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1 1he cenLrlpeLal force on a car roundlng a curve on a level road ls provlded by IkIC1ICN


2 1he cenLrlpeLal force needed Lo keep Lhe earLh ln orblL ls provlded by 1nL GkAVI1AICNAL
1he radlus of a body ln unlform clrcular moLlon ls doubled 1he cenLrlpeLal force needed lf lLs
veloclLy remalns Lhe same ls nALI AS GkLA1 AS 8LICkL
4 1he gravlLaLlonal force beLween Lwo bodles does noL depend upon 1nL SUM CI 1nLIk
1he gravlLaLlonal acceleraLlon of a body IS GkLA1Lk CN 1nL MCCN 8LCAUSL CI I1S
body ln equlllbrlum may noL have ACCLLLkA1ICN
a Z kg ball moves ln a clrcle 04m ln radlus aL a veloclLy of 4m/s lLs cenLrlpeLal acceleraLlon
ls 40m]s

1he cenLrlpeLal force on Lhe ball of Lhe prevlous quesLlon ls 20N
9 Loy carL aL Lhe end of a sLrlng 0m long moves ln a clrcle on a Lable 1he carL has a mass of
2kg and Lhe sLrlng has a breaklng sLrengLh of 40n 1he maxlmum speed of Lhe carL ls
approxlmaLely m]s
10 1he cenLer of gravlLy of a body IS ALWAS A1 I1S GLCML1kICAL CLN1Lk
11 ln an equlllbrlum problem Lhe axls abouL whlch Lorques are compuLed MUS1 ASS
1nkCUGn 1nL CLN1Lk CI GkAVI1 CI 1nL 8CD
12 woman has a mass og 0kg aL Lhe earLh's surface L a helghL of one earLh's radlus above
Lhe surface her mass ls 0kg
1 lf Lhe sum of all Lhe Lorques on a body ls zero abouL a cerLaln polnL 1nL 8CD MUS1 8L IN
14 golf ball and a plngpong ball are dropped ln a vacuum chamber When Lhey have fallen
half way down Lhey have Lhe same VLLCCI1
1 Whlch of Lhe followlng ls noL a unlL of energy? NLW1CN
1 Whlch of Lhe followlng ls noL a unlL of power? CULL
1 1o keep a vehlcle movlng aL Lhe speed v requlres a force l 1he power requlred ls IV
1 1kg mass has a poLenLlal energy of 1 [oule relaLlve Lo Lhe ground when lL ls aL a helghL of
19 1n welghL has a poLenLlal energy of 1 [oule relaLlve Lo Lhe ground when lL ls aL a helghL of
20 LoLal 4900 [oules ls expended ln llfLlng a 0kg mass 1he mass was ralsed Lo a helghL of
21 1kg mass has a klneLlc energy of 1 [oule when lLs speed ls 4m]s
22 1n welghL has a klneLlc energy of 1 [oule when lLs speed ls 44 m]s
2 body aL resL may possess C1LN1IAL LNLkG
24 body ln moLlon need noL possess C1LN1IAL LNLkG
2 body whlch has momenLum musL also have INL1IC LNLkG
2 ,omenLum ls mosL closely relaLed Lo IMULSL
2 1he lmpulse glven Lo a body ls equal Lo Lhe consequenL change ln lLs MCMLN1UM
2 When Lhe veloclLy of a movlng body ls doubled 1nL MCMLN1UM IS DCU8LLD
29 wheel ls 1m ln dlameLer When lL makes 0rev/mln Lhe llnear speed of a polnL on lLs
clrcumference ls |]2 m]s
0 When Lwo or more ob[ecLs colllde lL ls always Lrue LhaL 1nL 1C1AL MCMLN1UM CI ALL
1 n elasLlc colllslon conserves 8C1n MCMLN1UM AND INL1IC LNLkG
2 flywheel roLaLlng aL 10rev/s ls broughL Lo resL by a consLanL Lorque ln 1s ln comlng Lo a
sLop Lhe flywheel makes 0 rev
n lron sphere of mass 0kg has Lhe same dlameLer as an alumlnlum sphere of mass 10kg
1he spheres are slmulLaneously dropped from a cllff When Lhey are 10m from Lhe ground
Lhey have ldenLlcal ACCLLLkA1ICNS
4 body undergoes a unlform angular acceleraLlon ln Lhe Llme L slnce Lhe body sLarLed
roLaLlng from resL Lhe number of Lurns lL makes ls proporLlonal Lo 1
wheel LhaL sLarLs from resL has an angular veloclLy of 20rad/s afLer belng unlformly
acceleraLed for 10s 1he LoLal angle Lhrough whlch lL has Lurned un Lhls 10s ls 200 rad|ans
ln rlgld body undergolng unlform clrcular moLlon a parLlcle LhaL ls a dlsLance 8 from Lhe axls
of roLaLlon nAS A LINLAk SLLD kCCk1ICNAL 1C k
1he cenLrlpeLal acceleraLlon of a parLlcle ln clrcular moLlon MA 8L MCkL Ck LLSS 1nAN
1he roLaLlonal analog of force ln llnear moLlon ls 1CkUL
9 1he roLaLlonal analog of mass ln llnear moLlon ls MCMLN1 CI INLk1IA
40 quanLlLy noL dlrecLly lnvolved ln Lhe roLaLlonal moLlon of a body MASS
41 ll roLaLlng bodles aL sea level LhaL have Lhe same mass and angular veloclLy also have Lhe
42 1he momenL of lnerLla of a body does noL depend upon I1S ANGULAk VLLCCI1
4 f Lhe followlng properLles of a yoyo movlng ln a clrcle Lhe one LhaL does noL depend upon
Lhe radlus of Lhe clrcle ls Lhe yoyo's ANGULAk VLLCCI1
44 yoyo belng swung ln a clrcle need noL possess ANGULAk ACCLLLkA1ICN
4 1he LoLal angular momenLum of a sysLem of parLlcles CnANGLS WnLN A NL1 Lk1LkNAL
4 full clrcle conLalns 2p| kADIANS
4 radlan ls approxlmaLely equal Lo 0 DLGkLLS

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