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Over the last few months, I have come across several books all concerned with various aspects of the same subject, namely the decline of Western and American civilizations. The first book I read on the subject was "The Great Disruption" by Francis Fukuyama who is Professor of Public Policy at George Mason University in Washington D.C. This is an examination of what has gone wrong within society over recent decades and the consequences. Fukuyama deals lightly with the subject and with a tendency towards political "correctness". This is not really surprising since any academic who wants to hold on to his job must take account of the fact that true free thinking and expression disappeared from American and Western universities many years ago. The next book was Kathleen Parker's "Save the Males". The authoress writes forthrightly, but in a light and sometimes entertaining way, about the damage done to society by feminism. Naturally, this has made her a hate figure in the eyes of the few feminatrics - mainly academics - who are left plodding on with the feminist banner. My next book was very much more powerful and hard-hitting. It was "When the Empire Strikes Out". In the 1970s Sir John Glubb, (a.k.a. Glubb Pasha) wrote his book End of Empire in which he examined the rise and fall of the major empires of the last 4,000 years. Unfortunately I have been unable to get a copy of this book despite searching far and wide all over the world. The only one on offer must have been a first edition and was on sale at Amazon at almost 100! But Bernard Goetz in When the Empire Strikes Out, uses some of the material published in Sir John Glubbs book, and points out the following features of an empire or civilization close to collapse and about to end: 1. 2. The decline of sexual morality. An aversion to marriage in favour of cohabitation.

3. An increased divorce rate. This happened in Rome and was one of the factors responsible for the downfall of the Roman Empire. 4. Gay sex becomes publicly acceptable. This happened in Greece before they were conquered by Rome. 5. The increased economic and political power of women. Women were found in large numbers in the workforce and professions.

They became athletes, actresses and even gladiators. 6. An influx of foreign immigrants into the empires capital and major cities. The argument was that they helped the economy and helped to protect the empire. Actually the multi-cultural element introduced helped to bring about the downfall of the empire. 7. Both frivolity and pessimism increase among the people and their leaders. In order to find solutions to lifes problems, people turned to a luxurious lifestyle often funded on debt, extreme sexual activity, drugs, alcohol and low grade entertainment. 8. The government provides welfare for the poor extensively. By providing handouts, people were encouraged to become dependent and lazy and were content to live a lower standard of life without fear of starvation and regarded it as their right. Does all this sound horribly familiar and terribly modern? This quote from an article by Charlie Rees - an American journalist for the last 49 years who retired in August 2008 - makes an interesting comparison: Of all the corrosive, nonsensical and damaging movements that have come and gone in American society, none has caused more damage than feminism. Thank God it now seems to be falling out of favour. It goes without saying that no country can be strong without strong families, and feminism directly attacked the very concept of families. It urged young women to slut around. If men are promiscuous, why shouldnt you be? That alone shows the degree of stupidity that is characteristic of the feminist movement. Thats why the feminists bear responsibility for the plight of so many single mothers. Rules that conform to nature produce positive results. Rules that conflict with nature produce bad results. Through the centuries, Western civilization developed some rules that took into account the natural differences between men and women. The male is by nature promiscuous. Sex to the male is like eating a good meal - an enjoyable experience but one you can get up and walk away from without any thought. The woman, designed by nature to be a mother and susceptible to becoming pregnant, invests much more emotion in it.

So society, to protect women, develops rules to discourage promiscuity

by both sexes. Even in my day, the rule was iron-tight. If you got a girl pregnant, you married her. No debate. No excuses. If you abandoned her and the baby, you were a worthless, lowdown dog. There were also social penalties against the girl who slept around. These rules werent 100 percent effective, but they definitely put a restraint on the libido. There were far fewer teen pregnancies and single moms than there are now. But the feminists dismantled these rules. Women are just like men, they said. You pick your own guys to sleep with and walk away when youre finished. Sex is for recreation. Well, anybody but a stupid feminist would have realized that the group that welcomed that message the most was the males. When females started saying, Lets have sex with no obligations, the male said, You betcha. Of course, a necessary ingredient of feminist-promoted promiscuity is abortion on demand, since no method of birth control is 100 percent effective. This has literally led to the deaths of more innocents than the Holocaust. And for what reason? Simply as an adjunct to recreational sex without responsibility. Another stupid thing feminists did was attack motherhood and make it seem that working was the better choice. Anybody with life experience knows that it is 100 times more difficult and requires more intelligence and more energy to be a good wife and mother than to perform any corporate job. Corporations run themselves. Families dont. Most of the jobs men do no sensible woman would want to do.

When I bought my next book I made no mental connection with those I'd already read. It was "Can we trust the BBC?" by Robin Aitken who, having worked for the BBC for 25 years, is able to tell the story from the inside. Aitken states that from being a respected world-wide organization, the BBC has slipped into a group-think attitude which closes down any debate it doesn't like. I realised the connection with my other reading when Aitken went on to say that from the 1960s onward, attitudes in the BBC underwent a revolution. This was when feminists started to infiltrate the media in general and the BBC in particular. Consequently the BBC is now in the grip of political "correctness" gone mad. My next book I found totally devastating. It was "Slouching Towards Gomorrah" by Robert H. Bork, an American judge. It's one of the most perceptively honest and prophetic books I've read for many years. It was written in 1996 and the author agrees with the writers of the other books, that society came under attack from the 1960s on.

Bork pillories radical feminism as one of the main assailants on American culture and illustrates how the false cry for "equality" ended up as an expectation for "equal outcome", a very different thing indeed. Twelve years later, much of what he forecast has happened. He considers whether there is any way that American and Western culture can be saved. One thing he says might accomplish this is a deep economic depression! Wow! Obviously then society needed feminism like it needed the proverbial hole in the head. Of the three isms promulgated as saviours of the twentieth century: communism, fascism and feminism, it is now clear that it was feminism which caused the greatest damage and misery in the Western World. Interestingly, in the list of books voted to cause most damage in the twentieth century, books on these three subjects came in the top seven. To most societies, both communism and fascism were enemies from without which tried to infiltrate other systems and societies, whereas feminism was an enemy within, always more insidious and destructive and therefore more difficult to eradicate. But to save our society, eradicated it must be, root and branch, otherwise the decline and fall of Western Civilization is soon to parallel that of the Roman and Greek Empires. But there is hope: we are now staring Bork's deep economic depression in the face. Is the good judge about to be proved correct?

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