalaq we furLher dlvlded
Lhe second segmenL lnLo 2 segmenLs buL wlLh SuraL Al
nas we can only have 2 segmenLs ln LoLal
1he Marels o the Number Seen in the Noble Qur`an
We now caLegorlse Lhe words of SuraL Alnas accordlng Lo how many leLLers from Lhe 8asmala
Lhey conLaln 1hls produces flve caLegorles
1 Words LhaL conLaln only one 8asmala leLLer llke ( , for lnsLance 1here are such
2 Words LhaL conLaln Lwo 8asmala leLLers llke ( ~, 1here are such words
Words LhaL conLaln Lhree 8asmala leLLers llke ( , - 1here are 4 such words
4 Words LhaL conLaln four 8asmala leLLers llke ( - =, ' 1haL ls acLually Lhe only example so
Lhere ls [usL 1 such word
Words LhaL conLaln flve 8asmala leLLers llke ( ' -' 1here are 7 such words
llve leLLers lour leLLers 1hree leLLers 1wo leLLers Cne leLLer
7 1 4
1hls arrangemenL resulLs ln Lhe number 714 a mulLlple of 7
71435 = 10205 x 7
1hese magnlflcenL resulLs porLray Lhe beauLlful conslsLency and lnLerconnecLedness of Lhe
Cur'an's numerlc arrangemenLs We have wlLnessed Lhe crlLlcal lmporLance of Lhe 8asmala's
leLLers and how uslng Lhem across varlous Cur'anlc verses and chapLers has produced perfecL
mulLlples of 7 wlLhouL excepLlon 1he senslLlvlLy of such calculaLlons cannoL be more
emphaslsed had any of Lhe numbers been ever so sllghLly dlfferenL we would noL have arrlved
aL a mulLlple of 7 1hls conflrms noL only LhaL Lhe 8asmala verse ls Lhe clear word of Cod
AlmlghLy buL LhaL Lhe oLher verses whlch we llnked Lo Lhe 8asmala can only be Cod's words as
ConLlnulng Lo llnk Lhe wonderful leLLers of Lhe 8asmala across dlfferenL parLs of Lhe Poly
Cur'an we now examlne Lhe presence of Lhese leLLers ln anoLher verse a verse LhaL has been
rendered Lhe CreaLesL verse ln Lhe Cur'an"
The Greatest Verse in the Qur'an
1he Marels o the Number Seen in the Noble Qur`an
Musllms know very well LhaL Lhe greaLesL verse ln Lhe Cur'an as acknowledge by Lhe ropheL
Muhammad (pbuh) ls AyaL Alkursl" (1he 1hrone verse) whlch ls verse 2 of SuraL Al
' . . , ' - - ' . - ~ = - ~ . ' ~ - ~ ~ ' ' ~ -
' ~
' ' ~ _ -~ - - ~- = . - ' = ' ~ - - +- ~- ' ~ + - = .
- =- - , - ~ ~
~ = . ' -' ~ - ~ ~ ~ ~ ' ' . - ~- ' ~ + =- = ,
' - = '
Cod! 1here ls no god buL PeLhe Llvlng Lhe SelfsubslsLlng LLernal no slumber can selze Plm
nor sleep Pls are all Lhlngs ln Lhe heavens and on earLh Who ls Lhere can lnLercede ln Pls
presence excepL as Pe permlLLeLh? Pe knoweLh whaL (appeareLh Lo Pls creaLures as) before or
afLer or behlnd Lhem nor shall Lhey compass aughL of Pls knowledge excepL as Pe wllleLh Pls
1hrone doLh exLend over Lhe heavens and Lhe earLh and Pe feeleLh no faLlgue ln guardlng and
preservlng Lhem for Pe ls Lhe MosL Plgh Lhe Supreme (ln glory)
Al8aqarah 22
Pavlng already dlscovered lncredlble connecLlons beLween Lhe leLLers of Lhe 8asmala and
varlous verses and chapLers we felL LhaL such a profound connecLlon was lnevlLable ln whaL ls
known as Lhe Cur'an's greaLesL verse
!usL Lo relLeraLe Lhe followlng are Lhe leLLers of Lhe 8asmala
' _ - , -
We now wrlLe AyaL Alkursl" along wlLh Lhe number of 8asmala leLLers conLalned ln each of lLs
~' )' ( ` ) '( , , ) ( ` ) '( =,, ) =( , .' , = )' _ (
2 4 1 4 -,-, ' )' = ( ` ) '( , , ~ - =- ) _ ( -, ~ - ) - ( =, ` ) '(
4 2 2 0 2
, -, )- = ( , ) ( ' ~,) '( ) ( ,~, ~' )' = (
4 1 2 2 2
= ' ~,) '( ) ( , ,`' )' ( , - ~ ) -( ' ~,) '(
uo noLe LhaL Lhe 1hrone verse ls a long verse ln facL
lL's much longer Lhan enLlre chapLers ln Lhe Cur'an buL
neverLheless lL ls only one verse!
1he Marels o the Number Seen in the Noble Qur`an
1 2 4 1 2 0
~ ' )' ( _,-, ~-, ) _( ~,, - = - )_ - ~ ( ` ) '(
2 1
-, )- - ( ,~, -, ) _ ( ' ~,) '( , , , - )- -( , - ~, -, ) ~ (
4 2
= ' ~,) '( , , -,-, ~= )_ ( = ` ) '( _-=- =-- - ) _ = = -(
4 2 0 2 0
- , -, -~ )- ( , - ~ ) -( ~, ~ = )_ ( ` ) '( '~, )- '(
2 2
, ' ~, - ) '( _ ~, , )= _( - ~, ) ( ,~, ~' )' = (
1 4 4 1
= , ,`' )' ( = ` ) '( ~ - - - - ,- ) = ~ ( '~,---=, - = )_ = '(
0 4 2 2 0 4
= =,, ) =( , .' , ~= )' _ ( , .' , - == )' _ = (
4 4 1 0
1he huge number LhaL resulLs from Lhls arrangemenL ls
441042204044112242020242112412041222202244124 lncredlbly lL ls a
perfecL mulLlple of 7!!
441042204044113332242032053234321312412041222203224413324 =
63006029149159047463147436176331616058863031743317773332 x 7
1hls perfecL resulL ulLlmaLely proves LhaL Lhe leLLers of Lhe 8asmala carry wlLh Lhem an
lnLrlcaLely preclse maLhemaLlcal secreL one LhaL has been unlocked ln many Cur'anlc verses
and mosL noLably (so far) AyaL Alkursl Lhe greaLesL verse ln Lhe Cur'an
We musL also bear ln mlnd LhaL we have wrlLLen Lhe varlous Cur'anlc verses exactly as Lhey
appear ln Lhe Cur'an whlch ls absoluLely crlLlcal ln our sLudy of Lhe numerlc mlracle lor
lnsLance Lhe word , ~' ,' ' (Lhe skles) whlch appears ln AyaL Alkursl among oLher
verses ls wrlLLen ln Lhe Cur'an ln a dlfferenL form Lhan LhaL whlch ls used ln normal Arablc ln
Cur'anlc Arablc lL ls wrlLLen as ,~, ~' )' = ( whlch conLalns 4 8asmala leLLers Pad
lL been wrlLLen ln normal Arablc Lhe word would have been )' ' = ' ( , ~' ,' '
whlch would have meanL lL conLalned 8asmala leLLers Pad LhaL been Lhe case Lhe numerlc
1he Marels o the Number Seen in the Noble Qur`an
arrangemenL we obLalned would have been compleLely desLroyed because we would have
arrlved aL a number LhaL does noL dlvlde by 7!
A Web of Numbers
We wlLnessed how Lhe mlracle of Lhe 8asmala ls noL only llmlLed Lo lLs leLLers and words on
Lhelr own A mlracle also exlsLs ln Lhe connecLlon beLween Lhe 8asmala and oLher Cur'anlc
verses 1hese connecLlons form a complex and dlverse web of numbers LhaL emanaLe Lhe
beauLy of Lhe Poly Cur'an's numerlc mlracle
SLudylng Lhe 8asmala's connecLlon wlLh all Lhe verses of Lhe Cur'an ls someLhlng LhaL requlres a
greaL deal of research buL for now lL seems approprlaLe for Lhe purposes of our sLudy Lo
choose Lwo examples one from Lhe flrsL chapLer ln Lhe Cur'an and one from Lhe lasL
1 1he flrsL chapLer beglns wlLh Cod AlmlghLy saylng
) ~ ' = ' - = ' )0( ~~ ' - - ~ ' )1
ln Lhe name of Cod MosL Craclous MosL Merclful (1) ralse be Lo Cod Lhe Cherlsher and
SusLalner of Lhe world (2)
AllaLlhah 112
2 1he flnal chapLer beglns wlLh
) ~ ' = ' - = ' } . = - ' - ' )0
ln Lhe name of Cod MosL Craclous MosL Merclful9 Say l seek refuge wlLh Lhe Lord and
Cherlsher of Manklnd (1)
Alnas 1141
As hlghllghLed before Lhe 8asmala ln Lhe lasL chapLer of Lhe Cur'an ls noL parL of lLs verses lL
merely slLs aLop of Lhe chapLer And ln Lhe same way lL slLs aLop almosL all Lhe oLher chapLers
ln Lhe Cur'an40 wlLhouL belng consldered parL of Lhe verses 1he only excepLlon Lo Lhls ls Lhe
8asmala found ln SuraL AllaLlhah whlch ls Lhe flrsL verse of LhaL chapLer
WhllsL keeplng ln mlnd LhaL every word ln Lhe above verses carrles a mlracle we wlll
concenLraLe solely on Lhe flrsL and lasL word of each verse 1he reason for LhaL ls for our
readers noL Lo Lhlnk LhaL our cholce of words ls made randomly buL sysLemaLlcally 1haL ls why
we always choose Lhe flrsL and lasL chapLer Lhe flrsL and lasL verse and so on
40 LxcepL for SuraL Al1aubah where Lhere ls no 8asmala
1he Marels o the Number Seen in the Noble Qur`an
As sLaLed many Llmes before Lhe flrsL verse ln SuraL AllaLlhah ls Lhe 8asmala and Lhe flrsL of
lLs four words ls ( ) whlch has been repeaLed 22 Llmes ln Lhe Cur'an 1he lasL word ln Lhe
8asmala ls ( = ' ) whlch has been repeaLed 11 Llmes
1he second verse ln SuraL AllaLlhah ls ), .' , ~-, ~= ~ , - , .' , ~,~= , - ( Lhe flrsL
word of whlch ls (~~= ' ) 1hls word ls repeaLed ln Lhe Cur'an Llmes and Lhe lasL word ), .' ,
~,~= , - ( ls repeaLed 7 Llmes41
And now leL us bear wlLness Lo an asLoundlng web of numerlc connecLlons beLween Lhese four
numbers 7 11 22 LhaL always manages Lo generaLe mulLlples of 7
Fact 1
1he flrsL and lasL words of Lhe 8asmala verse ( , ~' -~,, = ' = ' ) are repeaLed 22 and
11 Llmes respecLlvely Comblnlng Lhese Lwo numbers achleves 1122 our flrsL mulLlple of 7
1122 14 x 7
Note: we have seen this example earlier in this Part, but it is also relevant here.
Fact 2
nexL Lhe numbers and 7 represenL respecLlvely Lhe flrsL and lasL words ln Lhe second
verse of SuraL AllaLlhah namely ), .' , ~-, ~= ~ , - , .' ~,~, , - ( 1hls forms Lhe
number 7 and Laklng Lhls number's opposlLe glves us 7 whlch ls a mulLlple of 7
7 1191 x 7
We musL now address Lhe obvlous quesLlon of why we reversed Lhe number 7 and Lhe
secreL behlnd why Lhe numbers we arrlve aL are someLlmes read ln opposlLe dlrecLlons 1he
reason lles ln Lhe facL LhaL upon reflecLlon many of Lhe Cur'an's verses have opposlLe
Pavlng sald LhaL ln Lhe 8asmala verse (ln Lhe name of Cod MosL Craclous MosL Merclful) we
flnd Lhe aLLrlbuLe of mercy Lhe mercy of Cod And mercy ln such a conLexL ls always besLowed
upon by Cod ln oLher words mercy ls from Lhe creator to his creations.
ln sharp conLrasL Lhe second verse of SuraL AllaLlhah ls (ralse be Lo Cod Lhe Cherlsher and
SusLalner of Lhe world) a verse whlch carrles Lhe aLLrlbuLe of praise And pralse unllke mercy
ls made from Lhe creation to the creator ln oLher words lL ls us creaLlons who pralse Cod for
hls lnflnlLe blesslngs upon us
41 Muhammad lawad Abdul 8aql ed Al-Muajam-al-
Mufahras Li-Alfazil Quranil Kareem (Shabb ress
1he Marels o the Number Seen in the Noble Qur`an
lor Lhls reason lL ls only flLLlng LhaL Lhe numerlc arrangemenLs underlylng Lhese verses exhlblL
an opposlng naLure one whlch perfecLly complemenLs Lhelr llLeral lnLerpreLaLlons
1o summarlse Lhls lmporLanL resulL
~ ' = ' - =,- ' =- ' - - ,- --- '
7 11 F22
8ead from rlghL Lo lefL 8ead from lefL Lo rlghL
Fact 3
We called Lhls secLlon of our book A web of numbers" for a reason 1he four numbers ln Lhls
'web' (7 11 22) are so closely lnLerconnecLed Lo Lhe exLenL LhaL lL wlll never cease Lo
amaze us [usL how many mulLlples of 7 Lhese four numbers can produce42!
now we Lake Lhe numbers perLalnlng Lo Lhe first word of Lhe flrsL verse and Lhe first word of
Lhe second verse
~ ~~ '
1he number whlch represenLs Lhe repeLlLlon of Lhese Lwo words ln Lhe Poly Cur'an ls 22 a
mulLlple of 7
3822 = 546 x 7
We now know LhaL Lhe flrsL word of boLh verses are connecLed wlLh respecL Lo Lhe number 7
Fact 4
now Laklng Lhe numbers perLalnlng Lo Lhe last word of Lhe flrsL verse and Lhe last word of Lhe
second verse we flnd Lhls arrangemenL
42 uo noLe LhaL we're sLlll deallng wlLh example 1 LhaL of
Lhe flrsL Lwo verses of Lhe Cur'an's flrsL chapLer Lxample
2 whlch relaLes Lo Lhe flnal chapLer of Lhe Cur'an carrles
wlLh lL a whole web of lLs own!
1he Marels o the Number Seen in the Noble Qur`an
- = ' ' - ~
7 11
1he number represenLlng Lhe repeLlLlon of Lhese Lwo words ln Lhe Cur'an ls 711 a mulLlple
of 7
73115 = 10445 x 7
We have furLher esLabllshed LhaL Lhe lasL word of boLh verses have a connecLlon perLalnlng Lo
Lhe number 7
Fact 5
1he numbers whlch relaLe Lo Lhe first word of Lhe flrsL verse and Lhe last word of Lhe second
verse glve us
~ - ~ '
7 22
722 ls yeL anoLher mulLlple of 7
7322 = 1046 x 7
Fact 6
LxacLly opposlLe Lo lacL we now conslder Lhe last word of Lhe flrsL verse and Lhe first word
of Lhe second verse
- = ' ~~ '
1he above arrangemenL ls also a mulLlple of 7
38115 = 5445 x 7
We have wlLnessed slx closely connecLed facLs LhaL all relaLe Lo Lhe flrsL Lwo verses of SuraL Al
laLlhah and LhaL all represenL mulLlples of 7 8uL Lhe mosL lmporLanL concluslon of all perhaps
ls LhaL Lhese numbers hardly leave any room for colncldence
Colncldence slmply cannoL Lake place Lhls frequenLly neverLheless we acknowledge and
accepL LhaL people may well have Lhelr doubLs whlch ls why we are now golng Lo apply Lhe
1he Marels o the Number Seen in the Noble Qur`an
same loglc Lo Lhe flnal chapLer of Lhe Cur'an Lo see how Lhe very same arrangemenLs malnLaln
Lhe beauLlful conslsLency of belng mulLlples of 7
Fact 7
Pavlng wlLnessed Lhe amazlng arrangemenLs beLween Lhe 8asmala and Lhe verse LhaL follows lL
ln Lhe flrsL chapLer of Lhe Poly Cur'an are Lhe same connecLlons preserved when examlnlng Lhe
8asmala and Lhe flnal chapLer of Lhe Cur'an?
1he flnal chapLer of Lhe Cur'an ls SuraL Alnas and Lhe flrsL verse ln Lhls chapLer ls
. = - ' - '
1he flrsL word ln Lhls verse ( ls clLed ln Lhe Cur'an 2 Llmes 1he lasL word ( ' - ' ) ls
repeaLed 241 Llmes
And now we arrange Lhe Lwo numbers LogeLher
. = - ' - '
241 2
1he resulL ls 2412 a mulLlple of 7
241332 = 34476 x 7
Fact 8
now we wlll examlne Lhe numbers (241 2 11 22) whlch represenL Lhe Cur'an's
repeLlLlon of Lhe flrsL and lasL word of boLh Lhe 8asmala and Lhe flrsL verse of SuraL Alnas
~ ' = ' - =,- ' _ J = - ,' -- '
241 2 11 22
LeL's now explore Lhls web of numbers ln Lhe same way we lnvesLlgaLed Lhe flrsL Lwo verses of
SuraL AllaLlhah
llrsL Laklng Lhe numbers of Lhe first word of Lhe flrsL verse and Lhe first word of Lhe second
verse we geL
~ .
1he Marels o the Number Seen in the Noble Qur`an
2 22
1he number represenLlng Lhe repeLlLlon of Lhese Lwo words ln Lhe Cur'an ls 222 a mulLlple
of 7
33222 = 4746 x 7
Fact 9
We now use Lhe numbers of Lhe last word of Lhe flrsL verse and Lhe last word of Lhe second
- = ' ' -'
241 11
1he resulL ls 24111 a mulLlple of 7 agaln
241115 = 34445 x 7
Fact 10
1he numbers relaLlng Lo Lhe first word of Lhe flrsL verse and Lhe last word of Lhe second verse
are as follows
~ ' -'
241 22
1he number 24122 ls a mulLlple of 7
24122 = 3446 x 7
Fact 11
llnally we Lake Lhe numbers of Lhe last word of Lhe flrsL verse and Lhe first word of Lhe second
- = ' .
2 11
1he number 211 ls also a mulLlple of 7
332115 = 47445 x 7
1he Marels o the Number Seen in the Noble Qur`an
So as we have seen Lhe perfecL mulLlples of 7 lllusLraLed above lnvolved only slx dlfferenL
words neverLheless Lhese words produced an lnLrlcaLe web of lnLerconnecLedness LhaL ls so
dlfflculL Lo lnLerpreL as colncldence 1hls only makes us wonder whaL klnd of asLoundlng
preclslon can we expecL Lo flnd lf we sLudled all Lhe words of Lhe Cur'an whlch amounL Lo
more Lhan 70000?
The BasmaIa RefIects More of its Beauty - The Verse of
We have already menLloned LhaL Lhe 8asmala conslsLs of Len dlfferenL Arablc leLLers
' _ - , -
As we have already seen parL of Lhe beauLy of Lhe 8asmala verse ls LhaL lLs leLLers are found
wlLhln many of Lhe Cur'an's words ln a manner conslsLenL wlLh Lhe number 7
We wlll now look aL a parLlcular verse a verse whlch represenLs a slgnlflcanL polnL of dlfference
beLween lslam and oLher falLhs and sLaLes Cod's Lranscendence above Lhe clalms LhaL he begoL
a chlld or was begoLLen 1hls ls Lhe Lhlrd verse of chapLer 112 SuraL Allkhlas (ChapLer
. ~ - . ~ -
Pe begeLLeLh noL nor ls Pe begoLLen
Allkhlas 112
The verse of transcendence
1hls verse albelL a very shorL one carrles an lmmaculaLe numerlc mlracle LhaL ls llnked Lo Lhe
8asmala lL ls one of Lhose verses LhaL underpln Lhe fundamenLal Musllm bellef LhaL no one ls
worLhy of worshlp buL Cod and LhaL Lhere ls ln facL no Cod buL Allah Lhe AlmlghLy 1he few
leLLers of Lhls verse as we wlll soon see have been perfecL and arranged ln a way LhaL produces
a beauLlful collecLlon of mulLlples of 7
1he numerlc mlracle we are abouL Lo see ls based upon Lhe leLLers of each word ln Lhe 8asmala
( , ~' -~,, = ' = ' ) 1haL ls Lhe leLLers of each 8asmala word are arranged across Lhe
Lhlrd verse of SuraL Allkhlas ( , _ , ~ ~-, , _, , ~,-- ) ln such preclse fashlon
1aklng every 8asmala word on lLs own we wlll now counL Lhe number of leLLers LhaL each
8asmala word has ln common wlLh ( , _ , ~ ~-, , _, , ~,-- )
1 1he flrsL word ln Lhe 8asmala ls ( ) and conslsLs of Lhree leLLers
1he Marels o the Number Seen in the Noble Qur`an
) - (
1hls ls Lhe breakdown of Lhe leLLers of verse of SuraL Allkhlas
. ) ( ~ ~- ) ~ ( = . ) ( ~ - ) = ~ (
now we can easlly counL whaL each of Lhe flve words above conLaln from Lhe Lhree leLLers of
Lhe word ( ) lor lnsLance Lhe flrsL word ( . ) conLalns one of Lhe leLLers of ( ) namely
() and as such ls asslgned Lhe number 1 1he second word (~ ~- ) Lhe Lhlrd word (=)4 and Lhe
flfLh word (~ - ) have no leLLers ln common wlLh Lhe ( ) and are Lherefore each asslgned
Lhe number 0
1he flrsL arrangemenL we arrlve aL looks llke Lhls
. ~ ~- = . ~ -
0 1 0 0 1
1he number 01001 ls a mulLlple of 7
01001 = 143 x 7
2 1he second 8asmala word ls ( ~' ) and conslsLs of four leLLers
~' ) ' , (
Cne of Lhe above leLLers () ls repeaLed Lwlce and ls ln facL Lhe only leLLer ln common wlLh
any of Lhe words of verse of SuraL Allkhlas uslng Lhe same meLhod we followed wlLh Lhe flrsL
8asmala word we are lefL wlLh Lhe followlng arrangemenL
. ) ( ~ ~- ) ~ ( = . ) ( ~ - ) = ~ (
1 1 0 1 1
1he number 11011 ls a mulLlple of 7
11011 = 1573 x 7
1he 8asmala word (-~= ' ) ls nexL and conslsLs of slx leLLers
4 As we menLloned earller Lhls ls a oneleLLer word
1he Marels o the Number Seen in the Noble Qur`an
-~= ' ) ' _ - (
1hls produces Lhe followlng arrangemenL
. ) ( ~ ~- ) ~ ( = . ) ( ~ - ) = ~ (
1 2 0 1 2
1he number 12012 ls agaln a mulLlple of 7
12012 = 1716 x 7
4 1he flnal 8asmala word ( = ' ) ls made up of slx leLLers
= ' ) ' _ (
1he flnal arrangemenL ls Lherefore
. ) ( ~ ~- ) ~ ( = . ) ( ~ - ) = ~ (
2 2 0 2 2
1he number 22022 ls yeL agaln a mulLlple of 7
22022 = 3146 x 7
Can colncldence repeaL lLself four consecuLlve Llmes ln Lhe very same manner?
WhaLever Lhe answer Lo LhaL we wlll neverLheless furLher conLlnue wlLh Lhls wonderful verse
Lo dlscover even more mulLlples of 7
As we noLed before Lhe beauLy of Lhe Cur'an's numerlc mlracle ls LhaL lL does noL boLher Lo
llmlL lLself Lo merely one verse buL also embraces Lhe connecLlon of LhaL verse Lo oLhers ln Lhe
Cur'an Lhereby presenLlng a complex web of numerlc relaLlonshlps
And Lo erase any posslblllLy of colncldence we wlll now Lake each 8asmala word and under lL
wrlLe Lhe four results found above LhaL ls Lhe numbers found as a resulL of dlvldlng each
arrangemenL by 7 1he resulLs are as follows
O1he resulL of dlvldlng Lhe arrangemenL of Lhe leLLers of ( ) across verse of SuraL Allkhlas
by 7 gave us 014
O1he resulL of dlvldlng Lhe arrangemenL of Lhe leLLers of Lhe second 8asmala word ( ~' ) ls
1he Marels o the Number Seen in the Noble Qur`an
O1he resulL of dlvldlng Lhe arrangemenL of Lhe leLLers of (-~= ' ) ls 171
O1he resulL of dlvldlng Lhe arrangemenL of Lhe leLLers of ( = ' ) ls 14
now arranglng four numbers lnLo a slngle numbers we arrlve aL
~ ' = ' - = '
14 171 17 014
1he 1dlglL number 1417117014 represenLs a perfecL mulLlple of 7!
3146171615730143 = 449453087961449 x 7
The Repetition of the BasmaIa's Words - aptivating Digits
Lach of Lhe four words of Lhe 8asmala has been dellberaLely repeaLed an exact number of
Llmes ln Lhe Poly Cur'an 1he preclslon ln Lhe number of Lhese repeLlLlons ls such LhaL lL ls
dlfflculL Lo lmaglne LhaL anyone oLher Lhan Cod AlmlghLy could have malnLalned lL
1hls ls slmply because Lhe arrangemenLs we are abouL Lo see whlch come abouL from uslng
Lhese four numbers are Lo say Lhe leasL asLoundlng
1he 8asmala as we well know ls
~ ' = ' - = '
1he flrsL word ls ( ) and has been clLed 22 Llmes ln Lhe Cur'an 1he second word ( ~' ) ls
repeaLed 299 Llmes 1he Lhlrd word (-~= ' ) ls repeaLed 7 Llmes and Lhe lasL ( = ' ) ls
repeaLed 11 Llmes
WhaL ls Lruly lncredlble ls LhaL we wlll now flnd Lhe digit sum of each separaLe number and
Lhen comblne Lhe resulLs lnLo a slngle number and see how LhaL glves a mulLlple of 7
O1he repeLlLlon of ( ) ls 22 and Lhe dlglL sum of Lhls ls 2+2 4
O1he repeLlLlon of ( ~' ) ls 299 and Lhe dlglL sum of Lhls ls 2++9+9 2
O1he repeLlLlon of (-~ = ' ) ls 7 and lLs dlglL sum ls +7 12
O1he repeLlLlon of ( = ' ) ls 11 and lLs dlglL sum ls 1+1+ 7
1he Marels o the Number Seen in the Noble Qur`an
LeL us now comblne Lhe four numbers obLalned above lnLo Lhe followlng arrangemenL
~ ' = ' - = '
7 12 2 4
1he number 71224 ls acLually a mulLlple of 7 twice!
712264 = 14536 x 7 x 7
Amazlngly readlng Lhls number from Lhe opposlLe dlrecLlon noL only glves us a mulLlple of 7
buL a mulLlple of 7 Lwlce!
462217 = 9433 x 7 x 7
And lf Lhose Lwo examples are noL enough one more would noL do any harm 1he numbers 4
2 12 and 7 are Lhe four dlglL sums we calculaLed lf we Lake Lhese very numbers (LhaL ls Lhese
very dlglL sums!) and calculaLe their dlglL sum we flnd
4 + 26 + 12 + 7 = 49
And Lhe number 49 dear readers ls none oLher Lhan 7 x 7!!
1he profoundness of Lhese resulLs ls sLrlklng and Lruly makes us wonder wheLher any human
belng can ever manage Lo wrlLe a book whose flrsL senLence carrles a hldden skeleLon of
embedded numerlc arrangemenLs LhaL flows across Lhe resL of lL
God's Names in the First and Last Verse which Mentions ^ --'
Cod AlmlghLy's maln name ln Arablc ls ( ~' ) or (Allah) lL has been abundanLly repeaLed ln Lhe
Cur'an preclsely 299 Llmes SLudylng all Lhese repeLlLlons wlll Lake a very long Llme so for
now we wlll concenLraLe only on Lhe flrsL and lasL menLlon of Pls name ln Lhe Cur'an
1he flrsL Llme ( ~' ) ls menLloned ls ln Lhe very flrsL Cur'anlc verse Lhe 8asmala
) , ~' -~,, = ' = ' ( ln Lhls verse Cod's name ls followed by Lwo more of hls names
namely ( _ ' -~ ) (MosL Craclous) and ( = ' ) (MosL Merclful)
1he flnal menLlon of ( ~' ) ln Lhe Cur'an ls found ln Lhe second verse of SuraL Allkhlas
' ~ ~ - '
Cod Lhe LLernal AbsoluLe
1he Marels o the Number Seen in the Noble Qur`an
Allkhlas 1122
Pere Cod's name ls followed Lhls Llme by anoLher one of Pls names namely ( ~~- ' ) (1he
LLernal AbsoluLe) And now we shall Lake a close look aL Lhe followlng serles of numerlc
The number of chapters
SuraL AllaLlhah ls Lhe chapLer whlch menLlons ( ~' ) for Lhe flrsL Llme and SuraL Allkhlas ls Lhe
chapLer whlch menLlons lL lasL CounLlng Lhe number of chapLers from SuraL AllaLlhah up Lo
(and lncludlng) SuraL Allkhlas we flnd 112 chapLers and Lhls number of chapLers represenLs a
mulLlple of 7
112 = 16 x 7
The number of verses
Slmllarly we wlll now counL Lhe number of verses from Lhe flrsL verse whlch menLlons ( ~' )44
up Lo (and lncludlng) Lhe flnal verse whlch menLlons lL We flnd LhaL Lhe number of verses ls
exacLly 224 a number whlch represenLs a mulLlple of 7 twice!
6223 = 127 x 7 x 7
The number of Ietters
1he flrsL verse LhaL menLlons ( ~' ) ln Lhe Cur'an conslsLs of 19 leLLers ln LoLal
- ' ' _ - ' _
1he lasL verse conslsLs of 9 leLLers
' ' ~
Addlng Lhese numbers LogeLher glves us anoLher mulLlple of 7
19 + 9 = 28
28 = 4 x 7
An arrangement in the Ietters of ^ --'
44 Whlch as we know ls Lhe flrsL verse of Lhe Cur'an Lhe 8asmala!
4 AlLhough somewhaL Llmeconsumlng any lndlvldual can do Lhls on Lhelr own Some
publlcaLlons of Lhe Cur'an lnclude an lndex whlch menLlons Lhe number of verses ln each
chapLer maklng Lhls an easler Lask
1he Marels o the Number Seen in the Noble Qur`an
As menLloned earller ln Lhls parL Lhe word ( ~' ) ls made up of different leLLers namely Allf"
() Lm" () and P'" (, ) 1hese Lhree leLLers are found ln Lhe flrsL verse menLlonlng ( ~'
) Llmes
- ' ' _ - ' _
1hese leLLers are found Llmes ln Lhe lasL verse Lo menLlon ( ~' )
' ' ~
Addlng Lhe Lwo numbers we arrlve aL a mulLlple of 7
8 + 6 = 14
14 = 2 x 7
lnLeresLlngly Lhe number of leLLers of Lhese Lwo verses ls 2 and 14 of Lhese (le half) are
Lhose Lhree leLLers maklng up Cod's name! 1hls may casL our mlnds back a blL earller Lo when
we noLed LhaL Lhe leLLers of Lhe Arablc language Lhe language of Lhe Cur'an are 2 half of
whlch are found ln Lhe Cur'an's speclal phrases"
8efore conLlnulng we ask Who ls lL LhaL could have made Lhe number of chapLers from Lhe
flrsL whlch menLlons Lhe name ( ~' ) Lo Lhe lasL a mulLlple of 7? Who ls lL LhaL slmllarly made
Lhe number of verses from Lhe flrsL whlch clLes Lhe name ( ~' ) Lo Lhe lasL a mulLlple of 7?
Who ls lL LhaL made sure Lhe number of leLLers of Lhese Lwo verses was a mulLlple of 7 and LhaL
Lhe presence of Lhe leLLers of Lhe name ( ~' ) ln Lhese Lwo verses also creaLed a mulLlple of 7?
MlghL lL noL be Lhe very holder of LhaL name? MlghL lL noL be Cod AlmlghLy Plmself?
lL's an exclLlng prospecL Lo reflecL upon buL Lhere are sLlll even more arrangemenLs Lo cover
The Ietters of ,-=, - '
1he leLLers maklng up ( -~ = ' ) anoLher one of Cod AlmlghLy's names are Allf" () Lm"
(), 8'" (), '" (_), Mlm" (), and nun" (-) 1hese leLLers are found 1 Llmes ln Lhe flrsL
verse ln whlch ( ~' ) ls clLed
- ' ' _ - ' _
ln Lhe lasL verse Lhese leLLers are found Llmes
1he Marels o the Number Seen in the Noble Qur`an
' ' ~
1he sum of Lhese Lwo numbers ls agaln a mulLlple of 7
15 + 6 = 21
21 = 3 x 7
The Ietters of - =, - '
1he prevlous resulL repeaLs lLself wlLh Lhe name ( = ' ) 1hls name for Cod conslsLs of
Allf" () Lm" (), 8'" (), '" (_), Mlm" (), and ?'" 1hese leLLers occur 1 Llmes ln
Lhe verse LhaL flrsL menLlons ( ~' ) and Llmes ln Lhe verse LhaL menLlons lL lasL
- ' ' _ - ' _
' ' ~
The chapter and verse numbers
1he followlng arrangemenL lnvolves comblnlng Lhe chapLer numbers and verse numbers of our
Lwo respecLlve verses
~ ' = ' - = ' ' ~ ~ - '
verse number ChapLer number verse number ChapLer number
2 112 1 1
1he number 211211 ls a mulLlple of 7
211211 = 30173 x 7
The repetition of words
LeL us slmply wrlLe down Lhe words of each of Lhe Lwo verses rlghL nexL Lo each oLher along
wlLh Lhe number of Llmes each word has been repeaLed ln Lhe Poly Cur'an
1he Marels o the Number Seen in the Noble Qur`an
~ ' = ' - = ' ' ~ ~ -'
1 299 11 7 299 22
1hls masslve number 129911729922 ls a perfecL mulLlple of 7!
1269911557269922 = 181415936752846 x 7
noL only LhaL buL addlng Lhese separaLe repeLlLlons produces a number whlch agaln dlvldes by
7 perfecLly!
1 + 2699 + 115 + 57 + 2699 + 22 = 5593
5593 = 799 x 7
The arrangement of Ietters and word repetitions
1he flrsL verse whlch menLlons Cod's name ls Lhe 8asmala LhaL ls ) , ~' -~,, = ' = ' ( lL
conLalns Lhree of Cod's names ( ~' ) ( -~= ' ) and ( = ' ) lor each of Lhese names leL us
ldenLlfy Lhe number of leLLers Lhey conslsL of and Lhe number of Llmes Lhey have been
repeaLed ln Lhe Cur'an
1 1he name ( ~' ) conslsLs of 4 leLLers and ls repeaLed 299 Llmes
2 1he name ( -~= ' ) conslsLs of leLLers and ls repeaLed 7 Llmes
1he name ( = ' ) conslsLs of leLLers and ls repeaLed 11 Llmes
Arranglng Lhese numbers we arrlve aL Lhe followlng resulL
' = ' - = '
8epeLlLlon LeLLers 8epeLlLlon LeLLers 8epeLlLlon LeLLers
11 7 299 4
1he number 1172994 whlch represenLs Lhe leLLers of Lhese names ln Lhe flrsL verse and
Lhe LoLal repeLlLlon of each name ln Lhe Cur'an ls a mulLlple of 7
115657626994 = 16522518142 x 7
1he Marels o the Number Seen in the Noble Qur`an
1hls very same conslsLency ls repeaLed when we conslder Lhe lasL verse LhaL menLlons Cod's
name ( ~' ) when Cod AlmlghLy says ( ~' ~-~, -' ) 1hls verse conslsLs of only Lwo words
boLh of whlch are names of Cod
1 1he name ( ~' ) conslsLs of 4 leLLers and ls repeaLed 299 Llmes
2 1he name ( ~~- ' ) conslsLs of leLLers and ls repeaLed only 1 Llme
' ~ ~ -'
8epeLlLlon LeLLers 8epeLlLlon LeLLers
1 299 4
1he number 12994 ls a mulLlple of 7
1526994 = 218142 x 7
1hese resulLs show us LhaL Cod organlsed Lhe repeLlLlon of Pls names and Lhe very letters of
hls names lnLo a wlLLlngly preclse arrangemenL
The briIIiant arrangement of the aIphabetic Ietters
We are now golng Lo look aL a serles of hlghly lnLerconnecLed (and poLenLlally complex!)
arrangemenLs LhaL Lake place beLween Lhe leLLers of Lhe Lwo verses
We esLabllshed LhaL Lhe flrsL verse Lo menLlon Cod's name ln facL carrles noL one buL Lhree of
Pls names ( ~' ) ( -~ = ' ) and ( = ' ) 1hese Lhree words conslsL of 1 leLLers ln LoLal buL
half of Lhese are repeaLed more Lhan once ln oLher words lgnorlng repeLlLlon Lhere are ln facL
different alphabeLlc leLLers beLween Lhese Lhree names
' ' _ - ' _
Pere are Lhe leLLers
' J - , _ ,
1he lasL verse Lo menLlon Cod's name carrles Lwo of hls names ( ~' ) and ( ~~- ' ) Agaln
lgnorlng any repeLlLlon Lhere are dlfferenL alphabeLlc leLLers beLween Lhese Lwo names
' ' ~
1he Marels o the Number Seen in the Noble Qur`an
Pere Lhey are
' J - -
1he sum of alphabeLlc leLLers beLween Lhe Lwo verses ls a mulLlple of 7
8 + 6 = 14
14 = 2 x 7
1hls ls Lhe sLarLlng polnL of a serles of mulLlples of 7 Lo follow buL noLlce LhaL we can compare
Lhls resulL Lo a prevlous one whlch Lold us LhaL Lhe leLLers of Cod's name ( ~' ) are found 14
Llmes ln Lhese Lwo verses as well
now we are golng Lo Lhe sLudy Lhe leLLers of Cod's names ln Lhe flrsL and lasL verse ln more
deLall ln hope of dlscoverlng more mulLlples of 7 1haL ls ln Lhese flve names
) ' .' -~,, = .' = ' '~ - ~,( Lhe leLLers of Lhe flrsL Lhree are arranged ln a
way LhaL produces a mulLlple of 7 and slmllarly Lhe leLLers of Lhe lasL Lwo are also arranged Lo
resulL ln a mulLlple of 7 Cf course slnce we are deallng wlLh Lhe flrsL and lasL verse Lo menLlon
( .' ~ ) Lhls name ( ~' ) lLself ls found ln boLh verses and Lherefore repeaLed Lwlce
The arrangement of the Ietters of ^ --' ,-=,-' - =,-'
!usL Lo relLeraLe we know LhaL Lhese Lhree names of Cod ( ' ) ( -~= .' ) and ( = .'
) conLaln dlfferenL alphabeLlc leLLers and are found ln Lhe flrsL verse Lo menLlon Cod's name
ln Lhe Cur'an 1hese leLLers are
' _ -
We wlll now look for Lhese leLLers ln Lhe flve names of Cod ) ~' -~,, = ' _ ' ~'
~-~, -' ( 1o slmpllfy maLLers for nonArablc readers we wlll break down Lhe leLLers of each
word for ease of comparlson
~' )' ( -~= ' )' _ -( = ' )' _ (
~' )' ( ~~- ' )' ~(
1he resulLlng number ls 44 and ls a mulLlple of 7
1he Marels o the Number Seen in the Noble Qur`an
34664 = 4952 x 7
The arrangement of the Ietters of ---
ln order Lo mlnlmlse any chance of colncldence we wlll do Lhe same experlmenL wlLh Lhe
remalnlng Lwo names ( ~' ) and ( ~~- ' ) whlch are found ln Lhe lasL verse menLlonlng Cod's
name 1hese conLaln dlfferenL leLLers
' ~
Looklng for Lhese leLLers ln Lhe flve names of Cod we flnd Lhe followlng
~' )' ( -~= ' )' _ -( = ' )' _ (
~' )' ( ~~- ' )' ~(
lndeed Lhe number 44 ls a mulLlple of 7
54334 = 7762 x 7
The arrangement of the Ietters of ,-=,- ' - =,-'
Lven lf we only conslder ( -~ = ' ) and ( = ' ) from Lhe flrsL verse (LhaL ls wlLhouL Cod's
maln name of ( ~' ) Lhe same ouLcome ls preserved 1hese Lwo names conLaln 7 dlfferenL
leLLers ln LoLal
' _ -
Agaln searchlng for Lhese leLLers ln each of Lhe names of Cod below we flnd
~' )' ( -~= ' )' _ -( = ' )' _ (

~' )' ( ~~- ' )' ~(

1he Marels o the Number Seen in the Noble Qur`an
8eauLlfully Lhe number represenLlng Lhe repeLlLlon of Lhe leLLers of Lhe two names ( -~= ' )
and ( = ' ) ln Lhe group of names above ls a mulLlple of 7 twice!
33663 = 687 x 7 x 7
The arrangement of the Ietters of -- - '
ln Lhe same way we wlll Lake Lhe name ( ~~- ' ) from Lhe lasL verse on lLs own without Lhe
name ( ~' ) and see how lLs leLLers are arranged ln each of Lhe flve names of Cod ln Lhe Lwo
verses we are sLudylng Pere are Lhe leLLers of ( ~~- ' )
' ~
1hese leLLers are found as such ln Cod's flve names
~' )' ( -~= ' )' _ -( = ' )' _ (

~' )' ( ~~- ' )' ~(

Surely enough ls agaln a mulLlple of 7
53333 = 7619 x 7
We have seen how all Lhese arrangemenLs form perfecL mulLlples of 7 wlLh respecL Lo flve of
Cod's names4 ) ~' -~,, = ' = ' ~' ~-~, -' ( Powever Lhere ls yeL anoLher magnlflcenL
seL of arrangemenLs wlLh regards Lo Lhese flve names as we shall see nexL
The repetition of the J in ^ --'
Cod's name ( ~' ) ls made up of 4 leLLers however one of Lhese leLLers () ls repeaLed Lwlce
1hls means LhaL lL conslsLs of different leLLers Pavlng sald LhaL ouL of Lhe names we
examlned namely ) ~' -~,, = ' .' = ~' ~-~, -' ( ( ~' ) ls Lhe only name LhaL conLalns a
repeaLed leLLer 1he resL ( -~ = ' ) ( = ' ) and ( ~~- ' ) conslsL enLlrely of dlfferenL
4 ( ~' ) belng repeaLed Lwlce naLurally
1he Marels o the Number Seen in the Noble Qur`an
Pavlng sald LhaL lf we perform Lhe same exerclse we [usL compleLed LhaL ls lf we Lake Lhe
leLLers of ( ( _ - ` _, ~, ` `~ ) ~' ~-~, -' ( ) -~,, = ' = ' ( and ( ~~ - ' ) and look
for Lhelr presence ln Lhe arrangemenL of ) ~' -~,, = ' = ' ~' ~-~, -' ( only Lhls Llme
ignoring the repeated letter of () ln ( ~' ) we wlll arrlve aL 4 new arrangemenLs and 4 new
perfecL mulLlples of 7!
We wlll only do Lhls for Lhe flrsL example ( ) ~' -~,, = ' = ' slnce Lhe same loglc can be
applled Lo Lhe resL
Agaln ( ) ~' -~,, = ' = ' conLalns dlfferenL leLLers
' _ -
Looklng for Lhese leLLers ln Lhe flve names of Cod we examlned
) ~' -~,, = ' = ' ~' '~ - ~ ,( buL excludlng Lhe repeaLed () ln ( ~' ) we flnd
~' )' ( -~,, = ' )' _ -( = ' )' _ (

~' )' ( ~-~, -' )' ~(

1he number ls a mulLlple of 7 Lwlce
33663 = 687 x 7 x 7
Anyone wlshlng Lo Lry Lhe resL of Lhe arrangemenLs wlLhouL Lhe repeLlLlon of Lhe () ln ( ~' )
wlll flnd LhaL ) ~' ~-~, -' ( produces ) -~,, = ' = ' ( produces 22 ( ~~- ' )
produces 2247 and all are perfecL mulLlples of 7!
1haL concludes our sLudy of Lhe relaLlonshlp beLween Lhe flrsL and lasL menLlon of ( ~' ) ln Lhe
Cur'an buL now we look more closely Lhe flrsL Llme Cod AlmlghLy's name ls found
The first time ^ --' is mentioned in the Qur'an
Cod AlmlghLy's maln name as we have well esLabllshed exlsLs ln Lhe flrsL verse of Lhe Cur'an
) , ~' -~,, = ' = ' ( We wlll now show how Cod AlmlghLy has arranged Lhe
47 A mulLlple of 7 Lwlce!
1he Marels o the Number Seen in the Noble Qur`an
locaLlon of Lhls verse lLs number of leLLers and Lhe repeLlLlon of lLs words ln Lhe Cur'an ln a
manner so magnlflcenLly conslsLenL wlLh Lhe number 7
1haL belng sald Lhe 8asmala ls Lhe flrsL verse ln SuraL AllaLlhah and ls Lherefore asslgned Lhe
number 1 lLs number of leLLers are 19 and Lhe repeLlLlon of lLs four words ln Lhe Cur'an ls as
1 1he word ( ) ls repeaLed 22 Llmes
2 1he word ( ~' ) ls repeaLed 299 Llmes
1he word ( -~ = ' ) ls repeaLed 7 Llmes
4 1he word ( = ' ) ls repeaLed 11 Llmes
1he sum of Lhese repeLlLlons ls
22 + 299 + 7 + 11 29
LeL us conslder our resulLs ln Lhe followlng arrangemenL
%he B,sm,l,
1oLal word repeLlLlons number of leLLers verse number
29 19 1
1he beauLy of Lhe number we arrlve aL 29191 ls LhaL lL ls a mulLlple of 7 when read from
both directions
2893191 = 413313 x 7
1913982 = 273426 x 7
We wlll apply Lhe very same loglc Lo Cod's name ( ~' ) on lLs own lL ls found ln verse 1
conslsLs of 4 leLLers and ls repeaLed 299 Llmes ln Lhe Cur'an
%he n,me ( ~' )
Word repeLlLlon number of leLLers verse number
299 4 1
lncredlbly Lhe number 29941 whlch represenLs Lhree sLaLlsLlcs relaLlng Lo Cod AlmlghLy's
name ln Lhe flrsL verse of Lhe Poly Cur'an ls a mulLlple of 7 noL Lwlce buL three times
1he Marels o the Number Seen in the Noble Qur`an
269941 = 787 x 7 x 7 x 7
1he same paLLern flnds lLself wlLh Lhe second of Cod's names ln Lhe flrsL verse ( -~ = ' )
%he n,me ( -~= ' )
Word repeLlLlon number of leLLers verse number
7 1
1he number 71 ls agaln a mulLlple of 7
5761 = 823 x 7
AI-Fatihah and AI-IkhIas
AL Lhls polnL we are well aware LhaL ( ~' ) ls menLloned flrsLly ln SuraL AllaLlhah when Cod
says ) , ~' -~,, = ' = ' ( and lasLly ln SuraL Allkhlas when Pe says ) ~' ~-~, -' (
LeL us now wrlLe Lhese Lwo chapLers ln full
Surat AI-Fatihah
~ ' = ' - = ' ) 0( ~~ ' - - ~ ' )1( = ' - = ' ) 2(
= ~
- ~' )3( ' - ~ = ' - - ~ - )4( ' - ~, ' = - ' - - ~ ~ ' )5(
= - - ~ '
) ~ = +- = = - - ~ ' +- = . - ' - ' )6
ln Lhe name of Cod MosL Craclous MosL Merclful (1) ralse be Lo Cod Lhe Cherlsher and
SusLalner of Lhe world (2) MosL Craclous MosL Merclful () MasLer of Lhe uay of !udgmenL (4)
1hee do we worshlp and 1hlne ald we seek () Show us Lhe sLralghL way () 1he way of Lhose
on whom 1hou hasL besLowed 1hy Crace Lhose whose (porLlon) ls noL wraLh and who go noL
asLray (7)
AllaLlhah 1
Surat AI-IkhIas
) . , ' ~ = ) 0( ' ~ ~ - ' ) 1( . ~ - . ~ - ) 2( . - ' -
~ = )3
Say Pe ls Cod Lhe Cne and Cnly (1) Cod Lhe LLernal AbsoluLe (2) Pe begeLLeLh noL nor ls
Pe begoLLen () And Lhere ls none llke unLo Plm (4)
1he Marels o the Number Seen in the Noble Qur`an
Allkhlas 114
The reIationships between the two chapters
lor one Lhlng Lhe word AllaLlhah" lLself ln Arablc ls ( = '- ' ) and conslsLs of 7 leLLers
namely ( _ ' ') Llkewlse Lhe word Allkhlas" ls (`=`' ) also conslsLs of 7 leLLers
( ' ' _ ' ) 1hls ls only one mlnor observaLlon
lurLhermore SuraL AllaLlhah ls chapLer 1 and lLs verses are 7 SuraL Allkhlas ls chapLer 112
and lLs verses are 4 1hese numbers can be arranged as follows
Surat Al-Ikhlas Surat Al-Fatihah
number of verses ChapLer number number of verses ChapLer number
4 112 7 1
1he number 412271 ls a mulLlple of 7
412271 = 58753 x 7
Also leL us noL forgeL Lhe slgnlflcance of Lhe Lwo chapLers ln Lhe Poly Cur'an SuraL AllaLlhah
Lhe mosL lmporLanL chapLer ls referred Lo as Lhe MoLher of Lhe 8ook" and SevenofL
repeaLed (verses)" and accordlng Lo Lhe Leachlngs of Lhe ropheL Muhammad (pbuh) readlng
SuraL Allkhlas ls equal ln reward Lo readlng a Lhlrd of Lhe Cur'an
The reIationships between the two verses
1he verse ) , ~' -~,, = ' = ' ( ls found ln chapLer 1 verse 1 whlle ) ~' ~-~, -' ( ls found
ln chapLer 112 verse 2
~ ' = ' - = ' ' ~ ~ - '
verse number ChapLer number verse number ChapLer number
2 112 1 1
We have already come across Lhls arrangemenL before however we dld noL noLe LhaL Lhe
number 211211 ls a mulLlple of 7 from boLh dlrecLlons and readlng lL ln reverse acLually glves
us a mulLlple of 7 Lwlce
211211 = 30173 x 7
112112 = 2288 x 7 x 7
1he Marels o the Number Seen in the Noble Qur`an
A smaII note
uo noLe dear readers LhaL Lhe names of Cod LhaL are found ln Lhese Lwo verses have all been
repeaLed an odd number of Llmes ( ~' ) 299 Llmes ( -~ = ' ) 7 Llmes ( = ' ) 11 Llmes
and ( ~~ - ' ) only 1 Llme All Lhese odd numbers are lndeed WlLr" (one) and as Lhe ropheL
(pbuh) once explalned Allah has nlneLynlne names le one hundred mlnus one and
whoever belleves ln Lhelr meanlngs and acLs accordlngly wlll enLer aradlse and Allah ls WlLr
(one) and loves Lhe WlLr (le odd numbers)4"
The BasmaIa's Arrangement in the Qur'an
We have flnally arrlved aL posslbly Lhe mosL breaLhLaklng numerlc arrangemenL so far
1he Cur'an conLalns exacLly 114 8asmalas LhaL are arranged ln a parLlcularly preclse fashlon
across Lhe verses of Lhe Cur'an Cn Lhe face of lL noLhlng parLlcularly unlque abouL Lhese
8asmalas ls apparenL ln a numerlc sense aL leasL
Powever Lhe cruclal facL LhaL all Lhese 8asmalas occur aL Lhe beglnnlng of every verse apart
from one acLually lnvokes a profoundly mlraculous numerlc arrangemenL so splendld lL makes
a mosL sulLable endlng Lo Lhls parL of Lhe book
1haL belng sald SuraL Al1auba chapLer 9 ls Lhe one chapLer whlch conLalns no 8asmalas Slnce
one chapLer ls mlsslng a 8asmala and we know LhaL Lhere are 114 chapLers ln Lhe Cur'an why
Lhen does Lhe Cur'an conLaln 114 8asmalas and noL 11? 1he answer ls LhaL anoLher chapLer
SuraL Alnaml conLalns an addlLlonal 8asmala LhaL ls 2 lnsLead of only 1
ln addlLlon Lo Lhe 8asmala before Lhe beglnnlng of SuraL Alnaml verse 0 of Lhls chapLer
- ~ ~- ~ - ~ ' = ' - = '
lL ls from Solomon and ls (as follows) In the name of God, Most Gracious, Most
Alnaml 270
Pavlng clarlfled Lhese facLs we are abouL Lo wlLness Lhe lncredlble repeLlLlon of Lhe 8asmala
) , ~' -~,, = ' = ' ( in every chapter of the Qur'an! 1he followlng arrangemenL wlll be
our blggesL yeL a 114dlglL number and lLs slmpllclLy ls [usL as magnlflcenL as lLs lengLh
1o consLrucL Lhls arrangemenL we wlll slmply look for Lhe number of 8asmalas ln every chapLer
of Lhe Cur'an As we know every chapLer ln Lhe Cur'an conLalns only one 8asmala
4 Sahih AI-Bukhari, VoIume 8, Book 75, Number 419
1he Marels o the Number Seen in the Noble Qur`an
wlLh Lhe excepLlon of Lwo chapLers chapLer 9 and chapLer 27 1he former conLalns no
8asmalas and Lhe laLLer conLalns 2 1herefore we wlll asslgn every chapLer Lhe number 1
excepL for chapLers 9 and 27 whlch wlll be asslgned Lhe numbers 0 and 2 respecLlvely 1hls
means LhaL ln Lhls 114dlglL number 0 wlll be Lhe 9Lh dlglL from Lhe rlghL 2 wlll be Lhe 27Lh dlglL
from Lhe rlghL and Lhe resL of Lhe dlglLs wlll be 1
1hls masslve number Lo our amazemenL ls acLually a perfecL mulLlple of 7 (no declmals!) when
read from boLh sldes!! ln oLher words lf read normally LhaL ls from lefL Lo rlghL we flnd
11111111111111111211111111111111111011111111 =
3015873015873015887301587301587301573015873 x 7
When read from rlghL Lo lefL we have
11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 =
3015873015873015873015873015873015873015873 x 7
WhaL's more Lhls large number can be dlvlded lnLo 19 parLs wlLh each parL a perfecL mulLlple
of 7! 8uL why ls lL LhaL Lhls number whlch represenLs Lhe arrangemenL of Lhe 8asmala across all
Lhe Cur'an's chapLers can be broken lnLo 19 parLs? erhaps because Lhe 8asmala lLself
conLalns 19 leLLers? ln any case Lhese parLs are as follows
111111 1112111 111111 111111 11011 111111
111111 111111 111111 111111 111111 111111
111111 111111 111111 111111 111111 111111 111111
Cur flnal sLance ln Lhls parL ls one of amazemenL 1he preclslon ln Lhe arrangemenL of Lhe
8asmala ln Lhe Cur'an ls asLoundlng Could Lhls masslve arrangemenL have merely happened by
chance Lo be a mulLlple of Lhe number 7 and from boLh sldes? Could luck have played lLs parL
ln produclng 19 dlfferenL parLs from Lhls arrangemenL whlch are all
1he Marels o the Number Seen in the Noble Qur`an
mulLlples of 7? 1hls ls a dlfflculL concepL Lo explaln buL lL ls our bellef LhaL Lhe lnflnlLe wlsdom
of Cod AlmlghLy alone could have produced such brllllanL numbers
Pad chapLer 9 (SuraL Al1auba) conLalned 1 8asmala lnsLead of 0 Lhe above arrangemenL
would have been compleLely shaLLered because Lhe resulLlng number would noL have been a
mulLlple of 7 noL only LhaL buL had chapLer or 10 conLalned 0 8asmalas lnsLead of chapLer 9
LhaL ls had 0 been Lhe Lh or 10Lh dlglL raLher Lhan Lhe 9Lh Lhe arrangemenL would also have
been desLroyed
ln Lhe same way had chapLer 27 (SuraL Alnaml) conLalned [usL 1 8asmala and noL 2 Lhe
arrangemenL would have been desLroyed agaln and had Lhese 2 8asmalas been lnsLead ln
chapLer 2 or 2 Lhe same lnaccuracy would have resulLed ln oLher words Lhese anomalles of
0 and 2 needed Lo be dellberaLely placed ln Lhese precise locaLlons oLherwlse Lhe numerlc
arrangemenL would have been defeaLed and Lhls alone ls Lruly someLhlng Lo ponder upon
As explalned ln a prevlous parL Lhe slgnlflcance of Lhe number 7 ln our unlverse ls
overwhelmlng and noL Lo be lgnored 1he Poly Cur'an Lhe lasL of Lhe ScrlpLures of Cod
AlmlghLy does noL lgnore lLs slgnlflcance elLher and Cod's Wlsdom has ordalned LhaL Lhe very
flrsL verse of Pls 8ook ls Lhe 8asmala a verse whlch hldes many magnlflcenL mysLerles among
whlch ls an lnLrlcaLe sysLem of numerlc conslsLencles founded on Lhls number
We have wlLnessed some of Lhe secreLs behlnd Lhls numerlc sysLem lor lnsLance we saw how
Lhe words and even Lhe leLLers of Lhe 8asmala are so lnLerconnecLed wlLh varlous oLher verses
and chapLers of Lhe Cur'an Also ln Lhe verse number and chapLer number of Lhe 8asmala were
even more conslsLencles wlLh Lhe number 7 especlally ln Lhe way Lhese relaLed Lo oLher
chapLer and verse numbers across Lhls Cur'an
ln addlLlon we came across Lhe arrangemenL of Lhe 8asmala's 10 leLLers ln dlfferenL words and
verses of Lhe Cur'an especlally ln relaLlon Lo AlMu'awwlLhaLaln" (Lhe Lwo chapLers of refuge)
and AyaL Alkursl" (Lhe 1hrone verse) and how all Lhese examples produced perfecL mulLlples
of 7
llnally as we dlved lnLo Lhe lnLrlcaLe beauLles of Lhls slngle verse reflecLlng upon lLs wonders
and Lhe preclslon of lLs arrangemenLs lLs profoundness seemed Lo have no llmlLs As a
necessary resulL no maLLer how greaL we percelve Lhe Cur'an Lo be lL seems Lo succeed aL
belng even greaLer and no maLLer how many mlracles we may Lhlnk lL Lo have more of lLs
mlracles are sLlll belng reallsed Loday
1he Marels o the Number Seen in the Noble Qur`an
!ART 4
After exploring the vast numeric miracles of the Basmala verse, which is found, among
other chapters, in Surat Al-Fatihah, we now take on board this very chapter in its
entirety, in an attempt to unlock the breathtaking numeric secrets it possesses.
"Al-Fatihah" means The pening, and most fittingly, it is the opening chapter of the Holy
Qur'an, and a chapter like no other, as the Prophet (pbuh) himself swore that God
Almighty did not reveal any chapter which resembles Al-Fatihah in any Holy Scripture,
be it the ld Testament, the New Testament, or the Holy Qur'an itself.
Having said this, we now embark on a magnificent journey with this captivating, albeit
very short, chapter, but using one of the languages of our 21st century: the simple
language of numbers. The numeric patterns we are about to witness will not fail to
fascinate, and remind us of the unintelligible wonders of this profound book that is the
Holy Qur'an. This system of numeric perfection is but a concrete declaration that no
other than God Almighty could have designed such a book and revealed its message to
1he Marels o the Number Seen in the Noble Qur`an
The Greatness of AI-Fatihah
When Lhe propheL (pbuh) spoke of Lhe greaLesL chapLer ln Lhe whole of Lhe Cur'an he
explalned LhaL Lhls chapLer was Alhamdullllahl 8abbllAlamln (le SuraL AllaLlhah) whlch ls
Lhe seven ofLrepeaLed verses (AlMaLhanl) and Lhe Crand Cur'an whlch has been glven Lo
me"49 lL ls consldered Lhe moLher of Lhe 8ook and on one occaslon when Cod AlmlghLy speaks
of Lhls ChapLer ln Lhe Poly Cur'an he menLlons Lhls chapLer before menLlonlng Lhe Cur'an
lLself And We have besLowed upon Lhee Lhe Seven CfLrepeaLed (verses) (le SuraL Al
laLlhah) and Lhe Crand Curan AlPl[r 17
ln addlLlon AllaLlhah ls Lhe only chapLer whlch feaLures ln all flve of Lhe dally prayers of
Musllms lL ls Lhe flrsL of Lhe Cur'an's 114 chapLers and Cod has chosen for lL Lo conslsL of
preclsely 7 verses
And now we may ask Lhls quesLlon uoes Lhls chapLer carry wlLh lL an lnherenL mlracle LhaL ls
mosL sulLable Lo our currenL age and our modern Llmes? uoes Lhe language of numbers play lLs
parL ln declpherlng a furLher layer of beauLy abouL AllaLlhah?
1he ldea behlnd Lhls sLudy ls very slmple because SuraL AllaLlhah llke any oLher chapLer or
any oLher LexL for LhaL maLLer conLalns words and leLLers and Lhose are Lhe focus of our sLudy
And afLer sLudylng Lhls brllllanL chapLer we came Lo Lhe unquesLlonable concluslon LhaL Lhe
foundaLlon of Lhls numerlc sysLem of AllaLlhah's words and leLLers ls Lhe number 7 1hls
lndeed makes sense especlally because Cod AlmlghLy dellberaLely referred Lo Lhls chapLer as
Lhe Seven CfL8epeaLed verses" Lhereby glvlng speclflc emphasls Lo Lhe number of lLs verses
We wlll soon wlLness how all Lhe numerlc resulLs relaLed Lo Lhls chapLer are ln facL perfecL
mulLlples of 7
Cne Lhlng we absoluLely musL remember ls LhaL Lhe brllllanL numerlc conslsLencles ln Lhe
Cur'an are noL our ulLlmaLe goal per se !usL llke Lhe Cur'an conLalns sclenLlflc facLs buL ls noL a
book of sclence lL conLalns numerlc facLs buL ls noL a book of maLhemaLlcs 1hese are slmply a
means Lo an end an end whlch lnvolves fully appreclaLlng Lhe perfecLlon and wonders of Lhls
8ook buL more lmporLanLly Lhe message and Lhe guldance LhaL lL carrles wlLh lL Lo all of
manklnd verlly Lhls Curan doLh gulde Lo LhaL whlch ls mosL rlghL (or sLable) and glveLh Lhe
Clad 1ldlngs Lo Lhe 8ellevers who work deeds of rlghLeousness LhaL Lhey shall have a
magnlflcenL reward Allsra' 179+
The onnection of AI-Fatihah with the Last hapter in the Qur'an
49 Sahlh 8ukharl volume 8ook 0 number 22
1he Marels o the Number Seen in the Noble Qur`an
lor our flrsL example we wrlLe Lhe enLlre flrsL and lasL chapLers of Lhe Cur'an below before
wlLnesslng Lhelr asLoundlng numerlc arrangemenLs wlLh respecL Lo Lhe number 7 ln Lerms of
chapLer numbers verse numbers Lhe number of words and even Lhe number of letters
llrsL ChapLer ln Lhe Cur'an SuraL AllaLlhah
~ ' = ' - = ' ) 0( ~~ ' - - ~ ' )1( = ' - = ' ) 2(
= ~
- ~' )3( ' - ~ = ' - - ~ - )4( ' - ~, ' = - ' - - ~ ~ ' )5(
= - - ~ '
) ~ = +- = = - - ~ ' +- = . - ' - ' )6
ln Lhe name of Cod MosL Craclous MosL Merclful (1) ralse be Lo Cod Lhe Cherlsher and
SusLalner of Lhe world (2) MosL Craclous MosL Merclful () MasLer of Lhe uay of !udgmenL (4)
1hee do we worshlp and 1hlne ald we seek () Show us Lhe sLralghL way () 1he way of Lhose
on whom 1hou hasL besLowed 1hy Crace Lhose whose (porLlon) ls noL wraLh and who go noL
asLray (7)
AllaLlhah 1
llnal ChapLer ln Lhe Cur'an SuraL Alnas
). = - ' - ' )0( = ~ ' - ' )1( ' - ' )2( ~ ~
' ~ ' ' - ' )3
) ~ ' ~ - ~ - ' - ' )4( ~ - ' ' -' ) 5
Say l seek refuge wlLh Lhe Lord and Cherlsher of Manklnd (1) 1he klng (or 8uler) of Manklnd
(2) 1he Cod (for [udge) of Manklnd () lrom Lhe mlschlef of Lhe Whlsperer (of Lvll) who
wlLhdraws (afLer hls whlsper) (4) (1he same) who whlspers lnLo Lhe hearLs of Manklnd ()
Among !lnns and among men ()
Alnas 114
The chapter numbers and number of verses
AllaLlha Lhe flrsL chapLer ln Lhe Cur'an ls chapLer 1 and lLs verses are 7 and Lhe lasL chapLer
ln Lhe Cur'an Alnas ls chapLer 114 and lLs verses are Arranglng Lhese numbers glves us Lhe
LasL chapLer ln Lhe Cur'an llrsL chapLer ln Lhe Cur'an
verses ChapLer verses ChapLer
114 7 1
1he Marels o the Number Seen in the Noble Qur`an
1he number 11471 ls a mulLlple of 7 twice
611471 = 12479 x 7 x 7
now lnLeresLlngly Lhe enLlre Cur'an from lLs flrsL chapLer unLll lLs lasL was revealed ln 2
years and lf we Lake Lhe above resulL (12479) whlch represenLs Lhe flrsL and lasL chapLers
and flnd Lhe sum of lLs dlglLs
1 + 2 + 4 + 7 + 9 = 23 Lhe number of years lL Look Lo reveal Lhe Cur'an!
ombining aII the numbers of both chapters
As we have already esLabllshed ouL of any chapLer four slgnlflcanL numbers can be deduced
Lhe chapLer number Lhe number of verses Lhe number of words and Lhe number of leLLers We
now exLracL Lhese four numbers from boLh Lhe flrsL and lasL Cur'anlc chapLers produclng an
lmpresslvely large number
LasL chapLer ln Lhe Cur'an llrsL chapLer ln Lhe Cur'an
LeLLers Words verses ChapLer LeLLers Words verses ChapLer
0 21 114 19 1 7 1
1he masslve number 02111419171 ls lndeed a perfecL mulLlple of 7!
802161141393171 = 114594448770453 x 7
The Longest and Shortest hapters in the Qur'an
ln Lhe Poly Cur'an Cod AlmlghLy lssues a challenge Lo all of manklnd Lo produce a slngle
chapLer llke any of Lhose ln Lhe Cur'an even lf lL were llke Lhe smallesL chapLer ln Lhe Cur'an a
mere versed chapLer called SuraL AlkauLhar (ChapLer Abundance) whlch ls hardly one llne ln
lL ls Cod AlmlghLy alone who chooses Lhe number of chapLers Lo reveal and accordlngly Lhe
number of verses ln each of Lhese chapLers and Pls wlsdom has ordalned LhaL Lhese verse
numbers also adhere Lo a sysLem based wonderfully on Lhe number 7 And Lo demonsLraLe Lhls
we wlll conslder Lhe shorLesL and longesLversed chapLers ln Lhe Cur'an
1he shorLesL chapLer AlkauLher conslsLs of only verses and Lhe longesL SuraL Al8aqarah
(ChapLer 1he Cow) conslsLs of 2 verses As usual we comblne Lhe Lwo numbers lnLo a slngle
LongesL chapLer ln Lhe Cur'an ShorLesL chapLer ln Lhe Cur'an
verses verses
1he Marels o the Number Seen in the Noble Qur`an
1he resulLlng number ls 2 a mulLlple of 7
2863 = 409 x 7
8uL even reverslng Lhls number and readlng lL ln Lhe opposlLe dlrecLlon wlll agaln achleve a
mulLlple of 7
3682 = 526 x 7
Cruclally had Lhe verse numbers of elLher chapLer been only 1 verse more or one verse less
Lhan Lhelr Lrue number boLh Lhe above arrangemenLs would collapse resulLlng ln no mulLlples
of 7!
The Numeric Arrangements of the Qur'an's 30 !arts
Lven Lhe dlvlslon of Lhe Cur'an lnLo 0 equal parLs ls coherenL ln varlous respecLs wlLh Lhe
number 7 lL ls well known LhaL Lhe Poly Cur'an has been spllL lnLo 0 parLs afLer Lhe Llme of
Lhe ropheL Muhammad (pbuh) Lhrough Lhe efforLs of varlous Musllms scholars Amazlngly
even Lhls spllL produces arrangemenLs conslsLenL wlLh Lhe number 7 a furLher lndlcaLlon
perhaps LhaL Cod AlmlghLy proLecLed Lhls 8ook from absoluLely any alLeraLlon
The First and Last !art
1he flrsL parL ln Lhe Cur'an ls parL 1 and Lhe lasL ls 0 Arranglng Lhese Lwo baslc numbers
produces a mulLlple of 7
301 = 43 x 7
The hapters and !arts of the Qur'an
1he Poly Cur'an conslsLs of 114 chapLers and 0 parLs and arranglng Lhese Lwo numbers agaln
glves us a mulLlple of 7
30114 = 4302 x 7
The Verses and !arts of the Qur'an
1here are exacLly 2 verses ln Lhe Cur'an and 0 parLs and Lhese numbers agaln comblne Lo
produce a mulLlple of 7
306236 = 43748 x 7
Amazlngly lf we Lake Lhe above Lhree resulLs and arrange Lhem lnLo a slngle number we flnd a
number LhaL ls a mulLlple of seven twice
43748430243 = 892825107 x 7 x 7
1he Marels o the Number Seen in the Noble Qur`an
Lven more lnLeresLlng ls LhaL Laklng Lhe sum of Lhe dlglLs of Lhe above number produces a
mulLlple of 7 yeL agaln
4 + 3 + 7 + 4 + 8 + 4 + 3 + 0 + 2 + 4 + 3 = 42
42 = 6 x 7
The Numeric System in the Verse Numbers of the Qur'an
1he slgnlflcance of Lhe number of verses ln each Cur'anlc chapLer ls noL llmlLed Lo merely Lhe
longesL and shorLesL chapLers ln facL lL exLends Lo reveal a qulLe lncredlble resulL 1haL ls Lhe
Poly Cur'an conslsLs of 114 chapLers and among Lhose are 14 whose verse numbers are single
digits (for example SuraL Alnasr conslsLs of verses and Lhe number ls a slngle dlglL) 77
chapLers have a number of verses LhaL ls two digits long (llke SuraL Alnaml whose verses are
9 a LwodlglL number llnally Lhe remalnlng 1 chapLers all conLaln more Lhan nlneLynlne
verses LhaL ls Lhe number of verses ln each of Lhese chapLers ls always a threedigit number
(llke SuraL Al8aqarah whlch conLalns 2 verses) ln shorL Lhe number of chapLers ln Lhe
Cur'an wlLh onedlglL LwodlglL and LhreedlglL long verses ls 14 77 and 1 respecLlvely
We arrange Lhese Lhree numbers
1hree dlglLs 1wo dlglLs Cne dlglL
1 77 19
1he above number 17719 ls a mulLlple of 7 twice
187719 = 3831 x 7 x 7
The FinaI Three hapters of the Qur'an
1he greaLness of Lhe flnal Lhree chapLers ln Lhe Cur'an ls no secreL Lo Musllms 1hese Lhree
chapLers SuraL Allkhlas (ChapLer SlncerlLy) SuraL Allalaq (ChapLer 1he uaybreak uawn)
SuraL Alnas (ChapLer Manklnd) are brllllanLly llnked Lo Lhe Cur'an's flrsL chapLer SuraL Al
laLlhah ln a manner conslsLenL wlLh Lhe number 7
The chapter and verse numbers
Lach of Lhe lasL Lhree chapLers ln Lhe Cur'an has a parLlcular locaLlon and number of verses
SuraL Allkhlas ls chapLer 112 and lLs verses are 4 SuraL Allalaq ls chapLer 11 and lLs verses
are and SuraL Alnas Lhe flnal chapLer ls chapLer 114 and lLs verses are
And ln Lhe mosL magnlflcenL way comblnlng Lhese numbers produces a fasclnaLlng collecLlon of
mulLlples of 7
1he Marels o the Number Seen in the Noble Qur`an
SuraL Alnas SuraL Allalaq SuraL Allkhlas
verses ChapLer verses ChapLer verses ChapLer
114 11 4 112
1he number 114114112 ls a perfecL mulLlple of 7!
611451134112 = 87350162016 x 7
noL only LhaL lf we reverse Lhe above arrangemenL Lo glve Lhe number 211411411 LhaL Loo ls a
mulLlple of 7!
211431154116 = 30204450588 x 7
ln oLher words Lhe number represenLlng Lhe chapLer numbers and number of verses of Lhe Cur'an's lasL
Lhree chapLers ls along wlLh lLs opposlLe a mulLlple of 7
Surat AI-IkhIas
We wlll now conslder each chapLer on lLs own sLarLlng wlLh SuraL Allkhlas whlch ls made up of 4 verses
and ls chapLer 112 of Lhe Cur'an
SuraL Allkhlas
verses ChapLer
4 112
1he above arrangemenL produces 4112 and reverslng Lhls number and readlng lL ln Lhe
opposlLe dlrecLlon glves us 2114 a mulLlple of 7
2114 = 302 x 7
Surat AI-FaIaq
1he same ouLcome ls found wlLh SuraL Allalaq whlch ls chapLer 11 and conLalns verses
SuraL Allalaq
verses ChapLer
1he above arrangemenL produces 11 and lLs opposlLe ls Lhe number 11 whlch ls a
mulLlple of 7
3115 = 445 x 7
1he Marels o the Number Seen in the Noble Qur`an
Surat AI-Nas
llnally SuraL Alnas ls chapLer 114 and lLs verses and
SuraL Alnas
verses ChapLer
1he number 114 when reversed glves 411 a mulLlple of 7 yeL agaln only Lhls Llme lL ls a
mulLlple of 7 three times!
4116 = 12 x 7 x 7 x 7
1he profound conslsLency ln Lhe way Lhe above Lhree verses have been consLrucLed and
arranged ln Lhe Cur'an ls Lruly someLhlng Lo ponder upon noL leasL because each chapLer Laken
on lLs own can only be a mulLlple of 7 lf lLs respecLlve verse and chapLer numbers are read from
rlghL Lo lefL LhaL ls Lhey all follow Lhe exacL same paLLern And when Lhey are comblned Lhe
large 12dlglL number whlch resulLs ls ln facL a successful mulLlple of 7 when read from either
dlrecLlon ls Lhls noL a slgn of Lhe exlsLence and sheer magnlflcence of Cod AlmlghLy Pe who so
lnLrlcaLely deslgned such chapLers and verses and secured Lhem from any alLeraLlon?
Surat AI-Fatihah and the Qur'an's FinaI Three hapters
As we menLloned before an lmmaculaLe relaLlonshlp exlsLs beLween SuraL AllaLlhah Lhe flrsL
chapLer ln Lhe Cur'an and Lhe flnal Lhree chapLers of Lhe Cur'an whlch we have [usL come
AI-Fatihah and AI-IkhIas
SuraL AllaLlhah ls chapLer 1 and lLs verses are 7 whlle SuraL Allkhlas ls chapLer 112 and lLs
verses are 4
SuraL Allkhlas SuraL AllaLlhah
verses ChapLer verses ChapLer
4 112 7 1
1he number 411271 ls a mulLlple of 7
411271 = 58753 x 7
AI-Fatihah and AI-FaIaq
1he Marels o the Number Seen in the Noble Qur`an
Agaln we arrange Lhe numbers 1 and 7 whlch represenL SuraL AllaLlhah's chapLer number
and number of verses along wlLh Lhe respecLlve numbers of SuraL Allalaq whlch ls chapLer
11 of Lhe Cur'an and conLalns verses
SuraL Allalaq SuraL AllaLlhah
verses ChapLer verses ChapLer
11 7 1
1he number 1171 ls agaln a mulLlple of 7
511371 = 73053 x 7
AI-Fatihah and AI-Nas
llnally AllaLlhah ls chapLer 1 and lLs verses are 7 and Alnas Lhe lasL chapLer ln Lhe Cur'an ls
chapLer 114 and conslsLs of verses
SuraL Alnas SuraL AllaLlhah
verses ChapLer verses ChapLer
114 7 1
1he number 11471 yeL agaln produces a mulLlple of 7
611471 = 87353 x 7
now lncredlbly when we Lake Lhe resulLs of Lhe Lhree above cases (LhaL ls 7 70 and
7) and arrange Lhem lnLo a slngle number we lndeed arrlve aL a mulLlple of 7 from both
873537305358753 = 17827291946097 x 7 x 7
357853503735378 = 51121929105054 x 7
The ` !hrase ( ' ) in the First and Last hapter
Cod AlmlghLy by Pls lnflnlLe wlsdom has numerlcally perfecLed Lhe chapLers of Pls book
Lhrough a profound sysLem of arrangemenLs Lvery chapLer conLalns a mlracle and so does
every verse and as such we flnd brllllanL symmeLrles beLween varlous chapLers and verses
across Lhe Cur'an 1oo see Lhls more closely we wlll address Lhe flrsL and lasL chapLers of Lhe
Cur'an and how Lhey connecL Lo Lhe very flrsL 'speclal phrase' ln Lhe Cur'an whlch ls an enLlre
verse ln lLself
1he Marels o the Number Seen in the Noble Qur`an
) .'( and the First hapter of the Qur'an
ln SuraL AllaLlhah Lhe Lhree leLLers of Lhe speclal phrase ) .'( namely Allf" () Lm" ()
and Mlm" () are arranged Lo produce a brllllanL serles of mulLlples of 7
We now wrlLe Lhe enLlre flrsL chapLer of Lhe Cur'an clLlng how many Llmes any of Lhe Lhree
leLLers of ) .'( are found ln each of SuraL AllaLlhah's words (every word ln AllaLlhah wlll also
be wrlLLen wlLh lLs leLLers separaLed Lo make lL easler for nonArablc readers Lo counL Lhe
lnsLances of Allf" () Lm" () and Mlm" () ln each word)
, )- ( ~' )' ,( -~,, = ' )' _ -( = ' )' _ (
1 , .' , ~-, ~= )' _ ~( ~ ) ,( , - ) -( ,.' _ , ~,~ , - )' _ -(
2 0 4
-~,, = ' )' _ -( = ' )' _ ( ~, ) (
, =-, ) = ( .' --~ )' ~ -( ' - , ) ' ( ~--, -, )- _ - ~( =
2 1 0 2 0
' - , ) ' ( ,, ~-, - )- _ -( '-, ~, ,' )' , ~ - '(
2 0 2
.' = ,-, )' =( _- -,, ~~-, ' )' ( , - , = ) =( ~ ' , - )' -(
4 2 0 2 , , , , = , ) - _ ( , , , -,~= )_ , ( , , -= )_ ( , _~,, ' - )' _
= -(
0 2 2
, , , -,~= )_ , ( = ` ) '( .' -' , - )' ' -(
2 0 4 2
1he above arrangemenL creaLes Lhe large 1dlglL number
420202220422020022124021 whlch lncredlbly ls a perfecL mulLlple of 7!!
4202302220422020022123340233331 = 600328888631717146017620033333 x 7
1he Marels o the Number Seen in the Noble Qur`an
noL only LhaL buL even when we counL Lhe LoLal number of Allf" () Lm" () and Mlm" ()
leLLers ln SuraL AllaLlhah we arrlve aL Lhe followlng
O1he number of Allf" () leLLers ln AllaLlhah ls 22
O1he number of Lm" () leLLers ls 22
O1he number of Mlm" () leLLers ls 1
now we arrange Lhese Lhree numbers ln sequence
1he leLLer Mlm () 1he leLLer Lm" () 1he leLLer Allf" ()
1 22 22
lncredlbly no maLLer how we arrange Lhese Lhree numbers Lhe ouLcome ls always a mulLlple
of 7!! Pere are Lhe Lhree posslble arrangemenLs
152222 = 21746 x 7
221522 = 31646 x 7
222215 = 31745 x 7
Lven Laklng Lhe sum of Lhe dlglLs of Lhose Lhree numbers produces a mulLlple of 7!
1 + 5 + 2 + 2 + 2 + 2 = 14
14 = 2 x 7
SLarlng aL Lhese amazlng resulLs we can only wonder Who ls lL LhaL carefully deslgned Lhese
leLLers and perfecLed Lhem? Pow dld Lhls unlque sysLem come abouL? lL ls lndeed a magnlflcenL
sysLem LhaL ls wlLness Lo Lhe greaLness of Cod AlmlghLy's 8ook Pence afLer wlLnesslng Lhe
profound symmeLry of Lhls speclal phrase LhaL ls ) .'( wlLh Lhe flrsL chapLer ln Lhe Poly
Cur'an we wlll now observe Lhe very same phenomenon wlLh Lhe lasL chapLer of Lhe Cur'an
SuraL Alnas
) .'( and the Last hapter of the Qur'an
!usL as we dld wlLh SuraL AllaLlhah we wlll now wrlLe Lhe enLlre SuraL Alnas and look for Lhe
occurrence of Allf" () Lm" () and Mlm" () ln each of lLs words We noLe of course LhaL
Lhe 8asmala or ) , ~' -~,, = ' = ' ( ls noL consldered a verse of Lhls chapLer
1he Marels o the Number Seen in the Noble Qur`an
(buL ls merely menLloned aL lLs forefronL) unllke SuraL AllaLlhah and parL of a verse ln SuraL Al
naml where Lhe 8asmala ls a verse ln lLs own rlghL
-, ) ( , ~ =) _ = ( , - )- -( ' -' )' - ' (
0 1 1
~, ) ( ' -' )' - ' ( , ) ,( ' -' )' - ' (
2 2
, - ~ ) -( , ) ( ',, ~,, ' )' = = ' ( , .' , ' -= )' _ - ' (
0 1
~ ' )' ( =, ~,-- ) = = ( ) ( ~-- ) ~ = (
0 0 0 2
' -' )' - ' ( , - ~ ) -( - =, ' )' _ - ( =, ' -' )' - ' (
0 2 1
Surely enough Lhe ouLcome of SuraL AllaLlhah repeaLs lLself here ln SuraL Alnas because Lhe
number 02100020122011 ls a perfecL mulLlple of 7
302130002330132323011 = 43161428904304617573 x 7
SpIitting up Surat AI-Nas
Cne of Lhe lnLrlgulng aspecLs of SuraL Alnas ls LhaL lL can be spllL lnLo Lwo parLs
1 1hree verses whlch deal wlLh seeklng refuge wlLh Cod AlmlghLy
) . = - ' - ' )0( = ~ ' - ' )1( ' - ' )2
Say l seek refuge wlLh Lhe Lord and Cherlsher of Manklnd (1) 1he klng (or 8uler) of Manklnd
(2) 1he Cod (for [udge) of Manklnd ()
Alnas 1141
2 1hree verses whlch deal wlLh seeklng refuge from Lhe devll
) ~ ~ ' ~ ' ' - ' ) 3( ~ ' ~ - ~ - ' - ' ) 4( ~
- ' ' -' ) 5
lrom Lhe mlschlef of Lhe Whlsperer (of Lvll) who wlLhdraws (afLer hls whlsper) (4) (1he same)
who whlspers lnLo Lhe hearLs of Manklnd () Among !lnns and among men ()
1he Marels o the Number Seen in the Noble Qur`an
Alnas 1144
1he flrsL Lhree verses LhaL dlscuss seeklng refuge wlLh Cod Laken on Lhelr own carry a numerlc
relaLlonshlp wlLh Lhe speclal phrase ( ' ) [usL llke SuraL Alnas as a whole 1haL ls we wlll
now slmple conslder Lhe leLLers Allf" () Lm" () and Mlm" () ln each word of Lhls Lhree
verse segmenL
-, ) ( , ~ =) _ = ( , - )- -( ' -' )' - ' (
0 1 1
~, ) ( ' -' )' - ' ( , ) ,( ' -' )' - ' (
2 2
1he resulLlng number whlch ls parL of Lhe large number we found for SuraL Alnas ls
22011 whlch ls sLlll a perfecL mulLlple of 7
32323011 = 4617573 x 7
WhaL ls also lnLeresLlng ls Lhe LoLal number of Allf" () Lm" () and Mlm" () leLLers ln Lhese
Lhree verses
O1he number of Allf" () leLLers ls
O1he number of Lm" () leLLers ls
O1he number of Mlm" () leLLers ls only 1
Arranglng Lhese numbers glve us
1he leLLer Mlm" () 1he leLLer Lm" () 1he leLLer Allf" ()
1he resulLlng number ls 1 whlch ls a mulLlple of 7 when read from both dlrecLlons
168 = 24 x 7
861 = 123 x 7
noL only LhaL buL add Lhe above Lwo resulLs produces a mulLlple of 7!
123 + 24 = 147
1he Marels o the Number Seen in the Noble Qur`an
147 = 3 x 7 x 7
8uL whaL abouL Lhe nexL Lhree verses whlch dlscuss seeklng refuge from Lhe devll? uoes Lhe
same conslsLency hold? 1he number of Allf" () Lm" () and Mlm" () leLLers ln every word
of Lhls second segmenL ls as follows
, - ~ ) -( , ) ( ',, ~,, ' )' = = ' ( , .' , ' -= )' _ - ' (
0 1
~ ' )' ( =, ~,-- ) = = ( ) ( ~-- ) ~ = (
0 0 0 2
' -' )' - ' ( , - ~ ) -( - =, ' )' _ - ( =, ' -' )' - ' (
0 2 1
1he number represenLlng Lhe occurrence of ) .'( ln Lhls segmenL ls 021000201 whlch ls
agaln a mulLlple of 7!
3021300023301 = 61659184149 x 7
Are Lhese flawless arrangemenLs noL a magnlflcenL sLaLemenL of Cod AlmlghLy's wlsdom and
greaLness are Lhey noL literal proof LhaL lL ls Pe and only Pe who could have senL down Lhls
wonderful revelaLlon LhaL ls Lhe Poly Cur'an?
The SpeciaI !hrase ) ' ( and the "Seven Mathani"50 Verse
And now we delve lnLo Lhe very verse whlch speaks abouL SuraL AllaLlhah a verse LhaL ls
found ln SuraL AlPl[r Lhe Cur'an's 1Lh chapLer whlch speclflcally refers Lo openlng chapLer of
Lhe Cur'an as one wlLh Seven of Lhe MaLhanl" or 'CfL8epeaLed' verses
Cod AlmlghLy says And We have besLowed upon Lhee Lhe Seven CfLrepeaLed (verses) (le
SuraL AllaLlhah) and Lhe Crand Curan AlPl[r 17
Cod AlmlghLy has perfecLed Lhe leLLers of Lhls wonderful verse ln a manner LhaL ls so
lnexLrlcably llnked Lo Lhe very chapLer abouL whlch lL speaks SuraL AllaLlhah lLself
lndeed ln Lhe very few words of Lhls verse we shall dlscover a profound mlracle of a naLure
LhaL no human could have fashloned We wlll see Lhe beauLy of Lhe language of numbers ln Lhls
verse whlch speaks of SuraL AllaLlhah and how lLs leLLers and preclse locaLlon ln Lhe
0 MaLhanl" ls Lhe Arablc word meanlng 'ofLrepeaLed'
le ofLen repeaLed
1he Marels o the Number Seen in the Noble Qur`an
Cur'an are ln LoLal agreemenL wlLh Lhe number 7 and aL harmony wlLh Lhe Cur'an's openlng
The Seven Mathani hapter
1he seven MaLhanl chapLer of course ls none oLher Lhan SuraL AllaLlhah whose seven verses
have been endlessly repeaLed for Lhe pasL 14 cenLurles
~ ' = ' - = ' ) 0( ~~ ' - ~ ' - )1( = ' - = ' ) 2(
= ~
- ~' )3( ' - ~ = ' - - ~ - )4( ' - ~, ' = - ' - - ~ ~ ' )5(
= - - ~ '
) ~ = +- = = - - ~ ' +- = . - ' - ' )6
ln Lhe name of Cod MosL Craclous MosL Merclful (1) ralse be Lo Cod Lhe Cherlsher and
SusLalner of Lhe world (2) MosL Craclous MosL Merclful () MasLer of Lhe uay of !udgmenL (4)
1hee do we worshlp and 1hlne ald we seek () Show us Lhe sLralghL way () 1he way of Lhose
on whom 1hou hasL besLowed 1hy Crace Lhose whose (porLlon) ls noL wraLh and who go noL
asLray (7)
AllaLlhah 1
1he noLable numbers ln Lhls chapLer are
1he chapLer number ls 1
1he number of verses ls 7
1he number of words ls 1
1he number of leLLers ls 19
The Seven Mathani Verse
' ` -'- -' - = '

~ - ' - =-- ~' = ~ '

And We have besLowed upon Lhee Lhe Seven CfLrepeaLed (verses) (le SuraL AllaLlhah) and
Lhe Crand Curan
AlPl[r 17
1he slgnlflcanL numbers of Lhls verse are Lhe followlng
1he chapLer number ls 1
1he verse number ls 7
1he Marels o the Number Seen in the Noble Qur`an
1he number of words ls 9
1he number of leLLers ls
now leL us Lake a close look aL Lhls breaLhLaklng serles of perfecL numerlc conslsLencles
Verse Iocation
1he seven MaLhanl verse ls found ln SuraL AlPl[r chapLer 1 and ls verse 7 of LhaL chapLer A
conslsLency exlsLs based on Lhe number 7 beLween Lhese Lwo numbers whlch represenL Lhe
locaLlon of Lhls verse ln Lhe Poly Cur'an
verse number ChapLer number
7 1
1he number 71 ls a mulLlple of 7
8715 = 1245 x 7
1hus Lhls verse's number and lLs chapLer number share a connecLlon based on Lhe number 7
Verse number and number of words
As we esLabllshed earller Lhe MaLhanl verse ls verse 7 of SuraL AlPl[r and conslsLs of exacLly
9 words
Word counL verse number
9 7
1he number 97 ls Lhe second mulLlple of 7 ln Lhls serles
987 = 141 x 7
Verse number, number of words and number of letters
verse 7 conslsLs of 9 words and preclsely leLLers leL's see lf Lhe conslsLency ls malnLalned
LeLLer counL Word counL verse number
9 7
1he number 97 represenLs a mulLlple of 7 yeL agaln (even when read ln reverse)
35987 = 5141 x 7
1he Marels o the Number Seen in the Noble Qur`an
78953 = 11279 x 7
1hls resulL conflrms Lhe marvellous connecLlon beLween Lhe verse number word counL and
leLLer counL of Lhls verse on a basls LhaL ls Lhe number 7
lease noLe LhaL Lhe same loglc ls followed when arranglng Lhe numbers and LhaL ls ln Arablc
readlng order (le from right Lo left) chapLer number followed by verse number word counL
and leLLer counL" and Lhls rule ls sLrlcLly adhered Lo ln all parLs of Lhls book
LeL us now see [usL how Lhe seven MaLhanl chapLer (le SuraL AllaLlhah) and Lhe seven
MaLhanl verse (le verse 7 of chapLer 1) are llnked
The number of words
1he number of words comprlslng SuraL AllaLlhah are 1 and Lhe number of words comprlslng
Lhe 7Lh verse of SuraL AlPl[r are 9 Lhese Lwo number are also seamlessly llnked Lo Lhe number
Word counL of seven MaLhanl verse Word counL of seven MaLhanl chapLer
9 1
And Lhe number 91 ls acLually a mulLlple of 7 Lwlce
931 = 19 x 7 x 7
lnLrlgulngly Lhe opposlLe of Lhe number 91 above ls 19 Lhe exacL number of leLLers maklng
up SuraL AllaLlhah lLself!!
The chapters
SuraL AllaLlhah ls lnherenLly connecLed Lo SuraL AlPl[r Lhe chapLer whose 7Lh verse hlghllghLs
AllaLlhahs seven verses 1haL ls SuraL AllaLlhah ls chapLer 1 and lLs verses are 7 Cn Lhe oLher
hand SuraL AlPl[r ls chapLer 1 and lLs verses are 99
SuraL AlPl[r SuraL AllaLlhah
verses ChapLer verses ChapLer
99 1 7 1
1he number 99171 ls a mulLlple of 7
991571 = 141653 x 7
The briIIiant repetition of the Ietters of the speciaI phrase ( ` )
1he Marels o the Number Seen in the Noble Qur`an
We saw how Lhe leLLers of ( ' ) Lhe flrsL of Lhe Curans speclal phrases were repeaLed ln
every word of SuraL AllaLlhah and SuraL Alnas Lo produce a magnlflcenL mulLlple of 7 SuraL
AlPl[r Lhe chapLer whlch houses Lhe seven MaLhanl verse LhaL glorlfles SuraL AllaLlhah beglns
wlLh Lhe speclal phrase ) ' ( and qulLe flLLlngly Lhe Lhree leLLers of Lhls phrase have been
beauLlfully repeaLed ln each word of Lhe seven MaLhanl verse Lo produce yeL anoLher mulLlple
of 7!
1he Lhree leLLers of ) ' ( are Allf" () Lm" () and 8'"() We wlll now wrlLe down Lhe
seven MaLhanl verse and look for any occurrence of Lhese leLLers ln each of lLs words
= , ~,-, ) ~( ,, -,, , )' - ( , , ~ ' =) - _ '( , - ) -(
0 1 1 1 0
-',`~,, ' )' ' - ( = -, ' , , , - )' -( , .' , _- == )' _ = (
2 4 0
1he number 24001110 ls a mulLlple of 7
240301110 = 34328730 x 7
And now lf we counL Lhe LoLal number of Allf" () Lm" () and 8'"() leLLers ln Lhe above
verse ([usL as we dld uslng ) .'( wlLh respecL Lo SuraL AllaLlhah and SuraL Alnas) we flnd Lhe
O1he number of Allf" () leLLers ls 7
O1he number of Lm" () leLLers ls 4
O1he number of 8'" () leLLers ls only 1
1he leLLer 8'" () 1he leLLer Lm" () 1he leLLer Allf" ()
1 4 7
1he number 147 ls lndeed a mulLlple of 7 (Lwlce!)
147 = 3 x 7 x 7
1he Marels o the Number Seen in the Noble Qur`an
Amazlngly Lhe same conslsLency ls found ln SuraL AllaLlhah Lhe very chapLer wlLh Lhe seven
ofLrepeaLed verses (le Lhe seven MaLhanl chapLer lLself!) lf we counL Lhe LoLal number of
Allf" () Lm" () and 8'"() leLLers ln SuraL AllaLlhah we flnd
O1he number of Allf" () leLLers ln AllaLlhah ls 22
O1he number of Lm" () leLLers ls 22
O1he number of Mlm" () leLLers ls
1he leLLer Mlm () 1he leLLer Lm" () 1he leLLer Allf" ()
22 22
1he repeLlLlon of Lhe leLLers maklng Lhe speclal phrase ) ' ( ln SuraL AllaLlhah ls 2222 a
mulLlple of 7 twice!!
82222 = 1678 x 7 x 7
ln oLher words Lhe repeLlLlon of Lhe leLLers of ) ' ( ln boLh Lhe seven ofLrepeaLed verses
Lhemselves (AllaLlhah) and Lhe verse whlch speaks abouL Lhem ls a mulLlple of 7 Lwlce LhaL ls
a mulLlple of 7 x 7!
The speciaI Ietters and the seven Mathani verse
As menLloned ln prevlous parLs Lhe speclal phrases are found aL Lhe beglnnlng of 29 chapLers ln
Lhe Cur'an and whlle someLlmes Lhe same speclal phrase ls found ln many chapLers Lhere are
14 dlfferenL phrases ln LoLal Also lncldenLally Lhere are exacLly 14 dlfferenL leLLers whlch make
up Lhese varlous speclal phrases and Lhese are
' , - _ = , _ ~
We wlll now wrlLe Lhe seven MaLhanl verse once more only Lhls Llme looklng for Lhe repeLlLlon
of Lhe above 14 'speclal leLLers' ln each of lLs words
= , ~,-, ) ~( ,, -,, , )' - ( , , ~ ' =) - _ '( , - ) -(
2 4 2 0
-',`~,, ' )' ' - ( = -, ' , , , - )' -( , .' , _- == )' _ = (
1he Marels o the Number Seen in the Noble Qur`an
1he number 02420 ls a mulLlple of 7
560623420 = 80089060 x 7
And for Lhe sake of polnLlng ouL Lhe LoLal number of speclal leLLers ln Lhls verse ls 2 4 x 7
Lhe number of words ln whlch Lhese leLLers are found ls seven1 and Lhe LoLal number of leLLers
ln Lhls verse ls x 7 does any oLher book conLaln such harmony? We conLlnue wlLh Lhls
beauLlful verse and now dlvlde lL lnLo Lhree parLs
A muItipIe in each part
As small as Lhls verse ls lL conslsLs of Lhree parLs
1 And We have besLowed upon Lhee
~ - ' - =--
2 Lhe Seven CfLrepeaLed (verses) (le SuraL AllaLlhah)
' `

~' = ~ '
and Lhe Crand Curan
-'- -' - = '
8eauLlfully when we look for Lhe occurrence of Lhe 14 speclal leLLers llsLed above ln Lhe words
of each separaLe parL we flnd ln each lnsLance a perfecL mulLlple of 7
Pere are Lhe leLLers once agaln
' , - _ = , _ ~
First part
= , ~,-, ) ~( ,, -,, , )' - (
4 2 0
420 = 60 x 7
1 7 ouL of 9 words slnce Lwo words (Lhe = and Lhe =
conLaln no speclal leLLers)
1he Marels o the Number Seen in the Noble Qur`an
Second part
, , ~ ' =) - _ '( , - ) -( -',`~,, ' )' ' - (
623 = 89 x 7
Third part
= -, ' , , , - )' -( , .' , _- == )' _ = (
560 = 80 x 7
The Ietters of each part
1he conslsLency of Lhe numerlc arrangemenLs does noL llmlL lLself Lo merely Lhe speclal leLLers
ln facL all Lhe leLLers of Lhls verse are organlsed ln a manner LhaL ls so arLlculaLely founded on
Lhe number 7 1he LoLal number of leLLers ln each parL ls as follows (Lhese can be easlly counLed
from Lhe above lllusLraLlon)
O1he flrsL parL conslsLs of 9 leLLers
O1he second parL conslsLs of 1 leLLers
O1he Lhlrd parL conslsLs of 1 leLLers
Comblnlng Lhese Lhree resulLs glves us
arL arL 2 arL 1
1 1 9
lndeed Lhe number 119 whlch represenLs Lhe LoLal number of leLLers ln each parL of Lhe
seven MaLhanl ls a mulLlple of 7
13139 = 1877 x 7
NOTE: AnoLher absoluLely asLoundlng llLLle arrangemenL ls found ln Lhls verse 1haL ls Lhe
parLlcular segmenL of Lhe seven MaLhanl verse whlch speclflcally refers Lo Lhe seven MaLhanl
Lhemselves (le AllaLlhah lLsef) ls
' `

~ - ' - =-- ~' = ~ '

1he Marels o the Number Seen in the Noble Qur`an
And We have besLowed upon Lhee Lhe Seven CfLrepeaLed (verses) (le SuraL AllaLlhah)
ln oLher words Lhls segmenL of Lhe 7Lh verse of SuraL AlPl[r whlch ls dedlcaLed Lo menLlonlng
SuraL AllaLlhah covers parLs 1 and 2 of Lhe verse and Lhe LoLal number of words ln Lhese Lwo
parLs produces Lhe followlng arrangemenL
arL 2 arL 1
1 9
WhaL ls absoluLely wonderful abouL Lhe number 19 above ls LhaL Lhls number noL only
represenLs Lhe segmenL of Lhe verse LhaL speclflcally glves reference Lo SuraL AllaLlhah buL
Lhls number also represenLs Lhe preclse number of leLLers maklng up SuraL AllaLlhah lLself!!
The speciaI Ietters in each part
Lven when we counL Lhe total number of speclal leLLers ln each parL Lhe same conslsLenL
paLLern ls malnLalned Agaln Lhese are Lhe speclal leLLers
' , - _ = , _ ~
arL arL 2 arL 1
~ - ' - =-- ' `

~' = ~ ' -'- -' - = '

11 11
1he number 1111 ls a mulLlple of 7
11116 = 1588 x 7
The Ietters of the phrase "The seven Mathani" ( ) ~ - ' - ' - -- '
When we look for Lhe leLLers of Lhe phrase ( )_ ~ ' - ' ` ~ ' meanlng Lhe seven MaLhanl"
ln Lhe seven MaLhanl verse lLself we amazlngly arrlve aL a preclse mulLlple of 7 1he followlng
are Lhe leLLers maklng up Lhls phrase
' , ~ _ ~
= , ~,-, ) ~( ,, -,, , )' - ( , , ~ ' =) - _ '( , - ) -(
2 4 1 0
-',`~,, ' )' ' - ( = -, ' , , , - )' -( , .' , _- == )' _ = (
1he Marels o the Number Seen in the Noble Qur`an
4 0 7
1he resulLlng number ls 4072410 a mulLlple of 7 Lwlce
540724310 = 11035190 x 7 x 7
So Lhe leLLers of Lhe phrase meanlng Lhe seven MaLhanl" are arranged ln Lhe very verse whlch
carrles LhaL name ln a manner perfecLly coherenL wlLh Lhe number 7 ls Lhls noL a sLunnlng
The Ietters of the phrase "The Grand Qur'an" ( ), , - -' - = - '
We musL noL forgeL LhaL Lhls verse also glves menLlon Lo Lhe Poly Cur'an as a whole and noL
merely Lo lLs openlng chapLer
~ - ' - =-- ~' = ~ ' `

' J' ' -,- ~ - =-' And We have besLowed upon Lhee Lhe Seven CfLrepeaLed
(verses) (le SuraL AllaLlhah) and the Grand Quran
Pavlng sald LhaL whaL lf we now looked for Lhe repeLlLlon of Lhe leLLers of Lhe phrase 1he
Crand Cur'an" ( )- - ' = ' ln Lhls verse? ln oLher words we are golng Lo Lake each leLLer
ln Lhls phrase and look for how many Llmes lL has been repeaLed ln Lhe seven MaLhanl verse
before flnally arranglng Lhe correspondlng numbers across Lhe leLLers of Lhe phrase 8uL ln
order Lo do so we musL flrsL esLabllsh how many Llmes every dlfferenL leLLer ln Lhe seven
MaLhanl verse has been repeaLed 1hls can be easlly deduced from Lhe varlous prevlous
lllusLraLlons buL has been convenlenLly summarlzed here
' ~ 4 _ - , = , ~
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 4 4 7
We now wrlLe Lhe phrase ( )- - ' = ' 1he Crand Cur'an" and below each of lLs leLLers
Lhe correspondlng repeLlLlon of LhaL leLLer ln Lhe seven MaLhanl verse as glven by Lhe above
, , - -' )' J _ , ,( - = - ' )' J _ = (
1 2 4 7 4 7 1 2 4 7
1he resulLlng number ls 1247471247 a perfecL mulLlple of 7
1he Marels o the Number Seen in the Noble Qur`an
331247471247 = 47321067321 x 7
lnLeresLlngly lL so happens LhaL each word consldered on lLs own LhaL ls ( ( ` 1he
Cur'an" and ( )= ' 1he Crand" malnLaln conslsLency wlLh Lhe number 7
, , - -' )' J _ , ,(
4 7 1 2 4 7
471247 = 67321 x 7
- = - ' )' J _ = (
1 2 4 7
331247 = 47321 x 7
1hese numerlc ouLcomes are buL more evldence ln favour of Lhe suggesLlon LhaL every word
and even every leLLer ln Lhe Poly Cur'an ls lnherenLly supporLed by a complex sysLem of
arrangemenLs all fundamenLally based upon Lhe number 7 buL Lhe blg quesLlon ls Lhls afLer
all Lhose already dlscovered ln Lhe Cur'an [usL how many mulLlples of 7 are hldden ln lLs
The aptivating IntervaIs of Surat AI- Fatihah
1he Cur'an's openlng chapLer conslsLs of seven verses and as such each verse ends wlLh a
speclflc word whlch acLs as a klnd of lnLerval or break separaLlng Lhe verses from each oLher
1hese words are hlghllghLed ln bold below
~ ' = ' - =,- ' )0( ~~ ' - ,- --- ' )1( = ' - =,- ' )2(
= ~
,---' )3( ' - ~ = ' - ~ - , )4( ' - ~, ' = - ' J ' -- ~- )
5( = - - ~ '
) ~ = +- = = - - ~ ' +- = . ,- -' ~- ' )6
8uL ls Lhere any numerlc slgnlflcance Lo Lhese words? We shall found ouL by llsLlng Lhese seven
words [usL as Lhey appear ln Lhe Cur'an and below Lhem Lhe number of leLLers comprlslng each
' = )' _ ( , .' , _ ~,~ , - )' _ -( = ' )' _ ( .' --~ )' ~ -(
1he Marels o the Number Seen in the Noble Qur`an
,, ~-, - )- _ -( _- -,, ~~-, ' )' ( ' -' , - )' ' -(
1he number represenLlng Lhe leLLer counL of each of AllaLlhah's lnLervals ls 77 whlch ls
lndeed a mulLlple of 7
7865676 = 1123668 x 7
8uL LhaL's noL all because Lhe resulL ls also a mulLlple of 7
1123668 = 160524 x 7
And Lhls resulL ls also a mulLlple of 7
160524 = 22932 x 7
And Lhls resulL ls agaln a mulLlple of 7
22932 = 3276 x 7
1hls resulL ls yeL agaln a mulLlple of 7
3276 = 468 x 7
ln oLher words our orlglnal number 77 ls a mulLlple of 7 five times!!
7865676 = 468 x 7 x 7 x 7 x 7 x 7
8uL whaL abouL Lhls flnal number 4? Can we Lake lL any furLher?
1hls number can ln facL be broken down lnLo flve prlme numbers
468 = 13 x 3 x 3 x 2 x 2
And amazlngly arranglng Lhese flve prlme numbers lnLo a slngle dlglL number produces a
mulLlple of 7
133322 = 19046 x 7
Pence we can arrange our orlglnal number of 77 whlch represenLs Lhe lnLervals of SuraL
AllaLlhah lnLo Lhe followlng
7865676 = 13 x 3 x 3 x 2 x 2 x 7 x 7 x 7 x 7 x 7
lf we arrange Lhe above resulLs lnLo a slngle 11dlglL number we yeL agaln arrlve aL a mulLlple
of 7!
1he Marels o the Number Seen in the Noble Qur`an
13332277777 = 1904611111 x 7
And lf LhaL was all noL enough Laklng Lhe dlglL sum of Lhls 11dlglL above resulL creaLes a
mulLlple of 7 x 7!!
1 + 3 + 3 + 3 + 2 + 2 + 7 + 7 + 7 + 7 + 7 = 49
49 = 7 x 7
Could all Lhls magnlflcence have been Lhe mere producL of colncldence?
The Ietters of each intervaI without repetition
We already wlLnessed how Lhe leLLer counL of AllaLlhah's seven lnLervals when comblned lnLo
a slngle number creaLed a mulLlple of 7 Among Lhe leLLers of each word however some were
repeaLed whlle oLhers were noL buL ls Lhls facL lmporLanL ln a numerlc sense?
Cnce agaln we wlll wrlLe Lhe leLLer counL of each lnLerval ln Lhe Cur'an's openlng chapLer only
Lhls Llme excludlng any repeaLed leLLers
= ' )' _ ( , .' , _ ~,~ , - )' _ -( = ' )' _ ( .' --~ )' ~ -(

,, ~-, - )- _ -( _- -,, ~~-, ' )' ( ' -' , - )' ' -(
1he number 7 ls a mulLlple of 7
5755666 = 822238 x 7
8everslng Lhe above operaLlon we wlll now only wrlLe Lhe number of repeaLed leLLers ln each
of Lhe lnLerval words
= ' )' _ ( , .' , _ ~,~ , - )' _ -( = ' )' _ ( .' --~ )' ~ -(
0 0 1 0
,, ~-, - )- _ -( _- -,, ~~-, ' )' ( ' -' , - )' ' -(
2 1 1
1he number 2110010 ls a mulLlple of 7
2110010 = 301430 x 7
1he Marels o the Number Seen in the Noble Qur`an
1he perfecL ouLcomes produced above lead us Lo reallse aL leasL some of Lhe wlsdom behlnd
Lhe way Lhe Cur'an ls wrlLLen 1hls ls of paramounL lmporLance because every word we deal
wlLh wlLhln Lhe scope of Lhe numerlc mlracle ls copled exactly as lL appears ln Lhe Cur'an 1haL
ls Lhe way cerLaln words are wrlLLen ln Lhe Cur'an sllghLly dlffer from Lhelr equlvalenLs ln
normal everyday Arablc buL Lhls dlfference albelL small would absoluLely shaLLer Lhe numerlc
mlracle Lo pleces lf noL respecLed
1o glve a brlef example from Lhe above lnLervals of AllaLlhah leL us compare how Lhe second
of Lhese lnLervals Lhe Arablc word meanlng Lhe worlds" ls spelled ln Lhe Arablc of Lhe Cur'an
as opposed Lo normal Arablc
Cur'anlc Arablc normal Arablc
, .' , _ ' , , - )' _ ' -( , .' , _ ~,~ , - )' _ -(
1he dlfference ls barely noLlceable buL Lhe above word ls wrlLLen wlLh one exLra leLLer ln
ordlnary Arablc and had Lhls verslon been adopLed lnsLead of Lhe Cur'an's Lhe number
77 whlch ls a mulLlple of 7 an lncredlble flve Llmes would lnsLead become 78
whlch ls noL a mulLlple of 7 aL all meanlng LhaL Lhe pleLhora of mulLlple produced above would
slmple cease Lo exlsL!
AI-Fatihah and the Letters of the AIphabet
CuL of Lhe 2 leLLers of Lhe Arablc language SuraL AllaLlhah conLalns 21 (a mulLlple of 7 slnce
21 x 7!) 8uL whaL ls Lruly asLoundlng ls Lhe way LhaL Lhese leLLers come LogeLher Lo produce
a mosL magnlflcenL mulLlple of 7 servlng as yeL anoLher profound example of Lhe cenLral
lmporLance of Lhls number Lo lnvesLlgaLlng Lhe Poly Cur'an's numerlc mlracle
BriIIiant Ietters
Slnce Cod AlmlghLy creaLed Lhe unlverse Pls wlsdom has ordalned for Lhe number 7 Lo be
presenL ln Pls creaLlon Pe creaLed Lhe seven skles a facL ofLen clLed ln Lhe Cur'an made Lhe
LarLh conslsL of seven geologlcal layers and gave lLs aLmosphere seven layers Loo
Pls wlsdom has also ordalned for Lhe Cur'an Lo be revealed ln Arablc a language whose
alphabeL ls 2 leLLers long (a mulLlple of 7 2 4 x 7!) and for Lhe Cur'an's flrsL verse Lo house
21 of Lhose leLLers (agaln a mulLlple of 7)
We wlll now llsL Lhe 21 leLLers maklng up SuraL AllaLlhah along wlLh Lhe number of Llmes each
leLLers ls repeaLed ln Lhe chapLer
1he followlng ls AllaLlhah wlLh lLs words broken down for any readers wlshlng Lo do Lhe leLLer
counLlng Lhemselves
1he Marels o the Number Seen in the Noble Qur`an
~,)- ( ~' )' ,( -~,, = ' )' _ -( = ' )' _ (
, .' , ~-, ~= )' _ ~( ~ ) ,( , - ) -( ,.' , _ ~,~ , - )' _ -(
-~,, = ' )' _ -( = ' )' _ ( ~, ) (
, =-, ) = ( .' --~ )' ~ -( ' - , ) ' ( ~--, -, )- _ - ~( =
' - , ) ' ( ,, ~-, - )- _ -( '-, ~, ,' )' , ~ - '(
.' = ,-, )' =( _- -,, ~~-, ' )' ( , - , = ) =( ~ ' , - )' -(
, , , , = , ) - _ ( , , , -,~= )_ , ( , , -= )_ ( , _~,, ' - )' _ = -(
, , , -,~= )_ , ( = ` ) '( .' -' , - )' ' -(
~ , _ - _ ~ - 4 , = _ -
1 1 2 2 2 2 4 4 4 11 14 1 22 22
1he 2dlglL number 112222444111412222 ls a perfecL mulLlple of 7!
11222233344455681114152222 = 1603176192065097302021746 x 7
now we may ask Could Lhe ropheL Muhammad have posslbly manufacLured and hldden such
a perfecL numerlc code wlLhln Lhe verses of Lhe Cur'an and whaL oLher book has anyLhlng as
deLalled as lLs leLLers so eleganLly arranged?
AI-Fatihah and the Qur'an
1he number represenLlng Lhe repeLlLlon of Lhe flrsL and lasL leLLers Lo be menLloned ln Al
laLlhah ls 114 whlch ls Lhe LoLal number of chapLers ln Lhe Cur'an! 1haL ls Lhe flrsL leLLer ln Al
laLlhah ls 8'" (-) whlch ls repeaLed 4 Llmes ln AllaLlhah and Lhe lasL ls nun" (-) whlch ls
found 11 Llmes
LasL leLLer ln AllaLlhah LasL leLLer ln AllaLlhah
11 4
And so Lhe number 114 creaLed by AllaLlhah's flrsL and lasL leLLers also sLands for Lhe
Cur'an's LoLal chapLers lL ls almosL as lf Lhe enLlre book ls summarlsed ln Lhe openlng chapLer
whlch ls ofLen referred Lo as Lhe moLher of Lhe Cur'an! And ln Lhls ls perhaps a conflrmaLlon of
Lhe LruLhfulness of Lhe ropheL Muhammad (pbuh) when he sald LhaL AllaLlhah is Lhe Cur'an
1haL ls Alhamdullllahl 8abbllAlamln (SuraL AllaLlha) whlch ls Lhe
1he Marels o the Number Seen in the Noble Qur`an
seven ofLrepeaLed verses (AlMaLhanl) and Lhe Crand Curan whlch has been glven Lo me"2
8uL Cod AlmlghLy knows besL
ln order Lo be more cerLaln as Lo Lhe connecLlon of AllaLlhah's leLLers Lo Lhe Cur'an we wlll
now wrlLe Lhe word ( ( ` 1he Cur'an" and under each of lLs leLLers lLs correspondlng
repeLlLlon ln AllaLlhah ([usL as we dld wlLh Lhe seven MaLhanl verse ln SuraL AlPl[r)
, , - -' )' J _ , ,(
11 22 1 22 22
1he number 112212222 ls a perfecL mulLlple of 7!
1122812222 = 160401746 x 7
WhaL ls also eyecaLchlng abouL Lhls number ls lLs dlglL sum
1 + 1 + 2 + 2 + 8 + 1 + 2 + 2 + 2 + 2 = 23 Lhe number of years lL Look for Lhe Cur'an Lo be
The Ietters of ( ),-- "Amen"
1he word ( )-- ~ Amen" ls used by people of numerous falLhs and whlle lL ls noL conLalned ln
Lhe Cur'an Musllms say Lhls word ln prayer dlrecLly afLer Lhey reclLe AllaLlhah lLs leLLers also
happen Lo be lnLrlnslcally connecLed Lo Lhe Cur'an's openlng chapLer !usL as we dld wlLh Lhe
word 1he Cur'an" we wlll now wrlLe ( )-- ~ Amen" along wlLh Lhe repeLlLlon of each of lLs
leLLers ln SuraL AllaLlhah
,- - )' ,(
11 14 1 22
1114122 ls lndeed a mulLlple of 7 and twice
11141522 = 227378 x 7 x 7
The First and Last Verse of AI-Fatihah
ln explorlng Lhe capLlvaLlng naLure of AllaLlhah's perfecL numerlc sysLem we come across a
wonderful connecLlon beLween Lhe flrsL and lasL verse of Lhls marvellous chapLer
2 8ukharl volume 8ook 0 number 22
1he Marels o the Number Seen in the Noble Qur`an
1he flrsL verse of AllaLlhah ls
) ~ ' = ' - = ' )0
lLs words are 4 and LoLal leLLers are 19 Some of Lhese leLLers are repeaLed however and so Lhe
LoLal number of different alphabeLlc leLLers ln Lhls verse ls 10
1he flnal verse ls
) = - - ~ ' ~ = +- = = - - ~ ' +- = . - ' - ' )6
lL conLalns 10 words 4 leLLers ln LoLal and 1 dlfferenL alphabeLlc leLLers
The totaI number of Ietters
1he flrsL verse of AllaLlhah conLalns a LoLal number of 19 leLLers and Lhe lasL conLalns 4
LasL verse llrsL verse
4 19
1he number whlch represenLs Lhe leLLer counLs of Lhe flrsL and lasL verse ls 419 a mulLlple of
4319 = 617 x 7
The number of aIphabetic Ietters
1he number of leLLers wlLhouL repeLlLlon LhaL ls Lhe number of dlfferenL alphabeLlc leLLers ln
boLh verses ls as follows
LasL verse llrsL verse
1 10
1610 = 230 x 7
The number of words ,nd Ietters
A mulLlple of 7 exlsLs beLween Lhe word and leLLer counL of Lhe flrsL and lasL verse 1he flrsL
verse conslsLs of 4 words and 19 leLLers and Lhe lasL conslsLs of 10 words and 4 leLLers
LasL verse llrsL verse
LeLLers Words LeLLers Words
4 10 19 4
1he Marels o the Number Seen in the Noble Qur`an
410194 ls a mulLlple of 7
4310194 = 615742 x 7
The first and Iast Ietter
A mulLlple of 7 ls found wlLh respecL Lo Lhe flrsL and lasL leLLers of boLh verses As for Lhe flrsL
verse lLs flrsL leLLer ls 8'" (-) a leLLer repeaLed 4 Llmes LhroughouL AllaLlhah lLs lasL leLLer
ls Mlm" () whlch ls repeaLed 1 Llmes
8epeLlLlon of lasL leLLer 8epeLlLlon of flrsL leLLer
1 4
1he number 14 ls a mulLlple of 7
154 = 22 x 7
1he flrsL leLLer of AllaLlhah's lasL verse ls rd" () a leLLer found 2 Llmes ln Lhls chapLer 1he
lasL leLLer nun" (-) ls repeaLed 11 Llmes
8epeLlLlon of lasL leLLer 8epeLlLlon of flrsL leLLer
11 2
!usL llke Lhe flrsL verse Lhe flrsL and lasL leLLers of AllaLlhah's lasL verse creaLes a mulLlple of 7
112 = 16 x 7
The AIphabetic Letters
1he alphabeLlc leLLers of SuraL AllaLlhah are dellcaLely connecLed Lo varlous words and verses
ln Lhe Cur'an ln a way LhaL conslsLenLly creaLes perfecL mulLlples of 7 We wlll demonsLraLe Lhls
by sLrlklng an example from Lhe second verse of SuraL Al8aqarah Lhe second and longesL
chapLer ln Lhe Poly Cur'an
= ' . - - , ~ , - - ~
1hls ls Lhe 8ook ln lL ls guldance sure wlLhouL doubL Lo Lhose who fear Cod
Al8aqarah 22
1he followlng arrangemenL depends on Lhe 21 alphabeLlc leLLers conLalned ln AllaLlhah
1he Marels o the Number Seen in the Noble Qur`an
' ~ , _ - _ ~ - 4 , = _ -
1haL ls we wlll Lake each word of Lhe above verse and look Lo see how many of lLs leLLers are
also found ln SuraL AllaLlhah Cnly when a leLLer ls also one of AllaLlhah's leLLers wlll lL be
counLed lor lnsLance Lhe flrsL word ls (. ) whlch conslsLs of Lhe Lhree leLLers ( ) All
Lhree leLLers are found ln AllaLlhah and as such Lhls word ls asslgned Lhe number
.~, , ) ( _ , ' - )' -( `, ) '( , , , - ) -(
- ) ,( 53 .~ - , ), ~ .( - ~-, ~ , - ) -(
7 2
1he number 722 ls lndeed a mulLlple of 7
7323253 = 1046179 x 7
1he resulL 104179 ls seven dlglLs long and Lhe sum of Lhose dlglLs ls also a mulLlple of 7
1 + 0 + 4 + 6 + 1 + 7 + 9 = 28
28 = 4 x 7
SpIitting the verse into two parts
ln Lerms of meanlng and conLenL Lhls slngle verse can be dlvlded lnLo aL leasL Lwo parLs
1 arL 1
= ' . - -
1hls ls Lhe ScrlpLure whereof Lhere ls no doubL
2 arL 2
, ~ , - - ~
A guldance unLo Lhose who ward off ( evll )
1he only word whlch conLalns a leLLer LhaL does noL
exlsL ln SuraL AllaLlhah namely Lhe leLLer ()
1he Marels o the Number Seen in the Noble Qur`an
We now wrlLe Lhe LoLal number of AllaLlhah leLLers ln boLh parLs whlch can be easlly counLed
from Lhe prevlous example whlch gave Lhe number 722 (7+ represenLs Lhe second parL
and +2++ represenLs Lhe flrsL)
arL 2 arL 1
= ' . - - , ~ , - - ~
10 1
101 ls anoLher mulLlple of 7
1015 = 145 x 7
Also ln Lerms of meanlng Lhls verse can furLher be loglcally dlvlded lnLo parLs
1 arL 1
= '
1hls ls Lhe ScrlpLure
2 arL 2
. - -
Whereof Lhere ls no doubL
, ~ , - - ~
A guldance unLo Lhose who ward off ( evll )
1he LoLal number of AllaLlhah leLLers found ln each parL amounLs Lo
arL arL 2 arL 1
= ' . - - , ~ , - - ~
10 7
1he number 107 ls a mulLlple of 7 twice and ls also a mulLlple when read ln Lhe opposlLe
1he Marels o the Number Seen in the Noble Qur`an
1078 = 22 x 7 x 7
8701 = 1243 x 7
And Lhus even when we dlvlde Lhls slngle verse lnLo varlous parLs accordlng Lo llngulsLlc
meanlng Lhe presence of Lhls brllllanL sysLem of mulLlples of 7 ls lnevlLably preserved
The Intricate Link Between AI-Fatihah's Numbers
Cne of Lhe absoluLe wonders of Lhe openlng chapLer of Lhe Cur'an ls Lhe way every verse
number ls connecLed Lo Lhe number of words and number of leLLers of LhaL verse!
1 _ - ` _, ~, ` `~ ~,) ( ls verse 1 lLs words are 4 and lLs leLLers are 19
2 , .' , ~-, ~= ~ , - , .' , ~,~= , - ( ( ls verse 2 lLs words are 4 and lLs leLLers are 17
-~,, = ' = ' ( ( ls verse lLs words are 2 and lLs leLLers are 12
4 ~, , =-, .' --~ ( ( ls verse 4 lLs words are and lLs leLLers are 11
' - , ~--, -, , ' - ' , ,, ~-, - ( ( ls verse lLs words are and lLs leLLers are 19
'-, ~, ,' .' _ =,-_- -,, ~~-, ' ( ( ls verse lLs words are and lLs leLLers are 1
7 _=, - ~ ' , - , , , , = , , , , -,~= , , -= , _~,, ' - , , , -,~= `, , ' -' , -
( ( ls verse 7 lLs words are 10 and lLs leLLers are 4
We now slmply arrange Lhese numbers ln order
~ ' = ' - = ' ~~ ' - - ~ '
17 4 2 19 4 1
= ' - = ' = ~ - ~ '
11 4 12 2
' - ~ = ' - - ~ - ' - ~, ' = - ' -- ~ ~ '
1 19
1he Marels o the Number Seen in the Noble Qur`an
= - - ~ ' ~ = +- = = - - ~ ' +- = . - ' - '
4 10 7
1he masslve 29dlglL number LhaL resulLs from Lhls arrangemenL ls
410711911412217421941 whlch unbellevably ls a perfecL mulLlple of 7!!
43107183619551134122317421941 = 6158169088507304874616774563 x 7
Pad Lhese numbers been mere colncldence we slmply wouldn'L have arrlved aL so many
conslsLenL mulLlples of 7 noL only LhaL buL one can also Lry Lo flnd Lhe same paLLern of resulLs
ln oLher llLeraLure be lL poeLry or prose And lL ls very posslble Lo flnd a segmenL of a poem Lhe
words of whlch allow us Lo assemble a number LhaL happens Lo be a mulLlple of 7 We may
even flnd anoLher mulLlple from LhaL very segmenL uslng Lhe poem's leLLers for lnsLance buL Lo
flnd more Lhan a handful ls near lmposslble
So how ls lL LhaL SuraL AllaLlhah a chapLer LhaL hardly exceeds llnes ln lengLh conLalns
llLerally hundreds of numerlc arrangemenLs LhaL all share Lhe common prlvllege of belng
mulLlples of 7? Who could have perfecLed Lhese numbers so eloquenLly and made Lhem
unquesLlonable declmalfree mulLlples of 7 wlLhouL excepLlon?
arL of Lhe sheer brllllance of Lhls verse lles ln Lhe facL LhaL desplLe Lhe ofLen varylng ways of
counLlng Lhe numbers and allgnlng Lhem Lhe same ouLcome conLlnues Lo prevall a wlLness
LhaL every small leLLer ln Lhe Cur'an ls undoubLedly Lhe word of Cod AlmlghLy 1hls agaln
provokes our LhoughLs and makes us wonder Can manklnd ever respond Lo Lhe challenge of
Lhe Cur'an by puLLlng LogeLher a mere 1 words Lhe llkes of SuraL AllaLlhah?
The Words of AI-Fatihah
AllaLlhah ls chapLer 1 lLs verses are 7 and lLs words are 1
Assembllng Lhese numbers produces a mulLlple of 7
Words verses ChapLer
1 7 1
3171 = 453 x 7
And lf we were Lo number Lhe words of AllaLlhah from 1 Lhrough Lo 1 we are lefL wlLh a
relaLlvely large number
1 0 29 2 27 2 2 24 2 22 21 20 19 1 17 1 1 14 1 12 11 10 9 7 4 2 1
1hls number ls acLually a mulLlple of 7 when read from either dlrecLlon!
1he Marels o the Number Seen in the Noble Qur`an
31302928272625242322212019181716151413121110987654321 =
4471846896089320331744574168816593059017301569664903 x 7
12345678901112131415161718191021222324252627282920313 =
1763668414444590202165959741574460332036089611845759 x 7
lnLeresLlngly Lhls number ls composed of seven parLs whlch are all mulLlples of 7
21 = 3 x 7
109876543 = 15696649 x 7
1211 = 173 x 7
413 = 59 x 7
2322212019181716151 = 331744574168816593 x 7
62524 = 8932 x 7
31302928272 = 4471846896 x 7
1he odd numbers LhaL we see repeaLed Llme and agaln such as 7 19 and 1 are perhaps a
dellcaLe proof LhaL Lhe Poly Cur'an has been senL down by Lhe Cne and only Cod AlmlghLy as
such we flnd Lhe varlous numerlc sequences conslsLenL wlLh Lhese numbers Cne of Lhe saylngs
of Lhe ropheL (pbuh) conflrm Lhls Allah has nlneLynlne names le one hundred mlnus one
and whoever belleves ln Lhelr meanlngs and acLs accordlngly wlll enLer aradlse and Allah ls
WlLr (one) and loves Lhe WlLr (le odd numbers)4"
Pad Lhls abundance of numbers been slmple colncldence we would noL have done all Lhese
sLudles and arrlved aL such eleganL resulLs whlch all sprlng from Lhe same source namely Lhe
Poly Cur'an And lf we look for any such numerlc sysLem ln any oLher book on Lhe planeL we
wlll flnd ourselves empLyhanded as no such lnLrlcaLe sysLem can posslbly exlsL anywhere else
And now we Lake a close look aL Lhe name of Pe Who creaLed Lhe heavens and Lhe LarLh
creaLed manklnd and senL us Lhe Poly Cur'an We wlll see how Lhe leLLers of Lhe name Allah"
%' meanlng Cod ln Arablc are llnked Lo AllaLlhah
The Letters of the Name "AIIah" (%' )
4 Sahlh Al8ukharl volume 8ook 7 number 419
1he Marels o the Number Seen in the Noble Qur`an
1he greaLness of SuraL AllaLlhah reflecLs Lhe greaLness of Lhe Cne who revealed lL lndeed
Cod AlmlghLy senL down Lhls verse and organlsed Lhe leLLers of Pls name Allah" (%' ) ln a
way whlch slgnlfles LhaL Pe alone could have deslgned lL
uslng Lhe undenlable language of numbers we wlll prove Lhls facL As we belleve LhaL Cod
revealed Lhe Cur'an we also belleve LhaL he organlsed Lhe leLLers of Pls name ln a manner
perfecLly conslsLenL wlLh Lhe number 7 as hldden evldence LhaL Lhe Cur'an ls noL Lhe word of
man buL raLher Lhe word of man's CreaLor and SusLalner
1o prove our Lheory we wlll now perform a slmllar exerclse Lo one we have performed before
We wlll wrlLe SuraL AllaLlhah ln lLs enLlreLy and under each word how many of Lhe Lhree
leLLers maklng up Lhe name Allah" (%' ) are repeaLed 1he Lhree leLLers are
' -
, )- ( ~' )' ,( -~,, = ' )' _ -( = ' )' _ (
2 2 4 0
, .' , ~-, ~= )' _ ~( ~ ) ,( , - ) -( ,.' , _ ~,~ , - )' _ -(
0 2
-~,, = ' )' _ -( = ' )' _ ( ~, ) (
1 2 2
, =-, ) = ( .' --~ )' ~ -( ' - , ) ' ( ~--, -, )- _ - ~( =
0 0 2 2 0
' - , ) ' ( ,, ~-, - )- _ -( '-, ~, ,' )' , ~ - '(
0 2
.' = ,-, )' =( _- -,, ~~-, ' )' ( , - , = ) =( ~ ' , - )' -(
2 0 2 2
, , , , = , ) - _ ( , , , -,~= )_ , ( , , -= )_ ( , _~,, ' - )' _ = -(
2 0 2 1
, , , -,~= )_ , ( = ` ) '( .' -' , - )' ' -(
4 2 0 2
1he Marels o the Number Seen in the Noble Qur`an
1he 1dlglL number 4202202120220200220122022240 ls a perfecL mulLlple of 7!
4202202120223020022012230322240 = 600314588603288574573175760320 x 7
Pad any of Lhe 1 words of AllaLlhah conLalned one less or one more leLLer of Allah's name
dlvldlng Lhe resulLlng arrangemenL by 7 would have only lefL an endless llne of declmals!
8uL LhaL's noL all LhaL's amazlng abouL Lhe leLLers of Allah's name Pavlng prevlously noLed how
many Llmes each leLLer of AllaLlhah ls repeaLed ln LhaL verse we know LhaL
O1he number of Allf" () leLLers ln AllaLlhah ls 22
O1he number of Lm" () leLLers ls 22
O1he number of P'" (, ) leLLers ls
1he sum of Lhese numbers ls exacLly 7 x 7"
22 + 22 + 5 = 49
49 = 7 x 7
Many Recitations, One Outcome
1here are dlfferenL ways of reclLlng Lhe Cur'an and Lhe mosL popular sLyle ls known as Pafs
bln Aaslm" Powever Lhere are some reclLaLlons whlch don'L regard Lhe 8asmala as Al
laLlhah's flrsL verse whlch begs Lhe quesLlon Are Lhe numerlc arrangemenLs malnLalned ln Lhls
case LhaL ls wlLhouL conslderlng Lhe 8asmala? We wlll now look aL a serles of arrangemenL
LhaL do noL lnclude Lhe 8asmala
lf we reLurn Lo Lhe prevlous arrangemenL ln whlch we looked for Lhe Lhree leLLers maklng up
Lhe name of Allah" (%' ) Lhen lgnorlng Lhe 8asmala (le Lhe flrsL four words of AllaLlhah)
we would arrlve aL Lhe number 420220212022020022012202 whlch ls sLlll a mulLlple of 7
420220212022302002201223032 = 60031458860328857457317576 x 7
8eadlng Lhe number from Lhe opposlLe dlrecLlon also glves a mulLlple of 7
230322102200203220212022024 = 32903157457171888601717432 x 7
1he Marels o the Number Seen in the Noble Qur`an
lL musL also be noLed LhaL wlLh Lhese reclLaLlons Lhe LoLal number of verses remalns 7 because
such reclLaLlons counL Lhe lasL verse of AllaLlhah as Lwo verses and so AllaLlhah ls
consldered as follows
~~ ' - - ~ ' )0( = ' - = ' )1( = ~ ' - ~ ) 2( ' -
~ = ' -
- ~ - )3( ' - ~, ' = - ' - - ~ ~ ' )4( = - - ~ ' ~ = +- = )
5( = - - ~ '
) +- = . - ' - ' )6
ralse be Lo Cod Lhe Cherlsher and SusLalner of Lhe world (1) MosL Craclous MosL Merclful
(2) MasLer of Lhe uay of !udgmenL () 1hee do we worshlp and 1hlne ald we seek (4) Show us
Lhe sLralghL way () 1he way of Lhose on whom 1hou hasL besLowed 1hy Crace () Lhose
whose (porLlon) ls noL wraLh and who go noL asLray (7)
AllaLlhah 1
And because Lhese reclLaLlons vlew AllaLlhah ln Lhe above manner Lhe lnLervals of Lhls
chapLer are Lherefore changed and lf we look for Lhe leLLers of Lhe name Allah" (%' )
namely Allf" () Lm" () and P'" (, ) ln Lhese lnLervals we flnd Lhls arrangemenL
, .' , _ ~,~ , - )' _ -( = ' )' _ ( .' --~ )' ~ -( ,, ~-, - )- _
0 2 2
_- -,, ~~-, ' )' ( , , , -,~= )_ ( ' -' , - )' ' -(
4 2 2
1he number 422022 ls a mulLlple of 7 Lwlce and ls also a mulLlple when read ln Lhe opposlLe
4220223 = 86127 x 7 x 7
3220224 = 460032 x 7
le Lhe verse 1he way of Lhose on whom 1hou hasL
besLowed 1hy Crace Lhose whose (porLlon) ls noL wraLh
and who go noL asLray" (7) becomes 1he way of Lhose
on whom 1hou hasL besLowed 1hy Crace 6 Lhose
whose (porLlon) ls noL wraLh and who go noL asLray"
1he Marels o the Number Seen in the Noble Qur`an
ln oLher words a mulLlple of 7 from boLh dlrecLlons ls produced by arranglng Lhe leLLers of Lhe
name Allah" across boLh Lhe flrsL chapLer and Lhe lnLervals of Lhe flrsL chapLer!
The Ietters of the word ,-=, - ' The Most Gracious
AnoLher one of Allah's 99 Arablc names ls (-~= ' ) (llLerally Ar8ahman" or 1he MosL
Craclous) Cod AlmlghLy says Say Call upon Cod or call upon 8ahman by whaLever name ye
call upon Plm (lL ls well) for Lo Plm belong Lhe MosL 8eauLlful names Allsra' 17110
We wlll look for Lhe leLLers of Ar8ahman" (-~ = ' ) ln each word of SuraL AllaLlhah and see
lf LhaL resulLs ln a mulLlple of 7 1he leLLers comprlslng Lhls name are
' , _ ~
, .' , ~-, ~= )' _ ~( ~ ) ,( , - ) -( ,.' , _ ~,~ , - )' _ -(
1 2 4
-~,, = ' )' _ -( = ' )' _ ( ~, ) (
, =-, ) = ( .' --~ )' ~ -( ' - , ) ' ( ~--, -, )- _ - ~( =
0 1 2 1
' - , ) ' ( ,, ~-, - )- _ -( '-, ~, ,' )' , ~ - '(
2 2
.' = ,-, )' =( _- -,, ~~-, ' )' ( , - , = ) =( ~ ' , - )' -(
1 4
, , , , = , ) - _ ( , , , -,~= )_ , ( , , -= )_ ( , _~,, ' - )' _ = -(
1 2
, , , -,~= )_ , ( = ` ) '( .' -' , - )' ' -(
2 0 2
20212142201212124 ls acLually a mulLlple of 7 Lwlce
520231233143322012312565124 = 10616963941700449230868676 x 7 x 7
And even when we dlvlde AllaLlhah lnLo Lwo parLs mulLlples of 7 are sLlll found 1he flrsL parL
ls all abouL pralse for Cod AlmlghLy and acknowledglng LhaL Pe ls worshlpped and LhaL help ls
soughL from Plm
1he Marels o the Number Seen in the Noble Qur`an
~~ ' - - ~ ' )0( = ' - = ' )1( = ~ - ~ ' ) 2( ' -
~ = ' -
) - ~ - )3
ralse be Lo Cod Lhe Cherlsher and SusLalner of Lhe world (1) MosL Craclous MosL Merclful
(2) MasLer of Lhe uay of !udgmenL () 1hee do we worshlp and 1hlne ald we seek
1he second parL ls abouL asklng for Cod's guldance Lowards Lhe rlghL paLh
' - ~,' = - ' - - ~ ~ ' ) 4( = - - ~ ' ~ = +- = )5( =
- - ~ ' +- = .
) - ' -' ) 6
Show us Lhe sLralghL way () 1he way of Lhose on whom 1hou hasL besLowed 1hy Crace ()
Lhose whose (porLlon) ls noL wraLh and who go noL asLray (7)
The first part
We shall now wrlLe AllaLlhah (excludlng Lhe 8asmala) along wlLh Lhe number of Ar8ahman"
(-~ = ' ) leLLers conLalned ln each word Cnce agaln Lhe leLLers are
' , _ ~
, .' , ~-, ~= )' _ ~( ~ ) ,( , - ) -( ,.' , _ ~,~ , - )' _ -(
1 2 4
-~,, = ' )' _ -( = ' )' _ ( ~, ) (
, =-, ) = ( .' --~ )' ~ -( ' - , ) ' ( ~--, -, )- _ - ~( =
0 1 2 1
' - , ) ' ( ,, ~-, - )- _ -(
2 2
1he number 2201212124 ls a mulLlple of 7 Lwlce
22012312565124 = 449230868676 x 7 x 7
1he second parL ls as follows
1he Marels o the Number Seen in the Noble Qur`an
'-, ~, ,' )' , ~ - '( .' = ,-, )' =( _- -,,~~-, ' )' (
=, - , ) =( ~ ' , - )' -( , , , , = , ) - _ (
, , , -,~= )_ , ( , , -= )_ ( , _~,, ' - )' _ = -(
1 2
, , , -,~= )_ , ( = ` ) '( .' -' , - )' ' -(
2 0 2
2021214 ls also a mulLlple of 7 Lwlce
5202312331433 = 106169639417 x 7 x 7
So Lhe chapLer ln lLs enLlreLy produces a mulLlple of 7 Lwlce buL Lhe same ls also Lrue for lLs Lwo
separaLe parLs!
The repetition of the Ietters of "Ar-Rahman" -~= '
1he followlng ls Lhe Cur'an's flrsL chapLer AllaLlhah (excludlng Lhe 8asmala)
, .' , ~-, ~= )' _ ~( ~ ) ,( , - ) -( ,.' , _ ~,~ , - )' _ -(
-~,, = ' )' _ -( = ' )' _ ( ~, ) (
, =-, ) = ( .' --~ )' ~ -( ' - , ) ' ( ~--, -, )- _ - ~( =
' - , ) ' ( ,, ~-, - )- _ -( '-, ~, ,' )' , ~ - '(
.' = ,-, )' =( _- -,, ~~-, ' )' ( , - , = ) =( ' ~ , - )' -(
, , , , = , ) - _ ( , , , -,~= )_ , ( , , -= )_ ( , _~,, ' - )' _ = -(
, , , -,~= )_ , ( = ` ) '( .' -' , - )' ' -(
1he leLLers of Ar8ahman" (,-=, - ' ) have been repeaLed ln AllaLlhah as follows
' , _ ~
10 12 1 19
1he number 1012119 ls a mulLlple of 7
1012361819 = 144623117 x 7
1he Marels o the Number Seen in the Noble Qur`an
The System of 'AccumuIated' Letters
1o conclude Lhls parL wlLh our flnal arrangemenL we wrlLe AllaLlhah ln lLs enLlreLy along wlLh
Lhe LoLal number of leLLers of each word buL ln accumulaLlon lor example Lhe flrsL word
conLalns leLLers and so ls asslgned Lhe number 1he second conLalns 4 leLLers buL ls asslgned
Lhe number 7 slnce ( + 4 7) ConsequenLly Lhe Lhlrd word whlch conLalns leLLers ls glven
Lhe number 1 (7 + 1) and so on
, )- ( ~' )' ,( -~,, = ' )' _ -( = ' )' _ (
19 1 7
, .' , ~-, ~= )' _ ~( ~ ) ,( , - ) -( ,.' , _ ~, , - )' _ -(
29 27 24
-~,, = ' )' _ -( = ' )' _ ( ~, ) (
1 4 42
, =-, ) = ( .' --~ )' ~ -( ' - , ) ' ( ~--, -, )- _ - ~( =
7 9 4
' - , ) ' ( ,, ~-, - )- _ -( '-, ~, ,' )' , ~ - '(
7 72
.' = ,-, )' =( _- -,, ~~-, ' )' ( , - , = ) =( ~ ' , - )' -(
104 99 9
, , , , = , ) - _ ( , , , -,~= )_ , ( , , -= )_ ( , _~,, ' - )' _ = -(
124 117 114 109
, , , -,~= )_ , ( = ` ) '( .' -' , - )' ' -(
19 12 10 129
lncredlbly Lhe number
19121012912411711410910499977279414422927241917 whlch ls
9 dlglLs long ls a mulLlple of 7!!
= 19876018589874873873444157857098405410383823370778783462327532027339
x 7
1o grasp Lhe sheer brllllance of Lhls resulL had any leLLer been added or omlLLed from SuraL Al
laLlhah lL would have been lmposslble Lo arrlve aL a mulLlple of 7 And as we menLloned
earller had words llke ), .' , _ ~,~ , - ( Lhe worlds" been spelL as Lhey are ln normal Arablc
and noL
1he Marels o the Number Seen in the Noble Qur`an
as exacLly as Lhey appear ln Lhe Cur'an Lhe leLLer counL of such words would have dlffered
compleLely shaLLerlng Lhe above arrangemenL So noL only ls Lhe meLhod of accumulaLed
numbers a wldely used concepL ln maLhemaLlcs lL suggesLs LhaL Lhe Poly Cur'an ls a very
lnLrlcaLely arranged book Also lf Lhe ropheL Muhammad (pbuh) had auLhored Lhe Cur'an
hlmself whaL could he have posslbly used Lo deal wlLh and deslgn such masslve numbers? And
as an llllLeraLe man who could noL read or wrlLe how could he have begun Lo conslder such an
amazlng feaL ln Lhe flrsL place?
ln concluslon we pose Lhe quesLlon ls colncldence a valld argumenL for Lhe abundanL mulLlples
of 7 dlscovered ln Lhls parL? Any loglcal raLlonal Lhlnker wlll lnevlLably wonder abouL Lhe source
of Lhese numerlc arrangemenLs and how a book founded more Lhan 14 cenLurles ago aL a
Llme when no complex maLhemaLlcs was performed on Lhls LarLh could produce so many
mulLlples of Lhe same number wlLh such accuracy 1he loglcal explanaLlon aL leasL as we see lL
of course ls LhaL Lhe Poly Cur'an ls no oLher Lhan Lhe word of Cod AlmlghLy Lhe very creaLor of
Lhe seven Peavens and Lhe LarLh
8uL ls Lhe Cur'an's numerlc mlracle llmlLed Lo lLs flrsL chapLer? ln facL lL ls a mlracle LhaL
encompasses Lhe enLlre book And ln Lhe nexL parL we wlll dlscover a gllmpse of LhaL ln one of
lLs shorLesL chapLers namely SuraL Allkhlas (ChapLer SlncerlLy) and feasL our eyes on some
breaLhLaklngly preclse numbers
ln SuraL AllaLlhah we came across a masslve collecLlon of numbers and all of Lhem
conslsLenLly prevalled as mulLlples of 7
We saw how Lhe verse numbers number of words and number of leLLers ln Lhls chapLer are so
carefully organlsed and connecLed Lo dlfferenL secLlons of Lhe Cur'an and how Lhey as a
consequence have resulLed ln very long numbers LhaL have sLreLched ln Lhls parL alone Lo as
long as 9 dlglLs whllsL malnLalnlng Lhe feaLure of belng perfecL mulLlples of 7
1he exlsLence of a numerlc sysLem based on Lhe number 7 ln a chapLer called 1he Seven CfL
8epeaLed" by Cod AlmlghLy Plmself ls buL Langlble llLeral proof LhaL lL ls Pe and Pe alone who
has senL down Lhls chapLer and proLecLed lL from alLeraLlon and had a slngle leLLer been
edlLed from lL Lhe enLlre sysLem would have collapsed!
1he Marels o the Number Seen in the Noble Qur`an
!ART 5
After witnessing something of the numeric secrets of Al-Fatihah, the Qur'an's greatest
chapter, we arrive at a chapter which equals a third of the Qur'an in reward. In this small
chapter is a statement of God Almighty's supremacy and uniqueness.
e embark on a journey which involves God's Beautiful Names and how they are
reflected in this chapter, and admire how every letter in this wonderful chapter is crafted
with such careful precision so as to produce a miracle not in meaning or language
alone, but a numeric miracle that is founded on the number 7, bearing witness to the
Greatness of its Creator.
A Third of the Qur'an
1he ropheL Muhammad (pbuh) was slLLlng wlLh hls companlons one day when he asked Lhem
wheLher anyone of Lhem was capable of readlng a Lhlrd of Lhe Cur'an ln one nlghL When Lhey
had no answer Lhe ropheL Lold Lhem of a chapLer whlch equalled a Lhlrd of Lhe Cur'an
namely Pe ls Allah Lhe Cne" (le SuraL Allkhlas) lndeed Lhe ropheL once explalned 8y Plm
ln Whose Pand my llfe ls lL ls equal Lo oneLhlrd of Lhe Curan"
And we ask whaL are Lhe secreLs of Lhls splendld chapLer? And can Lhe language of numbers
reveal a new mlracle LhaL can prove lLs mlraculous naLure? We begln our [ourney wlLh SuraL Al
lkhlas and dlscover a serles of arrangemenLs LhaL are all ln coherence wlLh Lhe number 7
8elow ls Lhls chapLer ln lLs enLlreLy
) . , ' ~ = ) 0( ' ~ ~ -' ) 1( . ~ - . ~ - ) 2( . - ' -
~ = )3
Say Pe ls Cod Lhe Cne and Cnly (1) Cod Lhe LLernal AbsoluLe (2) Pe begeLLeLh noL nor ls Pe
begoLLen () And Lhere ls none llke unLo Plm (4)
Allkhlas 11
The number of words in each verse
Lvery one of Allkhlas's four verses conLalns a speclflc number of words
O1he flrsL verse )-, =,, ~' , , ~ +=( conslsLs of 4 words
Sahlh 8ukharl volume 9 8ook 9 number 471
1he Marels o the Number Seen in the Noble Qur`an
O1he second verse ( `- ~,~- `~ - ) conslsLs of 2 words
O1he Lhlrd verse ), _ , ~ ~-, , _, , ~,-- ( conslsLs of words
O1he fourLh and flnal verse ), _, , , - , ' - - - - , , ~ +=( conslsLs of words
Comblnlng Lhese numbers produces Lhe followlng arrangemenL
. , ' ~ = ' ~ ~ - ' . ~ - . ~ - . - - ' ~ =
2 4
1he number 24 lf read ln elLher dlrecLlon ls a mulLlple of 7
6524 = 932 x 7
4256 = 608 x 7
Also Lhe sum of boLh resulLs produces a mulLlple of 7
932 + 608 = 1540
1540 = 220 x 7
The Ietters of God's name, "AIIah" )%' (
ln SuraL Allkhlas we flnd a profound arrangemenL of Lhe leLLers of Cod AlmlghLy's name
Allah" )-' ( ln each verse 1hese leLLers are
' -
We now wrlLe each verse (wlLh a breakdown of lLs leLLers) along wlLh Lhe number of Allf" ()
Lm" () and P'" (, ) leLLers lL conLalns
.1 -, =,, ~' , , ~ +=) , = ' , _ ~(: 7
.2 ~' ~~, -' )' , ' ~(:
. , _ , ~ ~-, =, , _ ~ , - - ) ~ = = ~(: 4
.4 =, , _ , , - , ' - - - , , ~ +=)= - , = ' _ ~(:
1he Marels o the Number Seen in the Noble Qur`an
1he resulLlng arrangemenL ls Lherefore
. , ' ~ = ' ~ ~ - ' . ~ - . - ~ . - ' - ~ =
4 7
47 ls a mulLlple of 7
5467 = 781 x 7
Words containing the Ietters of God's name, "AIIah" )%' (
Cf Lhe 17 words of SuraL Allkhlas 14 conLaln aL leasL one of Lhe Lhree leLLers maklng up Allah's
name ln Arablc whlle Lhe remalnlng Lhree7 conLaln no such leLLers 14 of course ls a mulLlple
of 7 (14 2 x 7) and Lhese 14 words are
_ J ; ^ --' -|= ^ --' - --' - - -- - - -; -
^- 4 ' ;- - ^= -
We now wrlLe Allkhlas once more along wlLh Lhe number of words conLalnlng any of Allah's"
leLLers Allf" () Lm" () and P'" (, ) ln each verse
. , ' ~ = ' ~ ~ - ' . ~ - . ~ - . - ' - ~ =
4 4 2 4
1he number 4424 ls anoLher mulLlple of 7
4424 = 632 x 7
Pavlng sald LhaL whaL ls also lnLeresLlng ls LhaL lf we only counL Lhe words LhaL do not conLaln
any of Lhe leLLers of Allah's name ln each verse we flnd
. , ' ~ = ' ~ ~ - ' . ~ - . ~ - . - ' - ~ =
2 1 0 0
And 2100 ls also a mulLlple of 7
7 1hese are ) - ( () and () noLe LhaL (means and" ls a word ln lLs own rlghL desplLe
belng one leLLer long
1he Marels o the Number Seen in the Noble Qur`an
2100 = 300 x 7
The arrangement of the Ietter "DI" -
An lnLeresLlng polnL abouL Allkhlas ls LhaL all of lLs verses end wlLh Lhe same leLLer namely
ul" (~) 1here ls some numerlc slgnlflcance Lo Lhls pecullar facL because lf we counL how
many Llmes Lhls leLLer ls repeaLed ln each verse we flnd Lhe followlng
. , ' = ~ ' ~ - ' ~ . - ~ . - ~ . - ' - = ~
1 2 1 1
1he number represenLlng Lhe repeLlLlon of Lhe leLLer ual" ln each verse of AllaLlhah ls 1211 a
mulLlple of 7
1211 = 173 x 7
A Witness to God's Oneness
1he Lhlrd verse of SuraL Allkhlas sLaLes
) . ~ - . ~ - )2
Pe begeLLeLh noL nor ls Pe begoLLen ()
Allkhlas 11
The first Ietter of the verse
1he above verse beglns wlLh Lhe leLLer Lm" () and as such we wlll rewrlLe Lhe verse and
look for how many Llmes Lhls leLLer ls repeaLed ln each of lLs words
, _ ) ( , ~ ~-, ) ~( =, )=( , _ ) ( ~ , - - ) = ~(
1 1 0 1 1
1he number 11011 ls a mulLlple of 7
11011 = 1573 x 7
The Iast Ietter of the verse
We now apply Lhe same loglc Lo Lhe leLLers ul" (~) Lhe lasL leLLer of Lhls verse
1he Marels o the Number Seen in the Noble Qur`an
, _ ) ( , ~ ~-, ) ~( =, )=( , _ ) ( ~ , - - ) = ~(
1 0 0 1 0
10010 ls a mulLlple of 7
10010 = 1430 x 7
Amazlngly Lhe sum of Lhe Lwo above resulLs ls anoLher mulLlple of 7!
1573 + 1430 = 3003
3003 = 429 x 7
The speciaI phrase ) .'( in this verse
Pavlng dealL wlLh Lhe Cur'an's speclal phrases mosL noLably ) .'( ln prevlous parLs we now
look for Lhe occurrence of Lhls phrase's leLLers namely Allf" () Lm" () and Mlm" () ln Lhe
words of Lhls Lhlrd verse of Allkhlas
, _ ) ( , ~ ~-, ) ~( =, )=( , _ ) ( ~ , - - ) = ~(
1 2 0 1 2
lndeed Lhe number 12012 ls a mulLlple of 7
12012 = 1716 x 7
Also wlLh regard Lo Lhe speclal phrases we esLabllshed LhaL ln LoLal 14 leLLers make up Lhe
varlous phrases and Lhese are
' , - _ = , _ ~
Looklng for Lhe repeLlLlon of Lhese 14 leLLers ln each word of Lhe above verse we flnd
, _ ) ( , ~ ~-, ) ~( =, )=( , _ ) ( ~ , - - ) = ~(
2 2 0 2 2
22022 ls also a mulLlple of 7
22022 = 3146 x 7
1he Marels o the Number Seen in the Noble Qur`an
The Ietters of God's name "AI-Ahad" ( ' >=- )
ln Lhls wonderful verse many of Cod's 99 names (known as Lhe MosL 8eauLlful names of Allah)
are reflecLed ln a manner conslsLenL wlLh Lhe number 7 Cne of Pls names ls AlAhad" )~=`' (
whlch means 1he Cne or 1he unlque ln oLher words Lhe Cne wlLh no parLner 1he leLLers of
Lhls name are
' _ -
uslng Lhe same meLhod we now look for Lhese leLLers ln Lhe words of Lhe verse
, _ ) ( , ~ ~-, ) ~( =, )=( , _ ) ( ~ , - - ) = ~(
2 1 0 2 1
21021 ls a mulLlple of 7 Lwlce
21021 = 429 x 7 x 7
Lven lf we look for Lhe leLLers of Ahad" )~= ( whlch means Cne Lhe conslsLency ls malnLalned
1he leLLers of Lhls word are
' _ -
, _ ) ( , ~ ~-, ) ~( =, )=( , _ ) ( ~ , - - ) = ~(
1 0 0 1 0
10010 = 1430 x 7
ln summary Lhe name AlAhad" )~=`' ( produced a mulLlple of 7 Lwlce and Lhe flnal resulL
was 429 As for Ahad" )~= ( Lhe flnal resulLs was 140 lnLeresLlngly lf we arranged Lhese Lwo
resulLs slde by slde we arrlve aL anoLher mulLlple of 7!
1430429 = 204347 x 7
The Ietters of God's name "AI-Mubdi'" )-- - ' (
AlMubdl'" ls anoLher one of Cod's names and means 1he CrlglnaLor or 1he roducer lLs
leLLers are
1he Marels o the Number Seen in the Noble Qur`an
' ~ -
, _ ) ( , ~ ~-, ) ~( =, )=( , _ ) ( ~ , - - ) = ~(
2 0 2
1he number 202 ls a mulLlple of 7
32032 = 4576 x 7
The Ietters of God's name "AI-Qadeer'" ),- - -- ' (
1he leLLers of AlCadeer" 1he Allowerful are
' - ,
, _ ) ( , ~ ~-, ) ~( =, )=( , _ ) ( ~ , - - ) = ~(
1 0 1
1he number 011 ls a mulLlple of 7
31031 = 4433 x 7
Slmllarly mulLlples of 7 can be found uslng many oLher names some of whlch are AlMallk"
) ~ ' ( meanlng 1he klng AsSamad" )~~- ' ( meanlng 1he LLernal AbsoluLe AlPaklm"
)= ' ( meanlng 1he Wlse and qulLe flLLlngly AlMuhsl" )-=~ ' ( meanlng 1he
AccounLer or 1he numberer of All
Numbers and their opposites
Pavlng [usL observed some of Lhe names of Cod whose leLLers are repeaLed across Lhe words of
Allkhlas's Lhlrd verse ln a manner LhaL creaLes a mulLlple of 7 anoLher lnLeresLlng facL arlses
1haL ls many of Cod's names conLaln leLLers whlch acLually form a mulLlple of 7 lf read from
either dlrecLlon 1hese lnclude
1 1he name Allah" (-' ) Lhe leLLers of whlch are
' -
, _ ) ( , ~ ~-, ) ~( =, )=( , _ ) ( ~ , - - ) = ~(
1he Marels o the Number Seen in the Noble Qur`an
1 1 0 1 1
1he number 11011 ls read Lhe same from boLh dlrecLlons and ls a mulLlple of 7
11011 = 1573 x 7
2 1he name Ar8ahman" ( -~= ' ) Lhe leLLers of whlch are
' , _ ~
, _ ) ( , ~ ~-, ) ~( =, )=( , _ ) ( ~ , - - ) = ~(
1 2 0 1 2
12012 = 1716 x 7
lLs opposlLe ls 21021 also a mulLlple of 7
21021 = 3003 x 7
1he name Ar8aheem" ( = ' ) Lhe leLLers of whlch are
' , _
, _ ) ( , ~ ~-, ) ~( =, )=( , _ ) ( ~ , - - ) = ~(
2 2 0 2 2
22022 = 3146 x 7
4 1he name AlCadeer" ( - ~ - ' ) Lhe leLLers of whlch are
' - ,
, _ ) ( , ~ ~-, ) ~( =, )=( , _ ) ( ~ , - - ) = ~(
1 0 1
31031 = 4433 x 7
13013 = 1859 x 7
1he Marels o the Number Seen in the Noble Qur`an
1he name AlMubdl'" ( ~ ~ ' ) Lhe leLLers of whlch are
' ~ -
, _ ) ( , ~ ~-, ) ~( =, )=( , _ ) ( ~ , - - ) = ~(
2 0 2
32032 = 4576 x 7
23023 = 3289 x 7
The significant numbers of this verse
1he verse we are deallng wlLh from SuraL Allkhlas ls verse of Lhe chapLer and conslsLs of
words and exacLly 12 leLLers Comblnlng Lhese numbers produces Lhe followlng arrangemenL
. ~ - . ~ -
LeLLer counL Word counL verse number
1he number 12 ls a mulLlple of 7
1253 = 179 x 7
1he locaLlon of Lhls verse ln Lhe Poly Cur'an ls also slgnlflcanL lL lles ln chapLer 112 of Lhe
Cur'an Comblng Lhls Lo our prevlous arrangemenL produces Lhe followlng
. ~ - . ~ -
LeLLer counL Word counL verse number ChapLer number
12 112
Addlng Lhe chapLer number Lo Lhe comblnaLlon produces 12112 sLlll a mulLlple of 7
1253112 = 179016 x 7
1he Marels o the Number Seen in the Noble Qur`an
1hls conslsLency ls malnLalned lf we conslder Lhe alphabeLlc leLLers maklng up Lhls verse raLher
Lhan Lhe LoLal number of leLLers 1haL ls Lhe leLLers maklng up Lhls verse are
- 4
ln oLher words dlfferenL leLLers comprlse Lhls verse and we Lherefore replace Lhls number
wlLh Lhe prevlous leLLer counL of 12
. ~ - . ~ -
AlphabeLlc leLLers Word counL verse number

ls a mulLlple of 7
553 = 79 x 7
Addlng Lhe chapLer number sLlll creaLes a mulLlple of 7
. ~ - . ~ -
AlphabeLlc leLLers Word counL verse number ChapLer number
112 ls also a mulLlple of 7
553112 = 79016 x 7
And as such Lhe slgnlflcanL numbers behlnd Lhls verse all remaln so accuraLely connecLed Lo
Lhe number 7 conflrmlng LhaL Cod ls lndeed Cne and LhaL Pe begeLLeLh noL nor ls Pe
An IncredibIe onnection with the Mother of the Qur'an: AI-Fatihah
We wlll now see how SuraL Allkhlas ls connecLed Lo SuraL AllaLlhah Lhe Poly Cur'an's flrsL
chapLer and Lhls connecLlon ls based on Lhe number 7 AllaLlhah as ls well known ls called
Lhe MoLher of Lhe Cur'an and ls lLs greaLesL chapLer whlle Allkhlas equals a Lhlrd of Lhe Cur'an
ln reward ln addlLlon boLh speak abouL Cod AlmlghLy
SuraL AllaLlhah
1he Marels o the Number Seen in the Noble Qur`an
~ ' = ' - = ' ) 0( ~~ ' - ' - ~ )1( = ' - = ' ) 2(
= ~
- ~' )3( ' - ~ = ' - - ~ - )4( ' - ~, ' = - ' - - ~ ~ ' )5(
= - - ~ '
) ~ = +- = = - - ~ ' +- = . - ' - ' )6
ln Lhe name of Cod MosL Craclous MosL Merclful (1) ralse be Lo Cod Lhe Cherlsher and
SusLalner of Lhe world (2) MosL Craclous MosL Merclful () MasLer of Lhe uay of !udgmenL (4)
1hee do we worshlp and 1hlne ald we seek () Show us Lhe sLralghL way () 1he way of Lhose
on whom 1hou hasL besLowed 1hy Crace Lhose whose (porLlon) ls noL wraLh and who go noL
asLray (7)
AllaLlhah 1
AllaLlhah ls chapLer 1 of Lhe Cur'an lLs verses are 7 lLs words are 1 Lhe LoLal number of
leLLers lL conLalns ls 19 and lL conLalns 21 dlfferenL alphabeLlc leLLers
SuraL Allkhlas
) . , ' ~ = ) 0( ' ~ ~ - ' ) 1( . ~ - . ~ - ) 2( . - ' -
~ = )3
Say Pe ls Cod Lhe Cne and Cnly (1) Cod Lhe LLernal AbsoluLe (2) Pe begeLLeLh noL nor ls Pe
begoLLen () And Lhere ls none llke unLo Plm (4)
Allkhlas 11
Allkhlas ls chapLer 112 of Lhe Cur'an lLs verses are 4 lL conslsLs of 17 words and 47 leLLers and
conLalns 1 dlfferenL alphabeLlc leLLers
hapter number and number of verses
AllaLlhah ls chapLer 1 and lLs verses are 7 whereas Allkhlas ls chapLer 112 and lLs verses are 4
We now allgn Lhese numbers Lo arrlve aL Lhe followlng
Surat AI-IkhIas Surat AI-Fatihah
verses ChapLer verses ChapLer
4 112 7 1
Arranglng Lhese numbers glves us 411271 a perfecL mulLlple of 7
411271 = 58753 x 7
1he Marels o the Number Seen in the Noble Qur`an
hapter number and aIphabetic Ietters
AllaLlhah ls chapLer 1 and conLalns 21 alphabeLlc leLLers Allkhlas ls chapLer 112 and conLalns
1 alphabeLlc leLLers
Surat AI-IkhIas Surat AI-Fatihah
AlphabeLlc leLLers ChapLer AlphabeLlc leLLers ChapLer
1 112 21 1
13112211 = 1873173 x 7
hapter number, verses, words and Ietters!
1he four maln numbers LhaL dlsLlngulsh any chapLer are Lhe chapLer number number of
verses word counL and leLLer counL We now showcase all four numbers from boLh chapLers
lnLo Lhe followlng arrangemenL
Surat AI-IkhIas Surat AI-Fatihah
LeLLers Words verses ChapLer LeLLers Words verses ChapLer
47 17 4 112 19 1 7 1
1he large number assembled from Lhe above arrangemenL ls 4717411219171 and ls
neverLheless a mulLlple of 7!!
471741121393171 = 67391588770453 x 7
hapter number, verses, words and ,lph,-etic Ietters!
8eplaclng Lhe LoLal number of leLLers wlLh Lhe number of dlfferenL alphabeLlc leLLers produces
Lhe followlng arrangemenL
Surat AI-IkhIas Surat AI-Fatihah
Alph leLLers Words verses ChapLer Alph leLLers Words verses ChapLer
1 17 4 112 21 1 7 1
Lven when we conslder Lhe alphabeLlc leLLers ln our arrangemenL Lhe resulLlng number
117411221171 ls a mulLlple of 7
13174112213171 = 1882016030453 x 7
1he Marels o the Number Seen in the Noble Qur`an
WhaL ls also asLonlshlng ls LhaL Lhls sysLem applles Lo each chapLer on lLs own Conslderlng Al
laLlhah Lhe resulLlng arrangemenL ls
Surat AI-Fatihah
AlphabeLlc leLLers Words verses ChapLer
21 1 7 1
213171 = 30453 x 7
Allkhlas glves Lhls arrangemenL
Surat AI-IkhIas
AlphabeLlc leLLers Words verses ChapLer
1 17 4 112
13174112 = 1882016 x 7
Verses, words and aIphabetic Ietters
Arranglng Lhe number of verses words and alphabeLlc leLLers of SuraL Allkhlas glves us Lhe
Surat AI-IkhIas
AlphabeLlc leLLers Words verses
1 17 4
13174 = 1882 x 7
1hls number ls also a mulLlple of 7 lf read ln reverse order
47131 = 6733 x 7
Words and Ietters
Lvery verse ln any glven chapLer houses a speclflc number of words and leLLers And Cod
AlmlghLy has chosen Lo organlse Lhe words and leLLers of every verse ln Allkhlas (and ln
numerous chapLers for LhaL maLLer) ln a way conslsLenL wlLh Lhe number 7
8efore wrlLlng Lhe number of words and leLLers of every verse ln Allkhlas we llsL each verse on
lLs own clearly spaclng ouL each word for ease of ldenLlflcaLlon ln addlLlon Lo breaklng down
Lhe words lnLo leLLers Lo make counLlng easler
.1 -, =,, ~' , , ~ +=) , = ' , _ ~(
1he Marels o the Number Seen in the Noble Qur`an
.2 ~' ~~, -' )' , ' ~(
. , _ , ~ ~-, =, , _ ~ , - - ) ~ = = ~(
4 =, , _ , , - , ' - - - , , ~ +=)= - , = ' _ ~(
Verse 4 Verse 3 Verse 2 Verse 1
LeLLers Words LeLLers Words LeLLers Words LeLLers Words
1 12 9 2 11 4
1he number 11292114 ls a perfecL mulLlple of 7!
15612592114 = 2230370302 x 7
Sum of the words and Ietters
1he sum of Lhe words and leLLers of verse 1 ls 11+4 1 LhaL of verse 2 ls 9+2 11 LhaL of
verse ls 12+ 17 and LhaL of verse 4 ls 1+ 21 leL us comblne Lhese numbers
Verse 4 Verse 3 Verse 2 Verse 1
LeLLers and words LeLLers and words LeLLers and words LeLLers and words
21 17 11 1
1he number we arrlve aL ls 2117111 whlch ls an amazlng resulL because Lhls Loo ls a mulLlple
of 7
21171115 = 3024445 x 7
We move on Lo conslder Lhe leLLers of Cod's name Allah" )-' ( LhaL ls Allf" () Lm" ()
and P'" (, ) and ask ls Lhe sysLem malnLalned when we merely look for Lhese leLLers ln Lhe
chapLer lnsLead of all of Lhem?
Words and the three "AIIah" Ietters
1he Lhree leLLers of Allah's name are
' -
Agaln we provlde a breakdown of each verse of Allkhlas for readers Lo easlly locaLe only Lhe
Lhree leLLers of Allah's name shown above
1he Marels o the Number Seen in the Noble Qur`an
.1 -, =,, ~' , , ~ +=) , = ' , _ ~(
.2 ~' ~~, -' )' , ' ~(
. , _ , ~ ~-, =, , _ ~ , - - ) ~ = = ~(
4 =, , _ , , - , ' - - - , , ~ +=)= - , = ' _ ~(
We now wrlLe down Lhe number of words of each verse along wlLh Lhe number of Allf" ()
Lm" () and P'" (, ) leLLers found ln each verse
Verse 4 Verse 3 Verse 2 Verse 1
LeLLers Words LeLLers Words LeLLers Words LeLLers Words
4 2 7 4
1he resulL ls 4274 yeL anoLher mulLlple of 7
56456274 = 8065182 x 7
1o reflecL upon some of our flndlngs
1he number of words of each verse ls represenLed by 24 a mulLlple of 7
1he leLLers of Lhe name Allah" ln each verse ls represenLed by 47 a mulLlple of 7
When we evenLually comblned Lhe above Lwo resulLs LhaL ls Lhe number of words ln each
verse comblned wlLh Lhe number of Allah" leLLers we arrlved aL 4274 a mulLlple of 7 as
Could have any human belng deslgned such a perfecLly lnLrlcaLe sysLem?
AnoLher lnLrlgulng polnL ls LhaL Lhls sysLem of comblng Lhe words of a verse along wlLh Lhe
number of Allah" leLLers also holds wlLh Lhe 8asmala Lhe flrsL verse of Lhe Cur'an's flrsL
~ ^ --' ,-=,-' - =,-' )~ , ' - ' , _ ~ ' , _ (
1hls ls because lL conslsLs of 4 words and Lhe number of Allah" leLLers lL conLalns ls
produclng Lhe number 4 a mulLlple of 7!
84 = 12 x 7
The verse number, word count and Ietter count of each verse
1he Marels o the Number Seen in the Noble Qur`an
We already observed how Lhe words of each verse ln Allkhlas are connecLed Lo Lhe number 7
We also saw how Lhe words and leLLers of each verse are llnked Lo Lhe number 7 We wlll now
lnclude verse numbers lnLo our arrangemenL ln oLher words ln Lhe followlng arrangemenL we
wrlLe each verse along wlLh lLs number word counL and leLLer counL
-, =,, ~' , , ~ +=) , = ' , _ ~(
LeLLer counL Word counL verse number
11 4 1
~' ~~, -' )' , ' ~(
LeLLer counL Word counL verse number
9 2 2
, _ , ~ ~-, =, , _ ~ , - - ) ~ = = ~(
LeLLer counL Word counL verse number
=, , _ , , - , ' - - - , , ~ +=)= - , = ' _ ~(
LeLLer counL Word counL verse number
1 4
1he number 14129221141 ls a perfecL mulLlple of 7
156412539221141 = 22344648460163 x 7
We can clearly see LhaL no maLLer how dlverse or compllcaLed Lhese numerlc relaLlonshlps
become Lhey conLlnue Lo share Lhe common feaLure of belng mulLlples of 7 1o appreclaLe Lhe
complexlLy and sheer brllllance of Lhls numerlc sysLem we summarlse Lhree of our
1 1he number represenLlng Lhe words of each verse ls 24 a mulLlple of 7
2 1he number represenLlng Lhe words and leLLers of each verse ls 11292114 also a mulLlple
of 7
1he number represenLlng Lhe verse number words and leLLers of each verse ls
14129221141 sLlll a mulLlple of 7
1he Marels o the Number Seen in the Noble Qur`an
The Most BeautifuI Names of God: "Asmaa AIIah AI-Husna"
Cod AlmlghLy ls Lhe Cne who revealed Lhls chapLer ln whlch Pe speaks of Pls unlqueness and
so we ask dld he deposlL a numerlc sysLem relaLed Lo Pls 8eauLlful names wlLhln lL?
1hls greaL chapLer speaks of some of Cod's aLLrlbuLes many of whlch of course are reflecLed ln
hls varlous names We wlll Lherefore see how Lhe leLLers of some of Cod's names are arranged
and spread ouL across Lhls chapLer ln a way LhaL ls eloquenLly llnked Lo Lhe number 7
The Ietters of the name "AI-MaIik" ( --- )
1he leLLers of Cod's name AlMallk" ( ~ ' ) meanlng 1he Soverelgn or klng are
As usual we wlll look for Lhese leLLers ln each word of Allkhlas lor lnsLance Lhe flrsL word of
Allkhlas ls ) ( Lhe Lwo leLLers of whlch are )( and ).( 1he leLLer ).( ls one of Lhe leLLers of
AlMallk" and as such Lhls word ls asslgned Lhe number 1 1he nexL word conLalns none of Lhls
name's leLLers and ls Lherefore glven Lhe number 0 and so on
-, ) ( =,, ), =( ~' )' ,( , , ~ +=) _ ~( ~' )' ,(
1 0 1
~~, -' )' ~( , _ ) ( , ~ ~-, ) ~( =, )=( ,_ ) ( ~ , - - ) = ~(
1 2 0 1 2
=, )=( , _ ) ( , , - ) -( , ) ,( - - ' ) = ' ( , , ~ +=) _ ~(
1 2 1 1 2 0
1he number 12112012012101 ls a perfecL mulLlple of 7!!
12112012012331301 = 1730287430333043 x 7
noL only LhaL buL amazlngly lf we counL Lhe LoLal number of AlMallk" leLLers ln each verse
we arrlve aL anoLher mulLlple of 7
. , ' ~ = ' ~ ~ - ' . ~ - . ~ - . - ' - ~ =
1he Marels o the Number Seen in the Noble Qur`an
1he number 7 ls a mulLlple of 7
7665 = 1095 x 7
The Ietters of the name "AI-Quddus" ( - -; ~ )
1he name AlMallk" ln Lhe Cur'an has been palred wlLh Lhe name AlCuddus" ) ~ - ' (
meanlng 1he Poly or 1he ure on more Lhan one occaslon ln Lhe Cur'an such as when Cod
=,, ~' ~ ' `, ,, ' =,, 4 ---' ,; ---' ' ,~ , ~-, ' - , -,-~-, ' - , .' , -- = '
. , -' = _,~-, ' = - , ~ , _ , - ~' , '~= , ~-- _ -
Cod ls Pe Lhan Whom Lhere ls no oLher god the Sovereign, the HoIy One Lhe Source of
eace (and erfecLlon) Lhe Cuardlan of lalLh Lhe reserver of SafeLy Lhe LxalLed ln MlghL Lhe
lrreslsLlble Lhe Supreme Clory Lo Cod! (Plgh ls Pe) above Lhe parLners Lhey aLLrlbuLe Lo Plm
AlPashr 92
1haL belng sald we apply Lhe same loglc Lo Lhls name and look for lLs leLLers ln every word of
Allkhlas 1he leLLers of AlCuddus" are
' - 4 ,
-, ) ( =,, ), =( ~' )' ,( , , ~ +=) _ ~( ~' )' ,(
2 1 2
~~, -' )' ~( , _ ) ( , ~ ~-, ) ~( =, )=( ,_ ) ( ~ , - - ) = ~(
1 1 2 1
=, )=( , _ ) ( , , - ) -( , ) ,( - - ' ) = ' ( , , ~ +=) _ ~(
2 2 1 0 1 1
1he number 2210111121212 ls yeL anoLher perfecL mulLlple of 7!
22101131121332312 = 3157304445904616 x 7
Agaln as we dld wlLh AlMallk" we now counL Lhe LoLal number of AlCuddus" leLLers ln each
verse of Allkhlas
1he Marels o the Number Seen in the Noble Qur`an
. , ' ~ = ' ~ ~ - ' . ~ - . ~ - . - ' - ~ =
1he number 7 ls a mulLlple of 7
7868 = 1124 x 7
1o summarlse Lhe four resulLs above
1 1he arrangemenL of Lhe leLLers of AlMallk" ln each word of Allkhlas creaLes a mulLlple of 7
2 1he LoLal number of AlMallk" leLLers ln each verse creaLes a mulLlple of 7
1he arrangemenL of Lhe leLLers of AlCuddus" ln each word creaLes a mulLlple of 7
4 1he LoLal number of AlCuddus" leLLers ln each verse creaLes a mulLlple of 7
AsLonlshlngly Lhe same sysLem repeaLs lLself wlLh Lwo of Cod's names and whaL's more speclal
ls LhaL Lhese names have acLually been menLloned LogeLher ln Lhe Cur'an!
And here we stop and ask: can a human being of even the highest calibre of linguistic
excellence create a literary passage in which he describes himself using various names,
whilst maintaining that the letters of these many names spread out across his passage,
only for a different multiple of 7 to present itself each time? Besides the fact that authors
never write with such a plan in mind anyway and that the Prophet Muhammad (peace
be upon him) was a man who could never read or write, designing such a complicated
piece of literature is literally impossible.
And now we analyse Lwo more names of Cod whlch have also been menLloned alongslde each
oLher ln Lhe Cur'an namely Alkhllq" ) = ' ( and Al8rl'" )' ' ( 1hls Llme however
we wlll come across Lhe beauLlful phenomenon of reversed numbers 1haL ls we wlll see LhaL
some arrangemenLs are only mulLlples of 7 lf read ln reverse order a feaLure whlch lllusLraLes
Lhe complexlLy of Lhe Cur'an's numerlc mlracle buL aL Lhe same Llme makes lL LhaL much more
The Ietters of the name "AI-KhIiq" )_-=- ' (
Cod AlmlghLy sLaLes
=,, ~' _ -=-' ,'-' -, ' , - , '~,, ~,, ' - , .' _-,, ~= - , - _ ,
' ~, ',~, ~' , ,, ', , =,, , .' , -- = , .' , - =1he
Marels o the Number Seen in the Noble Qur`an
Pe ls Cod the reator, the EvoIver Lhe 8esLower of lorms (or Colours) 1o Plm belong Lhe
MosL 8eauLlful names whaLever ls ln Lhe heavens and on earLh doLh declare Pls ralses and
Clory and Pe ls Lhe LxalLed ln MlghL Lhe Wlse
1he name Al khllq" means 1he CreaLor and Lhe leLLers of Lhls name are
' _
Looklng for Lhese leLLers ln Lhe words of Allkhlas Lhe followlng arrangemenL ls produced
-, ) ( =,, ), =( ~' )' ,( , , ~ +=) _ ~( ~' )' ,(
1 0 2
~~, -' )' ~( , _ ) ( , ~ ~-, ) ~( =, )=( ,_ ) ( ~ , - - ) = ~(
1 1 0 1 1 2
=, )=( , _ ) ( , , - ) -( , ) ,( - - ' ) = ' ( , , ~ +=) _ ~(
1 1 1 0 1 0
1he number 111010110112102 ls a mulLlple of 7
11101011011231302 = 1585858715890186 x 7
The Ietters of the name "AI-Bri'" ),' - ' (
1he name Al8rl'" meanlng 1he Lvolver conslsLs of Lhe followlng leLLers
' ~ ,
-, ) ( =,, ), =( ~' )' ,( , , ~ +=) _ ~( ~' )' ,(
1 0 1
~~, -' )' ~( , _ ) ( , ~ ~-, ) ~( =, )=( ,_ ) ( ~ , - - ) = ~(
2 1 0 2 1 2
=, )=( , _ ) ( , , - ) -( , ) ,( - - ' ) = ' ( , , ~ +=) _ ~(
1 1 1 2 1 0
1he Marels o the Number Seen in the Noble Qur`an
1he number 111210210212101 ls ln facL not a mulLlple of 7 Powever readlng lL ln reverse
produces 101212012012111 whlch is a mulLlple of 7
10313212012012111 = 1473316001716000 x 7
Cne may wonder however why Lhe flrsL name was an ordlnary mulLlple of 7 and why Lhe
second had Lo be reversed Lo become a mulLlple 1he answer Lo LhaL and Cod AlmlghLy knows
besL ls LhaL Lhe Poly Cur'an ls a perfecLly sLrucLured book of such greaL eloquence and
meanlng And [usL as Lhe meanlngs of Cod's names vary so do Lhe dlrecLlons from whlch we
read Lhe numerlc arrangemenLs LhaL we come across 1he followlng lllusLraLlon whlch deplcLs
Lhe Lwo names Alkhllq" ( `=~ ) and Al8rl'" )' ' ( perhaps allude Lo Lhe never
endlng wlsdom and aLLrlbuLes of Cod AlmlghLy and LhaL Lhere ls no llmlL Lo Pls words no
maLLer whaL dlrecLlon we Lake
Al8rl'" )' ' ( Alkhllq" ) = ' (

Harmony with the Letters of the BasmaIa
Whoever reclLes SuraL Allkhlas (or any chapLer for LhaL maLLer aparL from one) beglns wlLh
Lhe 8asmala or ) , ~' -~,, = ' = ' ( As a consequence when analyslng Lhe numerlc
wonders of Allkhlas we musL also Lake lnLo accounL Lhe 8asmala because we flnd lL wrlLLen ln
Lhe Cur'an aL Lhe beglnnlng of Lhe chapLer even Lhough lL ls noL one of lLs verses
The Ietters of each verse
, ~' -~,, = ' = ' )- ' , ' _ - ' _ (
1he 8asmala whlch we have already analysed ln a prevlous parL conslsLs of 19 leLLers We now
arrange Lhe leLLer counL of each verse of Allkhlas whllsL lncludlng Lhe 8asmala
Verse 4 Verse 3 Verse 2 Verse 1 BasmaIa
LeLLers LeLLers LeLLers LeLLers LeLLers
1 12 9 11 19
1he number 11291119 ls a mulLlple of 7
151291119 = 21613017 x 7
ChapLer 9 SuraL Al1aubah
1he Marels o the Number Seen in the Noble Qur`an
The first and Iast Ietter count
1he flrsL leLLer counL ln Lhe prevlous arrangemenL was 19 LhaL of Lhe 8asmala 1he lasL leLLer
counL was 1 LhaL of Lhe lasL verse Merely conslderlng Lhese Lwo numbers also glves a
mulLlple of 7
Last Letter ount First Letter ount
1 19
1he number 119 ls a mulLlple of 7 twice
1519 = 31 x 7 x 7
The BasmaIa's Ietters across the verses
1he dlfferenL leLLers of Lhe 8asmala are
~ , ' - , _ ~
We wlll search for Lhese leLLers ln each verse of Allkhlas ln addlLlon Lo Lhe 8asmala lLself
1 , ~' -~,, = ' = ' )- ' , ' _ - ' _ (: 19
.2 -, =,, ~' , , ~ +=) , = ' , _ ~(:
. ~' ~~, -' )' , ' ~(: 7
.4 , _ , ~ ~-, =, , _ ~ , - - ) ~ = = ~(:
=, , _ , , - , ' - - - , , ~ +=)= - , = ' _ ~(: 9
Arranglng Lhese numbers we geL
Verse 4 Verse 3 Verse 2 Verse 1 BasmaIa
9 7 19
1he number 9719 ls a mulLlple of 7
987819 = 141117 x 7
The speciaI phrase ) .'(
1he Marels o the Number Seen in the Noble Qur`an
Agaln we encounLer Lhe speclal phrase ( ' ) Lhe leLLers of whlch are
Slmllarly Lo Lhe prevlous exerclse we look for Lhese leLLers ln Lhe 8asmala and ln each verse of
1 , ~' -~,, = ' = ' )- ' , ' _ - ' _ (: 10
.2 -, =,, ~' , , ~ +=) , = ' , _ ~(:
. ~' ~~, -' )' , ' ~(:
.4 , _ , ~ ~-, =, , _ ~ , - - ) ~ = = ~(:
=, , _ , , - , ' - - - , , ~ +=)= - , = ' _ ~(:
Verse 4 Verse 3 Verse 2 Verse 1 BasmaIa
1he number 10 ls a mulLlple of 7
566510 = 80930 x 7
So we have seen aL leasL one loglcal explanaLlon Lo Lhe speclal phrase ) .'( 8uL whaL ls really
amazlng ls LhaL Lhe same conslsLency repeaLs lLself wlLh Lhe flrsL and lasL leLLer of Lhls phrase
namely Allf" () and Mlm" ()
The first Ietter of ) .'(
1he flrsL leLLer of Lhls speclal phrase ls Allf" () whlch we now look for ln Allkhlas along wlLh
Lhe 8asmala
1 , ~' -~,, = ' = ' )- ' , ' _ - ' _ (:
.2 -, =,, ~' , , ~ +=) , = ' , _ ~(: 2
. ~' ~~, -' )' , ' ~(: 2
1he Marels o the Number Seen in the Noble Qur`an
.4 , _ , ~ ~-, =, , _ ~ , - - ) ~ = = ~(: 0
=, , _ , , - , ' - - - , , ~ +=)= - , = ' _ ~(: 2
Verse 4 Verse 3 Verse 2 Verse 1 BasmaIa
2 0 2 2
2022 ls a mulLlple of 7
20223 = 2889 x 7
The Iast Ietter of ) .'(
We now do Lhe same wlLh Mlm" () Lhe lasL leLLer ln Lhe speclal phrase ) .'(
1 , ~' -~,, = ' = ' )- ' , ' _ - ' _ (:
.2 -, =,, ~' , , ~ +=) , = ' , _ ~(: 0
. ~' ~~, -' )' , ' ~(: 1
.4 , _ , ~ ~-, =, , _ ~ , - - ) ~ = = ~(: 2
=, , _ , , - , ' - - - , , ~ +=)= - , = ' _ ~(: 1
Verse 4 Verse 3 Verse 2 Verse 1 BasmaIa
1 2 1 0
1210 ls acLually a mulLlple of 7 Lwlce
12103 = 247 x 7 x 7
Also asLoundlng ls Lhe facL LhaL Lhe sum of Lhe above Lwo flnal resulLs ls a mulLlple of 7 Lwlce as
247 + 2889 = 3136
3136 = 64 x 7 x 7
The Ietters of the name "AI-Muhsi" )=- - ' ( , meaning The Numberer of AII
1he Marels o the Number Seen in the Noble Qur`an
AlMuhsl" ( `~ =-- ) anoLher one of Cod's names means Lhe AccounLer or numberer of
Allah ln Lhe flnal verse of SuraL Al!lnn Cod AlmlghLy sLaLes
And Pe (Allah) surrounds all LhaL whlch ls wlLh Lhem and He AIIah keeps count of aII
things (le Pe knows Lhe exacL number of everyLhlng)
Al!lnn 722
1he leLLers of Lhls name are
' _
We now look for Lhese leLLers ln Lhe words of Lhe 8asmala and ln every word of Allkhlas Lo
arrlve aL Lhe followlng arrangemenL
, )- ( ~' )' ,( -~,, = ' )' _ -( = ' )' _ (
4 1
-, ) ( =,, ), =( ~' )' ,( , , ~ +=) _ ~( ~' )' ,(
2 0 1
~~, -' )' ~( , _ ) ( , ~ ~-, ) ~( =, )=( ,_ ) ( ~ , - - ) = ~(
2 2 0 2 2 4
=, )=( , _ ) ( , , - ) -( , ) ,( - - ' ) = ' ( , , ~ +=) _ ~(
2 1 1 1 2 0
1he number 21112022022420141 ls a perfecL mulLlple of 7
211120220224323015431 = 30160031460617573633 x 7
1hls sysLem ls preserved when we spllL Lhls chapLer lnLo Lwo loglcal parLs Lhe flrsL Lwo verses
belng an afflrmaLlon and Lhe second Lwo a negaLlon
1 llrsL arL AfflrmaLlon
Say Pe ls Cod Lhe Cne and Cnly (1) Cod Lhe LLernal AbsoluLe (2)
) . , ' ~ = ) 0( ' ~ ~ - ' ) 1
1he Marels o the Number Seen in the Noble Qur`an
1hls parL ls an afflrmaLlon of Cod AlmlghLy's absoluLe unlqueness and looklng for Lhe leLLers of
AlMuhsl" ln Lhls parL alone (lncludlng Lhe 8asmala) glves
, )- ( ~' )' ,( -~,, = ' )' _ -( = ' )' _ (
4 1
-, ) ( =,, ), =( ~' )' ,( , , ~ +=) _ ~( ~' )' ,( ~~, -' )'
4 2 0 1
1he number 420141 ls a mulLlple of 7
4323015431 = 617573633 x 7
2 Second arL negaLlon
Pe begeLLeLh noL nor ls Pe begoLLen () And Lhere ls none llke unLo Plm (4)
) . ~ - . ~ - )2( . - ' - ~ = )3
1he second parL a negaLlon LhaL Cod AlmlghLy ever had any parLners or equals produces Lhe
followlng arrangemenL
, _ ) ( , ~ ~-, ) ~( =, )=( , _ ) ( ~ , - - ) = ~(
2 2 0 2 2
=, )=( , _ ) ( , , - ) -( , ) ,( - - ' ) = ' ( , , ~ +=) _ ~(
2 1 1 1 2 0
lndeed 21112022022 ls also a mulLlple of 7 even when read from Lhe opposlLe dlrecLlon
21112022022 = 3016003146 x 7
22022021112 = 3146003016 x 7
Lven lf we Lake a closer look aL Lhese lasL Lwo verses and flnd Lhe leLLers of AlMuhsl" ln each
verse on lLs own we sLlll arrlve aL mulLlples of 7
1he followlng ls Lhe Lhlrd verse ln Lhe chapLer
, _ ) ( , ~ ~-, ) ~( =, )=( , _ ) ( ~ , - - ) = ~(
1he Marels o the Number Seen in the Noble Qur`an
2 2 0 2 2
22022 ls a mulLlple of 7 lf read from elLher slde because lL reads Lhe same ln boLh dlrecLlons
22022 = 3146 x 7
1he lasL verse ln Allkhlas glves Lhe followlng
=, )=( , _ ) ( , , - ) -( , ) ,( - - ' ) = ' ( , , ~ +=) _ ~(
2 1 1 1 2 0
211120 ls also a mulLlple of 7 from elLher slde
211120 = 30160 x 7
21112 = 3016 x 7
ln Lhese magnlflcenL resulLs ls a beauLlful lndlcaLlon perhaps LhaL lL ls none oLher Lhan Cod
AlmlghLy who numbered" Lhese chapLers verses words and leLLers unlquely proLecLlng Lhe
Poly Cur'an and fasLenlng lL from any alLeraLlon
The Ietters of the name "AI-Mubdi'" )-- - ' (
uo Lhe exacL same resulLs repeaL Lhemselves wlLh Lhe name AlMubdl"? LeL us now sLudy Lhe
arrangemenL of lLs leLLers across Lhe words of Allkhlas 1hese leLLers are
' ~ -
, )- ( ~' )' ,( -~,, = ' )' _ -( = ' )' _ (
4 2
-, ) ( =,, ), =( ~' )' ,( , , ~ +=) _ ~( ~' )' ,(
2 0 1
~~, -' )' ~( , _ ) ( , ~ ~-, ) ~( =, )=( ,_ ) ( ~ , - - ) = ~(
2 0 2 4
=, )=( , _ ) ( , , - ) -( , ) ,( - - ' ) = ' ( , , ~ +=) _ ~(
2 1 1 1 2 0
1he Marels o the Number Seen in the Noble Qur`an
1he number 211120202420142 ls a mulLlple of 7
211120320324323014332 = 30160045760617573476 x 7
!usL as we dld wlLh AlMuhsl" conslderlng only Lhe flrsL half of Lhe chapLer sLlll produces a
mulLlple of 7
, )- ( ~' )' ,( -~,, = ' )' _ -( = ' )' _ (
4 2
-, ) ( =,, ), =( ~' )' ,( , , ~ +=) _ ~( ~' )' ,( ~~, -' )'
4 2 0 1
4323014332 = 617573476 x 7
1he same applles of course Lo Lhe second half
, _ ) ( , ~ ~-, ) ~( =, )=( , _ ) ( ~ , - - ) = ~(
2 0 2
=, )=( , _ ) ( , , - ) -( , ) ,( - - ' ) = ' ( , , ~ +=) _ ~(
2 1 1 1 2 0
211120202 ls a mulLlple of 7 from boLh sldes
21112032032 = 3016004576 x 7
2302321112 = 328903016 x 7
SpllLLlng up Lhe second half of Lhe chapLer lnLo lLs Lwo respecLlve verses and conslderlng Lhem
separaLely sLlll glves us mulLlples of 7
, _ ) ( , ~ ~-, ) ~( =, )=( , _ ) ( ~ , - - ) = ~(
2 0 2
1he above arrangemenL creaLes a mulLlple of 7 from boLh sldes
32032 = 4576 x 7
23023 = 3289 x 7
=, )=( , _ ) ( , , - ) -( , ) ,( - - ' ) = ' ( , , ~ +=) _ ~(
1he Marels o the Number Seen in the Noble Qur`an
2 1 1 1 2 0
211120 = 30160 x 7
21112 = 3016 x 7
Some readers may clalm LhaL Lhese resulLs came by way of colncldence buL Lhe LruLh ls LhaL
loglcal reasonlng dlsagrees wlLh Lhe assumpLlon LhaL colncldence can occur Lhls frequenLly or
Lhls conslsLenLly neverLheless Lhe Poly Cur'an conLalns plenLy more numerlc wonders LhaL
compleLely wlpe ouL Lhls posslblllLy
lor one Lhlng we already looked aL Lwo palrs of Cod's names LhaL have been menLloned
LogeLher ln Lhe Cur'an and each name ln boLh Lhese palrs has produced a mulLlple of 7 when
lLs leLLers have spread ouL across Allkhlas We wlll now look aL Lwo more names LhaL have
been palred LogeLher ln Lhe Cur'an and see wheLher Lhe conslsLency ls preserved Loglcally
speaklng colncldence denles LhaL both Lhese names wlll produce a mulLlple of 7 (albelL LhaL
Lhls has occurred on Lwo occaslons already) 1he leLLers of one may produce a mulLlple of 7 buL
for boLh Lo produce a mulLlple of 7 yeL agaln ls lndlcaLlve of Lhe exlsLence of an Allknowlng and
AllWlse Cod
ln descrlblng Plmself Cod AlmlghLy sLaLes
, =,, ,; - -' -; - ;-'
And Pe ls Lhe Oft-Forgiving FuII of Loving-Kindness
Al8uru[ 14
1he name AlChafur" )- ' ( means 1he Alllorglvlng and AlWadud" )~~ ' ( means 1he
Lovlng LeL us now look aL every word of Allkhlas once agaln and observe how Lhe leLLers of
Lhese Lwo names are reflecLed ln Lhe words of Lhls chapLer
The Ietters of "AI-Ghafr" ),;- - ' (
1he leLLers of Lhe name AlChafur" ),;- - ' ( are
' _ 4 ,
, )- ( ~' )' ,( -~,, = ' )' _ -( = ' )' _ (
1he Marels o the Number Seen in the Noble Qur`an
-, ) ( =,, ), =( ~' )' ,( , , ~ +=) _ ~( ~' )' ,(
1 1 1
~~, -' )' ~( , _ ) ( , ~ ~-, ) ~( =, )=( ,_ ) ( ~ , - - ) = ~(
2 1 1 1 1 2
=, )=( , _ ) ( , , - ) -( , ) ,( - - ' ) = ' ( , , ~ +=) _ ~(
1 1 0 1 1
1he number 110112111121110 ls a mulLlple of 7
131011211112313113330 = 18715887301759016190 x 7
The Ietters of "AI-Wadd" )-;-;- ' (
1he leLLers of AlWadud" )-;-;- ' ( are
' 4 - 4 -
, )- ( ~' )' ,( -~,, = ' )' _ -( = ' )' _ (
2 2 0
-, ) ( =,, ), =( ~' )' ,( , , ~ +=) _ ~( ~' )' ,(
2 1 1
~~, -' )' ~( , _ ) ( , ~ ~-, ) ~( =, )=( ,_ ) ( ~ , - - ) = ~(
1 1 2 1
=, )=( , _ ) ( , , - ) -( , ) ,( - - ' ) = ' ( , , ~ +=) _ ~(
2 2 1 0 1 1
221011112121122 ls also a mulLlple of 7
22101131121332311223 = 31573044459046158890 x 7
The Ietters of the name "AI-Latf" )~- =-- ' (
1he Marels o the Number Seen in the Noble Qur`an
1he name AlLaLlf" ( - =-- ) ls anoLher of Cod's many names and means 1he CenLle or 1he
SubLly klnd lL conslsLs of Lhe followlng leLLers
' =
, )- ( ~' )' ,( -~,, = ' )' _ -( = ' )' _ (
2 0
-, ) ( =,, ), =( ~' )' ,( , , ~ +=) _ ~( ~' )' ,(
1 0 1
~~, -' )' ~( , _ ) ( , ~ ~-, ) ~( =, )=( ,_ ) ( ~ , - - ) = ~(
2 1 0 2 1 2
=, )=( , _ ) ( , , - ) -( , ) ,( - - ' ) = ' ( , , ~ +=) _ ~(
1 2 1 1 1 0
12111021021210120 ls a mulLlple of 7
121110210212313013230 = 17301458601759001890 x 7
The Ietters "AI-WaIiyy" )- ;- ' (
1he leLLers of Lhe name AlWallyy" )- ;- ' ( meanlng 1he lrlend or Pelper are
' 4
, )- ( ~' )' ,( -~,, = ' )' _ -( = ' )' _ (
2 0
-, ) ( =,, ), =( ~' )' ,( , , ~ +=) _ ~( ~' )' ,(
1 1 1
~~, -' )' ~( , _ ) ( , ~ ~-, ) ~( =, )=( ,_ ) ( ~ , - - ) = ~(
1 1 2 1 2
1he Marels o the Number Seen in the Noble Qur`an
=, )=( , _ ) ( , , - ) -( , ) ,( - - ' ) = ' ( , , ~ +=) _ ~(
1 2 1 1 1 1
1211111121211120 ls a mulLlple of 7
121111311212313113230 = 17301615887473301890 x 7
Lven lf we counL Lhe LoLal number of AlWallyy" leLLers ln each verse we sLlll arrlve aL a
mulLlple of 7
1 , ~' -~,, = ' = ' )- ' , ' _ - ' _ (:
.2 -, =,, ~' , , ~ +=) , = ' , _ ~(:
. ~' ~~, -' )' , ' ~(:
.4 , _ , ~ ~-, =, , _ ~ , - - ) ~ = = ~(:
=, , _ , , - , ' - - - , , ~ +=)= - , = ' _ ~(: 7
Verse 4 Verse 3 Verse 2 Verse 1 BasmaIa
LeLLers LeLLers LeLLers LeLLers LeLLers
78568 = 11224 x 7
An entire phrase refIected in AI-IkhIas
Cn one occaslon ln Lhe Cur'an Cod AlmlghLy sLaLes
' . - = , - ~
Cod ls Lhe CreaLor of all Lhlngs
AlZumur 92
We wlll now Lake Lhe leLLers of Lhls phrase and look for Lhem ln Lhe words of Allkhlas Lo flnd
ouL lf a mulLlple of 7 can sLlll be produced 1he leLLers comprlslng Lhls phrase are
' _ _ ,
1he Marels o the Number Seen in the Noble Qur`an
, )- ( ~' )' ,( -~,, = ' )' _ -( = ' )' _ (
2 4 0
-, ) ( =,, ), =( ~' )' ,( , , ~ +=) _ ~( ~' )' ,(
4 1 4 1 2
~~, -' )' ~( , _ ) ( , ~ ~-, ) ~( =, )=( ,_ ) ( ~ , - - ) = ~(
2 1 0 2 1 2
=, )=( , _ ) ( , , - ) -( , ) ,( - - ' ) = ' ( , , ~ +=) _ ~(
1 2 2 2 1 0
1he number 12221021021241412240 ls a mulLlple of 7
122210210212414123240 = 17458601458916303320 x 7
The system of accumuIated numbers: a truIy profound arrangement
ln SuraL Allkhlas ls a very preclse sysLem hldden ln Lhe leLLers of each of lLs words Pavlng
already wlLnessed a preclse sysLem of accumulaLed numbers wlLh Lhe words of AllaLlhah
where we counLed Lhe leLLers of each word ln accumulaLlon Lhe resulLlng arrangemenL glvlng a
masslve mulLlple of 7 we perform Lhe same exerclse here We now wrlLe Lhe chapLer ln full
along wlLh Lhe 8asmala and under every word lLs leLLer counL ln addlLlon Lo LhaL of Lhe
prevlous word or words
, )- ( ~' )' ,( -~,, = ' )' _ -( = ' )' _ (
19 1 7
-, ) ( =,, ), =( ~' )' ,( , , ~ +=) _ ~( ~' )' ,(
4 0 27 2 21
~~, -' )' ~( , _ ) ( , ~ ~-, ) ~( =, )=( ,_ ) ( ~ , - - ) = ~(
1 47 4 44 41 9
=, )=( , _ ) ( , , - ) -( , ) ,( - - ' ) = ' ( , , ~ +=) _ ~(
9 7 4 2
1he Marels o the Number Seen in the Noble Qur`an
1he resulL ls a huge number buL 974214744441940272211917 ls
neverLheless ls a declmalfree mulLlple of 7!!
6663595754525147454441393430272321191373 =
951942250646449636348770490038903027339 x 7
1hls brllllanLly flawless resulL proves Lo us LhaL no maLLer how dlverse Lhe dlfferenL ways of
counLlng comblnlng and arranglng numbers become Lhe perfecLlon of Lhe Poly Cur'an ls such
LhaL lL accommodaLes all and ls only a furLher lndlcaLlon of Lhe lnlmlLablllLy of Lhls numerlc
The numeric system behind the Ietters of "AIIah"
Looklng lnLo SuraL Allkhlas we flnd LhaL some words conLaln aL leasL one of Lhe leLLers of Lhe
name Allah" whllsL oLhers conLaln no such leLLers We wlll now wrlLe Lhe words of Allkhlas
and below each word a number expresslng Lhe exlsLence or absence of any of Allah's" leLLers
' -
1he number 1 wlll represenL Lhe exlsLence of any leLLer from Allah" ln a word
1he number 0 wlll be glven Lo any word whlch conLalns none of Lhese leLLers
, )- ( ~' )' ,( -~,, = ' )' _ -( = ' )' _ (
1 1 1 0
-, ) ( =,, ), =( ~' )' ,( , , ~ +=) _ ~( ~' )' ,(
1 1 1 1 1
~~, -' )' ~( , _ ) ( , ~ ~-, ) ~( =, )=( ,_ ) ( ~ , - - ) = ~(
1 1 0 1 1 1
=, )=( , _ ) ( , , - ) -( , ) ,( - - ' ) = ' ( , , ~ +=) _ ~(
1 1 1 0 1 0
1he number 111010110111111111110 ls a perfecL mulLlple of 7
111010110111111111110 = 15858587158730158730 x 7
1he Marels o the Number Seen in the Noble Qur`an
The Letters of AIIah: "AIif" , "Lm" J, and "H'" -
1hroughouL Lhls parL we wlLnessed how Lhe leLLers of Cod's names spread ouL across Lhe
words of Allkhlas We wlll now experlence a brllllanL sysLem of numerlc arrangemenL wlLh each
leLLer of Cod's maln name Allah namely Allf" () Lm" () and P'" (, )
We wlll soon conclude LhaL Lhe lnlmlLablllLy of Lhe Cur'an's numbers ls noL only llmlLed Lo Lhe
leLLers of Pls names when consldered collecLlvely buL LhaL each leLLer Laken on lLs own ln facL
ls so preclsely arranged across Lhls chapLer ln a way LhaL sLlll manages Lo creaLe exacL mulLlples
of 7!
The Ietter "AIif"
We now wrlLe Allkhlas below along wlLh Lhe number of Allf" () leLLers ln each word
, )- ( ~' )' ,( -~,, = ' )' _ -( = ' )' _ (
1 1 1 0
-, ) ( =,, ), =( ~' )' ,( , , ~ +=) _ ~( ~' )' ,(
1 1 1 0 0
~~, -' )' ~( , _ ) ( , ~ ~-, ) ~( =, )=( ,_ ) ( ~ , - - ) = ~(
0 0 0 0 0 1
=, )=( , _ ) ( , , - ) -( , ) ,( - - ' ) = ' ( , , ~ +=) _ ~(
1 1 0 0 0 0
1he number 110000000001111001110 ls a mulLlple of 7
110000000001111001110 = 15714285714444428730 x 7
The Ietter "Lm" J
Slmllarly we wrlLe Allkhlas and counL only Lhe Lm" () leLLers ln each word
, )- ( ~' )' ,( -~,, = ' )' _ -( = ' )' _ (
1 1 2 0
1he Marels o the Number Seen in the Noble Qur`an
-, ) ( =,, ), =( ~' )' ,( , , ~ +=) _ ~( ~' )' ,(
2 0 2 0 1
~~, -' )' ~( , _ ) ( , ~ ~-, ) ~( =, )=( ,_ ) ( ~ , - - ) = ~(
1 1 0 1 1 1
=, )=( , _ ) ( , , - ) -( , ) ,( - - ' ) = ' ( , , ~ +=) _ ~(
0 0 1 0 1 0
1he number 001010110111202011120 ls a perfecL mulLlple of 7!
001010110111202011120 = 144301444457430160 x 7
The Ietter "H'" -
llnally we follow Lhe same meLhod wlLh Lhe leLLer P'" (, )
, )- ( ~' )' ,( -~,, = ' )' _ -( = ' )' _ (
0 0 1 0
-, ) ( =,, ), =( ~' )' ,( , , ~ +=) _ ~( ~' )' ,(
1 0 1 1 0
~~, -' )' ~( , _ ) ( , ~ ~-, ) ~( =, )=( ,_ ) ( ~ , - - ) = ~(
0 0 0 0 0 0
=, )=( , _ ) ( , , - ) -( , ) ,( - - ' ) = ' ( , , ~ +=) _ ~(
0 0 1 0 0 0
1he number 001000000000101100010 ls noL a mulLlple of 7 buL lf reversed lL glves
010001101000000000100 whlch ls a mulLlple of 7
010001101000000000100 = 1428728714285714300 x 7
1he Marels o the Number Seen in the Noble Qur`an
1herefore we have esLabllshed LhaL Lhe number represenLlng Lhe leLLer Allf" () ln Lhe chapLer
was a mulLlple of 7 and so was LhaL represenLlng Lhe leLLer Lm" () As for Lhe leLLer P'"
(, ) Lhe number represenLlng lL was only a mulLlple of 7 once reversed
Reversed order?
1he flrsL leLLer of Allah's name ls Allf" () and Lhe lasL ls P'" (, ) Pavlng wlLnessed a
beauLlful sysLem of arrangemenLs for boLh Lhese leLLers ln Lerms of Lhelr spread across Lhe
words of Allkhlas we can represenL Lhe numerlc resulLs of each leLLer wlLh Lhe followlng
LasL leLLer ln Lhe name Allah" llrsL LeLLer ln Lhe name Allah"

1hese arrows represenL Lhe dlrecLlons of readlng each leLLer's respecLlve arrangemenL 1haL ls
Lhe flrsL leLLer ln Allah" ls Allf" () whlch produced a mulLlple of 7 when read from Lhe lefL
Lowards Lhe rlghL 1he lasL leLLer P'" (, ) was a mulLlple of 7 when read from Lhe rlghL
Lowards Lhe lefL We wlLnessed a slmllar example earller of Lhese opposlLe arrows and lf
anyLhlng lL ls almosL as lf Lhese Lwo dlrecLlons symbollse Lhe facL LhaL Cod's words have no
end no maLLer whaL dlrecLlon we Lake!
llnally afLer dlvlng lnLo Lhe mldsL of a chapLer equalllng one Lhlrd of Lhe Cur'an all LhaL can be
sald ls LhaL whaL we wlLnessed of lLs numerlc paLLerns ls probably a fracLlon of lLs wonders had
we dlscovered all of Lhem we would cerLalnly need more Lhan a mere book llke Lhls one!
We summarlse whaL has been covered LhroughouL Lhls parL ln Lhe followlng
1 SuraL Allkhlas ls chapLer comprlslng of a comblnaLlon of words and leLLers whlch have been
so perfecLly organlsed by Cod AlmlghLy ln a manner whlch makes lL lmposslble for any human
belng Lo repllcaLe
2 Cod AlmlghLy has arranged Lhe leLLers of Lhls chapLer ln such a way LhaL lL achleves an
abundance of numerlc arrangemenLs connecLed Lo Lhe Pls 8eauLlful names and all Lhese
arrangemenLs have produced mulLlples of 7 1he ldea behlnd Lhese arrangemenLs of course ls
LhaL we counL whaL each word or verse conLalns from Lhe leLLers of Cod's names and arrange
Lhese flgures Lo achleve numbers whlch have always been mulLlples of 7 desplLe belng
slgnlflcanLly large numbers on numerous occaslons
1he Marels o the Number Seen in the Noble Qur`an
1he exlsLence of an lnLrlcaLely preclse sysLem for Lhe names of Cod AlmlghLy ln a chapLer
whlch speaks abouL Cod AlmlghLy Plmself ls buL Langlble evldence LhaL lL ls Pe who has
revealed Lhls chapLer Pe who has arranged lL and Pe alone who has sealed lL from any
1he Marels o the Number Seen in the Noble Qur`an
!ART 6
In this part, we discover new truths into the numeric system underlying the Holy
Qur'an's magnificent letters. e will yet again prove, through the language of numbers,
that every verse carries with it an astounding numeric miracle that deserves pondering
and reflection.
e will select different verses from across the Holy Qur'an in an attempt to show, by
way of example, that God Almighty has deposited in each of His verses a number (or
more!) that is a multiple of 7: a tangible indication that no human can replicate a verse,
(even a word, as we will show!) similar to any in the Qur'an.
Indeed, one of the sheer wonders of this Book is that we find a miracle in each verse,
and often in segments of verses, even in mere words, and that is what we will attempt to
illustrate in the pages to follow.
1he Marels o the Number Seen in the Noble Qur`an
"And We WiII AssuredIy Guard It...": A !Iedge to !rotect the Qur'an
lf we were Lo sLudy every verse of Lhe Poly Cur'an from a numerlcal polnL of vlew we would
flnd an amazlng sysLem based upon Lhe number 7 and lLs mulLlples As for now we wlll analyse
a greaL verse ln whlch Cod AlmlghLy pledges Lo proLecL Lhe Poly Cur'an and forever preserve lL
from any alLeraLlon As such Pe has also deposlLed ln every leLLer of Lhls brllllanL verse whaL
proves LhaL Lhe Cur'an has never lndeed been meddled wlLh! 1hls pledge" verse ln Lhe
ordlnary language of words aL leasL dlrecLly answers any scepLlc who quesLlons Lhe
auLhenLlclLy of Lhe Cur'an 8uL whaL abouL Lhe language of numbers? numerlcally speaklng
whaL does Lhls verse have ln sLore for us?
Cod AlmlghLy says
' - - ' - ~ ' ' - - = -
We have wlLhouL doubL senL down Lhe Message and We wlll assuredly guard lL (from
AlPl[r 19
We wlll now observe Lhe asLonlshlng coherence of Lhls verse wlLh Lhe number 7 whlch
represenLs Lhe sLarLlng polnL of all our sLudles of Lhe Cur'an's numerlc mlracle noL only wlll we
dlscover numerous lnsLances of compleLe harmony wlLh Lhls number buL we wlll also come Lo
appreclaLe LhaL Lhe enLlre numerlc sysLem found ln Lhls verse would compleLely shaLLer had
one leLLer been added or omlLLed from Lhls verse or had any word been wrlLLen even sllghLly
lor example Lhe word )_ , _-= '= - ( whlch represenLs Cod's pledge Lo proLecL Lhe Cur'an
by saylng We wlll assuredly guard lL" dlffers ln wrlLlng beLween normal and Cur'anlc Arablc
1hls dlfference ls hlghllghLed below
Cur'anlc Arablc normal Arablc
_ , _-= '= - ) _ ' = = -( _ , _-= -= - ) _ = = -(
As we can see Lhe normal Arablc spelllng of Lhls word conLalns an exLra Allf" () leLLer and had
Lhls form of Lhe word been adopLed ln Lhe Cur'an none of Lhe arrangemenLs we are abouL Lo
observe would be mulLlples of 7 Also we musL noLe for Lhose noL famlllar wlLh Lhe Arablc
language LhaL Lhe leLLer )=( when noL connecLed Lo any words means and" and counLs as a
dlsLlncL word all on lLs own desplLe belng one leLLer long lor lnsLance Lhe leLLer )=( ln Lhe
word )_ , _-= '= - ( above ls only parL of Lhe word and does noL Lherefore mean
1he Marels o the Number Seen in the Noble Qur`an
and" Powever Lhe oLher ( = ) ln Lhls verse ls nelLher connecLed Lo Lhe word LhaL precedes lL
or follows lL and hence means and"
' - , _-, - '-,, -, .' ,, ; ' - , _ , _-= -= -
The first and Iast Ietter of the verse
1he flrsL word ln Lhls verse ls )'- ( , meanlng We" and Lhe lasL ls )- = - = ( meanlng We
wlll assuredly guard lL" We wlll now wrlLe Lhe full verse below along wlLh Lhe leLLer counL of
Lhe flrsL and lasL words
' - ) - '( , _-, - '-,, -, .' ,, =, ' - , _ , _-= -= - ) _ = = -(

1he number represenLlng Lhe leLLer counL of Lhe flrsL and lasL word of Lhls verse ls our flrsL
mulLlple of 7
63 = 9 x 7
The first Ietter
1he flrsL leLLer ln Lhe verse ls Allf" () from Lhe word )'- ( and Lhe lasL leLLer ls nun" (-) from
)- = - = ( We wlll see how Lhe words conLalnlng Lhose Lwo leLLers accuraLely arrange
Lhemselves ln accordance wlLh Lhe number 7 SLarLlng wlLh Lhe flrsL leLLer we follow a slmple
OAny word conLalnlng Lhe leLLer Allf" () ls asslgned Lhe number 1
OAny word LhaL does noL conLaln Lhls leLLer ls asslgned Lhe number 0
We now wrlLe Lhe verse wlLh a breakdown of Lhe leLLers of each word along wlLh Lhe number
represenLlng Lhe exlsLence (or absence) of Lhe leLLer Allf" ()
' - ) - '( , _-, - )- _ -( '-,, -, )- - '( .' ,, )' ( =, )=(
0 1 1 0 1
' - ) - '( , ) ,( _ , _-= -= - ) _ = = -(
0 0 1
1he Marels o the Number Seen in the Noble Qur`an
1he number 00101101 ls a mulLlple of 7
101101 = 14443 x 7
The Iast Ietter
!usL as we dld wlLh Lhe flrsL leLLer we now look for Lhe words conLalnlng Lhe lasL leLLer of Lhe
verse namely nun" (-) Cnce agaln Lhe number 1 ls glven Lo any words conLalnlng Lhls leLLer
and 0 Lo any LhaL do noL
' - ) - '( , _-, - )- _ -( '-,, -, )- - '( .' ,, )' ( =, )=(
0 0 1 1 1
' - ) - '( , ) ,( _ , _-= -= - ) _ = = -(
1 0 1
1he number 10100111 ls a mulLlple of 7
10100111 = 1442873 x 7
And so we flnd LhaL Lhe flrsL leLLer ln Lhe verse ls spread ouL across lLs words ln a way LhaL
creaLes a mulLlple of 7 and Lhe same ls Lrue for Lhe lasL leLLer can Lhls be colncldence? LeL's
carry on
The Ietters of the verse
1he LoLal number of leLLers ln Lhls verse ls 2 whlch ls equlvalenL Lo Lhe number of leLLers ln
Lhe Arablc alphabeL 1hls number of course ls a mulLlple of 7
28 = 4 x 7
WhaL ls lnLeresLlng ls Lhe way ln whlch Lhese 2 leLLers are spread ouL across Lhe verse We now
wrlLe Lhe verse agaln along wlLh Lhe leLLer counL of each word
' - ) - '( , _-, - )- _ -( '-,, -, )- - '( .' ,, )' ( =, )=(
' - ) - '( , ) ,( _ , _-= -= - ) _ = = -(
1he number 21 ls a mulLlple of 7
1he Marels o the Number Seen in the Noble Qur`an
62315533 = 8902219 x 7
So amazlngly here ls a verse whlch speaks abouL proLecLlng Lhe Cur'an whose number of
leLLers ls 2 whlch ls noL only equal Lo Lhe leLLers governlng Lhe Arablc language buL ls also a
mulLlple of 7 Moreover Lhe arrangemenL represenLlng Lhe leLLer counL of each word ln Lhe
verse ls anoLher mulLlple of 7 Can Lhls sLlll be colncldence? ln any case Lhere ls sLlll some more
Lo come
Harmony with the years of Qur'anic reveIation
Arranglng Lhe leLLer counL of Lhls verse as we already saw gave us Lhe number 21
Looklng furLher lnLo Lhls number we wlll flnd LhaL lL ls also a mulLlple of 2! ln oLher words Lhls
number ls also connecLed Lo Lhe number of years lL Look for Lhe Cur'an Lo be revealed
62315533 = 2709371 x 23
1o puL Lhls ln perspecLlve Lhe leLLer counL of Lhe verse whlch speaks abouL Lhe proLecLlon of
Lhe Cur'an produced an arrangemenL conslsLenL wlLh Lhe LoLal number of years Laken for Lhls
very 8ook Lo be senL down Lo humanlLy!
Harmony with the Qur'an's first verse
ln Lhls verse lles an lncredlble connecLlon wlLh Lhe Cur'an's very flrsL verse Lhe 8asmala or
~ ' = ' - = '
ln Lhe name of Cod MosL Craclous MosL Merclful
AllaLlhah 11
We wlll now wlLness a number of arrangemenLs relaLed Lo Lhls verse and lLs words and all Lhls
ls based of course on Lhe number 7
The verse numbers
1he 8asmala ls verse 1 and whaL we wlll call Lhe pledge verse" ls verse 9 of lLs respecLlve
ledge verse 8asmala verse
9 1
1he above arrangemenL glves 91 a mulLlple of 7
91 = 13 x 7
The word count
1he Marels o the Number Seen in the Noble Qur`an
1he 8asmala conslsLs of 4 words and Lhe pledge verse conslsLs of
ledge verse 8asmala verse
4 ls also a mulLlple of 7
84 = 12 x 7
WhaL lf we now Lake lnLo accounL each verse's respecLlve chapLer number?
hapter and verse number
1he 8asmala ls found ln chapLer 1 of Lhe Cur'an whereas Lhe pledge verse ls ln chapLer 1
ledge verse 8asmala verse
verse number ChapLer number verse number ChapLer number
9 1 1 1
91511 = 13073 x 7
Verse number with the chapters of the Qur'an
1he LoLal number of chapLers ln Lhe Poly Cur'an ls 114 and Lhe pledge verse ls verse 9 of SuraL
AlPl[r (ChapLer SLoneland)
ledge verse Cur'an ChapLers
verse number 1oLal number
9 114
1he number 9114 ls a mulLlple of 7 Lwlce
9114 = 186 x 7 x 7
We undersLand LhaL Lhe above resulL may be meL wlLh some doubL and scepLlclsm And Lo
remove any posslblllLy of colncldence we wlll arrange Lhe verse number of Lhls pledge verse
wlLh Lhe LoLal number of verses ln Lhe Cur'an Colncldence of course dlscounLs LhaL Lhe same
conslsLency wlll repeaL lLself wlLh Lhe Cur'an's LoLal verse counL leL alone LhaL we may arrlve aL
a mulLlple of 7 Lwlce!
Verse number with the verses of the Qur'an
1he pledge verse as we know ls verse 9 of SuraL AlPl[r and ln LoLal Lhe number of verses ln
Lhe Poly Cur'an ls exacLly 2
1he Marels o the Number Seen in the Noble Qur`an
ledge verse Cur'an verses
verse number 1oLal number
9 2
noL only ls 92 a mulLlple of 7 buL [usL llke Lhe prevlous arrangemenL lnvolvlng Lhe Cur'an's
chapLer counL lL ls a mulLlple of 7 Lwlce!!
96236 = 1964 x 7 x 7
1he Lwo arrangemenLs we [usL wlLnessed above are buL an lndlcaLlon LhaL lL ls Cod AlmlghLy
alone who asslgned Lhls pledge verse Lhe number 9 Lo show us LhaL Pe has proLecLed every
chapLer and verse of Pls 8ook because qulLe flLLlngly Lhls verse number has malnLalned lLs
brllllanL conslsLency wlLh boLh Lhe LoLal number of chapLers and verses of Lhe Poly Cur'an!
The finaI two quotients: stiII more muItipIes
A quoLlenL ls Lhe resulL of dlvldlng numbers As such Lhe above Lwo arrangemenLs produced
Lhe flnal quoLlenLs of 1 and 194 lncredlbly Lhese Lwo numbers are sLlll connecLed Lo Lhe
number 7 lor one Lhlng arranglng Lhese Lwo numbers slde by slde creaLes a mulLlple of 7
1964186 = 280598 x 7
Moreover calculaLlng Lhe dlglL sum of Lhese quoLlenLs produces yeL anoLher mulLlple!
1 + 9 + 6 + 4 + 1 + 8 + 6 = 35
35 = 5 x 7
8eflecLlng on Lhese resulLs whaL Lhey acLually Lell us ls LhaL had Lhe Cur'an's chapLer counL
verse counL or Lhls verse's number dlffered ever so sllghLly Lhe enLlre sysLem we [usL
wlLnessed would collapse compleLely 1hls only proves of course LhaL parL of Lhe dlvlnlLy of Lhe
Cur'an lles also ln lLs numberlng someLhlng LhaL Cod has esLabllshed and LhaL slmply cannoL be
The speciaI Ietters
We already esLabllshed LhaL Lhe Cur'an conLalns cerLaln speclal phrases" found aL Lhe
beglnnlng of 29 chapLers 14 leLLers comprlse Lhese speclal phrases
' , - _ = , _ ~
7 of Lhese speclal leLLers are conLalned ln Lhe pledge verse and for readers Lo easlly exLracL
Lhese leLLers Lhe followlng ls Lhe verse lLself
1he Marels o the Number Seen in the Noble Qur`an
' - ) - '( , _-, - )- _ -( '-,, -, )- - '( .' ,, )' ( =, )=(
' - ) - '( , ) ,( _ , _-= -= - ) _ = = -(
1he 7 speclal leLLers are
' , - _ ~
lnLeresLlngly Lhese 7 leLLers are found across Lhls verse ln a manner conslsLenL wlLh Lhe
number 7!
The words containing speciaI Ietters
We wlll now wrlLe Lhe pledge verse and below each word a number accordlng Lo Lhe followlng
baslc rule
Words conLalnlng any of Lhe 7 speclal leLLers found ln Lhe pledge verse wlll be asslgned Lhe
number 1
Words conLalnlng no such leLLers wlll be asslgned Lhe number 0
' - ) - '( , _-, - )- _ -( '-,, -, )- - '( .' ,, )' ( =, )=(
0 1 1 1 1
' - ) - '( , ) ,( _ , _-= -= - ) _ = = -(
1 1 1
11101111 = 1585873 x 7
And Lo be even more confldenL of our resulL lf we furLher analyse Lhls number we flnd LhaL lL ls
also a mulLlple of 29 Lhe number of years of Cur'anlc revelaLlon!
11101111 = 482657 x 23
AccumuIated numbers: magnificent arrangement
Cne of Lhe Lruly fasclnaLlng feaLures of Lhe Cur'an's numerlc mlracle ls Lhe slmple yeL
remarkable sysLem of accumulaLed numbers found ln many of lLs chapLers and verses We
already wlLnessed Lhls wlLh SuraL AllaLlhah Allkhlas lorLunaLely we wlll conLlnue Lo see
9 8ecall LhaL Lhe same resulL was found when we arranged Lhe leLLer counL of each
word boLh a mulLlple of 7 and 2
1he Marels o the Number Seen in the Noble Qur`an
more of Lhls sysLem ln more verses lncludlng Lhls one We now wrlLe Lhe verse below and
under each word lLs leLLer counL along wlLh LhaL of Lhe prevlous word or words
' - ) - '( , _-, - )- _ -( '-,, -, )- - '( .' ,, )' ( =, )=(
17 1 11
' - ) - '( , ) ,( _ , _-= -= - ) _ = = -(
2 22 20
1he resulLlng number 2222017111 arrangemenL has amazlng aLLrlbuLes
1 lL ls a 14dlglL number or 2 x 7
2 1he sum of lLs dlglLs ls
2 + 8 + 2 + 2 + 2 + 0 + 1 + 7 + 1 + 6 + 1 + 1 + 6 + 3 = 42
42 = 6 x 7
lL ls a mulLlple of 7!
28222017161163 = 4031716737309 x 7
And now we move on Lo anoLher prollflc verse whlch houses varlous mlracles lncludlng a
sclenLlflc llngulsLlc and numerlc mlracle
"We Extend the Vastness of Space"
SclenLlsLs Loday speak of Lhe expanslon of Lhe unlverse and Lhe noLlon LhaL our unlverse ls
expandlng ls now an esLabllshed facL 1hls facL however was noL dlscovered unLll Lhe 20Lh
cenLury Lhanks Lo Lhe lmprovemenL of resources knowledge and experLlse ln Lhe fleld of
asLronomy buL also Lhanks Lo Lhe advancemenL of compuLerbased Lechnology and Lhe use of
someLhlng we may ofLen Lake for granLed the language of numbers
1haL belng sald we flnd LhaL Lhe Poly Cur'an has gone one sLep furLher by eloquenLly sLaLlng
Lhls wonderful facL ln no more Lhan seven words
-' ~ ~' - ' - , ~-- ' - - ~ ~
WlLh power and sklll dld We consLrucL Lhe heaven verlly lL ls We Who exLend Lhe vasLness of
AlZarlyaL 147
1he Marels o the Number Seen in the Noble Qur`an
ln Lhls verse ls a sclenLlflc mlracle because lL clearly speaks of Lhe expanslon of Lhe unlverse
Lhrough Lhe use of Lhe word ( . ~ ~ ) whlch ls a conflrmaLlon LhaL lL ls We Who exLend
Lhe vasLness of space0" 1hls facL was revealed ln Lhe Cur'an of course 14 cenLurles before
modern sclence came Lo dlscover lL 8uL now we wlll look lnLo a wonderful serles of numerlc
arrangemenLs connecLed Lo Lhls verse
The Ietters of each word
We now wrlLe Lhe unlverse" verse below along wlLh Lhe leLLer counL of each word
=, )=( '~, ~' , - )' ( ',--,, --,, )- - - , '(
, ~ - )- ~( =, )=( ' - ) - '( ~-, _ = - ) = _ = -(
7 1
1he number 711 ls a mulLlple of 7 Lwlce!
7315651 = 149299 x 7 x 7
8everslng Lhls number sLlll glves us a mulLlple of 7
1565137 = 223591 x 7
Amazlngly even lf we comblne boLh resulLs above LhaL ls 2291 and 149299 and consLrucL a
slngle number or 2291149299 Lhls 12dlglL number ls anoLher mulLlple of 7!
223591149299 = 31941592757 x 7
Lven when we change Lhe order by whlch we comblne Lhese Lwo numbers and puL 149299
before 2291 we sLlll arrlve aL a mulLlple of 7
149299223591 = 21328460513 x 7
noL only LhaL buL addlng Lhe numbers 2291 and 149299 creaLes yeL anoLher mulLlple of 7
223591 + 149299 = 372890
372890 = 7610 x 7 x 7
8everslng Lhe sum of 7290 glves Lhe number 0927 whlch lncredlbly ls anoLher mulLlple of
0 1he use of Lhe plural We" of course ls a glorlflcaLlon of Cod AlmlghLy and ls noL Lo
be confused wlLh more Lhan one god
1he Marels o the Number Seen in the Noble Qur`an
98273 = 14039 x 7
The Ietters of the verse
1he number of words ln Lhls verse ls 7 and lL conslsLs of exacLly 2 leLLers a mulLlple of 7
28 = 4 x 7
1he Poly Cur'an was unlquely wrlLLen durlng Lhe Llme of Lhe ropheL (pbuh) approxlmaLely
1400 years ago lor lnsLance Lhe word ( `~~' - ) dld noL conLaln Lhe characLer )-( known as
Lhe Pamza" lf lL dld Lhls word would conslsL of leLLers and noL whlch would desLroy Lhe
numerlc arrangemenLs we [usL observed above
Moreover Lhe word )' ,' - -- ( whlch means We bullL lL (le Lhe heavens)" ls wrlLLen ln Lhe
Cur'an wlLhouL an exLra Allf" () leLLer llke Lhls )' - - - - ( Pad lL conformed Lo Lhe rules of
normal Arablc by belng wrlLLen wlLh LhaL exLra leLLer Lhe above arrangemenLs would also
Also we flnd Lhe amazlng case of Lhe word ) ~ - ( whlch means wlLh power and sklll" 1hls
word ln normal Arablc conslsLs of 4 leLLers buL ln Lhe Cur'an ls found wrlLLen wlLh an exLra
'sllenL' ?r )( leLLer maklng lL comprlse of leLLers Cnce agaln had lL noL been for Lhls subLly
yeL crlLlcal dlfference Lhe numerlc sysLem conLalned ln Lhls verse would cease Lo exlsL
1hese lnLrlcaLe deLalls are greaL evldence of Lhe sheer accuracy of Lhe Cur'an's words and LhaL
Cod AlmlghLy dellberaLely placed each leLLer of Lhls magnlflcenL 8ook ln lLs lnLended place
because such aLLenLlon Lo deLall ls such LhaL no person would care Lo achleve
The speciaI Ietters
1o relLeraLe Lhe speclal leLLers ln Lhe Cur'an are
' , - _ = , _ ~
We wrlLe Lhe verse agaln below ln order Lo exLracL whaL speclal leLLers lL conLalns
=, )=( '~, ~' , - )' ( ',--,, --,, )- - - , '(
, ~ - )- ~( =, )=( ' - ) - '( ~-, _ = - ) = _ = -(
1he speclal leLLers of Lhls verse are Lherefore
1he Marels o the Number Seen in the Noble Qur`an
' _ ~ - ,
Looklng for Lhese leLLers ln each word of Lhe verse we consLrucL Lhe followlng arrangemenL
=, )=( '~, ~' , - )' ( ',--,, --,, )- - - , '(
, ~ - )- ~( =, )=( ' - ) - '( ~-, _ = - ) = _ = -(
1hls number 00 ls a mulLlple of 7 lf read from elLher dlrecLlon
5303550 = 757650 x 7
553035 = 79005 x 7
1he LoLal number of speclal leLLers ln Lhe verse ls also a mulLlple of 7
5 + 3 + 3 + 5 + 5 = 21
21 = 3 x 7
Slnce Lhe LoLal number of leLLers ln Lhls verse ls 2 Lhe LoLal number of ordlnary 'nonspeclal'
leLLers ls 7 and we wlll now see how Lhese 7 leLLers are perfecLly arranged across Lhls verse
The non-speciaI Ietters of the verse
We already counLed Lhe speclal leLLers of Lhe verse 8y defaulL Lhe remalnlng leLLers are
ordlnary nonspeclal leLLers and are spread ouL across Lhls verse ln Lhe followlng manner
=, )=( '~, ~' , - )' ( ',--,, --,, )- - - , '(
1 0 1
, ~ - )- ~( =, )=( ' - ) - '( ~-, _ = - ) = _ = -(
2 0 1 2
1he number 2012101 ls [usL llke Lhe number produced from arranglng Lhe speclal leLLers a
mulLlple of 7 when read from either dlrecLlon
2012101 = 287443 x 7
1he Marels o the Number Seen in the Noble Qur`an
1012102 = 144586 x 7
ln oLher words here ls a verse conslsLlng of 7 words 4 x 7 leLLers x 7 speclal leLLers 7
ordlnary leLLers (all of Lhese leLLers have produced mulLlples of 7!) and Lhe verse lLself speaks
of Lhe heavens whlch accordlng Lo Lhe Poly Cur'an are 7!
The Ietters of "Ar-Rahmn" ( V,=-- )
Cod AlmlghLy's name Ar8ahman" meanlng 1he 8eneflcenL has lLs leLLers spread ouL across
Lhls verse ln a way conslsLenL wlLh Lhe number 7 1he leLLers of Lhls name
' , _ ~
=, )=( '~, ~' , - )' ( ',--,, --,, )- - - , '(
4 0
, ~ - )- ~( =, )=( ' - ) - '( ~-, _ = - ) = _ = -(
0 1
3301340 = 471620 x 7
1he LoLal number of Ar8ahman" leLLers ls also a mulLlple of 7
3 + 3 + 1 + 3 + 4 = 14
14 = 2 x 7
The Ietters of the BasmaIa
1he leLLers of Lhe flrsL verse ln Lhe Cur'an Lhe 8asmala are also spread ouL ln Lhls verse ln
accordance wlLh Lhe number 7 1he 8asmala ls
~ ' = ' - = '
lLs leLLers are
~ , ' - , _ ~
Searchlng for Lhese leLLers ln Lhe unlverse verse Lhe followlng arrangemenL arlses
=, )=( '~, ~' , - )' ( ',--,, --,, )- - - , '(
1he Marels o the Number Seen in the Noble Qur`an
, ~ - )- ~( =, )=( ' - ) - '( ~-, _ = - ) = _ = -(
4 0 4
1he number 4040 ls a mulLlple of 7 Lhree Llmes!!
4304650 = 12550 x 7 x 7 x 7
The connection with the BasmaIa
A greaL connecLlon exlsLs beLween Lhe 8asmala and Lhe unlverse verse ln Lerms of Lhe chapLer
number verse number and word counL 1he 8asmala lles ln SuraL AllaLlhah whlch ls chapLer 1
of Lhe Cur'an lL ls verse 1 of Lhe chapLer and ls made up no more Lhan 4 words 1he verse
whlch speaks of Lhe unlverse's expanslon ls verse 47 of chapLer 1 SuraL AlZarlyaL (ChapLer
1he Wlnnowlng Wlnds) lL conslsLs of 7 words WrlLlng Lhese numbers below produces Lhe
followlng arrangemenL
unlverse expanslon verse 8asmala verse
Words verse ChapLer Words verse ChapLer
7 47 1 4 1 1
1he resulLlng number ls 7471411 a mulLlple of 7 Lwlce!
74751411 = 1525539 x 7 x 7
8everslng Lhls number sLlll glves a mulLlple of 7
11415747 = 1630821 x 7
Cne Lhlng LhaL sprlngs Lo mlnd wlLh regards Lo Lhe examples we have wlLness ls Lhe creativity
of Lhe Cur'an's numerlc mlracle every verse carrles lLs own unlque numerlc sysLem and lLs
own unlque seL of arrangemenLs
And now we may ask whaL happens lf we sLudy only a segment of a verse and noL an enLlre
one? uoes Lhe numerlc mlracle persevere? LeL's Lake a look
A MiracIe in a Segment
CuL of Lhe 2 leLLers comprlslng Lhe Arablc alphabeL Cod AlmlghLy wlLh Pls lnflnlLe wlsdom
has chosen Lhree wlLh whlch Lo name Plmself namely Allf" () Lm" () and P'" (, )
1hese leLLers whlch consLrucL Lhe name Allah" )-' ( have been mlraculously arranged
across a pleLhora of verses ln Lhe Cur'an as a hldden waLermark conflrmaLlon Lo
1he Marels o the Number Seen in the Noble Qur`an
humanlLy LhaL Lhls 8ook ls Lhe word of Cod and LhaL every leLLer as such ls Pls word lndeed
Lhe numerlc mlracle of Lhe leLLers of Lhe name of Allah" ( ' + ) ls a masLerplece of a specLacle
LhaL porLrays lLself ln Loday's age of Lechnology a wlLness Lo Lhe LruLh of Lhe 8ook of Cod
Who is more truthfuI than God?
ln addresslng manklnd Cod AlmlghLy sLaLes
- ~ ' ' - ~' - ' ~ = ' = - ' + =~ - ~ , - = ~ ' + ' -
- ~ = ' +- ' ~
~= ' ' - = ,- - -~ , - ^ --' J---
8uL Lhose who belleve and do deeds of rlghLeousness we shall soon admlL Lhem Lo gardens
wlLh rlvers flowlng beneaLhLo dwell Lhereln for ever Cods promlse ls Lhe LruLh and whose
word can be truer than Gods?
Alnlsa' 4122
1he flnal segmenL of Lhls verse sLaLes
,-- -~ , - ^ --' J---
and whose word can be truer than Gods?
1hls quesLlon posed by Lhe Poly Cur'an Lo all of manklnd ls a rheLorlc one whlch asks Could
Lhere be a creaLlon of Cod LhaL ls acLually more LruLhful Lhan Lhe very CreaLor of Lhe heavens
and Lhe earLh?
8uL does Cod AlmlghLy Lhe CreaLor of Lhe seven heavens need Lo ask such a quesLlon? ls Pe ln
facL ln need of anyone Lo belleve hlm? Pe needs none of Lhls of course buL poses Lhls quesLlon
ouL of mercy for manklnd ln order for Lhem Lo belleve and have falLh neverLheless however
we are opLlmlsLlc and say Lhls lf Lhe language of words ls noL convlnclng enough whlch ls Lhe
case wlLh counLless numbers of people Lhen Lhe unequlvocal language of numbers slmply
cannoL be denled
And now we embark on a [ourney wlLh Lhe passage and whose word can be Lruer Lhan
Cod's? and wlLness Lhe brllllanL numerlc sysLem behlnd Lhese eloquenLly chosen words ln
hopes of belng ever more confldenL LhaL Cod AlmlghLy ls lndeed Lhelr Cne and only auLhor
The Ietter count
We wrlLe Lhe LruLh passage" below along wlLh Lhe leLLer counL of each word
1he Marels o the Number Seen in the Noble Qur`an
=, )=( , -~, ) -( ~,, -, ) ~ ( , - ) -( ~' )' ,( `- ) ' (
4 4 2 4 2 1
1he number 442421 ls a mulLlple of 7 twice
442421 = 9029 x 7 x 7
A breathtaking connection with the Ietters of "AIIah"
We already esLabllshed LhaL Lhe leLLers of Lhe name Allah" )-' ( are
' -
We now look for Lhese leLLers ln each word of Lhe segmenL below and see whaL Lhls produces
=, )=( , -~, ) -( ~,, -, ) ~ ( , - ) -( ~' )' ,( `- ) ' (
2 4 0 1 0 0
1he number 240100 produces an absoluLely brllllanL seL of mulLlples
240100 = 34300 x 7
34300 = 4900 x 7
4900 = 700 x 7
700 = 100 x 7
So asLoundlngly here ls a passage Lalklng abouL Cod Lhe number represenLlng Lhe leLLers of Pls
name across lL ls a mulLlple of seven 4 Llmes and 4 ls also Lhe number of leLLers of Cod's very
name! noL only LhaL buL ls noL Lhe flnal resulL whlch leaves us wlLh Lhe number 100 almosL a
deflnlLe conflrmaLlon LhaL Lhls Poly Cur'an ls Lhe word of Cod 100?
The magnificent quotients
1he number obLalned as a resulL of dlvlng numbers ls called Lhe quoLlenL We [usL wlLnessed
LhaL Lhe number represenLlng Lhe arrangemenL of Lhe leLLer counL of Lhe LruLh passage ls
442421 a mulLlple of 7 Lwlce Also we saw LhaL Lhe number represenLlng Lhe leLLers of Allah"
ln Lhe same passage ls 240100 a mulLlple of 7 four Llmes
And now we rewrlLe Lhe above resulLs and observe Lhe followlng ouLcomes relaLlng Lo Lhe
1he Marels o the Number Seen in the Noble Qur`an
O1he arrangemenL of Lhe leLLer counL of Lhe passage produced
442421 = 9029 x 7 x 7
O1he arrangemenL of Lhe Allah" leLLers ln Lhe passage produced
240100 = 100 x 7 x 7 x 7 x 7
WhaL ls Lruly amazlng ls LhaL lf we Lake Lhe Lwo quoLlenLs 100 and 9029 and comblne Lhem
lnLo a slngle number Lhe resulL ls a 7dlglL mulLlple of 7
1009029 = 144147 x 7
1haL's noL Lhe only amazlng facL abouL Lhe above resulL 1aklng Lhe sum of Lhe dlglLs of Lhe
number 1009029 we sLlll arrlve aL a mulLlple of 7
1 + 9 + 2 + 9 = 21
21 = 3 x 7
?eL anoLher mulLlple of 7 exlsLs 1he quoLlenL of dlvldlng 1009029 by 7 ls 144147 shown above
AsLoundlngly Lhe sum of Lhls quoLlenL's dlglLs ls noL only a mulLlple of 7 buL lL ls Lhe same
mulLlple of 7 as Lhe number 1009029
1 + 4 + 4 + 1 + 4 + 7 = 21
21 = 3 x 7
ln oLher words Lhe dlglL sum of Lhe number 1009029 ls 21 Lhe same dlglL sum as LhaL of Lhe
resulL of dlvldlng lL by 7 Lhls number by 7 namely 144147!
The repetition of the Ietters of "AIIah"
As menLloned earller Lhe leLLers of Lhe name Allah" are
' -
We wlll now look for Lhe repeLlLlon of Lhese leLLers ln Lhe passage
=, )=( , -~, ) -( ~,, -, ) ~ ( , - ) -( ~' )' ,( `- ) ' (
O1he number of Allf" () leLLers ln Lhe passage ls
O1he number of Lm" () leLLers ln Lhe passage ls
O1he number of P'" (, ) leLLers ln Lhe passage 1
1he Marels o the Number Seen in the Noble Qur`an
Arranglng Lhese numbers glves us
P'" (, ) Lm" () Allf" ()
1he number 1 ls a mulLlple of 7
133 = 19 x 7
Also Lhe LoLal number of Allah" leLLers ln Lhe verse ls
1 + 3 + 3 = 7
And so we flnd LhaL ln Lhls passage whlch sLaLes and whose word can be Lruer Lhan Cods?"
Lhe number of Allah" leLLers ls 7 and Lhese leLLers spread ouL across Lhe passage ln a way LhaL
produces a mulLlple of 7 Pavlng sald Lhls we ask lf Cod AlmlghLy organlsed Lhe leLLers of Pls
name ln a manner conslsLenL wlLh Lhe number 7 could Pe have organlsed Lhe exact position
of Pls name ln Lhls passage wlLh Lhe same conslsLency? LeL's Lake a closer look aL Lhe locaLlon
of Allah's name wlLhln Lhe words of Lhls passage
The speciaI Iocation of "AIIah" in the passage of truth
1he name Allah" en[oys a speclal place ln Lhls passage one LhaL ls perfecLly coherenL wlLh Lhe
number 7 ln many ways be lL ln Lerms of word counL leLLer counL or Lhe number of Allah"
leLLers found before and afLer Pls name
llrsLly we counL Lhe number of words before and afLer Lhe name Allah" ln Lhe passage 1hls
passage conLalns flve words besldes Lhe word Allah" 4 of Lhese come before Pls name and
one comes afLer
=, )=( , -~, ) -( ~,, -, ) ~ ( , - ) -( ~' )' ,( `- ) ' (
1 4
1hls slmple arrangemenL produces 14 a mulLlple of 7
14 = 2 x 7
We now conslder Lhe passage ln more deLall and perform Lhe same exerclse wlLh Lhe leLLer
counL of Lhe words found before and afLer Allah's name
=, )=( , -~, ) -( ~,, -, ) ~ ( , - ) -( ~' )' ,( `- ) ' (
4 9
1he Marels o the Number Seen in the Noble Qur`an
1he number 49 ls anoLher mulLlple of 7
49 = 7 x 7
8uL whaL abouL Lhe Lhree leLLers maklng up Allah's name LhaL ls Allf" () Lm" () and
P'" (, )? Looklng for Lhese leLLers ln Lhe words before and afLer Allah" we flnd Lhe
)=( , -~, ) -( ~,, -, ) ~ ( , - ) -( ~' )' ,( `- ) ' (
2 1
Amazlngly even Lhe leLLers of Allah's name produce a mulLlple of 7
21 = 3 x 7
AccumuIated numbers
1he beauLlful sysLem of accumulaLed numbers emanaLes once agaln ln Lhls passage We now
consLrucL an arrangemenL formed by counLlng Lhe leLLers of each word buL ln accumulaLlon
=, )=( , -~, ) -( ~,, -, ) ~ ( , - ) -( ~' )' ,( `- ) ' (
17 1 9 7 1
17139731 = 2448533 x 7
The accumuIated numbers of "AIIah" Ietters
We now perform Lhe same exerclse of counLlng numbers ln accumulaLlon buL Lhls Llme we
only counL Lhe Lhree leLLers maklng up Allah's name namely Allf" () Lm" () and P'"
(, )
=, )=( , -~, ) -( ~,, -, ) ~ ( , - ) -( ~' )' ,( `- ) ' (
7 1 1 0 0
751100 = 107300 x 7
1herefore no maLLer how much we change Lhe manner by whlch we counL and arrange
numbers somehow Lhe conslsLency of Lhe numerlc sysLem of Lhls brllllanL passage ls
preserved a unlque wlLness Lo Lhe Cneness of Cod AlmlghLy Anyone reflecLlng upon such
resulLs musL however wonder Can any human belng so eloquenLly speak of hlmself ln one
1he Marels o the Number Seen in the Noble Qur`an
slmple senLence ln[ecLlng preclsely seven leLLers of hls name ln LhaL senLence maklng Lhe
repeLlLlon of Lhose leLLers a mulLlple of 7 and arranglng Lhem across Lhe senLence Lo creaLe a
mulLlple of 7 x 7 x 7 x 7? Also he would have Lo arrange Lhe number of words before and afLer
hls name Lo produce a mulLlple of 7 Lhe letters before and afLer hls name Lo produce a
mulLlple of 7 x 7 and Lhe leLLers of his name before and afLer hls name Lo produce a mulLlple of
7! 8uL slncerely speaklng ls Lhls humanly posslble? 1hls passage alone ls a profound example of
how Cod AlmlghLy perfecLed Lhe organlsaLlon noL only of Lhe Cur'an's words buL even lLs
letters prevenLlng any human belng from produclng Lhe llkes of Lhls mlraculous 8ook
They ouId Not !roduce the Like Thereof
Pavlng menLloned produclng Lhe llkes of Lhe Cur'an Cod AlmlghLy sLaLes
. - ~ = ' - ' ' _ = - ' - .` ' ~ , -'- - ' . - - `
- + - = , = ' - + =
Say lf Lhe whole of manklnd and !lnns were Lo gaLher LogeLher Lo produce Lhe llke of Lhls
Curan Lhey could noL produce Lhe llke Lhereof even lf Lhey backed up each oLher wlLh help
and supporL
Allsra' 17
1o sLarL off Lhe serles of brllllanL numerlc arrangemenLs perLalnlng Lo Lhls verse we wrlLe Lhe
verse agaln below along wlLh a breakdown of every word's leLLers and counL Lhe leLLers of each
- ) ( - - ) -( ,,, =' , = )' _ _ ( `' )' - ( =, )=(
1 2
- =, ' )' _ -( , _,~ = )_ .( -, ) -( =-, -, ' ) = '( , - ~ )- (
4 2 4
, ' ~ ,,), '( -, --, ' )' -( ` , ) '( _-, -, - ) = -(
~, ` ~ )- ,( =, )=( , =, ) =( , ' , - ) ' -(
2 1
1he Marels o the Number Seen in the Noble Qur`an
, _, , -- )- _ , ( , _, ) - _ ( -,= ' )= , ' (
1he resulLlng 21dlglL number 421242412 ls a lndeed a mulLlple of 7
545321552634523415632 = 77903078947789059376 x 7
The three segments of the "chaIIenge verse"
1haL ls noL all wlLh respecL Lo Lhls challenge verse because lL conslsLs of Lhree parLs
1 Say lf Lhe whole of manklnd and !lnns were Lo gaLher LogeLher
. - ~ = ' - ' '
2 Lo produce Lhe llke of Lhls Curan Lhey could noL produce Lhe llke Lhereof
_ = - ' - .` ' ~ , -'- - ' . - - `
even lf Lhey backed up each oLher wlLh help and supporL
. - - ` -' - + - = , = ' - + =
We wlll now separaLe Lhe verse lnLo lLs Lhree deslgnaLed parLs and observe Lhe leLLer counL ln
Lhe words of each parL
First part
1he leLLer counL of each word ln Lhe flrsL parL ls as follows
- ) ( - - ) -( ,,, =' , = )' _ _ (
`' )' - ( =, )=( ' - =, )' _ -(
4 1
415632 = 59376 x 7
Second part
, _,~ = )_ .( -, ) -( =-, -, ' ) = '(
1he Marels o the Number Seen in the Noble Qur`an
, - ~ )- ( , ' ~ ,,), '( -, --, ' )' -(
` , ) '( _-, -, - ) = -( ~, ` ~ )- ,(
552634523 = 78947789 x 7
Third part
=, )=( , =, ) =( , ' , - ) ' -(
2 1
, _, , -- )- _ , ( , _, ) - _ ( -,= ' )= , ' (
1he number 421 ls a mulLlple of 7 Lwlce
545321 = 11129 x 7 x 7
A MiracIe in a SingIe Word!
We wlll now pose a quesLlon LhaL some may flnd awkward Can manklnd produce even a word
llke any of Lhe words of Lhe Cur'an? We are golng Lo leL Lhe language of numbers answer LhaL
quesLlon and do Lhe Lalklng for lLself as we explore an lmporLanL word ln lslam Lhls word
relaLes Lo Lhe flrsL of Lhe sLages lnvolvlng Lhe arrlval of Lhe uay of !udgmenL Lhe blowlng of Lhe
LrumpeL and gaLherlng Lhe people of manklnd 1he speclflc word we wlll be looklng aL ls ) --- ,
_ ( whlch means wlll be blown (le Lhe LrumpeL)"
Cod AlmlghLy has placed Lhls word (and many oLher words!) across dlfferenL locaLlons ln Lhe
Poly Cur'an ln an absoluLely mlraculous manner LhaL ls perfecLly harmonlous wlLh Lhe number
ln varlous lnsLances ln Lhe Cur'an Cod has spoken of evenLs LhaL are Lo occur ln Lhe fuLure and
has also deposlLed numerlc arrangemenLs Lo prove Lhe LruLh behlnd such clalms 1he word ) ---
, _ ( has been repeaLed seven Llmes ln Lhe Cur'an and Lhe sub[ecL has been Lhe blowlng of
Lhe LrumpeL on every occaslon A small noLe musL be made wlLh regards Lo Lhls word lndeed
Lhe word ) --- , _ ( ls clLed 7 Llmes however Lhls ls noL Lo be confused wlLh Lhe
1he Marels o the Number Seen in the Noble Qur`an
word ( ,- ,=, ) whlch ls menLloned only once ln Lhe Cur'an AlLhough lL looks almosL
exacLly Lhe same as ) --- , _ ( Lhe word )_- - , , _ ( has a dlfferenL symbol on Lop of Lhe
flrsL leLLer (someLhlng we do noL need Lo worry abouL) and Lhe conLexL of Lhls word ls dlfferenL
ln Lhe Cur'an as lL does noL speak of Lhe blowlng of Lhe LrumpeL
We now llsL Lhe seven verses whlch clLe Lhe word ) --- , _ ( ln Lhelr order of appearance ln
Lhe Cur'an
1 Alkahf 199
' - - + - = , ~ - ~ _ - - -, = _ - - - - '
~ = - ' =
Cn LhaL day We shall leave Lhem Lo surge llke waves on one anoLher Lhe LrumpeL wlll be
blown and We shall collecL Lhem all LogeLher
2 AlMu'mlnun 2101
' _ - - - - ' . -' ~- - - , ~ - ~ . - -' ~
1hen when Lhe 1rumpeL ls blown Lhere wlll be no more relaLlonshlps beLween Lhem LhaL uay
nor wlll one ask afLer anoLher!
?aasln 1
_ - - - - ' ' , ~ ' ~= ' . - ~- -
1he LrumpeL shall be sounded when behold! from Lhe sepulchres (men) wlll rush forLh Lo Lhelr
4 AlZumar 9
_ - - - - ' - ~ - ~ ~ ' ~ - ' . ~ -' ~ '
_ - - - , =
' , ' - - = -
1he 1rumpeL wlll ([usL) be sounded when all LhaL are ln Lhe heavens and on earLh wlll swoon
excepL such as lL wlll please Cod (Lo exempL) 1hen wlll a second one be sounded when
behold Lhey wlll be sLandlng and looklng on!
AlZumar 9
1he Marels o the Number Seen in the Noble Qur`an
_ - - - - ' - ~ - ~ ~ ' ~ - ' . ~ -' ~ '
_ - - - , =
' , ' - - = -
1he 1rumpeL wlll ([usL) be sounded when all LhaL are ln Lhe heavens and on earLh wlll swoon
excepL such as lL wlll please Cod (Lo exempL) 1hen wlll a second one be sounded when
behold Lhey wlll be sLandlng and looklng on!
Caaf 020
_ - - - - ' = ~- = '
And Lhe 1rumpeL shall be blown LhaL wlll be Lhe uay whereof Warnlng (had been glven)
7 AlPaaqqah 91
' _ - - - - ' = ~ =
1hen when one blasL ls sounded on Lhe 1rumpeL
The chapter numbers
1hls word has been repeaLed seven Llmes ln LoLal ln slx dlfferenL chapLers We wlll now wrlLe
Lhe chapLer numbers of Lhe respecLlve chapLers whlch conLaln Lhls word
AlPaaqqah Caaf AlZumar ?aasln AlMu'mlnun Alkahf
9 0 9 2 1
Arranglng Lhe chapLers ln whlch Lhe word ) --- , _ ( ls found forms Lhe number
90921 a mulLlple of 7
695039362318 = 99291337474 x 7
1he quoLlenL ls also a mulLlple of 7
99291337474 = 14184476782 x 7
1he above quoLlenL ls anoLher mulLlple of 7
14184476782 = 2026353826 x 7
1he resulLlng quoLlenL ls also a mulLlple of 7
2026353826 = 289479118 x 7
1he Marels o the Number Seen in the Noble Qur`an
ln oLher words Lhe orlglnal number 90921 ls a mulLlple of 7 four Llmes!!
695039362318 = 289479118 x 7 x 7 x 7 x 7
Could such a magnlflcenL resulL have been slmple colncldence? 1he facL ls LhaL Lhere sLlll ls
more Lo come wlLh respecL Lo Lhls lnLrlgulng word
llrsLly Lhe flnal quoLlenL we arrlved aL ls 2947911 1he dlglL sum of Lhls number ls a mulLlple
of 7 and noL [usL any mulLlple
2 + 8 + 9 + 4 + 7 + 9 + 1 + 1 + 8 = 49
49 = 7 x 7
The finaI quotient
As ls well known ln lslam Lhe blowlng of Lhe LrumpeL occurs Lwlce and Lhe ouLcome of Lhe flrsL
soundlng of Lhe LrumpeL ls Lhe exacL opposlLe of LhaL of Lhe second soundlng 1haL ls Lhe flrsL
Llme Lhe LrumpeL ls blown all of Cod's creaLlons dle Lhe second Llme Lhey are broughL back Lo
llfe once more Slnce Lhese evenLs are opposlLes and slnce Lhe flrsL soundlng ls a reversal of
Lhe second we Lrled reversing Lhe flnal quoLlenL found from Lhe above arrangemenL namely
2947911 1hls gave 1197492 and afLer examlnlng Lhls number Lhe resulL was slmply
1he number 1197492 ls a mulLlple of 7
811974982 = 115996426 x 7
1he quoLlenL of Lhls number ls also a mulLlple of 7
115996426 = 16570918 x 7
1he resulLlng quoLlenL ls also a mulLlple of 7
16570918 = 2367274 x 7
llnally Lhe above quoLlenL ls yeL anoLher mulLlple of 7
2367274 = 338182 x 7
ln oLher words Lhe number 1197492 ls a mulLlple of 7 four Llmes!
811974982 = 338182 x 7 x 7 x 7 x 7
WhaL we are wlLnesslng here ls absoluLely amazlng because arranglng Lhe chapLers ln whlch
Lhe word ( -- =, ) gave 90921 a mulLlple of 7 four Llmes glvlng a flnal quoLlenL of
2947911 whlch when reversed ls also a mulLlple of 7 four Llmes!! And all Lhls of course ls
conslsLenL wlLh Lhe lnLerpreLaLlon of Lhe word whlch we are deallng wlLh!
1he Marels o the Number Seen in the Noble Qur`an
And now we slmply musL ask Could Lhe flrsL four mulLlples of 7 have been Lhe producL of sheer
chance? And lf so how can Lhe nexL four mulLlples of 7 posslbly be mere colncldence?
The digit sums of the quotients
We wlll now Lake Lhe lasL four quoLlenLs we found above and flnd Lhelr dlglL sums
llrsL quoLlenL 115996426 ulglL sum 1+1++9+9++4+2+ 4
Second quoLlenL 16570918 ulglL sum 1+++7+0+9+1+ 7
1hlrd quoLlenL 2367274 ulglL sum 2+++7+2+7+4 1
lourLh quoLlenL 338182 ulglL sum +++1++2 2
Arranglng Lhese sums LogeLher glves us Lhe number 2174 and lncredlbly Lhls number ls
yeL agaln a mulLlple of 7 four consecuLlve Llmes!!
25313743 = 10543 x 7 x 7 x 7 x 7
1he brllllanL sysLem of numerlc harmony we [usL wlLnessed only dealL wlLh a slngle word yeL
neverLheless served as proof of an AllWlse and Allknowlng CreaLor And lf we were Lo explore
more words from Lhe Poly Cur'an we are slmply bound Lo be conLlnuously amazed
The verse numbers
Pavlng already seen LhaL Lhe chapLers ln whlch ( -- =, ) ls menLloned produce a mulLlple of 7
four Llmes we wondered whaL we would flnd lf we arranged Lhe verse numbers ln Lhelr order
of appearance of course We now wrlLe Lhe chapLer names along wlLh Lhelr relevanL verse
AlPaaqqah Caaf AlZumar ?aasln AlMu'mlnun Alkahf
1 20 1 101 99
1he resulLlng number 120110199 ls a mulLlple of 7 twice!
1320685110199 = 26952757351 x 7 x 7
And now we ask Can any person wrlLe a book and organlse Lhe repeLlLlon of lLs words wlLh
LhaL klnd of preclslon? LeL us Lake a look aL whaL Lhe probablllLy of achlevlng such a feaL looks
llke ln maLhemaLlcal Lerms
The probabiIity of coincidence
LeL us summarlse Lhe arrangemenLs derlved from Lhe word ) --- , _ ( below
1he Marels o the Number Seen in the Noble Qur`an
Overse numbers
1320685110199 = 26952757351 x 7 x 7
OChapLer numbers
695039362318 = 289479118 x 7 x 7 x 7 x 7
OulglL sum of Lhe flnal quoLlenL from Lhe chapLer numbers" arrangemenL
2 + 8 + 9 + 4 + 7 + 9 + 1 + 1 + 8 = 49 = 7 x 7
O8everslng Lhe flnal quoLlenL from Lhe chapLer numbers" arrangemenL
811974982 = 338182 x 7 x 7 x 7 x 7
OArranglng Lhe dlglL sums of Lhe four quoLlenLs obLalned by reverslng Lhe flnal quoLlenL from
Lhe chapLer numbers" arrangemenL
25313743 = 10543 x 7 x 7 x 7 x 7
1o furLher clarlfy a word clLed 7 Llmes ln Lhe Cur'an managed Lo produce no less Lhan 1
mulLlples of 7 MaLhemaLlcally speaklng Lhe probablllLy of comlng up wlLh such a resulL would
have Lo be 1 dlvlded by 7 slxLeen Llmes or 7 Lo Lhe 1Lh power
71 2290901
1/2290901 000000000000000090
ln oLher words Lhe probablllLy of Lhese arrangemenLs belng down Lo luck ls nowhere near
belng even close Lo 01 Any sound mlnd cannoL Lherefore accepL LhaL Lhese resulLs came
abouL by colncldence
Cruclally we musL remember LhaL Lhls word has been menLloned ln varlous chapLers LhaL have
been revealed ln dlfferenL places aL dlfferenL Llmes and across many long years LhroughouL
Lhe 2 years durlng whlch Lhe ropheL (pbuh) recelved Cur'anlc revelaLlon We musL also noL
forgeL LhaL Lhls word has appeared ln verses LhaL have all spoken abouL Lhe uay of !udgmenL
and Lhe numerlc paLLerns derlved from Lhls word almosL described Lhe acLual evenL lL perLalns
1herefore we can confldenLly conclude LhaL lf we were Lo explore Lhe Lreasure of words ln Lhls
Poly Cur'an we would encounLer a neverendlng array of mlracles conflrmlng LhaL Lhls 8ook ls
absoluLely fllled wlLh secreLs slmply walLlng Lo be dlscovered lndeed whaL we have
experlenced so far can only be a spec ln a vasL ocean of mlracles and mysLery
1he Marels o the Number Seen in the Noble Qur`an
1o brlefly summarlse Lhe resulLs of Lhls parL we say Lhls
When Cod spoke abouL Lhe expanslon of Lhe unlverse noL only dld modern sclence prove Lhls
facL many years laLer buL so dld Lhe language of numbers laLer on
When Pe spoke abouL preservlng Lhe Poly Cur'an and proLecLlng lL from human plaglarlsm
hlsLory proved Lhls facL Lrue lor desplLe Lhe varlous aLLempLs almed aL edlLlng and alLerlng Lhe
Cur'an lL sLood Lhe LesL of Llme and remalned a beacon for humanlLy and Loday Lhe language
of numbers agaln proved LhaL Lhe Cur'an has arrlved safely Lo all of manklnd unedlLed and
errorfree from Lhe CreaLor of Lhe heavens and Lhe earLh
We have also proven uslng Lhe language of numbers LhaL no man can ever produce even a
segmenL of a verse llke any ln Lhe Cur'an noL only LhaL buL we also showed Lhe lmposslblllLy of
produclng so much as a slngle word!
lndeed Lhe examples lllusLraLed ln Lhls parL are subsLanLlal proof for anyone flndlng hlmself
scepLlcal abouL Lhe Cur'an LhaL Lhls ls a 8ook LhaL slmply cannoL be dupllcaLed buL whaL ls
mosL admlrlng ls LhaL Lhe 8ook lLself declares lLs uLLer confldence ln Lhls facL
uo Lhey noL conslder Lhe Curan (wlLh care)? Pad lL been from oLher 1han Cod Lhey would
surely have found Lhereln Much dlscrepancy
Alnlsa' 42
1he Marels o the Number Seen in the Noble Qur`an
!ART 7
Among the real mysteries of the Holy Qur'an are those seemingly random letters found
at the forefront of about one quarter of the chapters of the Qur'an. That being said, has
the age arrived where we finally discover at least some of the secrets behind these
'special' letters? Can the language of numbers reveal some of their marvels?
Although scholars have never been able to fully explain the meaning behind these
letters, most have appropriately given their opinion on the matter by saying, "God knows
best!". Indeed, they did not discourage reflecting upon these letters and researching
them. And as such, we have undertaken a detailed study into the arrangement and
repetition of these mystifying letters, only to discover that underlying them is a most
profound miracle of numbers.
In this part is an abundance of numeric illustrations depicting the relationship of these
letters with the number 7, which is the basis of the these letters' numeric system and the
foundation of the numeric miracle in general. This part is also a response to any claims
that the Holy Qur'an contains meaningless letters, because the numeric system behind
the special letters is clear evidence of their inimitability, in today's age of numbers and
1he Marels o the Number Seen in the Noble Qur`an
The Most Mysterious Letters
AfLer wlLnesslng ln prevlous parLs some of Lhe numerlc wonders of Lhe flrsL verse ln Lhe
Cur'an and Lhe flrsL chapLer whaL abouL Lhe flrsL verse ln Lhe second chapLer whlch represenLs
Lhe flrsL example of a 'speclal phrase' ln Lhe Cur'an namely ( ' . ) or Allf Lm Mlm"?
WhaL can we Lell abouL Lhese Lhree leLLers LhaL Cod AlmlghLy deposlLed dlrecLly afLer Lhe flrsL
chapLer of Pls 8ook?
Cod has chosen LhaL 29 chapLers of Pls 8ook begln wlLh speclal phrases here Lhey are llsLed
1 SuraL al8aqarah (ChapLer 2 1he Cow) beglns wlLh Lhe Lhree leLLers ). ' (
2 SuraL al'lmran (ChapLer 1he lamlly of 'lmran) beglns wlLh ). ' (
SuraL alA'raf (ChapLer 7 1he PelghLs) beglns wlLh Lhe four leLLers )~.' (
4 SuraL ?unus (ChapLer 10 !onah) beglns wlLh ). ' (
SuraL Pud (ChapLer 11 Pud) beglns wlLh ). ' (
SuraL ?usuf (ChapLer 12 !oseph) beglns wlLh ). ' (
7 SuraL al8a'd (ChapLer 1 1he 1hunder) beglns wlLh ). ' (
SuraL lbrahlm (ChapLer 14 Abraham) beglns wlLh ). ' (
9 SuraL alPl[r (ChapLer 1 SLoneland) beglns wlLh ). ' (
10 SuraL Maryam (ChapLer 19 Mary) beglns wlLh Lhe flve leLLers ) - - (
11 SuraL 1aha (ChapLer 20 1aha) beglns wlLh Lhe Lwo leLLers ) =(
12 SuraL alShuara' (ChapLer 2 1he oeLs) beglns wlLh )= (
1 SuraL alnaml (ChapLer 27 1he AnLs) beglns wlLh )= (
14 SuraL alCasas (ChapLer 2 SLorles) beglns wlLh )= (
1 SuraL al'AnkabuL (ChapLer 29 1he Splder) beglns wlLh ). ' (
1 SuraL al8uum (ChapLer 0 1he 8omans) beglns wlLh ). ' (
17 SuraL Luqmaan (ChapLer 1 Luqmaan) beglns wlLh ). ' (
1 SuraL alSa[dah (ChapLer 2 1he rosLraLlon) beglns wlLh ). ' (
19 SuraL ?aasln (ChapLer ?aasln) beglns wlLh Lhe Lwo leLLers )- (
20 SuraL Sad (ChapLer 1he LeLLer Sad) beglns wlLh Lhe slngle leLLer )(
21 SuraL Chaflr (ChapLer 40 1he lorglver (Cod)) beglns wlLh Lhe Lwo leLLers )_(
1he Marels o the Number Seen in the Noble Qur`an
22 SuraL lussllaL (ChapLer 41 Lxplalned ln ueLall) beglns wlLh ( _ )
2 SuraL alShura (ChapLer 42 Councll) beglns wlLh Lwo seLs of speclal phrases )_( ln Lhe flrsL
verse and Lhe Lhree leLLers )= ( ln Lhe second
24 SuraL alZukhruf (ChapLer 4 CrnamenLs of Cold) beglns wlLh )_(
2 SuraL aluukhan (ChapLer 44 Smoke) beglns wlLh )_(
2 SuraL al!aLhlya (ChapLer 4 Crouchlng) beglns wlLh )_(
27 SuraL alAhqaf (ChapLer 4 1he uunes) beglns wlLh )_(
2 SuraL Caaf (ChapLer 0 1he LeLLer Caaf) beglns wlLh )(
29 SuraL alCalam (ChapLer 1he en) beglns wlLh )-(
The speciaI Ietters and the number 7
Cbservlng Lhese varlous phrases we flnd LhaL some are repeaLed more Lhan once whlle oLhers
are noL WrlLlng Lhem below wlLhouL any repeLlLlon we flnd 14 dlfferenL phrases
J' -- ' J' , ,-- ' - |- ^= ~ = ,= ,-
= _~ - ~
Also looklng for Lhe varlous leLLers comprlslng Lhese phrases we flnd 14 dlfferenL leLLers
' , - _ = , _ ~
Pavlng esLabllshed Lhls we can now polnL ouL LhaL Cod AlmlghLy chose Lo make Lhe Arablc
alphabeL conslsL of 2 leLLers a mulLlple of 7 Also ouL of Pls wlsdom Pe ordalned for exacLly
half of Lhese leLLers Lo be found aL Lhe beglnnlng of a quarLer of Lhe chapLers of Lhe Cur'an
1he flrsL maLLer LhaL caughL scholarly aLLenLlon was LhaL Lhe number of speclal leLLers ls 14 and
also LhaL Lhe number of speclal phrases ls also 14 WhaL caughL my aLLenLlon ls Lhls number
14" and l expecLed lL be Lhe key Lo solvlng Lhe secreL of Lhese leLLers because of lLs double
Analyslng Lhe number 14 furLher we flnd LhaL lL ls a mulLlple of 2 and 7 ln oLher words 2 x 7
14 lndeed parL of Lhe lmporLance of Lhe number 7 ln Lhe Cur'an appears when we flnd Lhe
number of speclal leLLers Lo be double Lhls number
8uL whaL abouL Lhe number 2? lf anyLhlng Lhls number represenLs concepLs of mulLlples and
repeLlLlon 1haL ls Lhe baslc rules of calculaLlon Lell us LhaL any number mulLlplled by 2
produces a new mulLlple of LhaL number And ln Lhls perhaps ls a subLle slgn from Cod
1he Marels o the Number Seen in the Noble Qur`an
AlmlghLy for us Lo noLlce a numerlc mlracle ln Lhese speclal leLLers LhaL ls based on Lhe number
7 and lLs mulLlples As such Pe made Lhe number of Lhese leLLers 2 x 7
1herefore reflecLlng upon Lhese leLLers and observlng Lhelr organlsaLlon and repeLlLlon across
Lhe leLLers words verses and chapLers of Lhe Cur'an we are opLlmlsLlc of flndlng arrangemenLs
founded upon Lhe number 7 and lLs mulLlples
The wisdom behind the Ietters
AfLer exLenslve research l came Lo Lhe concluslon LhaL Lhe wlsdom behlnd Lhe exlsLence of
Lhese leLLers was LhaL Lhey had Lo conLaln a mlracle of some sorL and LhaL Lhe purpose behlnd
Lhls mlracle was Lo presenL some klnd of Langlble lndlcaLlon LhaL Lhe Poly Cur'an ls a 8ook senL
down from Cod AlmlghLy and LhaL lL ls Lhe word of Cod and noL of man
Pumans for one Lhlng are lncapable or auLhorlng books ln whlch Lhey organlse every one of lLs
leLLers ln accordance wlLh an accuraLe numerlc sysLem because LhaL wlll cerLalnly corrupL Lhe
book from a llngulsLlc polnL of vlew 1he Poly Cur'an however ls boLh numerlcally and
llngulsLlcally accuraLe We wlll see LhaL Lhese leLLers are buL a sound response Lo anyone who
may clalm Lo produce a chapLer llke one of Lhe Cur'an's
And as we embark on Lhls [ourney where we wlll merely conslder Lhe flrsL speclal phrase ln Lhe
Cur'an we wlll wlLness Lhe perfecL numerlc sysLem by whlch Cod AlmlghLy organlsed Lhese
The Sequence of hapters that Open with ( ' J ) "AIif. Lm. Mm."
Looklng for Lhe chapLers whlch sLarL wlLh ). ' ( Allf Lm Mlm" we flnd LhaL Lhere are slx
ln LoLal 1hese are Al8aqarah Al'lmran Al'AnkabuL Al8uum Luqmaan and AlSa[dah 1he
order of Lhese chapLers ouL of all Lhose LhaL begln wlLh speclal leLLers ls as follows
1 SuraL Al8aqarah
2 SuraL Al'lmran
1 SuraL Al'AnkabuL
1 SuraL Al8uum
17 SuraL Luqmaan
1 SuraL AlSa[dah
Arranglng Lhese numbers we flnd
1he Marels o the Number Seen in the Noble Qur`an
AlSa[dah Luqmaan Al8uum Al'AnkabuL Al'lmran Al8aqarah
1 17 1 1 2 1
1he number 1171121 ls a mulLlple of 7
1817161521 = 259594503 x 7
1he quoLlenL ls also a mulLlple of 7
259594503 = 37084929 x 7
1he quoLlenL ls yeL anoLher mulLlple of 7
37084929 = 5297847 x 7
ln oLher words 1171121 29747 x 7 x 7 x 7!! lnLeresLlngly when we Lake Lhe dlglL sum of
Lhe flnal quoLlenL 29747 we are lefL wlLh a beauLlful flnal resulL
5 + 2 + 9 + 7 + 8 + 4 + 7 = 42
42 = 6 x 7
1he flnal resulL we arrlve aL Lhe number ls Lhe LoLal number of chapLers beglnnlng wlLh
). ' ( Allf Lm Mlm"!!
Meccan and Medinan chapters
1he Meccan Surahs are Lhose chapLers LhaL were revealed earller durlng Lhe ropheL's years of
revelaLlon ln Lhe clLy of Makkah 1he Medlnan Surahs are Lhose LhaL were revealed ln Lhe clLy
Medlna laLer on ln Lhe llfe of Lhe ropheL (pbuh)
CuL of Lhe slx chapLers we are deallng wlLh Lhe flnal four are Meccan Surahs 1helr sequence
ouL of Lhose chapLers beglnnlng wlLh speclal leLLers ls as follows
AlSa[dah Luqmaan Al8uum Al'AnkabuL
1 17 1 1
18171615 = 2595945 x 7
1he remalnlng Lwo chapLers Al8aqarah and Al'lmran were revealed ln Medlna
Al'lmran Al8aqarah
2 1
21 = 3 x 7
1he Marels o the Number Seen in the Noble Qur`an
Verse numbers
Slnce Lhe speclal phrase ( ' . ) Allf Lm Mlm" ls found aL Lhe beglnnlng of chapLers
whaL happens when we arrange each phrase's verse number? Well slnce each of Lhese phrases
ls Lhe openlng verse of lLs respecLlve chapLer Lhey are all verse 1 ?eL even so arranglng Lhls
number glves a mulLlple of 7
111111 = 15873 x 7
Cruclally had Lhe number of chapLers beglnnlng wlLh ). ' ( been or 7 Lhe resulLlng
arrangemenL would noL produce a mulLlple of 7!
The totaI number of verses of each chapter
1he LoLal number of verses ln each of Lhe chapLers ls shown below
OSuraL Al8aqarah conslsLs of 2 verses
OSuraL Al'lmran conslsLs of 200 verses
OSuraL Al'AnkabuL conslsLs of 9 verses
OSuraL Al8uum conslsLs of 0 verses
OSuraL Luqmaan conslsLs of 4 verses
OSuraL AlSa[dah conslsLs of 0 verses
LeL us now arrange Lhese numbers
AlSa[dah Luqmaan Al8uum Al'AnkabuL Al'lmran Al8aqarah
0 4 0 9 200 2
1he number represenLlng Lhe verse counL of each chapLer beglnnlng wlLh ). ' ( ln Lhe
order of appearance ln Lhe Cur'an ls 04092002 1hls number has four noLable feaLures
1 lL ls 14 dlglLs long or 2 x 7
2 lL ls a mulLlple of 7
30346069200286 = 4335152742898 x 7
1he LoLal number of verses ls a mulLlple of 7
30 + 34 + 60 + 69 + 200 + 286 = 679
679 = 97 x 7
1he Marels o the Number Seen in the Noble Qur`an
4 lLs dlglL sum ls a mulLlple of 7
3 + 3 + 4 + 6 + 6 + 9 + 2 + 2 + 8 + 6 = 49
49 = 7 x 7
1he arrangemenL of Lhe verses creaLed a mulLlple of 7 dlglL sum of Lhe arrangemenL creaLes a
mulLlple of 7 (7x7!!) and Lhe sum of Lhe verses creaLed a mulLlple of 7 ls Lhls noL a profound
And now whaL abouL Lhe arrangemenL of Lhe leLLers ( ' . ) across varlous words of Lhe
Cur'an and ls Lhe numerlc sysLem malnLalned? LeL's Lake a look
The Numeric System Behind the SpeciaI !hrase ). ' (
We now explore Lhe flrsL chapLer ln whlch Lhe speclal phrase ). ' ( ls found before we
sLudy Lhe very lasL chapLer ln whlch lL ls clLed
The first chapter starting with )- ' (
1he flrsL verse of Al8aqarah whlch ls ). ' ( ls followed by a verse whlch sLaLes
= ' . - - , ~ , - - ~
1hls ls Lhe 8ook ln lL ls guldance sure wlLhouL doubL Lo Lhose who fear Cod
Al8aqarah 22
Amazlngly we wlll soon flnd ouL LhaL Cod AlmlghLy has organlsed Lhe Lhree leLLers ). ' (
across Lhls verse ln a manner LhaL ls perfecLly coherenL wlLh Lhe number 7
Cnce agaln Lhe Lhree leLLers we are conslderlng are
We wlll now wrlLe Lhe second verse of Al8aqarah below and search for Lhe above Lhree leLLers
ln each of lLs words And under each word we wrlLe Lhe LoLal number of Allf" () Lm" ()
and Mlm" () leLLers lL conLalns
1he Marels o the Number Seen in the Noble Qur`an
.~, , ) ( =, ' _ - )' -( `, ) '( , , , - ) -(
0 2 2 1
- ) ,( .~ - , ), ~ .( - ~-, ~ , - ) -(
0 0
1he number represenLlng Lhe amounL of Allf Lm Mlm" leLLers ln each word of Lhe above
verse ls 000221 a mulLlple of 7
3000221 = 428603 x 7
Amazlngly Lhe above quoLlenL ls also a mulLlple of 7
428603 = 61229 x 7
Lven more amazlngly Lhe resulLlng quoLlenL ls sLlll a mulLlple of 7!
61229 = 8747 x 7
ln oLher words our orlglnal number 000221 ls a mulLlple of 7 Lhree Llmes!
3000221 = 8747 x 7 x 7 x 7
1hls resulL can only be a deflnlLe conflrmaLlon LhaL Cod AlmlghLy alone could have deslgned Lhls
verse and perfecLed every one of lLs leLLers And Lo appreclaLe Lhe accuracy of lLs words we wlll
conslder one of lLs more mlnuLe deLalls
1he word )-' ' ( whlch means 1he 8ook" ls wrlLLen ln a dlfferenL manner ln sLandard
Arablc Lhan lL ls found ln Lhe Cur'an We can observe Lhe dlfference here
Cur'anlc Arablc SLandard Arablc
-- ' '~ - - '
1he exLra Allf" () found ln Lhe sLandard verslon of Lhe word would have desLroyed all Lhe
above arrangemenLs because lL would have produced Lhe number 00021 whlch ls noL a
mulLlple of 7!
The arrangement of words
arL of Lhe greaLness of Lhe Cur'an's numerlc mlracle ls lLs creaLlvlLy and Lhe dlfferenL meLhods
by whlch numbers can be counLed and arranged Cne of Lhe baslc rules when sLudylng numbers
ln Lhe Cur'an ls Lhe followlng onezero rule"
1he Marels o the Number Seen in the Noble Qur`an
OWords conLalnlng any Allf" () Lm" () and Mlm" () leLLers are asslgned Lhe number 1
OWords conLalnlng no such leLLers are asslgned Lhe number 0
We now rewrlLe Lhe verse wlLh Lhls slmple rule ln mlnd
.~, , ) ( =, ' _ - )' -( `, ) '( , , , - ) -(
0 1 1 1
- ) ,( .~ - , ), ~ .( - ~-, ~ , - ) -(
1 0 0
1000111 = 142873 x 7
The arrangement of words and Ietters
lrom Lhe above arrangemenLs we can deduce LhaL Lhe LoLal number of Allf" () Lm" ()
and Mlm" () leLLers ln Lhe verse ls and Lhe LoLal number of Allf" () Lm" () and Mlm" ()
words ls 4 LeL us see Lhe arrangemenL below
Allf Lm Mlm" leLLers Allf Lm Mlm" words
84 = 12 x 7
The Iast chapter starting with )- ' (
1he flnal Cur'anlc chapLer LhaL beglns wlLh Lhe speclal phrase Allf Lm Mlm" as lLs flrsL verse
ls SuraL AlSa[dah As we dld wlLh SuraL Al8aqarah we now conslder Lhe verse LhaL dlrecLly
follows Lhese speclal leLLers
.- - ' . - - ~ - - ~ '
(1hls ls) Lhe 8evelaLlon of Lhe 8ook ln whlch Lhere ls no doubL from Lhe Lord of Lhe Worlds
AlSa[dah 22
1he Marels o the Number Seen in the Noble Qur`an
Agaln we wlll look for Lhe number of Allf" () Lm" () and Mlm" () leLLers ln each one of
Lhe words ln Lhls verse
-, ) - ( , , ' )' -( `, ) '( , , , - ) -(
0 2 2 1
- ) ,( - ~ ) -( - ) -( , .' , ~,~= , - )' _ -(
4 0 1 0
1he number 40100221 ls a mulLlple of 7 even when compleLely reversed!
40100221 = 5728603 x 7
12200104 = 1742872 x 7
The arrangement of words
uslng Lhe onezero" rule we asslgn Lhe number 0 Lo any words conLalnlng no Allf Lm Mlm"
leLLers and Lhe number 1 Lo words conLalnlng any Allf Lm Mlm" leLLers
-, ) - ( , , ' )' -( `, ) '( , , , - ) -(
0 1 1 1
- ) ,( - ~ ) -( - ) -( , .' , ~,~= , - )' _ -(
1 0 1 0
10100111 = 1442873 x 7
The arrangement of words and Ietters
1he number of words conLalnlng any Allf Lm Mlm" leLLers ls and Lhe number of Allf
Lm Mlm" leLLers ln Lhe verse ls 10
Allf Lm Mlm" LeLLers Allf Lm Mlm" Words
105 = 15 x 7
The arrangements found in both verses
1 1he number represenLlng Lhe arrangemenL of Lhe speclal leLLers Allf Lm Mlm" across Lhe
words of Al8aqarah's second verse ls a mulLlple of 7 Lhree Llmes
1he Marels o the Number Seen in the Noble Qur`an
2 1he number represenLlng Lhe arrangemenL of Lhe speclal leLLers Allf Lm Mlm" across Lhe
words of AlSa[dah's second verse ls a mulLlple of 7 lf read from elLher dlrecLlon
1he number represenLlng Lhe exlsLence of any Allf Lm Mlm" leLLers across Lhe words of
Al8aqarah's second verse uslng Lhe onezero" rule ls a mulLlple of 7
4 1he number represenLlng Lhe exlsLence of any Allf Lm Mlm" leLLers across Lhe words of
AlSa[dah's second verse uslng Lhe onezero" rule ls a mulLlple of 7
Arranglng Lhe LoLal number of Allf Lm Mlm" words wlLh Lhe LoLal number of Allf Lm
Mlm" leLLers from Al8aqarah's second verse lnLo a slngle number produces 4 a mulLlple of 7
(4 12 x 7)
Arranglng Lhe LoLal number of Allf Lm Mlm" words wlLh Lhe LoLal number of Allf Lm
Mlm" leLLers from AlSa[dah's second verse lnLo a slngle number produces 10 also mulLlple of
7 (10 1 x 7)
7 1he above Lwo quoLlenLs from summary polnLs and form Lhe number 112 when
comblned whlch ls a mulLlple of 7
1512 = 216 x 7
lnLeresLlngly Lhe resulLlng quoLlenL 21 ls a mulLlple of Lhe number 6 Lhree Llmes!
216 = 6 x 6 x 6
And of course ls Lhe LoLal number of chapLers beglnnlng wlLh Allf Lm Mlm"!
An lnLeresLlng connecLlon lles beLween Lhe Lwo verses LeL us flrsL revlslL Lhe numbers (from
boLh verses) whlch represenL Lhe amounL of Allf Lm Mlm" leLLers ln every word
3000221 = 8747 x 7 x 7 x 7
40100221 = 5728603 x 7
1he Lwo quoLlenLs 720 and 747 when comblned lnLo a slngle number produce yeL
anoLher mulLlple of 7!
57286038747 = 8183719821 x 7
And so afLer wlLnesslng no less Lhan 10 mulLlples of 7 connecLed Lo Allf Lm Mlm" from only
Lwo verses [usL how many mulLlples mlghL we flnd lf we were Lo examlne all Lhe chapLers LhaL
open wlLh Lhese mysLlfylng leLLers?
1he Marels o the Number Seen in the Noble Qur`an
We polnL ouL agaln LhaL Lhe word ( ` ' ) meanlng 1he 8ook" ls wrlLLen as ) ' ( ln
Lhe Cur'an LhaL ls wlLhouL an exLra Allf" leLLer lf Lhls were noL Lhe case Lhe numerlc
arrangemenLs found above would also cease Lo exlsL 1he same ls Lrue wlLh regards Lo Lhe
second verse and Lhe word )-- ~ ' ' ( whlch ls wrlLLen wlLhouL an exLra Allf" as )-- ~ ~ ' (
ln Lhe Cur'an 1hls only emphaslses Lhe crlLlcal lmporLance of relylng solely on Lhe Poly Cur'an
as Lhe reference for sLudylng Lhe numerlc mlracle and adherlng sLrlcLly Lo Lhe exacL way by
whlch lLs words are wrlLLen
And now we explore anoLher verse and a mosL profound one lndeed wlLnesslng how Lhe
speclal leLLers Allf Lm Mlm" are spread ouL across lLs words buL also how Lhe leLLers of Cod
AlmlghLy's very name Allah" are arranged across lL as well
InimitabiIity in a Verse
Cod AlmlghLy sLaLes
, ~ ' - - - -- ' = ' -' ~ - . ' . ' , - ' - '
Pe lL ls Who shapes you ln Lhe wombs as Pe pleases 1here ls no god buL Pe Lhe LxalLed ln
MlghL Lhe Wlse
1hls verse ls found ln SuraL Al'lmran (ChapLer 1he lamlly of 'lmran) a chapLer whlch beglns
wlLh Lhe speclal phrase ).' ( Allf Lm Mlm" or more clearly
We wlll now wrlLe Lhe verse below and clLe how many of Lhese Lhree leLLers ls found ln each
=,, ), =( ~ ' )' ( - , - , = ) = ( ) (
0 1 2 0
,, ,, ' '= )' _ ' ( , , , ) ( , , ' ~ - ) '(
1 0
`, ) '( , , ) ,( ' ) '( =,, ), =(
0 2 2
1he Marels o the Number Seen in the Noble Qur`an
, .' , -- = )' _ ( , .' , - = )' _ (
Amazlngly Lhe number 2022100120 ls a mulLlple of 7 even when reversed! noL only LhaL
buL Lhe reversal of Lhls number ls a mulLlple of 7 Lwlce
3203221050120 = 457603007160 x 7
0210501223023 = 4295943327 x 7 x 7
Moreover Lhe dlglL sum of Lhe number 2022100120 ln oLher words Lhe LoLal number of
Allf Lm Mlm" leLLers ln Lhe verse also creaLes a mulLlple of 7
3 + 2 + 3 + 2 + 2 + 1 + 5 + 1 + 2 = 21
21 = 3 x 7
1he Cne who revealed Lhls verse ls Cod AlmlghLy and [usL as Pe perfecLly organlsed Lhe leLLers
).' ( across Lhe verse slmllarly Lhe leLLers of Pls own name Allah" are eloquenLly sLrucLured
The arrangement of the Ietters of AIIah's name
1he leLLers of Lhe name )-' ( Allah" are Allf" () Lm" () and P'" (, ) or
' -
Searchlng for Lhese leLLers ln Lhe words of Lhe verse produces Lhe followlng arrangemenL
=,, ), =( ~ ' )' ( - , - , = ) = ( ) (
0 0 2 1
,, ,, ' '= )' _ ' ( , , , ) ( , , ' ~ - ) '(
1 0 4
`, ) '( , , ) ,( ' ) '( =,, ), =(
1 2
, .' , -- = )' _ ( , .' , - = )' _ (
2 2
1he Marels o the Number Seen in the Noble Qur`an
1he number 22121040021 ls also a mulLlple of 7 lf read from any dlrecLlon!
2213321040021 = 316188720003 x 7
1200401233122 = 171485890446 x 7
noL only LhaL buL Lhe LoLal number Allf" () Lm" () and P'" (, ) leLLers ln Lhe verse ls
also a mulLlple of 7
2 + 2 + 1 + 3 + 3 + 2 + 1 + 4 + 2 + 1 = 21
21 = 3 x 7
The number of Ietters in the verse
lnLeresLlngly Lhe LoLal number of leLLers ln Lhe verse (whlch can be counLed from Lhe above
lllusLraLlons) ls 49!!
49 = 7 x 7
And observlng Lhe brllllance of Lhese resulLs we have found LhaL Lhe arrangemenL of boLh Lhe
speclal leLLers ).' ( and Lhe leLLers of Cod's name )-' ( across Lhe verse creaLed mulLlples of 7
even when read ln reverse 1he leLLer counL of boLh phrases ln Lhe verse was 21 anoLher
mulLlple of 7 and Lhe verse's enLlre leLLer counL was 49 or 7 x 7! And all Lhls ln a verse whlch
speclflcally speaks abouL Cod AlmlghLy's ulLlmaLe power and Cneness!
In the Midst of the Spider hapter
We now wlLness a splendld example from Lhe earller verses of SuraL Al'AnkabuL (ChapLer 1he
Splder) a chapLer whlch beglns wlLh Lhe speclal leLLers ).' ( Cod AlmlghLy sLaLes ln Lhe flve
verses whlch follow Lhls openlng
~ = ' - ' - ' - ' ' - ~' - , . - -
)1( ~ - - ' - - ~ ' ~ +
- ~ = ' - ~ ' ' ~ - ~ = - ~ ' ) 2( ~ = - ~ '
- ~ = ~ ' ' - -
' - - ~ - -' ~ ' ~ - ~ - ) 3( -' - ~ ' = -' - ' - . = ' ' , - .
, _- ~ ~ '
) - ' )4( ~ ~ + = ' - ~ + - ~ - ' = - ~ ' ) 5
uo men Lhlnk LhaL Lhey wlll be lefL alone on saylng We belleve and LhaL Lhey wlll noL be
LesLed? (2) We dld LesL Lhose before Lhem and Cod wlll cerLalnly know Lhose who are Lrue
from Lhose who are false () uo Lhose who pracLlse evll Lhlnk LhaL Lhey wlll geL Lhe beLLer of
1he Marels o the Number Seen in the Noble Qur`an
us? Lvll ls Lhelr [udgmenL! (4) lor Lhose whose hopes are ln Lhe meeLlng wlLh Cod (ln Lhe
PereafLer leL Lhem sLrlve) for Lhe Lerm (appolnLed) by Cod ls surely comlng and Pe hears and
knows (all Lhlngs) () And lf any sLrlve (wlLh mlghL and maln) Lhey do so for Lhelr own souls for
Cod ls free of all needs from all creaLlon ()
Al'AnkabuL 292
We wlll now perform Lhe same courageous exerclse wlLh Lhese verses by rewrlLlng Lhem below
and exLracLlng Lhe number of Allf" () Lm" () and Mlm" () leLLers from each word
, , = , - ) _ -( ' -' )' - ( , -, )' -( ,, -- ' ) = '(
1 1 1
, -, ) -( ' - - - - ,) = = '( ,' -~, ) - '( =, )=( , , ), (
1 0 2 1
`, ) '( _--,, --- - ) - = -( =, )=( , ~,-, ) ~( ' -,, ) - '(
1 1 0 0 2
~ ' , - )' -( , - ~ ) -( , ~, , ) - , ( -~,,~, -,,~-, ) _ -(
2 1 2
~' )' ,( ~ ' , - )' -( , ' - ~ ,-) ~ = '( =, )=(
0 1 2
-~,,~, -,, ) _ -( , .' , ~ , - )' - -( , , ) ( , = , - )_ -(
0 2 2
~ ' , - )' -( _-~~,, -, - ) _ = -( ' '-,- )' ' ( , -, ) -(
1 2 2
'-,-- , ~-, ) - = - '( , ' ~, - ) '( ' ~,) '( , _-, _ ~- - ) _ = -(
1 2 1 1
, -~, ) -( , ' , - ) ' -( , -, _ ' ) _ = '( ',- , - ) '( ~' )' ,(
1he Marels o the Number Seen in the Noble Qur`an
2 1 1 1
- , ) -( , , _ , ) _ ( ~' )' ,( _ , ) ( =, )=(
0 2 2 1
=,, ), =( _- ~ ~' )' _( , .' , - ~= )' _ ( =, )=(
0 4 0
, -~, ) -( , ~ ,,- =)_ , ~( '~, - , ) - '( - , _ ~- - ) _ , ~(
0 0 1
~, --, ) - ,( - ) -( ~' , )' ,( _ , = ) _ - (
1 1 1
, -= )_ -( , .' _ , ~,~ , - )' _ -(
4 0
uesplLe Lhe lengLh of Lhe resulL Lhls dlglL number ls a perfecL mulLlple of 7!!
4013110301043002321321111211132202230123321211002103211131 =
573301471577571760188730173018886032874760173000300458733 x 7
).' ( "AIif. Lm. Mm." and the second verse
Cod AlmlghLy beglns SuraL Al'AnkabuL wlLh Lhe speclal leLLers ).' ( followlng lL wlLh a verse ln
whlch he addresses all of humanlLy uo men Lhlnk LhaL Lhey wlll be lefL alone on saylng We
belleve and LhaL Lhey wlll noL be LesLed? Al'AnkabuL 292 LeL us conslder Lhe leLLers Allf
Lm Mlm" ln Lhe words of Lhls verse alone
, , = , - ) _ -( ' -' )' - ( , -, )' -( ,, -- ' ) = '(
1 1 1
, -, ) -( ' - - - - ,) = = '( ' -~,, ) - '( =, )=(
0 2 1
, , ), ( `, ) '( _--,, --- - ) - = -(
1he Marels o the Number Seen in the Noble Qur`an
0 2 1
02103211131 = 300458733 x 7
).' ( "AIif. Lm. Mm." and the third verse
We wlll now conslder Lhe Lhlrd verse of Al'AnkabuL separaLely looklng for Lhe Lhree speclal
leLLers ln lLs words
=, )=( , ~,-, ) ~( ' -,, ) - '(
1 1 0
~ ' , - )' -( , - ~ ) -( , ~, , ) - , ( _~ -, -~,,~,-, ) _ -(
2 1 2
~' )' ,( ~ ' , - )' -( , ' - ~ ,-) ~ = '( =, )=(
0 1 2
-~,,~, -,, ) _ -( , .' , ~ , - )' - -(
2301233212110 = 328747601730 x 7
).' ( "AIif. Lm. Mm." and the fourth verse
Slmllarly we examlne Lhe fourLh verse on lLs own
, , ) ( , = , - )_ -(
0 2
~ ' , - )' -( _-~~,, -, - ) _ = -( ' '-,- )' ' ( , -, ) -(
1 2 2
'-,-- , ~-, ) - = - '( , ' ~, - ) '( ' ~,) '( , _-, _ ~- - ) _ = -(
1 2 1 1
1211132202 = 173018886 x 7
1he Marels o the Number Seen in the Noble Qur`an
Meeting with God
We musL sLress LhaL Lhe Cur'an's numerlc sysLem ls conslsLenL wlLh Lhe Cur'anlc passage belng
sLudled 1herefore when a verse ls connecLed Lo Lhe one before or afLer lL ln Lerms of meanlng
all Lhese verses should be lncluded when we examlne Lhem numerlcally 1hls of course ls parL
of Lhe greaLness of Lhe Cur'an because lLs numerlc sysLem ls noL a mere experlmenL wlLh
numbers raLher lL lnvolves appreclaLlng Lhe verses from a conLexLual and llngulsLlc polnL of
LeL us Lake a closer look aL Lhe Lh and Lh verses of SuraL Al'AnkabuL
-' - ~ ' = -' - ' - . = ' ' , - . , _- ~ ~ ' - ' ) 4(
~ ~ + = ' - ~ + -
) ~ - ' = - ~ ' ) 5
lor Lhose whose hopes are ln Lhe meeLlng wlLh Cod (ln Lhe PereafLer leL Lhem sLrlve) for Lhe
Lerm (appolnLed) by Cod ls surely comlng and Pe hears and knows (all Lhlngs) () And lf any
sLrlve (wlLh mlghL and maln) Lhey do so for Lhelr own souls for Cod ls free of all needs from all
creaLlon ()
As we can see Lhe word )' =-( a verb meanlng Lo hope" ls wrlLLen ln Lhe Cur'an wlLh a
sllenL Allf" () unllke lLs equlvalenL ln sLandard Arablc As for Lhe words )~ +=( and )~ + =- ( whlch
are verbs meanlng Lo sLrlve" Lhese unllke Lhelr sLandard Arablc spelllng are wrlLLen without
and Allf" () ln Lhe Cur'an ln addlLlon Lhe Cur'an's verslon of Lhe word )- ~ ' ( meanlng
Lhe worlds" or all of creaLlon" ls wrlLLen wlLh only one Allf" () lnsLead of Lwo as ln Lhe
sLandard form
1haL belng sald lf we look for Lhe speclal leLLers Allf" () Lm" () and Mlm" () ln Lhese Lwo
verses we can acknowledge Lhe sheer wlsdom behlnd Lhe way Lhe Cur'an's words are wrlLLen
, -~, ) -( , ' , - ) ' -( , -, _ ' ) _ = '( ',- , - ) '( ~' )' ,(
2 1 1 1
- , ) -( , , _ , ) _ ( ~' )' ,( _ , ) ( =, )=(
0 2 2 1
=,, ), =( _- ~ ~' )' _( , .' , - ~= )' _ ( =, )=(
1he Marels o the Number Seen in the Noble Qur`an
0 4 0
, -~, ) -( , ~ ,,- =)_ , ~( '~, - , ) - '( - , _ ~- - ) _ , ~(
0 0 1
~, --, ) - ,( - ) -( ~' , )' ,( _ , = ) _ - (
1 1 1
, -= )_ -( , .' _ , ~,~ , - )' _ -(
4 0
401311030104300232132111 = 57330147157757176018873 x 7
Pad Lhe words of Lhese verses been wrlLLen any dlfferenLly Lhe above arrangemenL would noL
have produced Lhe above mulLlple of 7
AL Lhe end of Lhe Lh verse Cod AlmlghLy sLaLes
- ' = - ~ '
Cod ls free of all needs from all creaLlon
llnally when we examlne Lhe leLLers Allf Lm Mlm" ln Lhe words of Lhls segmenL alone Lhe
followlng arrangemenL arlses
- ) -( ~' , )' ,( _ , = ) _ - (
1 1
, -= )_ -( , .' _ , ~,~ , - )' _ -(
4 0
1he number 4011 ls a mulLlple of 7 three times!
40131 = 117 x 7 x 7 x 7
The spider verse
Cod AlmlghLy explalns ln Lhe same chapLer
1he Marels o the Number Seen in the Noble Qur`an
. ` ~ - ~ ' ' ~ ' ~ - ~ ' . ` ~ -' - - ' ~ ' -' - -
, ' - -
- ' ' -' - ~ =
1he parable of Lhose who Lake proLecLors oLher Lhan Cod ls LhaL of Lhe splder who bullds (Lo
lLself) a house buL Lruly Lhe fllmslesL of houses ls Lhe splders house lf Lhey buL knew
Al'AnkabuL 2941
We wlll now wlLness Lhe brllllanL numerlc arrangemenL of Lhe leLLers of Lhe speclal phrase
). ' ( Allf Lm Mlm" ln Lhe splder verse 1he Lhree speclal leLLers of course are
_` ~ , ) ( ~ ' , - )' -( ' , ' ~- =)' _ = '( , - ~ ) -(
1 2 2 2
-~- )~ = -( ~' )' ,( '-, , , , - ) = '( , _`~, ) (
2 0
, .' , , = , - )' _ - - = ( ' , , ~,= )' _ ( '-, -, )- '( =, )=(
0 1 1 2
- ) -( _, , , , - ) = , -( ---, ' )' - = ( , ,, ) - (
1 2 1 1
, .' , , = , - )' _ - - = ( , =, ) =( , ' - - ' ) ' - = '( _~-,~, -, - ) _ =
2 2 1 2
1he resulLlng arrangemenL creaLes 221212110112201222 a mulLlple of 7 Lwlce
22121211011223301222 = 451453285943332678 x 7 x 7
Amazlngly each parL of Lhls verse ls also conslsLenL wlLh Lhe number 7
The first part of the verse
Cod AlmlghLy sLaLes ln Lhe flrsL parL of Lhe 'splder verse'
1he Marels o the Number Seen in the Noble Qur`an
. ` ~ - ~ ' ' ~ ' ~ - ~ ' . ` ~ -' - - ' ~ ' -' -
1he parable of Lhose who Lake proLecLors oLher Lhan Cod ls LhaL of Lhe splder who bullds (Lo
lLself) a house
Agaln we wlll look for Lhe speclal leLLers Allf Lm Mlm" buL across Lhls segmenL alone
_` ~ , ) ( ~ ' , - )' -( ' , ' ~- =)' _ = '( , - ~ ) -(
1 2 2 2
-~- )~ = -( ~' )' ,( '-, , , , - ) = '( , _`~, ) (
2 0
, .' , , = , - )' _ - - = ( ' , , ~,= )' _ ( '-, -, )- '(
1 1 2
11223301222 = 1603328746 x 7
The second part of the verse
1he second parL of Lhls verse sLaLes
- , ' - - - ' ' -' - ~ =
buL Lruly Lhe fllmslesL of houses ls Lhe splders house lf Lhey buL knew
Cnce agaln Lhe speclal leLLers Allf Lm Mlm" are spread ouL across Lhls segmenL ln Lhe
followlng manner
=, )=( - ) -( _, , , , - ) = , -( ---,' )' - = (
2 1 1 0
_, , ) - ( , .' , , = , )' _ - - = (
2 1
, =, ) =( , ' - - ' ) ' - = '( _~-,~, -, - ) _ = -(
2 2 1
1he Marels o the Number Seen in the Noble Qur`an
221212110 = 31601730 x 7
Another exampIe from the spider chapter
We belleve LhaL Lhe whole of Lhe Cur'an ls perfecLly organlsed and Lhls lncludes Cod's
commands such as Lhls one from SuraL Al'AnkabuL
. ' ~ ., ' . ' , ~= . - ~ ' ' ~ = ~ - '
-' - ~' ~ ' -
' - - - ' - ~ = - - ~ ~ ~
And dlspuLe ye noL wlLh Lhe eople of Lhe 8ook excepL wlLh means beLLer (Lhan mere
dlspuLaLlon) unless lL be wlLh Lhose of Lhem who lnfllcL wrong (and ln[ury) buL say We
belleve ln Lhe revelaLlon whlch has come down Lo us and ln LhaL whlch came down Lo you Cur
Cod and your Cod ls one and lL ls Lo Plm we bow (ln lslam)
Al'AnkabuL 294
LeL us counL Lhe Allf" () Lm" () and Mlm" () leLLers ln each word of Lhls verse
=, )=( `, ) '( , '- ~= ) _ ~ = '( , _, , ) , ( , , ' )' -(
2 2 2 2 0
' ) '( ' )- ' ( , , ), ( , _, , - ) _ -( ' ) '(
1 0 2
~ ' , - )' -( ' ~- ,~,=)= = '( , -, - ~ ) - , ( =, )=(
0 2 2
- ' ) = = '( ' -~,, ) - '( ~ ' )- ' ( , , -- ) - (
2 2 2
'-,, -, ) - '( =, )=( , , -- ) - ( , , , = ) ( =, )=(
0 2 0
' - ,- - , ) , - '( =, )=( --, , = ) , ( , ~+ = )= _ ~( =, )=(
0 0 0
1he Marels o the Number Seen in the Noble Qur`an
, _-, - )- _ -( , ) ,( _~- ~, ~~- - ) = -(
1 0
1he resulL ls a mulLlple of 7 Lhree Llmes!
3100030303203223202323102322220 = 9037989222166831493653359540 x 7 x 7 x 7
We wlll merely conslder Lhe flrsL parL of Lhe verse and look for Lhe Lhree speclal leLLers ln lLs
. ' ~ ., ' . ' , ~=
And dlspuLe ye noL wlLh Lhe eople of Lhe 8ook
=, )=( `, ) '( , '- ~= ) _ ~ = '( , _, , ) , ( , , ' )' -(
2 2 2 2 0
' ) '( ' )- ' ( , , ), ( , _, , - ) _ -(
1 0 2
1he number 10222220 ls a mulLlple of 7 even when read ln reverse
102322220 = 14617460 x 7
22223201 = 3174743 x 7
Also arranglng Lhe Lwo quoLlenLs from Lhe above mulLlples creaLes a new number
17474141740 whlch ls a mulLlple of 7
317474314617460 = 45353473516780 x 7
lnLeresLlngly Lhe LoLal number of Allf Lm Mlm" leLLers ln Lhe above passage ls 14 a mulLlple
of 7 Agaln Lhe lmporLance of Cur'anlc wrlLlng appears here unllke ordlnary Arablc Lhe words
)' ~ =( Lo dlspuLe" ) ' ( Lhe 8ook" and (~ = ) Cne" have all been wrlLLen wlLhouL an
Allf" ln Lhe mlddle and Lhanks Lo Lhls Lhe above mulLlples of 7 have all been preserved
God's sustenance
Among Lhe verses whlch speak abouL Cod's susLenance ln SuraL Al'AnkabuL ls Lhe followlng
- ~ ' ~, . . ~ ' - ' ' - ' - , _- ~ ~ '
- '
1he Marels o the Number Seen in the Noble Qur`an
Pow many are Lhe creaLures LhaL carry noL Lhelr own susLenance? lL ls Cod who feeds (boLh)
Lhem and you for Pe hears and knows (all Lhlngs)
Al'AnkabuL 290
=, )=( , , , -- ) -( , - ~ ) -( '~, )~ ' - ( `, ) '(
2 1 1 1 0
, =, ) _ ( ',-,, ) , '( ~' )' ,( ',---, -, )
, '(
1 1 2
=, )=( ' - , = ) ' ( =, )=( =,, ), =(
0 0 0
_- ~ ~' )' _( , .' , - ~= )' _ (
430030131221110 = 61432875888730 x 7
The word ) - ' ( and the beauty of Qur'anic writing
1he exacL way ln whlch Lhe Cur'an has been wrlLLen ls also a revelaLlon from Cod AlmlghLy lor
Lhls reason we flnd lLs words unlquely wrlLLen and ofLen unllke Lhelr equlvalenLs ln sLandard
Arablc Also flLLlngly Lhe Cur'an's numerlc mlracle ls perfecLly conslsLenL wlLh Lhls way of
wrlLlng A brllllanL example of Lhls ls deplcLed ln Lhe word )`- ' ( meanlng prayer" 8elow ls
a comparlson beLween Lhe Cur'anlc and sLandard verslon of Lhe word
Cur'anlc Arablc SLandard Arablc
`- ' )' . . ' ( - ' )' . . (
1he sLandard form of Lhe word ls wrlLLen wlLh an exLra Allf" () whereas Lhe Cur'an's verslon ls
wrlLLen unusually wlLh Lhe leLLer Ww" (=) WlLh LhaL ln mlnd we wlll now conslder Lhe
speclal leLLers ). ' ( Allf Lm Mlm" ln Lhe words of anoLher verse from SuraL Al
1he Marels o the Number Seen in the Noble Qur`an
.' ' ~ = =- ~ ' - ' - - ' _ - =
-' ~= - ' - ~' ~
' ' = ' ~ - - =
8eclLe whaL ls senL of Lhe 8ook by lnsplraLlon Lo Lhee and esLabllsh regular rayer for rayer
resLralns from shameful and un[usL deeds and remembrance of Cod ls Lhe greaLesL (Lhlng ln
llfe) wlLhouL doubL And Cod knows Lhe (deeds) LhaL ye do
Al'AnkabuL 294
, ' )' ( ' ~,) '( _- , ) = _ ( , , , ) ( , - ) -(
1 2 1 2 2
, , ' )' -( =, )=( , ) ( ' _~ , = )' = (
2 0 2
- ) -( ' _~ , = )' = ( _,-, -, ) - , .( , -= )_ -(
0 0 1
, _,-, ' , - '~ )' _ '( =, )=( ~-, ' , )' - ( =, )=(
0 0
-, ~, ) ( ~' )' ,( -,, , ) - ( =, )=(
0 1 1
~' )' ,( ,~, -, ) _ ( ' ~,) '( ,, -, _ = - ) - _ = -(
0 2 2
223013103030031320212122 = 31859014718575902887446 x 7
1he Marels o the Number Seen in the Noble Qur`an
We have wlLnessed how Lhe speclal leLLers Allf Lm Mlm" have creaLed fasclnaLlng
arrangemenLs LhaL are ln perfecL harmony wlLh Lhe number 7 and how Lhe exlsLence of Lhese
leLLers across Lhe words of a pleLhora of verses has glven rlse Lo an enLlre numerlc sysLem
based on Lhls number
1hls numerlc sysLem of course ls noL only llmlLed Lo Allf Lm Mlm" buL encompasses all of
Lhe Cur'an's 14 phrases and whaL we saw of Lhe numerlc brllllance behlnd Lhls slngle phrase ls
barely noLable when compared Lo Lhe all Lhe mlracles of Lhls Poly 8ook And lL would noL be an
exaggeraLlon Lo say LhaL each verse ln Lhe Poly Cur'an requlres a slgnlflcanL amounL of
lndlvldual research ln order Lo be appreclaLed
1he mlracle of Lhese unlque speclal leLLers parL of whlch has been revealed Lo us ln Loday's 21sL
cenLury represenLs someLhlng of a waLermark slgnaLure on behalf of Cod AlmlghLy a hearL
warmlng slgn for every bellever and a LhoughLprovoklng challenge perhaps for every scepLlc
whlch asks Can anyone produce a work of llLeraLure LhaL ls noL only llngulsLlcally perfecL buL
whlch enables Lhe reader upon exLracLlng speclflc leLLers from Lhe words of a selecLlon of
passages Lo conLlnuously arrlve aL mulLlples of 7?
1he Marels o the Number Seen in the Noble Qur`an
The Qur'an: A MiracIe Myriad
1he Poly Cur'an ls hosL Lo an enLlre encyclopaedla of mlracles LhaL encompasses all dlsclpllnes
of knowledge lncludlng maLhemaLlcs 1haL ls every Cur'anlc mlracle arrlves ln Lhe era of
hlsLory LhaL sulLs Lhe knowledge lnnovaLlons or experLlse of LhaL parLlcular perlod of Llme and
communlcaLes wlLh LhaL generaLlon uslng Lhe language lL mosL undersLands and ldenLlfles wlLh
As we llve ln a dlglLal age where numbers have never been more lmporLanL Lhe Cur'anlc
mlracle revealed durlng Lhls era has flLLlngly Lurned ouL Lo be a numerlc one
lndeed Lhe Cur'an ls a mlraculous 8ook be lL ln Lerms of lLs eloquence sLyle of wrlLlng
sclenLlflc lnformaLlon hlsLorlc facLs leglslaLlve guldellnes or even Lhe number of lLs leLLers and
When Lhe Cur'an was flrsL revealed ln Lhe 7Lh cenLury Lhe people of Arabla were challenged
and compleLely mesmerlsed by Lhe sheer eloquence of Lhe Cur'an's words desplLe Lhe facL LhaL
Lhe Arabs of Lhe Llme were hlghly acclalmed for Lhelr llngulsLlc prowess and passlon for
llLeraLure and poeLry
ln Loday's era of sclence an age where lL can safely be sald LhaL Lhe WesL earns Lhe advanLage
over Lhe LasL when lL comes Lo sclenLlflc breakLhroughs Lhe Cur'an has shown once agaln LhaL
it ls one sLep furLher wlLh Lhe abundance of deLalled sclenLlflc facLs lL conLalns abouL medlclne
geology Lhe unlverse and many more Loplcs 1hese facLs whlch have all been dlscovered ln
recenL Llmes have ofLen been Lhe reason why many nonMusllm sclenLlsLs have chosen Lo
embrace lslam Also Lhls greaL llghL of Lhe Cur'an served Musllms well durlng Lhe flourlshlng
Colden Age" of lslam beLween Lhe Lh and 1Lh cenLurles a perlod where Lurope was
embrolled ln whaL came Lo be known as Lhe uark Age"
8uL very recenLly comes yeL anoLher dlscovery and one mosL sulLed Lo Loday's age of
Lechnology dlglLal lnformaLlon and numbers lndeed Lhe Cur'an's numerlc mlracle goes Lo
furLher lllusLraLe Lhe reslllence of a 8ook LhaL has sLood Lhe LesL of Llme and conLlnued Lo
amaze afLer more Lhan 14 cenLurles slnce lLs revelaLlon 8ecause of Lhls and due Lo Lhe very
naLure of numbers lL wlll prove very dlfflculL for anyone Lo argue LhaL Lhe Poly Cur'an ls noL
lnlmlLable or mlraculous from a numerlc polnL of vlew
1he Marels o the Number Seen in the Noble Qur`an
Adherence to scientific and reIigious guideIines
Any researcher wlshlng Lo sLudy Lhe Cur'an numerlcally musL follow baslc rules and guldellnes
ln order for Lhls research Lo be accepLed wheLher on sclenLlflc or rellglous grounds
Cne of Lhe mosL lmporLanL rules ls for Lhe researcher Lo choose wheLher Lo sLudy Lhe Cur'an as
lL ls written or as lL ls pronounced 1hls ls of crlLlcal lmporLance because Lhe Cur'an (Lhe very
word Cur'an means reclLaLlon") was compleLely revealed Lo Lhe ropheL (pbuh) by reclLaLlon
lnLo hls ears (and fully memorlsed by hearL) and ln Lhe 2 years durlng whlch he recelved
revelaLlon hls followers also memorlsed Lhe Cur'an's verses buL also wroLe down everyLhlng
LhaL he reclLed Lo Lhem ln any case we can conflrm LhaL a numerlc mlracle lles profoundly ln
boLh Lhese meLhods albelL LhaL we have chosen Lo sLudy Lhe way Lhe Cur'an ls written 1he
reason for Lhls ls parLly because Lhe resulLs of sLudylng Lhe wrlLlng of Lhe Cur'an are much
easler Lo communlcaLe Lo boLh Arablc and nonArablc audlences Also Lhere are varlous
reclLaLlons of Lhe Cur'an buL only one wrlLLen form of Lhe 8ook 1herefore a researcher musL
counL leLLers either as Lhey are wrlLLen or as Lhey are pronounced or he may lf he so wlshes
perform a comparlson beLween boLh means of communlcaLlon
AnoLher cruclal rule ls for Lhe researcher never Lo ln[ecL numbers from ouLslde of Lhe Cur'an
lnLo hls sLudy Also he musL rely on sound wellesLabllshed maLhemaLlcal Lechnlques such as
addlng mulLlplylng dlvldlng and allgnlng numbers or flndlng dlglL sums for lnsLance
1echnlques LhaL have no proper maLhemaLlcal basls musL noL be used
A researcher musL always double and Lrlplecheck hls work Lo conflrm Lhe accuracy and
conslsLency of hls resulLs and LhaL Lhey represenL a Lrue mlracle LhaL human endeavour cannoL
acLually achleve 1hese resulLs musL ln oLher words be unlform and conslsLenL enough so as
noL Lo be classlfled wlLhln Lhe realm of colncldence
lndeed one of Lhe ma[or mlsLakes made by many people who have researched Lhe numerlc
mlracle ls LhaL Lhelr research has noL been sub[ecL Lo any sclenLlflc meLhod or basls on whlch Lo
bulld on Cnly when Lhls ls esLabllshed can Lhelr work be accepLed
The inimitabiIity of the number 7 in the Qur'an
1he number 7 ls of greaL slgnlflcance as we observed LhroughouL Lhls sLudy and mosL
lmporLanLly we were fasclnaLed by all Lhe amazlng arrangemenLs LhaL were all connecLed Lo
Lhls number
We saw for lnsLance how Lhe flrsL and lasL chapLer ln Lhe Cur'an were llnked Lhrough Lhe
number 7 and how boLh Lhe flrsL and lasL verse and Lhe flrsL and lasL word ln Lhe Cur'an were
connecLed ln Lhe same way
1he Marels o the Number Seen in the Noble Qur`an
ln addlLlon we dlscovered LhaL Lhe LoLal number of verses ln Lhe Cur'an whlch ls 2 ls
connecLed Lo Lhe number of chapLers 114 and Lo Lhe years of Cur'anlc revelaLlon 2 1hese
Lhree numbers alone were responslble for qulLe a collecLlon of mulLlples of 7 ln facL Lhe sheer
number of mulLlples produced from Lhese Lhree numbers alone suggesLed Lo us Lhe near
lmposslblllLy of colncldence occurrlng wlLh such frequency
The Qur'an's precedence in mathematics
1he meLhod of arranglng numbers ls a wellknown Lechnlque ln Lhe fleld of maLhemaLlcs 1haL
ls Lhe numbers LhaL we see ln Lhls sLudy whlch ofLen represenL Lhe leLLer counL of each word
ln a parLlcular verse conLaln dlglLs each of whlch has a cerLaln place value WlLh Lhe number
12 for lnsLance Lhe dlglL 2 ls ln Lhe ones place Lhe dlglL 1 whlch carrles a place value Len
Llmes greaLer Lhan LhaL of 2 ls ln Lhe tens place and so on
1he exlsLence of Lhls Lechnlque ln a 8ook revealed over 1400 years ls evldence of Lhe Cur'an's
promlnence ln Lhe dlsclpllne of maLhemaLlcs and LhaL lL has Laken Lhe lead ln exposlng one of
Lhe mosL fundamenLal concepLs ln Lhls fleld Also lL ls a slgn of Lhe Cur'an's unlversallLy
because Lhe language of numbers ls lucklly one spoken by people of all Longues
The briIIiance of the BasmaIa
We also consldered Lhe very flrsL verse of Lhe Poly Cur'an Lhe 8asmala uesplLe conslsLlng of
very few words and leLLers Lhe numerlc arrangemenLs lL creaLed were slmply exLraordlnary
And had any leLLer been alLered from Lhls verse all Lhe numbers produced would no longer be
mulLlples of 7
Accordlng Lo slmple probablllLy Lheory lf we were Lo exLracL a number from a llLerary passage
whlch happens Lo be a mulLlple of 7 Lhen Lhe probablllLy of colncldence would have Lo be 1/7
or abouL 14 1he chance of flndlng two mulLlples of 7 from LhaL same passage would Lhen
have Lo be 1/7x7 whlch ls 1/49 or abouL 2 ConsequenLly Lhe probablllLy of flndlng three
mulLlples from LhaL passage ls 1/7 or 0 As such Lhe more mulLlples of 7 exLracLed Lhe
more Lhe chance of colncldence dlmlnlshes
1haL belng sald Lhe probablllLy of flndlng 70 numbers all of whlch are mulLlples of 7 ln a slngle
verse namely Lhe 8asmala ls 1/770 a percenLage slmply Loo small Lo even conslder
And Lhe quesLlon here ls Lhls Can any person accepL LhaL all Lhese numbers came abouL by
colncldence? lndeed lf Lhe language of words ls noL persuaslve enough Lhen Lhe language of
numbers speaks for lLself
The inimitabiIity of AI-Fatihah, the greatest chapter
1he Marels o the Number Seen in the Noble Qur`an
We sLudled Lhe numerlc arrangemenLs connecLed Lo AllaLlhah a chapLer whlch ls noL only
known as Lhe greaLesL ln Lhe Cur'an buL whlch Cod AlmlghLy Plmself called 1he Seven CfL
8epeaLed"! And Lhe resulLs agaln were LhaL all Lhe numerlc ouLcomes dlscovered were perfecL
mulLlples of 7
And lf we counL Lhe numbers creaLed from sLudylng Lhls chapLer alone we would flnd over 0
mulLlples of 7 (Lhe mulLlples of 7 conLalned ln Lhls chapLer are acLually much more Lhan Lhose
dlscussed ln Lhls parL!)
Conslderlng Lhe probablllLy of colncldence Lhe chance LhaL Lhese mulLlples were Lhe producL of
luck ls abouL 1/70 whlch ls someLhlng ln Lhe range of 1 over a mllllon mllllon mllllon mllllon
mllllon mllllon million!!
Facts that stand witness to the Oneness of God
ln Lhe flfLh parL we examlned SuraL Allkhlas one of Lhe Cur'an's shorLesL chapLers and found
LhaL ln Lhese few llnes ln whlch Cod speaks of Plmself a brllllanLly accuraLe numerlc sysLem
exlsLs Lhe words of Lhe chapLer creaLe mulLlples of 7 buL more amazlngly Lhe leLLers of Lhe
chapLer Lhe leLLers of Lhe name Allah" and Lhe leLLers of Cod's varlous names are all organlsed
across Lhe chapLer ln full coherence wlLh Lhe number 7 1he same was found when we sLudled
a slngle verse from Lhe chapLer as well And lf all Lhls was exLracLed from [usL a few llnes whaL
lf we were Lo examlne Lhe enLlre Cur'an whlch ls composed of over 000 llnes?
1here have been aLLempLs of course Lo respond Lo Lhe Cur'an's challenge of produclng a 8ook
llke Lhe Cur'an albelL LhaL Lhey have been unsuccessful Cne such aLLempL was a book called
Allurqan AlPaq" or 1he 1rue lurqan" an aLLempL Lo somehow mlmlc Lhe Cur'an! And whaL
we can aL leasL say ls LhaL lf Lhls book were Lo be analysed numerlcally we would flnd no
numerlc sysLem whaLsoever buL numerlc conLradlcLlons lnsLead nor would we flnd a chapLer
verse or even parL of a verse whlch en[oys any connecLlon wlLh any number aL all
As for Lhe Poly Cur'an on Lhe oLher hand no maLLer how much we analyse ponder and reflecL
upon lLs verses we wlll fall Lo flnd a slngle mlsLake be lL grammaLlcally llngulsLlcally
sclenLlflcally or ln Lerms of lLs word and leLLer counLs AfLer all Cod AlmlghLy Plmself spoke
abouL Pls 8ook and sald
. - - . =' ' ~ - - - ~ - . ~ - = .- - ~ , - = , ~- =
no falsehood can approach lL from before or behlnd lL lL ls senL down by Cne lull of Wlsdom
WorLhy of all ralse
lussllaL 4142
1he Marels o the Number Seen in the Noble Qur`an
1hls sLudy ls Lherefore unlque ln Lhe sense LhaL lL carrles wlLh lL tangible proof of Lhe
lmposslblllLy of achlevlng Lhe llke of Lhe Cur'an And Lo anyone who doubLs Lhe lnlmlLablllLy of
Lhls wonderful 8ook Cod AlmlghLy lssues Lhe followlng powerful words
- - , - ' ~ ' - _ = ' - ~ = ' , ~ ~ ` ~ ' =~'
-' ~ + ~ ~ - ~ '
- - ~' - ) 12 ( - . ' ' ' ' ' - ' '
' , ~ ' - ' ' = '
) ~ = - ' )13
And lf ye are ln doubL as Lo whaL We have revealed from Llme Lo Llme Lo Cur servanL Lhen
produce a Sura llke LhereunLo and call your wlLnesses or helpers (lf Lhere are any) besldes Cod
lf your (doubLs) are Lrue (2) 8uL lf ye cannoL and of a sureLy ye cannoL Lhen fear Lhe llre
whose fuel ls men and sLones whlch ls prepared for Lhose who re[ecL lalLh (24)
Al8aqarah 2224
The inimitabiIity of the Qur'an's writing
1he numerous examples ln Lhls book also shed llghL upon some of Lhe secreLs behlnd Lhe
unlque way ln whlch Lhe Cur'an's words are wrlLLen 1hls dlsLlncLlve way of wrlLlng proved fully
conslsLenL wlLh Lhe Cur'an's hlghly senslLlve numerlc arrangemenLs 1herefore Lhe exacL way ln
whlch Lhe Cur'an's words and leLLers are drawn represenLs a mlracle LhaL cannoL be Lampered
wlLh because dolng so would auLomaLlcally cause Lhe numerlc sysLem Lo dlsappear
We wlLnessed LhaL on counLless occaslons lf a slngle leLLer had been wlLher added or omlLLed
from a verse Lhe resulLlng numbers would sLop belng mulLlples of 7 because of Lhe preclse
naLure of Lhe Cur'an's numbers AfLer all Cod AlmlghLy Plmself conflrmed LhaL Pe would
forever preserve Lhe message of Lhe Cur'an
' - - ' - ~ ' ' - - = '
We have wlLhouL doubL senL down Lhe Message and We wlll assuredly guard lL (from
AlPl[r 19
InimitabiIity in every verse and every segment
We've also come across some amazlng arrangemenL from a small selecLlon of verses one of
Lhem belng Lhe proLecLlon" verse We have wlLhouL doubL senL down Lhe Message and We
wlll assuredly guard lL (from corrupLlon)
1he Marels o the Number Seen in the Noble Qur`an
Lven when we examlned mere parts of a verse Lhe numerlc mlracle prevalled and one such
example was ln Lhe segmenL found ln Lhe fourLh verse of SuraL Alnlsa'
~ ~- ~ ' .-
and whose word can be Lruer Lhan Cods?
8uL even more asLonlshlngly when we examlned Lhe Cur'an's numbers aL Lhe level of slngle
words Lhe numerlc mlracle prevalled and our example of LhaL was wlLh Lhe word ) --- , _ (
whlch represenLs Lhe calllng of manklnd on Lhe uay of !udgmenL
A scientific expIanation for the speciaI Ietters
1hls book also provldes new lnslghL lnLo Lhe meanlng of Lhe speclal leLLers ). ' ( Allf Lm
Mlm" lL has been demonsLraLed LhaL Cod AlmlghLy has senL down Lhese leLLers and Lhe resL
of Lhe speclal leLLers ln full knowledge of Lhe facL LhaL Lhe Cur'an conLalns a flawless numerlc
sysLem LhaL ls ofLen dependenL on Lhese leLLers and how Lhey spread ouL across varlous
passages ln Lhe Cur'an
The numeric miracIe: unbiased fact
Many Musllm scholars have expressed some concern abouL Lhe ldea LhaL Lhose who sLudy Lhe
sclenLlflc mlracles of Lhe Cur'an ofLen rely on Lheorles LhaL may or may noL be accuraLe or LhaL
may posslbly change ln Lhe fuLure 1herefore Lhey someLlmes dlscourage Lhe lncluslon of such
sclenLlflc facLs lnLo Lhe varlous 1afaseer" or explanaLlons of Lhe Cur'an
When lL comes Lo Lhe numerlc mlracle however lL magnlflcence lles ln LhaL Lhere ls no debaLe
whaLsoever abouL Lhe numbers of Lhe Cur'an 1haL ls Lhe number of chapLers ln Lhe Cur'an ls a
flxed number LhaL can never change and so ls Lhe number of verses Also for lnsLance Lhe
number of words and leLLers found ln Lhe Cur'an's openlng chapLer ls known and so are all Lhe
Cur'anlc numbers 1hese facLs have never been alLered slnce Lhe Cur'an was senL down 14
cenLurles ago and never wlll Lhey be alLered elLher As a resulL Lhe clear unblased naLure of
Lhe Cur'an's sysLem of numbers only sLrengLhens Lhe case ln favour of Lhe numerlc mlracle
And if it had been from any other than God...
Cne may be lnLeresLed ln chooslng any random book auLhored by a human wrlLer and sLudylng
lLs numbers by counLlng and arranglng lLs leLLers words senLences paragraphs and chapLers
Powever no maLLer how much we Lry Lo connecL Lhe doLs and exLracL a sound numerlc sysLem
from lLs pages we wlll only be lefL wlLh a few arrangemenLs LhaL came abouL by colncldence
1hls ls for Lhe slmple reason LhaL no ordlnary auLhor even conslders wrlLlng a novel ln whlch he
ln[ecLs a complex and sLrucLured numerlc sysLem
1he Marels o the Number Seen in the Noble Qur`an
hldden ln Lhe very backbone of lLs pages WhaL we musL always remember of course ls LhaL
Lhe Poly Cur'an was revealed ln a perlod of Llme well before any sophlsLlcaLed sLudy of
numbers even began!
Colncldence cerLalnly may occur once Lwlce or even several Llmes buL nelLher does lL occur
always or conLlnuously 1hankfully we have been able Lo wrlLe an enLlre book abouL Lhe
numerlc sysLem behlnd Lhe leLLers words verses and chapLers of Lhe Cur'an
Pavlng sald LhaL we ask Lhls can we auLhor even a small book abouL a numerlc sysLem found ln
any book wrlLLen by a mere morLal? Can Lhe greaLesL auLhor ln Lhe world organlse Lhe words of
hls book ln a way LhaL ls always fully conslsLenL wlLh Lhe number 7? And aL Lhe same Llme can
Lhls book possess Lhe same klnd of flawless language eloquence and dlsLlncLlveness en[oyed by
Lhe Cur'an?
1hls sclenLlflc sLudy ls among Lhe flrsL llLeral lndlcaLlons LhaL Lhe Poly Cur'an earns Lhe prlvllege
of belng Lhe only book on Lhe face of Lhe LarLh possesslng a mlraculous numerlc sysLem lL
demonsLraLes uslng Langlble proof LhaL lL could noL have been wrlLLen by any oLher Lhan Cod
AlmlghLy because lf lL had even been alLered by Lhe hand of man lLs numerlc mlracle would
have dlsappeared compleLely llLLlngly we flnd LhaL Cod AlmlghLy ln facL orders us Lo reflecL
deeply lnLo Lhe wonders of Lhls 8ook
. - ~ - - - ' ' - ~ ~- = = ' ' ~ = - '- ` '- = '
uo Lhey noL conslder Lhe Curan (wlLh care)? Pad lL been from oLher 1han Cod Lhey would
surely have found Lhereln Much dlscrepancy
Alnlsa' 42
1he Marels o the Number Seen in the Noble Qur`an
llnally whaL can we say? Pow does somebody conclude a book llke Lhls anyway? Pavlng seen a
dropleL ln an absoluLe ocean of numerlc wonders how does somebody acLually summarlse a
mlracle llke Lhls one? lndeed whaL we have observed ls merely Lhe beglnnlng of a new and
amazlng dlscovery and l hope wlLh slncerlLy LhaL any reader who comes across Lhls book flnds
aL leasL some beneflL
l can only be Lhankful Lo Cod for hls blesslngs and for hls guldance ln unlocklng some of Lhe
numerlc wonders of Lhe Poly Cur'an l dearly hope LhaL l have succeeded ln approprlaLely
presenLlng Lhe conLenLs of Lhls book Lo readers and ln a manner LhaL ls easy Lo follow
Cne Lhlng LhaL musL remaln clear ls LhaL Lhe goal behlnd any of Lhe Cur'an's mlracles ls noL Lhe
mlracle lLself per se 1hls applles Lo Lhe numerlc mlracle as well whlch ls cerLalnly one of Lhe
means buL noL Lhe end 1haL ls when we do reflecL upon Lhe lnLrlcaLe numbers LhaL are
lronlcally scaLLered ln such orderly fashlon across Lhe pages of Lhe Poly Cur'an we cannoL help
buL wonder [usL how much can we learn from Lhls profound ScrlpLure
We musL also keep ln mlnd LhaL Lhe numerlc mlracle ls buL one more mlracle Lo add Lo Lhe
bounLlful balance of mlracles already presenL ln Lhe Cur'an
ln addlLlon Lhe numerlc mlracle alLhough cenLrally based upon Lhe number 7 ls cerLalnly noL
excluslve Lo LhaL number alone 1here are oLher numbers buL ones LhaL llke 7 are prlme
numbers LhaL can only be dlvlded by Lhemselves or by 1 a furLher wlLness Lo Lhe unlqueness
and Cneness of Cod AlmlghLy 1hese lnclude Lhe numbers 11 1 and 19 among oLher prlme
numbers And Cod wllllng Lhese numbers wlll be sLudled lndepLh ln Lhe near fuLure
lurLhermore alLhough Lhe Poly Cur'an ls a book of guldance we musL recognlse LhaL guldance
Lakes on many forms and Lhls book may represenL one of Lhese forms Many people especlally
ln Loday's 21sL cenLury prefer Lhe moLLo seelng ls bellevlng" LrusL sclence above anyLhlng else
and wlll slmply noL accepL facLs LhaL are noL Langlble ln naLure 1o Lhem Lhe language of
numbers ls more comforLable Lhan Lhe language of words
ln addlLlon Lhe beauLy of Lhe language of numbers ls lLs unlversallLy 1he vasL ma[orlLy of non
Musllms are noL famlllar wlLh Lhe Arablc language ln facL only a small porLlon of Lhe world's
Musllm populaLlon are naLlve Arablc speakers 1he numerlc mlracle represenLs an lnLeresLlng
alLernaLlve Lo sLudylng Lhe Cur'an LhaL ls accesslble Lo people of all languages 1here ls no
doubL LhaL some polnLs LhroughouL Lhe book have needed clarlflcaLlon ln order for Lhe non
Arablc reader Lo follow wlLh ease buL Lhls does noL change Lhe facL LhaL a very llmlLed
knowledge of Lhe fundamenLals of Lhe Arablc alphabeL and counLlng Arablc leLLers would more
Lhan sufflce for readers Lo explore Lhe Cur'an's numbers aL Lhelr own pleasure
1he Marels o the Number Seen in the Noble Qur`an
lL ls humbly felL LhaL ln Lhls 21sL cenLury Lhe fuLure of sLudylng Lhe Cur'an's lnlmlLablllLy or aL
leasL an lmporLanL parL of lL lles ln Lhe scholarly exploraLlon of lLs numerlc marvels
"And our final prayers are: All praise be to God, Lord of the orlds."
1he Marels o the Number Seen in the Noble Qur`an
'Abd Al8aql Muhammad louad (1991) al-Mu'jam al-Mufahras li-Alfadh al-Qur'an al-Karim
(rd edlLlon) Calro uar AlPadeeLh
Alkaheel Abduluaem (2004) Asrar Mu`jizat "Alif Lam Mim" Aleppo uar Al8adhwan
Avallable onllne aL u8L hLLp//wwwkaheel7com/book/ALllLAMMLLMnLWdoc
Alkaheel Abduluaem (2004) Mu`jizat al-Sab' al-Mathani Aleppo uar Al8adhwan Avallable
onllne aL u8L hLLp//wwwkaheel7com/books/maLhanldoc
Alkaheel Abduluaem (2004) Mu`jizat Qul Huwa Allahu Ahad uamascus uar Manar
Avallable onllne aL u8L hLLp//wwwkaheel7com/books/lkhlasdoc
Alkaheel Abduluaem (200) Mu`jizat Bismillah al-Rahman al-Raheem Aleppo uar Al
8adhwan Avallable onllne aL u8L hLLp//wwwkaheel7com/books/basmalamlracledoc
Alkaheel Abduluaem (200) Ishraqat al-Raqam Sab`a fi al-Qur'an al-Karim uubal uubal
lnLernaLlonal Poly Cur'an Award Avallable onllne aL u8L
Alkaheel Abduluaem (200) Mu`jizat al-Qur'an fi `asr al-Ma`lumatiyya (2nd edlLlon)
uamascus 1he Cur'an Mlracles Lncyclopedla (wwwaneL) Avallable onllne aL u8L
All Abdullah ?usuf (2000) The Holy Qur'an PerLfordshlre WordsworLh LdlLlons LlmlLed
khallfa 8ashad (192) Qur'an: Visual Presentation of the Miracle uSA lslamlc roducLlons
khallfa 8ashad (199) Qur'an: The Final Testament uSA lslamlc roducLlons
1he Marels o the Number Seen in the Noble Qur`an
King Fahd Complex for the Printing of the Holy Qur'an: al-Mu'jam al-Mufahras (The
Indexed Glossary) Avallable aL u8L
kroll Penry (2002) Million Digit Calculator Avallable aL u8L
A Collection of Hadiths in Sahih Bukhari and Muslim (2009) Avallable aL u8L
olfram webMathematica: Long Division of Polynomials (2010) Avallable aL u8L

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