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3 Cs of HRP : HRD defined as the three Cs competence, commitment and culture building- had become more critical today

y than before and it is going to become even more. As technology, money, and systems lose their competitive advantage by virtue of their easy accessibility of all people and their competencies or Talent" is going to become scarcer and hence gain a strategic advantage. If HR can realize their and HRD managers prepare themselves to this changing role, then HRD will have bright future. If HR fails to recognize this other functions will take charge and new titles get created like "performance manager" "People processes manager" "OD expert" etc. The three Cs of HRD competence, commitment and culture-building are very critical in todays scenario. Technologies, money and the like gradually lose their competitive advantage by virtue of easy accessibility. But HR continues being the strength of the organization. Talent is going to become scarcer and hence gain a strategic advantage. But HR still has a long way to go to be accepted fully as a profession.

Induction vs Orientation When a new employee joins a company he is led into an induction/orientation or an induction and orientation program. This really confuses many in HR as some believe it is induction while others refer to it as orientation. Are these two words synonymous or there is some difference between the two concepts? This article attempts to make clear the two interrelated but different concepts that are a part of any initiation program that is designed to make an employee feel relaxed and learn the rules and regulations of a company in an easy manner. Every company or organization has to have an induction and orientation program in place so that a new employee learns the rules and regulations of the company quickly. The program also makes him aware of the organizational structure of the company, the persons whom he has to interact and report matters, and also the actual training that the person has to undergo to perform the role and duties assigned to him. Induction is of a shorter duration while orientation may take up to a week. Induction comes first and is usually followed by orientation. Induction is more informal than orientation. Induction means to introduce the new employee with all the other employees to make him feel relaxed. He is given a preview of the company and is more in the form of a presentation than in the form of training which is what orientation is. Induction gives an idea of the type of organization he is going to work with and in general to make him feel more comfortable with the premises and the people inside the organization.

Orientation is a more formal program that follows induction and usually consists of familiarizing the employee with his work environment, the machines and equipment, and the job and tasks that the new employee is expected to perform. If the new employee makes mistakes, it is taken as a part of his learning process. Mistakes gradually reduce in frequency and magnitude and by the time orientation comes to an end, the program makes the employee ready to take on the challenges of his job. In brief: Induction vs Orientation Induction and orientation are part of a program that is designed to make a new employee comfortable in the organization and to make him learn the job he has to perform in an easy manner. Induction comes first and is followed by orientation Induction is more informal while orientation is more formal. Induction is shorter, mostly of a day while orientation may take up to 7 days.

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