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kead|ng L|st for Soc|o|ogy (Ma|n)

Shrl upendra Caur's class noLes

Soclology1om 8oLLomore
SoclologyMlchael Paralambos
Classlcal Soclologlcal 1heoryCeorge 8lLzer
1rlbal lndlanadeem Pasnaln
ModernlzaLlon of lndlan 1radlLlon?ogendra Slngh
Changlng lndla8oberL SLern

A few t|ps
1 8efer Lo lCnCu noLes for Lhe new Loplcs lnLroduced ln aper ll
2 Make sure you menLlon case sLudles ln aper ll answers
3 Make good noLes on Loplcs llke eLhnlclLy rellglon casLe envlronmenL women's movemenL Lrlbal
movemenL pollLlcal parLles pressure groups [udlclary eLc whlch are common Lo ollLlcal Sclence
Soclology CS or Lssay as lL'll help you Lo opLlmlze your preparaLlon
3 8ead Lhe quesLlons carefully ln boLh opLlonals before answerlng More ofLen Lhan noL Lhe second
parL of Lhe quesLlons would requlre a blL of orlglnal Lhlnklng beyond whaL you may have prepared

kead|ng L|st for o||t|ca| Sc|ence (re||ms and Ma|n)
1he ConsLlLuLlon of lndlauu 8asuAn lnLroducLlon Lo ollLlcal 1heoryC CaubaSpecLrums
ollLlcal Sclence for rellms1he ConsLlLuLlon of lndlaM8akshl
ollLlcal 1heoryAmal 8ay MohlL 8haLLacharya
ComparaLlve ollLlcs8onald ChllcoLe
Cur arllamenLSC kashyap
PlsLory of ollLlcal 1houghLSubraLa Mukher[ee Susheela 8amaswamy
A PlsLory of ollLlcal 1houghL! SudaloundaLlons of lndlan ollLlcal 1houghLv8 MehLaModern
ollLlcal 1heoryS verma
WesLern ollLlcal 1houghL8M 8hagaL
Andrew PeywoodollLlcs
Andrew PeywoodollLlcal 1heory An lnLroducLlonComparaLlve ollLlcs!C !oharl
PlsLory of ollLlcal 1houghL Ceorge Sablne
ollLlcs among naLlonsPans MorgenLhau

A few t|ps
1 Look up Wlklpedla for Lhe laLesL on world consLlLuLlons
2 Comblne preparaLlon of SecLlon 8 of aper 1 wlLh lndlan ollLy and PlsLory ln CS
3 updaLe your aper ll SecLlon 8 answers wlLh CS aper ll noLes on lndla and Lhe World and
lnLernaLlonal CrganlzaLlons
1ake a look aL Lhe uelhl unlverslLy 8A/MA ollLlcal Sclence syllabus/readlng llsLs for references
on lnLernaLlonal 8elaLlons

This is a very important process. You have millions oI books and they seem intimidating at
It's always a good idea to make notes.

First, do not ever make notes in your Iirst reading. I would go Ior notes maybe in 2nd or
better in 3rd read.

There are many kind oI notes that you can make.

1) II you select certain most important topics in your optionals, eg distt administration, RTI
in pub ad, then select the best books Ior that topic and write all oI that on A4 sized sheets.
select such 50 60 topics Irom your optionals by looking at the pattern oI paper and make the
best notes possible. Initially it seems like a lot oI hard work. But it really helps. I made such
notes Ior about 80-90 topics in Pub ad. Remember, you can not aIIord to leave the rest oI the
syllabus. because even in the best case scenaro you might get questions outside this list.
So Iinish your syllabus thoroughly and these notes will work as add ons.

2) Chapter-wise notes- I did this in both psychology and Pub ad.
take an A4 sheet and Iold it in between so that it has 2 parts. write synoptical notes just the
gist that is relevant to you. write it in condensed Iorm so that it doesnt take much space. Also,
use highlighters and red/pink/green pens to highlight imp stuII.

You must be wondering why I a stressing on A4 sheets. They are easy to handle and you can
classiIy the notes whenever you want. You don't have to carry a big notebook at the time oI

3) Post-it notes-
Suppose you have GS notes Irom a coaching class. They are good. But they are huge. Also,
you have already spent enough time on optionals notes. So there's a short cut Ior these notes.
Buy Post-it notes, the yellow coloured stickies. When you have studied a topic, just write the
ves, -ves, anything on that post it and stick it onto that page. When you are revising the
stuII, just look at the post-its. That will save your time and stick better in head.

Just beIore the exam, you can just glance at these notes Ior the last time. Remember you
should have done this many times beIore. But the last revision is the most crucial.
Psychology students would understand why. When you write your paper this year, you would
understand the signiIicance oI this last look you gave your notes.

Also understand that the note making exercise is a tedious one and you might think you are
wasting a lot oI time. rather you could study Irom books. but Ior a single topic you will have
to open 4 5 books at a time. That's even more tedious. Plus it will be diIIicult to retrieve the
stuII. Get it all in one place and you are all set.

Starting preparation
-Essay writing
-Making Notes
-sustaining motivation and morale
-newspaper readingips
-interview tips


Given the time constraint, a well-thought out strategy makes the diIIerence between success
and Iailure. Intensive and Iocused approach built on analysis needs to be scrupulously
adhered to. Some ingredients oI a 'smart strategy' are:
-Building a general overview
-Conceptual Understanding oI the subject matter.
-Perusal oI question papers oI previous years.
-IdentiIication oI 'thrust areas' Ior concentrated pursuit.
-Adequate writing practice Ior time management and evolving right content.
-Continuous review oI perIormance and appropriate corrections.

Though the current trend oI Public Administration suggests that the preparation Ior prelims
should be grounded in a mains-Iocused approach, the strategy oI preparing Ior Prelims and
Mains is markedly diIIerent.

Strategy for Prelims:

1. Conceptual Understanding oI the subject is a must. Study Irom standard textbooks to get a
grip on the subject matter. SuperIicial reading won`t help.

2. Public Administration by Laxmikanth is the most important textbook Ior Prelims. Finish it

3. Read and understand all the concepts thoroughly word by word because, public
administration is a game oI words. Sometimes questions are asked Irom the very technicality
oI the words.

4. Try to go through all the current aIIairs Iacts related to Public Administration. For e.g. Pay
Commission Reports, Finance Commission Reports, RTI etc.

5. Supplement this knowledge with a Iew books like Public Administration and Public
AIIairs by Nicholas Henry; New Horizons oI public Administration by Mohit Bhattacharya
and Indian Administration by Arora/Goel.

6. Practice Mock tests regularly Ior all units and also at least one Full Length Test.

Strategy for Mains:
Every candidate appearing Ior the mains examination should be conversant with the
Iundamentals oI the structure, process, behaviour and environment oI the administrative
system. It's equally important that the student should be conversant with contemporary and
the current developments oI socio-political and economic nature that have a close bearing on
the Iunctioning oI the administration. For example, changing governors, direct grants to
panchayats, economic reIorms with a human Iace; globalization and administration, second-
generation reIorms and the social inIrastructure, right to inIormation and participative

1. First oI all you have to thoroughly analyze the syllabus and the previous years question
papers. Then, it will be easy to understand what is actually expected Irom you.

2. Study basic study material like Sharma Sadana, Arora Goel, Avasthi Maheshwari etc.
Supplement it with IIPA journals, Internet etc.

3. While studying the subject, understand it well. Don`t just gloss over it. Secondly, try to
Ieel what you are reading inside. This helps reproducing answers Irom your subconscious
mind during the exam.

4. Amassing inIormation is a big DON`T . You should be able to identiIy 'core areas'
which cannot be avoided in the context oI the mains examination and consolidate. Most
importantly, study and writing practice should reinIorce each other.

5. Read a magazine like Frontline, Yojana, Kurukshetra and keep a tab on what`s happening
around you. You have to anyway do it Ior GS. Just try to note what is happening in Public
Administration specially.

6. Make synoptic notes Ior all the topics. These help in Iinal revision. One can recall points
Ior a certain topic easily when writing the exam.

7. Writing practice holds the key to success. It ensures legibility, time management and
adherence to word limit. EIIective introduction, logical build up and balanced conclusion
send the right signals to the evaluator. Every question needs to be studied careIully to
understand the exact requirements.

8. Several times, the questions are general in nature and not direct. For example,
criminalization oI politics and politicization oI crime; public sector enterprises are neither
public nor enterprises; recruitment oI recruiters needs to be streamlined and planning in India
needs to be depoliticized.

9. For short questions, answers should be direct and precise. In a long essay, introduction
should be appealing and eIIective. Elaboration oI the theme should be properly prioritized.
Sequencing should be done in such a manner that one paragraph logically Iollows Irom

10. Depending upon the paper I or II, apt illustrations add value. While answering a question
on welIare administration, the concept oI welIare needs to be supplemented with the
initiatives undertaken by the government highlighting the diIIerent types oI programmes, the
coverage and the resource proIile. Unlike general studies, public administration requires
interpretative skills, ability to correlate theory and practice; and synchronize conventional
with the current. For example, presidential activism in India; budget as an instrument oI
socioeconomic transIormation; citizen-administration interIace and e-governance; regulation
and development; development and delivery models.

11. Concentrate on the newly emerging and sensitive topics like:
Criminalization oI politics
Politicization oI administration
Coalition govt.
Panchayati Raj Institutions and their empowerment
Urban Local Govt.
Disaster Management

ub Ad Sources
paper 1

MohlL 8haLLacharya new horlzons
Sharma Sadana
rasad and rasad adm Lhlnkers
lCnCu noLes

paper 2

Arora Coyal
S 8 Maheshwarl
llA [ournals
u u basu (lndlan ollLy)

SupplemenLary books AvasLhl and AvasLhl
ladla ladla

CS 8esources
PlsLory nCL81s 8lpln Chandra and SpecLrum Modern lndla

ollLy u u basu consLlLuLlon bare acL p m bakshl our parllamenL subhash kashyap

Ceog hyslcal and Puman geog nCL81s and Coh Cheng leong hyslcal Ceography one ALlas

Lconomlcs uuLL Sundaram ueconomlcs enguln dlcLlonary newspaper nCL81 macroeconomlcs

CMA lasL Len years quesLlons
SLaLs nCL81
CurrenL affalrs Plndu 1Cl yo[ana fronLllne kuruksheLra any currenL affalrs magazlne
S1 SpecLrum and MM

sychology 1lps
tudent oI Psychology in CS preparation avails oI his guidance in one Iorm or another. I have
immensely beneIited Irom being his student and he is more than just a teacher. He has been a
mentor and Iriend too. I am not suggesting that every student should join his classes. But this
is one oI the ways I can thank him Ior his invaluable support and guidance.

NCERT 11th & 12th
Mr. Mukul Pathak's class notes.

1.Focus on conceptual understanding.

2.All chapters oI paper 1 are extremely important and interlinked. So do not leave any unit.

3.Practice answer writing in the prescribed time limit and try to get them evaluated by
someone competent.

4.Make synoptical notes Ior every topic Ior easy reIerence. That helps in the Iinal revision.

5.For paper 2, you need to use some daily liIe examples and put them in your answer.
Also try to add some theoretical aspects oI paper 1.

$ome tips for preparation
1) First choose your 1st optional

2) Now buy syllabus oI GS and your optional. Go through it comprehensively.

3) Buy previous 10 years question papers oI prelims and mains Ior your optional and GS.
Make sure that these question papers are divided question wise.

4) Now go through the questions to understand the pattern oI the paper. AIter you have seen
what the exam expects out oI you, start studying the basic books.

5) When you are studying basic books Ior GS and optional, do not go about making notes and
cramming stuII. This Iirst reading is meant to acquaint you with concepts. So Iocus on
conceptual understanding no matter how Iactual the subject is.

6) Always try to understand the central aspect oI any topic and not the peripheral aspects.
Peripheral aspects will naturally Iollow.

7) Do not just start preparing Ior prelims exclusively. The idea is that you should Iirst prepare
holistically Ior prelims and mains together and towards the last 3 4 months you can Iocus
exclusively on prelims.

8) Always keep sight oI the question paper pattern. Do some problem solving Ior both
prelims and mains.

9)Take regular breaks. None can keep working non stop. :-)

10) Keep a chart to track your progress. I did that and that helps.

Murkx query:-
;DALIIILD IN WkI11LN8oll no 139306
name SPu8P8A SAxLnA
Clvll Servlces(Maln) LxamlnaLlon 2008
Lssay(aper lll) 200 10
Ceneral SLudles (aperlv) 300 17
Ceneral SLudles(aperv) 300 13
CpLlonal lsychology
apervl 300 19
apervll 300 136
CpLlonal ll ubllc AdmlnlsLraLlon
apervlll 300 13
aperlx 300 189
enalLy Marks

WrlLLen 1oLal 2000 1161
lnLervlew Marks 300 210
llnal 1oLal 2300 1371
8emarks 8ecommended
Al81 (2008)

CAnuluA1u8L 8CvlSlCnAL

lf you deslre an auLhenLlcaLed copy of your Marks SheeL please wrlLe Lo 1he SecreLary unlon
ubllc Servlce Commlsslon uholpur Pouse Shah[ahan 8oad new uelhl 110069 encloslng a self
addressed sufflclenLly sLamped envelope aL Lhe earllesL

Cuery CompleLed
D|sc|a|mer 1he contents of th|s s|te |s |nformatory |n nature

mportant Current Affairs topics for C$ 2008
Prepare answers (Iacts analysis organise answer) in your own words Ior them and treat
them as a part oI syllabus.

India and World

Indo - US relations (due to nuclear deal)
Indo - Pak relations (due to recent political developments in Pakistan and Iiring across LoC)
Indo - China (Tibet issue and boundary talks)
Indo - France (Visit by Sarkozy)
Steps by India to get civilian nuclear cooperation
Energy Security (due to Nuclear deal)

International AIIairs

Developments in Nepal
Developments in Pakistan
Developments in West Asia Peace Process
Developments on Iran nuclear issue (do mention turnabout in US policy)
G8 summit
Lisbon Treaty


WTO and Agriculture
Global recession and oil price rise
FAO summit on Iood crisis
WIPO and its Development agenda

Science and Technology

DNA, its structure and Iunctions (A pioneer in the Iield - Gunther Stent - died recently)
Genetic Engineering
Chandrayaan/India's space programme (it was postponed Irom February this year to
sometime next year)
India's three stage nuclear programme


Trust Vote
Role oI Speaker
Parliamentary control over executive
2 markers on Rule 184 and Rule 192
Trial by Media (Arushi murder case). See some points Irom P M Bakshi Ior this topic.

National, Social and Environmental issues

Climate change and India's Climate Change Action Plan
Project Tiger
Internal Security

Try to add relevant points Irom Current AIIairs even in traditional questions. For example:

(1) On Parliamentary control over executive make a reIerence to current govt. taking trust
vote on a deal with Ioreign country even though no law has been passed Ior it yet.
(2) In Project Tiger give the recent developments on it (National Tiger Conservation
Authority has been Iormed recently Ior Project Tiger areas. Give its Iunctions too)
(3) In Internal Security give reIerence to recent blasts and steps taken by govt.

Climate Change could be an essay topic this year.

eneral $tudies - ains
II conventional topics (National Movement, Polity, Economics, Geography) are prepared
well during Prelims itselI, then it eases a lot oI pressure in preparation Ior the Mains as during
the period May-October eIIort can be Iocused on practicing Ior Mains and Current AIIairs
which have become very important in GS exam. I'll try to deal with each oI the topics
mentioned in syllabus.

For ational ovement, I used to read Irom Spectrum 'History oI Modern India and
practice Irom NCERT. There is usually a surprise element in UPSC history questions (though
this year's were straight Iorward) and practicing Irom NCERT without reading it gave me
adequate practice. I'd read a chapter aIter solving the questions given at the back. I tried
approx. 5-8 tough questions Irom most chapters. Also, some topics State People`s
Movements, Rise oI LeIt Front, Communalism are covered very well in Bipan Chandra
'India`s Struggle Ior Independence (Penguin).
For Polit, I read Dr. D.D. Basu 'Introduction to the Constitution oI India, Wizard Indian
Polity and Constitution and solved questions given at the back oI Wizard book (they are just
Previous Year questions). To add some extra points or clariIy doubts Ior important topics, I
used to go through P.M. Bakshi`s 'The Constitution oI India
For eograph, I read NCERT books - India's Physical Environment, India People and
For conomics, I had notes Irom Sriram's institute and substantiated them Irom Misra/Puri. I
was thorough with XIth Five Year Plan and would read important topics Irom Economic
Survey. These were: State oI the Economy, External Sector, InIrastructure, Social Sectors.
I practiced previous year papers Ior $tatistics.
And now the most important part- Current Affairs - India and World; International AIIairs;
current topics in Economy and Polity; National, Social and Environment issues; Science and
I was regular with The Hindu - took clippings daily, underlined important points in them right
away (so that I didn't have to read the article all over again later) and arranged them topic
wise once every Iortnight or so. I also read Chronicle and important topics Irom Frontline (20
pages in each issue out oI 130 pages). By August mid I had a list oI important issues Irom all
topics. This includes:
O Relations with about 10-12 countries (Russia, US, Pakistan, Nepal, Brazil, South
AIrica, China, Japan, ASEAN, SAARC, G8, Italy, Germany; any country important
Ior that year). I arranged the clippings topic wise and wrote answers Ior relations with
each country. For example: In India-Russia relations I divided answer into 6 sections
(Energy, DeIence, International aIIairs, Economy/Trade, Cultural, Miscellaneous).
There would be about 5-10 points oI recent developments under each heading.
O Nearly 10-15 topics each Irom International AIIairs, National issues, Polity issues and
current Economy, Science and Technology.
I prepared and practiced answers Ior these important topics. Atleast 3-4 revisions are must to
get the best out oI this eIIort.
Many oI the 2 markers were covered Irom these news clippings. Also, I practiced to write
maximum inIormation in minimum words. This is a must to do well in 2 markers.
%ackling the exam: For me time is a big issue in exam. I write quite slowly. So I would
answer all the questions I knew Iirst and leave all the Ilukes Ior the last (around 30-40 marks
detailed questions). This way I could give my best in the questions I was thorough with.
Moreover, beIore writing the answer I`d think on it Ior a Iew minutes and prepare a basic
Iramework. This is a must. I wrote to the point answers. Moreover, iI I could write only good
150 words Ior a 250 words answer, I`d leave it at that rather than trying to stretch my answer
to required word limit.
I leIt 2 markers which I didn't know rather than attempting Ilukes in them.

For General Studies, here find the mention of the books:-

History: NCERT(old syllabus books for XI and XII)
India's Struggle for Independence by Bipin Chandra
Note: First complete the NCERT books. You can arrange the old books from some seniors as the
old syllabus books are not available in the market.

0ography: NCERT (XI and XII books, new syllabus books are also good).
Geography through Maps by Anil Kesari
Note: Have an Atlas handy while studying Geography. And when I say handy means, refer it
whenever you encounter some geographical feature, relief, place, pattern, etc.

!49: Indian Constitution by Laxmikanth

.onomy: Read NCERT books from class VIII onwards.
Note: Frankly speaking, I have not read them so far. Nor I intend to do so. If I will get time then I
may think of going through them. Analyse the previous year papers. I would recommend to go for
Arihant papers for GS(Pre) as they have already analysed the paper well.

$.i0n.0and%0.hnology: Read NCERT books
Or You can rely on TMH Guide or Spectrum Guide.

Mis.: India Year Book.

RSS-Sankalp Delhi

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