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lnLellecLual roperLy 8lghL An Cvervlew

Intellectual property rights are like any other property right. They allow creators, or owners,
oI patents, trademarks or copyrighted works to beneIit Irom their own work or investment in
a creation. Intellectual property (IP) is a term reIerring to a number oI distinct types oI
creations oI the mind Ior which a set oI exclusive rights are recognizedand the
corresponding Iields oI law.|1| Under intellectual property law, owners are granted certain
exclusive rights to a variety oI intangible assets, such as musical, literary, and artistic works;
discoveries and inventions; and words, phrases, symbols, and designs. Common types oI
intellectual property rights include copyrights, trademarks, patents, industrial design rights
and trade secrets in some jurisdictions.
Intellectual property rights, Copyright, Patent, Trademark, Industrial design,
Intellectual property reIers to creations oI the mind: inventions; literary and artistic works;
and symbols, names and images used in commerce.
Intellectual property is divided into two categories:
(1)Industrial Property includes patents Ior inventions, trademarks, industrial designs and
geographical indications.
(2)Copyright covers literary works (such as novels, poems and plays), Iilms, music, artistic
works (e.g., drawings, paintings, photographs and sculptures) and architectural design. Rights
related to copyright include those oI perIorming artists in their perIormances, producers oI
phonograms in their recordings, and broadcasters in their radio and television programs.

Intellectual property (IP) is a term reIerring to a number oI distinct types oI creations oI the
mind Ior which a set oI exclusive rights are recognizedand the corresponding Iields oI
law.|1| Under intellectual property law, owners are granted certain exclusive rights to a
variety oI intangible assets, such as musical, literary, and artistic works; discoveries and
inventions; and words, phrases, symbols, and designs. Common types oI intellectual property
rights include copyrights, trademarks, patents, industrial design rights and trade secrets in
some jurisdictions.
Intellectual property rights are speciIic abilities, granted by law to rights holders, Ior the
control oI intellectual property.
Although many oI the legal principles governing intellectual property have evolved over
centuries, it was not until the 19th century that the term intellectual property began to be
used, and not until the late 20th century that it became commonplace in the majority oI the
world.|2| The British Statute oI Anne 1710 and the Statute oI Monopolies 1623 are now seen
as the origins oI copyright and patent law respectively.|3|
Intellectual property (IP) is a term reIerring to a number oI distinct types oI creations oI the
mind Ior which a set oI exclusive rights are recognizedand the corresponding Iields oI
law.|1| Under intellectual property law, owners are granted certain exclusive rights to a
variety oI intangible assets, such as musical, literary, and artistic works; discoveries and
inventions; and words, phrases, symbols, and designs. Common types oI intellectual property
rights include copyrights, trademarks, patents, industrial design rights and trade secrets in
some jurisdictions.
hat are intellectual property rights?
Intellectual property rights are like any other property right. They allow creators, or owners,
oI patents, trademarks or copyrighted works to beneIit Irom their own work or investment in
a creation. These rights are outlined in Article 27 oI the Universal Declaration oI Human
Rights, which provides Ior the right to beneIit Irom the protection oI moral and material
interests resulting Irom authorship oI scientiIic, literary or artistic productions. The
importance oI intellectual property was Iirst recognized in the Paris Convention Ior the
Protection oI Industrial Property (1883) and the Berne Convention Ior the Protection oI
Literary and Artistic Works (1886). Both treaties are administered by the World Intellectual
Property Organization (WIPO).

hy promote and protect intellectual property?
There are several compelling reasons. First, the progress and well-being oI humanity rest on
its capacity to create and invent new works in the areas oI technology and culture. Second,
the legal protection oI new creations encourages the commitment oI additional resources Ior
Iurther innovation. Third, the promotion
and protection oI intellectual property spurs economic growth, creates new jobs and
industries, and enhances the quality and enjoyment oI liIe. An eIIicient and equitable
intellectual property system can help
all countries to realize intellectual property`s potential as a catalyst Ior economic
development and social and cultural well-being. The intellectual property system helps strike
a balance between the interests oI innovators and the public interest, providing an
environment in which creativity and invention can Ilourish, Ior the beneIit oI all.

1he ob[ecLlves of a baslc lnLellecLual rlghLs course are mosL llkely Lo Leach Lhe dlfferences
beLween varlous Lypes of l undersLand Lhe lnLenL and lmpacL of boLh abldlng by Lhe laws
and breaklng Lhe laws and perhaps a dlscusslon of how Lo llcense oLhers lnLellecLual
properLy as well as when a llcense ls noL needed
CurrenLly parLlcularly ln Lhe unlLed SLaLes Lhe ob[ecLlve of lnLellecLual properLy leglslaLors
and Lhose who supporL lLs lmplemenLaLlon ls absoluLe proLecLlon lf some lnLellecLual
properLy ls deslrable because lL encourages lnnovaLlon Lhey reason more ls beLLer 1he
Lhlnklng ls LhaL creaLors wlll noL have sufflclenL lncenLlve Lo lnvenL unless Lhey are legally
enLlLled Lo capLure Lhe full soclal value of Lhelr lnvenLlons 11 1hls absoluLe proLecLlon or
full value vlew LreaLs lnLellecLual properLy as anoLher Lype of real properLy Lyplcally
adopLlng lLs law and rheLorlc
llnanclal lncenLlve
1hese excluslve rlghLs allow owners of lnLellecLual properLy Lo beneflL from Lhe properLy
Lhey have creaLed provldlng a flnanclal lncenLlve for Lhe creaLlon of and lnvesLmenL ln
lnLellecLual properLy and ln case of paLenLs pay assoclaLed research and developmenL
Lconomlc growLh
1he WlC LreaLy and several relaLed lnLernaLlonal agreemenLs are premlsed on Lhe noLlon
LhaL Lhe proLecLlon of lnLellecLual properLy rlghLs are essenLlal Lo malnLalnlng economlc
Some crlLlcs of lnLellecLual properLy such as Lhose ln Lhe free culLure movemenL polnL aL
lnLellecLual monopolles as harmlng healLh prevenLlng progress and beneflLlng
concenLraLed lnLeresLs Lo Lhe deLrlmenL of Lhe masses3233 and argue LhaL Lhe publlc
lnLeresL ls harmed by ever expanslve monopolles ln Lhe form of copyrlghL exLenslons
sofLware paLenLs and buslness meLhod paLenLs

lrom Wlklpedla Lhe free encyclopedla

1he eLhlcal problems broughL up by lnLellecLual roperLy 8lghLs are mosL perLlnenL when lL
ls soclally valuable goods llke llfesavlng medlclnes and geneLlcally modlfled seeds LhaL are
glven lnLellecLual roperLy proLecLlon lor example pharmaceuLlcal companles LhaL
produce apply l8s ln order Lo prevenL oLher companles from manufacLurlng Lhelr producL
wlLhouL Lhe addlLlonal cosL of 8esearch and uevelopmenL 1he appllcaLlon of l8s allow
companles Lo charge hlgher Lhan Lhe marglnal cosL of producLlon ln order Lo recoup Lhe
cosLs of 8esearch and uevelopmenL 48 Powever Lhls lmmedlaLely excludes from Lhe
markeL anyone who cannoL afford Lhe cosL of Lhe producL ln Lhls case a llfe savlng drug
1he avallablllLy problem ls a consequence of Lhe facL LhaL Lhe lncenLlvlzlng mechanlsm for
lnnovaLlon consLlLuLed by l8s esLabllshes a dlrecL llnk beLween Lhe lncenLlve Lo lnnovaLe
and Lhe prlce of Lhe lnnovaLlve producL under an l8 drlven reglme proflLs are generaLed
excluslvely from sales 1hls means LhaL Lhe hlgher a prlce a producL can command on Lhe
markeL Lhe hlgher ls Lhe lncenLlve Lo lnvesL resources lnLo Lhe 8u process of lL An l8
drlven reglme ls Lherefore noL a reglme LhaL ls conducLlve Lo Lhe lnvesLmenL of 8u of
producLs LhaL are soclally valuable Lo predomlnaLely poor populaLlons49

A Patent is an intellectual property right relating to inventions and is the grant oI
exclusive right, Ior limited period, provided by the Government to the patentee, in
exchange oI Iull disclosure oI his invention, Ior excluding others, Irom making, using,
selling, importing the patented product or process producing that product Ior those
purposes. The purpose oI this system is to encourage inventions by promoting their
protection and utilization so as to contribute to the development oI industries, which
in turn, contributes to the promotion oI technological innovation and to the transIer
and dissemination oI technology. Under the system, Patents ensure property rights
(legal title) Ior the invention Ior which patent has been granted, which may be
extremely valuable to an individual or a Company. One should make the Iullest
possible use oI the Patent System and the beneIits it provides. Patent right is territorial
in nature and a patent obtained in one country is not enIorceable in other country. The
inventors/their assignees are required to Iile separate patent applications in diIIerent
countries Ior obtaining the patent in those countries.
The Patent System in India is governed by the Patents Act, 1970 (No. 39 oI 1970) as
amended by the Patents (Amendment) Act, 2005 and the Patents Rules, 2003, as
amended by the Patents (Amendment) Rules 2006 eIIective Irom 05-05-2006.
The Patent OIIice, under the Department oI Industrial Policy & Promotion, Ministry
oI Commerce & Industry, perIorms the statutory duties in connection with the grant oI
patents Ior new inventions and registration oI industrial designs. Patent OIIices are
located at Kolkata , Mumbai, Chennai and Delhi to deal with the applications Ior
patents originating within their respective territorial jurisdictions. etails of the
locations of the above Patent Offices with their territorial furisdiction have been
shown in annexure I.
Patent InIormation System (PIS) located at Nagpur maintains a comprehensive
collection oI patent speciIications and patent related literature, on a worldwide basis
and provides technological inIormation contained in patent or patent related literature
through search services and patent document supply services.
Intellectual Property Training Institute (IPTI) located at Nagpur provides training to
the oIIicials oI IP oIIices and other users oI the system who are working in the Iield oI
Intellectual Property Rights.

kef http]]www|p|nd|an|c|n]|pr]patent]patents_f|||ngpdf
What is copyright?
Whist a number of other rights may exist in digital content, the most
common right that exists is copyright. Copyright protects the following
categories of published and unpublished works for specified periods of
The eight categories of works protected by copyright and relevant
examples include:
Literary Works (for example, emails and newspaper articles)
Dramatic Works (for example, plays)
Musical Works (for example, songs, musical scores and
Artistic Works (for example, paintings, photographs and
Films (for example, videos and cinematic performances)
Sound Recordings (for example, oral history tapes and
recorded lectures)
Broadcasts (for example, TV and radio)
Typographic Works (for example, the arrangement of websites
and translations).
ther types of InteIIectuaI Property Rights
Within the scope of digitisation projects or the creation of online material,
although copyright stands as the most relevant, other types of ntellectual
Property Rights also need to be identified and measures implemented in
order to make sure that the rights of third parties are not infringed and,
where appropriate to maximise their full exploitation.
Trademarks, like patents, are national in nature. They comprise of any
sign distinguishing the goods and services of one trader from those of
another. A sign includes, for example, pictures, words, logos or a
combination of these. A trademark can be registered if it has satisfied
three main criteria:
1) t is distinctive for the goods or services for which an application
is made to register;
2) t is not deceptive, or contrary to law or morality;
3) t is not similar or identical to any earlier marks for the same or
similar goods or services.
Logos and brands that are reproduced either without permission or
associated with goods for which they were not registered (Passing Off)
could infringe the trademark of a third party. n the cases of logos/brands
etc which are not formally registered as trademarks, unauthorized use
may infringe the creator's copyright.
17 For more information about these Exceptions please see: <http://www.museums>.
rganizations wishing to register their brands or logos etc as trademarks
need to be aware that if these appear online with reference to goods or
services, since the internet is published globally, they may need to
consider global trademark registration.
While copyright protects the material expression of ideas, the patent
system protects the ideas themselves.
For example, if you produce a new system for the management of
digitised material, it may be worth considering patenting the idea and in
that way, preventing others from using your idea without you benefiting
economically from that exploitation.
A patent gives the patent owner a monopoly for a fixed period of time in
the use of the inventive idea, although to gain protection, a patent must be
new and the invention has not been made available to the public before
the patent application. Patent application is a national issue, so
international registration will require application through various national
agencies and offices.
atabase Rights
n addition to protection as a literary work for the contents of a database,
Database right is granted to the person who funds, selects and arranges
the content into a database. Although Database right does not require
registration, there needs to be substantial investment in obtaining,
verifying and presentation of the contents of the database. Database right
lasts for 15 years from the end of the calendar year of completing the
database or making it available to the public (whichever is longer). t will
apply retrospectively to databases created between 1 January 1983 and
31 December 1997, which will be protected for 15 years from 1 January
1998. Any substantial changes to databases protected by this right will
benefit from 15 years additional protection from the date that the changes
are made. Databases which are continually updated in this way may
benefit from almost continual protection.
!erformance Rights
Performing rights are related to copyright and should be treated with
similar consideration for those wishing to use material protected by
performer's rights and to performers wishing to enforce their rights.
Performing rights are granted to performers of artistic works and last for
50 years in relation to:
Broadcasting and recording live performances;
Copying, distribution, renting and lending of recordings of
Broadcasting, and other communication to the public by
electronic transmission; (including in on demand services) of
sound recordings of performances;
Playing in public sound recordings of performances.
For example, a cultural heritage organization commissions a live
performance of a piece of music which will simultaneously be broadcast
over the web. In this case, both the copyright in the musical composition
and permission from each of the performers will need to be secured
before the music can be broadcast.

ConcIuding remarks
Importance of foIIowing good practice
Following pre-determined good copyright practices and implementing the
necessary support mechanisms will satisfy the responsibilities to rights
holders, users and potential clients. Rights issues need to be handled at
an organisational level and therefore approached strategically. The
potential benefits of devising a strategic approach to these issues can be
summarised as follows:
Helping to identify the key copyright concerns and issues
facing your organisation
Reducing the risks of infringement
Helping organisations achieve their public access remit
Assisting in the full exploitation of assets
Clarifying the role of staff and raising the general awareness
about the importance of copyright
Preventing rights from being inadvertently given away
because they have not been recorded properly
Pinpointing when copyright should be dealt with for projects
Cementing the position of the guardianship role of the
cultural heritage sector
The evolution and challenges of the digital environment are developing so
quickly that the legal rules cannot always keep apace with the new
developments. This means that despite recent changes in national
legislations, these are soon outdated before they come into force. What
may be possible and legal one day, may not be legal the next.
Additionally, despite much of national legislation resulting from European
Directives, individual countries may vary in their implementation. This is
why even though this guide can outline the fundamental issues and
mechanisms relating to good practice, it is still crucial to be familiar with
the national legislation in operation in your country prior to embarking
upon digitisation projects.
Ultimately, implementing good practice is an essential component for
working with digital content because rights issues are always embedded
within any digital content use. By ensuring that all aspects relating to the
management of rights are entrenched within their ethos and culture,
museums, libraries and archives across Europe, can facilitate the secure
exchange of digital content and create opportunities for extending public
activities in a digital environment.

This brief outline of the law applicable to intellectual property rights and copyright
will give the reader an idea of how difficult it is to develop a harmonious system of
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Principles of copyright in intellectual property law: An overview
regulation. TRPS is designed primarily to protect the interests of major industrialised
nations and, for the most part, existing intellectual property regulations and
afford scant protection to the wealth of traditional knowledge in economically poor,
developing countries. That requires the development of new rights that draw together
elements of trademark, copyright and trade secret protection, along with the global
principle of patent law that holds that works cannot be the subject of a patent when
community knows them by means of oral tradition. t remains to be seen, too,
the costs of increased intellectual property protection for developing countries
to pay higher prices for imported products and suffering decreased economic activity
when imitative activities are forced to close) are offset by the long-term benefits of
developing a culture where there is respect for intellectual property rights. There is a
strong argument that a more flexible standard should be applied to developing
similar to that enjoyed by developed nations in earlier stages of their development,
and that developing nations should not be pressured into accepting higher
property standards without a 'serious and objective' assessment of their
impact. t is necessary to ensure that the intellectual property system facilitates
than hinders advances in science and technology for the benefit of developing
(United Kingdom Commission Report 2002: 1).
But even for developed nations, new regimes of intellectual property regulation
are inevitable in the face of the radical challenges that new technology poses to the
traditional intellectual property system. The obvious advantage of satellite
and the nternet is the free movement of information. However, the case is frequently
made that because perfect copies can be obtained at the 'click of a button' there
is simply no point in continuing to protect copyright in its traditional form. n the
area of patents, there are many controversial issues relating to bioethics, genetically
modified foods, tissue engineering and the patentability of genes (to name but a
Nevertheless, whilst developing international cooperation in this area may be a slow
process, it seems likely enough that as long as the original arguments for protecting
intellectual property still hold good, remedies will, in the long term, be found to
protect both the creative spark and its commercial value.
Ref: Tanya Woker (2006): PrIncIples of copyrIght In Intellectual property law: An
overvIew, CrItIcal Arts, 20:1, J5

aLenLs lndla aLenL Law AppllcaLlon

A aLenL ls a legal monopoly whlch ls granLed for a llmlLed Llme by a counLry Lo Lhe owner
of an lnvenLlon Merely Lo have a paLenL does noL glve Lhe owner Lhe rlghLs Lo use or explolL
Lhe paLenLed lnvenLlon 1haL rlghL may sLlll be affecLed by oLher laws such as healLh and
safeLy regulaLlon or Lhe food and drugs regulaLlon or even by oLher paLenLs 1he paLenL ln
Lhe eyes of Lhe law ls a properLy rlghL and lL can be glven away lnherlLed sold llcensed and
can even be abandoned As lL ls conferred by Lhe governmenL Lhe governmenL ln cerLaln
cases even afLer granL or even lf lL has been ln Lhe meanLlme sold or llcensed can revoke
A aLenL glves an lnvenLor Lhe rlghL for a llmlLed perlod Lo sLop oLhers from maklng uslng
selllng or lmporLlng an lnvenLlon wlLhouL Lhe permlsslon of Lhe lnvenLor 1haL ls why paLenL
ls called a negaLlve rlghL
aLenLs are generally concerned wlLh funcLlonal and Lechnlcal aspecLs of producLs and
processes and musL fulflll speclflc condlLlons Lo be granLed
MosL paLenLs are for lncremenLal lmprovemenLs ln known Lechnology evoluLlon raLher
Lhan revoluLlon 1he Lechnology does noL have Lo be complex
aLenL rlghLs are LerrlLorlal an lndlan paLenL does noL glve rlghLs ouLslde of lndla
aLenL rlghLs lasL for up Lo 20 years ln lndla and ln mosL counLrles ouLslde lndla
uependlng on where you wlsh your paLenL Lo be ln effecL you musL apply Lo Lhe
approprlaLe body ln lndla Lhls ls 1he lndlan aLenL Cfflce 1here are varlous aLenL Cfflces
around Lhe world

1rade Mark Law ln lndla 1rademark AppllcaLlon

A 1rademark ls any slgn whlch can dlsLlngulsh Lhe goods and servlces of one Lrader from
Lhose of anoLher A slgn lncludes words logos colours slogans Lhreedlmenslonal shapes
and someLlmes sounds and gesLures

A Lrademark ls Lherefore a badge of Lrade orlgln lL ls used as a markeLlng Lool so LhaL
cusLomers can recognlse Lhe producL of a parLlcular Lrader 1o be reglsLrable ln lndla lL musL
also be capable of belng represenLed graphlcally LhaL ls ln words and/or plcLures

Changes ln 1he lndlan 1rade Mark Law
A new 1rademark reglme has been lnLroduced ln lndla slnce SepLember 13 2003 1he new
1rade Marks AcL 1999 has many lnnovaLlve feaLures
1 Servlce Marks

A mechanlsm ls now avallable Lo proLecL marks used ln Lhe servlce lndusLry 1hus buslnesses
provldlng servlces llke compuLer hardware and sofLware assembly and malnLenance
resLauranL and hoLel servlces courler and LransporL beauLy and healLh care adverLlslng
publlshlng educaLlonal and Lhe llke are now ln a poslLlon Lo proLecL Lhelr names and marks
2 CollecLlve Marks

Marks belng used by a group of companles can now be proLecLed by Lhe group collecLlvely
3 Wellknown marks

Marks whlch are deemed Lo be well known are deflned Such marks wlll en[oy greaLer
proLecLlon ersons wlll noL be able Lo reglsLer or use marks whlch are lmlLaLlons of well
known Lrademarks
4 Lnlarged scope of reglsLraLlon

ersons who geL Lhelr marks reglsLered for parLlcular goods ln a parLlcular class and
commence uslng Lhelr marks can sue and prevenL oLher persons from
(l) uslng Lhe same or slmllar marks even for dlfferenL goods falllng ln oLher classes
(ll) uslng Lhe same or slmllar marks even only as parL of Lhelr flrm name or company name
(lll) uslng Lhe same or slmllar mark only ln adverLlslng or on buslness papers
(lv) lmporLlng or exporLlng goods under Lhe sald Lrade mark
(v) unauLhorlzed oral use of Lhe sald Lrademark
3 SLrlngenL punlshmenL

unlshmenL for vlolaLlng a Lrademark rlghL has been enhanced 1he offence has now been
made cognlzable and wlde powers have been glven Lo Lhe pollce Lo selze lnfrlnglng goods
AL Lhe same Llme Lhe power of Lhe CourLs Lo granL ex parLe ln[uncLlons have been ampllfled
6 AppellaLe 8oard

An appellaLe board (lA8) has been consLlLuLed based ln Chennal for speedy dlsposal of
Appeals and recLlflcaLlon appllcaLlons
7 LxpedlLed procedure

Mechanlsms have been seL ln place for expedlLlng search and reglsLraLlon by paylng flve
Llmes Lhe normal fee
8 Lnhanced renewal perlod

8eglsLered Lrademarks need Lo be renewed every Len years
9 Llcense agreemenLs do noL need Lo be compulsorlly reglsLered

10 Marks may lnclude Lhe shape of goods

11 Marks may lnclude a comblnaLlon of colors

1 Legal 8asls
1he 1rade Marks AcL 1999
1he 1rade Marks 8ules 1939 1he law ls based malnly on Lhe unlLed klngdom 1rade Marks
law and provldes for Lhe reglsLraLlon of Lrademarks whlch are belng used or whlch wlll be
used for cerLaln goods Lo lndlcaLe a connecLlon beLween Lhem and some person who has
Lhe rlghL Lo use Lhe marks wlLh or wlLhouL any lndlcaLlon as Lo Lhe ldenLlLy of Lhe person

Servlce marks

8eglsLerable ln lndla ln elghL classes

Can be clalmed from Lhe earllesL correspondlng appllcaLlon ln a ConvenLlon counLry
provlded LhaL appllcaLlon ls flled ln lndla wlLhln slx monLhs of Lhe prlorlLy daLe MulLlple and
parLlal prlorlLles are allowed

1he lnLernaLlonal classlflcaLlon of goods ls used and separaLe appllcaLlons musL be flled for
goods falllng ln dlfferenL classes Classes 1 Lo 42 are avallable
1errlLory Covered

1he Lrademark leglslaLlon covers Lhe whole of Lhe LerrlLory of lndla as aL presenL
consLlLuLed lncludlng Lhe SLaLes of !ammu and kashmlr and Lhe LerrlLorles of Coa uaman
ulu uadra nagar Pavell and ondlcherry
3 LxamlnaLlon
AppllcaLlons are examlned Lo ensure LhaL Lhey comply wlLh Lhe requlremenLs of Lhe law
and LhaL Lhey do noL confllcL wlLh marks whlch are already reglsLered or whlch are Lhe
sub[ecLs of earller pendlng appllcaLlons

An appllcaLlon may be amended provlded Lhe amendmenL does noL consLlLuLe a ma[or
alLeraLlon of Lhe mark
Cround for refusal

8eglsLraLlon may be refused ln respecL of marks whlch are scandalous or obscene whlch are
llkely Lo decelve cause confuslon or offend rellglous suscepLlblllLles whlch are conLrary Lo
Lhe law or morallLy or whlch would oLherwlse be dlsenLlLled Lo proLecLlon ln a courL whlch
are accepLed chemlcal names or whlch are ldenLlcal Lo oLher marks for Lhe same goods or
descrlpLlon of goods ln Lhe case of ldenLlcal marks reglsLraLlon may however be allowed
upon proof LhaL Lhe mark was belng used concurrenLly and ln good falLh

Pearlng may be soughL wlLh regard Lo appllcaLlons whlch Lhe 8eglsLrar proposes Lo refuse
and an appeal may be made Lo Lhe Plgh CourL agalnsL any orders lssued aL a hearlng
4 CranLlng roLecLlon

AppllcaLlons whlch have been accepLed are adverLlsed ln Lhe 1rade Marks !ournal and
opposlLlon may be flled wlLhln Lhree monLhs of Lhe daLe of adverLlsemenL an exLenslon of
Llme of one monLh for flllng opposlLlon may be obLalned upon appllcaLlon 1he 8eglsLer was
formerly dlvlded lnLo Lwo parLs arL A conLalned Lhe marks already reglsLered under Lhe
1rade Marks AcL 1940 and all marks whlch were dlsLlncLlve or had acqulred dlsLlncLlveness
(saLlsfacLory evldence Lo Lhls effecL musL be produced) could be reglsLered ln arL A of Lhe
8eglsLer arL 8 conLalned marks whlch could noL be reglsLered ln arL A or whlch were noL
dlsLlncLlve buL were capable of dlsLlngulshlng Lhe goods of Lhe appllcanLs Slnce 2003 Lhls
dlsLlncLlon ls removed 1here ls now only a slngle reglsLer
uuraLlon of reglsLraLlon

1en years renewable for furLher perlods of Len years each
8enewal fees

MusL be pald before buL noL more Lhan slx monLhs before Lhe daLe of explry of Lhe lasL
reglsLraLlon a mark may be resLored wlLhln one year from Lhe lasL daLe of renewal upon
appllcaLlon Lo Lhe 8eglsLrar elLher compleLely or sub[ecL Lo such condlLlons and llmlLaLlons
as he/she may Lhlnk flL Lo lmpose A Lrademark whlch has been removed from Lhe 8eglsLer
for nonpaymenL of renewal fees can be clLed agalnsL an appllcaLlon for reglsLraLlon durlng a
perlod of one year as from Lhe daLe of removal

A reglsLered Lrademark can be asslgned wlLh or wlLhouL Lhe goodwlll of Lhe buslness
concerned An unreglsLered Lrade mark ls noL asslgnable wlLhouL Lhe goodwlll of Lhe
buslness concerned excepL lf lL ls used ln Lhe same buslness as a reglsLered Lrademark and
asslgned Lo Lhe same person and along wlLh a reglsLered Lrademark coverlng Lhe same
8eglsLered user

1he CenLral CovernmenL can refuse Lhe reglsLraLlon of a reglsLered user lf lL ls agalnsL Lhe
publlc lnLeresL or Lhe developmenL of lndusLry Lrade or commerce ln lndla 8efore dolng so
Lhe CenLral CovernmenL musL dlsclose Lhe facLs and clrcumsLances on Lhe basls of whlch lL
proposes Lo refuse Lhe reglsLraLlon of a reglsLered user and glve Lhe appllcanL an
opporLunlLy of a hearlng
Marklng of goods

1he law does noL prescrlbe LhaL a reglsLered Lrademark when used by lLs proprleLor be
descrlbed as such on Lhe goods Lo whlch lL ls applled nor does lL requlre LhaL Lhe proprleLor'
ldenLlLy be dlsclosed Where a mark ls used by a reglsLered user however goods musL be
marked ln such a way as Lo dlsclose Lhe ldenLlLy of Lhe reglsLered proprleLor and Lhe facL
LhaL Lhe mark ls belng used by Lhe reglsLered user by permlsslon of Lhe reglsLered
proprleLor All goods lmporLed lnLo or manufacLured or assembled ln lndla may be requlred
Lo be marked ln such a way as Lo lndlcaLe Lhelr counLry of orlgln under SecLlon 117 of Lhe
AcL Lhe lndlan CovernmenL wlll from Llme Lo Llme lssue noLlflcaLlons speclfylng Lhe
manner ln whlch Lhe goods are Lo be marked
8ecLlflcaLlon for nonuse

1he 8eglsLer may be recLlfled (removal of a mark) ln respecL of a reglsLered mark and one of
Lhe grounds for applylng for recLlflcaLlon ls Lhe nonuse of a mark for a perlod exceedlng flve
years and one monLh before flllng of Lhe recLlflcaLlon appllcaLlon unless Lhere are speclal
clrcumsLances excuslng nonuse

SulLs may be flled agalnsL Lhe lnfrlngemenL of reglsLered marks and ln any sulL reglsLraLlon
may be regarded as valld ln all respecLs even years from Lhe daLe of reglsLraLlon
unreglsLered Lrademarks wlLh repuLaLlon ln lndla or lnLernaLlonally wellknown Lrademarks
can be proLecLed agalnsL mlsuse ln a passlng off acLlon

Servlce Mark lndla Servlce Mark AppllcaLlon LlLlgaLlon

1he 1rade Marks AcL 1999 has come lnLo force from Lhe 13Lh of SepLember 2003 An
lmporLanL feaLure of Lhe AcL ls Lhe lnLroducLlon of Lhe reglsLraLlon of Servlce Marks ln lndla
revlously Servlce Mark reglsLraLlon ln lndla was noL allowed roLecLlon of servlce marks
was avallable only under Lhe common Law lrom SepLember 2003 lL has now become
posslble Lo separaLely reglsLer and Lherefore sLaLuLorlly proLecL Servlce Marks

WhaL are Servlce Marks? Servlce Marks are marks used ln any form of servlce buslness
where acLual goods under LhaL mark are noL Lraded lor lnsLance a PoLel or a resLauranL ls a
servlce under Lhe marks 1a[ Cberol SheraLon Merldlan Shereun[ab khyber Chlnese
8oom no goods are Lraded buL servlces are offered and purchased Lhese marks wlll now
be sLaLuLorlly proLecLed under Lhe AcL Slmllarly marks for sofLware servlces or buslness
process ouLsourclng servlces or healLh lnsurance repalr servlces or alrllnes servlces or
educaLlonal servlces can be proLecLed by reglsLraLlon

Coods and Servlces are classlfled under varlous classes under Lhe old Lrademark law Cnly
34 classes for goods were avallable under Lhe AcL of 99 11 more classes have been creaLed
for proLecLlon of servlce marks le classes 33 Lo 43 1he servlces under Lhese classes are
classlfled as follows
Class 33

AdverLlslng buslness managemenL buslness admlnlsLraLlon offlce funcLlons
Class 36

lnsurance flnanclal affalrs moneLary affalrs real esLaLe affalrs
Class 37

8ulldlng consLrucLlon repalr lnsLallaLlon servlces
Class 38

Class 39

1ransporL packaglng sLorage of goods Lravel arrangemenL
Class 40

1reaLmenL of maLerlals
Class 41

LducaLlon provldlng of Lralnlng enLerLalnmenL sporLlng culLural acLlvlLles
Class 42

SclenLlflc Lechnologlcal servlces research deslgn lndusLrlal analysls research
servlces deslgn developmenL of compuLer hardware sofLware legal servlces Servlces
for provldlng food drlnk Lemporary accommodaLlon Medlcal servlces veLerlnary
servlces hyglenlc and beauLy care for human belngs or anlmals agrlculLure horLlculLure
and foresLry servlces ersonal and soclal servlces rendered by oLhers Lo meeL Lhe needs of
lndlvlduals securlLy servlces for Lhe proLecLlon of properLy and lndlvlduals

1hese are general classes Lach class has hundreds of enLrles for servlces falllng under a
class 1hus for lnsLance CompllaLlon of lnformaLlon lnLo compuLer daLabases ls a servlce
falllng ln class 33 buL a servlce for provldlng flnanclal lnformaLlon ls a servlce falllng ln class
36 Agaln a servlce provldlng lnsLallaLlon malnLenance and repalr of CompuLer hardware
falls ln class 37 buL lnsLallaLlon and MalnLenance of CompuLer sofLware falls ln class 42
Class 43 covers hoLel and resLauranL servlces Medlcal cllnlcs and 8eauLy parlors fall ln class
44 and horoscope casLlng ln class 43

CopyrlghL 8eglsLraLlon CopyrlghL Law AppllcaLlon lndla

CopyrlghL 8eglsLraLlon ln lndla glves Lhe creaLors of a wlde range of maLerlal such as
llLeraLure arL muslc sound recordlngs fllms and broadcasLs economlc rlghLs enabllng
Lhem Lo conLrol use of Lhelr maLerlal ln a number of ways such as by maklng coples lssulng
coples Lo Lhe publlc performlng ln publlc broadcasLlng and use onllne lL also glves moral
rlghLs Lo be ldenLlfled as Lhe creaLor of cerLaln klnds of maLerlal and Lo ob[ecL Lo lLs
dlsLorLlon or lLs muLllaLlon (MaLerlal proLecLed by copyrlghL ls Lermed a work)

Powever copyrlghL does noL proLecL ldeas names or LlLles 1he purpose of copyrlghL law ln
lndla ls

creaLlvlLy and Lhe developmenL of new maLerlal whlch beneflLs us all CopyrlghL maLerlal ls
usually Lhe resulL of creaLlve sklll and/or slgnlflcanL labour and/or lnvesLmenL and wlLhouL
proLecLlon lL would ofLen be very easy for oLhers Lo explolL maLerlal wlLhouL paylng Lhe
creaLor MosL uses of copyrlghL maLerlal Lherefore requlre permlsslon from Lhe copyrlghL
owner Powever Lhere are excepLlons Lo copyrlghL so LhaL some mlnor uses may noL resulL
ln copyrlghL lnfrlngemenLs

CopyrlghL proLecLlon ls auLomaLlc as soon as Lhere ls a record ln any form of Lhe maLerlal
LhaL has been creaLed under Lhe lndlan CopyrlghL AcL Lhere ls a provlslon Lo reglsLer
copyrlghL alLhough Lhls ls volunLary
Cwner of CopyrlghL
ln Lhe case of a llLerary dramaLlc muslcal or arLlsLlc work Lhe general rule ls LhaL Lhe
auLhor le Lhe person who creaLed Lhe work ls Lhe flrsL owner of Lhe economlc rlghLs under
copyrlghL Powever where such a work ls made ln Lhe course of employmenL Lhe employer
ls Lhe flrsL owner of Lhese rlghLs unless an agreemenL Lo Lhe conLrary has been made wlLh
Lhe auLhor
ln Lhe case of a fllm Lhe prlnclpal dlrecLor and Lhe fllm producer are [olnL auLhors and flrsL
owners of Lhe economlc rlghLs and slmllar provlslons as referred Lo above apply where Lhe
dlrecLor ls employed
ln Lhe case of a sound recordlng Lhe record producer ls Lhe auLhor and flrsL owner of
copyrlghL ln Lhe case of a broadcasL Lhe broadcasLer and ln case of a publlshed edlLlon Lhe

CopyrlghL ls however a form of properLy whlch llke physlcal properLy can be boughL or
sold lnherlLed or oLherwlse Lransferred wholly or ln parL So some or all of Lhe economlc
rlghLs may subsequenLly belong Lo someone oLher Lhan Lhe flrsL owner ln conLrasL Lhe
moral rlghLs accorded Lo auLhors of llLerary dramaLlc muslcal and arLlsLlc works and fllm
dlrecLors remaln wlLh Lhe auLhor or dlrecLor or pass Lo hls or her helrs on deaLh CopyrlghL
ln maLerlal produced by a CovernmenL deparLmenL belongs Lo Lhe CovernmenL of lndla

CopyrlghL owners generally have Lhe rlghL Lo auLhorlse or prohlblL any of Lhe followlng
Lhlngs ln relaLlon Lo Lhelr works
Copylng of Lhe work ln any way eg phoLocopylng / reproduclng a prlnLed page by
handwrlLlng Lyplng or scannlng lnLo a compuLer / Laplng llve or recorded muslc
lssulng coples of Lhe work Lo Lhe publlc
ubllc dellvery of lecLures or speeches eLc
8roadcasLlng of Lhe work audlo / vldeo or lncludlng lL ln a cable programme
Maklng an adapLaLlon of Lhe work such as by LranslaLlng a llLerary or dramaLlc work
Lranscrlblng a muslcal work and converLlng a compuLer program lnLo a dlfferenL compuLer
language or code

CopyrlghL ls lnfrlnged when any of Lhe above acLs are done wlLhouL auLhorlsaLlon wheLher
dlrecLly or lndlrecLly and wheLher Lhe whole or a subsLanLlal parL of a work unless whaL ls
done falls wlLhln Lhe scope of excepLlons Lo copyrlghL permlLLlng cerLaln mlnor uses of

1here are a number of excepLlons Lo copyrlghL LhaL allow llmlLed use of copyrlghL works
wlLhouL Lhe permlsslon of Lhe copyrlghL owner lor example llmlLed use of works may be
posslble for research and prlvaLe sLudy crlLlclsm or revlew reporLlng currenL evenLs [udlclal
proceedlngs Leachlng ln schools and oLher educaLlonal esLabllshmenLs and noL for proflL
playlng of sound recordlngs

8uL lf you are copylng large amounLs of maLerlal and/or maklng mulLlple coples Lhen you
may sLlll need permlsslon Also where a copyrlghL excepLlon covers publlcaLlon of excerpLs
from a copyrlghL work lL ls generally necessary Lo lnclude an acknowledgemenL SomeLlmes
more Lhan one excepLlon may apply Lo Lhe use you are Lhlnklng of

LxcepLlons Lo copyrlghL do noL generally glve you rlghLs Lo use copyrlghL maLerlal Lhey [usL
sLaLe LhaL cerLaln acLlvlLles do noL lnfrlnge copyrlghL So lL ls posslble LhaL an excepLlon could
be overrldden by a conLracL you have slgned llmlLlng your ablllLy Lo do Lhlngs LhaL would
oLherwlse fall wlLhln Lhe scope of an excepLlon

lL ls lmporLanL Lo remember LhaL [usL buylng or ownlng Lhe orlglnal or a copy of a copyrlghL
work does noL glve you permlsslon Lo use lL Lhe way you wlsh lor example buylng a copy of
a book Cu vldeo compuLer program eLc does noL necessarlly glve you Lhe rlghL Lo make
coples (even for prlvaLe use) play or show Lhem ln publlc CLher everyday uses of copyrlghL
maLerlal such as phoLocopylng scannlng downloadlng from a Cu8CM or onllne daLabase
all lnvolve copylng Lhe work So permlsslon ls generally needed Also use golng beyond an
agreed llcence wlll requlre furLher permlsslon
1o vlew Lhe rocedure for flllng CopyrlghL AppllcaLlon Cllck here

ueslgn 8eglsLraLlon ln lndla aLenLlng a ueslgn

ueslgn means only Lhe feaLures of shape conflguraLlon paLLern or ornamenL or
composlLlon of llnes or color or comblnaLlon Lhereof applled Lo any arLlcle wheLher Lwo
dlmenslonal or Lhree dlmenslonal or ln boLh forms by any lndusLrlal process or means
wheLher manual mechanlcal or chemlcal separaLe or comblned whlch ln Lhe flnlshed
arLlcle appeal Lo and are [udged solely by Lhe eye buL does noL lnclude any mode or
prlnclple of consLrucLlon or any Lhlng whlch ls ln subsLance a mere mechanlcal devlce and
does noL lnclude any Lrade mark as deflned ln clause (v) of subsecLlon of SecLlon 2 of Lhe
1rade and Merchandlse Marks AcL 1938 properLy mark or arLlsLlc works as deflned under
SecLlon 2(c) of Lhe CopyrlghL AcL 1937

ln lndla deslgns are proLecLed by Lwo legal rlghLs
8eglsLered deslgns and
ArLlsLlc copyrlghL

ueslgn reglsLraLlon ln lndla glves Lhe owner a monopoly on hls or her producL le Lhe rlghL
for a llmlLed perlod Lo sLop oLhers from maklng uslng or selllng Lhe producL wlLhouL Lhelr
permlsslon and ls addlLlonal Lo any deslgn rlghL or copyrlghL proLecLlon LhaL may exlsL
auLomaLlcally ln Lhe deslgn
1 Legal 8asls
ueslgns AcL 2000
ueslgns 8ules 2001
2 ArLlcle under Lhe ueslgns AcL 2000

under Lhe ueslgns AcL 2000 Lhe arLlcle means any arLlcle of manufacLure and any
subsLance arLlflclal or parLly arLlflclal and parLly naLural and lncludes any parL of an arLlcle
capable of belng made and sold separaLely
3 SeL of arLlcle under ueslgns AcL 2000

lf a group of arLlcles meeLs Lhe followlng requlremenLs Lhen LhaL group of arLlcles may be
regarded as a seL of arLlcles under Lhe ueslgns AcL 2000
Crdlnarlly on sale or lnLended Lo be used LogeLher
All havlng common deslgn even Lhough arLlcles are dlfferenL (same class)
Same general characLer Cenerally an arLlcle havlng Lhe same deslgn and sold ln dlfferenL
slzes ls noL consldered as a seL of arLlcles racLlcal example 1ea seL en seL knlfe seL
4 LssenLlal requlremenLs for Lhe reglsLraLlon of ueslgn under Lhe ueslgns AcL 2000
1he deslgn should be new or orlglnal noL prevlously publlshed or used ln any counLry
before Lhe daLe of appllcaLlon for reglsLraLlon 1he novelLy may reslde ln Lhe appllcaLlon of a
known shape or paLLern Lo new Sub[ecL maLLer racLlcal example 1he known shape of
kuLub Mlnar when applled Lo a clgareLLe holder Lhe same ls reglsLrable Powever lf Lhe
deslgn for whlch appllcaLlon ls made does noL lnvolve any real menLal acLlvlLy for
concepLlon Lhen reglsLraLlon may noL be consldered
1he deslgn should relaLe Lo feaLures of shape conflguraLlon paLLern or ornamenLaLlon
applled or appllcable Lo an arLlcle 1hus deslgns of lndusLrlal plans layouLs and lnsLallaLlons
are noL reglsLerable under Lhe AcL
1he deslgn should be applled or appllcable Lo any arLlcle by any lndusLrlal process
normally deslgns of arLlsLlc naLure llke palnLlng sculpLures and Lhe llke whlch are noL
produced ln bulk by any lndusLrlal process are excluded from reglsLraLlon under Lhe AcL
1he feaLures of Lhe deslgn ln Lhe flnlshed arLlcle should appeal Lo and are [udged solely by
Lhe eye 1hls lmplles LhaL Lhe deslgn musL appear and should be vlslble on Lhe flnlshed
arLlcle for whlch lL ls meanL 1hus any deslgn ln Lhe lnslde arrangemenL of a box money
purse or almlrah may noL be consldered for showlng such arLlcles ln Lhe open sLaLe as Lhose
arLlcles are generally puL ln Lhe markeL ln Lhe closed sLaLe
Any mode or prlnclple of consLrucLlon or operaLlon or any Lhlng whlch ls ln subsLance a
mere mechanlcal devlce would noL be reglsLerable deslgn lor lnsLance a key havlng lLs
novelLy only ln Lhe shape of lLs corrugaLlon or bend aL Lhe porLlon lnLended Lo engage wlLh
levers lnslde Lhe lock assoclaLed wlLh cannoL be reglsLered as a deslgn under Lhe AcL
Powever when any deslgn suggesLs any mode or prlnclple of consLrucLlon or mechanlcal or
oLher acLlon of a mechanlsm a sulLable dlsclalmer ln respecL Lhereof ls requlred Lo be
lnserLed on lLs represenLaLlon provlded Lhere are oLher reglsLerable feaLures ln Lhe deslgn
1he deslgn should noL lnclude any 1rade Mark or properLy mark or arLlsLlc works as deflned
under Lhe CopyrlghL AcL 1937

1o vlew Lhe llow charL for 8eglsLraLlon of deslgn Cllck Pere

3 Applylng for 8eglsLraLlon of ueslgn

1he appllcaLlon for reglsLraLlon of deslgn can be flled by Lhe appllcanL hlmself/herself or
Lhrough a professlonal person (le paLenL agenL legal pracLlLloner) Powever for Lhe
appllcanLs noL belng resldenLs of lndla an agenL resldlng ln lndla has Lo be employed
6 lace of applylng for 8eglsLraLlon of ueslgn

Any person who deslres Lo reglsLer a deslgn shall submlL Lhe followlng documenLs Lo Lhe
ConLroller of ueslgns 1he aLenL Cfflce aL kolkaLa or aL any of lLs branch offlces aL new
uelhl Mumbal and Chennal lor address and conLacL numbers cllck here
7 uuraLlon of Lhe 8eglsLraLlon of a ueslgn and lLs exLenslon

1he duraLlon of Lhe reglsLraLlon of a deslgn ls lnlLlally Len years from Lhe daLe of reglsLraLlon
buL ln uses where clalm Lo prlorlLy has been allowed Lhe duraLlon ls Len years from Lhe
prlorlLy daLe 1hls lnlLlal perlod of reglsLraLlon may be exLended by furLher perlod of 3 years
on an appllcaLlon made ln lorm3 accompanled by a fee of 8s 2000/ Lo Lhe ConLroller
before Lhe explry of Lhe sald lnlLlal perlod of CopyrlghL 1he proprleLor of a deslgn may make
appllcaLlon for such exLenslon even as soon as Lhe deslgn ls reglsLered
8 CancellaLlon of 8eglsLraLlon of a ueslgn

1he reglsLraLlon of a deslgn may be cancelled aL any Llme afLer Lhe reglsLraLlon of deslgn on
a peLlLlon for cancellaLlon ln form 8 wlLh a fee of 8s 1300/ Lo Lhe ConLroller of ueslgns on
Lhe followlng grounds
1haL Lhe deslgn has been prevlously reglsLered ln lndla or
1haL lL has been publlshed ln lndla or elsewhere prlor Lo daLe of reglsLraLlon or
1he deslgn ls noL new or orlglnal or
ueslgn ls noL reglsLrable or
lL ls noL a deslgn under Clause (d) of SecLlon 2
9 8esLoraLlon of Lhe lapsed deslgn due Lo nonpaymenL of exLenslon fee wlLhln prescrlbed

A reglsLraLlon of deslgn wlll cease Lo be effecLlve on nonpaymenL of exLenslon fee for
furLher Lerm of flve years lf Lhe same ls noL pald before Lhe explry of orlglnal perlod of 10
years Powever new provlslon has been lncorporaLed ln Lhe AcL so LhaL lapsed deslgns may
be resLored provlded Lhe followlng condlLlons are saLlsfled
AppllcaLlon for resLoraLlon ln lorm4 wlLh fee of 8s 1000/ ls flled wlLhln one year from Lhe
daLe of lapse sLaLlng Lhe ground for such nonpaymenL of exLenslon fee wlLh sufflclenL
lf Lhe appllcaLlon for resLoraLlon ls allowed Lhe proprleLor ls requlred Lo pay Lhe exLenslon
fee of 8s 2000/ and an addlLlonal fee of 8s 1000/ and flnally Lhe lapsed reglsLraLlon ls
10 lracy of a ueslgn

lracy of a deslgn means Lhe appllcaLlon of a deslgn or lLs lmlLaLlon Lo any arLlcle belonglng
Lo class of arLlcles ln whlch Lhe deslgn has been reglsLered for Lhe purpose of sale or
lmporLaLlon of such arLlcles wlLhouL Lhe wrlLLen consenL of Lhe reglsLered proprleLor
ubllshlng such arLlcles or exposlng Lhem for sale wlLh knowledge of Lhe unauLhorlzed
appllcaLlon of Lhe deslgn Lo Lhem also lnvolves plracy of Lhe deslgn
11 enalLy for Lhe plracy of a reglsLered ueslgn

lf anyone conLravenes Lhe copyrlghL ln a deslgn for Lhe every conLravenLlon he/she ls llable
Lo pay a sum noL exceedlng 8s 23000/ Lo Lhe reglsLered proprleLor sub[ecL Lo a maxlmum
of 8s 30000/ recoverable as conLracL debL ln respecL of any one deslgn 1he reglsLered
proprleLor may brlng a sulL for Lhe recovery of Lhe damages for any such conLravenLlon and
for ln[uncLlon agalnsL repeLlLlon of Lhe same 1oLal sum recoverable shall noL exceed 8s
30000/ as conLracL debL as sLaLed ln SecLlon 22(2)(a) 1he sulL for lnfrlngemenL recovery of
damage should noL be flled ln any courL below Lhe courL of ulsLrlcL !udge

Ceographlcal lndlcaLlons lndla

1he Ceographlcal lndlcaLlons AcL affords proLecLlon Lo goods LhaL can be ldenLlfled as
orlglnaLlng or manufacLured ln Lhe LerrlLory of a counLry or a reglon or locallLy ln LhaL
LerrlLory where a glven quanLlLy repuLaLlon or oLher characLerlsLlc of such goods ls
essenLlally aLLrlbuLable Lo lLs geographlcal condlLlons ln Lhe case where such goods are
manufacLured goods one of Lhe acLlvlLles of producLlon or of processlng or preparaLlon aL
goods concerned Lakes place ln such LerrlLory or locallLy as Lhe case may be 1he Lerm ls
lnlLlally for a perlod of 10 years and can be renewed from Llme Lo Llme

unLll recenLly lndla dld noL have a speclflc law governlng geographlcal lndlcaLlons of goods
whlch could adequaLely proLecL Lhe lnLeresLs of producers of such goods unless a
geographlcal lndlcaLlon ls proLecLed ln Lhe counLry of lLs orlgln Lhere ls no obllgaLlon under
Lhe AgreemenL on 1rade 8elaLed AspecLs of lnLellecLual roperLy 8lghLs (18lS) for oLher
counLrles Lo exLend reclprocal proLecLlon ln vlew of Lhls lL was consldered necessary Lo
have a comprehenslve leglslaLlon for reglsLraLlon and for provldlng adequaLe proLecLlon for
geographlcal lndlcaLlons 1he perLlnenL has passed leglslaLlon namely Lhe Ceographlcal
lndlcaLlons of Coods (8eglsLraLlon and roLecLlon) AcL 1999 1he leglslaLlon wlll be
admlnlsLered Lhrough Lhe Ceographlcal lndlcaLlons 8eglsLry under Lhe overall charge of Lhe
ConLroller Ceneral of aLenLs ueslgns and 1rademarks

Ceographlcal lndlcaLlon 8lghLs have already been obLalned for uar[eeLdng 1ea alLhanl
Sarees koLa uorla

A Ceographlcal lndlcaLlons 8eglsLry has been esLabllshed ln Chennal for Lhe purpose of
admlnlsLerlng Lhe leglslaLlon

Appeal agalnsL 8eglsLrars declslon would be Lo Lhe lnLellecLual roperLy AppellaLe 8oard
esLabllshed under Lhe 1rade Marks leglslaLlon
8lologlcal ulverslLy Cvervlew
1he ConvenLlon on 8lologlcal ulverslLy (C8u)

1he year 1992 ls Lhe landmark year for lnLroduclng Lhe concepL Lo proLecL LradlLlonal
knowledge and blodlverslLy 1he ConvenLlon on 8lologlcal ulverslLy (C8u) agreemenL ls
appllcable aL naLlonal and lnLernaLlonal level lndla has adopLed Lhls agreemenL whlch has
Laken lnLo accounL varlous aspecLs of blologlcal dlverslLy
ConservaLlon of blologlcal dlverslLy
SusLalnable use of lLs componenLs (geneLlc resources)
lalr and equlLable sharlng of beneflLs arlslng from lLs use
ArLlcles relaLed Lo above sald ob[ecLlves of C8u are
ArLlcle 1 falr and equlLable sharlng of Lhe beneflLs arlslng ouL of Lhe uLlllzaLlon of geneLlc
resources lncludlng access Lo geneLlc resources approprlaLe Lransfer of Lechnologles
conslderlng all rlghLs over Lhose resources Lo Lechnologles and approprlaLe fundlng
ArLlcle 8([) provlslon Lo encourage Lhe equlLable sharlng of Lhe beneflLs arlslng from
uLlllzaLlon of knowledge lnnovaLlons and pracLlces of lndlgenous and local communlLy
embodylng LradlLlonal llfesLyles relevanL for conservaLlon and susLalnable use of blologlcal
1he 8lodlverslLy AcL 2002 (8uA)

1hls AcL ls appllcable Lo lndla lL enforced prlor approval of naLlonal 8lodlverslLy AuLhorlLy
(n8A) whlch was esLabllshed on 1sL CcLober 2003 before applylng for any klnd of
lnLellecLual properLy rlghLs (l8s) based on any research or lnformaLlon on a blologlcal
resource obLalned from lndla 1he naLlonal 8lodlverslLy offlce ls locaLed aL Chennal lndla

naLlonal 8lodlverslLy AuLhorlLy exempLs Lhe use of blologlcal resources for carrylng ouL

lL ls mandaLory Lo seek permlsslon of Lhe n8A lf Lhe use of research ls for commerclal
purpose or any forelgn lnsLlLuLe or lf any forelgn lnsLlLuLe wanLs Lo access blologlcal
SallenL feaLures of n8A

1he ob[ecLlves of Lhe n8A are provlded as follows
SecLlon 6 provldes LhaL anybody seeklng any klnd of lnLellecLual properLy rlghLs on a
research based upon blologlcal resource or knowledge obLalned from lndla need Lo obLaln
prlor approval of Lhe n8A 1he n8A wlll lmpose beneflLsharlng condlLlons
SecLlon 18(lv) sLlpulaLes LhaL one of Lhe funcLlons of naLlonal 8lodlverslLy AcL (n8A) ls Lo
Lake measures Lo oppose Lhe granL of l8s ln any counLry ouLslde lndla on any blologlcal
resource obLalned from lndla or knowledge assoclaLed wlLh such blologlcal resource
lor ensurlng equlLable sharlng of beneflLs arlslng from Lhe use of blologlcal resources and
assoclaLed knowledge SecLlons 19 and 21 sLlpulaLe prlor approval of Lhe naLlonal
8lodlverslLy AuLhorlLy (n8A) before Lhelr access Whlle granLlng approval n8A wlll lmpose
Lerms and condlLlons whlch secure equlLable sharlng of beneflLs
SecLlon 36(lv) provldes proLecLlon Lo Lhe knowledge of local people relaLlng Lo blodlverslLy
Lhrough measures such as reglsLraLlon of such knowledge and developmenL of a sul generls
1ransfer of blologlcal resource or knowledge

Accordlng Lo SecLlon 20
no person who has been granLed approval u/s 19 shall Lransfer any blologlcal resource or
knowledge assoclaLed LhereLo whlch ls Lhe sub[ecL maLLer of Lhe sald approval excepL wlLh
Lhe permlsslon of Lhe naLlonal 8lodlverslLy AuLhorlLy
Any person who lnLends Lo Lransfer any blologlcal resource or knowledge assoclaLed
LhereLo shall make an appllcaLlon ln a form as prescrlbed Lo Lhe naLlonal 8lodlverslLy
Cn recelpL of an appllcaLlon Lhe naLlonal 8lodlverslLy AuLhorlLy granLs approval afLer
maklng enqulrles sub[ecL Lo cerLaln Lerms and condlLlons lncludlng Lhe lmposlLlon of charges
by way of royalLy or for reasons Lo be recorded ln wrlLlng re[ecL Lhe appllcaLlon provlded
LhaL no such order for re[ecLlon shall be made wlLhouL glvlng an opporLunlLy of belng heard
Lo Lhe person affecLed
1he n8A glves publlc noLlce of approval granLed under Lhls secLlon
Access Lo blologlcal resources and assoclaLed LradlLlonal knowledge

lor seeklng prlor approval Lo access use and / or Lransfer of blologlcal resources for pure
research or commerclal purposes followlng appllcaLlon forms are Lo be fllled ln and
submlLLed aL Chennal offlce lndla lorms uescrlpLlon / CaLegory lees
(lndlan 8upees)
lorm l AppllcaLlon for access Lo 8lologlcal resources and assoclaLed LradlLlonal
knowledge 10000 00
lorm ll AppllcaLlon for seeklng prlor approval of naLlonal 8lodlverslLy AuLhorlLy for
Lransferrlng Lhe resulLs of research Lo forelgn naLlonals companles n8l`s for commerclal
purposes 3000 00
lrom lll AppllcaLlon for seeklng prlor approval of naLlonal 8lodlverslLy AuLhorlLy for
applylng for lnLellecLual roperLy 8lghL 300 00
lrom lv AppllcaLlon form for seeklng approval of naLlonal 8lodlverslLy AuLhorlLy for
Lhlrd parLy Lransfer of Lhe accessed 8lologlcal resources and assoclaLed LradlLlonal
knowledge 10000

LAn1 vA8lL1? 8C1LC1lCn ln lnulA

lanL varleLy proLecLlon sysLem ls adopLed ln lndla under Lhe acL roLecLlon of planL varleLy
and larmer's 8lghLs AcL 2001 Lo meeL Lhe obllgaLlon under ArLlcle 27(3) (b) of 18lS
AgreemenL enacLed Lo proLecL rlghLs of farmers and planL breeders and Lo encourage Lhe
developmenL of new planL varleLles

ln exerclse of Lhe power conferred under subsecLlon (1) of Lhe SecLlon 3 of Lhe vl8
AcL 2001 Lhe CenLral CovernmenL vlde CazeLLe noLlflcaLlon no SC 1389 (L) daLed 11Lh
november 2003 esLabllshed Lhe roLecLlon of lanL varleLles and larmers' 8lghLs
AuLhorlLy" for Lhe purpose of Lhe lmplemenLaLlon of Lhe AcL WlLh Lhe [olnlng of Lhe
Chalrperson of Lhe AuLhorlLy and CazeLLe noLlflcaLlon ln november 2003 Lhe AuLhorlLy was
made funcLlonal 1he roLecLlon and lanL varleLles and larmers' 8lghL 8egulaLlons were
noLlfled on 7Lh uecember 2006

1he v l8 8eglsLry sLarLed Lhe process of recelvlng v appllcaLlons for reglsLraLlon and
proLecLlon of ellglble varleLles of noLlfled genera of crops wlLh effecL from 21 May 2007

lanL varleLy and lLs classlflcaLlon

A varleLy" means grouplng of planLs wlLhln a slngle boLanlcal Laxon of Lhe lowesL known
rank (LxcepL mlcroorganlsm) whlch can be
deflned by Lhe expresslon of Lhe characLerlsLlcs resulLlng from a glven genoLype of LhaL
planL grouplng
dlsLlngulshed from any oLher planL grouplng by expresslon of aL leasL one of Lhe sald
characLerlsLlcs and
consldered as a unlL wlLh regard Lo lLs sulLablllLy for belng propagaLed whlch remalns
unchanged afLer such propagaLlon and lncludes propagaLlng maLerlal of such varleLy exLanL
varleLy Lransgenlc varleLy farmers' varleLy and essenLlally derlved varleLy

ClasslflcaLlon of varleLy
1yplcal varleLy
Pybrld varleLy
1ransgenlc varleLy

ersons who can apply

(a) Any person clalmlng Lo be Lhe breeder of Lhe varleLy or any successor of Lhe breeder of
Lhe varleLy

(b) Any person belng Lhe asslgnee of Lhe breeder of Lhe varleLy

(c) Any farmer or group of farmers or communlLy of farmers clalmlng Lo be Lhe breeder of
Lhe varleLy

(d) Any person auLhorlzed ln Lhe prescrlbed manner by Lhe persons menLloned above

(e) Any unlverslLy or publlcly funded agrlculLural lnsLlLuLlon clalmlng Lo be Lhe breeder of Lhe

lanL varleLles quallfylng for reglsLraLlon

(a) new varleLy

A new varleLy shall be deemed Lo be novel lf aL Lhe daLe of flllng of Lhe appllcaLlon Lhe
propagaLlng or harvesLed maLerlal of such varleLy has noL been sold or oLherwlse dlsposed
of by or wlLh Lhe consenL of lLs breeder or hls successor for Lhe purposes of explolLaLlon of
such varleLy

(l) ln lndla earller Lhan one year or

(ll) ouLslde lndla ln Lhe case of Lrees or vlnes earller Lhan slx years or

(lll) ln any oLher case earller Lhan four years before Lhe daLe of flllng such appllcaLlon

(b) LxLanL varleLy

lL lncludes a varleLy whlch ls

(l) noLlfled under secLlon 3 of Seeds acL 1966 or

(ll) a larmers' varleLy or

(lll) a varleLy abouL whlch Lhere ls common knowledge or

(lv) any oLher varleLy whlch ls ln publlc domaln

(c) LssenLlally derlved varleLy

lL ls a varleLy

(l) whlch ls essenLlally derlved from an lnlLlal varleLy

(ll) whlch reLalns expresslon of Lhe essenLlal characLerlsLlcs

(lll) whlch ls clearly dlsLlngulshable from Lhe lnlLlal varleLy

(lv) whlch conforms Lo Lhe lnlLlal varleLy ln Lhe expresslon of essenLlal characLerlsLlcs excepL
Lhe varlaLlon whlch resulLs ln Lhe process of derlvaLlon

(d) larmers' varleLy

lL ls a varleLy whlch ls culLlvaLed by farmer or havlng knowledge of wlld relaLlve or land race
and lncludes a varleLy whlch ls

(l) noLlfled under secLlon 3 of Seeds acL 1966 or

(ll) a larmers' varleLy or

(lll) a varleLy abouL whlch Lhere ls common knowledge or

(lv) Any oLher varleLy whlch ls ln publlc domaln

CrlLerla for ulsLlncLlveness unlformlLy and SLablllLy

A varleLy shall be consldered Lo be novel lf lL meeLs Lhe followlng crlLerla

(a) ulsLlncLlveness lf lL ls clearly dlsLlngulshable by aL leasL one essenLlal characLerlsLlc from
any oLher varleLy whose exlsLence ls a maLLer of common knowledge ln any counLry aL Lhe
Llme of flllng of Lhe appllcaLlon

(b) unlformlLy lf sub[ecL Lo Lhe varlaLlon LhaL may be expecLed from Lhe parLlcular feaLures
of lLs propagaLlon lL ls sufflclenLly unlform ln lLs essenLlal characLerlsLlcs

(c) SLablllLy lf lLs essenLlal characLerlsLlcs remaln unchanged afLer repeaLed propagaLlon or
ln Lhe case of a parLlcular cycle of propagaLlon aL Lhe end of each such cycle

1oLal specles for reglsLraLlon

1here are LoLal of 21 specles aL presenL LhaL could be reglsLered whlch are broadly dlvlded
lnLo Lhree caLegorles
Coarse Cereals
Cll seeds

CLher new Specles for whlch approval ls awalLed

1here ls anoLher seL of 22 specles LhaL has been senL for approval whlch lncludes Lhe
8 vegeLable Crops
1 lrulL Mango
1 llower lanL 8ose
10 Cll Seed Crops


no such varleLy would be proLecLed and reglsLered

(l) where prevenLlon of commerclal explolLaLlon of LhaL varleLy ls necessary Lo proLecL publlc
order or publlc morallLy or human anlmal and planL llfe and healLh or Lo avold serlous
pre[udlce Lo Lhe envlronmenL

(ll) whose genera or specles are noLlfled as nonreglsLerable planL varleLles ln Lhe Cfflclal
CazeLLe noLlflcaLlon lssued by Lhe CenLral CovernmenL

(lll) whlch are developed by LermlnaLor Lechnology

(lv) whose specles or genera are noL llsLed ln Lhe noLlflcaLlon lssued by Lhe CenLral


8lghLs holders can apply for Lhe reglsLraLlon of a new varleLy elLher dlrecLly or Lhrough Lhelr
agenLs 1he Cfflce of Lhe 8eglsLrar roLecLlon of lanL varleLles and larmers 8lghLs
AuLhorlLy ls Lhe approprlaLe offlce for flllng of Lhe appllcaLlon ln lndla 1he procedure
lnvolved ln Lhe reglsLraLlon process ln lndla ls as follows

(a) 1he AppllcanL can make a compleLely fllled appllcaLlon wlLh all Lhe necessary sLaLemenLs
Lo Lhe 8eglsLrar for reglsLraLlon of any varleLy of such genera and specles as speclfled under
subsecLlon (2) of SecLlon 29 or whlch ls an exLanL varleLy or whlch ls a farmers varleLy

(b) 1he AppllcanL musL also make avallable Lo Lhe 8eglsLrar such quallLy of seeds of Lhe
varleLy for reglsLraLlon along wlLh Lhe prescrlbed fee Lo conducL LesLs Lo evaluaLe wheLher
Lhey conform Lo Lhe sLandards as may be speclfled by regulaLlons

uuS 1esL

1he ulsLlncLlveness unlformlLy and SLablllLy LesL guldellnes have been flnallzed for 12
noLlfled crop specles whlch are 8lack gram 8read wheaL Chlckpea lleld pea Creen gram
kldney bean LenLll Malze earl mllleL lgeon pea 8lce and Sorghum

(c) When an appllcaLlon for reglsLraLlon of a varleLy (oLher Lhan an essenLlally derlved
varleLy) has been accepLed and noL opposed or opposed buL Lhe opposlLlon has been
re[ecLed Lhe 8eglsLrar wlll lssue a cerLlflcaLe of reglsLraLlon Lo Lhe AppllcanL

1erm of 8eglsLraLlon

1he cerLlflcaLe of reglsLraLlon lssued by Lhe 8eglsLrar ls valld for elghLeen years from Lhe
daLe of reglsLraLlon of Lhe varleLy ln Lhe case of vlne and Lrees and flfLeen years from Lhe
daLe of noLlflcaLlon of LhaL varleLy by Lhe CenLral CovernmenL ln Lhe case of exLanL varleLles
and for a perlod of flfLeen years from Lhe daLe of reglsLraLlon of Lhe varleLy ln oLher cases
Powever Lhe cerLlflcaLe of reglsLraLlon ls valld for a perlod of nlne years ln Lhe case of Lrees
and vlnes and slx years ln Lhe case of oLher crops 1he 8eglsLrar may revlew and renew Lhls
reglsLraLlon for Lhe remalnlng Lerm on paymenL of Lhe prescrlbed fee

larmer's rlghLs

A farmer who has bred or developed a new varleLy shall be ellglble Lo reglsLer hls varleLy
under Lhe roLecLlon of lanL varleLles larmers 8lghLs AcL 2001 ln Lhe same manner as a
breeder of a varleLy

ln secLlon 39 (lv) of Lhe chapLer on larmers' 8lghLs Lhe rlghL Lo farmer ls provlded whlch
says LhaL

1he farmer shall be deemed Lo be enLlLled Lo save use sow resow exchange share or sell
hls farm produce lncludlng seed of a varleLy proLecLed under Lhls AcL ln Lhe same manner as
he was enLlLled before Lhe comlng lnLo force of Lhls AcL rovlded LhaL Lhe farmer shall noL
be enLlLled Lo sell branded seed of a varleLy proLecLed under Lhls AcL"

A farmer who ls engaged ln Lhe conservaLlon of geneLlc resources of land races and wlld
relaLlves of economlc planLs and Lhelr lmprovemenL Lhrough selecLlon and preservaLlon
shall be ellglble Lo reglsLer hls varleLy for recognlLlon and reward from Lhe 'Cene lund'
provlded LhaL maLerlal so selecLed and preserved has been used Lo donaLe genes of varleLles
reglsLered under Lhe AcL

1rade SecreLs Cvervlew

1hls l8 Lool provldes proLecLlon Lo persons/lnsLlLuLlons of lnformaLlon whlch ls lawfully
under Lhelr conLrol from belng dlsclosed Lo acqulred by or used by oLhers wlLhouL Lhelr
consenL ln a manner conLrary Lo commerclal pracLlces so long as Lhe lnformaLlon ls secreL
and has commerclal value because lL ls secreL

lL ls expecLed LhaL Lhe person/lnsLlLuLlon musL have Laken reasonable sLeps Lo keep Lhe
lnformaLlon secreL 1hls also applles Lo LesL daLa whose orlglnaLlon requlres conslderable
efforL (eg for markeLlng approval/ luA clearances eLc) submlLLed Lo Lhe governmenL or
governmenLal agencles for sLaLuary clearances 1hls underllnes Lhe slgnlflcance of
lnsLlLuLlons havlng a well esLabllshed and operaLlve lnformaLlon classlflcaLlon pollcy and
confldenLlallLy clauses ln servlce conLracLs wlLh employees/assoclaLes

uaLa roLecLlon Cvervlew

More Lhan 40 counLrles around Lhe world have enacLed or are preparlng Lo enacL laws LhaL
proLecL Lhe prlvacy and lnLegrlLy of personal consumer daLa collecLlvely referred Lo also
referred Lo as daLa proLecLlon lndla ls one amongsL Lhem Some Llme back nASSCCM dld
Lake lnlLlaLlves Lo push Lhrough a drafLlng exerclse and slnce Lhe mlddle of 2003 we are
ready wlLh a drafL of Lhe daLa proLecLlon 8lll whlch would help ln bulldlng confldenLlallLy of
cusLomers Lo ouLsource 8C work Lo LhlrdparLy vendors

uaLa proLecLlon focuses on lssues relaLlng Lo Lhe collecLlon sLorage accuracy and use of
daLa provlded by neL users ln Lhe use of Lhe World Wlde Web 1he slLuaLlon now warranLs
leglslaLlon of daLa proLecLlon ln lndla vlslLors Lo any webslLe wanL Lhelr prlvacy rlghLs Lo be
respecLed when Lhey engage ln eCommerce lL ls parL of Lhe confldencecreaLlng role LhaL
successful eCommerce buslnesses have Lo convey Lo Lhe consumer lf lndusLry doesnL make
sure lLs guardlng Lhe prlvacy of Lhe daLa lL collecLs lL wlll be Lhe responslblllLy of Lhe
governmenL and lLs Lhelr obllgaLlon Lo enacL leglslaLlon

1he problem LhaL arlses ln eCommerce ls LhaL Lhe lnLerneL ls ln lLself global Cenerally Lhe
regulaLlons of Lhe lndlan CovernmenL wlll have very llLLle lmpacL unless Lhey are parL of a
larger lnLernaLlonal seLLlng 1he proLecLlon of personal daLa has never been a purely
naLlonal problem lL was always a global lssue

1he Lype of lnformaLlon collecLed by operaLlng webslLes can be classlfled as elLher
lndlvldually ldenLlflable lnformaLlon or Mass undlsclosed lnformaLlon

lndlvldually ldenLlflable lnformaLlon can be deflned as lnformaLlon LhaL can be used Lo
ldenLlfy an lndlvldual LhaL conslsL of lnformaLlon llke name address Lelephone number
credlL card number or emall address And oLher consumer speclflc lnformaLlon 1hls
lnformaLlon ls llnked wlLh ldenLlflable lnformaLlon from oLher sources or from whlch oLher
personally ldenLlflable lnformaLlon can easlly be found lncludlng buL noL llmlLed Lo name
address phone number fax number emall address flnanclal proflles credlL card
lnformaLlon And also l address ls assoclaLed wlLh ersonally ldenLlflable lnformaLlon
unless you have afflrmaLlvely dlsclosed Lhls lnformaLlon 1he lnLerneL generaLes an
elaboraLe Lrall of daLa every sLop a person makes enLlum lll processor ldenLlfler chlp called
rocessor Serlal number or Sn lL ls a number Lled Lo Lhe lndlvldual and used Lo valldaLe
ones ldenLlLy Lhrough a range of lnLeracLlons wlLh any organlzaLlon or demographlc

Cn Lhe oLher hand Mass undlsclosed lnformaLlon can be deflned as lnformaLlon LhaL a
webslLe or Lhlrd parLy on lLs behalf aggregaLes and caLegorlzes by esLabllshed geographlcal
areas such as posLal codes and conLalns nonconsumer speclflc lnformaLlon creaLed from
anonymous LransacLlons for use by merchanLs ln beLLer managlng Lhelr buslnesses and
conducLlng mass medla adverLlslng

1here ls a abundanL of Lechnologles LhaL are uLlllzed Lo collecL boLh Classes of lnformaLlon
on consumers Cne of Lhese Lools are called Cookles Whlch ls slmply a plece of
lnformaLlon compuLer code LhaL ls saved on your own CompuLer or your browser lL
conLalns lnformaLlon as Lo Lhe personal preferences exhlblLed when vlslLlng a webslLe As lL
ls lmposslble Lo dlfferenLlaLe beLween vlslLors Lo a Web slLe Lhe server wlll somehow mark
Lhe vlslLor by sLorlng lnformaLlon on Lhem

Whlle Cookles Lhemselves are noL gaLherlng Lhe daLa Lhey are used as Lracklng devlces Lo
help people who are collecLlng lnformaLlon Any lnformaLlon gaLhered ls assoclaLed wlLh Lhe
value Lhey keep ln any Cookle A Cookle cannoL read hard drlve Lo flnd ouL who Lhey are or
Lhere lncomes or place of resldence Powever LhaL lnformaLlon could end up ln a Cookle lf
you provlded lL Lo a slLe and LhaL slLe saved lL ln a Cookle

AccounLablllLy by organlzaLlons for lnformaLlon wlLhln Lhelr possesslon LlmlL Lhe collecLlon
of Lhe lnformaLlon 8evelaLlon of personal daLa Lo Lhe declared purpose excepL wlLh Lhe
consenL of Lhe lndlvldual CrganlzaLlon should reLaln lnformaLlon only as long as necessary
lnformaLlon ln possesslon of an organlzaLlon should be accuraLe and upLodaLe SecurlLy
should be Lhe rlorlLy CrganlzaLlons collecLlng should be LransparenL ln Lhelr pollcy and
pracLlce CrganlzaLlons should allow lndlvlduals access and Lhe ablllLy Lo recLlfy errors

Web slLes would be requlred Lo provlde consumers noLlce of whaL lnformaLlon Lhey collecL
and how Lhey use lL Web slLes would be requlred Lo offer consumers cholces as Lo how LhaL
lnformaLlon ls Lo be used beyond Lhe use for whlch Lhe lnformaLlon was provlded Web slLes
would be requlred Lo offer consumers reasonable access Lo LhaL lnformaLlon and an
opporLunlLy Lo correcL lnaccuracles Web slLes would be requlred Lo Lake reasonable sLeps
Lo proLecL Lhe securlLy and lnLegrlLy of LhaL lnformaLlon WebslLes LhaL collecL personal
ldenLlfylng lnformaLlon from chlldren 12 and under need Lo provlde acLual noLlce Lo Lhe
parenL and obLaln parenLal consenL as follows

1he agency should lssue lnLerpreLlve rules deflnlng falr lnformaLlon pracLlces wlLh greaLer
speclflclLy Laklng lnLo accounL lndusLryspeclflc dlfferences

1he purpose ls Lo prevenL vlolaLlons of fundamenLal human rlghLs such as unlawful sLorage
of personal daLa or Lhe abuse or unauLhorlzed dlsclosure of such daLa

ln recenL days Lhere has also been concern ln lndla abouL Lhe lmpacL of daLa proLecLlon
laws enacLed by oLher counLrles

lor example ln Lhe Lu counLrles accordlng Lo Lhe laLesL guldellnes Lhey wlll cease Lo parL
wlLh daLa whlch are consldered Lhe sub[ecL maLLer of proLecLlon Lo any Lhlrd counLry unless
such oLher counLry has a slmllar law on daLa proLecLlon Cne of Lhe essenLlal feaLures of any
daLa proLecLlon law would be Lo prevenL Lhe flow of daLa Lo noncomplylng counLrles and
such a provlslon when lmplemenLed may resulL ln a loss of uaLa rocesslng buslness Lo
some of Lhe lndlan companles

1he Lu guldellnes are an ouL come of Lhe CLCu guldellnes of 1980 whlch has llsLed elghL
broad prlnclples Lo be adhered ln proLecLlng personal lnformaLlon of Lhe clLlzens of Lhe

1hey are
1 CollecLlon LlmlLaLlon rlnclple

1here should be llmlLs Lo Lhe collecLlon of personal daLa and any such daLa should be
obLalned by lawful and falr means and where approprlaLe wlLh Lhe knowledge or consenL
of Lhe daLa sub[ecL
2 uaLa CuallLy rlnclple

ersonal daLa should be relevanL Lo Lhe purposes for whlch Lhey are Lo be used and Lo Lhe
exLenL necessary for Lhose purposes should be accuraLe compleLe and kepL upLodaLe
3 urpose SpeclflcaLlon rlnclple

1he purposes for whlch personal daLa are collecLed should be speclfled noL laLer Lhan aL Lhe
Llme of daLa collecLlon and Lhe subsequenL use llmlLed Lo Lhe fulfllmenL of Lhose purposes
or such oLhers as are noL lncompaLlble wlLh Lhose purposes and as are speclfled on each
occaslon of change of purpose
4 use LlmlLaLlon rlnclple

ersonal daLa should noL be dlsclosed made avallable or oLherwlse used excepL
wlLh Lhe consenL of Lhe daLa sub[ecL or
by Lhe auLhorlLy of law
3 SecurlLy Safeguards rlnclple

ersonal daLa should be proLecLed by reasonable securlLy safeguards agalnsL such rlsks as
loss or unauLhorlzed access desLrucLlon use modlflcaLlon or dlsclosure of daLa
6 Cpenness rlnclple

1here should be a general pollcy of openness abouL developmenLs pracLlces and pollcles
wlLh respecL Lo personal daLa Means should be readlly avallable of esLabllshlng Lhe
exlsLence and naLure of personal daLa and Lhe maln purposes of Lhelr use as well as Lhe
ldenLlLy and usual resldence of Lhe daLa conLroller
7 lndlvldual arLlclpaLlon rlnclple

An lndlvldual should have Lhe rlghL
Lo obLaln from a daLa conLroller or oLherwlse conflrmaLlon of wheLher or noL Lhe daLa
conLroller has daLa relaLlng Lo hlm
Lo have communlcaLed Lo hlm daLa relaLlng Lo hlm wlLhln a reasonable Llme
aL a charge lf any LhaL ls noL excesslve
ln a reasonable manner and
ln a form LhaL ls readlly lnLelllglble Lo hlm
Lo be glven reasons lf a requesL made under subparagraphs (a) and (b) ls denled and Lo be
able Lo challenge such denlal and
Lo challenge daLa relaLlng Lo hlm and lf Lhe challenge ls successful Lo have Lhe daLa erased
recLlfled compleLed or amended
8 AccounLablllLy rlnclple

A daLa conLroller should be accounLable for complylng wlLh measures whlch glve effecL Lo
Lhe prlnclples sLaLed above

ln framlng Lhe laws ln Lhls regard Lhe daLa proLecLlon rlghL of an lndlvldual may have Lo be
balanced wlLh Lhe requlremenL of Lhe law enforcemenL auLhorlLles who are demandlng
recordlng of every move LhaL a neLlzen makes on Lhe neL

Law enforcemenL auLhorlLles ln lndla are keen Lo monlLor elecLronlc LransacLlons 1hese
agencles have requesLed LhaL every vlslLor Lo a Cyber cafe needs Lo be ldenLlfled Lhrough a
phoLolu card and monlLored As long as lndla ls a counLry affecLed by Lerrorlsm of Lhe klnd
we are presenLly faclng lL wlll be dlfflculL Lo pass any sLrlcL prlvacy laws ln Lhe counLry
8aLher Lhe C1A wlll ensure LhaL lnformaLlon can be exLracLed forclbly lf Lhe auLhorlLles
Lhlnk lL ls necessary ln Lhe lnLeresL of Lhe counLry

lnLercepLlon rlghLs are already avallable ln l1A2000 and wlll also be reLalned by auLhorlLles
ln Lhe forLhcomlng leglslaLlon on CommunlcaLlon Convergence

ln Lhls scenarlo Lhe CovernmenL has Lo Lread carefully ln enacLlng daLa proLecLlon laws lf lL
becomes necessary Lhe laws should be passed wlLhouL [eopardlzlng Lhe lnLeresLs of Lhe law
enforcemenL auLhorlLles

lndla needs Lo puL ln place sLrlngenL laws for daLa proLecLlon and lnLellecLual properLy
rlghLs lf Lhe counLry wanLs Lo emerge as a leadlng desLlnaLlon for ouLsourclng

aLlon and paLenLs depends on medlclnal ecologlcal knowledge Lo derlve ecofrlendly
producLs wlLh mlnlmum slde effecLs from planLs and oLher naLural geneLlc resources MosL
lndlgenous and local communlLles are slLuaLed ln world's mosL blologlcal rlch and dlverse
areas wlLh abundance ln naLural resources however economlcally dlsadvanLaged 1o Lhem
Lhls naLural envlronmenL ls a way of llfe and a parL of Lhelr culLural exlsLence

Lach communlLy en[oylng such a knowledge base has preserved such knowledge over
generaLlons Powever Loday Lhls knowledge has elLher by fraud mlsrepresenLaLlon been
explolLed by LransnaLlonal corporaLlons maklng unconcelvable proflLs by a mere access Lo
such componenLs ln Lhe knowledgebase Assumlng LhaL such a communlLy was adequaLely
compensaLed ln respecL of Lhe ownershlp of such a LradlLlonal knowledge members of such
communlLles vlew flnd Lhe beneflL sharlng raLlo abysmally low whlle some vlew such a
knowledge wlLh absoluLe sancLlLy and an acL of parLlng wlLh Lhe same Lo be an acL of

1he presenL arLlcle seeks Lo address Lhe poslLlon of Lhe law of paLenLs and LradlLlonal

Asplrln Lhe mosL wldely used pharmaceuLlcal ln Lhe world was derlved from sallcyllc acld
dlscovered ln meadowsweeL 1he cure for cancers llke Podgkln's dlsease and acuLe
lumphocyLlc leukemla was dlscovered from Lhe rosy perlwlnkle planL grown ln Madagascar
1he sallva of Lhe vamplre baL of SouLh Amerlca opens clogged arLerles fasLer 1he llsL ls long
and ls lmpresslve2

CuL of Lhe 120 acLlve compounds currenLly lsolaLed from Lhe hlgher planLs and wldely used
ln medlclne Loday 73 show a poslLlve corelaLlon beLween Lhelr modern LherapeuLlc use
and Lhe LradlLlonal knowledge of Lhelr use from whlch Lhey were derlved3

8loplracy as ls rampanL ln recenL Llmes has a greaL bearlng whlle dlscusslng LradlLlonal
medlclne 1he cause of such rampanL bloplracy flnds lLs rooLs ln dlameLrlcally opposlLe
paLenL proLecLlon sysLems beLween Lhe LasL and Lhe WesL

1he classlc example has been Lhe relaLlons of lndla and uSA wlLh respecL Lo LradlLlonal
medlclne 1hls can be analyzed wlLh a speclal reference Lo Lhe neem and 1urmerlc aLenLs
LhaL were granLed ln Lhe early 90s lnLernaLlonal pressures and collecLlve acLlon Lhrough Lhe
supporL of varlous nongovernmenLal organlzaLlons saw Lhe revocaLlon of Lhese symbols of
LradlLlon and culLure
1he neem aLenL

(8lologlcal name AzadlrachLa lndlca) ln lndla Lhe neem Lree ls known as sarvarga
nlvarlnl or curer of all allmenLs and more recenLly ln Lngllsh as Lhe wonder Lree" le
afLer lLs medlclnal properLles were dlscovered by Lhe WesL

An agrlculLural chemlcal company based ln llorlda was granLed a aLenL ln respecL of Lhe
neem Lree 1he acLlve lngredlenL was lsolaLed and a sLorage frlendly verslon was creaLed
1he company owns a paLenL wlLh respecL of Lhe meLhod of creaLlng a sLablllzed azadlrachLln
ln soluLlon and Lhe sLablllzed azadlrachLln soluLlon lLself 1hls soluLlon was soon lnLroduced
as a pesLlclde ln Lhe farms

Cn a revlew of Lhe paLenLablllLy provlslons and followlng Lhe concepL of producLs of
naLure" as has been followed ln Lhe unlLed SLaLes on Lhe face of lL Lhe lnvenLlon appears
new and novel 1he whole exerclse of lsolaLlng and purlflcaLlon of Lhe subsLance saLlsfles Lhe
grounds of novelLy and lnvenLlve sLep as requlred under uS aLenL laws under SecLlon 102
of Lhe uS aLenL AcL prlor forelgn use can lnvalldaLe a uS paLenL only where such use ls
flxed ln a Langlble accesslble form such as by a descrlpLlon ln a prlnLed publlcaLlon or ln a
documenL relaLed Lo elLher Lhe appllcanLs own forelgn paLenL or some oLher persons
forelgn paLenL4

1he valldlLy of Lhe paLenL can be challenged and revoked only on Lhe ground LhaL Lhe sald
use ls ln a flxed Langlble form and well documenLed ln a prlnLed publlcaLlon

1he uS paLenL law poses serlous obsLacles Lo lndlgenous communlLles ouLslde Lhe uS Lo
lnlLlaLe such a revocaLlon proceedlng MosL of Lhe knowledge of Lhe lndlgenous peoples ls
undocumenLed and passed from generaLlon Lo generaLlon only by word of mouLh and ln
sLrlcL confldence 1he provlslons regardlng revocaLlon of paLenLs on Lhe grounds of prlor arL
by a forelgn llLlganL havlng Lo saLlsfy Lhe requlremenL ln a publlcaLlon or any oLher Langlble
form has been severely crlLlclzed by vandana Shlva She commenLs LhaL

novelLy exlsLs malnly ln Lhe conLexL of Lhe lgnorance of Lhe WesL

ln 1986 Ayahuasca a vlne naLlve Lo Lhe Amazon 8aln loresL was paLenLed by Loren Mlller
an Amerlcan sclenLlsL and enLrepreneur 1hls planL has been used by healers and rellglous
leaders LhroughouL Lhe Amazon for generaLlons and slnce Llme lmmemorlal Shamans have
used ayahuasca Lo LreaL slcknesses conLacL splrlLs and foresee Lhe fuLure Many lndlgenous
Amazon Lrlbes also vlew Lhe planL as a sacred symbol of Lhelr rellglon

1he naLlves and Lhe Lrlbal leaders of Lhe learnL of Lhe exlsLence of such monopoly rlghL
granLed several years afLer lL was so granLed AnLonlo !acanaml[oy Lhe leader of a councll
represenLlng more Lhan 400 lndlgenous Lrlbes and groups ln SouLh Amerlca sLaLed

our ancesLors learned Lhe knowledge of Lhls medlclne and we are Lhe owners of Lhls

ln 1999 !acanlml[oys councll applled for and obLalned a re[ecLlon of Lhe ayahuasca paLenL
from Lhe uS aLenL and 1rademark Cfflce 1he conLroversy over Lhe paLenL generaLed
conslderable hosLlllLy beLween Lhe unlLed SLaLes and Lcuador Powever a subsLanLlal lssue
ln quesLlon remalned unaddressedwheLher Lhe re[ecLlon was based on Lhe properLy belng
prlor arL a parL of Lhe LradlLlonal knowledge or because lL was sacred Lo Lhe lndlgenous

1hese lnsLances force Lhe reader Lo examlne Lhe necesslLy of a provlslon ln Lhe Amerlcan
paLenL law regardlng publlc order morallLy and proLecLlon of lndlgenous knowledge lL also
forces Lhe reader Lo analyse Lhe breadLh and scope of novelLy" as undersLood under Lhe uS
law and lLs lnsufflclency
1he kanl 1rlbe

1he concepL of beneflL sharlng ln Lhe developmenL of herbal medlclnes and LradlLlonally
obLalned medlclnes has begun Lo flnd lLs place ln Lhe realm of properLy

!eevanl" ls a herbal medlclne developed by Lhe sclenLlsLs of Lhe 1roplcal 8oLanlc Carden
and 8esearch lnsLlLuLe (18C8l) locaLed ln Lhe SLaLe of kerala !eevanl ls based on Lhe
LradlLlonal medlclnal knowledge of Lhe kanl Lrlbe found ln Lhe 1hlruvananLhapuram dlsLrlcL
of Lhe SLaLe of kerala ln SouLh lndla lL ls derlved from Lhe arogyapaacha planL (Lrlchopus
zeylanlcus) a small rhlzomaLous perennlal herb found ln Srl Lanka SouLhern lndla and

!eevanl ls reporLed Lo have Lhe followlng lndlcaLlons
AcLlvaLes Lhe body's naLural defenses
AcLlvaLes delayed Lype hypersenslLlvlLy reacLlons and anLlbody synLhesls
lncreases Lhe number of polymorphonuclear granulocyLes
AcLlvaLes Lhe cellular lmmune sysLem
LxhlblLs hepaLoproLecLlve and cholorecLlc acLlvlLles
Pas adapLogenlc properLles as evldenced by anLlpepLlc ulcer and anLlfaLlgue effecLs

1he frulL of Lhe arogyapaacha planL was shared wlLh members Lo Lhe WesLern ChaLs kanl
Lrlbals ln 1987 who felL charged and full of energy and vlLallLy" followlng eaLlng Lhe frulL
1he effecLs of !eevanl have been reporLed ln Lhe popular press !eevanl has also found a
place for lLself ln !apanese herbal medlclnes lnvesLlgaLlons were underLaken Lo lsolaLe Lhe
acLlve elemenLs ln Lhe arogyapaacha planL followed by cllnlcal Lrlals Lo demonsLraLe Lhe
effecL of arogyapaacha ln lmprovlng aLhleLlc performance menLal alerLness and work
ouLpuL lL was observed by researchers aL 1l8C8l LhaL wlLhouL lnLellecLual properLy
proLecLlon Lhey would noL be able Lo generaLe much revenue by llcenslng Lhe drug Lhey
developed 1hls necesslLaLed some legal proLecLlon Lo be afforded Lo Lhe planL ln quesLlon

1hree paLenLs clalmlng processes for Lhe preparaLlon of herbal drugs based on
arogyapaacha were flled ln lndla 1C88l Lhe sole paLenL holder on !eevanl as an
lmmunomodulaLor commlLLed Lo share royalLles wlLh Lhe kanl ln Lurn 1C88l lssued a seven
year llcense Lo Arya valdya harmacy whlch produces herbal exLracLs from !eevanl 1l8C8l
negoLlaLed agreemenLs Lo Lransfer Lechnology relaLed Lo arogyapaacha Lo lnLeresLed parLles
on paymenL of a llcense fee WlLh Lhe asslsLance of 1l8C8l a LrusL was creaLed Lo promoLe
boLh Lhe welfare of Lhe kanls ln kerala and for Lhe susLalnable use and conservaLlon of
blologlcal resources MoneLary beneflLs ln Lhe form of a percenLage of Lhe royalLles
recelved by 1l8C8l for Lhe use of lLs arogyapaacharelaLed Lechnology have been pald lnLo
Lhls 1rusL 1he creaLlon of a LrusL ls vlewed as a welcome declslon whlch lnsLalls LrusL and
confldence amongsL Lhe members of Lhe lndlgenous communlLy A number of quesLlons
perLalnlng Lo lnLellecLual properLy arose durlng Lhe developmenL work done ln respecL of
Lhe arogyapaacha planL and lLs commerclallzaLlon 1hey may be enumeraLed as under
WheLher Lhe kanls are enLlLled Lo Lhe paLenL lf yes wheLher as lnvenLor or [olnL lnvenLor
or LradlLlonal healers?
1he proporLlon of Lhe beneflLs awarded Lo Lhe kanls ln llghL of Lhe lnlLlal work by Lhe kanls
Lhemselves and subsequenLly Lhe 1l8C8l who underLook Lhe Lask of ldenLlflcaLlon and
lsolaLlon of compounds and oLher relaLed processes
1he hlgh demand may resulL ln an lncrease ln Lhe raLe of culLlvaLlon of Lhe planL whlch may
cause ecologlcal and envlronmenLal concerns
Should programs for Lhe sharlng of beneflLs be managed aL Lhe level of Lhe lndlvldual sub
clan clan (kanls) sLaLe (kerala) or naLlon (lndla)?
Lhe planL arogyapaacha ls naLlve Lo lndla Srl Lanka and Malaysla hence Lhere seems Lo be
a moral responslblllLy Lo share Lhe beneflLs wlLh oLher naLlons and oLher groups of
lndlgenous peoples 1he geographlcal proxlmlLy glves rlse Lo such lssues whlch need Lo be
Lackled wlLh senslLlvlLy and a balanced approach

lL was evldenL LhaL LradlLlonal lnLellecLual properLy rlghLs were lnsufflclenL Lo answer Lhe
quesLlons ralsed herelnabove and also lll equlpped Lo proLecL Lhe rlghLs of Lhe holders of
LradlLlonal knowledge

1he WesLern concepL of lnLellecLual roperLy law ls based on auLhor/lnvenLor cenLrlc
concepLs 1he knowledge sysLem of Lhe lndlgenous peoples ls based on Lhe creaLlon of a
work by Lhe communlLy as whole wlLh communlLy rlghL ln such works and no Lhe absoluLe
monopoly of an ldenLlflable sole lndlvldual or group of lndlvlduals 1he works have been
creaLed by Lhelr forefaLhers and worked upon by subsequenL generaLlons 1he work has
been sub[ecL Lo consLanL lnnovaLlon and lmprovemenL" 8uL Lhls lmprovemenL Lakes place
ln Lhe very course of llfe hardly noLlceable buL never recorded and noLlced as such unllke
sLrlcL parameLers of l 1hus none can be ldenLlfled as a sole lnvenLor auLhor of Lhe
lnLellecLual properLy or Lhe knowledge creaLed 1he exlsLlng lnLellecLual properLy reglme
does noL provlde for Lhe currenLly vlslble culLural mlsapproprlaLlon of lmlLaLlng songs
dances and pracLlces of Lhe lndlgenous groups 1he l8 reglmes are nelLher deslgned nor
equlpped Lo caLer Lo Lhe quesLlon of culLural dlluLlon and mlsapproprlaLlon Powever lL ls Lo
be remembered LhaL lnLellecLual roperLy ls noL solely abouL rewardlng Lhe creaLor or Lhe
lnvenLor buL lL also looks aL Lhe recognlLlon and respecL for Lhe conLrlbuLlon of Lhe human

1he consLralnLs LhaL may be ldenLlfled ln respecL of paLenLablllLy of LradlLlonal medlclnal
knowledge may be enumeraLed and elucldaLed as follows A subsLanLlal collecLlon of
LradlLlonal medlclnal knowledge ls anclenL" passed down from generaLlon 1hls properLy
of belng anclenL and Lhe facL LhaL lL ls mosL llkely Lo be known Lo mosL persons ln Lhe
communlLy falls Lo meeL Lhe requlremenL of novelLy and lnvenLlve sLep under paLenL law ln
any [urlsdlcLlon 1here exlsLs Lhe opLlon of granLlng peLLy paLenLs whlch granL a speclal
LreaLmenL Lo lnvenLlon wlLh regard Lo Lhe prlorlLy daLe and measuremenL of lnvenLlve sLep
1hls opLlon was seen Lo be noL very favourable

1radlLlonal knowledge ls held collecLlvely by Lhe communlLy as one whole legal enLlLy 1he
lnvenLlon ls noL llmlLed Lo a sole lndlvldual or a group of lndlvlduals LhaL can be sald Lo be
lnvenLors 1he communlLy as whole en[oys Lhe rlghL Lo en[oy and pracLlce such knowledge
1he lack of an ldenLlflable person lndlvldual or a deflnlLe body or group of lndlvlduals
makes an appllcaLlon for a paLenL under paLenL laws a dlfflculL Lask aLenL laws across Lhe
globe and lnLernaLlonal convenLlons and LreaLles are all cenLered around Lhe 'lnvenLor' and
hls rlghLs and obllgaLlons under Lhe conLracL beLween hlm and Lhe sLaLe wlLh respecL Lo Lhe
monopoly rlghL so granLed

1he complexlLy and cosL of drafLlng and prosecuLlng paLenL appllcaLlons ls beyond Lhe
means of Lhe holders of LradlLlonal knowledge LhaL whlch holders of LradlLlonal knowledge
can manage and afford 6

Lach of Lhese consLralnLs was ldenLlfled by WlC ln facLflndlng mlsslons conducLed ln 1998
and 1999 on Lhe lnLellecLual properLy needs and expecLaLlons of holders of LradlLlonal

1he unC1Au also expressed Lhe abovemenLloned consLralnLs wlLh respecL Lo Lhe
proLecLlon of LradlLlonal knowledge ln Lhe followlng Lerms

Whlle lndlvldual 1k holders could ln Lheory acqulre a paLenL lL ls generally Lhe case LhaL 1k
ls passed on orally from generaLlon Lo generaLlon and evolves lncremenLally 1hus lL would
be dlfflculL Lo meeL Lhe crlLerla of novelLy and lnvenLlve sLep Second 1k Lends Lo be
generaLed collecLlvely Lo Lhe exLenL LhaL no lnvenLors are ldenLlflable lndeed Lhe source of
much 1k cannoL be Lraced Lo a speclflc communlLy or even Lo a geographlcal reglon Lven lf
Lhese obsLacles were somehow overcome mosL LradlLlonal communlLles do noL have Lhe
resources Lo flle paLenL appllcaLlons or Lo Lake legal acLlon Lo prevenL paLenL lnfrlngemenL"

lndlgenous communlLles follow an approach dlfferenL compared Lo modern socleLy We as
lnhablLanLs of Lhe developed and developlng world refer Lo knowledge as a means of
converslon Lo economlc prosperlLy lndlgenous communlLles Lake a very LradlLlonal
approach and belleve LhaL Lhe knowledge as passed Lo Lhem Lhrough Lhelr ancesLors ls
sacred 1he knowledge ls held ln LrusL Llll Lhe llfeLlme of Lhe lndlvldual whlch Lhen wlll be
passed Lo Lhe nexL ln kln who wlll also hold lL ln LrusL Llll lL ls passed furLher and so on 1he
knowledge Lhus conLalns a large conLenL of sancLlLy and rellglous slgnlflcance ln addlLlon Lo
cusLom and LradlLlon lL ls perLlnenL Lo noLe LhaL Lhe medlclnal knowledge along wlLh Lhe
access Lo planL and blologlcal resources as whole along wlLh Lhe ecologlcal lngredlenLs ls Lhe
componenL of Lhe knowledge base LhaL ls Lransferred ln LrusL

lndlgenous peoples are Lhe sole guardlans of Lhe vasL llLLle dlsLurbed hablLaL LhaL modern
sclenLlsLs depend on more Lhan Lhey reallze Lo regulaLe waLer cycles malnLaln sLablllLy of
Lhe cllmaLe and provlde valuable planLs anlmals and genes 1hey possess ln Lhelr ecologlcal
knowledge an asseL of lncalculable value a map Lo Lhe blologlcal dlverslLy of Lhe earLh on
whlch llfe depends Lncoded ln lndlgenous languages and cusLoms and pracLlces may be as
much undersLandlng of naLure as ls sLored ln Lhe llbrarles of modern sclence8

1radlLlonal heallng pracLlces such a ?oga and 1al [l have developed over Lhe years and mosL
ofLen vlewed as an anLhropologlcal knowledge base free from commodlLlzaLlon and
commerclallzaLlon 1hls makes proLecLlon of dlfflculL lL ls proLecLed as confldenLlal
lnformaLlon by Lhe pracLlLloners MosL ofLen an acLlon conLrary Lo Lhls knowledge base ln
Lerms of vlolaLlon ls vlewed as Laboo and noL lnfrlngemenL of proprleLary rlghL" ln Lhe legal
sense of Lhe Lerm lor Lxample ?oga as a LradlLlonal form of heallng ls pracLlced ln Lhe early
hours of Lhe mornlng A fallure Lo follow Lhls reglme lf consLlLuLes a Laboo wlll noL ralse any
cause of acLlon ln Lhe courLs AgalnsL Lhls backdrop Lhe very exlsLence of a rlghL ln such
forms of knowledge ls quesLloned

ln Lhe case of Lhe kanl Lrlbe or for any communlLy ln possesslon of such a knowledge base
Lhe closely guarded knowledge has been passed on from generaLlon Lo generaLlon as a
splrlLual sacred possesslon wlLhln Lhe members of Lhe communlLy lndlgenous knowledge ls
essenLlally embedded ln culLure CulLure belng sub[ecL Lo consLanL change requlres a
perpeLual rlghL agalnsL degradaLlon and approprlaLlon 1he proLecLlon ls soughL agalnsL
mlsapproprlaLlon aL all Lhe sLages of developmenL of culLure 1oday groups afrald of culLural
dlluLlon or demlse seek Lo counLer wlLh legal rlghLs LhaL ensure culLural survlval wlLh a
deslre Lo malnLaln and cherlsh Lhe dlsLlncLlveness noL [usL now buL for ever We are all
concerned abouL our ldenLlLy wheLher we belong Lo Lhe group of lndlgenous peoples or
oLherwlse 1here ls no more leglLlmaLe cause and purpose for proLecLlon needed
lnLegraLed 8lghLs 1radlLlonal 8esource 8lghLs

1radlLlonal knowledge ln lLs enLlreLy lncludlng LradlLlonal medlclnal knowledge was soughL
Lo be proLecLed as ln lnLellecLual properLy rlghL and as a culLural rlghL 8oLh seemed
dlameLrlcally opposlLe each oLher offerlng llLLle or no rellef or redressal Lo Lhe lndlgenous
communlLles and holders of LradlLlonal knowledge !urlsLs have Lrled Lo balance boLh
concepLs and derlve a novel meLhod sysLem of proLecLlon Lhrough Lhe mode of 1radlLlonal
resource 8lghLs 9 1radlLlonal resource rlghLs seek Lo go beyond Lhe concepL of lnLellecLual
properLy rlghLs and Lry Lo descrlbe varlous rlghLs exlsLlng and LhaL can be developed wlLh a
vlew Lo afford proLecLlon Lo LradlLlonal knowledge and compensaLlon for use of such
knowledge 1radlLlonal resources lnclude planLs anlmals oLher maLerlal ob[ecLs llke
Langlble and lnLanglble rlghLs 1radlLlonal resource rlghLs lnLer alla lnclude publlc law rlghLs
and cusLomary law deflned or accommodaLed ln naLlonal and lnLernaLlonal laws

1radlLlonal knowledge rlghLs or LradlLlonal resource rlghLs Lhe panacea Lo Lhese unresolved
quesLlons runs parallel Lo Lhe concepL of lnLellecLual properLy rlghLs proLecLa Lhe a base of
knowledge Lraverses beyond lnLellecLual properLy rlghLs and embraces Lhe culLural fabrlc of
a people embodylng rellglon cusLom and LradlLlon

WrlLLen 8y ran[al uranlk
ubllsh uaLe 23Sep2007 1 See Copalakrlshnan lmpacL of paLenL sysLem on
LradlLlonal knowledge 1998 Cochln unlverslLy Law 8evlew 219 220 Also quoLed ln
ChrlsLopher PeaLh Sablne Weldllch lnellecLual roperLy SulLable for proLecLlng LradlLlonal
Medlclne lnLellecLual roperLy CuarLerly 2003
2 Curdlal Slngh nl[ar 18lS and 8lodlverslLy 1he LhreaL and responses A Lhlrd world
3 lbld p6
4 SecLlon 102 of Lhe aLenL law ln Lhe uS CondlLlons for aLenLablllLy novelLy and
Loss of 8lghL Lo aLenL
A person shall be enLlLled Lo a paLenL unless

(a) Lhe lnvenLlon was known or used by oLhers ln Lhls counLry or paLenLed or descrlbed ln a
prlnLed publlcaLlon ln Lhls or a forelgn counLry before Lhe lnvenLlon Lhereof by Lhe
appllcanL for paLenL or

(b) Lhe lnvenLlon was paLenLed or descrlbed ln a prlnLed publlcaLlon ln Lhls or a forelgn
counLry or ln publlc use or on sale ln Lhls counLry more Lhan one year prlor Lo Lhe daLe of
Lhe appllcaLlon for paLenL ln Lhe unlLed SLaLes or elsewhere
3 Leanne M lecLeau 1he Ayahuasca aLenL 8evocaLlon 8alslng quesLlons abouL
currenL uS aLenL ollcy 2001 by 8osLon College 1hlrd World Law !ournal
6 1998 and 1999 WlC conducLed nlne facLflndlng mlsslons Lo Lhe SouLh aclflc
SouLhern and LasLern Afrlca SouLh Asla norLh Amerlca CenLral Amerlca WesL Afrlca Lhe
Arab CounLrles SouLh Amerlca and Lhe Carlbbean on Lhe on Lhe lnLellecLual properLy needs
and expecLaLlons of holders of LradlLlonal knowledge 1he reporL on Lhese facLflndlng
mlsslons may be found aL Lhe WlC Also menLloned ln 8lchard Wllder roLecLlon of
LradlLlonal Medlclne 2001 CPM Worklng paper Serles pg21
7 1u/8/CCM1/LM13/2 33 (22 AugusL 2000)
8 Alan 1heln uurnlng WorldwaLch aper112 Cuardlans of Lhe land and lndlgenous
peoples and Lhe healLh of Lhe earLh uecember 1992
9 1he concepL of 1radlLlonal 8esource 8lghLs was flrsL concepLuallzed and elaboraLed
ln an arLlcle by osey 1radlLlonal 8esource 8lghLs ue lacLo Self ueLermlnaLlon for
lndlgenous peoples Also referred Lo ln 8urLon Cng lnLellecLual roperLy and 8lologlcal
8esources 369

lC LayouLs Cvervlew

LayouL deslgns of an lnLegraLed clrculL (lC) ls Lhe 3dlmenslonal dlsposlLlon of Lhe elemenLs
and lnLerconnecLlons maklng up an lC lC ls an elecLronlc clrculL ln whlch Lhe elemenLs of Lhe
clrculL are lnLegraLed lnLo some medlum and funcLlon as a unlL 1he medlum used ls a solld
semlconducLor usually slllcon 1he manufacLurlng Lechnology allows Lhe clrculL Lo be
lnLegraLed lnLo a plece of slllcon whlch ls small and Lhln llke a wafer Such a plece of slllcon
ls called a slllcon chlp 1he Lerms semlconducLor and slllcon chlp have been used
synonymously wlLh lnLegraLed clrculL as all commerclal lnLegraLed clrculLs presenLly
avallable are fabrlcaLed from semlconducLors usually slllcon lnLegraLed clrculLs are uLlllzed
ln many producLs from waLches Lo Lelevlslons Lo Lrafflc llghLs and of course compuLers

1he LayouLdeslgns of lnLegraLed ClrculLs AcL 1998 provldes sLaLuLory proLecLlon for orlglnal
layouLdeslgns LhaL are creaLed afLer Lhe commencemenL of Lhe AcL (le 13 lebruary 1999)

A layouLdeslgn ls orlglnal lf lL ls Lhe resulL of lLs creaLors own lnLellecLual efforL and ls noL
commonplace among creaLors of layouLdeslgns and manufacLurers of lnLegraLed clrculLs aL
Lhe Llme of lLs creaLlon

lf a layouLdeslgn quallfles for proLecLlon under Lhe AcL lL ls proLecLed auLomaLlcally as
Lhere ls no requlremenL for reglsLraLlon or deposlL of Lhe layouLdeslgn 1he duraLlon of
proLecLlon ls elLher 10 years afLer Lhe flrsL commerclal explolLaLlon lf Lhe explolLaLlon Lakes
place wlLhln 3 years afLer Lhe year lL ls creaLed or ln any oLher case 13 years afLer Lhe year lL
ls creaLed

8ef hLLp//wwwrkdewancom/ reLrleved on 4Lh november 2011

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