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Online Course Evaluation Checklist

Course Name: ________________________________ Designed By: ________________________________ Date: _______________ A COURSE EVALUATION
Item Status Comments/ Plan to Revise

Course Title
1.1 Welcome
Make everyone feel welcome. Provide for introductions.

1.2 Course Description

A brief description of course is provided.

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Course Information Announcements & Support Center

2.1 Important Announcements Forum
Course goals and objectives are clearly stated and measurable. Participants know what is expected of them.

2.2 Support Forum

Inform students where help with course can be obtained. Inform students where technical support can be obtained.

Course Information
3.1 Orientation to Course
Navigation Instructions: Outline of format of course is provided. How to move around the course is clearly stated. Where to go next instructions are provided.

3.2 Syllabus
Goals & Objectives: Course goals and objectives are clearly stated and measurable. Participants know what is expected of them. Standards:

Course standards are listed (NETS, LOTI, ISTE, SBEC) Requirements: Course requirements are consistent with course goals and are clearly stated. Pre-Requisites Pre-Requisite information is listed. Course Procedures (Course Overview) A description of the activities, assignments, and resources that frame the course/units are described in detail. Assignment expectations are included. Frequency and timing of participation expectations are stated and described. Schedule A schedule of course activities is listed. Dates for assignments/activites are shown. Grading Assessment expectations are included. Course Facilitator Contact Information Information on how to communicate with online course facilitator and the process for these communications are stated. Copyright Issues associated with copyright are addressed. Academic Integrity Statement Academic integrity and netiquette expectations are stated. Privacy Policy Privacy policy is stated. Other General Items Overall syllabus provides a clear and complete course overview. Alternate plans in the event of technical difficulties are stated.


Comments/ Plan to Revise

3.3 Assignment Checklist

All assignments/activities are listed in order Dates for units, assignments, and activities are shown (unless already stated in course syllabus) Links to course activities are provided

3.4 Assessment Rubrics

Goals and Objectives Evaluation strategies are consistent with course goals and objectives. Standards

Course assessments are aligned with standards (NETS, LOTI, ISTE, SBEC). Type of Assessments Ongoing and frequent assessments are included to check for understanding after completion of each lesson. Various assessments are used. Grading policies and procedures are easy to understand. Other Assessment makes student aware of his/her progress in class (beyond grades)


Comments/ Plan to Revise

3.5 Pre-Assessment
Assessment of students prior knowledge of course material is provided.

Parts: Course Content

4.1 Activities/Assignments
Standards Course activities and assignments are aligned with standards (NETS, LOTI, ISTE, SBEC) Course activities and assignments are of sufficient rigor to teach standards being addressed. Objectives Lesson objectives are stated in each part. Each lesson includes a lesson overview of activities, assignments, and assessments. Content Various ways to learn and multiple levels of mastery are evident in course content. Activities provide for participant retention of information. Activities engage students in active learning. Activities allow for multiple learning styles. Activities are varied. Activities provide for opportunities that address higherorder thinking skills and complex thinking. Activities can be adapted to accommodate students needs. Activities are appropriate for course content and students.

4.2 Discussion Forums

Communication skills and netiquette expectations are mentioned as being an integral part of course. An opportunity for appropriate instructor-student interaction and frequent feedback about student progress is provided.

Appropriate student-student interaction to foster mastery and application of material is provided for. A plan for monitoring discussions is provided.


Comments/ Plan to Revise

4.3 Other Items to Consider

The amount and use of text is appropriate for the course. Multimedia use is suitable to the topic. Course content is provided in segments that are technologically deliverable. Video/audio segments are edited to reduce long download times. All links to content are checked and working prior to start of course. Graphics are appropriate and well utilized.

Final Reflections
5.1 End of Course Reflection
Evaluation exists for assessing students satisfaction with course.

5.2 Learning Style Self-Assessment

Opportunity for students to self-assess potential for success in online courses is provided.

Links on how to acquire additional/supplemental learning resources are presented. Sufficient learning resources and materials are available to increase student learning. Resources enrich course content.

Other Course Considerations

Instructor provides regular updates to students on course changes. Course if free of bias.


The people below have evaluated the specified course and have provided comments on improving the course and/or have listed items that need to be revised.





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