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1. a) Explain the various steps in designing a database. b) Explain the terms entry, entity set, attribute and key. 2. a) What SQL construct enables the definition of a relation? What constructs allow modification of relation instances? b) What are the SQL constructs to modify the structure of a table? 3. What are the range variables in SQL? How can you give names to output columns in a query that are defined by arithmetic or string expression? What support does SQL offer for string pattern matching? 4. a) What is meant by functional dependency are more general dependencies in data base design? b) What is meant by anomaly? Explain the insert, delete and update anomalies. 5. a) Define a transaction give one good example. b) What are ACID properties? Explain. 6. a) What is the function of lock manager? b) Describe the lick table and transaction table in detail. 7. a) What is a index on file of records? b) What is search key for index? Explain why we need indexes. 8. a) How does a hash-based index handle an equality query? b) Discuss use of hash function in identifying a bucket to search. ****************************************************************************************** 1.a) Explain the drawbacks of traditional file processing systems with examples. b) Explain the three levels of data abstraction. 2 a) Consider the following scheme given. The primary keys are underlined. Sailors(sailor-id, sailor-rating, sailor-age) Boats(boat-id, boat-name, boat-color) Reserves(sailor-id, boat-id, day) Write the queries in Relational algebra i) Find the names of sailors who have reserved a red and a green boat ii) Find the names of sailors who have reserved at least two boats iii) Find the sailor-ids of sailors with age over 22 and who have not reserved a green boat. iv) Find the names of sailors who have reserved all boats v) Find the names of sailors who have reserved all boats called BlueMoon. b) Given two relations R1 and R2 , where R1 contains N1 tuples, R2 contains N2 tuples, and N2 > N1 > 0 , give the minimum and maximum possible sizes (in tuples) for the result relation produced by each of the following relational algebra expressions. In each case, state any assumptions about the schemas for R1 and R2 that are needed to make the expression meaningful. i) R1 U R2 ii) R1 _ R2 iii) R1 - R2 3. Explain with an example in SQL i) unspecified where clause and use of asterisk iii) explicit sets and NULL sets ii) exist and not exist iv) renaming attributes and joined tables

4.a) What is Normalization? Discuss the first, second and third normal forms with examples. b) Explain with an example why 4NF is more desirable normal form than BCNF. 5.a) Describe the two phase locking protocol with the help of an example ; b) What are the basic properties of a transaction? Explain these properties with the help of an example? 6.a) Write short notes on: (i) Write-Ahead log protocol (ii) Check pointing b) Explain how a System Crash can be recovered using ARIES algorithm. 7. Discuss the difference between index sequential and hashed file organization. Compare their storage and access efficiencies. List the applications where each of the file organization is suitable

8. (a) Describe the algorithms to insert an element into B-tree (b) compare the features of B and B + trees ****************************************************************************************** 1. a) List various problems encountered while using file system and explain how DBMS overcomes them. b) Define instance, schema and data independence. Explain various types of data independence. 2. a) Define E-R model. Give various components of E-R model. b) Construct an E-R model for the below assumption and find out the degree of each relationship A technician uses exactly one note book for each project. Each note book belongs to one technician for each project. Note that a technician may work on many projects and maintain different notebooks for different projects. 3. a) What is referential integrity? How will you specify referential integrity constraint in SQL? b) Briefly explain the concept of translating relationship set into tables with suitable example. 4. a) How relational algebra is different from relational calculus? b) What is Domain Relational Calculus? Give syntax of DRC query. c) Simplify the following queries using TRC. 1) find the names of all sailors who reserved red boat 2) find all sailors with rating more than 7 3) find the names of sailors who has not reserved boat number 103 5. a) What is loss less join decomposition? Which normal form uses this property? b) Among BCNF and 3NF, which one is advantageous? Why? Justify with a suitable example. 6. a) Define a transaction. How is it different from a program and a schedule? b) Briefly explain Strict TwoPhase Locking ( strict 2PL) protocol. 7. a) Consider a block with size 512B, search key field is 9B long and block pointer size 6B long. If a level 3 B+ tree is constructed considering root at level 0, find out maximum number of entries in B+ tree. b) Briefly explain the problems caused by redundancy. 8. Write short notes on following. *primary and secondary indices *RAID architecture *Dynamic hashing techniques

****************************************************************************************** 1. (a) What is meant by a database management system ? Discuss various applications of it. (b) Explain when would you store data in a DBMS instead of in operating system files and vice-versa. 2. (a) Discuss about translating relationship sets with key constraints. (b) What is a foreign key constraint? Why are such constraints important? 3. (a) Explain the Group by and Having clauses . (b) What is meant by a null value? Discuss about comparisons using null values. 4. (a) Define BCNF and 3NF. What is the motivation for putting a relation in BCNF? (b) Discuss when is a decomposition said to be dependency-preserving? Why is this property usefull? 5. Consider the following actions taken by transaction T1 on database objects A and B. R(A), W(A), R(B), W(B) Explain how to use of strict 2PL would prevent interference between the two transactions. 6. (a) Explain a procedure graph? (b) Explain how precedence graph is related to conflict serializability and two phase locking? 7. What are the main contributors to the cost of database operations? Discuss a simple cost model that reflects this. 8. Explain Extendible hashing in detail. ******************************************************************************************

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