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100 1ypes of Software 1est|ng ou Never knew Lx|sted

A llsL of 100 Lypes of SofLware 1esLlng 1ypesalong wlLh deflnlLlons A musL read for any
CA professlonal
1 Acceptance 1est|ng lormal LesLlng conducLed Lo deLermlne wheLher or noL a
sysLem saLlsfles lLs accepLance crlLerla and Lo enable Lhe cusLomer Lo deLermlne
wheLher or noL Lo accepL Lhe sysLem lL ls usually performed by Lhe cusLomer
2 Access|b|||ty 1est|ng 1ype of LesLlng whlch deLermlnes Lhe usablllLy of a producL Lo
Lhe people havlng dlsablllLles (deaf bllnd menLally dlsabled eLc) 1he evaluaLlon
process ls conducLed by persons havlng dlsablllLles
3 Act|ve 1est|ng 1ype of LesLlng conslsLlng ln lnLroduclng LesL daLa and analyzlng Lhe
execuLlon resulLs lL ls usually conducLed by Lhe LesLlng Leams
4 Ag||e 1est|ng SofLware LesLlng pracLlce LhaL follows Lhe prlnclples of Lhe aglle
manlfesLo emphaslzlng LesLlng from Lhe perspecLlve of cusLomers who wlll uLlllze Lhe
sysLem lL ls usually performed by Lhe CA Leams
3 Age 1est|ng 1ype of LesLlng whlch evaluaLes a sysLems ablllLy Lo perform ln Lhe
fuLure 1he evaluaLlon process ls conducLed by LesLlng Leams
6 Adhoc 1est|ng 1esLlng performed wlLhouL plannlng and documenLaLlon Lhe LesLer
Lrles Lo break Lhe sysLem by randomly Lrylng Lhe sysLems funcLlonallLy lL ls
performed by Lhe LesLlng Leams
7 A|pha 1est|ng 1ype of LesLlng a sofLware producL or sysLem conducLed aL Lhe
developers slLe usually lL ls performed by Lhe end user
8 Assert|on 1est|ng 1ype of LesLlng conslsLlng ln verlfylng lf Lhe condlLlons conflrm
Lhe producL requlremenLs lL ls performed by Lhe LesLlng Leams
9 AI 1est|ng 1esLlng Lechnlque slmllar Lo unlL LesLlng ln LhaL lL LargeLs Lhe code level
Al 1esLlng dlffers from unlL LesLlng ln LhaL lL ls Lyplcally a CA Lask and noL a developer
10 A||pa|rs 1est|ng ComblnaLorlal LesLlng meLhod LhaL LesLs all posslble dlscreLe
comblnaLlons of lnpuL parameLers lL ls performed by Lhe LesLlng Leams
11 Automated 1est|ng 1esLlng Lechnlque LhaL uses auLomaLlon LesLlng Lools Lo
conLrol Lhe envlronmenL seLup LesL execuLlon and resulLs reporLlng lL ls performed
by a compuLer and ls used lnslde Lhe LesLlng Leams
12 as|s ath 1est|ng A LesLlng mechanlsm whlch derlves a loglcal complexlLy
measure of a procedural deslgn and use Lhls as a gulde for deflnlng a baslc seL of
execuLlon paLhs lL ls used by LesLlng Leams when deflnlng LesL cases
13 ackward Compat|b|||ty 1est|ng 1esLlng meLhod whlch verlfles Lhe behavlor of Lhe
developed sofLware wlLh older verslons of Lhe LesL envlronmenL lL ls performed by
LesLlng Leams
14 eta 1est|ng llnal LesLlng before releaslng appllcaLlon for commerclal purpose lL
ls Lyplcally done by endusers or oLhers
13 enchmark 1est|ng 1esLlng Lechnlque LhaL uses represenLaLlve seLs of programs
and daLa deslgned Lo evaluaLe Lhe performance of compuLer hardware and sofLware ln
a glven conflguraLlon lL ls performed by LesLlng Leams
16 |g ang Integrat|on 1est|ng 1esLlng Lechnlque whlch lnLegraLes lndlvldual
program modules only when everyLhlng ls ready lL ls performed by Lhe LesLlng Leams
17 |nary ortab|||ty 1est|ng 1echnlque LhaL LesLs an execuLable appllcaLlon for
porLablllLy across sysLem plaLforms and envlronmenLs usually for conformaLlon Lo an
A8l speclflcaLlon lL ls performed by Lhe LesLlng Leams
18 oundary Va|ue 1est|ng SofLware LesLlng Lechnlque ln whlch LesLs are deslgned Lo
lnclude represenLaLlves of boundary values lL ls performed by Lhe CA LesLlng Leams
19 ottom Up Integrat|on 1est|ng ln boLLom up lnLegraLlon LesLlng module aL Lhe
lowesL level are developed flrsL and oLher modules whlch go Lowards Lhe maln
program are lnLegraLed and LesLed one aL a Llme lL ls usually performed by Lhe LesLlng
20 ranch 1est|ng 1esLlng Lechnlque ln whlch all branches ln Lhe program source
code are LesLed aL leasL once 1hls ls done by Lhe developer
21 readth 1est|ng A LesL sulLe LhaL exerclses Lhe full funcLlonallLy of a producL buL
does noL LesL feaLures ln deLall lL ls performed by LesLlng Leams
22 |ack box 1est|ng A meLhod of sofLware LesLlng LhaL verlfles Lhe funcLlonallLy of an
appllcaLlon wlLhouL havlng speclflc knowledge of Lhe appllcaLlons code/lnLernal
sLrucLure 1esLs are based on requlremenLs and funcLlonallLy lL ls performed by CA
23 Codedr|ven 1est|ng 1esLlng Lechnlque LhaL uses LesLlng frameworks (such as
xunlL) LhaL allow Lhe execuLlon of unlL LesLs Lo deLermlne wheLher varlous secLlons of
Lhe code are acLlng as expecLed under varlous clrcumsLances lL ls performed by Lhe
developmenL Leams
24 Compat|b|||ty 1est|ng 1esLlng Lechnlque LhaL valldaLes how well a sofLware
performs ln a parLlcular hardware/sofLware/operaLlng sysLem/neLwork envlronmenL
lL ls performed by Lhe LesLlng Leams
23 Compar|son 1est|ng 1esLlng Lechnlque whlch compares Lhe producL sLrengLhs and
weaknesses wlLh prevlous verslons or oLher slmllar producLs Can be performed by
LesLer developers producL managers or producL owners
26 Component 1est|ng 1esLlng Lechnlque slmllar Lo unlL LesLlng buL wlLh a hlgher
level of lnLegraLlon LesLlng ls done ln Lhe conLexL of Lhe appllcaLlon lnsLead of [usL
dlrecLly LesLlng a speclflc meLhod Can be performed by LesLlng or developmenL Leams
27 Conf|gurat|on 1est|ng 1esLlng Lechnlque whlch deLermlnes mlnlmal and opLlmal
conflguraLlon of hardware and sofLware and Lhe effecL of addlng or modlfylng
resources such as memory dlsk drlves and Cu usually lL ls performed by Lhe
performance LesLlng englneers
28 Cond|t|on Coverage 1est|ng 1ype of sofLware LesLlng where each condlLlon ls
execuLed by maklng lL Lrue and false ln each of Lhe ways aL leasL once lL ls Lyplcally
made by Lhe auLomaLlon LesLlng Leams
29 Comp||ance 1est|ng 1ype of LesLlng whlch checks wheLher Lhe sysLem was
developed ln accordance wlLh sLandards procedures and guldellnes lL ls usually
performed by exLernal companles whlch offer CerLlfled CCC CompllanL brand
30 Concurrency 1est|ng MulLluser LesLlng geared Lowards deLermlnlng Lhe effecLs of
accesslng Lhe same appllcaLlon code module or daLabase records lL lL usually done by
performance englneers
31 Conformance 1est|ng 1he process of LesLlng LhaL an lmplemenLaLlon conforms Lo
Lhe speclflcaLlon on whlch lL ls based lL ls usually performed by LesLlng Leams
32 Context Dr|ven 1est|ng An Aglle 1esLlng Lechnlque LhaL advocaLes conLlnuous and
creaLlve evaluaLlon of LesLlng opporLunlLles ln llghL of Lhe poLenLlal lnformaLlon
revealed and Lhe value of LhaL lnformaLlon Lo Lhe organlzaLlon aL a speclflc momenL lL
ls usually performed by Aglle LesLlng Leams
33 Convers|on 1est|ng 1esLlng of programs or procedures used Lo converL daLa from
exlsLlng sysLems for use ln replacemenL sysLems lL ls usually performed by Lhe CA
34 Dec|s|on Coverage 1est|ng 1ype of sofLware LesLlng where each
condlLlon/declslon ls execuLed by seLLlng lL on Lrue/false lL ls Lyplcally made by Lhe
auLomaLlon LesLlng Leams
33 Destruct|ve 1est|ng 1ype of LesLlng ln whlch Lhe LesLs are carrled ouL Lo Lhe
speclmens fallure ln order Lo undersLand a speclmens sLrucLural performance or
maLerlal behavlour under dlfferenL loads lL ls usually performed by CA Leams
36 Dependency 1est|ng 1esLlng Lype whlch examlnes an appllcaLlons requlremenLs
for preexlsLlng sofLware lnlLlal sLaLes and conflguraLlon ln order Lo malnLaln proper
funcLlonallLy lL ls usually performed by LesLlng Leams
37 Dynam|c 1est|ng 1erm used ln sofLware englneerlng Lo descrlbe Lhe LesLlng of Lhe
dynamlc behavlor of code lL ls Lyplcally performed by LesLlng Leams
38 Doma|n 1est|ng WhlLe box LesLlng Lechnlque whlch conLalns checklngs LhaL Lhe
program accepLs only valld lnpuL lL ls usually done by sofLware developmenL Leams
and occaslonally by auLomaLlon LesLlng Leams
39 Lrrornand||ng 1est|ng SofLware LesLlng Lype whlch deLermlnes Lhe ablllLy of Lhe
sysLem Lo properly process erroneous LransacLlons lL ls usually performed by Lhe
LesLlng Leams
40 Lndtoend 1est|ng Slmllar Lo sysLem LesLlng lnvolves LesLlng of a compleLe
appllcaLlon envlronmenL ln a slLuaLlon LhaL mlmlcs realworld use such as lnLeracLlng
wlLh a daLabase uslng neLwork communlcaLlons or lnLeracLlng wlLh oLher hardware
appllcaLlons or sysLems lf approprlaLe lL ls performed by CA Leams
41 Lndurance 1est|ng 1ype of LesLlng whlch checks for memory leaks or oLher
problems LhaL may occur wlLh prolonged execuLlon lL ls usually performed by
performance englneers
42 Lxp|oratory 1est|ng 8lack box LesLlng Lechnlque performed wlLhouL plannlng and
documenLaLlon lL ls usually performed by manual LesLers
43 Lqu|va|ence art|t|on|ng 1est|ng SofLware LesLlng Lechnlque LhaL dlvldes Lhe lnpuL
daLa of a sofLware unlL lnLo parLlLlons of daLa from whlch LesL cases can be derlved lL
ls usually performed by Lhe CA Leams
44 Iau|t |n[ect|on 1est|ng LlemenL of a comprehenslve LesL sLraLegy LhaL enables Lhe
LesLer Lo concenLraLe on Lhe manner ln whlch Lhe appllcaLlon under LesL ls able Lo
handle excepLlons lL ls performed by CA Leams
43 Iorma| ver|f|cat|on 1est|ng 1he acL of provlng or dlsprovlng Lhe correcLness of
lnLended algorlLhms underlylng a sysLem wlLh respecL Lo a cerLaln formal speclflcaLlon
or properLy uslng formal meLhods of maLhemaLlcs lL ls usually performed by CA
46 Iunct|ona| 1est|ng 1ype of black box LesLlng LhaL bases lLs LesL cases on Lhe
speclflcaLlons of Lhe sofLware componenL under LesL lL ls performed by LesLlng Leams
47 Iuzz 1est|ng SofLware LesLlng Lechnlque LhaL provldes lnvalld unexpecLed or
random daLa Lo Lhe lnpuLs of a program a speclal area of muLaLlon LesLlng luzz
LesLlng ls performed by LesLlng Leams
48 Gor|||a 1est|ng SofLware LesLlng Lechnlque whlch focuses on heavlly LesLlng of one
parLlcular module lL ls performed by quallLy assurance Leams usually when runnlng
full LesLlng
49 Gray ox 1est|ng A comblnaLlon of 8lack 8ox and WhlLe 8ox LesLlng
meLhodologles LesLlng a plece of sofLware agalnsL lLs speclflcaLlon buL uslng some
knowledge of lLs lnLernal worklngs lL can be performed by elLher developmenL or
LesLlng Leams
30 G|ass box 1est|ng Slmllar Lo whlLe box LesLlng based on knowledge of Lhe lnLernal
loglc of an appllcaLlon's code lL ls performed by developmenL Leams
31 GUI software 1est|ng 1he process of LesLlng a producL LhaL uses a graphlcal user
lnLerface Lo ensure lL meeLs lLs wrlLLen speclflcaLlons 1hls ls normally done by Lhe
LesLlng Leams
32 G|oba||zat|on 1est|ng 1esLlng meLhod LhaL checks proper funcLlonallLy of Lhe
producL wlLh any of Lhe culLure/locale seLLlngs uslng every Lype of lnLernaLlonal lnpuL
posslble lL ls performed by Lhe LesLlng Leam
33 nybr|d Integrat|on 1est|ng 1esLlng Lechnlque whlch comblnes Lopdown and
boLLomup lnLegraLlon Lechnlques ln order leverage beneflLs of Lhese klnd of LesLlng lL
ls usually performed by Lhe LesLlng Leams
34 Integrat|on 1est|ng 1he phase ln sofLware LesLlng ln whlch lndlvldual sofLware
modules are comblned and LesLed as a group lL ls usually conducLed by LesLlng Leams
33 Interface 1est|ng 1esLlng conducLed Lo evaluaLe wheLher sysLems or componenLs
pass daLa and conLrol correcLly Lo one anoLher lL ls usually performed by boLh LesLlng
and developmenL Leams
36 Insta||]un|nsta|| 1est|ng CuallLy assurance work LhaL focuses on whaL cusLomers
wlll need Lo do Lo lnsLall and seL up Lhe new sofLware successfully lL may lnvolve full
parLlal or upgrades lnsLall/unlnsLall processes and ls Lyplcally done by Lhe sofLware
LesLlng englneer ln con[uncLlon wlLh Lhe conflguraLlon manager
37 Internat|ona||zat|on 1est|ng 1he process whlch ensures LhaL producL's
funcLlonallLy ls noL broken and all Lhe messages are properly exLernallzed when used ln
dlfferenL languages and locale lL ls usually performed by Lhe LesLlng Leams
38 InterSystems 1est|ng 1esLlng Lechnlque LhaL focuses on LesLlng Lhe appllcaLlon Lo
ensure LhaL lnLerconnecLlon beLween appllcaLlon funcLlons correcLly lL ls usually done
by Lhe LesLlng Leams
39 keyworddr|ven 1est|ng Also known as Labledrlven LesLlng or acLlonword LesLlng
ls a sofLware LesLlng meLhodology for auLomaLed LesLlng LhaL separaLes Lhe LesL
creaLlon process lnLo Lwo dlsLlncL sLages a lannlng SLage and an lmplemenLaLlon
SLage lL can be used by elLher manual or auLomaLlon LesLlng Leams
60 Load 1est|ng 1esLlng Lechnlque LhaL puLs demand on a sysLem or devlce and
measures lLs response lL ls usually conducLed by Lhe performance englneers
61 Loca||zat|on 1est|ng arL of sofLware LesLlng process focused on adapLlng a
globallzed appllcaLlon Lo a parLlcular culLure/locale lL ls normally done by Lhe LesLlng
62 Loop 1est|ng A whlLe box LesLlng Lechnlque LhaL exerclses program loops lL ls
performed by Lhe developmenL Leams
63 Manua| Scr|pted 1est|ng 1esLlng meLhod ln whlch Lhe LesL cases are deslgned and
revlewed by Lhe Leam before execuLlng lL lL ls done by manual LesLlng Leams
64 Manua|Support 1est|ng 1esLlng Lechnlque LhaL lnvolves LesLlng of all Lhe
funcLlons performed by Lhe people whlle preparlng Lhe daLa and uslng Lhese daLa from
auLomaLed sysLem lL ls conducLed by LesLlng Leams
63 Mode|ased 1est|ng 1he appllcaLlon of Model based deslgn for deslgnlng and
execuLlng Lhe necessary arLlfacLs Lo perform sofLware LesLlng lL ls usually performed
by LesLlng Leams
66 Mutat|on 1est|ng MeLhod of sofLware LesLlng whlch lnvolves modlfylng programs
source code or byLe code ln small ways ln order Lo LesL secLlons of Lhe code LhaL are
seldom or never accessed durlng normal LesLs execuLlon lL ls normally conducLed by
67 Modu|ar|tydr|ven 1est|ng SofLware LesLlng Lechnlque whlch requlres Lhe creaLlon
of small lndependenL scrlpLs LhaL represenL modules secLlons and funcLlons of Lhe
appllcaLlon under LesL lL ls usually performed by Lhe LesLlng Leam
68 Nonfunct|ona| 1est|ng 1esLlng Lechnlque whlch focuses on LesLlng of a sofLware
appllcaLlon for lLs nonfuncLlonal requlremenLs Can be conducLed by Lhe performance
englneers or by manual LesLlng Leams
69 Negat|ve 1est|ng Also known as LesL Lo fall LesLlng meLhod where Lhe LesLs alm
ls showlng LhaL a componenL or sysLem does noL work lL ls performed by manual or
auLomaLlon LesLers
70 perat|ona| 1est|ng 1esLlng Lechnlque conducLed Lo evaluaLe a sysLem or
componenL ln lLs operaLlonal envlronmenL usually lL ls performed by LesLlng Leams
71 rthogona| array 1est|ng SysLemaLlc sLaLlsLlcal way of LesLlng whlch can be
applled ln user lnLerface LesLlng sysLem LesLlng regresslon LesLlng conflguraLlon
LesLlng and performance LesLlng lL ls performed by Lhe LesLlng Leam
72 a|r 1est|ng SofLware developmenL Lechnlque ln whlch Lwo Leam members work
LogeLher aL one keyboard Lo LesL Lhe sofLware appllcaLlon Cne does Lhe LesLlng and
Lhe oLher analyzes or revlews Lhe LesLlng 1hls can be done beLween one 1esLer and
ueveloper or 8uslness AnalysL or beLween Lwo LesLers wlLh boLh parLlclpanLs Laklng
Lurns aL drlvlng Lhe keyboard
73 ass|ve 1est|ng 1esLlng Lechnlque conslsLlng ln monlLorlng Lhe resulLs of a runnlng
sysLem wlLhouL lnLroduclng any speclal LesL daLa lL ls performed by Lhe LesLlng Leam
74 ara||e| 1est|ng 1esLlng Lechnlque whlch has Lhe purpose Lo ensure LhaL a new
appllcaLlon whlch has replaced lLs older verslon has been lnsLalled and ls runnlng
correcLly lL ls conducLed by Lhe LesLlng Leam
73 ath 1est|ng 1yplcal whlLe box LesLlng whlch has Lhe goal Lo saLlsfy coverage
crlLerla for each loglcal paLh Lhrough Lhe program lL ls usually performed by Lhe
developmenL Leam
76 enetrat|on 1est|ng 1esLlng meLhod whlch evaluaLes Lhe securlLy of a compuLer
sysLem or neLwork by slmulaLlng an aLLack from a mallclous source usually Lhey are
conducLedby speclallzed peneLraLlon LesLlng companles
77 erformance 1est|ng luncLlonal LesLlng conducLed Lo evaluaLe Lhe compllance of a
sysLem or componenL wlLh speclfled performance requlremenLs lL ls usually
conducLed by Lhe performance englneer
78 ua||f|cat|on 1est|ng 1esLlng agalnsL Lhe speclflcaLlons of Lhe prevlous release
usually conducLed by Lhe developer for Lhe consumer Lo demonsLraLe LhaL Lhe
sofLware meeLs lLs speclfled requlremenLs
79 kamp 1est|ng 1ype of LesLlng conslsLlng ln ralslng an lnpuL slgnal conLlnuously
unLll Lhe sysLem breaks down lL may be conducLed by Lhe LesLlng Leam or Lhe
performance englneer
80 kegress|on 1est|ng 1ype of sofLware LesLlng LhaL seeks Lo uncover sofLware errors
afLer changes Lo Lhe program (eg bug flxes or new funcLlonallLy) have been made by
reLesLlng Lhe program lL ls performed by Lhe LesLlng Leams
81 kecovery 1est|ng 1esLlng Lechnlque whlch evaluaLes how well a sysLem recovers
from crashes hardware fallures or oLher caLasLrophlc problems lL ls performed by Lhe
LesLlng Leams
82 kequ|rements 1est|ng 1esLlng Lechnlque whlch valldaLes LhaL Lhe requlremenLs
are correcL compleLe unamblguous and loglcally conslsLenL and allows deslgnlng a
necessary and sufflclenL seL of LesL cases from Lhose requlremenLs lL ls performed by
CA Leams
83 Secur|ty 1est|ng A process Lo deLermlne LhaL an lnformaLlon sysLem proLecLs daLa
and malnLalns funcLlonallLy as lnLended lL can be performed by LesLlng Leams or by
speclallzed securlLyLesLlng companles
84 San|ty 1est|ng 1esLlng Lechnlque whlch deLermlnes lf a new sofLware verslon ls
performlng well enough Lo accepL lL for a ma[or LesLlng efforL lL ls performed by Lhe
LesLlng Leams
83 Scenar|o 1est|ng 1esLlng acLlvlLy LhaL uses scenarlos based on a hypoLheLlcal sLory
Lo help a person Lhlnk Lhrough a complex problem or sysLem for a LesLlng
envlronmenL lL ls performed by Lhe LesLlng Leams
86 Sca|ab|||ty 1est|ng arL of Lhe baLLery of nonfuncLlonal LesLs whlch LesLs a
sofLware appllcaLlon for measurlng lLs capablllLy Lo scale up be lL Lhe user load
supporLed Lhe number of LransacLlons Lhe daLa volume eLc lL ls conducLed by Lhe
performance englneer
87 Statement 1est|ng WhlLe box LesLlng whlch saLlsfles Lhe crlLerlon LhaL each
sLaLemenL ln a program ls execuLed aL leasL once durlng program LesLlng lL ls usually
performed by Lhe developmenL Leam
88 Stat|c 1est|ng A form of sofLware LesLlng where Lhe sofLware lsnL acLually used lL
checks malnly for Lhe sanlLy of Lhe code algorlLhm or documenL lL ls used by Lhe
developer who wroLe Lhe code
89 Stab|||ty 1est|ng 1esLlng Lechnlque whlch aLLempLs Lo deLermlne lf an appllcaLlon
wlll crash lL ls usually conducLed by Lhe performance englneer
90 Smoke 1est|ng 1esLlng Lechnlque whlch examlnes all Lhe baslc componenLs of a
sofLware sysLem Lo ensure LhaL Lhey work properly 1yplcally smoke LesLlng ls
conducLed by Lhe LesLlng Leam lmmedlaLely afLer a sofLware bulld ls made
91 Storage 1est|ng 1esLlng Lype LhaL verlfles Lhe program under LesL sLores daLa flles
ln Lhe correcL dlrecLorles and LhaL lL reserves sufflclenL space Lo prevenL unexpecLed
LermlnaLlon resulLlng from lack of space lL ls usually performed by Lhe LesLlng Leam
92 Stress 1est|ng 1esLlng Lechnlque whlch evaluaLes a sysLem or componenL aL or
beyond Lhe llmlLs of lLs speclfled requlremenLs lL ls usually conducLed by Lhe
performance englneer
93 Structura| 1est|ng WhlLe box LesLlng Lechnlque whlch Lakes lnLo accounL Lhe
lnLernal sLrucLure of a sysLem or componenL and ensures LhaL each program sLaLemenL
performs lLs lnLended funcLlon lL ls usually performed by Lhe sofLware developers
94 System 1est|ng 1he process of LesLlng an lnLegraLed hardware and sofLware
sysLem Lo verlfy LhaL Lhe sysLem meeLs lLs speclfled requlremenLs lL ls conducLed by
Lhe LesLlng Leams ln boLh developmenL and LargeL envlronmenL
93 System |ntegrat|on 1est|ng 1esLlng process LhaL exerclses a sofLware sysLems
coexlsLence wlLh oLhers lL ls usually performed by Lhe LesLlng Leams
96 1op Down Integrat|on 1est|ng 1esLlng Lechnlque LhaL lnvolves sLarLlng aL Lhe sLop
of a sysLem hlerarchy aL Lhe user lnLerface and uslng sLubs Lo LesL from Lhe Lop down
unLll Lhe enLlre sysLem has been lmplemenLed lL ls conducLed by Lhe LesLlng Leams
97 1hread 1est|ng A varlaLlon of Lopdown LesLlng Lechnlque where Lhe progresslve
lnLegraLlon of componenLs follows Lhe lmplemenLaLlon of subseLs of Lhe requlremenLs
lL ls usually performed by Lhe LesLlng Leams
98 Upgrade 1est|ng 1esLlng Lechnlque LhaL verlfles lf asseLs creaLed wlLh older
verslons can be used properly and LhaL users learnlng ls noL challenged lL ls
performed by Lhe LesLlng Leams
99 Un|t 1est|ng SofLware verlflcaLlon and valldaLlon meLhod ln whlch a programmer
LesLs lf lndlvldual unlLs of source code are flL for use lL ls usually conducLed by Lhe
developmenL Leam
100 User Interface 1est|ng 1ype of LesLlng whlch ls performed Lo check how user
frlendly Lhe appllcaLlon ls lL ls performed by LesLlng Leams

8onus !!! lLs always good Lo know a few exLra

101 Usab|||ty 1est|ng 1esLlng Lechnlque whlch verlfles Lhe ease wlLh whlch a user can
learn Lo operaLe prepare lnpuLs for and lnLerpreL ouLpuLs of a sysLem or componenL
lL ls usually performed by end users
102 Vo|ume 1est|ng 1esLlng whlch conflrms LhaL any values LhaL may become large
over Llme (such as accumulaLed counLs logs and daLa flles) can be accommodaLed by
Lhe program and wlll noL cause Lhe program Lo sLop worklng or degrade lLs operaLlon
ln any manner lL ls usually conducLed by Lhe performance englneer
103 Vu|nerab|||ty 1est|ng 1ype of LesLlng whlch regards appllcaLlon securlLy and has
Lhe purpose Lo prevenL problems whlch may affecL Lhe appllcaLlon lnLegrlLy and
sLablllLy lL can be performed by Lhe lnLernal LesLlng Leams or ouLsourced Lo speclallzed
104 Wh|te box 1est|ng 1esLlng Lechnlque based on knowledge of Lhe lnLernal loglc of
an appllcaLlon's code and lncludes LesLs llke coverage of code sLaLemenLs branches
paLhs condlLlons lL ls performed by sofLware developers
103 Workf|ow 1est|ng ScrlpLed endLoend LesLlng Lechnlque whlch dupllcaLes
speclflc workflows whlch are expecLed Lo be uLlllzed by Lhe enduser lL ls usually
conducLed by LesLlng Leams
1haL concludes Lhe llsL Pope ?ou en[oyed readlng lL

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