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Interspiritual Energy Healing Training and Attunements for Inner Power and Personal Peace Supplemental Instruction: Flowing

Vs. Shielding

With Tracy Morrow, LC, RMT, EPP

A Personal Note from Tracy

Dear Energy Workers, This supplemental instruction on Flowing vs. Shielding is a study in energy, what energy REALLY is and some best methods to protect yourself from becoming drained or vulnerable to other symptoms thought to come from darker energies or negative energy. This supplemental instruction is part of the Inspir3 Interspiritual Energy Healing Training and Attunements for Inner Power and Personal Peace healing program. However, I offer it as a standalone training for all energy workers. I hope you will find this information useful in your continuing practices.

I Bow to You,


The Problem with Shielding

In working with energy healing, such as Reiki, or pursuing particular spiritual and psychic practices you hear the term shielding. Shielding is protecting yourself from negative energy. Methods such as imagining yourself in a protective bubble or a mirrored container are some of the methods used and taught with shielding practices. Now, its a good idea to be protective, but sometimes shielding can create its own set of problems. You will be protected, but there can be adverse side effects. The problems with shielding are: 1. The idea that you own your own energy. Energy is something we are all a part of, its not pieced and partitioned out, although we can sometimes think that it is. Energy makes up objects like humans, animals, trees, and they all seem very different from each other. But really, on the most molecular levels, its all the exact same energy. 2. When you partition pieces of energy, it falls at risk of becoming stagnant, much the same as a puddle of water being partitioned away from the flow of the river. 3. Many diseases of the mind, body, spirit is due to energy becoming stuck and then stagnant. When you help someone release that diseased energy and infuse them with life force energy such as with a Reiki treatment an opportunity is created for the healing process to become stimulated. With that in mind, purposefully containing your energy away from the flow puts you at more risk of disease than allowing energy to continue to flow through you. At this point you may question, if shielding isnt the best option, then what are you supposed to do to protect yourself? That is where flowing comes into play. This is a very difficult concept to put into words, although its very scientific. Lets first look at energy, specifically what it is and what it is not. Then Ill explain more about the flowing technique.

I think the easiest thing to look at is Light and Dark

Light has volume; you can weigh it and measure it. Therefore, Light is considered to be SOMETHING. Dark has no volume, it feels real, such as when you are in a pitch black room and the dark feels alive and your hair stands on end. But dark is NOTHING. It cant be weighed because it has no weight or volume. Dark is the absence of light. The real feeling of darkness is the fact that you are used to having the volume of light around you and its not there when you are in darkness.

Now, lets look at energy.

Energy can be measured, it is SOMETHING. All the energy in the cosmos is the exact same. Scientists have done extensive research and discovered at the very core molecular structure, everything is made up of the exact same structure. Physicists refer to positive and negative energy as negative energy sucks (Think of how gravity sucks us down to stay on earth), and positive energy being energy that doesnt suck. However, the sucking energy isnt negative in the sense of being dark or evil, its still energy, just different. Anti-matter is considered non-energy, or in having zero energy. So, in the most scientific sense, energy is energy, neither good nor bad, and its all made of the same stuff although it may have different responses. *I will now refer to negative (sucking) energy as -energy, positive energy as +energy and anti-matter as 0-energy. We are made up of that - and +energy, with a much heavier percentage of +energy, although that will fluctuate from person to person depending on time, place and circumstances. We are not each our own separate energetic identities, we are more like a piece of a gigantic thing, like your small toe is to your body. Now this ONE energy, you can call it Spirit, God, Goddess, Universe, Cosmic Conscious. Call it Harry, George or Sally. Assign symbols to it, do whatever you like, its ALL the same. We are that Spirit, that God, that Goddess, that Universe and he/she/it is us. That is where many people get confused about energy. We will say We are one, but then we say we have our own energy fields. What we look at when we look at personal energy or auras is a constantly changing scope of ALL energy. One minute it can be in us, the next in a tree. Its not stable, its not something that is owned by an individual thing, but owned by all of us just the same. Is that about as clear as mud? The point is energy is constantly flowing, moving, changing, not something that does well being blocked or shielded. 0-energies aren't energies. They are as real as the dark is, but they are really nothing. They are the absence of energy, just the same as dark is the absence of light. The heavy, oppressive, or hair tingling dark feelings that are felt in the 0-energies is actually a response to the absence of energy. Just the same as sometimes you can "feel" the dark when it's pitch black around you. When you are in a dark room, you turn on a light and the dark goes away. When you are around a 0energy space, you allow more +energy to flow. The bigger and darker the room, the higher watt light you need to light it. The less +energy that is present, the more +energy is needed to fill it up. That is one part of what flowing is about.

Lets look at some commonly thought of energy draining experiences Have you ever been around someone that could be called an energy vampire? It feels like they suck the life out of you? Well, they are, but its your fault if it drains you for two reasons. Those two reasons are: A. The unspoken permission that allows them to suck your +energy. B. You can flow more +energy through you. There is more than enough +energy to go around. Next time you are around an -energy vampire, allow additional +energy to flow through you and watch what happens. Chances are youll both become more +energized, and the vampire will become repelled by you because you have too much +energy for them. There are dark entities. If you are facing a dark entity, the best thing to do is create so much +energy that its impossible for them to get close enough to you to affect you. The best example for this would be to imagine a real attacker. Using a shield against the attacker, keeps them blocked from you, but they can continue to beat on your shield and wear you down. Or, you can grab a fire hose, the high pressure water symbolizing high pressure +energy. The fire hose effect would beat you away from them. Personally, Ill take the fire hose. Energy vampires and dark entities are examples of the sucking kind of energy. They both want +energy. They attach to other energetic beings to get it. But its still energy the same as gravitational energy is -energy. Both are repelled by a large influx of +energy the same as it takes a large influx of energy to escape the gravitational pull of the earth. Shielding from this does not take you away from it. It only creates a stuck position. Flowing more energy will actually take you away from the sucking energies. Another huge benefit of flowing is to help build your energetic immune system. When you are inoculated from diseases, the inoculations contain minute traces of the actual disease. This is done to stimulate your own healing system to learn how to fight off a fully fledged disease. When you are flowing +energy, minute traces of stagnant or blocked energy will come through, allowing your energetic field to better identify it so you are able to keep yourself immune from larger instances of suffering from it.

A few things to keep in mind when flowing energy

Notice if you have energetic blocks and take measures to unblock yourself. Meditation, chakra clearing, asking for help from your chosen deity, or bathing in Epsom salts are all examples of ways to help clear your energy blocks. Of course pursuing a Reiki healing session is another great way to help clear blocks! Sometimes you have to rest in order to allow additional +energy to enter your system. Our organic bodies do have limitations and respecting those limitations and optimizing your physical body in order to conduit energy is an ideal practice to pursue. Right living, right eating, and resting is all a part of that. If youre struggling, call for help. Whatever spiritual path you follow, you know what to do in order to ask for help. It might be setting intentions, calling in the watchtowers, asking in the name of God/Goddess, calling in the angels, meditation, or prayer. Whatever it is that you do, youll find that it can be very effective when you need the additional support.

Interspiritual Energy Healing Training and Attunements for Inner Power and Personal Peace
This program is a complete Reiki training program honoring all spiritual paths Attunements up to and including Reiki Master/Teacher with full lineage Reiki training to offer sessions, distance sessions and self healing Chakra training Working with gemstones and much more This is a complete system for anyone interested in healing energy for themselves or to share with others! Contact Tracy Morrow if you are interesting in learning more about this comprehensive program.

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