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Reflective Conference Rubric Skills

Content Responses to the ELA Reflective Questions 1. Who am I? 2. Where Have I been? 3. Where am I going? 4. How am I going to get there? (25) Presentation of Electronic Portfolio Level 5 100-90 Clearly and effectively focuses on the essential questions Thoroughly and insightfully demonstrates an understanding of personal strengths, preferences, interests, hopes, and plans for the future. Level 4 89-80 Appropriately focuses on the essential questions Successfully demonstrates a complete under-standing of personal strengths, preferences, interests, hopes, and plans for the future. Level 3 79-70 Focuses on the essential questions Demonstrates a basic under-standing of personal strengths, preferences, interests, hopes, and plans for the future. Level 2 69-65 Focuses somewhat on the essential questions Minimally demonstrates a sense of personal strengths, preferences, interests, hopes, and plans for the future. Level 1 64-50 Lacks a of focus on the essential questions Inadequately demonstrates a sense of personal strengths, preferences, interest, hopes, and plans for the future; may be confusing Lacks organization; presentation is difficult to follow

Is sophisticatedly and thoroughly organized (engaging and logically sequenced content with appropriate transitions and conclusion) Deliberate and effective use of the portfolio greatly enhances the exhibition; the portfolio is seamlessly integrated into the presentation Insightfully and thoroughly answers the questions of the panelists

(25) Integration of Portfolio

Is completely and logically organized (distinct beginning, middle, and end, with consistent use of transitions) Logical and appropriate use of the portfolio enhances the presentation

Exhibits a logical sequence of ideas but may lack internal consistency The portfolio is adequately integrated into the presentation

May exhibit a basic structure but fails to maintain an appropriate focus The portfolio is awkwardly or only occasionally incorporated into the presentation

The portfolio rarely/never complements the presentation

(15) Responses to Panelist Questions

Appropriately and completely answers the questions of the panelists

Adequately answers the questions of the panelists; some prompting may be needed Preparation is evident, however, presentation may be mechanical or relies too heavily on notes inhibiting eye contact Exhibits some confidence but may appear nervous Delivery demonstrates inconsistency in professionalism Uses appropriate language and tone

Basically answers the questions but frequent prompting becomes necessary Limited rehearsal and use of preparation materials may distract from the quality of the interview Exhibits limited confidence and nervousness interferes with delivery Delivery demonstrates limited professionalism which detracts from overall experience Generally, uses appropriate language and tone, but may include some informal language

Does not answer the questions even with prompting

(15) Preparation and Delivery Is clearly rehearsed, precisely timed, and effectively uses eye contact Exhibits passion, confidence, and energy Polished and professional delivery enhances overall presentation and experience Effectively uses stylistically sophisticated language with professional tone Is rehearsed, timing is evident, and maintains eye contact Exhibits confidence and is somewhat energetic Professional delivery enhances overall experience Little or no rehearsal and timing is evident Exhibits a lack of confidence and extreme nervousness; delivery is significantly compromised Delivery lacks any attempt at professionalism Uses colloquial, overly simplistic, or inappropriate language

(10) Language (10) Uses effective language and professional tone

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