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The Ten Most Common Mistakes in Scripting as seen from User Support

FUTURA 2011 Oct 28 Nov 4 Heejoo Ham, Ph.D

List of Scripting Issues

1. HIGHWAY Skimming 2. MATRIX RECI 3. NETWORK Diagnostic Script Example 4. PT Transit Network Issue 5. HIGHWAY Link Variables 6. MARTRIX Inefficient Script 7. HIGHWAY Assignment 8. MATRIX Loop Process 9. HIGHWAY SELECTLINK 10. Application Manager No Change Manually

Script 1: HIGHWAY - Skimming (wrong)

Script 1: HIGHWAY - Skimming (wrong)

Script 1: HIGHWAY - Skimming (correct)

Each statement should be defined independently.

Script 2: MATRIX RECI (wrong)

Script 2: MATRIX RECI (wrong)



Script 2: MATRIX RECI (correct)

Script 2: MATRIX RECI (correct)



Script 3: NETWORK Diagnostic Script Example

Script 3: NETWORK Diagnostic Script Example

Checking dangling links

Script 3: NETWORK Diagnostic Script Example

Checking number of lanes

Script 3: NETWORK Diagnostic Script Example

Checking directionality of one way link

Script 3: NETWORK Diagnostic Script Example

Checking unconnected or wrong connected zones

Script 3: NETWORK Diagnostic Script Example

Checking zero or unbalanced link distance

Script 3: NETWORK Diagnostic Script Example

Checking zones connected directly to freeway

Script 3: NETWORK Diagnostic Script Example

Checking zone-to-zone connections

Script 4: PT Transit Network Issue

Script 4: PT Transit Network Issue

Generating non-transit access/egress links

Script 4: PT Transit Network Issue

Generating non-transit transfer links

Script 4: PT Transit Network Issue

Comparison of transit generations for two models

Script 5: HIGHWAY Link Variables (wrong)

Manual General Syntax > Control statement syntax > Variable naming convention (general syntax)

Script 5: HIGHWAY Link Variables (correct)

Script 6: MARTRIX Inefficient Script

Script 6: MARTRIX Efficient Scripts

Script 7: HIGHWAY Assignment (wrong)

Script 7: HIGHWAY Assignment (wrong)

Cube Manual - Highway Program > Phases

Script 7: HIGHWAY Assignment (correct)

Need IF for initializing Otherwise, t0 is used every iteration

Script 8: MATRIX Loop Process (wrong)

Matrix ILOOP and JLOOP processing

Default loop not explicitly coded

JLOOP performed only if requested

V11 V12 . . . . . . . . . . . . . V1j . . . . . . . . . . V1z . . . . . .

MW[#] =

Vi1 Vi2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Vij . . . . . . . . . . . Viz . . . . . . . . .

Vz1 Vz2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . Vzj . . . . . . . . . . Vzz

Script 8: MATRIX Loop Process (wrong)

Script 8: MATRIX Loop Process (correct)

Script 9: HIGHWAY SELECTLINK (wrong)

Script 9: HIGHWAY SELECTLINK (wrong)

Manual - Highway Program > Phases > ADJUST Phase

Script 9: HIGHWAY SELECTLINK (correct)

Do not include the link volumes implemented by the selected link analysis.

Script 10: Application Manager No Change Manually

Thank you!
Any Questions?

Heejoo Ham Citilabs


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