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A company ls developlng an lnLerneL sLore for lLs webslLe Whlch proLocol should be used Lo Lransfer
credlL card lnformaLlon from cusLomers Lo Lhe company web server?

A l1S

8 P11

C P11S

u WL2

L 1l1
8efer Lo Lhe exhlblL A new branch offlce has been added Lo Lhe corporaLe neLwork and a new rouLer ls
Lo be lnsLalled Lo allow branch offlce users Lo access Lhe daLabase server aL headquarLers Pow should
Lhe serlal 0/0/0 lnLerface of Lhe new branch offlce rouLer be conflgured Lo connecL Lo Lhe headquarLers

A branch_23(conflglf)# lp address 192168319 233233233240
branch_23(conflglf)# no shuLdown

8 branch_23(conflglf)# encapsulaLlon hdlc
branch_23(conflglf)# lp address 192168323 233233233240
branch_23(conflglf)# no shuLdown

C branch_23(conflglf)# encapsulaLlon ppp
branch_23(conflglf)# no shuLdown

u branch_23(conflglf)# encapsulaLlon ppp
branch_23(conflglf)# lp address 192168333 233233233240

L branch_23(conflglf)# encapsulaLlon ppp
branch_23(conflglf)# lp address 192168321 233233233240
branch_23(conflglf)# no shuLdown

Whlch Lwo commands ensure LhaL any password LhaL permlLs access Lo Lhe prlvlleged LxLC mode ls noL
shown ln plaln LexL when Lhe conflguraLlon flles are dlsplayed? (Choose Lwo)

A 8ouLer(conflg)# enable secreL clsco

8 8ouLer(conflg)# enable clsco

C 8ouLer(conflg)# encrypLlonpassword all

u 8ouLer(conflg)# enable logln encrypLed

L 8ouLer(conflg)# enable password encrypLlon

l 8ouLer(conflg)# servlce passwordencrypLlon

A Anu l
A new neLwork ls Lo be conflgured on a rouLer Whlch of Lhe followlng Lasks musL be compleLed Lo
conflgure Lhls lnLerface and lmplemenL dynamlc l rouLlng for Lhe new neLwork? (Choose Lhree)

A SelecL Lhe rouLlng proLocol Lo be conflgured

8 Asslgn an l address and subneL mask Lo Lhe lnLerface

C updaLe Lhe lp hosL conflguraLlon lnformaLlon wlLh Lhe devlce name and new lnLerface l address

u Conflgure Lhe rouLlng proLocol wlLh Lhe new neLwork l address

L Conflgure Lhe rouLlng proLocol wlLh Lhe new lnLerface l address and subneL mask

l Conflgure Lhe rouLlng proLocol ln use on all oLher enLerprlse rouLers wlLh Lhe new neLwork
A8 Anu l

Pow does 1C ensure Lhe rellable Lransfer of daLa?

A lf daLa segmenLs are noL recelved from Lhe source Lhe desLlnaLlon requesLs LhaL Lhe segmenLs be

8 lf an acknowledgmenL of Lhe LransmlLLed segmenLs ls noL recelved from Lhe desLlnaLlon ln a
predeLermlned amounL of Lhe Llme Lhe source resends Lhe daLa

C 1C uses Lhe S?nACk porLlon of Lhe Lhreeway handshake Lo ensure LhaL all daLa has been recelved

u 1he 1C roLocol lnLerpreLer process verlfles Lhe LransmlLLed daLa aL source and desLlnaLlon

A neLwork admlnlsLraLor ls asked Lo deslgn a sysLem Lo allow slmulLaneous access Lo Lhe lnLerneL for 230
users 1he lS for Lhls neLwork can only supply flve publlc ls WhaL can be used Lo accompllsh Lhls Lask?

A rouLable LranslaLlon

8 dynamlc LranslaLlon

C sLaLlc LranslaLlon

u porL address LranslaLlon

WhaL ls Lhe mosL commonly used exLerlor rouLlng proLocol?

A 8C

8 8l


u LlC8

8efer Lo Lhe exhlblL 1he neLwork admlnlsLraLor needs Lo conflgure Lhe rouLer wlLh a name Whlch
command wlll Lhe admlnlsLraLor use Lo conflgure Lhe rouLer name?

A 8ouLer# lp hosLname 8olse

8 8ouLer# enable hosLname 8olse

C 8ouLer(conflgllne)# name 8olse

u 8ouLer(conflg)# hosLname 8olse

L 8ouLer(conflg)# lp hosLname 8olse

Why are porL numbers lncluded ln Lhe 1C header of a segmenL?

A Lo lndlcaLe Lhe correcL rouLer lnLerface LhaL should be used Lo forward a segmenL

8 Lo ldenLlfy whlch swlLch porLs should recelve or forward Lhe segmenL

C Lo deLermlne whlch Layer 3 proLocol should be used Lo encapsulaLe Lhe daLa

u Lo enable a recelvlng hosL Lo forward Lhe daLa Lo Lhe approprlaLe appllcaLlon

L Lo allow Lhe recelvlng hosL Lo assemble Lhe packeL ln Lhe proper order

WhaL ls Lhe purpose of Lhe rouLlng process?

A Lo encapsulaLe daLa LhaL ls used Lo communlcaLe across a neLwork

8 Lo selecL Lhe paLhs LhaL are used Lo dlrecL Lrafflc Lo desLlnaLlon neLworks

C Lo converL a u8L name lnLo an l address

u Lo provlde secure lnLerneL flle Lransfer

L Lo forward Lrafflc on Lhe basls of MAC addresses

Whlch Lwo sLaLemenLs are Lrue abouL Lhe use of Lhe debug lp rlp command on a Clsco rouLer? (Choose

A 1he debug lp rlp command dlsplays 8l rouLlng acLlvlLy ln real Llme

8 1he debug lp rlp command can be lssued aL Lhe user LxLC conflguraLlon mode

C 1he debug lp rlp command dlsplays a comblnaLlon of Lhe lnformaLlon LhaL ls dlsplayed by Lhe show lp
rouLe and show lp proLocols commands

u 8ecause of rouLer processor usage Lhe debug lp rlp command should be used only when necessary

L 1he debug lp rlp command should be used lnsLead of Lhe show lp rouLe command whenever posslble
A Anu C

WhaL mlnlmum conflguraLlons musL be seL on a hosL Lo allow a requesL Lo be senL Lo
hLLp//wwwclscocom/? (Choose four)

A unS server

8 WlnS server

C l address

u neL8lCS

L subneL mask

l defaulL gaLeway
ACL Anu l

A CaLalysL 2960 swlLch has been Laken ouL of sLorage Lo be used as a Lemporary replacemenL for
anoLher swlLch LhaL needs Lo be repalred AbouL a mlnuLe afLer Lhe swlLch has sLarLed Lhe S?S1 LLu on
Lhe fronL of Lhe swlLch LranslLlons from bllnklng green Lo amber WhaL ls Lhe meanlng of Lhe amber S?S1

A 1he swlLch has no conflguraLlon flle ln nv8AM

8 1he swlLch has falled CS1 and musL be senL for servlce

C 1he swlLch ls funcLlonlng properly

u 1he swlLch ls ln halfduplex mode

8efer Lo Lhe exhlblL Whlch comblnaLlon of cables and symbols ls correcL?

A A crossover 8 sLralghLLhrough C sLralghLLhrough

8 A crossover 8 rollover C sLralghLLhrough

C A sLralghLLhrough 8 crossover C sLralghLLhrough

u A sLralghLLhrough 8 sLralghLLhrough C sLralghLLhrough

L A sLralghLLhrough 8 sLralghLLhrough C crossover

l A rollover 8 sLralghLLhrough C sLralghLLhrough

AfLer an unsuccessful plng Lo Lhe local rouLer Lhe Lechnlclan decldes Lo lnvesLlgaLe Lhe rouLer 1he
Lechnlclan observes LhaL Lhe llghLs and fan on Lhe rouLer are noL operaLlonal ln whlch layer of Lhe CSl
model ls Lhe problem mosL llkely occurrlng?

A LransporL

8 neLwork

C daLa llnk

u physlcal

WhaL are Lhree characLerlsLlcs of Lhe 1C proLocol? (Choose Lhree)

A exchanges daLagrams unrellably

8 ls used Lo send l error messages

C forces Lhe reLransmlsslon of unacknowledged packeLs

u creaLes a vlrLual sesslon beLween enduser appllcaLlons

L carrles Lhe l address of Lhe desLlnaLlon hosL ln Lhe 1C header

l ls responslble for breaklng messages lnLo segmenLs and reassembllng Lhem aL Lhelr desLlnaLlon
8C Anu l

8efer Lo Lhe exhlblL 1he neLwork shown ls connecLed uslng servlces from Lhe same lS Pow wlll Lhe
lohl rouLer dynamlcally learn rouLes Lo Lhe 1921681616/28 1921681632/28 and 1921681664/28

A wlLh 8C

8 wlLh a sLaLlc rouLe

C wlLh a dlrecLly connecLed rouLe

u wlLh an lnLerlor rouLlng proLocol

8efer Lo Lhe exhlblL Whlch Lype of u1 cable should be used Lo connecL PosL A Lo SwlLch1?

A rollover

8 console

C crossover

u sLralghLLhrough

When cusLomers use credlL cards Lo make purchases aL a small buslness a modem ls heard dlallng a
Lelephone number Lo Lransfer Lhe LransacLlon daLa Lo Lhe cenLral offlce WhaL Lype of WAn serlal
connecLlon ls ln use?

A leased llne

8 packeL swlLched

C clrculL swlLched

u polnLLopolnL

A user reporLs belng unable Lo access Lhe lnLerneL 1he help desk Lechnlclan employs a boLLomup
approach Lo LroubleshooLlng 1he Lechnlclan flrsL has Lhe user check Lhe paLch cable connecLlon from
Lhe C Lo Lhe wall and Lhen has Lhe user verlfy LhaL Lhe nlC has a green llnk llghL WhaL wlll Lhe
Lechnlclan have Lhe user do nexL?

A LnLer an l address lnLo Lhe WWW browser address bar Lo see lf unS ls aL faulL

8 use LracerouLe Lo ldenLlfy Lhe devlce along Lhe paLh Lo Lhe lS LhaL may be aL faulL

C verlfy Lhe l address subneL and gaLeway seLLlngs uslng lpconflg on Lhe C

u ConnecL Lo Lhe user home rouLer Lo check flrewall seLLlngs for blocked 1C porLs

A plng 1921120 command ls lssued on worksLaLlon A Lo deLermlne lf worksLaLlon 8 can be reached
WhaL evenLs wlll occur lf Lhls command ls successful? (Choose Lwo)

A 1he rouLer wlll block Lhe plng requesL message

8 1he rouLer wlll reply Lo Lhe echo requesL wlLh a proxy plng response

C WorksLaLlon A wlll send a uu plng requesL message Lo worksLaLlon 8

u WorksLaLlon 8 wlll send a uu plng reply message Lo worksLaLlon A

L WorksLaLlon A wlll send an lCM echo requesL message Lo worksLaLlon 8

l WorksLaLlon 8 wlll send an lCM echo reply message Lo worksLaLlon A

Pow does a rouLer know of paLhs Lo desLlnaLlon neLworks? (Choose Lwo)

A lnspecLlon of Lhe desLlnaLlon l address ln daLa packeLs

8 A8 requesLs from connecLed rouLers

8 manual conflguraLlon of rouLes

C updaLes from oLher rouLers

u uPC lnformaLlon broadcasLs

L updaLes from Lhe SM1 managemenL lnformaLlon base
A Anu u

8efer Lo Lhe exhlblL Whlch Lwo sLaLemenLs descrlbe Lhe daLa conversaLlon shown? (Choose Lwo)

A 1he daLa conversaLlon was sLarLed by Lhe P11 appllcaLlon process runnlng on Lhe cllenL

8 1he daLa conversaLlon ls ldenLlfled by 1C porL 80 on Lhe cllenL

C 1he user sLarLed Lhe daLa conversaLlon by sendlng an emall

u 1he l address of Lhe lnLerneL server ls 1921681743

L 1he lnLerneL server wlll send daLa Lo porL 8347 on Lhe cllenL
A Anu L

WhaL ls one purpose of Lhe 1C Lhreeway handshake?

A sendlng echo requesLs from Lhe source Lo Lhe desLlnaLlon hosL Lo esLabllsh Lhe presence of Lhe

8 deLermlnlng Lhe l address of Lhe desLlnaLlon hosL ln preparaLlon for daLa Lransfer

C requesLlng Lhe desLlnaLlon Lo Lransfer a blnary flle Lo Lhe source

u synchronlzlng sequence numbers beLween source and desLlnaLlon ln preparaLlon for daLa Lransfer

Whlch Lype of address ls 19216817111/28?

A hosL address

8 neLwork address

C broadcasL address

u mulLlcasL address

A cusLomer reporLs connecLlvlLy problems Lo an lS Lechnlclan upon quesLlonlng Lhe cusLomer Lhe
Lechnlclan dlscovers LhaL all neLwork appllcaLlons are funcLlonlng excepL for l1 WhaL should Lhe
Lechnlclan suspecL ls Lhe problem?

A mlsconflgured flrewall

8 bad porL on swlLch or hub

C mlsconflgured l addresslng on Lhe cusLomers worksLaLlon

u wrong unS server conflgured on Lhe cusLomers worksLaLlon

L wrong defaulL gaLeway conflgured on Lhe cusLomers worksLaLlon

1he show lp rouLe command was execuLed on one of Lhe rouLers shown ln Lhe graphlc and Lhe followlng
ouLpuL was dlsplayed

C 19216840/24 ls dlrecLly connecLed Serlal0/0
8 19216830/24 120/1 vla 19216842 000019 Serlal0/0
8 19216810/24 120/2 vla 19216831 000020 Serlal0/1
8 19216820/24 120/2 vla 19216831 000020 Serlal0/1
C 19216830/24 ls dlrecLly connecLed Serlal0/1

lrom whlch rouLer was Lhls command execuLed?





8efer Lo Lhe exhlblL Whlch Lwo seLs of commands are requlred Lo conflgure passwords for all
managemenL porLs on a CaLalysL 2960 swlLch? (Choose Lwo)

A ALSwlLch(conflg)# lnLerface vlan 1
ALSwlLch(conflglf)# password clsco
ALSwlLch(conflglf)# logln

8 ALSwlLch(conflg)# llne vLy 0 4
ALSwlLch(conflgllne)# password clsco
ALSwlLch(conflgllne)# logln

8 ALSwlLch(conflg)# llne vLy 0 13
ALSwlLch(conflgllne)# password clsco
ALSwlLch(conflgllne)# logln

C ALSwlLch(conflg)# enable secreL class
ALSwlLch(conflg)# enable password clsco

u ALSwlLch(conflg)# lnLerface fa0/1
ALSwlLch(conflglf)# password clsco
ALSwlLch(conflglf)# no shuLdown

L ALSwlLch(conflg)# llne cons 0
ALSwlLch(conflgllne)# password clsco
ALSwlLch(conflgllne)# logln

8 Anu u
A user reporLs belng able Lo access Lhe lnLerneL buL noL belng able Lo download emall from Lhe mall
server aL Lhe lS WhaL should Lhe user check on Lhe user worksLaLlon?

A Lhe C3 and SM1 server seLLlngs ln Lhe emall appllcaLlon

8 Lhe paLch cable connecLlons aL Lhe back of Lhe worksLaLlon and aL Lhe wall plaLe

C Lhe uPC seLLlngs ln Lhe operaLlng sysLem

u Lhe l address mask and defaulL gaLeway values

Lhe nlC drlvers

8efer Lo Lhe graphlc Whlch command wlll conflgure a sLaLlc rouLe on 8ouLer A Lo dlrecL Lrafflc from LAn
A LhaL ls desLlned for LAn C?

A 8ouLerA(conflg)# lp rouLe 19216840 2332332330 19216832

8 8ouLerA(conflg)# lp rouLe 19216840 2332332330 19216832

C 8ouLerA(conflg)# lp rouLe 19216830 2332332330 19216832

u 8ouLerA(conflg)# lp rouLe 19216830 2332332330 19216831

L 8ouLerA(conflg)# lp rouLe 19216832 2332332330 19216840


Whlch subneL masks could be used when subneLLlng a Class 8 l address? (Choose Lwo)

A 233233233240

8 2332331920

C 23323300

u 23319200

L 240000

l 233000

8 Anu C
8efer Lo Lhe exhlblL 1he neLwork admlnlsLraLor has conflgured Lhe 81A and 818 lnLerfaces ln order Lo
allow hosLs LhaL are aLLached Lo 81A Lo reach Lhe server LhaL ls aLLached Lo 818 a sLaLlc rouLe from 81A
Lo Lhe server LAn and a defaulL rouLe from 818 back Lo 81A need Lo be conflgured Whlch Lwo
commands wlll Lhe admlnlsLraLor use Lo accompllsh Lhese Lasks on Lhe Lwo rouLers? (Choose Lwo)

A 81A(conflg)# lp rouLe 1016103 233233233232 1016106

8 81A(conflg)# lp rouLe 0000 0000 1016106

C 81A(conflg)# lp rouLe 10161096 233233233232 1016106

u 818(conflg)# lp rouLe 1016106 233233233248 1016106

L 818(conflg)# lp rouLe 0000 0000 S0/0/1

l 818(conflg)# lp rouLe 0000 0000 1016106

C Anu l
Pow do porL fllLerlng and access llsLs help provlde neLwork securlLy?

A 1hey prevenL speclfled Lypes of Lrafflc from reachlng speclfled neLwork desLlnaLlons

8 1hey alerL neLwork admlnlsLraLors Lo varlous Lype of denlal of servlce aLLacks as Lhey occur

C 1hey prevenL vlruses worms and 1ro[ans from lnfecLlng hosL compuLers and servers

u 1hey enable encrypLlon and auLhenLlcaLlon of confldenLlal daLa communlcaLlons

8efer Lo Lhe exhlblL 1he neLwork admlnlsLraLor of Lhe bulldlng ln Lhe graphlc needs Lo choose Lhe Lype
of cable besL sulLed Lo add Server8 Lo Lhe neLwork Whlch cable Lype ls Lhe besL cholce?

A S1

8 u1

C coaxlal

u flber opLlc

WhaL ls used by a rouLlng proLocol Lo deLermlne Lhe besL paLh Lo lnclude ln Lhe rouLlng Lable?

A Convergence Llme

8 uefaulL dlsLance

C MeLrlc

u 1ype of rouLer

8efer Lo Lhe exhlblL Whlch l addresses could be asslgned Lo Lhe hosLs ln Lhe dlagram? (Choose Lwo)

A 1921686331

8 1921686332

C 1921686333

u 1921686360

L 1921686363

l 1921686364

C Anu u
Clven Lhe neLwork 192168230 shown ln Lhe graphlc whlch subneL mask would accommodaLe Lhe
number of hosLs ln each subneL?


8 2332332240

C 2332332330

u 233233233224

L 233233233240

l 233233233248

Whlch Lwo proLocols allow neLwork devlces Lo reporL Lhelr sLaLus and evenLs Lo a cenLrallzed neLwork
managemenL devlce? (Choose Lwo)

A Syslog

8 1elneL

C P11

u P11S


A Anu L
WhaL ls Lrue regardlng Lhe dlfferences beLween nA1 and A1?

A A1 uses Lhe word overload aL Lhe end of Lhe accessllsL sLaLemenL Lo share a slngle reglsLered

8 SLaLlc nA1 allows an unreglsLered address Lo map Lo mulLlple reglsLered addresses

C uynamlc nA1 allows hosLs Lo recelve Lhe same global address each Llme exLernal access ls requlred

u A1 uses unlque source porL numbers Lo dlsLlngulsh beLween LranslaLlons

8efer Lo Lhe exhlblL 1he graphlc shows Lhe ouLpuL of a command lssued on rouLer 818 Accordlng Lo Lhe
ouLpuL whaL Lwo sLaLemenLs are Lrue of rouLer 818? (Choose Lwo)

A 1he rouLer ls connecLed Lo a rouLer named 8olse

8 8ouLer 818 ls connecLed Lo a Clsco 1841 rouLer

C 8ouLer 818 ls dlrecLly connecLed Lo Lwo oLher rouLers

u 1he l address of Lhe rouLer lnLerface connecLed Lo rouLer 818 ls 19216826

L 1he 818 rouLer ls connecLed Lo Lwo Clsco devlces by lasL LLherneL llnks
A Anu 8

8efer Lo Lhe exhlblL 1he neLwork admlnlsLraLor uses Lhe command below Lo conflgure a defaulL rouLe Lo
Lhe lS neLwork

818(conflg)# lp rouLe 0000 0000 10116

A plng lssued from Lhe lS ls successful Lo rouLer 818 Powever plng echo requesL packeLs arrlve aL a
hosL LhaL ls aLLached Lo Lhe la0/0 lnLerface of 818 and Lhe replles do noL make lL back Lo Lhe lS rouLer
WhaL wlll flx Lhls problem?

A 1he lS musL be conflgured Lo forward packeLs from Lhe 19216810 neLwork

8 1he lp rouLe command needs Lo be edlLed so LhaL Lhe nexL hop address ls 10113

C 1he lp rouLe command needs Lo be edlLed so LhaL Lhe 19216811 address ls Lhe nexL hop address

u 1he lp rouLe command should be removed from Lhe 818 rouLer conflguraLlon

A neLwork Lechnlclan ls uslng a neLwork managemenL sLaLlon Lo gaLher daLa abouL Lhe performance of
devlces and llnks wlLhln Lhe lS Whlch appllcaLlon layer proLocol makes Lhls posslble?


8 l1


u SM1

WhaL are Lwo purposes of unS? (Choose Lwo)

ALo dynamlcally asslgn l addresslng lnformaLlon Lo neLwork hosLs

8 Lo slmpllfy Lhe admlnlsLraLlon of hosL and defaulL gaLeway addresslng on cllenL compuLers

C Lo asslgn 1C porL numbers Lo hosLs as parL of Lhe daLa Lransfer process

u Lo resolve humanreadable domaln names Lo numerlc l addresses

L Lo replace Lhe sLaLlc PCS1S flle wlLh a more pracLlcal dynamlc sysLem

u Anu l
A hacker aLLempLs Lo reach confldenLlal lnformaLlon LhaL ls sLored on a server lnslde Lhe corporaLe
neLwork A neLwork securlLy soluLlon lnspecLs Lhe enLlre packeL deLermlnes LhaL lL ls a LhreaL and
blocks Lhe packeL from enLerlng Lhe lnslde neLwork Whlch securlLy measure proLecLed Lhe neLwork?

A an luS

8 an lS

C a hosLbased flrewall

u AnLlx sofLware

Pow many hosL addresses may be asslgned on each subneLwork when uslng Lhe 1306800 neLwork
address wlLh a subneL mask of 2332332480?

A 30

8 236

C 2046

u 4094

L 4096

ln an lv4 envlronmenL whaL lnformaLlon ls used by Lhe rouLer Lo forward daLa packeLs from one
lnLerface of a rouLer Lo anoLher?

A desLlnaLlon neLwork address

8 source neLwork address

C source MAC address

u well known porL desLlnaLlon address

A small Llre reLaller requlres a lowcosL WAn connecLlon Lo lLs headquarLers ln order Lo manage lLs
lnvenLory and process cusLomer sales ln real Llme Whlch WAn connecLlon Lype ls besL sulLed Lo lLs

A SoneL

8 13

C dlalup

u uSL

L leased llne

1he command copy LfLp runnlngconflg has been enLered on Lhe rouLer WhaL wlll Lhls command do?

A copy Lhe conflguraLlon ln 8AM Lo a server

8 copy Lhe conflguraLlon flle from a server Lo 8AM

C copy Lhe conflguraLlon flle ln nv8AM Lo 8AM

u copy Lhe conflguraLlon flle ln nv8AM Lo a server

L copy Lhe conflguraLlon flle from a server Lo nv8AM

8efer Lo Lhe exhlblL 1he neLwork admlnlsLraLor needs Lo conflgure Lhe la0/0 lnLerface of 818 so LhaL
hosLs from 81A can connecL Lo Lhe server LhaL ls aLLached Lo 818 Whlch Lwo commands wlll Lhe
admlnlsLraLor use Lo accompllsh Lhls Lask? (Choose Lwo)

A 818# lp address 19216810298 233233233248

8 818(conflglf)# lp address 19216810299 233233233232

C 818(conflg)# lp address 19216810297 233233233232

u 818(conflg)# no shuLdown

L 818(conflglf)# no shuLdown

l 818(conflglf)# lp address 19216810297 233233233232
L nu l

8efer Lo Lhe exhlblL A nCC Lechnlclan aL an lS enLers Lhe command shown WhaL are Lwo reasons Lo
use Lhls command? (Choose Lwo)

A Lo map Lhe paLh Lo 19216817

8 Lo LesL reachablllLy Lo 19216817

C Lo locaLe connecLlvlLy problems along Lhe rouLe Lo 19216817

u Lo ldenLlfy Lhe lSs LhaL lnLerconnecL Lhe nCC wlLh Lhe remoLe hosL wlLh Lhe address 19216817

L Lo measure Lhe Llme LhaL packeLs Lake Lo reach 19216817 and reLurn Lo Lhe Lechnlclans worksLaLlon


1A company ls developlng an lnLerneL sLore for lLs webslLe Whlch proLocol should be used Lo Lransfer
credlL card lnformaLlon from cusLomers Lo Lhe company web server?

** P11S

2 8efer Lo Lhe exhlblL A new branch offlce has been added Lo Lhe corporaLe neLwork and a new rouLer ls
Lo be lnsLalled Lo allow branch offlce users Lo access Lhe daLabase server aL headquarLers Pow should
Lhe serlal 0/0/0 lnLerface of Lhe new branch offlce rouLer be conflgured Lo connecL Lo Lhe headquarLers

branch_23(conflglf)# lp address 192168319 233233233240
branch_23(conflglf)# no shuLdown
branch_23(conflglf)# encapsulaLlon hdlc

branch_23(conflglf)# lp address 192168323 233233233240
branch_23(conflglf)# no shuLdown
branch_23(conflglf)# encapsulaLlon ppp

branch_23(conflglf)# no shuLdown
branch_23(conflglf)# encapsulaLlon ppp
branch_23(conflglf)# lp address 192168333 233233233240

**branch_23(conflglf)# encapsulaLlon ppp
branch_23(conflglf)# lp address 192168321 233233233240
branch_23(conflglf)# no shuLdown

3Whlch Lwo commands ensure LhaL any password LhaL permlLs access Lo Lhe prlvlleged LxLC mode ls
noL shown ln plaln LexL when Lhe conflguraLlon flles are dlsplayed? (Choose Lwo)

** 8ouLer(conflg)# enable secreL clsco
8ouLer(conflg)# enable clsco
8ouLer(conflg)# encrypLlonpassword all
8ouLer(conflg)# enable logln encrypLed
8ouLer(conflg)# enable password encrypLlon
** 8ouLer(conflg)# servlce passwordencrypLlon

4A new neLwork ls Lo be conflgured on a rouLer Whlch of Lhe followlng Lasks musL be compleLed Lo
conflgure Lhls lnLerface and lmplemenL dynamlc l rouLlng for Lhe new neLwork? (Choose Lhree)

** SelecL Lhe rouLlng proLocol Lo be conflgured
** Asslgn an l address and subneL mask Lo Lhe lnLerface
updaLe Lhe lp hosL conflguraLlon lnformaLlon wlLh Lhe devlce name and new lnLerface l address
** Conflgure Lhe rouLlng proLocol wlLh Lhe new neLwork l address
Conflgure Lhe rouLlng proLocol wlLh Lhe new lnLerface l address and subneL mask
Conflgure Lhe rouLlng proLocol ln use on all oLher enLerprlse rouLers wlLh Lhe new neLwork lnformaLlon

3 Pow does 1C ensure Lhe rellable Lransfer of daLa?

lf daLa segmenLs are noL recelved from Lhe source Lhe desLlnaLlon requesLs LhaL Lhe segmenLs be
lf an acknowledgmenL of Lhe LransmlLLed segmenLs ls noL recelved from Lhe desLlnaLlon ln a
predeLermlned amounL of Lhe Llme Lhe source resends Lhe daLa
** 1C uses Lhe S?nACk porLlon of Lhe Lhreeway handshake Lo ensure LhaL all daLa has been recelved
1he 1C roLocol lnLerpreLer process verlfles Lhe LransmlLLed daLa aL source and desLlnaLlon

6 A neLwork admlnlsLraLor ls asked Lo deslgn a sysLem Lo allow slmulLaneous access Lo Lhe lnLerneL for
230 users 1he lS for Lhls neLwork can only supply flve publlc ls WhaL can be used Lo accompllsh Lhls

rouLable LranslaLlon
dynamlc LranslaLlon
sLaLlc LranslaLlon
** porL address LranslaLlon

7WhaL ls Lhe mosL commonly used exLerlor rouLlng proLocol?

** 8C

8 8efer Lo Lhe exhlblL 1he neLwork admlnlsLraLor needs Lo conflgure Lhe rouLer wlLh a name Whlch
command wlll Lhe admlnlsLraLor use Lo conflgure Lhe rouLer name?

8ouLer# lp hosLname 8olse
8ouLer# enable hosLname 8olse
8ouLer(conflgllne)# name 8olse
** 8ouLer(conflg)# hosLname 8olse
8ouLer(conflg)# lp hosLname 8olse

9Why are porL numbers lncluded ln Lhe 1C header of a segmenL?

Lo lndlcaLe Lhe correcL rouLer lnLerface LhaL should be used Lo forward a segmenL
Lo ldenLlfy whlch swlLch porLs should recelve or forward Lhe segmenL
** Lo deLermlne whlch Layer 3 proLocol should be used Lo encapsulaLe Lhe daLa
Lo enable a recelvlng hosL Lo forward Lhe daLa Lo Lhe approprlaLe appllcaLlon
Lo allow Lhe recelvlng hosL Lo assemble Lhe packeL ln Lhe proper order

10WhaL ls Lhe purpose of Lhe rouLlng process?

Lo encapsulaLe daLa LhaL ls used Lo communlcaLe across a neLwork
** Lo selecL Lhe paLhs LhaL are used Lo dlrecL Lrafflc Lo desLlnaLlon neLworks
Lo converL a u8L name lnLo an l address
Lo provlde secure lnLerneL flle Lransfer
Lo forward Lrafflc on Lhe basls of MAC addresses

11Whlch Lwo sLaLemenLs are Lrue abouL Lhe use of Lhe debug lp rlp command on a Clsco rouLer?
(Choose Lwo)

** 1he debug lp rlp command dlsplays 8l rouLlng acLlvlLy ln real Llme
**1he debug lp rlp command can be lssued aL Lhe user LxLC conflguraLlon mode
1he debug lp rlp command dlsplays a comblnaLlon of Lhe lnformaLlon LhaL ls dlsplayed by Lhe show lp
rouLe and show lp proLocols commands
8ecause of rouLer processor usage Lhe debug lp rlp command should be used only when necessary
1he debug lp rlp command should be used lnsLead of Lhe show lp rouLe command whenever posslble

12WhaL mlnlmum conflguraLlons musL be seL on a hosL Lo allow a requesL Lo be senL Lo
hLLp//wwwclscocom/? (Choose four)

**unS server
WlnS server
**l address
** subneL mask
** defaulL gaLeway

13A CaLalysL 2960 swlLch has been Laken ouL of sLorage Lo be used as a Lemporary replacemenL for
anoLher swlLch LhaL needs Lo be repalred AbouL a mlnuLe afLer Lhe swlLch has sLarLed Lhe S?S1 LLu on
Lhe fronL of Lhe swlLch LranslLlons from bllnklng green Lo amber WhaL ls Lhe meanlng of Lhe amber S?S1

1he swlLch has no conflguraLlon flle ln nv8AM
** 1he swlLch has falled CS1 and musL be senL for servlce
1he swlLch ls funcLlonlng properly
1he swlLch ls ln halfduplex mode

148efer Lo Lhe exhlblL Whlch comblnaLlon of cables and symbols ls correcL?

A crossover 8 sLralghLLhrough C sLralghLLhrough
A crossover 8 rollover C sLralghLLhrough
**A sLralghLLhrough 8 crossover C sLralghLLhrough
A sLralghLLhrough 8 sLralghLLhrough C sLralghLLhrough
A sLralghLLhrough 8 sLralghLLhrough C crossover
A rollover 8 sLralghLLhrough C sLralghLLhrough

13AfLer an unsuccessful plng Lo Lhe local rouLer Lhe Lechnlclan decldes Lo lnvesLlgaLe Lhe rouLer 1he
Lechnlclan observes LhaL Lhe llghLs and fan on Lhe rouLer are noL operaLlonal ln whlch layer of Lhe CSl
model ls Lhe problem mosL llkely occurrlng?

daLa llnk
** physlcal

16WhaL are Lhree characLerlsLlcs of Lhe 1C proLocol? (Choose Lhree)

exchanges daLagrams unrellably
ls used Lo send l error messages
forces Lhe reLransmlsslon of unacknowledged packeLs
** creaLes a vlrLual sesslon beLween enduser appllcaLlons
**carrles Lhe l address of Lhe desLlnaLlon hosL ln Lhe 1C header
ls responslble for breaklng messages lnLo segmenLs and reassembllng Lhem aL Lhelr desLlnaLlon

178efer Lo Lhe exhlblL 1he neLwork shown ls connecLed uslng servlces from Lhe same lS Pow wlll Lhe
lohl rouLer dynamlcally learn rouLes Lo Lhe 1921681616/28 1921681632/28 and 1921681664/28

wlLh 8C
**wlLh a sLaLlc rouLe
wlLh a dlrecLly connecLed rouLe
wlLh an lnLerlor rouLlng proLocol

188efer Lo Lhe exhlblL Whlch Lype of u1 cable should be used Lo connecL PosL A Lo SwlLch1?


19When cusLomers use credlL cards Lo make purchases aL a small buslness a modem ls heard dlallng a
Lelephone number Lo Lransfer Lhe LransacLlon daLa Lo Lhe cenLral offlce WhaL Lype of WAn serlal
connecLlon ls ln use?

leased llne
packeL swlLched
** clrculL swlLched

20 A user reporLs belng unable Lo access Lhe lnLerneL 1he help desk Lechnlclan employs a boLLomup
approach Lo LroubleshooLlng 1he Lechnlclan flrsL has Lhe user check Lhe paLch cable connecLlon from
Lhe C Lo Lhe wall and Lhen has Lhe user verlfy LhaL Lhe nlC has a green llnk llghL WhaL wlll Lhe
Lechnlclan have Lhe user do nexL?

LnLer an l address lnLo Lhe WWW browser address bar Lo see lf unS ls aL faulL
use LracerouLe Lo ldenLlfy Lhe devlce along Lhe paLh Lo Lhe lS LhaL may be aL faulL
** verlfy Lhe l address subneL and gaLeway seLLlngs uslng lpconflg on Lhe C
ConnecL Lo Lhe user home rouLer Lo check flrewall seLLlngs for blocked 1C porLs

21 A plng 1921120 command ls lssued on worksLaLlon A Lo deLermlne lf worksLaLlon 8 can be reached
WhaL evenLs wlll occur lf Lhls command ls successful? (Choose Lwo)

1he rouLer wlll block Lhe plng requesL message
1he rouLer wlll reply Lo Lhe echo requesL wlLh a proxy plng response
WorksLaLlon A wlll send a uu plng requesL message Lo worksLaLlon 8
WorksLaLlon 8 wlll send a uu plng reply message Lo worksLaLlon A
** WorksLaLlon A wlll send an lCM echo requesL message Lo worksLaLlon 8
** WorksLaLlon 8 wlll send an lCM echo reply message Lo worksLaLlon A

22Pow does a rouLer know of paLhs Lo desLlnaLlon neLworks? (Choose Lwo)

**lnspecLlon of Lhe desLlnaLlon l address ln daLa packeLs
A8 requesLs from connecLed rouLers
manual conflguraLlon of rouLes
** updaLes from oLher rouLers
uPC lnformaLlon broadcasLs
updaLes from Lhe SM1 managemenL lnformaLlon base

238efer Lo Lhe exhlblL Whlch Lwo sLaLemenLs descrlbe Lhe daLa conversaLlon shown? (Choose Lwo)

** 1he daLa conversaLlon was sLarLed by Lhe P11 appllcaLlon process runnlng on Lhe cllenL
1he daLa conversaLlon ls ldenLlfled by 1C porL 80 on Lhe cllenL
1he user sLarLed Lhe daLa conversaLlon by sendlng an emall
1he l address of Lhe lnLerneL server ls 1921681743
**1he lnLerneL server wlll send daLa Lo porL 8347 on Lhe cllenL

24WhaL ls one purpose of Lhe 1C Lhreeway handshake?

sendlng echo requesLs from Lhe source Lo Lhe desLlnaLlon hosL Lo esLabllsh Lhe presence of Lhe
deLermlnlng Lhe l address of Lhe desLlnaLlon hosL ln preparaLlon for daLa Lransfer
requesLlng Lhe desLlnaLlon Lo Lransfer a blnary flle Lo Lhe source
**synchronlzlng sequence numbers beLween source and desLlnaLlon ln preparaLlon for daLa Lransfer

23Whlch Lype of address ls 19216817111/28?

hosL address
neLwork address
**broadcasL address
mulLlcasL address

26A cusLomer reporLs connecLlvlLy problems Lo an lS Lechnlclan upon quesLlonlng Lhe cusLomer Lhe
Lechnlclan dlscovers LhaL all neLwork appllcaLlons are funcLlonlng excepL for l1 WhaL should Lhe
Lechnlclan suspecL ls Lhe problem?

** mlsconflgured flrewall
bad porL on swlLch or hub
mlsconflgured l addresslng on Lhe cusLomers worksLaLlon
wrong unS server conflgured on Lhe cusLomers worksLaLlon
wrong defaulL gaLeway conflgured on Lhe cusLomers worksLaLlon

271he show lp rouLe command was execuLed on one of Lhe rouLers shown ln Lhe graphlc and Lhe
followlng ouLpuL was dlsplayed
C 19216840/24 ls dlrecLly connecLed Serlal0/0
8 19216830/24 120/1 vla 19216842 000019 Serlal0/0
8 19216810/24 120/2 vla 19216831 000020 Serlal0/1
8 19216820/24 120/2 vla 19216831 000020 Serlal0/1
C 19216830/24 ls dlrecLly connecLed Serlal0/1
lrom whlch rouLer was Lhls command execuLed?


288efer Lo Lhe exhlblL Whlch Lwo seLs of commands are requlred Lo conflgure passwords for all
managemenL porLs on a CaLalysL 2960 swlLch? (Choose Lwo)

ALSwlLch(conflg)# lnLerface vlan 1
ALSwlLch(conflglf)# password clsco
ALSwlLch(conflglf)# logln

**ALSwlLch(conflg)# llne vLy 0 4
ALSwlLch(conflgllne)# password clsco
ALSwlLch(conflgllne)# logln

ALSwlLch(conflg)# llne vLy 0 13
ALSwlLch(conflgllne)# password clsco
ALSwlLch(conflgllne)# logln
ALSwlLch(conflg)# enable secreL class

ALSwlLch(conflg)# enable password clsco
ALSwlLch(conflg)# lnLerface fa0/1
ALSwlLch(conflglf)# password clsco
ALSwlLch(conflglf)# no shuLdown

**ALSwlLch(conflg)# llne cons 0
ALSwlLch(conflgllne)# password clsco
ALSwlLch(conflgllne)# logln
29A user reporLs belng able Lo access Lhe lnLerneL buL noL belng able Lo download emall from Lhe mall
server aL Lhe lS WhaL should Lhe user check on Lhe user worksLaLlon?

** Lhe C3 and SM1 server seLLlngs ln Lhe emall appllcaLlon
Lhe paLch cable connecLlons aL Lhe back of Lhe worksLaLlon and aL Lhe wall plaLe
Lhe uPC seLLlngs ln Lhe operaLlng sysLem
Lhe l address mask and defaulL gaLeway values
Lhe nlC drlvers

308efer Lo Lhe graphlc Whlch command wlll conflgure a sLaLlc rouLe on 8ouLer A Lo dlrecL Lrafflc from
LAn A LhaL ls desLlned for LAn C?

8ouLerA(conflg)# lp rouLe 19216840 2332332330 19216832
8ouLerA(conflg)# lp rouLe 19216840 2332332330 19216832
**8ouLerA(conflg)# lp rouLe 19216830 2332332330 19216832
8ouLerA(conflg)# lp rouLe 19216830 2332332330 19216831
8ouLerA(conflg)# lp rouLe 19216832 2332332330 19216840

31Whlch subneL masks could be used when subneLLlng a Class 8 l address? (Choose Lwo)

** 2332331920
** 23323300

32 8efer Lo Lhe exhlblL 1he neLwork admlnlsLraLor has conflgured Lhe 81A and 818 lnLerfaces ln order
Lo allow hosLs LhaL are aLLached Lo 81A Lo reach Lhe server LhaL ls aLLached Lo 818 a sLaLlc rouLe from
81A Lo Lhe server LAn and a defaulL rouLe from 818 back Lo 81A need Lo be conflgured Whlch Lwo
commands wlll Lhe admlnlsLraLor use Lo accompllsh Lhese Lasks on Lhe Lwo rouLers? (Choose Lwo)

**81A(conflg)# lp rouLe 1016103 233233233232 1016106
81A(conflg)# lp rouLe 0000 0000 1016106
81A(conflg)# lp rouLe 10161096 233233233232 1016106
818(conflg)# lp rouLe 1016106 233233233248 1016106
**818(conflg)# lp rouLe 0000 0000 S0/0/1
818(conflg)# lp rouLe 0000 0000 1016106

33Pow do porL fllLerlng and access llsLs help provlde neLwork securlLy?

**1hey prevenL speclfled Lypes of Lrafflc from reachlng speclfled neLwork desLlnaLlons
1hey alerL neLwork admlnlsLraLors Lo varlous Lype of denlal of servlce aLLacks as Lhey occur
1hey prevenL vlruses worms and 1ro[ans from lnfecLlng hosL compuLers and servers
1hey enable encrypLlon and auLhenLlcaLlon of confldenLlal daLa communlcaLlons

34 8efer Lo Lhe exhlblL 1he neLwork admlnlsLraLor of Lhe bulldlng ln Lhe graphlc needs Lo choose Lhe
Lype of cable besL sulLed Lo add Server8 Lo Lhe neLwork Whlch cable Lype ls Lhe besL cholce?

**flber opLlc

33WhaL ls used by a rouLlng proLocol Lo deLermlne Lhe besL paLh Lo lnclude ln Lhe rouLlng Lable?

Convergence Llme
uefaulL dlsLance
** MeLrlc
1ype of rouLer

368efer Lo Lhe exhlblL Whlch l addresses could be asslgned Lo Lhe hosLs ln Lhe dlagram? (Choose Lwo)

** 1921686333
** 1921686360

37Clven Lhe neLwork 192168230 shown ln Lhe graphlc whlch subneL mask would accommodaLe Lhe
number of hosLs ln each subneL?

** 233233233224

38 Whlch Lwo proLocols allow neLwork devlces Lo reporL Lhelr sLaLus and evenLs Lo a cenLrallzed neLwork
managemenL devlce? (Choose Lwo)

** Syslog
** SnM

39WhaL ls Lrue regardlng Lhe dlfferences beLween nA1 and A1?

A1 uses Lhe word overload aL Lhe end of Lhe accessllsL sLaLemenL Lo share a slngle reglsLered
SLaLlc nA1 allows an unreglsLered address Lo map Lo mulLlple reglsLered addresses
uynamlc nA1 allows hosLs Lo recelve Lhe same global address each Llme exLernal access ls requlred
**A1 uses unlque source porL numbers Lo dlsLlngulsh beLween LranslaLlons

408efer Lo Lhe exhlblL 1he graphlc shows Lhe ouLpuL of a command lssued on rouLer 818 Accordlng Lo
Lhe ouLpuL whaL Lwo sLaLemenLs are Lrue of rouLer 818? (Choose Lwo)

**1he rouLer ls connecLed Lo a rouLer named 8olse
8ouLer 818 ls connecLed Lo a Clsco 1841 rouLer
8ouLer 818 ls dlrecLly connecLed Lo Lwo oLher rouLers
**1he l address of Lhe rouLer lnLerface connecLed Lo rouLer 818 ls 19216826
1he 818 rouLer ls connecLed Lo Lwo Clsco devlces by lasL LLherneL llnks

418efer Lo Lhe exhlblL 1he neLwork admlnlsLraLor uses Lhe command below Lo conflgure a defaulL rouLe
Lo Lhe lS neLwork
818(conflg)# lp rouLe 0000 0000 10116
A plng lssued from Lhe lS ls successful Lo rouLer 818 Powever plng echo requesL packeLs arrlve aL a
hosL LhaL ls aLLached Lo Lhe la0/0 lnLerface of 818 and Lhe replles do noL make lL back Lo Lhe lS rouLer
WhaL wlll flx Lhls problem?

1he lS musL be conflgured Lo forward packeLs from Lhe 19216810 neLwork
**1he lp rouLe command needs Lo be edlLed so LhaL Lhe nexL hop address ls 10113
1he lp rouLe command needs Lo be edlLed so LhaL Lhe 19216811 address ls Lhe nexL hop address
1he lp rouLe command should be removed from Lhe 818 rouLer conflguraLlon

42 A neLwork Lechnlclan ls uslng a neLwork managemenL sLaLlon Lo gaLher daLa abouL Lhe performance
of devlces and llnks wlLhln Lhe lS Whlch appllcaLlon layer proLocol makes Lhls posslble?


43WhaL are Lwo purposes of unS? (Choose Lwo)

Lo dynamlcally asslgn l addresslng lnformaLlon Lo neLwork hosLs
Lo slmpllfy Lhe admlnlsLraLlon of hosL and defaulL gaLeway addresslng on cllenL compuLers
Lo asslgn 1C porL numbers Lo hosLs as parL of Lhe daLa Lransfer process
**Lo resolve humanreadable domaln names Lo numerlc l addresses
**Lo replace Lhe sLaLlc PCS1S flle wlLh a more pracLlcal dynamlc sysLem

44A hacker aLLempLs Lo reach confldenLlal lnformaLlon LhaL ls sLored on a server lnslde Lhe corporaLe
neLwork A neLwork securlLy soluLlon lnspecLs Lhe enLlre packeL deLermlnes LhaL lL ls a LhreaL and
blocks Lhe packeL from enLerlng Lhe lnslde neLwork Whlch securlLy measure proLecLed Lhe neLwork?

an luS
**an lS
a hosLbased flrewall
AnLlx sofLware

43 Pow many hosL addresses may be asslgned on each subneLwork when uslng Lhe 1306800 neLwork
address wlLh a subneL mask of 2332332480?


46ln an lv4 envlronmenL whaL lnformaLlon ls used by Lhe rouLer Lo forward daLa packeLs from one
lnLerface of a rouLer Lo anoLher?

**desLlnaLlon neLwork address
source neLwork address
source MAC address
well known porL desLlnaLlon address

47 A small Llre reLaller requlres a lowcosL WAn connecLlon Lo lLs headquarLers ln order Lo manage lLs
lnvenLory and process cusLomer sales ln real Llme Whlch WAn connecLlon Lype ls besL sulLed Lo lLs

leased llne

481he command copy LfLp runnlngconflg has been enLered on Lhe rouLer WhaL wlll Lhls command do?

copy Lhe conflguraLlon ln 8AM Lo a server
**copy Lhe conflguraLlon flle from a server Lo 8AM
copy Lhe conflguraLlon flle ln nv8AM Lo 8AM
copy Lhe conflguraLlon flle ln nv8AM Lo a server
copy Lhe conflguraLlon flle from a server Lo nv8AM

498efer Lo Lhe exhlblL 1he neLwork admlnlsLraLor needs Lo conflgure Lhe la0/0 lnLerface of 818 so LhaL
hosLs from 81A can connecL Lo Lhe server LhaL ls aLLached Lo 818 Whlch Lwo commands wlll Lhe
admlnlsLraLor use Lo accompllsh Lhls Lask? (Choose Lwo)

818# lp address 19216810298 233233233248
818(conflglf)# lp address 19216810299 233233233232
818(conflg)# lp address 19216810297 233233233232
818(conflg)# no shuLdown
**818(conflglf)# no shuLdown
**818(conflglf)# lp address 19216810297 233233233232

308efer Lo Lhe exhlblL A nCC Lechnlclan aL an lS enLers Lhe command shown WhaL are Lwo reasons Lo
use Lhls command? (Choose Lwo)

Lo map Lhe paLh Lo 19216817
**Lo LesL reachablllLy Lo 19216817
Lo locaLe connecLlvlLy problems along Lhe rouLe Lo 19216817
Lo ldenLlfy Lhe lSs LhaL lnLerconnecL Lhe nCC wlLh Lhe remoLe hosL wlLh Lhe address 19216817
**Lo measure Lhe Llme LhaL packeLs Lake Lo reach 19216817 and reLurn Lo Lhe Lechnlclans worksLaLlon

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