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definition of thread

Answer A computer runs many applications at once, each instance of an application is known as a process. Each process is made of 1 or more threads, each thread is a sequence of code, this code is often responsible for one aspect of the program, or one task a program has been given. For instance a program doing a complex long calculation may split into two threads, one to keep a user interface responsive, and one (or more) to progress through the lengthy calculation.

The catch is that when dealing with one or more threads, whilst it is guaranteed each individual thread will progress through its code in sequence, it is not known where each thread will be relative to each other. That Is, one thread may progress more quickly than other threads, this means great care must be taken when two threads access one resource, this is usually done through a mutex.

Process: Process is simply a unit of execution. Means to say for our sake how the things go it is unit
collectively task that accompalishes one particular need. It is really not unit because a unit microprocessor operation is something else.

System Calls: In computing, a system call is how a program requests a service from an operating system's kernel.
This may include hardware related services (for e.g. accessing the Hard Disk), creating and executing new processes, and communicating with integral kernel services(like scheduling). System calls provide the interface between a process and the operating system. kernel:

The kernel is the central part of anoperating system, that directly controls thecomputerhardware. Usually, the kernel is the first of the userinstalledsoftware on a computer, booting directly after the BIOS. Operating system kernels are specific to the hardware on which they are running, thus most operating systems are distributed with different kernel options that are configured when the system is installed. Changing major hardware components such as the motherboard, processor, or memory, often requires a kernel update. Additionally, often new kernels are offered that improve system security or performance. The two major types of kernels competing in today's computer markets are the Windows kernel and the unix-like kernels.
"kernel is the fundamental part of an operating system. It is a piece of software responsible for providing secure access to the machine's hardware to various computer programs. Since there are many programs, and access to the hardware is limited, the kernel is also responsible for deciding when and how long a program should be able to make use of a piece of hardware, in a technique called multiplexing. Accessing the hardware directly could also be very complex, so kernels usually implement a set of hardware abstractions. These abstractions are a way of hiding the complexity, and providing a clean and uniform interface to the underlying hardware, which makes it easier on application programme

The shell The shell acts as an interface between the user and the kernel. When a user logs in, the login program checks the username and password, and then starts another program called the shell.


1. Requirements specification (Requirements analysis) 2. Software design 3. Implementation and Integration 4. Testing (or Validation) 5. Deployment (or Installation) 6. Maintenance:

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