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Chapter 10: Respiration

Students should be able to:

(a) Identify on diagrams and name the larynx, trachea, bronchi, bronchioles,
alveoli and associated capillaries

(b) State the characteristics of, and describe the role of, the exchange
surface of the alveoli in gaseous exchange

(c) Describe the removal of carbon dioxide from the lungs, including the role
of the carbonic anhydrase enzyme

(d) Describe the role of cilia, diaphragm, ribs and intercostal muscles in

(e) Describe the effect of tobacco smoke and its major toxic components -
nicotine, tar and carbon monoxide, on health

(f) Define and state the equation, in words and symbols, for aerobic
respiration in human

(g) Define and state the equation, in words only, for anaerobic respiration in

(h) Describe the effect of lactic acid in muscles during exercise

10.1 Aerobic Respiration

10.1.1 Definition
• Breakdown of food substances in the presence of oxygen with the
release of a large amount of energy, with CO2 and water as the
waste product
• Reaction take place in mitochondria, with help of enzymes (Tissue

10.1.2 Equation
• C6H12O6 + 6O2  6CO2 + 6H2O + Energy
• Glucose + Oxygen  carbon dioxide + water + energy

10.1.3 Uses of energy in the human body

• Processes that require energy
o Production of proteins
o Heartbeat, Muscular contractions
o Active transport
o Regulation of body temperature

10.2 Anaerobic Respiration

10.2.1 Definition
• Breakdown of food substances in the absence of oxygen with the
release of a small amount of energy, with CO2 and ethanol as the
waste product
• Less efficient than aerobic respiration due to small energy released
• Certain microorganisms could depend entirely on it  due to low
energy requirement to live

10.2.2 Equation
• C6H12O6  2C2H5OH + 2CO2 + Energy
• Glucose  Ethanol + carbon dioxide + small amount of energy

• Substantial amount of energy is still trapped within the chemical

bonds of ethanol  if ethanol is further broken down, more energy
could be released

10.2.3 Anaerobic respiration in Man

Removed during rest

Some are oxidized  release energy

• Glucose  Lactic acid + small amount of energy

• Occurs when maximum aerobic respiration cannot release energy

fast enough  anaerobic respiration produce extra energy to meet
the demand
• Lactic acid builds up in the muscles  causes fatigue
• Muscles incur an oxygen debt  due to insufficient oxygen during
the course of vigorous contraction
• Lactic acid formation  cause of muscular pain
• Normally goes on for short period of time
• Lactic acid is then removed to the liver during rest period

10.3 Gaseous Exchange in Man

10.3.1 Composition of inspired air (breathed in) and expired air (out)
Inspired air Expired air
O2 21% 16.4%
CO2 0.03% 4%
N2 78% 78%
Water vapour Depends on external conditions Saturated
Temperature Depends on external conditions Body temperature

Dust particles Depends on external conditions Very little

10.3.2 Respiratory System in Man

• Specialized Breathing movements  enable rapid exchange of gases

10.3.3 Gaseous exchange surface of alveoli (External Respiration)

O2, and CO2 diffuses across capillaries

High O2 Rapid diffusion helped by
Low CO2 1. One cell thick alveolar walls
2. Presence of moisture on the
alveolar wall to enable O2 to
dissolve in it


1. Hb + O2 HBO8

2. Reaction is reversible
Blood enters lungs (low O2, high 3. Direction is determined by O2
CO2) concentration
Concentration gradient builds up
1. Continuous flow of blood
2. Breathing air in and out of
alveoli • CO2 dissolve in plasma  carried as
hydrogen carbonate (HCO3-) ions to
• Water vapour evaporates from • In lungs, HCO3-  CO2
alveolar walls • CO2 diffuses out of capillaries into
• Heat escapes into the alveolar alveolar cavity

• Large surface area of alveoli  provide large SA for gaseous


Air enters from nostrils (lined with mucous membrane)
10.3.4 Breathing mechanisms

Secrete mucus
 traps dust

Sweeps particles up
the bronchi 
trachea  larynx

During Inhalation (Inspiration)
• External intercostals muscles contract
• Internal intercostals muscles relax

• Ribs swing upwards and outwards

• Sternum moves up
• Diaphragm contracts and flattens
• Thoracic cavity enlarges
• Air pressure in alveoli cause lungs to
• Expansion of lungs reduce air
pressure in alveoli
• Alveolar air pressure < Atmospheric
air pressure
• Air rushes into lungs until air
pressure in lungs = atmospheric air
• pressure
• Short pause for gaseous exchange

During Exhalation (Expiration)

• External intercostals muscles relax
• Internal intercostals muscles contract
• Ribs swing downwards and inwards
• Sternum moves down
• Diaphragm relax and arches upwards
• Thoracic cavity decreases
• Ribs and sternum press on the lungs
• Air is compressed and forced out

10.4 Effect of tobacco smoke on health

Chemicals Properties Effects on body

Nicotine • Addictive drug • Increases heartbeat and
• Causes release of hormone blood pressure
adrenaline • Increased risk of blood clots
• Makes blood clot easily in blood vessels
Carbon • Haemoglobin + CO  • Can cause death if conc. of
Monoxide Carboxyhaemoglobin CO > 1%
• Formation of
reduces the efficiency of
oxygen transport of RBC
• Increase rate of fatty • Increased risk of
deposits on inner arterial atherosclerosis
wall (atherosclerosis)
• Damages lining of blood • Increased risk of
vessels thrombosis

Tar • Contains carcinogenic • Blockage of alveoli and

chemicals (cancer-causing) reduction in gas exchange
which cause uncontrolled efficiency
cell division
• Paralyze the cilia • Dust particles trapped in
mucus lining the airways
cannot be removed
Irritant • Paralyze cilia lining air • Increased risk of chronic
particles passages bronchitis and emphysema

10.4.1 Chronic Bronchitis

• Signs:
o Epithelium lining the airway becomes inflamed
o Excessive mucus is secreted by the epithelium
o Cilia on the epithelium are paralyzed. Mucus and dust cannot be
o Airway become blocked  breathing becomes difficult
o Person has to cough persistently to clear his airway to breathe
 increases chances of lung infections

10.4.2 Emphysema
• Signs:
o Persistent coughing  cause walls between alveoli to break
o SA: Vol ratio decreases
o Lungs become inflated with air
o Lungs lose their elasticity
o Breathing becomes difficult  person wheezes and suffer from

10.4.3 Lung Cancer

• Risk of getting lung cancer increases the more a person smokes
o Tar causes cells to divide uncontrollably
o Uncontrolled cell division leads to lumps of tissues being formed
• Risks of getting other cancers are also greatly increased

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